Is Money Enough? - Ptr Peter Tan-chi

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you are watching CCF Makati changing lives for eternity what is joy it is to be with you I'm really excited I heard so many good things about CCF Makati I heard that your uniqueness is you're all beautiful people okay and nice people I I really believe that is true but today I have a special message for all of you I know you brought your friends and let me begin by showing you two pictures I don't know oh yeah many of you probably know Anthony Bourdain Kate Spade the reason why it is so vivid in my mind I was in the state when these people were featured and the reason why I don't forget this is because I wanted to observe the following Anthony is a very famous successful chef yes he is popular he is rich the same thing with the Kate Kate is very successful lady she is voted as the glamour year of the girl once upon a time very rich and all of them have a lot of things in common but one more thing that is in common you know how they died both of them committed suicide and I was in the street it was front page back page in all kinds of newspapers media and I began to really dig some more into why people commit suicide do you know in the Philippines suicide is really rampant but they don't talk about it in Korea in Japan so the problem is not money the problem I believe has to do with something deeper because money cannot really satisfy because this two guys and these two people are full of money I mean they their mind they and go anywhere but something is missing and today that today I'm so glad that you can be here hopefully I can help you think through about priorities of life one of the great statement of Dwight and moody is this our greatest fear everybody should not be failure no but of succeeding at something that really does not matter you know I tell my children don't be afraid of failure if you fail at least you know you have failed you can try again what is very dangerous is to succeed at something and you think you are successful but at the end of your life you will discover it's empty so don't feel failure but you should feel more in succeeding at something that really does not matter worst of all the worst kind of success is success without happiness this morning because I got up early I research on this guy Blaise Pascal do you know his brace Pascal brace Pascal is an amazing scientist inventor invented one of the earliest compute computing machine he developed the theorem of geometry the guy is smart he invented strange you know injection but that guy is not only a scientist not an inventor but he's also a philosopher and this is what he wrote about is a believer let's read this together from a scientist there is a god-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man or woman which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator made known through Jesus Christ so there's a god-shaped vacuum and that's why young people today are feeling empty young people they have money they have time but they feel empty why there is a god-shaped vacuum so today i've good news from you from the bible what can we learn about the heart of God to fill that emptiness everybody let's read this together Luke 19:10 the Son of man has come to do two things to seek and to save that which was lost now you and I have no idea the power of this verse this to me is one of the greatest comfort that you and I can help that Jesus came to seek and to save now notice the word seek what does it mean to seek what can I share with you my own experience you will not seek for something that is not precious to you yes or no you seek for something because it is something that's precious as a general rule now many years ago I brought my family by the way you want to see a picture of my family by the way honey would you stand up so they will know we have been married for 45 years and now we are going to be 46 now my wife and I obeyed the commandments of God to go and multiply so you can see these are family and I hope the latest one is 20 grandchildren alright so when we go on vacation I don't try to bring all of them at once because it is an army I mean it is chaotic but once a year we do that but when I go on special vacation I will pick one family two families just to be together for bonding well a few years ago I brought my family this is kandi and Jeff both of them are dentists so I brought them to Disneyland now you noticed this little boy his name is Corbin let me tell you the story about this little boy because I want to share with you the meaning of seeking and saving the loss for example we went to Disneyland and we were in this place how many of you have been to this place it's a small world it's a small world after all it's a small world after all it's a small world there are it's a small small world remember that all right now you will go around that boat all over the place at the end of that ride I look back and I notice Corbin was missing so I told my daughter candy where's Corben and I saw the panic of his face I saw the panic of the of my son-in-law face and I began to panic because you went through around that I don't know how many minutes that is and you don't have your son now can you imagine what was happening man we all scattered and prayed and I fail you I began praying hard and because you know how things can happen in the States I think the Philippines