How to Access Heaven Now - Ian Clayton, Marios Ellinas, Dr.O, Nancy Coen

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one of the most powerful keys that we've been given as believers is our ability to access heaven while we are on the earth a lot of people believe that we have to wait until we die before we can access heaven but scripture is clear we've been seated and Christ in heavenly places we've been born-again from above we are citizens of heaven to help us understand this reality and live out of the fullness of this truth I've gone and interviewed people around the world who are really experiencing this on a daily basis I hope that as you watch this video that the mysteries of the kingdom are unlocked in your life enjoy do we as believers have access to heaven we as believers have access to heaven I believe that when the Bible says we were past tense seated in heavenly places it wasn't speaking about a future event in the past tense it's already happened when we accepted Christ we were seated in heavenly places that means we have access I think that the greatest detriment in the body of Christ is a lack of knowledge of our unhindered unlimited unrestricted and confined access in to Yahweh's world it's one of the things there that Christ did when he passed through death the word is very clear that he taught a veil and there isn't all the violent was that we as believers are called the priests of God and the reason that would call priestess is because we are supposed to have access to Yahweh himself to be able to enjoy not only relational connection but functionality as a being with in Yahweh's world my whole life is not about hoping there one day I'm going to go to heaven and be worshipping God for the rest of our life I hope is that I'm going to be in the service of Yahweh in all of creation during what yahweh requires of me in their time and so do we have access to heaven absolutely we do and not only do we have access the the thing that I love I so love about what Christ did for us when he went through the birthing chamber of death to show us the grave was that he became our priest which means that I don't have to make myself clean to be in heaven if Christ is my priest and the job of the priest is to make the sacrifice clean and my job is to was in myself in my father's world to be made clean in there become clean here and so that's the that's just what I call a byproduct of going into Yama's world is to be able to see this administrator and see facilitating creation so I have a lot of people that said to me oh you can't go into hearing well it's too late opening over 20 years so yes yes we can go and absolutely we came and it's unrestricted and confined and limited and unhindered it's a way in through Christ he is the door and the function of the door is to go through it yes jesus said I am the door I've gone in advance opened the door and prepared the way for you that wherever I am you may be also because Jesus is not limited to time but rather time lives in him that means wherever he is past present or future we may be also because he's in us and we're in him therefore if he's not limited to time or space or distance or location neither are we because we're in him therefore we can be wherever he wants us to be at any particular time he's the God who was the God who is the God whoever shall be all at one time therefore we are now without limitation and where we can find ourselves to be in praise and worship in his name John 10:9 says I am the door By Me If any man enter in he shall be saved and he shall go in and shall go out to find pasture going in and going out to me expresses the terminology of having open access to the door of Revelation chapter 4 John 14:3 says if I go and prepare a place for you I will come and receive you unto myself that where ever I am you may be also therefore we have open access to the heavenly realms at this time which is causing and bringing about the beginning of the new mystical move of God in the earth yeah because Jesus is where I am there you will be also and he says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by me and we pray our Father who art in heaven so if we have access to Christ we have access to the Father we have access to heaven you cannot have access to God and the Son and Holy Spirit without having access to the atmosphere in which they live so the heavens are open to the sons of God what does that look like to you it looks like having access to what Jesus had access to through relationship to the Father we are able to navigate the depths of God's heart from a heavenly perspective not on earth but in heaven operating from heaven toward Earth to make earth what looks like heaven but when it looks like to me is a face-to-face encounter with Christ and Christ revealing to me the dimensions of the father's rent actually he shows me things about the Father he shows me the father structure shows me the angels that work with him shows me what the father has planned for me even here on earth shows me out of how him the father and the Holy Spirit work on earth and show me the pattern of what why that happens on earth because when you know Christ Christ draws you into understanding the structures and the patterns of the father's intention so what it looks to me like is I have a vision of God I have a vision of Christ but more than that my soul and my spirit gets drawn into the presence of Christ having Timothy with God which means have connection with angelic structures have connection with God's pattern of movement in creation so intimacy with God is much more than just saying Lord I love you is actually engaging and connecting with the art of God so it looks to me as a face to face like a fist of this relationship is in fact my belly's look to me it is in fact the face to face encounter a revelation of the realms of the Father a revelation of the intent of my father's are so even on earth when I look at things on earth I see them as a gateway to see what Christ has redeemed the world for so it is deeper than just saying I see heaven I do see heaven but as an engagement that draws my soul into the world of the Father well heaven is an awesome awesome place there are no words to explain how incredibly beautiful and amazing it is just when I think that I've seen everything that there is to see he takes me to places I've never seen before and when I think I've heard all there is to hear he reveals things that I've never heard before right now he's revealing mysteries that have been hidden in him since the very beginning heaven is an awesome magnificent beautiful place and I would invite anybody to ascend and see for themselves the framework of Yahweh's world is as important and as significant as the physical world that we live in here the realm of the kingdom of our Father is not just a blank empty space it is full of substance it's a substance that we in the physical world and able to perceive because of the way that our natural eye engages to frame this world around us but there are lots of teachings on on some of the stuff that the way that we frame this world is by measuring photons of light to the outer frame a physical world around us and we framed this world we build a salute of builders world out of neuron near and tree memories there a culture from when we had come out of the womb yahwah's world is no different Yahweh's world has substance in it everything in the physical world has come out of yahweh's world and what's in the physical world is just a reflection or a shadow of what is in Yahweh's world so Genesis 1 when the word sees that God said let there be light and he saw the light that light was good out of his observation of light in his world the whole of creation was framed out of the image of what he was observing and so in our fathers world they are then I even cry see it in my father's world there are many mansions or many dimensions or have interpretation you want to put on it the issue is their world is full of stuff it has the angelic world and has the minute one linen it has the as the cloud of witnesses that has the the functionality of ISA strong and I mean even even Moses