#Lifegoals - Succeed In Balancing Life - Peter Tanchi

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today we continue our series on life goals do you realize why this topic is so important the reality is this everywhere I go people often ask me the most often asked questions that I get when there is a leadership gathering abroad or in the Philippines is this how do i balance my life can i balance career with family how do i balance ministry with family the reason they asked that question is because they've seen many leaders summer succeed in one part of their lives and then they fail in another I know you know many businessmen they are successful their money but their family is a mess when dr. Billy Graham passed away but before he passed away they showed about his interview what did he regret the most and according to believe with him if we can do it all over again he would like to spend more time with his children and the reason is this he looked back in at his life and he noticed men their children went through a lot of ups and downs three of his children had divorce then they remarry one was remarried and divorced three times one of the sons became a rebel but by the grace of God all of his family today are walking with the Lord all of his children today are serving the Lord it's because of God's faithfulness however there are certain pains that you don't have to go through many times we have unnecessary pain simply because we don't follow God's design what's our topic today have you been following our life goal series today we are going to talk about balance and the best example is Jesus everybody let's read this together Jesus everybody kept increasing growing in wisdom stature favor with God and men notice Jesus kept increasing this word has different translations growing making progress but what I like is the tense it talks about you keep improving you keep growing the Christian life is like riding bicycle I want to share with you one secret about bicycle one of my grandson's is only 3 years old and he rides bicycle you will notice about our family their athletic we focus on sports so at a young age they can ride bicycle but I noticed something the moment the bicycle is stopped what will happen you fall I've given this analogy countless times the Christian life is like riding a bicycle the day you stop moving forward you are going to fall let me repeat you cannot afford to think that you have arrived spiritually and stop growing and many Christians have stopped growing we will stop growing in your knowledge physically you are no longer discipline favor with God is prettily favor with men socially the day you stop growing is the day you begin to fall like bicycle no exception so for my own spiritual good and health I want to keep growing in every aspect of my life so you will notice I like to attend seminars I read books and then leadership gathering why I want to keep on growing I asked our pastors I asked our family members how can I improve do you know I do that on a regular basis you should try doing that you talk to your spouse you talk to your wife you talk to your husband how can I improve if you keep doing that you keep growing so today I want to share with you the importance of growing by living a balanced life what is a balanced life well according to the example of Jesus everybody let's read again Jesus kept increasing he grew in wisdom knowledge wisdom and stature physically and favor with God vertically in favor with men emotionally socially I'm going to expand this verses later on right now if you don't mind what's our topic today everybody succeed in balancing your life keep growing now to understand why you need to balance is the reality of tension whether you like it or not you have stress you have tension do I give more time in business do I give more time in ministry do I give more time to my children there is always tension ladies and gentlemen the good news is this tension is an avoidable tension is good but if you don't balance it tension becomes bad let me give you an example guitar you may not believe this I play guitar violin you also won't believe this tried violate notice I use the word tried okay there is something about tension the string has to be tense in the right way to produce sound no tension no music however if you put too much tension the string will break the same thing with your life tension is not bad do not think you can arrive at a point in your life where you don't have any more tension a little tension is healthy it's like muscle weight I go I try to I try to exercise every day I have some weight but if you leave too much weight too much it can hurt your muscle so proper balance succeed in balancing your life keep growing so I want to share with you principles on how to balance your life what is the definition of true success all right here's the definition true success everybody becoming all that God wants you to be and doing all that he wants you to do and hearing him say well done good and faithful servant take note it begins with who we are becoming all that God wants you to be you see being is more important than doing so if you want to understand through success you be the kind of person God wants you to be we don't focus on doing in my leadership development of our leaders including myself our primary focus is your character becoming all that God wants you to be it involves your mind it involves your body it involves your spirit it involves your relationship becoming all that God wants you to be so being is more important than do because doing is a byproduct of being I do something because of who I am I serve God because I love the Lord and He loves me so being first before doing noticed the next race becoming all that God wants you to be it's what we're gonna learn today so that you