is safer I better be careful do you want to know what happened you want to know what happened I just have good news for you okay the good news is eventually we found Corbin he was in a security police place because somebody by the grace of God politely brought him there but can you imagine the panic in our heart why we love Corbin I love my grandson what I want you to know is this God loves you he came to sick he's looking for you when you say lost there are many expressions of this word lost I remember a guy telling me Peter I'm lost I don't know what to do with my wife I don't know how to do what to do with my family in other words he's lost he does not know what to do just yesterday somebody came to me a father I don't know what to do with my daughter and no I do not know what to do with my son so he thinks his loss I advised him you can be lost because you are not supposed to be where you are you don't know the direction so there are many uses for the word lostness but in this particular verse it is something more serious than just missing something I'm gonna explain that to you in a short while and then another thing you will learn from this verse the Bible tells us Jesus came specifically to seek and say that's his primary mission to seek and to save and that is why in CCF we want to align all of us so that we will know what is priority if you do not know your parities in life you will not know how to make decisions because everything would be equally important no for us there are some things that are more important so having said that let's look at this story so you will know the meaning of what Jesus is talking about I came to seek and save the Lost so let's look at the context so let's begin with Luke chapter 18 verse 1 let's read this together he entered Jericho and was passing through now the context is this if you look at chapter 18 Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem and he told his disciples I'm going to die and suffer in Jerusalem and I'm going to rise again from the third day on the third day so that's the context on his way to Jerusalem remember this is probably the last week of the life of Jesus he's gonna suffer and yet he passed through Jericho think about it he did not have to pass through Jericho he passed through Jericho why let's find out let's read the next verse there was a man called Zacchaeus he was a chief tax collector and he was rich now who is the king of the Bible tells us this guy reached the top of his career a chief tax collector I'm not gonna criticize people from the BIR but I want you to know something in the time of Jesus do you know how they get to become the chief tax collector you not only need connection you got to her brain Jericho was one of the richest city why because all the good guys from the eastern side of the Jordan River will pass through Jericho and they will tax everything that passes through Jericho everything south of Jericho that passes through going to Jerusalem will have to pass through Jericho Jericho is a very fertile place it's full of palm trees it's called a Garden City it's it has lots of water it is a very very rich city you can see now imagine this is my party okay so this guy is the chief tax collector of a very very rich city how do you become the chief tax collector very simple the Roman government in order to raise money they are so smart they privatized tax collection how did they privatize tax collection it's a bidding process you need connection you got wet brain for example Macari so somebody will bid all right I will remit to the to Rome then billion pesos here another one says no no I can do better than that twenty billion so the highest bidder gets the contra this is Zacchaeus so how will he make money huh very simple anything that he collects over and above 20 billion belongs to who belongs to him so he's very efficient and many times they would abuse their position literally anything that moves they can tax pass through okay there's a tax for the camera tax for everything right so this guy is so rich the Bible says not just rich the Bible says he was really if you look at the grandma he I mean the guy's really rich okay now listen to me what's wrong if you were rich anything wrong nothing I think God loves rich people except how did you make your money Zacchaeus his name is beautiful his father must have been religious because the word Zacchaeus means pure innocent how ironic pure innocent but Zacchaeus became a chief tax collector you know the Jewish people will not want him you will not want to invite sakuya's into your house he was basically ostracized because people felt he was a traitor working for the Roman government so whatever it is you have a picture of Sophia's but subtle use has lots of friends fellow tax collectors people who love money they were his friends not the Bible tells us Zacchaeus was trying to see who Jesus was he was not able to see Jesus because of the crowd because he was small in stature now let me ask you a question why was the Clio's trying to see Jesus think about it what will make somebody want to see Jesus is it possible that the popularity of Jesus was such that he heard about Jesus because in chapter 18 Jesus just healed a blind man named Bartimaeus near Jericho so probably people were talking about Jesus because Jesus was an amazing man the Bible tells us he made the blind to see he made the lame to walk he made