An illuminated soul – Seeing in the spirit

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[Music] hey guys thank you for watching the crash generations video my name is Bruce and I'm really excited about today's teaching I like to make things really practical and really simple today I'm gonna speak about about a place the place where you can see God the place where you can hear God and you know it's like jesus said we can hear his voice and I know God speaks in all different kinds of ways and I do believe at times we can even hear him audibly but there is a place where we're literally where we can position ourselves to year his voice so Ephesians chapter 1 Paul prays this prayer and he says he prays that the eyes of our hearts will be flooded with light now have you ever thought that your heart has got eyes you know and he mentioned specifically that it will be flooded with light so actually my heart has got a set of eyes and I can see and the point is if my heart can see it's supposed to see what my physical eyes cannot see so that's why I did go to Matthew chapter 5 says blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God or song to chapter 27 says says something like it says when you said seek my face the scripture dance is the response is my heart said your face I will seek so so the heart is a place if the heart is the vessel that will see God that God wants to reveal now that's why you understand the Book of Proverbs really encouraged us to God our hearts above all you know because this is out of out of your heart will come the issues of life or the springs of life so how do you explain the heart wait wait wait is the heart you know this this such a there's such a revelation that I want to give regarding the design of man and if we understand how man was originally made to function then this this kind of stuff will open up to us so in the book of first Chapter five oh praise that our body our soul and our spirits be preserved unto the coming of the Lord dividing man into three parts basically spirit soul and body that's quite obvious now which part is the body I think our weather confusion sometimes comes in is we don't understand just what the soul is or the difference between the soul and the spirit and I think it's hebrews chapter 4 that says the word comes in and he's even able to divide between soul and spirit so so we can distinguish between the spirit and the soul so let's go right back to the beginning where God created man and we must understand what God wanted when he designed man the Bible says that God is spirit so God is a spirit so there's there's a likeness that man has man as a spirit God is spirit and then the God in flesh was Jesus dwelling amongst us okay and relating like us where we get to see God but in Genesis chapter 2 the Bible says for in verse 7 it says that God formed man from the dust of the ground and then it says and breathe the spirit into him so God formed man from dust and that is the body and breathed the spirit so it was explained like this that your body is God God formed your bodies God formed and your spirit is god-given that's interesting so at the creation of man spirit is mentioned body is mentioned and then the Bible says and when God breathed the spirit into what was formed Bible says and man stood up a living soul the Bible says God formed man from the dust of the ground okay so I've got a lightbulb here alright so often I've asked what is this and people who and say it's a light but it is not light this in comparison with our body now this would represent the man of dust okay so in order for it to be a light it needs electricity okay so in the same way the Bible says that the body without the Spirit is dead so God took a man formed man and breathe the spirit into him so when the two came together the Bible says that man came up a living soul so yes the spirit yeah is the body and when the two come together light comes up all right so the light literally resembles the soul so so God designed it in such a way that light the soul is the combination of the spirit and the body coming together if you understand how the two came together nothing really says you know that the soul was creating that sense it was the combination of the two coming together now that now the soul part is really what makes you so unique you know it's it's what I what I believe it is your your conscience it is your personality you know it is your character it is the part within you that is constantly developed and shaped when man was created the original design he created that your spirit is so in touch with God but your soul in the sense in touch with the spirit and that the soul then works from the spirit out towards the body okay so I have a spirit the spirit like I said God is spirit the spirit represents a world of its own all right and then the body represents a world of its own but as man I function in both worlds now the only way that we can do that is through the the soul so the soul stands midway between the two all right so what happened was genesis chapter one around about 26 27 God says now let us make mankind in our image okay in our image and after our likeness I was reading a book by watchman Nee and he explained that what he understood was that man was made to be conformed to the image to grow into the image of God that wasn't just immediate thing but that we we took on his nature in many ways but with the ability to be transformed to be conformed to his image so whether deception came in you know when Satan basically deceived him and it and then they believed something and they got word from from Satan and they believed this thing and okay it was a they were deceived now how you eat something after they've are taken of the fruit God comes there and he says for the first time to Adam II says Adam where are you now I want you to know that you cannot hide from God you call it is like the Psalm 139 David writes and it says where there's no way that I cannot go your presence is everywhere and you know in the book of James summer says draw near to God and you'll draw near to you but God is literally everywhere so for the first time this is out why I believe Adam in his consciousness and lost consciousness with a deliberate or not of God so God when he was saying where are you he was um he was addressing Adams consciousness of the presence of God all right and then he said something else the next question who told you you were naked okay so right there you know um Adam was designed to be a hundred percent in the presence of God and and and for the first time they got information that was not revealed in the presence of God so he comes who told you now now if we understand we are designed to receive from the spirit from God you know and as we as in you know in fellowship in his presence we begin to change it to transform so the soul gets influenced from the spirit okay so for the first time Adam got information from other spirit from other source and I want to ask you you know imagine what would happen to us if the only things we believed about ourselves was revealed in the presence of God I believe it was bull Johnson he said I cannot afford