will learn to be doing all that God wants you to do now remember at different roles I am a husband I'm a father I am a leader I am a pastor I have different roles I'm supposed to do those but those should come after I keep on developing Who I am everybody what is true success becoming all that God wants you to be you keep growing doing all of you wants you to do so the conclusion you won't have time to do everything let me repeat in life you will not have time to do everything however you have enough time to do everything that God wants you to do I won't have time to do everything I want to do but I will have time to do what God wants me to do so it needs wisdom the moment I understand these principles and I keep following the Lord you know what's going to happen someday the eternal perspective of true success is this you hear him say everybody please read well done good and faithful servant it does not matter to me what the newspaper will say about us about me that to me is not important what the press what people will say that is not crucial to me what is most important is some day when I see the Lord I want him to say well done good and faithful servant what about you do you believe one day you will see the Lord face to face yes or no I'm talking to all of you now now what is the thing this true when you see Jesus face to face what will he tell you think about it then you will understand true success one more time what's our message today succeed in balancing your life keep growing alright let's begin according to the model of Jesus the best perfect man who ever lived was Jesus Jesus kept increasing in wisdom what is wisdom wisdom is from the greek word sophia wisdom is not knowledge per se wisdom is the application of knowledge wisdom in the hebrew idea is skills so that you can apply what you know to life situations so wisdom is different from knowledge wisdom is the application of what you know for example god wants you to have wisdom whether you like it or not i'm going to tell you today the good news is God once you grab wisdom you can pray for you let's read this together if any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men generously and without reproach and it will be given to him notice if any one of us lacks wisdom Sophia let him ask of God many years ago I told the Lord I'm not the smartest he my younger brother has a very high IQ when I was in class there are a lot of people smarter than me but I say lord I need wisdom you ask God for wisdom let him ask of God look at the promise who gives to brother everybody who give - louder or are you included he gives to all on what condition he gives all generously and without reproach what is the condition let him ask of God you ask him would you like to ask Jesus today to give you wisdom yes or no so make sure today as you and I are talking about this topic you whisper a prayer to the Lord I need wisdom based on this verse what is the context of wisdom James chapter 1 verse 5 so what is James chapter 1 verse 1 2 3 4 so you will know the context the context has to do with pain and suffering in the midst of pain and suffering and you don't know what to do that's the context of this verse that's why I'd like you to bring your Bible you know why so you can underline it now you know what the context of this verse everybody read consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance let endurance have it's perfect result so that you may be perfect lacking in nothing that's the context because the truth is this some of you are hurting some of you are suffering and you don't know why and yet the Bible trust you consider it joyful but you are having a problem like what happened to us from time to time we have problems many years ago you know what's happened to me we lost our business I got kicked out of our own company during the martial law and I could not understand why God is allowing those things to happen the Bible says you ask God for wisdom so that you know how to respond properly now some of you are having problems financial maybe your marriage your family some of you are in pain what do you do the Bible says let him ask God for wisdom so you need to learn that's the context and the Bible tells us therefore be careful how you walk how you behave not as unwise men but wise making the most of your time because the days are evil so then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is to be wise you must know the wit of God ladies and gentlemen the Bible says don't be foolish life is short know the will of God now let me ask you a question how do you know that we love God how do you know let me give you a hint how do you know I'm giving you a hint how do you know the will of God answer you read the Word of God how do you expect another will of God if you don't read the will of God let's look at this verse everybody how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners nor sit in the seat of scoffers let me explain to you this verse the word blessed is from the word happy how happy is the man who does not listen to the advice of the ungodly how happy is the man who does not listen to the opinions to the advice of those who don't know the Lord see the truth is you are listening either to your friends to media to yourself the Bible says happy is the man who does not listen to the counsel of the ungodly what do you do the Bible tells us his delight is in the law of the Lord in his law he meditates day and night his focus is on the Word of God and because his focus is on the Word of God God gives you a promise he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season it's leaf does not wither everybody with in whatever he does he prospers do you know there's nobody doesn't guarantee you success in business except the Word of God think about it I just came from Kota Kinabalu