Be Christ-Centered in the Workplace with Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi 022518

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today I'm gonna share with you something that's very close to my heart it has to do with our christ-centered workplace everybody said it with me leave a christ-centered life in the workplace why is workplace important let me tell you why it is so important if this is an example of our life a typical 24 hours day you probably sleep in theory it should be more than 7 hours it should be 8 hours so you spend 33% of your life in a 24 hour cycle sleeping sleeping is important but I know many of you don't have enough sleep eating but the major part of your life is spent going and working sometimes I know you spend more than 11 hours for example some of you go to your office it takes you two hours after working eight hours you may have to have overtime and then you go back home another two hours do you relate to the amount of time you spend working traveling and working how many of you relate raise your hands traffic do you relate to traffic do you relate to working now my friend based on surveys this is you as statistics 80% of many Americans don't enjoy their work 80% it's very sad can you imagine you are working and yet you are not happy with your work so this topic is so crucial let me share with you are you familiar with this term TGIF what is TGIF people are excited thank God it is Friday why are they happy when it is Friday because there's no more work Saturday Sunday but for us believers I like you to have another concept what is TG I'm saying the Lord it is Monday you know why you're excited to work and may I suggest not just TGIM it should be TG IT thank the Lord it is Tuesday t GIW thank the Lord it is Wednesday it is Thursday you know why you and I should be excited so I have invented a new term for CC efforts learn to say TG IT what is TG is P thank God it is today all right are they excited you're alive today I really excited you're able to work do you know what is a gift a lot of people have misconceptions about work for example many people think work is a curse they think it is a necessary evil that's not true work is a gift work is a blessing for us in color in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 before the fall of man before we committed any sin God invented work already the Lord God took the man and put him in a Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it meaning God designed us to work so work is not a curse but our attitude has to be corrected the curse made the work harder but work is not a curse the mother is God himself the Bible tells us Jesus said my father is working until now and I myself am working God works work is a gift work is a privilege the you know people have discovered science of discovered people who don't work people who retire early they die earlier you want to live longer make sure you work in fact God gives us an amazing instruction I want everybody to read this even when we were with you everybody and we were with you we used to give you this order if anyone is not willing to work he is not to it either the Bible says if you don't want to work you don't need the problem with the Thessalonians is because they keep thinking Jesus is coming already because Jesus is returning let's do nothing the Bible says we hear that somehow you are leading an undisciplined life doing no work at all acting like busy bodies you know there are some Christians who don't understand work ethics so they're lazy they don't work the Bible says that's not good work is a gift work is good what's the message today everybody what's the message today will you read this together be Christ centered in the work place how many of you are professionals meaning accountant teachers doctors lawyers whatever it is I want you to examine your own life are you working or are you not working do you know a housewife is also working a housewife is a worker the Bible says be Christ centered in the work place I am hoping all of us are not lazy that we are all busy working but what your attitude towards work you do you get excited or are you kind of neutral worst of all I do negative the idea of developing excitement about work is the message today everybody look at me now I want you to be excited about work but you will never be excited about work if you don't understand that theology of work and today we are going to discuss the theology of work what can we learn about work there are three things I'm going to tell you about work why it should be Christ centered and thing you do for the Lord becomes exciting you know why work is sacred say that with me work is sacred number to work is a calling work is a calling God called you to work and number three work is a stewardship now I'm gonna discuss this as we go along are you ready all right let's begin everybody together ready go it's late in all things obey those who are your masters on earth not with external service as those who merely piss men but with sincerity of heart fearing reverencing the Lord let me explain the context of Colossians in the days of Jesus in the Apostle Paul slaves were an accepted practice the Bible is not promoting slaves it is being realistic slaves exist in the time of Jesus in the time of the Apostle Paul you have places where you have more slaves than free men why if slaves were acquired every time Rome conquered a nation the losers become slaves slaves are acquired because of debt you cannot pay something you are sold as a slave children of slaves become slaves in other words you have slaves who are doctors you have slaves were lawyers you have slaves who are smart people but they are slaves if slaves have no rights slaves are threatened they can be killed any time in that