in the Old Testament when he took the seventy up into the mountain of God which was a net amount and then became a spiritual mountain they had a table they walked us have our paperwork a stone the whole of the heavens were opened up there was gold and glory and beauty and there was substance there and it's framed out of creative light we we frame this out of created light so to me it's it's as real as this and at least that world is permanent this one is not this was going to pass away so if we think that this world is the framework for that we're fantasizing there is another world that Yahweh has put in place for us to be functional with and to be a partaker a participator in that world and it is it's amazing it's it's very very relevant for today particularly with regards to our future isn't heaven a place we'd go to when we die oh then heaven must be the grave because if it's about death then the grid is the salvation but Bible says that the grave is a prison because death and the grave are enemy soul cannot be death that leads us into heaven it must be the life of Christ that leaves us to heaven they they the death of resurrection and ascension of Christ so when I believe in Jesus Christ I become alive so if when he is that's where I am also I'm connected with Christ by my faith in him by my interconnection our relationship with him into the Father through the Holy Spirit right that means that I'm not waiting to die to experience heaven and by the way in the Hebrew heaven is not a singular term is what so plural term so the heavens of the heavens of the heavens belong to God so if I'm in relationship with the father it is the purpose good pleasure to reveal to me the realms of his being revealed to me I ain't just work with me so if I'm willing to die to get to heaven then I should wait to die to deal with angels because angels interact with the heavenly realm under earthly realm so no no that is not my salvation Christ the living Christ is my salvation the life is my salvation death is not the door into heaven Jesus is jesus said I am the door that means when he he comes into my heart and I give my life over to him I have access into where he is and so no I don't have to wait to die to go to heaven I have access to heaven right now just like he did Christ has given us unrestricted access into heaven now I found it so fascinating and I hear this a lot of times in the body of Christ people say only one day when you die will you go to anyone know when you'd only to see him I know one day when you die will you see angels only one day when you die we will see Christ in heaven one day when you die will you see the throne well in the Old Testament they saw all this before they died so that's in the autism and how much more freer is the access to what we have now to be able to go there and enjoy that world another arena now it's now a way the words that you proceed where I am you may be also if crisis is not in heaven then what what's the point of coming to salvation what is there that is on the earth to keep me longing to be there so why am i what am i my little pit hates I think rather than I hate strongly one of my pit dislikes in the body of Christ is where we assume that creation is not heaven and that is completely unscripted when Yahweh framed all of creation and it says he created the universe when he framed it in existence he called it all heaven what a riot have we've got to take the earth out of heaven just because we see it as an entity that is in a state of collapse and chaos it's still in heaven heaven is not some ethereal world that is far far away where no man has been before Christ said the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of God is at hand which means us as close to you as the air that you breathe and we have access into it well if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord the answer is empirically yes but my question is why would you want to wait until you die if you can have open access to the heavenly realms today why not go right now and bask in his everliving ever loving presence Matthew 10 verse 7 says as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand Luke 17:21 neither say lo here or lo there behold the kingdom of God is within you Matthew 3:2 saying repent for the kingdom heaven is at hand Matthew 4:17 from that time Jesus began to preach and say repent for the kingdom of heaven is within you Matthew 13 11 he answered and said unto them because it's given unto us to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given therefore it is time for us to go through that open door of Revelation for so that we can acknowledge and see what the father's doing to advance his kingdom and his righteousness can we access heaven at will I believe we can access heaven at will through relationship in other words we know what the father desires we know what the father is doing we see what the father's doing and we access heavenly realms and also everything that heaven has available to assist us in our assignments and to enable us to do what were called to do through relationship with the father so just like the Lord Jesus when he lived on the earth was able to see what the father was doing do what the father is doing and have at will access into heavenly realms and angels and Chancellor's and men in white linen and all these different things so do we yeah the same way we can have faith at will we don't have faith when God comes upon us faith is a human activity empowered by the grace of God I can choose to believe God or not believe God so if I actually believe there is a heaven so I can actually access it at will but I need training to be able to do so I need training to be able to access that I come through Christ but every relationship I have with Jesus Christ is is by will everything I do with Christ I do by will so I could choose tomorrow not to talk to Jesus you can appear to me and I can actually will not to talk to him so my the wheel that God gives me is a sovereign power in me that allows me to connect with God and access what God has for me so my goal then is to develop a good will to trade my will to be able to access what the father intends with me so I can really access God can I call God anytime I want yes so pray without ceasing call upon him at any time I'll answer you that's what we preach right so if I can I will call God why can't I I will go to the presence of God and if I can I will go to the presence of God why can't I will go to heaven Matthew 7 and also again in Luke 11:9 it says ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened up to you the word says in Matthew 21 whatsoever things we ask in the name of Jesus believing and not doubting we shall have it therefore my way of attaining to the heavenly realms is number one ask for whatsoever things we ask in his name be leaving and not doubting we shall have it number two seek it depends on the depths of our desire and the intentionality of our heart as to how far we will seek a heavenly experience but when we seek it the word says we shall find it knock and the door of Revelation 4 will be open to us therefore my encouragement to all people is ask seek and not in the door will be open to you I don't think it has anything to do with I will I will is surrendered it's one of the biggest arguments in the body of Christ is this issue of my sovereignty or my ability to distort the embalmer and choice we do have that but my will is surrender to do with my will of my father so in doing his will I have access there is not by my will I go but it's out of desire what if everything you desire we pray asking your receipt so my will has nothing to do with it my will is surrender to do my father's well this Farrakhan said my father's will is not just on the earth it is in heaven also there it says all of creation is groaning for our revealing so that means two trillion galaxies are waiting for our supervision that's paid to the four billion light-years across it or whatever so for me it's not about oh well it's about a desire about intent that unleashes faith and hope to believe for the future so my life and my future isn't on the earth but it's