the Deaf to hear he caused the Dead come back to life amazing teaching love your enemies do good to those who hate you sinners love Jesus because the Bible tells us he would spend time with sinners probably sakuya's felt you know what I feel empty with all my money something's still missing I don't exactly know why he wanted to see Jesus but one thing I know the guy was very sincere in trying to look for Jesus except there was a problem what was the problem he could not see Jesus why well he was short because of the crowd and I suppose every time he wanted to see Jesus that crowd would kind of bump him she know about okay here was this guy desperate but I do realize it's also possible that some of you today could not see Jesus because of the crowd what do I mean let me give you an example many years ago people wanted to share the gospel with my father now I always remember what my father said I don't want Christianity I was surprised and then my father said Christians are not good people they borrow money from me they don't pay me back and I realized many times you and I have experiences with so-called Christians and because of your experience you can be turned off and that's why it is so crucial to ask yourselves what's preventing you from seeing Jesus now the crowd okay force Aikido she was grabbed but what about you I remember a friend of mine came to my office he was a very smart guy works for a multinational company and I share the gospel with him in my office but he could not accept he could not believe I said there must be a reason and then I said what's the issue then he pointed outside my office right far away in the receptionist he said you see that girl I said what about the girl he said she is not my wife you see for him what's preventing him from coming to Jesus was his moral life he's doing something that he knows is not right I have discovered in life there are many obstacles for some of us is religion you know religion can stop you from seeing the real Jesus because all of us have our past perhaps it's your experience another reason I've discovered what people have a hard time coming to Jesus for some people it's just simple ignorant you never heard about the Jesus of the Bible all you have heard is about what people talk about him for others it can be your pride pride can prevent people from coming to Jesus for whatever reason your past may I humbly appeal to you do not allow people do not allow your past to prevent you from Jesus from seeing Jesus today lay aside all your previous prejudices whatever is preventing you in the past today I allow you to come with an open heart from the Bible who is really Jesus is it okay with you Zacchaeus was so sure the Bible tells us look at what he did he ran ahead and climb up into a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus he was about to pass through now can you imagine I'm imagining today a guy wearing barong Tagalog or a suit and tie and then you see him running I mean distinguished dignified people do they run I think they do they run do you see them climbing a tree I mean what will make Supino's climb a tree run unless he is so dead serious in this pursuit of Jesus and I remember an amazing promise from the Bible if you seek God with all your heart the condition with all your heart he gives you a promise you will find him I was in Singapore a few weeks ago and this lady was telling me how he encountered the Lord biggest Singaporean his religion was different but he said because her life was empty he said one night I prayed Lord if you are really God that creator you are my Creator how come I do not know you that's a nice prayer if you are my Creator you made me how come I do not know you I want to know you sincere honest prayer the next morning she got up the first word that entered her mind Jesus she said I know it is from God because Jesus Jesus so she began who is Jesus so he has no Bible so she went to her brother's house not the brother loves to read so he went to the library he was looking Bible Bible Bible I realized it's not easy to find a Bible if you do not know okay the Bible ah he saw a small Bible and then she open it would you believe it when she open it boom Gospel of John and she began to devour the Gospel of John non-stop and she said I never never stop reading Gospel of John until I was finished and I fell this was her her words to me I fell in love with Jesus friends God is looking for you and sometimes he will do it through the disappointments of life you know why you have disappointments you know idea problems many times God will cause problems to wake us up he will cause problems so that you will pay attention remember what CS Lewis said pain pain is the megaphone of God pleasure God whispers in our pleasure you don't hear God when everything's going well but many times when you're disappointed with life I do not know if you are disappointed or you had been having problems but I've good news for you Jesus came to seek and save you know why you are here today I think you are not here by accident I don't believe in accidents I believe in divine appointment so when Jesus came to the place he looked up and said to him Zacchaeus hurry come down today I must be at your house I wanted to imagine how you are suppose you wanted to see Jesus and you are on top of the tree and here comes Jesus looking at you you must have been so nervous everybody must be so nervous