context your slaves becoming Christians when they become Christians they realize we are all equal in God's eyes and the tendency for slaves is to become lazy because they say well we are now brothers and sisters in Christ in that context the Bible makes it very clear coming to price will make you a better worker coming to Christ will never make you lazy it will make you more efficient you should work harder in that context let's read it together it slaves in all things obey those who are your masters on earth not with external service the word external service comes from the Greek world of psalm ology ice meaning do not serve because people are watching you you know there was a tribe in Africa there was this guy he was supervising the workers he noticed something the moment he stopped watching them they stopped working one day he remove his false eye because his fourth I see dust either way he left it on a tree he left it and all the natives saw the eye when he left they still they were all working hard in white they were working hard because the plastic eye in their minds they are being watched my friend what kind of workers are you if the boss is not around have you heard the expression if the cut is not around what will the mice do they play as believers in Jesus we don't do that you don't work because your boss is watching you you work because you are serving the Lord work is sacred you know I look at how the word is used not as those who are merely pleasing men but with sincerity of heart fearing the Lord the word fearing the Lord is used many times where is in conjunction with God it has to do with worship in other words serving the Lord is sacred I'm going to debunk the theory of sacred work and secular work many people think there are second-class Christians because they are not pastors many people think they are just a business man or a lawyer or an accountant and they feel like to be a first-class Christian I should be a missionary from now on you I want to correct that impression in the Bible everything is sacred there is no sacred work and secular work in fact something you do in terms of worship something sacred can become secular if you do it for the wrong motive can imagine a Bible teacher teaching Bible to impress people that becomes secular song leader singing to gain attention that sacred app of worship becomes profane it becomes secular so everything we do is sacred and that's why you need to understand what is our message today be Christ centered in the workplace because you spend if I do another statistics you spend eighty percent almost of your waking hours at work you might as well do something about your work make it profitable an act of worship do it for the Lord work is sacred God values work a lot of Christians business people tell me you know pastor I don't like to hire Christian I said why they are always giving excuses they come in late they leave early and if I ask them why were you know Bible study prayer meeting big group meeting there was this story about an Arab line I mean the plane was late all the passengers were angry they were cursing but there was this particular girl she was so nice she served the passengers very well in that group of passengers there was a godly man he was so impressed with her he approached her ma'am can I get your name the girl said why I want to commend you because I noticed all the other stuff were frazzled but you are cool and you're smiling you are serving the passenger so well I like to write a letter to the company you are working for she said sir I like you to know something I don't work for the company I work for the Lord Jesus Christ my friend that is the difference if you work for the Lord Jesus Christ your behavior will be different you will work better coming to Jesus is not making us more lazy work is sacred when we first got married my wife was thinking of working in her mind she would like to have a life of her own a career just like my daughter my daughter said her great challenge in the state for wonderful children but she said I don't feel like having a life of my own I wake up in the morning I take care of the kids I have to cook I have to clean dishes I don't have a life of my own my wife had that idea also then I told my wife I said honey at this stage of your life your calling your work is at home this is sacred my wife by the grace of God understood she raised up five wonderful children she home educated them today I can honestly tell you five of my wonderful children are what they are today because many years ago my wife took time to disciple my children and raise them up work any kind of work is sacred there is no such thing as part-time full-time I'm trying to debunk that theory but it is so hard in our mind we think Oh full-time your full-time for the Lord oh you have part-time let me ask you is there such a thing as part-time full-time I tell people we are all what full-time you're a full-time servant of the Lord if you are a politician you're a doctor you're a nurse teacher accountant office worker taxi driver whatever you are you are full-time serving the Lord comprende alright praise God so do your best notice the next principle Colossians 3:23 whatever you do do your work heartily ask for the Lord rather than for men so whatever you do the idea of do your work heartily give your heart to the work have you heard that expression the heart is not in the work you got to give your heart in very student give your heart to studying if you are in politics give your heart do it because you are doing it for the Lord many of you have heard the story of William Wilberforce William Wilberforce was one of the youngest parliamentary member in England at the age of 26 he thought of quitting in a way thought of quitting corrupt if the politics is