Discerning the Body

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[Music] we got our communion service and I just want to share a nugget with you regarding communion because you know if you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean and they go and they look for the Fountain of Youth and I'll show these many people that said young man our good fountain very quickly maybe some are more desperate than others you know maybe some flushed or got a couple years to go but there's no one yes sitting here that I feel needs the Fountain of Youth I just wanna rectify that okay you all look beautiful but communion man I just want to tell you if there's anything that is powerful in a believers life it is communion it is the many-faced presence of God's body and blood that we partake of on on that particular moment and I first want to read a scripture to you and it's in in 1 Corinthians 11 if you'd like to turn there and it's from verse 26 this Vasari from verse 25 in the same way after supper it took the cup saying so I just want to say that the way they did communion in in in the biblical times is a lot different than we actually do it now so we got a bit more of a controlled measure so we've actually got a better atmosphere to do it in because we worship and have communion etc these guys when they did communion it was part of a meal so that's why you'll see in that scripture when it's when it starts it says then after supper so in the beginning that took bread the bread bread the head a meal and then after the meal then they went into partaking of the cup so Paul was a little bit muffed with these guys because the attitude regarding communion wasn't right so that doesn't really always speak towards our situation because what they were doing is they would turn the communion the meal into a feast and into a drinking spree as opposed to what it really means but as we carry on with the scripture it says after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the New Covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes so proclaiming the Lord's death is other words what everything the Cross has achieved what the bread and what the blood has bought so then whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and the blood of the Lord everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup for those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves that is why many among you or weak and sick and a number of you have fallen asleep not in the service when they died that fallen asleep but if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves we would not come under such judgment nevertheless when we are judged in this way by the Lord we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemned with the world so for many people they feel that man I must have everything in order to take communion in if I have unforgiveness towards a brother or to my mother or to my dad or to a friend or and and it creates the perception we need to have everything in order before we can take communion or lightning bolts I'm gonna come thundering down it's not quite the situation it's the situation with non-believers not at a communion so it's very important for for anybody who partakes of communion that they've accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior because what the scripture further says the judgment because some of them felt that they are being judged Paul goes on to says but the judgment for the believers is that God disciplines it does a plan he doesn't judge so I want to go and I want to highlight something here where it says that they did not discern the body properly it's quite interesting because when it comes to communion we have quite a focus on the blood but here it says yokes are getting sick and some of you are actually begging and dying because you haven't discerned the body of Christ properly that's quite a statement because what that then actually says is if you discern it properly you're gonna be healed so in Psalm 105 if he liked it to a knee but you can just write it down is that when God brought the Israelites out of Egypt it says he provided them all the gold and the silver and none of them were sick every single Israelite that's over 2 million 5 million of 5 million Jews coming out of Egypt not one was sick because they understood the Covenant that they have through the body and the blood even though it was a type then Jesus hasn't come yet so if you think of us as believers when we are made in God's image in his likeness a word that is likened to it is icons so if you think in a computer when you go and press on that icon it represents the program so that icon you press it that specific program opens up so in other words it's a representation of that icon so when when the Lord said that we are in God's image and his likeness we are icons so in other words when people come to us or encounter us we have a representation of the image of Jesus it's incredible click on me you can encounter God so when Sun etc started to fragment that whole situation and certain things started to come out of alignment regarding experiencing that fullness and the image of God that we are supposed to have through the body and the blood of Jesus so I want to before I read John 6 if you think of the Book of Ezekiel are you getting what not okay I are yeah it's it's Afrikaans English for I am if you think of The Book of Ezekiel when he spoke of the value of dry bones and he said a prophesy to the breath prophesy to the breath and command these bones to live there was no flesh there was no material to come together it was the bones command the bones to come to life and from there everything else started to take shape what is in the middle of the bones it's the mirror what is in the mirror it is your reproductive blood cells so we all know about that when it comes to sickness disease and blood cells so in your marrow it is crucial regarding your health and wellness and the blood cells that are in your body okay so I want to read John six and it's from verse 28 says then they asked him what