heaven inheritance on the earth I need to learn how to function at my father's house which is in heaven what does it mean to be a citizen of heaven for me it means that we represent heaven that we operate in whatever dimension of life were operating in for example right now on the earth as representatives of another Kingdom one that is not fully manifest in the visible realm right now on the earth but is very much active all around us and as citizens of heaven just like a citizens of a nation when we are not in that particular place where that government is set up it's still operating within us and we're still operating as representatives of it just like we would in another country is a citizen of the country we came from to me this means acknowledging that the earth is not really our home that we are just strangers and pilgrims and foreigners here our real home is in heaven our point of origin and our point of destination therefore always has been and always will be heaven Ephesians 2:9 says now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and the household of God therefore as we realize and come into the open reality of the fact that we are calling created to function as sons of the Living God that gives us the capability of understanding that our true citizenship our true home is in heaven a citizen if it were to clarify the wit season here means that I belong to a specific nation if I'm a citizen of New Zealand then I have a legal transaction right to be in that nation I have a legal ability to purchase and to be a participator and a partaker of everything that is to do with a nation it means I also have a right to have a bank account to have education to have what is necessary for a normality of life also when I travel I travel as a citizen of that nation so if if we were to look and understand the same issue regarding being a citizen of heaven it means this that I have the full rights to be a partaker of all that belongs to their nation or to being a citizen of my father's world it means I can be a participator I can own stuff the AR can be a be occupied with that and have a right to be there and have my passport or my passed book which is salvation to be in their world I promise citizen of heaven then not only am a citizen but I'm also ambassador that represents that nation all that citizenship wherever I go to be a citizen of heaven first of all is to be born into heaven or to be born from heaven we have one of God right people are citizens either by birth or by buying the citizenship or by being adopted into the citizenship so to be a citizen of heaven first of all means look what we the person first person to be a citizen when the must be born from heaven right to be a citizen of heaven now means there is no veil no partition between me and heaven so I can go anywhere and you have a passport if you are a US citizen right or you are a South African citizen or you are a German citizen or you I am a gentleman citizen you can travel anywhere you want in the country as long as a criminal right you can be stopped if you're doing something wrong but it doesn't mean your citizenship gets revoked you are dealt with as a citizen you're giving privilege the citizen so being a citizen of heaven means that I have access to it but it also it also means for me that I have not just I have access I do have privileges number one I have the privilege of being able to petition the king of heaven have privilege of being able to enter a new anywhere I want in heaven so on earth I could run for office is right so in heaven by training I could be raised up to sonship to match your sonship that allows with the function I mean that place God can decide to make me an ambassador for him in a particular way of his creation so being a citizen of heaven comes with all the privileges being a citizen of that one comes with a privilege of God saying I give you authority Bible says this it says that for this is the inheritance of the saints and they shall judge the earth by the this sort some one forty nine the last words say this is the right of those who believe God to execute judgment upon the earth so a citizen of heaven gets to a point where they have the right to execute judgment when they have the right to rectify what has been broken but I have the right to bring reconciliation when are you get so so that kind that's what I see being a citizen to me because there's this responsibility you know for for in that Kingdom through that Kingdom and for that Kingdom why was the veil torn why was the belt home let's talk a little bit priesthood first the function of a priest was to be able to do the exchange to be able to redeem Israel from the record of crushin son in agony transgression that had occurred through their year so once a year the high priest would actually have to go through the bow the veil was not many layered pieces of material it was one big piece of material that was hung on on on a rail that had rings on it across the top down the sides both sides and on the bottom and you couldn't go underneath it you couldn't go around the outside of it it was it was surrounding the Ark of the Covenant and so the priests used to go through the veil one man took him a year to get ready to go in there once a year to be able to do an exchange and mediate the release of Israel from its corruption for that year when Christ died of course Christ was our only blood Lanier's priest a lift in Israel's day the other one was John the Baptist who was beheaded when John was beheaded the priesthood of Israel was given to Christ Christ hung on the cross to mediate our ability to have unrestricted access into heaven how did that mediation was to tear the veil open so there was no way of separating us from God that's whether it says nothing can separate us from the love of God neither hot nor death opens bells no powers nor things present does things to come nothing in separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus if we are in Christ and where he is we may be also then we need to have an unrestricted unconfined access through the veil which gives us the capacity to go in and so Christ tore it from top to bottom so we did not have to spend a year trying to get ourselves ready and make ourselves holy he tore it open so that he can make us holy when we go in there and so for me when he tore it open he tore open so we didn't have to dematerialization the other side of the veil together walk through solid objects yeah Yahweh made it so easy so we could have access the veil was torn so that we wouldn't have to have mediators and tutors and teachers to be able to access heaven and to access the heart of the Father and to have relationship with God the veil was torn so that we could walk with him the way his son walked with him while he was on the earth because we are heirs of God joint heirs with Jesus Christ and we have the same inheritance jesus said everything that the father has he is given to me and I now make it available to you through the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit declares over us what the father has for us it's everything the veil was torn because Jesus wanted us to gain open access to God the Father himself all the more reason why I can have courage and boldness knowing my access to the throne of God the veil was done literally so human beings no longer had to struggle from this side not knowing what was happening on the other side there was done so we can have access to God with no one standing in between us except the son who himself is fully God so it was time to give us complete total access to the realm of God all the angel structures are open to us God actually let me let me be a little bit Jewish and say the veil was done to allow us to live out of the fullness of the world to come in our present condition what did Jesus mean when he said he made a way to the Father I believe he meant that he is making available to us all the pathways through which he cultivated relationship with his father and all the ways by which he could access the heart of God and know the heart and the nature of the Father he made that available to us the word says I