Good Friday Special - The 7 Last Words of Jesus

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[Music] greetings in the amazing wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ today is Friday it is amazing that 2,000 years ago Jesus uttered his seven last words on the cross on a Friday and I'm taking this opportunity to share with you the seven last words of Jesus now last words are important because it reveals to us the heart of the individual when you're about to die you don't say trivial things you don't waste your time with words so it is very revealing last words Winston Churchill before he died he said I'm bored can you imagine I'm bored with it all Frank Sinatra before he died he said I'm losing it but with Jesus it's different Jesus wanted us to know how much he loves you how much he loves us so let us meditate on his seven last words the first word I want to share with you on the cross was when Jesus said in Luke chapter 23 let's read this together when they came to the place called the skull they crucified Jesus there along with the criminals one on his right the other on his left Jesus said Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing notice the first word uttered by Jesus while on the cross is Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing notice the context in the means of pain while he was crucified instead of thinking of himself he thought of others he said father this reminds me that the relationship of Jesus with God the Father is so amazingly intimate Jesus trusted the father in the midst of pain he said father Jesus not just trusted he knew he was doing the Father's will they have good relationships and then jesus said father implies love relationship and many times when we are in pain we question does God really care about me well I wanted to learn something from Jesus you can see his heart father complete trust and confidence notice the next thing I wanted to learn about the last statement of Jesus is forgive them grammatically the word forgive them is not just spoken once you can translate it as follows while Jesus was being crucified he kept saying Father forgive them when they place the nail on the hand he said Father forgive them when they were brutalizing him putting the nail on his foot he is saying father forgive them so it is a repetitive word that he kept telling God the Father forgive them forgive them Jesus not only asked the father to forgive them he gave the father the reason he is saying they do not know what they are doing he was even defending the people who was hurting him they don't know who I am if only they knew they will not do this to me they do not know that I am fulfilling Scripture they do not know I am the son of God Father forgive them now this to me is something that is very close to my heart the Jesus practice what he preached he told the disciples forgive one another love your enemies Jesus practice what he taught the disciples forgive if people mistreat you love them if people hate you forgive them this reminds me that Jesus relationship with God the Father is so tight that he wanted to do God's will look at the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of what Jesus did in Isaiah 53 written almost 700 years before Christ look at what the Bible says he poured out himself to death referring to Jesus and he was numbered with the transgressors Jesus was surrounded with criminals yet himself bore the sin of many motives he interceded for the transgressors he was praying for the transgressors he was praying for the criminals he was praying for those who are crucifying him he said father I one request forgive them forgive them this tells you the Heart of Jesus how He loves us the next statement the second word is truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise now this is amazing I want you to take note of this amazing promise on the cross Jesus was telling one of the criminals I say to you truly notice the word truly is emphatic he did not have to say truly could have simply said I say to you no no he said truly meaning this is something very important this is very serious this is for sure I say to you notice how personal it is from Jesus to you notice the word you is singular referring to the criminal on the cross very very personal today notice something present tense the promise is personal the promise is present tense today you shall be with me in paradise do you notice something about this amazing promise Jesus is not saying tomorrow Jesus is not saying in the future he is saying today for sure you shall be with me in paradise what is Jesus promising he is promising salvation he is promising heaven he is saying you shall be with me what is heaven what is paradise isn't it to be in the presence of God today you shall be with me in paradise amazing promise glorious future but you may be asking me how can experience this reality look at the context of the promise of Jesus let's read together in Luke 23 here's the context one of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at him saying are you not the Christ save yourself and us but the other answered rebuking him said the unit even fear God since you are under the same sentence of condemnation notice there were two criminals we are like those criminals the only difference is they got caught but you and I are not caught I don't know what are the sins we have committed what are the crimes we have committed but the truth is we are like this of criminals we are all guilty notice how you respond to the amazing prayer of Jesus when Jesus was saying Father forgive them these two criminals heard the amazing requests of Jesus but one did not believe one was mocking Jesus today when people hear about Jesus you have two possible response one is like this criminal you can abuse make fun of Jesus he was challenging Jesus are you not the Christ save yourself and the other one not is in humility rebuking him do you not fear God since you are under the same sentence of condemnation notice to experience the amazing promise of God forgiveness and eternal life the second criminal was humble look at what he said we ended our suffering justly we deserve this for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds but this man has done nothing wrong in other words if you want to experience the amazing promise of eternal life forgiveness learn from this criminal he humbled himself he admitted we deserve what we are getting we are guilty you see