corrupt I want to quit but praise God there was a man of God by the name of John Newton have European Newton the guy who wrote remember that guy John Newton he became a pastor he told this guy William Wilberforce he said God has called you don't quit he thought about it praise God William Wilberforce understood the calling you see work is a calling you are called if you don't understand calling you will not know the purpose of your life you will not know the perp work you will not think through why god bless you where you are today where you are today wherever you are God has called you until he calls you to another position you must ask yourself Lord why am I here why do I have this business why am i teacher it's calling praise God William Wilberforce thought about it and he decided that God has called him to be in politics he was so burdened with slavery so he began to introduce rules laws to abolish slavery but this lavery power block the interest group is so strong plantation owners were against the bill ship on the shipping owners were against the bill business people who needed slaves were against the bill so the bill could not be passed his life was threatened they mock him they made fun of him the press were against him but he said God has called me he kept fighting and fighting in Parliament would you believe it after 42 years three days before he died England passed the most amazing law the law abolishing slaves throughout the empire of England because of one man William Wilberforce my friend wherever you are you've got to know your calling how many of you have heard of Eric Liddell that Olympic runner he said God made me fast he was an athlete and he said when I run I feel the pleasures of God my friend but every days if you're at least do it for the Lord because work is a calling it is sacred it is not true that my work is more important than you whatever work we have you got to do it to the best of your ability notice what the Bible says Colossians 3 24 you know the motivation behind why you should work hard for the Lord it is him you are serving knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance it is the Lord Christ whom you serve do you know what this verse is saying this verse saying number one the slate what understand their problem they have no inheritance they've no rewards the slaves are not even paid they are given food board and lodging there is no Union protecting slaves today we don't have slaves we're employees we have servants with households but in that time when the Bible was written I wanted to imagine slaves absolutely no rights in that context the Bible tells us everybody read you work harden why you hurt anybody read knowing from the Lord from the Lord you will receive the reward eternal perspective will transform the way you work the truth is this some bosses are bad some companies have bad environment your co-workers can be abusive and you are not paid properly it's true now you know what God is saying you are not serving them you are serving the Lord and the Lord is a good master he will reward you he will pay you that's exactly the meaning you see payday for believers it's not always on planet earth justice it's not always on planet earth we master the Lord Jesus and that's what the Bible is saying look at the grammar this time he is not saying work as if you are serving the Lord now he is saying it is the Lord Christ whom you serve so today when you go to your office when you are at home wherever you are you got to put this in your mind work is a privilege you are called by God it is sacred and you are serving who the Lord you know when you serve the Lord it's a different feel you must do your best heavier of the Tagalog expression padena what is pradana in English weighted okay now what is the reading this good enough good enough wait enough okay no wrong when you serve the Lord it cannot be played enough it should be excellent do your best you see she she efforts followers of Jesus the way you will impact this world for Jesus do your best make a difference it cannot be weighed enough okay no enough no do your best because you are serving the king of kings when Michael Angelo was painting the Sistine Chapel he works so hard and his coworker said why do we bother nobody will notice this figure you are painting nobody will notice if something is not so exact it's okay you know what Michelangelo then nobody may know but I will and God knows do your best one of the best example I have I'm gonna ask somebody to share with you soon but can I tell you something the Bible tells us Colossians 2:25 he who does wrong will receive the consequences of their wrong which he has done and that without partiality you know what the Bible is warning us just because you're a Christian worker that's because you belong to the Lord does not exempt you from laziness because you will stand before God and there are consequences I have seen consequences happening you don't have to wait until you die for the consequences bad employees are not rewarded you know what time employees are rewarded faithful hard-working those who take initiative people who are lazy there are consequences I've asked one of our members to me one of the best example of a faithful worker and a faithful boss it's none other than our own pastor pastor Ricky let's welcome him thank you faster Peter it's very humbling and very honoring to be sharing with you some stories about this principle which the Lord had taught me early on in my professional life indeed that work is sacred and that it is a calling and I'll be just sharing a few stories with you about myself all for the glory of God and some stories of from the people in our household so let me just go back to this verse that we looked at earlier the very first verse Colossians chapter 