in a while especially the Pharisees the religious people you know what they were thinking it's about time you cursed him Lord you curse him but did something different Jesus said Zacchaeus now if you were lucky you see what will enter your mind he knows my name he knows me I am the one looking for him and yet he is calling me friends I want you to know something god no sure he loves you you don't seek for something that is not valuable to you God loves you he's after you sir tears got the shock of his life and then Jesus invited himself Jesus asturias you come down well literally means come down but you know I realized there's a deeper meaning you cannot meet Jesus if you are not willing to come down if you become so proud you think you don't need Jesus how in the world will you meet Jesus to come to Jesus you need humility if you will not admit you are lost if you don't admit you need him why will you ever want to come to know Jesus Sophia's came down and the Bible says look at what Jesus said today today I must stay at your house I wanted to imagine our president Donald Trump came to the Philippines or the third day the third day here everybody want to see him to let him sign his autograph but he said you know what can I stay with you tonight my goodness do you understand the power of that statement you don't invite yourself to a tax collectors house you don't even want to be with a tax collector you should avoid tax collector but Jesus said can I come pure house I want to be with you my goodness can you see the heart of God you see this story was written so that you and I will know the heart of God Jesus came to seek and save the Lost and praise God he hurried came down and he received him gladly you know but I was thinking of this story I could not help but remember do you recall in the gospel of revelry in the book of Revelation chapter three how many you remember that verse chapter three verse 20 let's read that together behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him we'll dine with him and he with me here is a picture of Jesus knocking and he is saying I stand at the door and not this can represent your life I'm knocking if you hear his voice and you open a door what is promised I will come in and dine the word dine you should understand that word in the Greek language there are many words for eating you can eat fast like fast food you know got the start button on a Starbucks you eat slowly go to McDonald's okay fast but this is an amazing word this is dying this is the idea is we will have fellowship we will have some wine and we will talk about each other's life beautiful world Jesus is saying I'm knocking I want to come into your life if you go to England I suggest you go to the library the museum or the library there's a painting a very famous painting of Revelation 3:20 you will see how the artists portrayed Jesus nothing now well I saw that painting I noticed something there is no doorknob on the outside of the house the artist wanted us to know that when God nuts there is no doorknob that means you have to open from the inside because God will never force his way into your heart he will never force his way into your life he is saying I love you but you got to make the next move see God will do everything 99 steps but the last step is your move he came he died for us now will you invite him to be the Lord and Master of your life this is the context now let's find out the Bible tells us my goodness when they saw it they all began to grumble he has begun he has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner can you now see the heart of man compared to the heart of God the heart of man I'd noticed this the older I get I see many Christians they become the most judgmental the most critical people it's so sad you survey what the average Americans Westerners think of Christians you know what they think of us critical judgmental always fighting always dividing among ourselves and that's why people don't come to Jesus because we act like viruses we judge people what can I tell you something in CCF we're all sinners and sinners are welcome CCF we are full of what sinners tell your neighbor we are sinners but praise God hey guys you will never find a perfect Church are you listening to me you will never find a perfect Church if you are looking for a perfect Church please don't join you know why the moment you join it won't be perfect okay so don't join a perfect group if you are looking for the perfect group please don't join also you know why once you join the group is not perfect but in sincere praise God Alby is an example of you know very loving very loving you know why because I did knows we are full of imperfect people but these guys were mad at Jesus no grumbling complaining shame on us when we don't know the heart of God years ago I remember somebody criticizing even recently why are you allowing this guy to be in church excuse me what do you mean why do you allow this guy to be in church there was a lady who came back Leslie I see she hasn't you know I do not know the fashion but at that time there was no back okay I mean anyway it supposed to be the fashion but they don't understand this girl just attended Bible study on a Friday night she gave her life on a Friday night so on Sunday it's her first time to attend the CCF worship so she thought you know I can wear whatever fashion but can I tell you years later the