humility is the first step to come to Jesus as Savior you have to admit we have to admit we are sinners and many of us are proud many of us are like the other criminal we make fun of Jesus we don't care but this other criminal humbles himself and notice he was saying again addressing Jesus he said Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom I want you to notice the following words he referred to Jesus as Savior he knew Jesus was a savior does the mean the word Jesus Yeshua Savior but Jesus is not only savior to him he said remember me when you come in your kingdom the criminal on the cross realized Jesus was no ordinary man he is a king you must realize when Jesus died hanging on the cross there was a sign given by the Roman government Yeshua the king of the Jews the king these two criminals heard what Jesus was saying this to criminals saw the sign one did not believe the other touched by the grace of God humbled himself you're not his salvation is all about grace it's not because the criminals deserve it he did not deserve it notice Jesus replied to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise what do you notice this amazing promise was given the criminal did not have a chance to do good works the criminal we don't have to join any religion the criminal was undeserving to go to heaven that my friend is what you will learn about Jesus he gives us salvation by grace is not something we deserve because jesus promised the criminal today you today you shall be with me do you notice nothing to do with religion nothing to do with good works many times we don't understand the Heart of Jesus we don't understand grace which in the Bible is very clear grace for by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God not as a result or works so that no one can boss do you notice something salvation is by grace something you don't deserve like the criminal on the cross you don't deserve this you can never deserve it it's too late you have been saved not if something sure you have been saved not you will be certainty today you shall be with me in paradise that's grace something sure through faith the criminal called on Jesus he believed that Jesus is the Savior none of yourselves it is the gift of God not because of work notice something about the criminal he didn't have any chance to do any good works because salvation is by grace now his good works important of course but it has nothing to do with earning salvation if you read the next verse you will see the sequencing of salvation we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them do you know the sequence good works come after salvation by grace you have been saved through faith now that you are saved God has a plan for you to do good works you know many people they used to tell me I like to be like the criminal on the cross I will come to Jesus before I die can I tell you what's wrong with that I submit to you the criminal on the cross did not wait for the last minute on the contrary the first opportunity he had to come to Jesus he took it he did not wait for the last opportunity the first opportunity the moment he had this encounter with Jesus he grabbed it you know why God gave him the heart to Humble himself to come to Jesus and I like to believe should God grant this criminal many more years to come he will devote his life to good works what about you are you sure that when you die you'll be with Jesus you can be sure if you understand the promise of Jesus it's by grace you don't deserve it like the criminal you need to admit humble yourself admit your sin and then like the criminal on the cross you turn to Jesus not religion not good works Jesus and Jesus alone and notice the promise of Jesus for sure truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise let us now look at the third word of Jesus but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother so Jesus saw his mother when Jesus saw his mother the disciple whom he loved standing nearby he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the disciple behold your mother from that hour the disciple took her into his own household what can we learn about Jesus Jesus did not neglect his earthly responsibilities he looked at Mary he looked at his mother and he said mom mother behold your son the word woman is the term of respect and then he said behold your mother if you are Mary what will you be thinking you notice something about the Gospel of John when Mary was first introduced in John chapter 2 Mary was talking Mary was speaking but in John 19 you notice something ordinary he kept quiet she was silent I like to believe in the Heart of Mary she knew who Jesus was because Mary could have easily had tried to save Jesus by going to Pilate by going to the priests and say you know what this is my son he's crazy he's not the Messiah he's not the Son of God I gave birth to him he's a man but Mary did not do that Mary kept quiet why because Mary knew in her heart Jesus is the Son of God notice if you look back in the early days of Mary she was told by the angel you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and you shall name him Jesus before even Mary was pregnant the angel told her you will get pregnant and you will conceive a new rabbit boy he will call his name Jesus meaning Savior he will be great and will be called the son of the Most High and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign his kingdom will have no end so Mary knew there is something special about Jesus can you imagine he will be called the son of the Most High what else and he will be a king he will be on the throne of his father David and he will reign forever his kingdom will have no end so Mary knew the child that she will conceive is going to be unique and notice her question Mary said to the angel how can this be I'm a virgin Anna's question and the angel replied the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you and for that reason the Holy Child shall be called the son of God do you notice the Trinity the triune 'ti of God at work in the birth of Jesus the Holy Spirit the power of the Holy Spirit will overshadow you the power of the Most High God will be with you for that reason the whole it's had the set-apart had this special child shall be called the Son of God how did the angel answer Mary Mary this is hard for you to understand but God's power will overshadow you something humanly impossible will become possible notice the next two