Last Adam | Darrin Begley

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when your heart opens and hear words of accusation against God then you start to see God differently see if you listen to accusation about your pastor you'll seem different that's why the Bible says don't even receive an accusation about an elder because it causes you to see different okay then what that does it affects your honor and what you don't honor you don't have access to [Music] [Applause] hey how you guys doing as you can see I'm not preaching today but I've got you a treat are you ready yeah so I just want you to make sure that your hearts in the right place same excitement in fact more okay I want you to shout cheer every time you receive something go crazy are you ready now you know that if I put a mic into someone's hand and I put him up there you know that I believe I can learn something that's why he's up there okay so Darren Bigley and Sheila are friends from the US but like Anneliese and but like the others I brought up here and you know Mike - trust me they're carrying next gen revelation okay and so I'm very particular on who preaches here and you know that if he's bringing something it's something that I myself are trying to learn and experience is that okay yeah so I remember I mean prophet Kobus needs to explain it and you know pastor Neil phenomenal teachers of the word they explained to me at one point they said and I've thought I've told you bits of bits of it remember I said about how and what's a what's the the female lions name in the Lion King Nala la la la la now lies the name right so Nala comes back to Simba you remember the story yeah and she said Simba she says Simba you know come back to the kingdom and you go to reign and rule back in Kingdom in the story and so so Simba says well I can't come why because I killed my father who is what he says and then Nala comes and says Simba you actually didn't kill your father you remember sorry yeah he says what do you mean I need to my father said no it was the other guys they killed your father yeah he says you got to come back and go to reign in and it was amazing and Simba found a freedom I said really you mean everyone told me that I killed my father you remember everyone told you that you killed Jesus that's the way it had been preached to you right yeah you got to repent because you crucified Jesus Christ you remember the story nah okay and today I'm hoping I don't know where he's going okay I'm just hoping that he's gonna go somewhere there okay and and he'll free you if you hear him deeply he's gonna free you to really know your identity in who Jesus truly is and who you are in Christ Jesus okay and so I want you to open your hearts up this seed will change you are you ready okay and so rise up shout and give a big welcome to Darren Begley [Applause] thank you you can be seen I'm gonna need some help on time okay you help me okay well it's a it's a incredible honor to come and be with you from the states and of course my wife was with me been married 32 years and then our friends from we don't even say they're from Australia anymore because they've they live with us we kind of got a house like you guys you never know who's gonna show up and so now they're they're Americans now we just call them the robos it's the open your Bibles with me I want to I want to go into a little bit I would say this morning because for me it is it's about six o'clock in the morning in Houston Texas so as Kirby was saying I want to take you on a path of identity and as I do that I want you to know as I am laying this out for you this is not something that I am preaching intellectually this is something that I have lived in my life and so I know you've you have an incredible pastors here you know a little bit about his fast well my past is a lot like his fast I'm glad we didn't meet when we were the other guys you wouldn't have been good and so open up with me to the book of Genesis I want to I want to start here and then just take you on a little journey and I know he's laid this out for you very well but I want to give you a couple points in the midst of this Genesis 1 verse 26 then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air and over the cattle over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them verse 28 then God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the ground now I know he has taught you that that's the god man that's not talking about Adam that's talking about Jesus and the reason we know this is you see Father Son and Holy Spirit when he's saying let us so he knows their spirit so he can't not be talking about Adam are you with me because Adam never had the image of God he only had the likeness you read the scripture he never had the image matter of fact when he had the likeness is when after he hated the tree and he said we got to put them out of the garden because now man has become like us knowing good from evil are you following me Hebrews 1 verse 2 very familiar passage with you Jesus was the Express image of God matter of fact Jesus said it like this you've seen me you've seen the father so he was the perfect representation in the flesh of who God is does that make sense okay so I want to take this down with you here for a second because it also says that he had dominion and a lot of times we don't understand what Dominion is and if you'll look show me where Adam had dominion but I can show you where Jesus had Dominion so let me show you what Dominion is Dominion is different than faith faith takes you to Dominion what is faith substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen what did Jesus say I don't do anything unless I see the father do it that's Dominion it's different that's Dominion are you following me that's why I was always sharing with Kerby when I see something it's an absolute for me now I've I've heard things and I perceive things and my wife will tell you but if I see it it's done it's done and and so listen Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith I'm not saying you don't need faith but faith is an Old Testament principle because Abraham was the father of our faith but Jesus came and moved into a different elevation a different realm of Dominion how do we know that did he have dominion over the fishes of the sea absolutely he multiplied them right then he had dominion over the storm peace right did he have dominion over finances don't you want to pay your taxes just go fishing and catch the first coin you know the other thing is you need to understand here too is did you know Jesus was very wealthy you know most people don't think that he was wealthy if the Magi is not three kings he was three gifts gold frankincense and myrrh so if Kings are coming to honor a king they're bringing some gifts they're bringing some stuff you know I'm saying so when did they do this they did it when they saw the star they went after him so on the cross he became poor so you could become rich so when were you rich on the cross so you were born rich that's good news for you okay let me go over here you were born rich you just have to understand your inheritance comes from him so when do you get it inheritance when you die or when somebody else does so he died 2,000 years ago so you could have your inheritance now so you don't die to get your inheritance to go to heaven you have a right that you have the right to bring heaven here you can live out of that identity here it belongs to you it's your inheritance but we've been taught so much underneath the first Adam okay so I'm gonna give you some of this stuff and then we'll go back and maybe show you some word okay I'm kind of like Kobus I'll just say it out there then you'll find her right cuz I'm on a timetable but the first man Adam was made of the dust is that correct and Eaton's I want you to get this Eden was God's garden and eastward in Eden he planted the Garden of Eden so I'd say it like this sure Lanka was God's garden eastward in Sri Lanka he planted Colombo you get it and so this is my opinion but but I believe Eden was a spiritual dimension it's a spiritual realm that's why they've never found it on the earth matter of fact you know you look in Zechariah and this is awake