am the way the truth and the life no man can come unto the Father except through me the only way to gain access to the father is through the son by one spirit the Holy Spirit if we want access to the Father we have to come number one through blood of Jesus by the sacrifice of Jesus and in the name and the nature of Jesus Christ he is our point of access likewise however we can only come to the Sun through the Father for the word says in John 6:44 no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up at the last day John 6 verse 65 says he was saying for this reason I have said unto you no one can come unto me unless it has been granted to him by the father this is because the Trinity operates and functions as one therefore the son is the way to the Father and the father is likewise the way to the Sun it meant exactly what he said what he meant is through the veil of his body he opened up well how do you where is the person's thought in inside of them Christ is the inner thought of God Christ is the word of God so Jesus by coming to the earth provided of crisis of face of quote substantial reality that opens up into the heart of the father so what Christ would rise deep by coming to earth and being obedient to the Father and laying down his life and going through death was to open up God's heart so we can see into God's Word and God can then say because because of our issue is we think God doesn't like us I mean real human beings forget that we think we see hope to me the Bible says we sin so God has a problem with us he's been trying to get us bad but Jesus when Jesus says I've made a way to the Father that means what I've done is I'm actually removed they undermine College I've removed the wall of partition I've removed the anger was against you I removed everything that made you think I can come to God so by his obedience by his life he completely fulfilled all of that and gives us access to the Father so that we can also receive the grace to be exactly as he is you know Jesus did it for us so we really have access through Christ into the fullness of God Paul said in these races I pray that you will be filled with the fullness of God so what Christ actually did was open the realm for us to become filled with the fullness of God for us to become like our Father in heaven what did you should have mean when he said he made a way to the Father for me the because yahweh is holy is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent because of the nature and the stature who he is we needed a mediator to be able to appeal to present us so that we would be acceptable to the father and so what Christ did for us was to mediate a way for you and I to be able to have unrestricted access to God himself through what Christ went through to make a way for us to be able to be where he is how does that access to heaven and able us to bring heaven to earth number one by accessing heaven we are following Jesus example in John chapter five when Jesus said of his own self I Jesus the Son of God of my own self can do nothing only that which I see my father doing I do not speak of my own self only that which I hear the father saying if Jesus of his own self can do nothing except that which he sees the father doing and here's the father saying how do we think that we can accomplish anything of eternal purpose if we don't have the open access to see what the father is doing and hear what the father is saying by following this example we can bring heaven to earth through our decrees in our declarations job 22:28 says thou shalt also decree and declare a thing and it shall be established unto you and the light shall shine upon all of your ways isaiah 12 4 says in that day you shall say praise the lord call upon his name declare all of his doings amongst the people and make mention that his name is holy Isaiah 21 6 says for thus hath the Lord said unto me set a watchman on the wall and let him declare what it is that he's seeing Isaiah 41 22 says let them bring forth and show us what shall happen and what is yet to come let them show also the former things what they be that we may consider them and know the latter end of them all declare unto us the things that are yet to come in Isaiah 42 9 it says behold the former things are come to pass and new things I am declaring before they spring forth I will tell them to you Isaiah 48 6 you have heard look at all this and will you not declare the things that you've seen I proclaim to you new things from this time on even hidden things which you have not known and you must then decree the things that you have seen Ezekiel 40 verse 4 says son of man behold with your eyes hear with your ears set your heart upon all that I am showing you for this intent have I brought you up here that I might show them to you declare all that you see therefore our purpose in producing heaven and earth is number 1 to ascend into the heavens to see the things that the father is doing to hear the things that the father is saying and then come back to the earth and decree and declare the thing that we saw him doing and heard him saying whenever we form our decrees in our declarations we don't form them by our own precognition or by our own earthly understanding and following the pattern of Jesus we can only say the things that we see we can only do the things that we hear therefore when we ascend into heaven it's empirically important that we decree and declare in the earthly realm the thing that we have seen there how does that access to heaven in never last to prohibit and Yahweh's desires always been that heaven would befriend an earth Christ was a Jew will be done on earth as it is in heaven mud in heaven no citizen a the reason is is that in heaven there was no corruption and nomaka falling or turning or being incapacitated by the iniquity that hangs around us here in that current physical form I really believe that the reason the Yahweh wants the realm of heaven to be on the earth so that earth can come back to its first estate or come back into its original blueprint it isn't a full-on estate and so the reason our job is to bring that down here is to facilitate the administration of what we know they're here the earth to be able to be sons to govern creation in the right way heaven is not just about being sinless it's also at the beauty of the world of God the unconfined majesty of the way that creation was framed through the very beginning if we live in a fallen reflection and we find beauty in this fallen reflection how much more when the completion of the fullness of that is able to be revealed down here again in their measure we will see the unfairness of Yahweh being friend within creation around us and to me that is bringing heaven to earth it's it's Adam Adams job walking in Adams elbows to bring Eden and the friend Eden on the earth and that has not been completed yet we are going to see this completion and when it does come to focus we will have a new heaven and we will have a new earth and we will have impact of creating that the extent to which we understand how heaven heaven operates and what goes on in heaven and what governs the heavenly realm is the extent to which we're going to be able to bring off on earth what is in heaven we can't bring to earth what is in heaven if we've never accessed and never had any insight into the ways and into the government and into the structure of heaven therefore it's important that we go up and down we ascend and descend in the spirit to be able to know what's there and to be able to bring it here so that what's here looks like that and that wants to be here because it's the same it's a thin it's a thin air it's a thin separation between the two I believe that's the way it was in Solomon's day it was so much like heaven on earth that heaven and earth were one in the temple and the priests could not go in how do we access heaven huh well number one but by knowing Jesus number two by practicing how to sit still rest in God so in other one knowing Christ so by the principle of faith Jesus said that is the way to go right if I don't believe that I cannot access that's where that's very fundamental stuff but