I made a businessman who came to know the Lord when he was already around 60 his memory was not so good anymore but his decide player told him you need to memorize scriptures he began memorizing scriptures he memorized over 300 verses he is now around 70 in that process of time God gave him super ideas of business he built an amazing Township a resort he reclaimed properties costs of $1 he sold for $200 and he said Peter I asked him how did you have this idea he said everything's from God my friend do you listen to the Word of God wisdom is knowing what God wants this guy will not compromise he will not be corrupted he had a project he was waiting for permit he waited for 10 years he refused to give him to listen to a wisdom is to know how to make choices many years ago one of my son's was invited to become like a bar kada of the rebellious young people on the edge their borderline kids of a they're a bit naughty and they're very attractive you know because they are they're naughty they're rowdy but my son was praise God he had wisdom he made a decision he made a choice he said daddy I choose a group of friends who are disciplined who are good in school and the athletes because in that school to be an athlete you need a certain grade point average I chose to be with that group and by the grace of God he was able to become a varsity player by the way all my children by the grace of God got involved in sports and their varsity players they made a choice my daughter I praise God my daughter understood the meaning of wisdom because she knew the choice of a husband is so crucial and my family my children have an arrangement with us they will never give their heart to anybody they will never give their heart to a suitor until they have our blessing my daughter made a choice after consulting with us she gave up the boy who was courting her the boy was a Princeton graduate Ivy League school but she said based on what the Bible is saying I will choose God and not this boy ladies and gentlemen when you're in love in your mind by doing this I'll be happy people don't get married to be miserable everybody gets married to be happy except except if you don't follow the Word of God the ways of God he will be thinking you'll be happy at the end you will not be happy many people don't understand the heart of God many children are not taught properly because the parents don't understand the Word of God the Word of God the heart of God is to bless you he wants to protect us but you've got to find happiness his ways not our ways so you need wisdom comprender friends I know about you but many years ago this confession time I was in my master's program and there was this girl that you know kind of was attractive and after I graduated she came to see me in the office by this time she was married and she said Peter I'm not married and I'm lonely now when the girl comes to you and the girl says I am lonely gentlemen what will you do my husband is in the Middle East I'm all alone I praise God he allowed me to remember verses the Bible says flee temptation flee so you know what I did I triple I after talking I said I pray for you she left I made sure I don't call her I don't follow up nothing you know why I know my witness many men are not thinking you don't make good decisions you need to be wise because simple decisions like that has eternal repercussions so please be wise the Bible tells us Jesus not only grew in wisdom Jesus also grew in stature not stature my friend your body is so crucial in God's program do you understand many Christians don't take care of their bodies they think everything that spiritual is what is important but the body is not important nothing is further from the truth what do I mean I want to show you some verses which really impacted my life everybody please read first Corinthians 3:16 everybody do you not know that you you are the temple of God the Bible says you are the temple of God you know what that means and that the Spirit of God dwells in you this blooming I was telling my wife last night I said honey do you know that our body is the dwelling place of God think about it this very moment those of you who know Jesus those of you who have invited Jesus as your Lord and Savior if you are a true Christian who is dwelling inside your body answer God Himself the Spirit of God you know that is so crucial to me because it tells me something I need to take care of my body because the Bible says God gave us a body we are not owners we are managers look at the next verse verse 17 if any man destroys the temple of God God will destroy him for the temple of God is holy and that is what you are the Bible says you cannot destroy your own body that's why suicide to me is really from the devil I've been in this ministry for many years in all my counseling I want to warn you anytime you think of killing yourself destroying your own temple I'm telling you that is never from God it is from the devil and how do we destroy our temple today the Bible says God is holy you got to take care of it can I give you the context of how we destroy our temple what is very obvious in 1st Corinthians is the problem of the church at Corinth in Corinth it is very very sensual in the temple at Corinne you have thousands of prostitutes so it is very immoral city and these people came to Christ and the Paul is saying hey guys your body is the temple of God therefore he tells you flee immorality they modern man sins against his own body this is a special sin immorality or do you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you you are not your own you know what this verse telling me sexual immorality is a special category of sin because literally you are dragging God according to the context if you read this if you have you're having sex with a prostitute Paul is saying