o sword and strike the shepherd so now Eden is open up again are you fun which we can prove it out that Eden is actually the paradise of God are you following me so it says that Adam was made from the dust of the ground and then he was placed in the you get that he was formed out here but he was placed in Eden the other thing I want you to look at because I want to bring a correlation here is Adam it says God put Adam to sleep that word sleep is actually or trance it's the same word when Peter walked out on his rooftop and he was in a trance but that me knows Peter was away and he saw everything that happened see I'm not convinced that Adam was sleeping I'm I'm looking at more that he was in another realm are you with me it never says he woke up he never says he woke up and so so doesn't this make sense when he goes out of Adam's side he takes a rib and then he creates the woman right and then he brings her to Adam and then Adam ghost us bone of my bone that's flesh of my flesh I just wonder if he wasn't watching what God was doing to me that that's very important because the correlation that I want to make is we always know Adam and Eve out of the side is representing Jesus in the church because we came out of his side are you understand what I'm saying so it's not because I'm going into this I'm gonna lay some things and then you just get to chew on it and then he'll clean everything up I'm joking I'm gonna be nice I'm not in my house chapter 2 verse 7 it tells you he was formed out of the dust chapter 8 the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden he put the man who he informed so he put him in there verse 9 and now the out of the ground the Lord God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight good for food The Tree of Life so in the midst of the guard and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now look with me in chapter 3 this is where want to spend a little bit of time and I haven't heard too many people preach it this way Kobus is one that's free sit this way but we see in chapter 3 as we start off we see the first mention of the serpent okay now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field so stop right there God didn't compare him to an angel God didn't compare him to a man God compared him to a beast this is before the deception are you with now I'm going to skip ahead and come back if you really understand this and you understand the accuser of the Brethren and what happened and who the soutane was and what we're dealing with today because that's where we're going okay so Amy knows he was cunning can you imagine him looking up at the Buffalo going I'm more cunning than you are come on we have this idea of you know how we read things and I want to tell you this we read Jesus's stories and we know their parabolic and we know their symbolic but a lot of the Bible is parabolic and symbolic come on come he knows I don't see those trees as being trees right and the reason is because God calls you a tree he said you'll be like a tree planted by the Living Waters you'll know a tree by its fruit is he talking about Tresor you talk about people so let me ask you something is the Tree of Life Jesus is in the so we see Adam communing with God in the guarding garden with a voice is that correct so the counterfeit of that would be what a sound a whisper put it like this it's a hiss that's actually what it means it means to hiss okay and so what happened here is he's saying look you can eat from all the trees but you don't eat from that one in the day you eat it from that one what's gonna happen you're gonna die okay so how many knows he's listening to the conversation all of a sudden the serpent speaks remember hiss and when the serpent speaks all of a sudden Eve is open to the words that are being spoken are you following me yeah and the first lies right off the bat and it challenges who God did god say have you ever dealt with that and what happens she opened up when she received the words and then it was just when your heart opens and here were of accusation against God then you start to see God differently it says that she saw that it was good for food but the ear calls the eye to see something see if you listen to accusation about your pastor you'll see him differently that's why the Bible says don't even receive an accusation about an elder because it causes you to see different okay then what that does it affects your honor and what you don't honor you don't have access to what you honor you have access to it you okay okay now in this chapter we're gonna look at the curses real quick but how many knows in 26 and 27 there and he knows you were blessed before you were cursed go and did he bless them any and he's looking and he says let us make man in our image who knows that's gonna be a process it's gonna be a process to get to God man on the planet because God had to meet with man where man was are you following me I believe some of the things that we have so gravitated towards is we don't understand how great the fall was because none of you understand you you have no concept of what it's like to be born under death you only have the concept of being born under life because Jesus came so you determine if he did what he said he's gonna do he came to give life and give it more abundantly he came to bring a new covenant right and in that new covenant he was going to write the laws on your mind and on your hearts now you have to understand before Jesus they didn't have it in their mind and on their hearts their conscience was dead they were constantly condemned you don't know what that's like you have no concept of that because you are not born under this you were born under life are you following me why is this important why is it important for you to shift in your identity cuz people say well it's semantics what difference does it make you know you know you're a sinner saved by grace you might be I'm not why because your starting place is going to determine how you live in life so if you start with sin you're gonna make excuses for why you sin if you start with righteousness then you're gonna maintain who you are and righteousness is your identity and you're not judged by your behavior people will judge you after your behavior but when you start to believe you're righteous your behavior changes on its own what the law does is give you rules and regulations without relationship which causes rebellion so the demand change on the outside before you understand who you are on the inside so let me tell you it to you like this you're taught right and wrong you're taught it you're taught it in your homes you you've been taught it in church I'm burst up on that I could do 30 minutes right there so look at this so see how far I want to go remember when God showed up it in and we hadn't talked about this one that's why I was holding it but but I think I can prove it out to the point that you're okay the biggest verse I had a problem with in the Bible was my God my God why have you forsaken me because he's out read that I'm like well if you could forsake your own son what's gonna keep you from forsaking me so I had a problem with that okay and then preachers would tell you you know God can't look on sin right well that's funny cuz when Adam sinned it wasn't Adam going to looking for God God come looking for Adam are you following not only that but Colossians tells us that God was in Jesus reconciling the world to himself so how can God forsake himself when he's in him the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Jesus see the the problem we have in church is we we gravitate towards separation there is no separation with God there's never been separation there cannot be separation so even with the Trinity and and how they had different roles there's still no separation so Jesus was the god man but he knows God was in him the father was in him me and the father are one you see me you see the father he wasn't saying I'm an expression down here and father's up there somewhere see that's Neoplatonism that's Greek philosophy that puts you down here and puts God up there somewhere and so then what we're hoping is we're just doing the best we can and someday God will come get me and then we can