3 verse 22 and it says here I just highlighted a portion I want to highlight slaves in all things obey those who are your masters on earth I want to highlight the fact that it says in all things so we should not be choosy about our work and surely perhaps in our work there are things we like about it and things we don't like but many times the things we don't like when we just do them excellently for the Lord is when we are blessed and when we grow for example we have two helpers at home who have been with us for 15 or more years I remember one of them when she first came to work for us she was basically into washing clothes that was her expertise for many years in her previous employers but my wife needed somebody to cook because as many of you know we have a feeding program at home feeding program means the small groups that meet in our home and one of our you know as it says in the Bible break bread so we break bread and many other things that we break together so my wife needed somebody to cook and then this this lady who came to work for us like something like 17 years ago she said at a in Tagalog at a make me do anything in this house but not to cook please don't make me cook but you know my wife was persistent and she trained her she taught her and eventually as her son was growing up he taught her how to use recipes or watch TV and and you know invent nice food and you know what when today when the small groups meet in our home she's like the star of the show everybody's looking forward to her little turbo and her chicken curry and her salad and are you hungry okay you are all invited you're all invited to pray for the small groups that meet in our home okay so see when you obey your masters in all things even though things that you don't like to do you will really be blessed and you will grow let's skip to the next verse now verse 23 whatever you do do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men again it brings us back to the focus Christ centeredness in the workplace and then it says why should we do this what is our what is our assurance it says knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward Jesus our Lord and Master our ultimate boss is a rewarder do you believe that you must really be hungry do you believe that our Lord our master is a rewarder yes of course okay let me tell you a story at the senior executive in one of the companies where I worked I was in charge of one of the sales divisions and when competition was getting very fierce in the industry where I worked our our bosses decided to take on a different tactic in the business basically that different tactic was unethical it was totally against the tenets you know the rules and regulations of the industry where we work so being a follower of Jesus I could not go against what was the right thing to do and so I politely just went on doing what was right Andy but at some point my boss seated me down and he said all of the other divisions are doing this thing that we told them to do I know it is unethical I know you believe that it shouldn't be done but you need to do it whether you like it or not or else you might as well leave this company and you know I had young children at that time and I I didn't know what to do but I knew that I couldn't do the unethical thing that's all I knew and so at some point my boss had waited I have one more option for you you give up your sales division and you come back to the head office you get a desk job okay sir I'm grateful I'll take the job I have a family and so I reported back to the head office gave up my division and I said sir what assignment will you have me do and he said I want you to write a five-year strategic plan for this company all of the other operations in Southeast Asia are writing their plans you need to write one for this company that is your first and most important assignment yes sir why whatever you do do it heartily you know the Lord will reward you Christ centered principle so I sat down I researched I worked hard I interviewed and finally the five-year strategic plan was complete and I handed in my assignment not long after that guess what I got a fantastic job offer and so I was able to say goodbye and part ways in a friendly amicable manner with that company and not long after I had left I got the news do you remember that five-year strategic plan that you wrote for this company it became the best written strategic plan in the entire Southeast Asian region because the Lord is a rewarder whatever you do you do it with all of your heart now elsewhere in the Bible you and I read what is Christ's perspective about work even in first Timothy chapter 6 it says all who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor as we honor our masters we honor our ultimate master the Lord Jesus but what is the purpose it says so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against it's all about glorifying God not putting his name to shame not compromising our testimony as followers of Jesus in the company where I work for almost 18 years the time came for me to leave and join a competitor I had no real plans to do that but my wife and I were praying that I could be a better provider for our family not to get rich just to be a good provider so that she could spend less time at work and so finally God answered that prayer and I got an offer from this other company but I had a dilemma because the president I worked for he's a good man he's a great worker he's a fantastic mentor but it was reported that whenever an executive would leave for a competitor he would not take it well he would normally according to them he would normally tell that executive who's leaving for a competitor he says well if that's the case pack up all of your things today right now and get out of