then I train myself to access I can access heaven once I'm in Christ I can access seven by laying down in my bed and staying there and having a focus on Christ in between sleep and waking and actually letting my soul travel with my spirit into the realm of God the actual access heaven by accessing Christ by focusing on Christ so if I look on to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith I can access heaven but there's a practical way in which I access the realm of the Father I can practicum access even if I hate you whatever I access is not happening so part of again we come back to the principle of love I access heaven by love there's all kinds of practical ways in which people actually go into the realm of the Father right so the spirit the spirit that is in us as the spirit is God right and that spirit gives us access to the realm of heaven so I can access heaven by reverential awe I can see and no matter what wondered by sitting in the days of wonder by sitting in the times of God's wonder I can actually access heaven I can access heaven by leaving my body I can access heaven by practical processes by reading Scripture actually I can actually access heaven I can accessible by worshipping right these are very simple things but I can also access heaven by structuring the Word of God according to the way that God created the world through the Hebrew letters for me and it takes me into the heavenly realm you know I can access heaven by praying the Jesus Prayer focusing on till Christ become a reality and I find myself in another round you know I can access seven by speaking in tongues for two three hours when my mind shuts down and my soul and my spirit moves so access in heaven fundamentally can only be done through Jesus Christ if you do not do it through Jesus Christ your access in through the window you're a thief so you must come through the door and when you now know Christ is we are now actually we should actually be saying is that in heaven how do I explore heaven you know so they for example I'm not searching for God before you were a believer you were seeking for God now that you have found God your job is to explore God so when we say actually we access heaven we are actually saying how do I explore him this was your comment of Christ heaven is open to you so the issue is how do I explore how do I go in and explore what it is that God has opened up for me you know I already have access to heaven every believer does that most believers prefer to sit outside and watch as if Heaven is closed since Christ came into the world heaven is not been closed heaven has been opened so we have access that's what he says we have access to him so before you become a believer miss again a you is searching for God once you have found God your job is not to search your job is to explore so how do I explore heaven I explore her from by rest explore heaven by wonder I explore him by living the novel intent of my heart Ruth was the father and I get into his round revelation 4:1 says after this I looked and behold a door was opened in the heaven and the first voice which I heard were as of a trumpet talking with me which said come up here and I will show you many things things that shall be Hereafter verse 42 and immediately immediately immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set on the heavens and one that sat on the throne this is the door of heaven that has always been accessible to us I want you to notice the fact that it says immediately I was in the spirit so how is it that we access the open door of revelation 4 immediately as we are in the spirit this story has always been open but it's by faith that we can access heaven through that open door it's actually quite simple by faith you just close your eyes and you just believe that you are there it's as simple as falling off of a log really just by faith you begin to see and write down all the things that you see so that when you return you can decree and declare only the things that you saw so that the heaven then begins to manifest here on the earth I've actually been training people in corporate ascensions now for over 20 years and many of the people that have been consistently on a regular basis ascending and descending can now prove that the things they decree and declare in the earth are manifested in the earth within a period of seven days these decrees and declarations show up consistently either in television reports or in the headlines of the newspapers because the people that I've been training for the last 20 years through their faithfulness to be consistent in ascending and descending have now gained a measure of rule in the heavenly realms second Corinthians 6 says we are called to be co-workers and co-creators together with God for the establishment of his kingdom and his righteousness in all the earth we can also access this open door through the blood and in the name of Jesus Christ that is the key because Jesus is the door if we really believe that he's gone in advance and opened the door and prepared the way for us that wherever he is we may be also then it's no problem to understand that that means because he's ascended to the right hand of God the Father Almighty that we also have access to that because he lives in us and wherever he is we may be also it's all about relationship with the Father the Son the Holy Spirit it's about relationship with with God and everything that God has made available for us to have relationship with from his realm of influencing government and authority so to access heaven I believe the thumbprint that opens up that vault the the the code if you would that gives us access into that realm the relationship we have with the father that must be paramount it cannot be just so we can say we went there just so we can say we saw what's there just so we can say we operate from that realm toward this one it has to be because we love God so much through our union in our relationship together jesus said make them one is we are one out of that oneness that God has with mankind we're able to access heaven so I think the that the excess is as done in a multiple of ways first of a request faith whatever it sees with that faith it's impossible to please God you must believe that he is and there's a reward of those until indeed he saw him out it requires faith for us to believe number one that Christ did what he did which unlocks Melora faith the Lord faith has raised almost his statement there's life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God still nothing to do with us so it's having faith in his faith or what he did was enough for us to bring us the the second thing is it's about intent our intent has got to be set into our father's world the next of Lincoln all of us is desire desire as one of the key components to our access what's our main desires Linum ask and pray and receive then of course hope is connected to it what is my hope is my hope that I'm going to stand is that I'm going to live here for 75 years die an old person and then go to heaven I want to taste heaven now I want to be in my father's world now if the Scriptures true that means I have access there now so I need to be able to position myself to be able to go there and so the way that Christ has has opened that for us he's the door we go through the door to be in that world but it is a choice to go many many people stand this side of the veil I call them at ease these are teas and then ease in the Aarti is someone who stands aside the veil or won't go on or has another that stands in front of them that tells them you can't go and like I hear so often when when people saying you know you can't go into heaven while you can the reason even Christ confronted this when he said to the Pharisees you know you know the way those who want to go in you deny them access but you won't go yourself and it's almost like that that three there's been that be alcohol at a beach of three though those three things are the greatest hindrances to our future with regards to accessing Yama's world when Christ said come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden take my yoke upon you and