be one no no Jesus John 17 said I say you can be one the way me and the father is 1 on the earth you can have the glory that I had on the earth matter of fact your inheritance is the earth come on Psalms chapter 2 the nations are your inheritance so why are you trying to leave what you're supposed to hear it maybe if you'll embrace what you supposed to inherit you'll get a little bit more of what's in the earth I don't know if y'all got that look around you everything that you see came out of the earth chairs came out of the earth concrete came out of the earth everything come out of here Gold comes out of the oh now I got you attention uh-huh but how can you embrace that if you're trying to get away from so it's a mindset that has to shift it has to shift in your identity of who you are so I don't do things to get blessed I'm already blessed so I can be a blessing I'm not trying to get rich I'm already rich I'm not trying to be a Sun I'm already a Sun are you understand what I'm saying it's it's just you're shifting everything so you're living from a place where it's finished so it is that scriptural Psalms 139 all my days are written in his book yet before any of them was ever lived out how can that happen because he's the beginning in the end he's the Alpha in the Omega are you with me so if he's the fullness of time the beginning in the end the Alpha in the Omega in Galatians 4:4 says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son so hammy knows God lived outside of time so if he sent forth his son into time everything changed irrelevant to time did y'all get there because there could only be one fullness of time because fullness means that time has fulfilled so now if we're living outside of time because we're in Christ in Christ is not bound by time what can you not do or where can you not go because Moses in an Old Covenant went frontwards and backwards come on he wrote the first five books he wrote Genesis but he was not there or was he and then he transferred into mount church figuration and met with Jesus whoo if Moses go backwards in front words that's just a question I'm just I mean you're not Moses own you understand so once you look at this he says Adam where are you Adam says I'm naked he didn't ask you to use make it he I see were you out but um he knows Adam answered correctly he showed him he had digressed into another realm and so what happened when he died grest into that realm fear shame blame come on what's the first you know just a few verses to go oh whoa man flesh of my flesh bone of my bone I was doing fine till you gave me that woman horns Blaine right off the bat if you'll notice the eyes wasn't opened until after Adam eight you know Eve a eyes wasn't open but when Adam ate this is the eyes of both of them were open and then what they do they tried to hide come on see that's what's in consciousness does he tries to get you to hide so they're hiding from God how's that gonna work out for you where you gonna go where he's not and then they're trying to cover their shame their guilt they're under this are you following me so I want you to see in this the identity the reason this is so important that you have to shift from the first man Adam to the last man now hear me when I say this there's only been two men to walk on the planet first Adam last Adam so you're either from the first Adam or the last Adam because there's no more Adams and if there's the first and the last and the last killed the first one you cannot be from the first one so you cannot be a sinner saved by grace you have to be the righteousness of Christ Jesus because what did Paul say it's no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me so now I'm in Christ and he's in me are you following me so it's Union you're one spirit with him so where did that take place that took place in your spirit your spirit has a seed that is incorruptible Genesis tells you a seed can only do what reproduce after its own kind so if the seed of God is in you and it's incorruptible and it can only reproduce after its own kind just a matter of time did you all get that now I preached a message last Sunday that would help you get there but most people don't like that message yeah it's called tribulation and persecution so the very thing we're trying to get away from is the thing you should be embracing because you can't get a diamond unless you put pressure on coal that's what the word tribulation is is cold how many lakh raisins raisins are okay right but if you won't whine you got to crush the grapes I mean those wines a lot different than raisins come on olives are good but if you want olive oil there's got to be some crushing going on come on if you want the grain you got to do away with the chaff you got to do away at the stalk because God's after the grain okay so you're that new creation how many knows he didn't fix that him up he didn't fix up the old Adam he came to kill the old Adam so you have to understand he's dead okay we're gonna get here in a second so if he's dead why are we having so many problems with him well if you quit digging him up no let me go here let me give you a little bit of Scripture so I can be legal let's do it this way verse 14 chapter 3 so the Lord said to the serpent because you've done this you're cursed more than any of the cattle more than any of the beasts let me know he didn't say cursed more than the Angels cursed more than any man was he comparing to once again a beast on your belly you should go and you shall eat dust and all the days of your life and I'll put it into me between you and the woman what's in between your seed and her seed so once you get that talking about the woman's seed so we know who the woman's seed is right that's Christ that's easy so who is Satan seed well it's the baptism when John was baptizing the Sadducees and Pharisees showed up and he said hey you brood of vipers how about in John chapter 8 when they're gonna stone Jesus and Jesus starts in a conversation with them this is why are you gonna tell me what miracles I do know know what I'm gonna stun you because you did a miracle we're gonna stone you because you consider yourself equal with God he said no wait a minute in your law did I not call you gods this is a conversation he's having with these religious leaders and so in the midst of this they start telling them who they are we're we're of the seed of Abraham and so then you know if you really challenge Jesus he's gonna get blunt with you you know saying Abraham's our Father he goes no no no Satan's your father and you wonder why they wanted to kill Jesus honey with me did Satan's your father let me know that was highly offensive but this is what he telling me said of your father that sinned from the beginning you following me so let's just take a minute there because I want to show you something Peter had an awesome revelation in Matthew 16 and he has it's revelation that you are the Christ right in a few verses down it's shifts and Jesus starts to get real blunt with them he says this is what I'm I have to go through they're gonna do this to me they're gonna kill me they're gonna do and Peter says I ain't gonna do it not on my watch so can you imagine the creation is telling the Creator you're not gonna do what you said and we know everything Jesus says his spirit in life and Peter says no he says get behind me she calls Peter say and he said what watch why I called him Satan because you mind the things of man Paul tells you in Romans chapter 8 the carnal thinking is an enemy against God he cannot understand the things of God and it brings death are you following me how about it the Last Supper and they're sitting up there hanging out and Jesus starts to tell them one of you is a devil you know I love this part because the disciples look at John and they say hey John you're the disciple Jesus loves you ask him who it is because we know it ain't you you know they probably all thought it was Peter miss Peters always getting himself in trouble but John tapped into something that I believe the others missed and John had a foundation of love I mean listen and we've been talking about this I want to do miracles signs and wonders I wanna do all that but can you imagine if Jesus is gonna