you are forcing your body to be one with a prostitute and you were sinning against your body and God because this is a special sin you are dragging God into what you are doing friends I believe a lot of young people today don't understand how precious the bodies and cut the same please do not corrupt your body because your body belongs to the Lord God is saying I dwell in your body so why do you want to have sex outside of marriage why do you want to defile your body a lot of young people today I will not be surprised over 50% of young people today have already engaged in premarital sex and the reason is they do not know what the Bible is talking about the body is the temple of God I was telling my wife this verse impacted me tremendously because forever I go whatever I do God is with us God is with you so once you understand this your perspective about your body will change not about the Bible says for ya being bought with a price glorify God in your body not in your spirit in your body in your flesh you can glorify God you know what this verse is saying friends you take care of your body do it for the right purpose what do I mean look at the heart of God he gave us a command to observe the Sabbath day remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor do all your work but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God ladies gentlemen why should God bother about commanding us to rest because the body is important have you thought about it God is commanding you you take care of your body six days you are to work the seventh day you are to rise to rest in our family our helpers our drivers everybody you work how many days six seven day what must you do rest of course today people have changed the commandment we only work five days the Bible says work six days seven day you are to rest now don't be deceived when people say Sabbath day is always a Saturday don't ever be deceived look at what the Bible says when is the Sabbath day please read six days you shall labor do all your work but the seventh the seventh day is a Sabbath any day is the Sabbath in the days of Jesus the Jews it is Saturday in the Philippines today it is one Sunday for the pastor's our Sabbath day is Monday if you are in the Middle East most of our Sabbath will be on a Friday so don't be legalistic which day it is every seventh day you must rest because God wants you to take care of your body now can I ask you now an honest self exam questions are you taking care of your body let's start with the most simple thing how many of you exercise every day raise your hands higher all right if you exercise three four times a week raise your hands excuse me the others you see you are not taking care of your body you want to die early that's why you don't want to exercise that's wrong how many of you watch your diet raise your hands my goodness pastors just look at all of these people they all want to die early we watch our diet I'm warning you sugar is bad I don't drink soft drinks because it affects you sugar is the food of cancer cells so you what you got to watch your diet in vegetables eat fruit i avoid as much as possible and healthy foods so far how are you doing are you taking care of your body okay you just showed me you don't take your diet you don't exercise all right you sleep how many of you have proper sleep at least seven to eight hours a day raise your hand praise God now those of you not raising your hand can I tell you something if sleep is so crucial that they've discovered people web cancer can I tell you why your immune system has come has come down and your immune system will only be strengthened when you have proper sleep yourself are regenerated when you up sleep when you don't have sleep you got a problem and let me tell you why people don't think about these things you have never been taught then you got to balance your life mentally everybody physically my wife is very good at this she has schedules for my children when they were growing up she would make them run she will make them exercise all my children all five of them can I tell you you gotta take up your body but I want to share with you something the most dangerous problem that we have today which we are not acknowledging it's called computer internet addiction are they aware or the danger of cellphones social media Facebook pornography many people don't realize the danger there is enough evidence based on scientific research the dis cellphone is deceiving people into thinking multitasking is okay multi tasking is bad it reduces your product productivity by 40% in fact cell phone technology social media is now an epidemic it's called addiction nothing wrong with technology but the addiction is so serious let me give an example one of my grandson is two years old the mother loaned her her cellphone so he began playing now let me tell you why we do this the cheapest and easiest kind of Yaya okay if you want to take your kids and make them keep quiet just give them a gadget and they suddenly become quiet it is so easy it is so convenient and you know what happened they fail to realize that this gadget is affecting the first five years of their lives when the brain is developing its gonna affect their brain development so this three-year-old and I'm gonna warn you only a short time when the mother says give me back my cellphone he refused he was angry do you know why the symptom of addiction is when you take something away they become irritable they become angry that's how you know you're addicted you want more and more when you wake up in the morning that young boy the first thing he did when he woke up can I borrow your cell phone you know what you're laughing because it's about you am I correct and I discovered a new word the new word I've discovered is an held on onion and hay Dona is a medical