I'll give you a rich and see have this we have to go if Christ has come to me where is Christ he's not on earth the Bible says he seated next to Yahweh in heaven so if we go means go you've got to go some way so we have access through what he did through his death by tearing the veil open up to become a priest a mediator that presents us to be able to be in the ours world and so he through that process to desire through faith through hope through your intense to be in his world and locks it and repositions us i literally call it a a transfer from this world into that world through it's a birthing chamber through what Christ has done and so questions everything's happened to be in their world he birthed us into heaven to be a citizen of heaven not birthed us into salvation to be a citizen of it when we operate in heavenly realms are we able to have relationship with beings other than the Father Son and Holy Spirit yes just as much as when someone has relationship with me they have relationship with my household so people who stay at my house is my guests who are primarily the relationships that I've cultivated or my wife and I have developed they also have access to my children even to our they're members of my household we operate as a household so everyone is accessible to an extent based on their relationship people have with us it's like that yeah we are because remember heaven contains beings forms of messengers angelic beings right seven terribly opening outer realms of creatures that actually serve in the kingdom of God so when the father opens of his RAM to us he opens up our capacity to relate to other beings that he created because we're in reality we are going to be we are sons which means we're gonna rule so if we're gonna rule then the father will make will make available to us opportunities of interacting with all the beings and creatures that need our or our relationship with the father in order to thrive so so moving in the Hampton realm allows us to interact with different things you're on earth don't you interact with other things so then why will you go to heaven and not interact with other beings that's exactly what the fat ones so he uses the earth as a pilot in a sense a module for how we're going to interact because they are beings in heaven that we need to interact with so everything on earth is actually training for how to actually reflect God's glory and reign in his realm of the heavens and know how to relate to the beasts of the field and all the other stuff yes absolutely internally I think one of the greatest detriments of the body of Christ is where people say you can't relate to angels but they talk to Devils all day so from the I'd rather be in my father's will being preoccupied with his world the thing in this world pro/5 on Lucifer's conte connection to this world for me the Bible says that we are surrounded with a great cloud of witnesses those cloudy witnesses are not people in this world trying to speak with us there in an in his world engaging with us they surrounded we're surrounded by them that it means they'd literally are in an epic theater without cheering us on if you don't a relationship well all of those that have gone before you then know a better way than what we have to be able to learn from what they've walked in then we have a problem for me personally if we're surrounded by them and Galatians 4:1 it says a son though he being Lord of all is under tutors and governors until the appointed time if I am not made to have relationship outside of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit in heaven then who are my cheaters and my governors they prepare me to represent it to the Father as a fully-fledged son serve course with him their issue of being cheated the other seven spirits of Yahweh that shooter us about our functionality within Yahweh's house so let's just look at Queen Esther hear from her to give you a scriptural reference point Queen if the boss is about Queen Esther before she was married to the king she was assigned seven force maidens of the household of the King to train her in every aspect of being a maiden to the king and being being prepared to become you in union with a came to learn about the function of his house what I was there for you and I have been assigned the seven spirits of Yahweh in exactly the same way to be prepared by them to be presented to the father so that the father could present us to creation that's just the that's just the tutors who are the governors the governors are the men and white linen that surround us that have input into our lives they want to see the strategies that Yahweh released through them completed in us we're the laughs or the relay right relay race they sitting around us cheering us on engaging with us I mean all through the Bible you know we have this stupidity as believers where we read the Bible and we like let's take the Book of Ezekiel for example we read The Book of Ezekiel everything we know physic here because we read a little bit about a portion of his life you don't know Ezekiel at all you only know what was written about him and what he saw the only way to get to understand you the personís is to meet them they're alive they're not deep they have passed on through death into another world which is in Yahweh's world if I am in Yahweh's world and they're in Yahweh's world then let's see there's a way of having relationship the same way as in this world there are people around me and I choose my friends I choose to have a relational connection in the physical world around me and the ours world is as real as this world and if they're in that world and I'm in that world their life in Chi's relationships in exactly the same way absolutely but my main focus always remains on seeing Jesus in fact our relationship with Jesus is greatly enhanced when we can see him as he really is and not in the limitations of who we think he is the word says in 1st Corinthians 15:51 behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in 1st Corinthians 15:52 it says in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed 2nd corinthians 3:18 says but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord here's another verse that really speaks to me about ascension it says first Corinthians 13:12 we now have been able to see through a glass darkly but then we will see face to face now I know in part I see in part but then I will know him as well as he knows me however in addition to seeing Jesus the heavenly realms are so vast and so varied you can have clear and very concise conversations with any of the members of the great cloud of witnesses I've met many of them over the time and they've given me great leading Direction correction instruction advice it's really really amazing to hear from those that have laid the foundations for where we're going at this present time in fact the word says in Hebrews six and seven that just as we without them cannot be made perfect so they without us cannot be made perfect either therefore the great cloud of witnesses are actively involved in working along with us to bring about the unfolding of God's sovereign and divine plan for mankind for all ages they're working together with us in it and they really really get excited when we yield ourselves to their personal input we can also actively encounter the seven spirits before the throne the spirit of wisdom knowledge understanding counsel might fear of the Lord and the spirit of Revelation we can speak to them and they can in turn speak to us and fill us with the wisdom and knowledge of God and the mysteries that cannot be understood in any other way most of the people with global Ascension Network know for sure that the seven spirits before the throne are called by God to be our teachers our mentors our encouragers to bring us into the fullness of our operation in our position at the right hand of God the Father Almighty we also can have many encounters with angelic beings and with men in white linen as well as with the great cloud of witnesses recently I had a visit from one of the men in white linen who appeared in the earthly realm I've had many encounters with them