leave the planet and you're the one he picks to leave his mama - what an honor cuz Jesus ain't leaving his mama - Peter come on but what was it in John that John so moved in that he wasn't the twelve he wasn't the three he's the one he's the one that they all knew that's the one Jesus loves em John Newton cuz John wrote about it himself because love is the more excellent way come on love opens up everything to the degree that your love is matured it's just a degree that God can trust you with true riches true riches is not just wealth true riches is removing cancer like that judging situations and moving the authority of God to release and see a city shift in a moment it's coming come on you hear me it's coming this kind of stuff is coming we're on the precipice of this thing happening we're in that time that's the time we live in and so you see this happening and you understand that there's something that's going on here that is so important that we have to shift out of that identity of Adam never to go back to it again one of the biggest problems we have in the church is mixture what's just not just mixture with the world but mixture with the law so you can't be law and grace and I got this HOH teaching that I do on the tabernacle and the one what was real is the one in heaven and Moses did this one okay but when all of that was fulfilled he moved you into a city so all of that is gone okay so let me tell you what I mean by that and I was with Nancy Koehn just this last week we did a conferencing and it was funny because I was telling her saying and and Cobus you know taught this he said listen we like to quote Deuteronomy 28 I'm the head and not the tail okay but having those that's still under an Old Covenant so we're a Maya I'm a head the tails not even option but did you eat so see they're quoting things over here under an inferior covenant okay we even do it in our marriages in sickness and in health no no no no no no no ain't health I don't know if I want to go the rest of it some of y'all gonna need to be get remarried but think about those of our vows and we're confessing death in our vows and we're confessing something under an old system it's like this and please don't get mad at me if you can but you know how many years I was in conferences that all they would do is come and say if my people will humble themselves and pray I'll hear from heaven come on and heal their land I was praying that God said stuff it that's what he said I've already heard from heaven I'm gonna showed up he said now you heal your land come on Eli sir did it in the Old Covenant he said bring me a new cruise he healed a barren land He healed a poisoned water but seaward I believe we're not moving in that stuff because we're just trying to get to heaven hey I just want to go to church pay my tithe get through the week and if he comes I get to go and if he doesn't come and I die I get to go just make sure I get to go be honest with you that's a narcissistic gospel and your narcissistic that's the way you believe cuz it's all about you see there's somebody that showed up and brought a kingdom so if he brought a kingdom it's all about the kingdom and his domain you are his domain he bought you he paid for you you belong to him now do you get the benefits of the kingdom if you put the kingdom first you put the kingdom first I'll add everything to you but to put the kingdom first you got to have the mindset of the king you got to understand if God said this is son in whom I'm well pleased did he say that are you co-heirs with Christ then how's he see you I am his son and he's pleased with me I'm his favorite he puts up with Kirby now y'all know I'm joking but he makes everyone feel like a favor are you understand what I'm saying so the mindset has to shift okay what's this all died in Adam all are made alive in Christ so if all died in Adam Jesus came and killed Adam and he's the last Adam how can you have anything to do with the first Adam watch the first Adam was from the dust earthy the second or the last Adam was the heavenly spirit the real you is spirit the real use not dust the real you spirit are you following me okay so when we break out the tabernacle Hemme knows the Holy of Holies that's it that was the pinnacle for them and how many zones just one man one time of year right except Moses now I want you to think about this Moses is the one that goes up on the mountain with God if you really read that it talks about he goes up into heaven and eats with them and then he took some guys up there and they ate together pretty wild man you know Moses the glory of God we had to put a veil over his face but here he comes and there's this whole system how these men you know they had to go through their 1:1 priesthood a vertical priesthood nobody else gets to go even in the tabernacle if you do you die and then out of the outer court only five get to go in to the holy place which is Aaron and his sons and only one into the Holy of Holies except Moses what's up with this guy Moses I don't know but I want to be him are you following because there's always the ones that operate outside the normal Saul gets in trouble and loses the kingdom because he wanted to act like the Prophet are you with me and he didn't obey the Prophet only did two things wrong David was a scoundrel if you want to look at his behavior come on I mean he did some stuff that men we'd still be in jail for and you sure wouldn't let him come preach in your church think about him all right but of everybody in heaven you know Peter he's bragging going when I walked on water you know David's looking at him going yeah but who's Jesus named after yeah I mean David's got it man Jesus son of and look at what he did so so evidently David had an understanding of how God saw him and how he saw God see how you see God determines how you think he sees you David at different perspectives he knew he was good he knew he was kind he knew he was merciful he knew he was full of grace are you under shelling saying and he made a pull on the character of God whence all jacked up twice and gets it taken from him that's why you can't compare your sin in my sin are you with me God says you look on the hour I look at the heart and me and Kirby's been talking about this the punishment of sin is a hardened heart and the reason it gets harder because you're a judge that is judging your brother for something that you're doing what do you mean I ain't doing that you just did it you judged him so you judged yourself because we're one see ok so let me ask you this who did Jesus like more Peter or Judas because Peter tried to keep him from going to the cross and Judas made sure he got to the cross so he calls Peter Satan and kisses Judas and says hello friend so y'all gonna get there see your enemies actually are not your enemies your enemies are actually your blessings look at me and act like you read the Bible mm-hmm see if you can pray for your enemies in what they're doing for you and bless them sometimes that means give them something come on are you out there what it's doing in you is it showing you why you can't go to the next level in God because your enemy just exposes what's in you that's keeping you from me and conformed into his image so if you see it like that then that's not my enemy that's my friend so I can bless him because you just helping me out you're showing me what my issue is so if you've got a problem with forgiveness over and over and over maybe you need to go bless somebody you're mad at I got quiet on that much time Romans five it's good I can't leave this part out I have little ears what news around on me look at this look what he says to Adam so let me finish it was Satan I'm sorry I took her we know it's not a snake hanging out of a tree y'all agree okay so how did Satan get around he what do you what were they made out of dust so how did he operate he operated through dust so whatever Satan want to do to somebody he had to operate through mankind are you following me and through the alienated mind which had fear shame guilt jealousy are you following me if we looked at it today we would call that the Beast your flesh is the Beast it's your thinking in your strength I know y'all looking for him to come