this office that was the impression that was the report and so I said lord I I don't want that to happen to me not for my sake but for my testimony as your worker as your child as your follower and so I prayed I prayed for favor and God gave me wisdom how to write my resignation letter and not only did I write a letter X all of my reasons transparently I even attach these are all of the work these are the status of the projects these are all of the other people who will bring these projects to completion so that the work doesn't what's the English Matanga anyway you know what it means right it won't stop or it won't be left hanging okay so I prayed and I asked for an appointment and he came and I said and he said what's this about I said sir before I tell you I would like to ask you to please read this letter and I gave him the letter he opened it he read through it he folded it and put it back in the envelope then he looked at me of course I was a little scared he looked at me and he said if I had any inkling that you were thinking of leaving this company I would have done everything in my power to stop you from going but based on your explanation in this letter I need to bless you and let you go and then what guess what he even embraced me my goodness how different from the reported you know reaction that people were talking about because we don't want the name of our God in our doctrine to be spoken against and then verse 2 this one answers what if my boss is a Christian can I relax you know and just take time off and do Bible study all the time or can I be chummy chummy with him wait look those who have believers as their masters must not be disrespectful to them because they are brethren but must serve them all the more because those who partake of the benefit are believers and beloved teach and preach these principles never ever take advantage of your boss if he's a follower of Jesus I'll tell you one thing very simple I have been a Christian boss for about 25 years have I fired people what do you think yes I have fired people I do it in as nice as way possible they call it escorting people to a better career or you can say you're fired how can I pray for you no no no I'm just joking I never said that I just want to wake you up okay look at this other verse in Titus chapter 2 verse 9 and 10 urge bondslaves to be subject to their own masters in everything to be well pleasing very specific not argumentative we're not against healthy debate but not argumentative means contra non contra you know you're always objecting refusing that's what it's saying and then it says not pilfering pilfering is stealing how do employees steal from their boss and their company tell me number one time come in late leave early number two office supplies oh my son has a project I need bank paper five pieces only and then some paper clips come on folks not feel free and undone work unfinished work it's also a way of stealing I remember years ago I was on a business trip with a colleague of mine and we were in a checkout counter in a small grocery in Bacolod I bought a salut bomb for the family just a small packet of butterscotch again you're hungry again butterscotch and it was a small thing cheap the guy beside me says just charge that to the company and I said what are you talking about this is personal no nobody will notice that you charge it to the company no folks because that would be stealing as well but what's the whole point what's the bottom line the bottom line is this showing all good faith meaning show yourself faithful trustworthy what for so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect what in the world does that mean adorn the doctrine of God in simple English it means you will make by your christ-centered life you will make the Word of God attractive to people because they will see how the Bible is translated into everyday life when your boss has trust you because you are faithful amazing things will happen like in my case in that sales division I once led whenever we would meet once a month because I had the trust of the president oh when we meet together we would have praise and worship we would have testimony time we would have motivational messages based on biblical principles because we show all good faith it will make the Word of God attractive Colossians 3 25 for he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done don't ever think that just because you are God's child God's servant you can get away with sloppy work or shortcuts here and there you and I will receive the consequences God is a rewarder but he also is the source of consequences this is how I applied this principle in one instance in my life you see being Christ centered will really impact all of your work and business decisions about six years ago when I was in my last job after only 18 months in that position as a senior executive I heard the call of God the call of God to leave my sacred corporate work remember corporate work is sacred to leave my sacred corporate work and to move to be part of the pastoral team in CCF another sacred calling both of them sacred and so when I knew I heard God's call I went up to my boss and I said sir I have to tell you this right away I want you to know early on that I have received God's call to join the pastoral team of our church he did not take it well he told me to talk to another boss the boss second boss did not take it well but I understood now why they were objecting my second boss told me you are in the middle of a monument revolutionary project you see we were working on developing an alternative distribution system never before tried in that company or probably even in the entire industry and I was in the forefront in part of the team that was developing that system and so he said and this