in the heavenly realms but this one appeared in beside my bed at 3 o'clock in the morning for all the world he looked like John Paul Jackson made out of light I oftentimes wondered if it wasn't really him because when we talk about the men in white linen we consider them to be only the ancient patriarchs and those that went long before us but now there is a merge a beginning of an overlapping period between the coming together of both heaven and earth at one time therefore we're going to begin to see and have visitations in the earthly realm that before had only been relegated to our experiences in the heavenly realm we can also be taken backwards in forwards in time because we're no longer restricted to time or space or distance those are all earthbound paradigms he's the God who was the God who is the God who ever shall be all at the same time therefore if we are in him and he is in us we are no longer restricted to time or space or distance neither are we restricted to the earthly realm because he made a way for us that wherever he is we may be also we can also see things that are coming and return to decree and declare those things and command them to manifest in the earthly realm we can see things that were in the past and actually we can go back into the past and change the past not actually in the significant instance but we can change the down flow of the damage of the effects that was done by that specific thing in the past I have many many testimonies where I actually went back into the past and changed the down flow of the destructive plans that came from specific disasters that occurred in the earth realm there really is no limit on what the Lord will show us when we're in the heavens provided that our motives are only to say what we see not just to get some spiritually high goose bump we feeling so that we can tell other people that we've been to heaven it's all relative to our internal motivations and the intensity of our internal desire to become a co-worker and a co-creator together with God for the establishment of his kingdom this would put us in the line with following the pattern of Jesus who could do nothing except that which he saw the father doing what does it mean to have a spirit man I don't have a spirit man I am a spirit being so for me I'm primarily created as a spirit being that as a soul which is the mediator of the desire of my spirit main witch and they both as eternal beings live in my body which also it can become an eternal being it depends on how high you want to take your body and into what structure you you choose to weave the fabric of your creation because my body has the capacity to be redeemed but I'm not a human being I'm a son of God the David blowing in us used to be human being as a spirit son of God my primary being is I am a spirit being I don't have a spirit I am a spirit that has a soul that lives in a physical body only reason I've got a physical body is so that my spirit man can interact with the physical world the reason I have a soul is so all the reason that my soul is in existence is the expression of a spirit man's breath together create a mediator for itself through the physical body so my spirit man could retain information and produce life within creation around me through my physical body so that's why Adam my belly flows streams of living water comes from Who I am I am a spirit being not a body being it means that the limitations of our bodies cannot hinder us at all in our ability to do the Father's will and to accomplish his purposes on earth and even in celestial realms that I believe we're going to have governance over for all eternity we are not limited by our bodies our spirit enables us to go where our body won't when the word says that we were created in the image of God one facet of that means that we are a tripartite being even as he himself is a Trinity of Father Son and Holy Spirit we also are created in three parts body soul and spirit just as all parts of the Trinity work together as one but each part has their very unique administration and their very specific purpose inside of the Trinity so we are three and one with each specific part having its own specific administration and purpose Exodus 33 11 says the Lord spoke unto Moses face to face as a man speaks unto his friend and he turned again into the camp to his servant Joshua the son of nun a young man departed out of the tabernacle that's in Exodus 33 11 but in exodus 33:20 which is only nine verses later God says to Moses you cannot see my face for there shall no man see my face and still live how can both of those scriptures be true both at the same time it's because the Old Testament patriarchs understood clearly the separation of flesh and spirit they understood that your spirit could live in an ascended position with God and have face-to-face communication with him at the same time as your body and soul were relegated to the earth realm to function in the earth realm for their own unique purpose the purpose of our spirit man then is to stay in constant communication with the divine nature while the purpose of our soul and body are to function here on the earth realm we have a celestial body which is our spirit man and a terrestrial body which is our soul in our body this is called in mystical terms by location that means we can function in both realms at the same time without simultaneously without any conflict at all actually most of the Old Testament patriarchs understood this well that's why Isaiah could stand and say I saw the Lord and he was high and lifted up in his train filled the temple that is not just a simile he actually was there and he actually saw the Lord many of the Old Testament prophets and seers had those ascending experiences it was only as the church fell into a state of lower levels of understanding when signs and wonders and miracles stopped that we lost the understanding of separation of flesh and spirit what is the purpose of going to heaven to have greater intimacy and face-to-face relationship with the father to have experience on the realm of God that allows you to be able to do to look into the blueprint of who God is and to bring that on earth and manifest it in creation purpose of going into heaven is to look until we have framed in the full testimony of the voice of our Father so this face gets reflected in our face and when we turn around and look into nature in creation creation now receives the blessing of that face into itself because we are the sons of God and we are the ones that are supposed to look into the face of God we go into heaven we look face to face we experience that the blueprints of God and we bring those blueprints and imprint them on the earth or on creation as the purpose the purpose is intimacy with God that results in what in the transformation of creation in the rectification of creation in the maturing of creation in the revelation of God and creation that's what we know that's when we go to heaven we don't go to heaven just two guys there I need a car can I go to heaven and tell or give me a car no that's not what works it works that way that's what you want but the real purpose Christ came to from heaven to earth to reveal the father we go to heaven so that we might be able to reveal the father in creation also we were given a responsibility to Stuart everything that God created and to have dominion over it I don't believe we can effectively have dominion over everything God created by operating by just what's on the earth and even just the word itself even though it is completed it has all these things that we need I believe we also have access we were given access and we should utilize that access to be able to be effective as ambassadors of heaven on earth and to be able to maximize our pretend Suns on the earth for me the greatest reason why I want to access heaven is because by doing so I come into full awareness of my identity as priest and King but especially his son and it's from that place that every accomplishment there be achievement flows I think for me the purpose is primarily to follow Jesus example when he said I have my own self can do nothing except