term referring to the reduce ability to experience pleasure from the Greek word from two Greek word and without head Dona bighead honest pleasure and hey Dona inability to experience the simple pleasures of life you know why because of dopamine - with dopamine dopamine what do you mean by dopamine well let me tell you dopamine just look at me now when you play with your cell phones computer games it brings you certain pleasure addiction to pornography to computer games it does something to the chemical in your brain it's called dopamine dopamine is a neural network or peak transmitter or pleasure it goes to the place your brain so dopamine the problem is this the more you play with computer games the more dopamine you have and the more dopamine you head the brain will have to protect itself by protecting itself it builds resistance because the brain can only take so much dopamine the problem is now compounded because the next time you want pressure you need to add more and more and more it's like pornography first simple male and female people get excited but pretty soon that does not excite you anymore you are something more radical pretty soon you want child pornography pretty soon perhaps you want orgy whatever it is the dopamine is affecting your brain and because it's affecting your brain people today are easily bored it's an amazing sickness I don't find pleasure anymore my goodness parents I'm warning you are you aware of what's happening for children so I was requested by our Sunday School teachers next-gen many of you allow your children to have cellphones and they go to next-gen and then they're playing computer games please those of you who have children in next-gen don't give them cell phone you know why they will not die many people cannot imagine without cell phone for one two hours the auricular imagine this we are addicted so can I suggest something and discussing this with our pastors in our meeting no more cell phones either one destruction in our office no cellphones you want to watch cell phone every two hours can I tell you something bedtime may I suggest parents don't allow your children to sleep with cellphones take it away from them many parents who they are afraid of children in the past children are afraid of parents today is the opposite you're scared of your children you can you don't even have the courage to say no more cell phone you know why you're scared but you don't know what's happening to our children the famous famous founder of micro of Apple what's his name Steve Jobs do you know he won't even allow his children the tablet top gadget he won't allow his children he knows the power of addiction most of us don't even know this and some of your addicted already you will admit symptoms of addiction you get angry without it you get irritated with other thing about it you need to do something it won't be serious with the Lord first thing in the morning do not touch your cell phone spend time with the Lord I suggest the following to manage technology do not let technology manager cell phone is not bad technologies and bad but you manage it how most important word schedule set time say that with me schedule set time you know why if you don't do that I think I give you another discovery a new world I've discovered is called an SD what is n SD non sadness depression non sadness depression is an epidemic problem today people are depressed and they don't know why let me tell you why dopamine in your brain your brain has been wired in such a way it's no longer normal you need detoxification that's why a lot of people are bored depressed so these are my suggestion limit said well we need limit limit the time use technology for your own benefit if you can create software you can create something productive that's good but limit that time it's scheduled magic word in your family when you're eating do not allow cell phone on the table in fact when they get into your house our deposit our cell phones think of ways I'm not telling what to do I'm just giving you advice okay another important guidelines face-to-face spend time with your children play games face-to-face not with computer thing about it another suggestion modern parents mother actual reading of the Bible using the Bible show your children what you're doing mother playing games with your children mother is spending time with people not always through the internet this is what's destroying a lot of people today my prayer is this he will learn to manage technology not a lot of technology to manage you it's dangerous over 50% of pornography today comes through the cellphone pornography today is a real problem it does something to your brain Paul said I discipline my body I discipline beautiful Greek world discipline means what I hid my body black and blue I trained my body black and blue in other words he's saying I Buffett my body the literal word is ibuffer I discipline my body and make it my slave so that after I had preached to others i myself will not be disqualified there's how serious balancing your life is you balance the use of technology Paul is saying I buff it I discipline my body black and blue I buff it my body Jesus kept increasing in wisdom stature and in favor with God and men the word favor comes from the same word as grace carries the Bible says Jesus grew in favor in Greece with God and men you know why they're placed side by side the Holy Spirit knew you got to have grace favor with God first before you learn how to interact with people now do you realize favor with God the grace with God can be increased you should go for example let's read this together grow everybody read grow in the grace grow in the favor grace knowledge of God you can grow you know why this is so crucial for you friends many Christians to understand the Bible and theology they