verses nothing will be impossible with God Mary nothing it's going to be impossible you may not understand this but it's gonna happen you know what Mary said praise God Mary said the bond slave of the Lord you see Mary said I'm the slave of God I'll be a servant be done to me according to your word Mary by faith accepted the challenge to become the mother physically the mother of Jesus she took the risk of being stoned to death because for a virgin in that Old Testament and to be pregnant without a husband is a death sentence she took the risk of being alienated she took the risk of being put to shame in fact if you read tradition they accused Mary of having sex with soldiers and that Jesus was a bastard that's how they try to explain the virgin birth but the truth is this God near the Heart of Mary in jesus promised Mary Jesus saw his mother and father I'll take care of you behold your son behold Your Mother from that hour the disciple took her into his own household the vision tells us John the Apostle took care of Mary the Dijon tells us John lived the longest among the apostles I believe one of the reason because God gave John an assignment take care of my mother so Jesus did not just fulfill his spiritual duty he fulfilled his earthly responsibility to take care of his mom what the lesson for a lot for all of us the first three words of Jesus on the cross is all about others he was asking forgiveness for those who crucified Him he was focusing on the criminal on the cross promising him eternal life and he was focusing on his mother notice the fourth word the six our darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour for three hours there was total darkness six hour means 12 o'clock noon time up to 9 hour 3 o clock in the afternoon about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice Eloi Eloi Lama sabachthani my God my God why be forsaken me do you notice when Jesus first addressed the father on the cross he said father now he did not use the word father he said my God my God why have you forsaken me many times you and I do not know the impact of the pain and the suffering of Jesus for example if my friend were to come to me and say be there from now on leave me leave me alone I don't want to talk to you anymore that's painful I've experienced that when my old friend told me can you just leave us alone that's painful but I believe what is even more painful is when your wife or your own son whom you love so much well one day I tell you you know what I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore let's separate I believe the pain of Jesus was not just physical it was not just emotional to me the greatest pain that Jesus encountered was the intimacy of God the Father you must know for eternity pass they have always been together with God the Father look what the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God now you and I know this word is referring to who Jesus he was in the beginning in the beginning was the word Jesus and the word Jesus was with God and Jesus was God he was in the beginning with God so that intimacy that fellowship that they had and suddenly there was separation Jesus is coating and Old Testament prophecy about what will happen to him in some 22 verse 1 my God my God why have you forsaken me now if you are a Bible scholar you will know implication of citing the first verse of son when you cite the first verse you're implying the entire verse is applying to you look at the entire chapter of some 22 this is called the Messianic sum this was written hundreds of years before Jesus notice what it says they pierced my hands my feet I can count on my bones they look they stare at me they divide my garments among them for my clothing they cast lots this referring to Jesus and Jesus is fulfilling prophecy he's saying my God my God why have you forsaken me now my question why did God forsake Jesus God for soup Jesus why you now understand the holiness of God God is holy absolutely pure God will not allow sin in his presence we are sinful Jesus took our sin when Jesus took our sin at that very moment God cannot countenance cannot be with sinners so there was this separation he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross so Jesus literally took our sin on the cross this is a theological truth on the cross Jesus bore our sin literally not just figuratively that's why the Bible is very clear he made him who knew no sin this is God God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin in our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Jesus you have the separation because God is holy and Jesus took your place on the cross not just figuratively literally that's how much he loves us and that to me is the worst kind of pain more than the torture of physical pain more than the emotional pain how they embarrass Jesus on the cross how he was naked but when God the Father for Sookie that my friend is a pain that Jesus had to go through the fifth word Jesus knowing that all things had already been accomplished to fulfill the scripture said I am thirsty it is so important that we understand this geologically that Jesus was one hundred percent man at the same time he was hundred percent God in John chapter 1 verse 1 the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and then in John 1:14 it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us in other words Jesus was God the Bible is very clear and then he took the form of a man it's called the hypostatic union of how Jesus is both 100% God and hundred-percent man but the Bible is very clear he took the form of a man why so that he can sympathize with us the Bible says Jesus knowing that all things had already been accomplished to fulfill the scripture said I am thirsty what is the significance of I am thirsty this word you need to understand that Jesus was completely human in the early church there was not debate whether Jesus was God the debate was did he really become a man or was Jesus God and he just took the form of a man and from time to time he would manifest himself as a man no no the Bible is very clear Jesus became a man hundred percent human being the significance of I thirst is to tell us that Jesus was human he felt the pain he felt the agony look what the Bible has to say therefore he had to be made like his brethren in all things in other Jesus has to be made like us human so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people in other words Jesus