to have a thought in my head about me that is not in God's head about me right so one of the abilities that man has it makes us like God is our ability to choose to make decisions and and not just your in the sense of we can reject or accept and things you know and now this is what the soul this is really the soul's ability so the soul reader a quote from Andrew Murray he said that the soul stands midway between two worlds but it belongs to both so the soul stands midway between the the world of the Spirit and then there is the world of creation as in what is visible the five senses and basically the soul is midway between the both but it belongs to both it is the ability to see and to receive from both worlds to be influenced by both worlds the soul is really the meeting place of heaven and earth the soul is the meeting place where where earth and heaven comes together alright so and just wanna repeat the squirt the soul is a midway between two worlds but belonging to both and it is it has the power to choose or refuse the objects of of its surroundings okay so it's almost like this three realms there is the spirit and then there is the the natural the physical and in the middle is the meeting place or you could say the merging of the two and that is the soul again it's it's it's such a it's such a special thing so you remember with a light where the two kind comes together the light switches on another seizes this is man this is what makes man really special okay so God designed it in such a way and now you understand heaven and earth like you never understand it before because literally man is heaven on earth is the meeting place where heaven and earth comes together the soul so so in in John three verse one Nicodemus comes to Jesus as no man can do these works unless God is with him acknowledging the presence of God so jesus said that the kingdom is visible if we are born again and where do we see that so he goes on to explain says what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit and and later on in the chapter he says there no man has ever gone into heaven except the son of man who came from heaven who is right now in heaven so right there Jesus was the perfect example of what a man is when his spirit and his body are bringing the two worlds together which is heaven and earth so Jesus standing in front of Nicodemus right there was basically saying that at that present moment heaven was as much a reality to him right then and now as Earth was okay so now in connection with what I was saying about the light Bible says that Jesus came as a light you know to to those who sat in darkness and he went on the same and said I am the light of the world so this is the perfect example that we have of the idea that God had when he designed man the alignment between heaven and earth you know so it was literally the gate of heaven it comes down to consciousness Jesus was able he was he was able in a sense to be conscious of both worlds so so these worlds they do operate they they do exist but man in his fallen state in his fallen nature has lost consciousness of the reality of the Spirit so for example if someone was in a coma he's lost consciousness of the reality of the of the physical nature so you could go and have a conversation with him and he's not going to talk back to you now in the same sense we we even considering evangelist and people think we completely absurd because in that state that they are in they are unconscious to the reality of the the spirit CERN and what Jesus was saying when we are born again we get to see the kingdom so Colossians 1 says that we have been translated translated from a position of darkness now he says we've been translated from the Dominion of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son into light okay so darkness is dominated that reality all that that part of the soul and kept us unaware of the influence coming from heaven so my conscience is shaped or I could say my soul in shape let's let's use the word conscience because this is a part that that that that gets shaped because I'm conscious of what what surroundings I'm conscious of so I have a couple of situations at my home because of our two little kids and some people come in and use cuss words and curse and they are unconscious of the influence they have on the kids because the conscience has been seared in a sense that they are unaware that they are influencing so in that same way now we reflect the nature of the world that we are almost conscious of so right now at this present moment the question comes like it came to Adam where are you where are you and you know it's like we are never where we have to be we are always somewhere else our thoughts drift afar off you know they say that religion is a man sitting in church thinking about fishing okay so you could be in church but consciously in his soul he is thinking about fishing and a relationship is man fishing thinking about God so if but I'm not saying don't go to church because imagine if we go in the church and we're thinking about God we in the present moment present in the presence of God where are you where are you in your consciousness okay are you allowing the nature of this world of Spirit to shape the salt so right now at this present moment you are looking at me you can see what I look like you can see the appearance with your eyes you can you can hear my voice for two years and all of that information is external it is in the physical world but it is sent from you know let's say from your eyes from New Year's to your soul so it is literally recorded Lee so if you were to close your eyes right now there's a place there where you can still look and you can see me it's there in your soul okay it's like it's the same place where where you can hear my voice if you mute this video you'd still be able to hear my voice and in your consciousness and you are lying what I'm saying to to come into your consciousness you know by receiving it by accepting it now it I want you to practice this okay so so for a moment what I want you to do is if you just look at me you can see me now close your eyes and see me there that is the place of your soul what you are seeing right now that is the same place where God will speak to you in visions all right and you know here's another another test okay so we're this video it's made by the Christ generation so if you say the Christ generation in your mind right now with that speaking it from your from you know from your voice but in your mind if you say that now that is the same place where you hear God's voice so it's literally it's coming from the external world or it's coming from the physical world and it is reported it comes to your soul and you can see it here so remember the soul is a midway between both worlds so in the same way you'll hear from God they're in the same place it comes to your soul alright and that's so it's so awesome you know it's like just on on the thing of of dreams for example isn't it amazing that when we dream this body almost becomes and unconscious so we are more alert to hearing from God and that's why people take dreams more seriously rights more of