think salvation is by grace I am saved and that's all I don't have to do anything anymore listen to me salvation is free by grace amen you cannot earn it favor with God can increase grace can be multiplied not for salvation for sanctification what do I mean let me share with you you are commanded to grow in the Grace and knowledge it is something progressive the Apostle Paul tells us look at his life therefore we also help us our ambition whether they're at home or absent to be everybody ready to be pleasing huh to be pleasing to God what does that mean let me explain to you I five wonderful children I tell my children no matter what I love you they cannot earn my love if they have higher grades I love them if they from I love them unconditionally however if they follow me obey me I smile I smile if they don't obey me do I love them I still love them do I smile it's hard if you disobey me and I will smile I I don't do that if they don't obey me I don't smile they want to see my smile what must I do Obie I told my wife honey I love you there's nothing you can do to make me not love you so my wife is very secure if my wife does not obey me do I smile no the Bible tells us you can grieve the Holy Spirit you can make God sad grieve not the Holy Spirit however if my wife will follow my instructions what do I do tell me I smile and that's my pair I want to make God smile I want to see this man of God not to earn salvation I'm forgiven I'm saying but I want to see God what smile what does that mean let me explain to you Jesus gave us an amazing insight on how to live the Christian life everybody let's read this together jesus answered and said to him together if anyone loves me he will keep my word let me repeat according to Jesus if you love him what would you do if anyone loves me what Matthew do he will keep my word so obedience is because you love him obedience is not legalism it's born out of love read the next verse and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him what in the world are they talking about I thought God is already with us my friend you will not see the difference between theological presence of God and experiential intimacy with God the Bible is talking about personal intimacy experiential presence of God you see God is with us so if you don't feel the presence of God even though God is with you God is saying you love me you obey me and I will let you experience my presence it's an amazing experience that God wants you to help because God is saying my father will love him I thought God loves me already God loves us yes or no how come it seems conditional ah the manifest presence of God's love is another story you see the Bible is very clear jesus answered and said to him if anyone loves me now let me ask you a question how many of you love Jesus raise your hand now really bring it down you love Jesus if you love Jesus what must you do according to Jesus if you love Jesus what will you do if anyone loves me he will keep my word friends do not tell me you love Jesus and you don't keep his word God is looking at your heart and he knows and that's why the Christian life the most foundational is do you love Jesus if you love Jesus you will obey Him and then he gives you a promise what is the promise he will keep my word and my father look at the promise my father will love him oh I told God so loved the world AHA manifest love experiential and we will come to him notice we will come to him and make our abode with him manifest presence of God let me explain to you one of my great goal in life is to hear Jesus say is he God say the way he said it to Jesus you know what God of Jesus you are my beloved son in you I am where please in the book of look the Bible tells us when Jesus was baptized a voice came out of heaven and the voice said you are my beloved son in you I am very happy you know that's my prayer that someday when I see Jesus you know what else he will say you are my beloved son I am well pleased and my friend that kind of joy that kind of intimacy I don't want to lose and that's the reason I do my best to live a life that's pleasing to God because if I don't follow God I lost the joy of his presence when I say I lost the joy I know something is not right and because I don't want that to be part of my life I'd love for his intimate presence because he gave me a promise in your presence is fullness of joy why do I want to live my life apart from the joy of the Lord in my heart so that's what motivates me the joy of the Lord is present in my heart and I pray you do the same you love the Lord yes then obey Him is there anything in your life today anything that you are doing business practices relationships that is not pleasing to God if there's anything you are doing that is not pleasing to God I suggest you tell him today Lord I change I'm gonna do it because I love you you see the ways of the world tells you otherwise literally I heard somebody counseling another girl because the husband was unfaithful the console is something like this your husband is a faithful you also be unfaithful give him a taste of his medicine Livia what kind of counseling is that coming from Christians no you follow the Lord I met this lady just recently she told us my friend left me because I did not leave my husband because I forgave my husband and I wanted to save the marriage can I tell you this girl understood the pleasure of God she's happy and I met her husband recently her husband is now even conducting Bible study teaching Bible at home because God knows what is all about you put him first grow in that area favor with God do everything to please him and then your horizontal relationship will be as it should be but let me tell you I'm not saying there's no problem not what the Bible says Jesus kept growing in stature in favor with God and