is what my boss told me and I really praise God that God put these words in his mouth he says God would not want you to leave this project at this time and I said you're right the wrong thing the wrong thing would have been to say ah basta this is God's call goodbye baharon ah ha oh that would have been the wrong thing and I would have earned the consequences my testimony would have been tarnished the reputation of God would have also been affected but I said yes sir you're right I will stay and I will wait for God's perfect time and so I prayed Lord you're the only one who can really say when I go and so the project continued and as I always would I would make the presentations to the chairman of the board and in that meeting that what ended up being the last meeting I made a presentation the chairman of the board said that is a good presentation however I want to make an announcement this project that you folks are working on in this company I am removing it from you and I'm transferring it to a different company in the conglomerate you are now free of this project all of the jaws dropped in the room except mine my smile was ear to ear because I knew that God made a way when I chose to do what was right to honor my boss ultimately the Lord was honored and he revealed his perfect timing for everything so that folks according to my own experience our examples of what it means to be Christ centered as a worker in the workplace let me just summarize a few things based on research and based on a common experience some things not exhaustively but some things that characterize the christ-centered employee for example files leaves and reports truthfully no padding of expense account no abusing sick leave ok comes on time does personal things on personal time ok like for example in my case I never prepared Bible study messages during work hours always lunchtime or after team player doesn't take someone else's credit goes the extra mile this is a biblical principle Jesus said if somebody forces you go and mile you go a second mile doesn't gripe complain back bite bash gossip doesn't are you ready for this doesn't sell stuff at work ok so when somebody opens your cabinet it's not like oh sorry sorry stories inside your cabinet minimizes socializing meaning time in the CR time in the pantry oh I'm deciphering somebody in the pantry ok get real folks and then observes proper boundaries whether it has to do with you know how you deal with employees or even just saying ok work hours are up to here I want to go home be with my family I mean these are just ways that our boundaries or priorities are right in the sight of God and it will bless people and glorify God at the same time what's the topic today be Christ centered in the workplace now how many of you have somebody under you I'm going to talk about bosses now you have somebody working for you raise your hands at this one working for you higher higher don't be humble tell the truth how many of you have helpers at home raise your hand so those with helpers those will be employees under you even one stand up how much do all of you stand up you have helpers at home stand up you have employees under you stand up read this together masters employers managers leaders whoever you are grant your slaves justice and fairness knowing that you two have a master in heaven God is telling you you have the stewardship of influence it's a calling but you have responsibility you have still worship what must you do grant to your employees house help workers justice and fairness meaning pay them fairly treat them properly to treat employees properly may involve you have to fire them you have to let them go as pastor Ricky said I will escort you to another career why because it is only fair that people who don't live up to the performance standard you have set in your company has to be let go for the sake of the others also and for their own sake so they will learn I have Christian employers coming to me pastor can I fire people can is called them listen to me you can be firm and nice but you owe it to be fair and just comprende now I learn more about this when I married my wife being Caucasian the American warehouse helped by the grace of God she treated our household with respect we sent our house up to school would you believe it today we have to hustle who are now teachers and married to Caucasians they are now US citizens living in America from somebody who's a helper many people say well helper they're only helper they don't know much listen to me that's not true helpers there are people you must treat them with respect comprende my friend it is only when we are transformed will society be transformed no amount of legislation will change this country completely unless Christians would up like Christ and that my friend is the message I want to give us masters what must you do grab your slaves justice and fairness knowing that you have a master in heaven you know what that verse tells me someday I stand before God and I give an account of my life I'll have to give an account of height of how we treat employees and employees you can never use as an excuse that my boss is unreasonable therefore I will not work hard what kind of bosses are you one kind is the bully type some boss is a bully they don't really care about how their employees feel some are temperament they shout ready they raise their voice very moody these are not good insecure bosses now insecure boss and wants to take the credit they don't want to train people under them so that they can progress because they're insecure I also I always tell pastors don't be an insecure pastor if somebody's gifted in speaking let them speak you know why some pastors are afraid because they always want to be the main speaker so they don't lose your job I