way she would wear her clothes she was like a nun fully coat verbena Isis fabric on demand anyway all I'm saying is allow people to grow don't be judgmental now let's find out circus now we do not know how long the transition meeting with Jesus spending the night the Bible tells us Sakuya she stopped and said to the Lord behold everybody read half of my possessions I give you the poor if I defrauded anyone of anything I will give back four times as much now let me ask you what made him do that French when you really encountered Jesus repentance transformation takes place once upon a time money was the god of sake Jesus did not command him Jesus did not tell him on his own he volunteered half of my possessions I give to the poor in chapter 18 you have a rich man who did not meet Jesus in the right way you know why because Jesus told him you are so rich sell everything that guy refused to sell everything in the case of Sophia's Jesus did not tell him to give up everything what's the difference here is a difference if your God is money you need to surrender that to Jesus for secures money was no longer his God on his own history entered I don't know about you guys secures even volunteered if I cheated anybody I will pay back how many times four times if you read the vehicle Deuteronomy number you pay double only in extreme cases in Leviticus do you pay four times sake wanted to make sure is above the law so it says I pay everybody four times sake use understood the meaning of repentance coming to Jesus you know if you really repent you know what's gonna happen you know what Jesus said let's read this together Jesus said everybody read today salvation has come why what is the evidence it is not selling it is not doing good works in order to be saved no no it is faith in Jesus and your repentance is the evidence of your faith I remember a person who who lost his wallet lots of money he was so sad three days later he received but his wallet but inside the wallet there was a note dear sir I really felt bad that I got your wallet and I feel so bad I'm returning some of the money if I feel bad some more I will return some more my friend is that repentance yes or no is this repentance a guy told his wife I know a daughter is wrong now I just commit adult once every two months is that dependent in our friends you don't understand the gospel good works will never save you however when you come to Jesus you must be willing to repent you see many people they think coming to Christ is adding sometimes coming to Christ is subtracting you need to let go of sin you need to let go of things that you know God is not happy with so you be honest with God Lord money is my idol now all of us have idols around for some of you it can be your career for some of you it's a sinful relationship it's your idol and God is saying if you want to come to me surrender your idol and can I tell you something once you do that he gives you a promise salvation is guaranteed you know do you know what happened to study use the Bible history tells us he became the first bishop of zestiria God miraculously transformed him you know Jesus can change you from a tax collector to become the first bishop of Caesarea the son of man has come to seek and save everybody read the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost now what do you mean by loss let me share with you another kind of lostness that is clearly meant by Jesus it is found in the Book of Luke also let's read this together what does it mean to be lost you see in this room we have only two kinds of people the lost and the lost and found all right so let's find out what does it mean lost let's read together there was a rich man he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen joyously living in splendor every day and the poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate covered with sir through Bible scholars know for effect parables don't have names this is not a parable this is story Jesus knows the story he knows the facts that's why he named the person ladies and gentleman be honest with me in this story you have a rich man and you have a poor man yes or no now be honest if you don't know the rest of the story now pretend you do not know how many of you as of today you want to be the rich man raise your hand be honest you are not normal you're not that one normal people let me ask you one more time be totally honest that's all you know a rich man George living in splendor and a poor man my goodness a poor man now be honest how many you want with a rich man raise your hand now hallelujah higher higher I want to see if you're normal because you are not Makati hospital is near so are we clear as of now you like to be rich or poor with riches you know sometimes we offer a spiritual eyes life you know my friend you better learn how to read the Bible all right God loves rich people Abraham Isaac Jacob Solomon David these guys are rich spiritual rich nothing wrong but let's find out now the poor man died and there was even more shocking the rich man died no no no before I continue do you all agree sooner or later you too will die turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor mama take our end I'm telling you sooner or later you're gonna die all right all right having said that I shop now if you do not know the next few verses how many of you like to beat the poor man and how many of you like to be the