up out of Africa or somewhere it's always not the nation you're in right unless you're America we we've been few the Antichrist knows but think about it who do you have more trouble with Satan or your flesh it's your flesh and you blame it on Satan did you get that and so that's what the church has done well you know that Satan he's just uh he's owned me today really because it seems like my God told me he judged him the judgment of this world is now Jesus said and he said and this is how you know I'm gonna judge him don't lift me up on the cross hello and so when you really start to see what the nature of that is of that tree of knowledge of good and evil it starts to show you where you're the biggest problem is is right between your ears it's kind of like I saw Satan when I looked in the mirror but we want to blame it on everybody else that's doing something okay so remember when he told when he when he told Judas watch this it didn't happen until he said he said one of you is a devil he said and when he said it Satan filled his heart and what'd he say whatever you gotta do do it quickly Wow his words are spirit and they are life don't you think about that for a second so if he's a creator so are you why is that important all of creation is groaning not for Jesus to come back for you to manifest your inheritance for you to manifest your sunshine for you to be Christ on the planet that's what all the creation is groaning for could we be the generation that does that I don't know that you that excites me that we could be a generation that helped usher this in but to do that we have to find our identity in Christ you have to find out where Paul said Paul said I am I God didn't get it yeah you know how offensive that is he's making reference to what he told Moses I am that I am and so Paul says I am what I am by the grace of God or I am what I am by I am do y'all get that see you're not being conformed into the image of Jesus because you've been conformed to the image of Jesus then you're you're still looking that you got to go to the cross and die but if you're conformed to the Christ hello see Jesus didn't go to hell you just went to the tomb Christ went to hell the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead now dwells in you so this is important because we're going to show this and we're going to close I need I need some support because let me tell you what you're doing and we got to stop this remember when he put the curse on man look what he says cursed is the ground for your sake in toil you will eat of it all the days of your lives watch this what's used both thorns and thistles shall bring forth you and you shall eat the herb of the field now we know that you know you can talk about the ground out there okay I understand that because for the first time Adam now is Hassen to work the field before he just took care of what God gave him that's called inheritance see he didn't work to get something he just worked to take care of what God already gave him so you got to move into I'm not working to get something I just work to take care of what guys having me steward into the degree I can steward it and you're not stirring yours he'll take yours and give it to me some honor okay so look what this is what he does thorns and thistles it'll produce for you so jump over into Matthew chapter 13 he says if you can understand this parable you can understand all parables he said the seed and the sower sums on the wayside and birds come and eat it up gone you know he said some goes in on rocky ground but they had no root in themselves and it talks about and when thorns and thistles grow up Oh thorns and thistles what do they do chokes out the Word of God so what comes tribulation and persecution for the words sake because if he doesn't get the word out what word not just any word it's the it's the word of the kingdom are you are you following me it's coming to get that he said but the thorns and thistles were already in the man he's sweating out there it was already in him lusts of other things deceitfulness of riches days were growing up and choking the word out where it's becoming unfruitful that's why Jesus died and put thorns on his head so you can have the mind of Christ not the mind of Adam no come on see what mind do you have you have first Adams mind what do you have Christ mind that's why he tells you to put it on put on because you can think like he thinks while he's in you you can operate the way you're supposed to operate you are co-heirs with him that means everything that he has access to you have access to that's what co-heir means if he's got it I got it so if he had the fullness of the Godhead in him what do I have access to I've access to fullness are you following me so this identity shift it's not cymatics it's not just well I'm going to confess this you know because you know I could no no no it's changing it really is repentance which you better work it really is Metanoia it means to change your mind the part of repentance I like is your returning to the penthouse y'all know what the penthouse is it's the best house on top he's trying to get you back into the identity of who you are but we keep going back under the law looking at our behavior and as long as you look at your behavior you always gravitate towards what you're looking at so for you to try to keep from sinning that's gonna cause you to sin you don't try to keep from sinning you yield your members now to righteousness and righteousness means you were born under life not death so I'm righteous when I believe I'm righteous what starts happening I start bearing the fruit of righteousness see when I learned this man it changed my mind my life dramatically because I had sins in my life you know it's like holding the tennis ball underwater you can hide it for a while but sooner or later you let go the tennis ball ways to do comes to the top come on are you out there and so you know you go to church every Sunday and they're preaching you don't see him don't see him don't sin that's like saying don't look at that what are you gonna do what are you talking about because whatever you look at you gravitate towards so if you see God is merciful if you see God is kind if you see God as righteous you see God as just are you with me yes then what are you gonna reflect but if you see God is the one that punishes full of wrath ready to hook you every time you do something wrong this is what you do I'll forgive you but he gonna get you someday come on you'll say I'll forgive you but you're gonna get that whooping someday you're gonna get yours one day but I forgive you in love you understand what I'm saying that's not the character of my god so go go real quick to Romans five and we'll we'll land the plane I want you to see how to do this I want to make it practical for you Romans 5 verse 12 therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus dead spread a death spread to all men because all sinned now now let me say this to you because Adam let sin into the world that created what I call a death atmosphere ok because when God was talking to Cain he told Cain he said sin is at your doorstep but you should rule over it so he's telling me even though sin has been in the act you should rule over it what he's telling Kane ok so it doesn't mean you know that the sin was overcoming him and he just had to send matter of fact I can show you in Romans where it talks about those that didn't sin even sin are you with me so here we see it entered and death spread to all men because all sinned for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed where there is no law so here's what I'm after there nevertheless death reigned here by say death reigned from Adam to Moses why there was no law in other words they had no standard to tell them what was right and wrong they had no written on their hearts and heads to tell them what was right and wrong you have no understanding of that you don't need to read the Ten Commandments and know what's right and wrong and here tells you that's wrong come on killing that man that's wrong I don't have to tell you it's wrong you know it's wrong in here it's written on your heart are you following me ok [Music] let me do this let me tell you