a profound thing as to when you were just thinking of it have you ever got a word for someone or word from God like a prophetic word and you deliver it to the person and then this is how you say I'm not sure if this is my own thoughts or if this is God but I felt to say it to you it means what you're actually saying there is the same place where God speaks is the same place where for example where I'm I receive stuff from the external world you are just acknowledging it I don't know so everything comes to that same place and in your conscience or in your soul or in your heart and and the key yeah is that we need to train our souls and we need to subdue our souls in a sense we need to allow the spirit to to subdue or the soul to come in subjection to the spirit and the body to come into subjection to the soul you see for so long we are living from the body to the soul to the spirit instead the way that God has designed us is to live from the spirit to the soul to the body that's why people don't believe if they can't see people won't you know we're talking about God well I'm not gonna believe you are seeing is believing whereas in the spirit we know that believing is seeing so that's why miracle signs and wonders come into play because the moment they see something supernatural something is awakened in their soul and in the spirit oh I see I can see God now so I need to train my soul to be influenced and do to get influence from the spirit the more I do that the more my soul is shaped like Christ you know that's why the Bible says that our souls are being saved in the book of James it doesn't say it is saved so our spirit oz is saved it is righteous and that righteousness needs to be carried over into the soul and as that happens our bodies are experiencing salvation at the same time so we're so it doesn't come to the body first it has to come to the soul okay so it has come to the spirit we are one with God spiritually so it must move from the spirit to the soul and to the body so I need to train myself so yeah it's an example have you ever dove or some amazing dream you knows from God you so excited you wake up and you and you tell your husband or your wife your mom and dads I had such an incredible dream last night and then they ask you what did you dream and you say I can't remember you see we haven't trained ourselves into to be focused more there and my soul to be alert all the time this so in a moment that I sleep I'm alert and then when I'm awake I am more alert to this reality so I forget we're in the same context you go to church and it was a powerful service you can remember everything that was you know your conversations with people during the time there you can remember the songs you sang you can remember what people were wearing and then you say yeah and even the word was awesome the messages we taught and then I really what did he preach I can't remember so it comes to that same place so our our responsibility is to exercise and alertness to the spirit we do hear it we often hear it but the challenge is not hearing it the challenges our willingness to to get influence from the other side and to stay alert to the spirit to stay alert to what God is saying so your consciousness constantly releases a fragrance for example if you are constantly conscious of the troubles you will reflect that you will reveal that people will pick that up if you are conscious the reality of the spirit you will reflect that you will give that off and people will will experience them so every now and then that question comes to me Bruce where are you where are you God knows where you are God knows that right now I'm standing yeah at this present moment speaking to you but in my consciousness where Emma am i allowing the influence from the spirit to affect my soul why am i allowing the influence from the physical world to affect my soul what I've heard the stuff I listen to the things I watched to affect my soul am i nurturing this garden you know what am i allowing to grow in this garden that is that is our challenge and like I said our ability to choose so every day I I make the choice to allow the influence of heaven to affect me so jesus said Matthew 5 said you are the light of the world ok he was the only light now we are the light meaning you know we have a spirit we've been plugged in we've been plugged in so we are supposed to be shining that light and so we are the light we are the city we're not going to a city and so there is a world there is a place there is a spiritual world and and we are invited into the same life as Jesus demonstrated to be in heaven on earth visions to say to verse success we've been raised and seated in heaven so at this present moment I am seated in heaven but I need to realize it okay I need to realize it so he prays that my heart will be flooded with light the eyes of my heart will be flooded so that I could see so that I can know so if you could read revelation 21 between ya 20 21 22 it it speaks about a city and so often we think we going there but in the reality is that we are they we are they so when Peter was walking in x5 he says that people put the secret just so he shed his shadow could come over them so I think when Peter was walking he was so conscious of the city and the light that was shining on him was was Christ and so in that consciousness people were being healed and soul of day that's why I saw mind II one says he who dwells in the secret place then say you visits it means the dwelling means you loved it so I'll ask you those two questions who are you where are you who told you and you need to start and answering this question what do I believe about myself but where I am live in that place don't don't go and live only in this physical world and base your faith on what physical areas of world there is a place where you can hear God where you can see God and it's all gonna come to your soul and we will all experience our H in the end it will even go to our bodies so I'm gonna ask you the two questions that God asked Adam where are you right now are you or maybe you're watching this in your office are you on holiday already and where are you in your consciousness were you dwelling you know and another the other question is you know who told you what you believe about yourself it's not coming directly from the presence of God so Romans 12 verse 2 says don't be conformed okay to this world but be transformed by the renewing of of your mind so we'll experience a transformation as we receive from heaven the salvation and and realize that we are heaven on earth we are the meeting place where earth and heaven meets and yeah we need to bring that out to people can't see people who are unconscious and to this awesome reality all right so unless you trust you enjoyed this trust that you learn something let me know you know click like share tell someone about it and yeah just enjoy bless you guys
Channel: The Christ Generation - Bruce Milne
Views: 87,354
Rating: 4.9251294 out of 5
Keywords: Spirit, Soul, Body, Jesus, holy spirit, Christ
Id: 7J9mGSSlS34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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