rich man raise your hand once on your hey you got to raise your hand once how do you like to be the rich man raise your hand of course how do you like to be the poor man what's wrong with you and how many of you will never raise your hand listen to me nothing wrong would you rather die rich or die poor hey rich so now who wants to be the rich man in up to verse 22 you want to rich man you you want to die rich still rich raise your hand yeah Norman Norman the way you are now thinking nothing wrong also now the difference that's why I tell people truth matters truth matters now that you know rich man poor man but life does not end here because the next verse will now open our eyes let's find out this will change your mind the rich man in Hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment and he saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom ha so the rich man is in torment Lazarus Wow in the bosom of Abram a picture of paradise continue reading and he cried out father Abraham have mercy on me send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool of my tongue I am in agony in this flame what can you learn from the story of Jesus about life after death tell me after you die life continues on is that clear what else you can feel you can see you still have memories in other words when you die it is not the end in fact after you die you begin to realize reality what is real you see the physical world is real for us but it's temporal the spiritual world is even more real ice up now you want to be a rich man or poor man you want to be the rich man and go to hell of course not now let's continue what else can you learn you know this is shocking according to Jesus he gave an amazing statement because the poor man was in heaven paradise in the story and the rich man was in agony the rich man wanted a poor man to come to look at the statement of Jesus let's read besides all of this between us and you that's a great chasm fix a great chasm fix continue so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able and none may cross over from there to here you know what Jesus saying this sovereign Jesus is saying and you need to understand this at the end of your life after you die your destiny is eternally sealed it is sucked do not everything do not ever believe the lies of the devil that you don't have to be serious now in life because after you die there's another chance perhaps people can pray for you and your soul can migrate according to Jesus this is it you better be ready why it's serious that's why he came to seek and save the lost you got to know the heart of God God is not against us except we have a problem the Bible says all of us all of us if you were here yesterday if you listened to it how many of you attended the seminar with dr. Bruce yesterday raise your hand all right anyway you should listen to how he explained the wrath of God what's our problem sinners created by God but turn rebelled against God anyway here is the problem the Bible tells us because of this reality something happened the rich man changed the rich man said I beg you Father send Lazarus to my father's house so that he will warn my five brothers this guy finally realized my goodness this is real heaven is real hell is real and my brothers are going in the wrong direction I fight brothers in all that they may warn them so that they will not come to this place of torment suddenly this guy develop compassion you know why once you know reality my friend you will take the word of Jesus seriously the reason why many of us don't take this gently seriously you don't take Christianity seriously because you don't sit down and meditate on the truth you see Satan wants to be so busy busy doing everything except to think friends remember Blaise Pascal What did he say the famous Pascal's wager remember something like this if you believe in God if God is real heaven is real to believe in him is the greatest thing yes or no but if you don't believe in God and God is real hell is real happiness real but you don't believe him you lose everything it's a bad deal but if you believe in God and he's not real heaven is not real hell is not real eternity is not real but you believe you lose nothing you see people don't realize Blaise Pascal was a gambler before that's why he came up with the law of probability he was a thinker and that's why he said what have you got to lose if you put your faith in Jesus in the Bible he's not saying he does not believe but he's just helping you think and I realized ladies and gentlemen it makes sense so I tell my business friend I cannot force you to believe I can only tell you what the Bible says and what I believe now the reason why I believe is very simple I believe because Jesus died and rose again the resurrection of Christ proved beyond doubt that the Bible is true I had many reasons why I believe but that's not the topic today the topic today is very simple Jesus came to seek and save the Lost and that's why let's read this together what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul now can I tell you something the most amazing thing is this let's read this one more time the Son of man has come to seek and to save the lost yesterday morning my sister-in-law married to my younger brother her name is Mina she passed away we went to visit her on Friday night my wife and I went to the Medical City well I visited them in the ICU it's