cuz I know what that means I don't so so so let me tell you what's happening here the old man is dead alright so if the old man is dead why are we still struggling with sin so Romans 5 tells you in this Romans 6 we were crucified with Christ are you we think so he didn't die for you he died as you he done everything he did he did for mankind so not only that he died as you he resurrected as you me following me ok so we have what we preached about it or sang about we have resurrection power in us we have it it's there the New Covenant was written on their hearts and in their heads who all flesh come on Romans Tuesday was written on Gentiles okay can you imagine that Gentiles they don't have the prophets they don't have the law they don't know nothing about Jesus and all of a sudden something happens to him they're like oh my gosh that's wrong they never had that before because the Covenant was between God and God not between God and man so between God and God the Covenant had to be for everybody forgot so loved the world that he said his own son he paid for the sin of the world now is everybody awakened to that no does everybody recognize that no but guess what there's Muslims that's looking for it there's Buddhists this looking they're all looking for it why because it's in us we know there's one greater out there we know that okay so when he came he died on the cross we died with him so when we died with him that's the old Adam and the attributes of the old Adam which is what you're dealing with now and John tells you this in three categories lust the flesh pride of life and lust of the eyes are you with me these are things that's attached to your flesh it can be handed down from your parents it can be literally in your DNA in your cell structure are you with me what's important about that is the cross settled it okay you don't have to yield to that but there's a verse in Romans that tells you this this is the righteousness to believe that your righteous gives you the empowerment of grace I got to read that passage to you you got to get this one this one's too good for you too [Music] verse 21 chapter 5 look at this so that as sin reigned in death even so grace may reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ so get again so grace may reign through righteousness so if you don't believe your righteous you're missing the power of grace that empowers the power over Adam and the attributes of sin are you understand insane they go hand in hand so your identity can't start over well I'm just a sinner saved by grace no you miss righteousness righteousness is justice righteousness is I am in right relationship the books that made been made right so now it's not anything I did it's a free gift it's a position that he's given me he made me righteous now when I believe I'm righteous I have now access to a power called grace and I can take that grace into those attributes that was handed down by my father are you with me and I can take that grace what's yes and I can actually change my DNA [Music] did you know even science is proven right now you can change your DNA with your words science has proved it that's what was going on with Jacob God showed Jacob in a dream how to change the DNA of animals but he was always after changing the DNA of Jacob remember the stairway it's actually a stairway it's his DNA strand going up angels ascending and descending God at the top of and he woke up and said Oh God was here but I missed it but Hemi knows the next time he didn't miss him and he grabbed ahold of me much he said what watch what he says the last time he met his father he went in and who d go ENS he saw and his father says who are you he said I'm ISA come on Jacob didn't like Jacob he knew he was into supplanter he knew he'd mischievious you know here he did all this got his birthright got the blessing goes to Laban he reaps what he sews for this circular the law of circularity comes back on you okay but he's in this mess and here at this point he's wrestling with that angel he says who are you I am Jacob not anymore you are Israel come on to change his name meant to change his DNA watch what happened this is powerful when you get this it not only affects you it affects your family remember what he saw told him he said when daddy dies I'm gonna kill you remember when he goes back to meet Esau he's scared sends his family over sends his people over right but how many knows what did God tell him when that DNA changed what his name changed now you have favor with man and with God and Esau ran and grabbed his neck and kissed him I mean those the hate to kill his brother was gone [Applause] [Music] yeah I believe there's one's gonna move into this and they'll be key their whole family will change it'll shift change their whole family because God works through the bloodline are you following me so that grace that we have it's not just we all around go wow I got grace no no how you using that grace are you with me so let me tell you what I've done and will quit I'm the youngest of 13 kids my wife hates when I tell this because I don't ever tell the whole story cuz too long but I was up on murder charges I was in the biggest dope bust at that time in United States history all these things were happening to me going on at the same time this it's crazy okay so had this encounter with God in this encounter God didn't come to me and start telling me to repent he followed me be honest with you I never said the prayer neither did Paul the guy that taught you Romans 10 the prayer never said the prayer he just met God I mean else he wasn't he wasn't the Christian but when he met God he said who are you and God I could see him laughing going hey Saul kind of hard to kick against those pricks in it you know what he's saying hard to kick against what's written on your heart come on he's lost what we would call lost he's killing Christians and God saying hey kind of hard to kick against those in then he goes on and tells him remember he keeps blind so he can see tell me y'all want that miracle yeah and then kills a nice to go over lay hands on him street called straight and I says hey hey he kills people he goes look I've already talked to him in the things he's gonna have to suffer for me right so we don't like that way we want to know him in the power of his resurrection but not in the Fellowship of his suffering come on this church ought to know something about suffering and what job has been through in the persecution in the tribulation but it makes you who you are but you can't depend on anybody but him and he brings you through he never told you he would deliver you through from it he said I'll be in the fire with it I'll go through the water with you come on that's how he takes you and forms you into that image so when God starts speaking to me I mean the first thing in my brain I'm thinking is this legal because everything I was taught is you got to repent first I couldn't talk there's no way I could repeat something was happening on the inside of me and he didn't talk to me about my past he started talking to me about my future [Music] and he started telling me who I was I'm thinking this came to God was good God can't see me like this cuz I know what I am I mean knows he wasn't seeing me after my behavior are y'all with my first message was in a courtroom to a judge you know what saves me from the murder the lady was raped and she scratched the guy his DNA was under her fingernails so my DNA say come on yeah oh you understand what I'm saying I'm facing 10 years all that's gone I'm still facing 10 years I preach the judge said you got anything to say even the best stuff that just came out of an encounter so I preached for 30 minutes he got choked up and said I'll tell you what I'm gonna do he gave me six months okay then let me tell you what the Holy Spirit start teaching me yeah so when I was in jail listen I didn't have nothing to do but work out and pray yeah that's it so I'd start praying in the spirit now praying the sphere praying this for your pray the spirit and God would speak to me now I knew it was him speaking to me and I know this may sound weird but when I was a kid he would speak to me I wouldn't go to church and they would preach and I'd