had to be made like a man so he can die for us to make propitiation the word propitiation is a beautiful word it is to pay the penalty of our sins and not just pay the payment is fully accepted fully satisfactory thus the word for propitiation when Jesus became a man hundred precent man he took our place on the cross now why did he have to become a man not just to die for us the Bible tells us we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in all things as we are yet without sin therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need the Bible says Jesus became man so that you will know he can sympathize with you you see many times we think do you think God understand my pain you think he understand my loneliness well the Bible is very clear he became a human being like you like me he can sympathize he went through all kinds of temptation like you like me the only difference is this he did not sin therefore what is the encouragement when you think of Jesus the Bible says therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace you can come to him with confidence he understands he knows you you see we don't have a God who don't understand us we don't have a savior who needs other mediator so that he can listen to us know he knows you he knows what you're going through and he says you come to him directly let's go to the sixth word of Jesus a jar full of sour wine was standing there they put a sponge full of the sour wine upon a branch of hyssop and brought it up to his mouth therefore when Jesus has received the sour wine he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gaiba his spirit on the six-six word of Jesus on the cross it is finished the word finish is from this amazing word in the Greek in the Aramaic language the telus type the terrorist eyes means it is finished it is used as follows if you look at the lexicon if you look at the historical usage of the word tetelestai I will share with you at least five possible uses number one it is used to describe a master and a servant when a master turns a servant here's your assignment and the servants completed finished it the servant will say that tellest I the work is done you've assigned me it is used to describe a priest and an animal being sacrificed you see the priest will suck will inspect sacrificial animals he will never accept any sacrificial animal that is not perfect in other words it should be and - complete ice no sickness no skin diseases and when the police will see that the sacrifice is perfect no defect he will say that the LF time this word is also used to describe an artist the moment he completes the painting the monkey completes the picture he will say it is finished the telus time it is used to describe a merchant issuing a receipt paid in full the telus time it is used to describe a prisoner after third being his sentence in jail he is not come up with a piece of paper mark the jail sentence has been paid paid that debt has been paid notice all of these points of Jesus the work that God has assigned Jesus it is finished I've done it do you remember John 17 verse 4 where Jesus said I go defied you on the earth having accomplished the work which you have given me to do now this was amazing at a very young age Jesus can say that tellest I I finished the work many of us don't even live a life of purpose we are not pursuing God's will for our life here is an example of Jesus he lived a purposeful life he did what God the Father wanted him to do and he said I glorified you on the earth having accomplished the work which had given me to do I've accomplished I've completed the task what about you you bring God glory when you do his will it is used to describe a sacrifice you see when Jesus died on the cross his sacrifice was perfect accepted by God the tellest a complete and blemish artist used to say when the painting is finished complete picture here you now see the completed picture of the Old Testament in the New Testament the Old Testament would not make sense animal sacrifices the passover lamb the blood sacrifices it does not make sense until you see the fulfillment in Christ and Jesus said it is finished now when you see the whole Bible you now understand the Old Testament points to the coming Savior Jesus how he would die on the cross to pay for your sins and for my sin it is used to describe payment in full it's a receipt given why the truth is all of us are sinners we all got something which can never be paid but Jesus paid on the cross your sin and my sin paid in full it is used to describe a prisoner after his service sentence the jail warden will stop his record paid in full what a beautiful world it is finish before God before the universe all my sins were paid in full that's the beauty of that amazing statement it is finis notice the Bible is very clear very emphatic by this we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all notice paid in full one for all but he having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time not this one sacrifice for all time sat down at the right hand of God the work is completed that's why he's sitting down for by one offering notice by one offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified completed you are now made holy blameless by one offering you are not perfected for all time that my friend is the implication of the telus time it is finis no wonder the next verse in Hebrews tells us their sins their lawless deeds I will remember no more why paid in full and the last word on the cross Jesus crying of a loud voice said father into your hands I commit my spirit here is a shout of victory it's a work that's completed when Jesus died on the cross he died with confidence with security father notice he uttered the word father again he's a father he began with Father forgive them the last word he said father into your hands do you notice the confidence the security of Jesus when he died on the cross into your hands that's called security you see Jesus died on the cross let me share with you the implication he died confidently he died to fulfill prophecy he died willingly and Jesus died triumphantly into your hands I commit my spirit to me at the issue of the following implications with full confidence father into your hands that's confidence he died to fulfill prophecy why he knew it was God's will he was obeying God he died willingly let me give you example of the fulfillment of prophecy and in how he died willingly it was