one of those rare moment when I told my wife it's one of those amazing hospital visit visitation that I left the visitation peaceful and joyful because my brother and my niece nieces and nephew they understood the truth because my sister-in-law is a follower of Jesus she served Jesus she loved Jesus she was healthy I mean it was so sudden a few weeks ago my wife was having lunch with her they were laughing talking boom when I went to see her I could not recognize her face anymore you know cancer has really destroyed her body but this is what she taught my brother she taught my brother the other day the day before she died she told my brother I see Jesus Jesus is holding my hand and the angels are waiting for me I used to hear stories about this I had many Christian friends when their husband or their fathers will die they tell me the same story they smile up expectation they see Jesus but this is personal experience this is my sister-in-law telling my brother and my sister-in-law told my brother when I die when I am rested I want you to shout and sing in the street you must say hallelujah what will make somebody be so prepared and not be afraid of dying once upon a time my sister-in-law did not know Jesus then she met Jesus her life was transformed and when she died she died peacefully Jesus is holding my hand he is waiting for me the angels are waiting for me what a beautiful way to die and it's only possible if you know Jesus how can you be sure let's close with this statement I promise from Jesus this is from Jesus himself for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life the Bible tells us if you are willing to really believe in Jesus he gives you a promise if you believe what's the promise you will not perish you will not go to hell but you have eternal life let's borrow it if God has spoken to you and you know God is knocking in your life and you want Jesus to be your savior I want to pray for you would you raise your hands praise God higher many of you in other words listen to me for the first time you really want to make sure that Jesus is your Savior and you want me to pray for you raise your hands higher you see God is nothing and the same would you want me praise God none all of those with hands raise up I wanted to pray this prayer with me I pray this prayer Lord Jesus I know I need you I don't have peace I don't think I have repented today I want to really come to you Lord Jesus I invite you to come into my life be my Savior be my master I place my faith in you Lord Jesus I surrender to you my life I received your gift of forgiveness I receive your gift of eternal life thank you for dying for me thank you that you died on the cross for my sins those of you who raised your hands who pray that prayer between you and Jesus I like you to do something as the evidence of your commitment to Jesus are you listening as the evidence of commitment to Jesus I want to stand up praise God stand up I'll pray for you today you've given your life to Jesus I want to pray for you anybody ah see some of you are resisting God is speaking to your heart and he's saying why don't you surrender your life praise God praise God anybody else stand up if God is speaking to you today is your special moment it's like Zacchaeus Jesus is passing by don't let him pass by without you inviting him into your heart anybody else praise God yes I always know at this time there's there's a struggle for some of you should I stand up should I not should I publicly profess Jesus yes or not that's between you and Jesus anybody else this is precious moment I know there's at least one more person stand up if God speaking to you he is waiting is nothing anybody else us is for if you ask him and he'll be he'll gladly change your life but no mental reservation when you come to him surrender be willing to repent don't play games with him take him seriously like Zacchaeus anybody else you want to be serious with Jesus father God in heaven I thank you for this group of men and women who have stood up honor their humble faith I assure them that you have seen their hearts you know their desire and Lord be taught embrace them let them experience the security of forgiveness the security of your salvation only you and your spirit can do that so I pray for them today let them know that because of what you have done for them on the cross their sins are completely forgiven because of you Jesus and father I pray for the rest of the congregation that they will take your mission seriously and be willing to reach out to their friends and be a good witness and not be an obstacles not be a stumbling block for people to see you Lord help all of us to repent of how we lived how we speak how unloving we can be because father many times people stumble because of Christians forgive us forgive your people I pray that you will help CCF Makati to be a loving fellowship to be composed of people followers of Jesus who are willing to shine to live out what is expected of us in humility and in love will you bless everybody here today in Jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you [Applause]
Channel: CCF Makati
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Keywords: ccf makati, ccf, makati, Jesus, A.Venue, Glorietta 5, Makati Christian Church, Christian Church Ayala
Id: eaUbCGgb9IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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