must we do to do the works God requires jesus answered the work of God is this to believe in the one here sent so they asked him what sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you what will you do our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat jesus said to them very truly I tell you it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven but it is my father who gives you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world so they said always give us this bread then Jesus declared I am the bread of life whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty with a woman the issue of blood she pressed through the crowd and she knew if I can't touch that man's garments the power of God is gonna electrocute me I need it she when she pressed through she touched that garment and she was completely healed from her issue now if a garment on Jesus carries that power that healing power can you imagine partaking of the blood and the body of Jesus what goes through your body at that moment because you see the bread when we take Jesus said I am the body I am the bread of life when you partake of that bread my life rises up in through your bones it brings your marrow you blood cells to life and it pops out into the physical it pops out into the physical she started to CERN the body we start realizing what is happening when I partake of the body of Jesus and then that power starts working in and through you because when you take off that body the Jews were heavy upset with Jesus because when he told them you are eating my body and drinking my blood they were like wow they were very offended but they couldn't see spiritually I want to encourage you this morning when you partake of that bread it goes into your bones and it directly speaks to your genetic makeup and it changes it because the bread and the blood activates a realignment in the spirit that's what Jesus was so fed up with him because he said he actually realized what you're doing do you actually realize what's happening with this body and the blood when you partake of it and you are supporting so I want to encourage you most people face a issue of some sort physical a sickness a disease can can we start dishing out the the the communion stuff so long and I'm so that we can just do a combined pray and we're gonna do a pray speaking to those things to come alive that that realignment will start taking place so that we can engage with what the body and the blood speaks I loved when until lo was here last week if you were yeah she spoke about the blood speaks now we're gonna handle this in in school of the supernatural wave frequencies play a role in the supernatural and that blood speaks so it trumpets something out into your DNA it trumpets something out into your body so when we partake of the bread and the blood I'm going to read this I just want to check that everybody got give my sweetiepie maybe there's something you're struggling with whether it's physically or in your heart now there's grace for that this grace for that so as we approach the throne room in partaking of the body and the blood we're going to engage with God's DNA that everybody get anybody not Gators put up a hand okay see in your hand you got the bread it's unleavened bread because leaven represents sin and as we break off the bread Lord Jesus we know that your body was broken for us to be spotless and blameless not half spotless not off job spotless and blameless before the Lord so I want us to first partake of the bread of the bread Lord Jesus we just want to come and I want to thank you for the cross I thank you for what the body and the blood represents and Lord we discern the body with our sector's meaning knowing what we are partaking in it is hugely significant and has an impact on our genetic makeup thank you for the cross thank you for dying on a cross thank you that you rose again that we may live the Word says that your body is life and healing to our bones so you might may partake of the body though Jesus we just thank you for your blood that was shed your blood speaks of forgiveness and restoring your DNA in our DNA so I want you to repeat this after me I engage God's DNA record and I apply it to my bones I speak to my marrow and are commanded to love transform every genetic record resequenced my DNA into alignment with yours I apply the body of Jesus and his blood to transform all impure genetic material and I command it to be transformed in Jesus name you may partake of the blood father I just think you want you to close your eyes I want you to see in a spirit see that marrow in your body changing in your bones see your DNA strands changing and coming in alignment with the DNA of God oh Jesus we receive the healing through your body and through your blood lord I pray for a congregation that's going to be sick less no sickness no disease we are trusting and praying for that environment in here and in their bodies we bless you and we honor you Lord I love you Jesus I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you amen do you know since I've been taking communion pretty much every day I hardly get sick I've had one day where I was not like above bother afternoon I was better because every day I remind my body of its true state every day I remind my body of its true state and what its alignment is in the spirit so I want to encourage you if you don't take communion every day then it's not a religion if it's not a religious ritual that's the what I was looking at thank you it's not a ritual it's a relationship I take communion because I engage with my god I take communion because I become like him so I want to encourage you put that into practice you are gonna see things change for you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Centre Stage Christian Church
Views: 1,381
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Keywords: Centre Stage Christian Church, Scharl van Staden, ScharlVS, Revival, communion
Id: jnM4ZP7JP8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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