now about the sixth hour and darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour because the Sun was obscured in the veil of the temple was torn in two when Jesus died on the cross the veil of the temple was torn in two implication in the Old Testament only the high priest can enter the veil no ordinary man no ordinary priest can enter the Holy of Holies the place where the act of the Covenant the presence of God is but when Jesus died on the cross the Bible tells us something supernatural happened the veil was torn telling us the work is finished I become base God's will God's work and now you can enter his presence and Jesus crying out with a loud voice father into your hands I commit my spirit how did he fulfill prophecy the soldiers came broke the legs of the first man and of the other who was crucified with him coming to Jesus when they saw that he was already dead they did not break his legs in other words Jesus really died Jesus did not pretend to die or he fainted he died the Bible is and Phatak literally physically he died but one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear immediately blood and water came up now you will understand the power of this few verses let me explain to you they broke the legs of the first man on the right and the other one on the left you know why that's how you kill the victim because if you don't break the leg bone the victim can still breathe but they wanted to make sure that the right and the left and Jesus was dead because the pastor uber was coming so they break they broke the bones of the criminal but when they were about to break the bones of Jesus the Bible tells us when they saw he was already dead they did not break his legs how come but the Romans have one job to make sure that the victim will die even though he was dead already in Tagalog Segura stay in English they want to make sure so the soldiers one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and blood and water came up now medically speaking the moment you somebody's dead the blood will separate the red part and the plasma and the water part is separated so they know medically especially from the heart when water and blood comes out you know the guy's dead so Jesus really died how did he fulfill prophecy these things came to pass to fulfill the scripture not a bone shall be broken another scripture they shall look on him whom they pierced so when Jesus died on the cross it was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy he died willingly look at the Bible prophecy in the book of son he keeps all of his bones not one of them is broken that is the significance notice they pierced my hands and my feet sound 22 before crucifixion was invented the Bible talks about how the Messiah will die they I can count all my bones look at the Old Testament Zechariah chapter 12 I will pour out on the house of David on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication they will look on me whom they Pierce so the Bible is very clear Jesus died not only confidently he died to fulfill prophecy the manner of his death in a bubble he died willingly he died triumphantly look what the Bible says for this reason the Father loves me I lay down my life so that I may take it again no one has taken it away from me but I laid down on my own initiative eyebath hora t2 lay it down i bath or 'ti to take it up again the Bible tells us when Jesus died on the cross he died willingly when he said father into your hands I commit my spirit look at the power of Jesus always on life and death he breath islas he surrendered his spirit to God the Father manavas have such authority over life and death but for Jesus is surrender the spirit with certainty of being with God the Father friends my prayer is as you meditate on the seven last words of Jesus let it be a reminder that just like Jesus he had no fear he loved us and above all Jesus was prepared to die he was prepared to meet his father because he accomplished God's will on Sunday I'm gonna tell you what happened after this the most momentous event in the history of humanity after dying on the cross you enough see how he took back his life it's called the Resurrection Sunday because Jesus died triumphantly he did not die in defeat he died victoriously so that you and I can have forgiveness and can have life do you have the assurance of eternal life are you sure if we were to die you'll be with Jesus you live with God if you are not sure I ask you to do something like the criminal on the cross how do you do it let me repeat admit you're a sinner admit you need Jesus humble yourself come to Jesus not religion not good works understand the grace of Jesus he paid it all for you Jesus loves you he died for you but he's waiting for you to come to him he will never force his way into your life he's waiting for you and the moment you come to Jesus in humility and by faith you say Lord Jesus I admit I'm a sinner I realize you died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins so that I can have eternal life I now receive you as my Lord and my Savior I will place my faith in you Jesus I will accept your gift of forgiveness I will accept your gift of eternal life not because I deserve it I don't but Lord because of your grace because of your love if that's your desire wherever you are right now why do you pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus thank you for loving me thank you for loving all of us that you are reminding us your heart when you died on the cross Lord Jesus I humbly come before you I'm admitting I'm a sinner I'm admitting I need you I now ask you Jesus by faith I accept your gift of forgiveness I accept your gift of eternal life Lord I know it is all by grace it's your unconditional offer I now accept it Jesus thank you I now accept your gift of life I accept you come into my life change my heart help me to live a life that's going to be pleasing to you Jesus name I pray amen and amen if you paid the receipt price I have good news for you you can click on our website and we have other materials to help you grow now this Sunday I'm going to speak on the resurrection why it is so crucial why it is so important I hope to see this angle god bless [Music]
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 546,559
Rating: 4.8313694 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: fV7lvQlheTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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