said no no no be secure in the world what about place favorite no these these are bad bosses guys you have to give justice and fairness some managers buddy buddy what is buddy buddy you know buddy buddy you will never fire anybody you want everybody to be happy it's like a country club style of atmosphere no no no that's not the way incompetence now this is one of the worst kind of bosses so I tell everybody you keep growing you keep learning be a better boss today than you before and be christ-centered now what do you mean by christ-centered boss let me share with you Christ entered boss I would suggest if you're a boss or a manager be respectful of people that report see don't shout at them be firm you can be firm and be kind at the same time be encouraging people are discouraged encourage them caring let them know you care for them let me ask you honestly that's your house help that's your employees know you care for them be a good model be a good mentor you know we train our people and if a stuff gets a better offer somewhere else I will not use the loyalty card I will say god bless you you can find a better job higher pay I will I won't say you don't know your calling but for me you've got to know your calling because calling will let you stay but you got to mentor the people under you what about this one assumes responsibility you know as managers you have goals your corporate goals you got to make sure your home business purposes also you know as we close let me tell you the story of this guy who understood work Steve or chip how many of you have heard of through it Kathy raise your hand how many of you have heard of chick-fil-a rescue him all right Kathy I mean to it Kathy is the founder of chick-fil-a chick-fil-a is one of the fastest growing fast food in America today they ranked number eight but they are number one in profitability per location this guy was a Sunday school teacher after the day he passed you know I mean this guy is faithful in the Lord but he instituted Christian values have you heard of a fast food chain that does not open on Sunday particularly they don't open on Sunday you know why he said I want my employees to a family time I want them to be able to spend time with their family my friend if you put Christian values in your practice as a manager as a boss the Bible says God is your reward and I believe God has rewarded this guy's company this guy is a billionaire but he knows his calling he knows you still worship because work is sacred that's why whatever you do you do it under the Lord this is this should be our motto everybody let's close with this motto whatever you do do your work heartily put your heart give it your best ask for the Lord rather than for men if you do it for men you get tired you get burnout knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance slaves have no future but God is saying I will take care of you someday it is the Lord Christ whom you serve in God's kingdom everybody's important you are important today I want to challenge you one thing I want you I want you to dedicate your career I want you to dedicate your job to the Lord let me repeat it very housewife is very politician if you're a doctor if you're a lawyer I want you to dedicate your work to the Lord and you tell God I accept my calling whatever you do in word or in deed do all for the glory of God that's what I want you to do I don't ever want you to think you are a second-class Christians I don't ever want you to think you need to be a pastor to be used by God I don't ever want you to think that you are less than a missionary I want you to erase that from your mind part-time full-time secular sacred everything you do is sacred if you do it for the Lord but I want you to do one thing to dedicate and consecrate your life in your work to the Lord I want you to make sure from this day onward when people see you in your office they will see a difference you make a difference for the kingdom of God and your life will be meaningful you become a blessing and someday you will be blessed what is the use of working and you don't have the right attitude you won't be blessed you suffer consequences it's the most pitiful life going to work every day and not enjoying your work today I love you to learn thank God it is today amen all right bow your heads in fact if you want to dedicate your word alert not just by read why don't you stand up I wanna pray for you stand up if you want to dedicate your work if you are in politics if you are in medicine military in government taxi driver uber driver because it matter but you say I will dedicate my work to the Lord you will serve the Lord forever you are that means be a good example anybody else you know it is at this moment or God is speaking to you God is saying would you dedicate your life I know some of you are bothered you know what I can be honest in my company let me tell you what is more important your company or the Lord if I were you I'll dedicate that to the Lord and she I'll do my best and you start being honest amen father God in heaven I pray for these people who are dedicating their career their abilities their talents their work to you I pray for lawyers doctors accountants office workers sales salespeople Senators Congressmen Lord I pray for all of them that they will dedicate their work as unto the Lord and in serving you bless them and larger border and help all of us to be excited about work because it is our opportunity to bring glory and honor to your name in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 37,108
Rating: 4.8372455 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, alabang, sunday, service, peter tan-chi
Id: 2awBeXzDyG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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