go right I wouldn't know I mean there's a young kid but back then you couldn't question anything the minister says you couldn't question anything don't touch God's anointed come on that's why I got offended at the church cuz you know they told me I'm gonna split hell wide open so after the age of 12 I figure angle make it anyway you know 12 the age accountability which is not in the Bible they just made it up so I used to pray that I would die before 12 I'm serious that's the torment that that church put me under and so when God started showing me this power I said okay how do I change me how do I change me this righteousness he started showing me who I was and I'm telling you she don't l you my first message is I would come out I'd go out God's favorite and people would laugh like y'all did but you don't understand I was talking myself into I'm talking myself into what God was telling me it was so good I thought this can't be true but guess what I still had those issues those attributes with lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life come on I still had those issues but he would start to show me take that spirit man it's an incorruptible seed are you with me you start praying into those cells praying into that DNA so so I hear this one day I'm gonna kill you like I killed your daddy and out of my spirit this is what I said I'm carrying something my daddy didn't know nothing about now that didn't come to my brain that came from my spirit and when I said I don't whoa [Music] and so what was happening in me there was DNA it was starting to change things I used to I mean that I struggled with for years all of a sudden I didn't try to quit it I'll give you this last example I'm sitting in my office and in I was so on probably like Kirby I had a lot of anger issues anger is a secondary emotion get mad at me alright come on why are you laughing because I gotta I gotta hurt you anger is a secondary emotion it comes from hurt are you with me and because I was hurt at God I was hurting my family my dad died when I was four I was living on my own when I was twelve they had all these anger issues you know I was like I don't need anybody you know and so I was living from that paradigm you follow me and and and in this hurt and this anger and so when the DNA structure shot changing in me they in my office I have two elders there and I'm talking to this guy and this guy makes a sexual remark against my wife which two years before I to come across the desk and knocked his head off I'm gonna tell you who I was and I'm sitting there and I'm looking for the anger come on and then my brain starts to think what's the elders gonna think about me that I'm not standing up for my wife then I'm not threatening this guy that I don't respond and in the midst of that I start laughing I'm thinking this is even worse I mean because then I'm going he must think I'm a you know that I'm scared of him in all this and in that moment God showed me the spirit behind him and I felt sorry for the man yo but you understand I didn't take it personally because I didn't take it from him I saw the spirit that was working behind you it was a spirit of jealousy but what was happening is my DNA had changed the anger was no longer there and you'll find out that's what grace does it empowered listen grace doesn't cover your sin hidden power she watches not to even want to sin [Music] did y'all get that it removes - what - because the ones whose in your flesh come on let's just get honest you get around things of the flesh your flesh on what to do them I mean coming over on the plane I can't even watch movies now I mean it's a 14 hour flight I'm a little upset I'm there are several movies I'm like I don't even wanna watch that stuff I only wanna I don't want to taint my spirit with that why because he's changing us and he's giving us that grace to change that DNA so there's two things the old man is dead but you're dealing with lust in your members that's the problem not the old man because you have a new nature you're a new creation now that new creation has the power of spirit we're grace and powers to change the structure of who you're then you can you can even have it handed down to York from your daddy you can change it you can remove it you start with words but the shift is the identity to see yourself the way God sees you that make sense let me pray for you just hold out your hands father I thank you for awhile I thank you for these pastors that have led this congregation the God more than that I thank you for the DNA that you have placed in them that God is not holding back truth [Music] but he's leading them to you and you're better than what we've ever been taught and you're just getting good or and gooder and gooder and it's more revelation comes we're seeing really who you are so we can really see who we are that we are your body on the earth and that we are co-heirs with you and we have the right to walk in everything that you walked in on this planet it's our inheritance we embrace it we move into it we say it belongs to us as sons and daughters to manifest the kingdom and Sri Lanka belongs to us so God we pray dreams and visions to open up even tonight even tonight Lord that they would start to see themselves the way you see them this your sons and daughters and they have the ability with that grace knowing that they're righteous to shift everything out of that flesh even to change their memories father we release that over them in Jesus name Amen come on come on Bob and give you a big hand began began you know I'm just going to give you as a church's synopsis okay I'm going to do a bit of an emphasis on what you need to catch with after a message like that a lot of times you can walk out and you might not be able to apprehend certain things so take a seat and allow me to pass to you through that now if you're listening very carefully there is so much there there was so much you understand so you need to be able to break it down and take it home and really land it in your heart okay now there's a lot about Satan okay some of you have been here you heard some of that stuff but what I want you to take home is this if there's something that you need to take home is if the fact that you are born righteous under Christ it's very very important that wind not when you were born again okay you're born again nature confirms affirms awakens you to what God has already done 2,000 years ago see because he was talking about the last Adam do you just see that and so he was explaining to you that you're not born under the first Adam like we've been taught okay and then you've been born again into the last Adam he's trying to explain to you that you're born into the last Adam don't miss that don't miss that you're born into the last atom big means you are born into righteousness and all the attributes of holiness time split into literally two thousand years ago when Jesus came it's so important you know in acts 10 you see Paul preaching to the two Cana Lisa's house and like he said you know they're in me and most people I know who's doing anything for God didn't at this moment of time maybe in the previous generation they did but in this generation I don't see anyone I didn't come to the sinner's prayer the price you know the story I counted Christ in a room in Maidenhead London he came to me he came to me he saved me I could not say myself I was a Satanist okay much like Darwin's life if you are a new into this house you must understand he came to me he saved me and what happened was I identified I didn't say a sinner's prayer I didn't say Oh God forgive my sins but I felt was perfect love pervading every atom not one time did he make me feel guilty hold on did you get what he just mentioned but one time when I made Jesus cries did he make me feel guilty for my sins but one time he does say Tanis at that moment or a or I mean a guy who was in the Mafia at that moment say Oh God please forgive me I'm so unworthy of you not one time I walked out of that gave my life to Jesus without saying any of those things now what you should have got was the fact that then why do we bring people but in a Hindu whether they're Buddhists whether they're muslim catholic even christians when