man you know this God first and then men let me share with you this amazing reality you all know IQ intelligence you all know EQ yes or no what is EQ intelligence emotional quotient based on research wisdom based on research the key to success is not like you EQ they may study the most common predictor of success in the corporate world in the business world ninety percent of the time it's people with high EQ not IQ if you is more important but EQ is affected by sq now what is SQ don't tell me Singapore Airlines ok sq is spiritual caution what is this 3:12 caution is spiritual caution is seeing things from God's perspective you don't see things as they are you look at situation based on the prism of the Bible based on God's perspective the Bible tells us as you walk with the Lord you learn to see things differently for with you is the Fountain of Life in your light we see light and that's why I started a Bible I married it in the Bible because God promised me in his light our see light not the opinions of men I don't get my ideas I don't counsel people based on what's popular based on what people are saying it is based on the Word of God so people can accuse us of being so narrow I can I tell you something I know it works because God is all-wise he wants what's best amen do you want to experience the fullness of life yes or no well learn from God now what is EQ EQ is the ability to control our response towards and favor of circumstance that EQ you need to teach your children EQ what is nee Q temper that above the bow low EQ they bugged a bug in English throwing a tantrum shouting uncontrollable emotions do you know EQ impacts even the salary scale of people based on research in the state high EQ usually get twenty nine thousand US dollars more per year compared to law each you even among pastors affected pastors have high EQ they understand there will be stress they don't react now let me share with you an incident that happened in the States there was a car accident the man got so angry they ended up fighting with each other they began to use fistfights they use everything the police had to come and eventually they were brought to the station and one of them died do you know how much it costs to fix the accident $100 for $100 you end up fighting low EQ not IQ EQ therefore you must understand in life it's only 10% of what happens to you it's all about 90% how you react you got to teach your children how to develop EQ and if you can only happen listen to me now through training and through the Word of God what do I mean by the Word of God then training you see this is our brain our brain has a limbic system this is for the emotions comes in right at the bottom here at the back and you have the rational brain these were the frontal cortex is developed the logic the problem is this limbic is all about emotions but your emotions cannot control your life you gotta make sure this rational side will communicate with the limbic so you can control it and I have discovered medically speaking our brain every cell can develop new collections 16,000 microscopic neurons with the neighboring cells so the more you let this guy control this the more the pathway the brain connection will grow and they become stronger and emotional side of your life can grow let me explain to you one day confession time with our family one of my sons when he was growing up did not like people when he was us what is your name I have no name where do you live nowhere let's go home let's go on I mean that is his personality praise God my mother not my mother my wife took the challenge of training my son when people ask you what's your name you must answer my name is where do you live in other words today if you look at my son's they are very nice people mmm emotionally they are very mature they don't throw tantrums they don't react why EQ is a byproduct of sq over overriding the cortex and the limbic system I have a daughter she asked my wife I don't know how to make friends we have that problem you know my wife taught my daughter to make friends you be friendly remember my children were homeschooled so when they went to the school they wanted to learn how to make friends actually they learn most in making friends in home school do you know what happened to that daughter of mine she won the Miss Congeniality award she became so friendly everybody liked her you can develop EQ you know the meaning of this amazing truth everybody with this the fruit of the Spirit is what love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control this is the spirit filled temperament you'll let the Holy Spirit control you how many of you are singles restaurants singles higher higher higher higher singles look at me now you like to marry what kind of man do you like to marry you'd like to marry somebody gentlemen ladies you like to marry somebody who is full of love joy peace patience Wow what do you look for these kind of people CCF spiritual temperament now question are you full of joy are you full of smile Christians used to be the happiest people can I encourage you something when you leave this room today I want to see you smile when you enter here you smile every Sunday I'm gonna check on you okay smile say that with me smile you know why I heard the story of Charles Spurgeon you know mr. Spurgeon is an amazing speaker he talked about what happened to somebody in his church he was telling Dwight and moody you see these people example you see these people in the front row they all became followers of Jesus because of a smile so they asked him what do you mean smile this is what spurred Johnson then every time I finished preaching I go home I bring my Bible on my way home I see children playing and I smile they smile next Sunday when I go back to church I see these children playing and what do I do I smile and they smile I bought my heads I smell well one Sunday I saw the matter with them I don't know whether I should bow and smile or not but I did because the children were expecting me to smile guess what happened the children decided to follow him one Sunday the children discovered he was not just a Christian he was the picture and will you believe it next Sunday the children brought the entire family brought their father their mother to hear mr. Spurgeon the smiling preacher and all of them came to Jesus the power of a smile my friend please smile control your emotions we are in the house of God amen presents all right what why are you not smiling do you know it is a sin not to smile by bullion very simple the Bible says in everything give thanks in everything now try giving thanks without smiling see her in everything deep down my friend let me close with a three story of a carpenter who worked so hard for 50 years he was an excellent carpenter and this story was written by Michael Josephson which I read also in the article of Francisco last Sunday I mean a few days ago this carpenter worked so hard for 50 years and he told his boss I want to retire the boss said I really appreciate you you have worked so hard thank you and then he gave him a bonus five thousand dollars my goodness the guy felt so bad after fifty years I got five thousand dollars now the boss said however I want you to build for me one last house this is in this beautiful that it's my dream lab my dream house and you will make enough money for your retirement but please build it for me well this carpenter decided okay because he needed some money to buy his own cottage he one D wanted a small house so he began to work but because he did not control his emotion he was bitter so he did not do his best because it is not control his emotion he cut corners materials that are inferior he allowed it to be made you know why he wasn't happy he was not happy with the boss at the end of the construction period he told the boss it's finished so the boss vendor the boss said thank you congratulations so the boss gave him an envelope he was not happy he didn't lower the envelope when he got home he opened the envelope you know what's inside the envelope is the title to the house he was shocked he was so embarrassed he said I misjudged my boss and for the rest of my life I'll be living in a house that could have been better you know what hits me Christian life is like building a house every decision you make today it's like you're putting it into constructing your house and if you allow emotions to control you you wanna take shortcuts what kind of life are you building let's bow our heads and pray I know God has spoken to many of you you need to grow especially in the area of your spiritual life your emotional life if God has spoken to you and you want to surrender your emotions to the Lord because only the Holy Spirit can control your emotions I want you to surrender your life today to the Holy Spirit to Jesus you say Lord Jesus you take over my life completely you take over my emotional life every area of your life you surrender that to Jesus because some of you probably may not even have Jesus in your life you don't have the presence of God but today you want to be sure if you want to be sure of God in your life today letting him control your life your emotions would you raise your hands higher praise God well stand up those of you who raised your hands I will pray for you if that's what you want you surrender your life to the Lord let him take over every area of your life you finally understood a true Christian is one that have God he spirit inside you you have never surrendered your life to the Holy Spirit and you think you are a Christian but there is no evidence today you say I understood anybody else praise God many of you it's between you and the Lord I want you to reduce surrender your life to Jesus praise God do not fight do not resist the Holy Spirit if the Holy Spirit is asking you to surrender your body to surrender your mind to surrender your emotions then stand up surrender that's the secret of the Christian life don't fight him the kitchen knife is not about self-will it's about surrendering your will to the will of the Holy Spirit probably you're afraid you're afraid Lord I can never keep those commitments no no it is surrendering your willpower to the Lord anybody else I know God speaking to many of you praise God you pray this prayer with me wherever you are those of you are standing up you pray this prayer Lord Jesus Here I am I need you I surrender my life to you today Lord Jesus my body is your temple come in to my life take control of every area of my life thank you for reminding me that I do everything because you love me and I love you help me to grow in balancing my life Lord Jesus I pray for this group of men and women I know you have spoken to them and now make yourself very real in their lives let them experience the intimacy the joy your presence by loving you by obeying you will you bless everybody here today in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 162,835
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Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Jesus, Prayer, Love, Faith, Christ, God, Bible, Christian, Christianity, Church, Truth, Life, GraceChangesEverything, ReignForever, TeamJesus, RadiaclLove, Worship, Glory, Mine, Field, MineField, Mine Field, Sin, sex, choice, consequences, drugs, anger, passion, lust, flesh, love, life, friends, TedTalk, Talk like Ted, TedX, pride, NOW, Need, Give, ME, ME Time, Identity, enough, more, more and more, Likes, Like Me, Now
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 18sec (4338 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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