they are born on the christ to that type of condemnation [Music] Tinky bottom think about that why do I need to condemn someone into that type of condemnation you kill Christ you crucify Envy if Christ was here you would have put the nail in have you heard him say that's it why do we need to bring people into that type of condemnation for their to receive the light the truth and the love of Jesus Christ Pauly's Peters preaching in Cana Lisa's house and the Holy Spirit falls on them de start speaking in tongues even before they were baptized you have it throughout the Bible the Holy Spirit touches people even before they say the sinner's prayer just by revealing who crises people identify with his love his justice do you understand so we Jesus wing also loved the world that He gave His I was talking with Aaron about this as I mean Jesus love gave His life on a cross to you he said God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son what he did was he paid completely for the sins of the world and what does that mean Buddhist Muslim Hindu Methodist Anglican Baptist Catholic Christian they all got the dead settle and that's what you need to understand that means for everything that you ever done here's a important thing for everything that you have ever done it got paid 2,000 years ago that means justice was done think about that for everything any man even a Buddhist out there who doesn't know Jesus wow I don't know buddy got it rich eager for your dad you were the Batista he pasta okay justice was done for his sins two thousand years ago you just get that I don't know worry about what I'm saying okay every man got reconciled to God two thousand years ago justice was done on a cross he paid just for the Christians he paid for every single person 2000 years ago to cross-reference console of the world not Christians he paid for every single person bang paid for their sins once and for all bang done now just understand that it means every single man's and mr. bezel I was telling Darren you know I've I've I've heard this Lechmere preachers these Cobras preaches this Diane preaches this and I was asking the Lord Dannan every every time a preacher comes to this house it comes at a prophetic season to usher in a season for the house misunderstand obviously for the nation so just understand so I've heard it from I'm ready for my spiritual father please know that but I never went down that road because God is doing something in this house with different different revelations that use it but it's the season and time for this one why am I telling it because now it's coming in in a cycle that is very perfect doctrinally for me okay I'll tell you why and the Lord revealed it to me today because it means that every single person's spirit were completely clean that means no washed by the blood became in he took it and he went and Mary came and said hey Rob I said leave me I'm going to the Father why I'm like going because I'm taking the spirit of men and I'm taking it and I'm washing it clean and I'm taking it to the Father and presenting every single man right there and showing it to the Father here it is I'm blood washed him every man now reconciled unto the father hold on now here is what is important this is what is important so therefore I cannot bring condemnation because he does not remember their sins any longer that's the new covenant the emphasis is I don't see them in their sins so anytime you point fingers according to law he says but that's why my son did he just washed it all clean you understand it every single one when he looks at them all men he says what do you do with the law man the pointing fingers at him there was perfectly clean before the father present before no watches now please understand if you're watching me online I'm not a universalist it's a coordinated for me to say Danny NIDA is preaching that but I'm trying to say you what Jesus did with every man's hurt now that historically happened so a spirit blood washed and condemned gives us ability now to allow my mind and a body to identify before Christ in that's the choice that you need to make that's the choice you need to make with your mind and identify completely with what Jesus did for every single man isn't it wonderful when you can go to a Buddhist and a Muslim and a Hindu an Anglican and a Methodist and a Catholic and a charismatic Christian who's condemned and thinking you might go to hell okay you get the guys well okay to go up to them and say you know what I see God in you I truly see that the one who's been leading you all this time though you've not known him can be God I truly believe that God talks to you because he was done God is talking to everyone and that's what so you caught my Christians don't get it God is talking your God is talking to everyone and we separate it and we say God is just talking to me nobody washed everyone's face so they can talk to everybody and we make it so exclusive and it separates people from God and so beautiful people say let me awaken you to the face of the God Jesus Christ is it a beautiful and when they are awakened to that face and identify yes that's true then now not only are they reconciled but they are also redeemed redemption is still not there till you identify with what God has done for you you understand and then they redeem their soul and their biology is redeemed that's what Jesus came to he came to take the spirit of men wash it clean so that now your conscience will not condemn you so if your conscience if their conscience is not condemning them why do you need to use your law to condemn them what you need to do is introduce Jesus who - to say clearly in the words I'm not come to condemn them I've come to save them but if you identify with what I've done do you just get that so important that I just release right now the ability for people's hearts to right now receive the seed deep within each one of them and father for their eyes completely open you came and democratized the spirit you democratize the ability to receive who you are you open the conscience of man so the conscience now can live in a way that is not condemned or God but I thank you that you will direct our paths you will illuminate a hearthstone and we will be able to see you in fullness from henceforth Jesus name be blessed people what you sold your hands out real quick this is what I heard over this house I'm opening your eyes so that you can see this is a brand-new intimacy for what I have done for all man and now it's coming so that you can understand what you did not know before now stands before you a brand new door [Music] walk on in and see what I see and understand my grace and then it will cause you to see people different you will see me up on every face for this is who I am and who I've always been but you could not see it because of what was taught through sin but I removed it for it never to come back so let me show you how not to be on the defense but let me show you how to attack to attack religion and things that have held you in bondage of that sin and caused you to be dependent upon those men but as I open your eyes to see you will never unsee Who I am and what I am doing in and through this place and now you'll understand even how to use my grace to change your DNA and you will find this as always who you were but now you're starting to see who I've made you to be sir this belongs to you for it comes to you even this day so trust me they will be a transformation even before the month of May for what I have started I am faithful to finish and put on the ground what I am now releasing through this vibration and sound rise up awaken to what belongs to you for I am faithful and I will see it through for what comes from this nation others will start to hear and they will know and it will remove every bit of doubt and fear for this is what you will be carrying not as just a person but as a place so move in to this brand new grace [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 8,636
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, darrin, begley, christian music, christian songs, gospel music, heart culture series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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