that which I see the father doing our purpose is to do only the thing that we see the father doing and to say only the thing that we hear the father saying our purpose then is co-workers together with God is to decree and declare in the earth realm what we see and hear in the heavenly realm on a personal level my purpose is to become more and more conformed to the image of Jesus Christ by becoming what he is which is love there are only four nouns ascribed to God one is God is spirit the second is God is fire the third is God is love and you know I think that if we really understood that our purpose is to be conformed to his image which is love love is a frequency and when we can begin to vibrate with the frequency of love no matter where we go no matter what we do even people that we speak to who don't know Jesus pick up on the love of God that emanates from the frequencies of our heart and their hearts respond because one of the needs of all humankind is the need to be loved I feel like for me the most intentional purpose of ascending and descending is to be conformed to Jesus Christ you know he's so multi-dimensional so Multi multi Multi multi everything that every time that we ascend into the heavenly realms he extends to us one dimension or one facet of his character when we touch that one facet of his character then when we return to the earth we can actually manifest that position of his character to me this is becoming what he designed for us to be which is the perfect reflection of his glory in all the earth what does it mean that the kingdom of heaven is at hand what he meant when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is at hand he was saying the kingdom of God that is within you is in front of everyone and so the kingdom of heaven is not something you should look for to come when you die or in some distant time down the timeline it's here in front of you and because the kingdom of heaven is within us me being in front of you is a manifestation of the kingdom of heaven so to the world we should say the kingdom of heaven is at hand you're looking at it it means that the kingdom is as close as our next breath as close as our very next heartbeat it's not just a place way out there somewhere the kingdom is within the kingdom has always been at hand as close as our next breath well the kingdom of heaven is a nine is that look the kingdom is not that far it's not see the thing about entering into the heavenly realm it's not that you have to travel somewhere to do it you don't even have to be so seamlessly spiritual all you need to do is turn your heart the desire of your heart your hearts and intent because the gates to Zion the road to Zion is in your heart eternity inch in your heart so when he says the kingdom of God is Iran the kingdom of God is as close as the five fingers right in your hand which is then okay there are two sides so one thing and they said one finger design so the kingdom of God is as close as the first five principle of existence so that when you look at when you look at it okay you're you know you're turning you're intense just shifting a little bit allows you to enter into the kingdom you don't have to work for 20 years to enter the kingdom the kingdom is really a of consciousness so is as close as the next thought you can change your next thought and shift it and be in the king of God so the in the hand or the hand is the thing you used to wipe your face is the thing that you that is closer to you you can you do a lot of stuff so when you focus on your hand yeah okay there's something I'm gonna say here because your hand carries the scroll the kingdom of God is also that John the scroll of heaven is in this palm that you carry around so when you use your hand literally to bless somebody you manifest the kingdom because the scrolls of a heaven transfer into the life of the person so being a hand the you will understand that this is like the kingdom of God is at hand when you do mitzvahs the kingdom is manifested when you love somebody so one act of faith pushes you into the realm of the kingdom so the kingdom really is close to you you can just shake your face by one act and enter and shift it back to this realm the kingdom of God walks by your side in this physical realm you can step in an hour of it in ordinary days so it is that close is closer to you than the breath that you breathe what is the biggest misconception about heaven that is for tomorrow I won't see it until I die that to me is the biggest misconception heaven the other thing is that this seems to be this prevalent misconception that all heaven is is a one big mountain in everybody worshipping God forever that is that is what we will be doing on our day off every seven days heaven closes down why to worship Yahweh then we join with him while he worships and these are mountain because y'all worships in his mountain so if it's good enough for Yahweh to worship then we can over time we sure bar to these work to do it's not just about I sing playing might happen the God forever hallelujah I'm so glad that there's work to do as I said these two trillion galaxies and Counting to take care of who's going to take care of it us from my experience the biggest misconception about heaven is the superimposing of earthly realities over our perception of what heaven is in other words we box out heaven based on our limited experience of how the earth operates and we want it to be like what this is or what we think this is so it's it's funny to me when people who haven't traveled anywhere and haven't seen anything want to tell me about all these distant lands that I've actually been to or different places where I've actually functioned without ever having been there well that's what people do the biggest misconception about heaven is making it look like Earth in our minds I feel like the biggest lie that has ever been perpetrated against the age of the church is that the only way that you can see heaven is to die it is and always has been available to us at any given time all throughout history there have been a 10% measure of people who had a different level of relationship with God Almighty and the Old Testament this 10% would be called the remnant in the New Testament this 10% would be called the overcomer there are always those who have a deeper more intense desire to know the things of God and to know the things of heaven because in times past many of those people were persecuted and actually murdered for the fact that they laid hold of some of the mysteries of heaven the issue is that today the mystical move of God is under way and no man can stop it no religion can stop it no government can stop it nobody can stop the fact that we can now a Sandin descend from the heavenly realms what does it mean to be a mystic to be a mystic number one is to be one who seeks out the death of God who seeks not to be told what God looks like one who seeks to have actual relationship of God an intimacy with God one whose heart six union with God one whose heart six to two to become but in a sense to become one with the father so mystery is to be one who's interested in the mystery of who God is in the mystery of what God has done in the mystery of God's wisdom so amidst a mystic is one who traffics in divine mystery so I want to know God since God is a mystery my whole life is lived in the context of mystery of engaging the mystery of God's being love is a mystery we think we know what it is we don't you know so when I engage love I am getting the depth of God so God God is a mystery in himself so one revelation of God leads to another revelation of God leaves the little girl so someone who's a mystic spends their time and their energy entering into the death of knowing God the one have a face-to-face encounter you wanna have an experience of God they don't just want to have somebody tell them what God looks like they don't want to hear somebody else's voice they want to enter him they want to explore the father's heart they want to explore the Heart of Jesus the one I explore heart of what the Holy Spirit is doing so a mystic really is someone who searches for the height the breadth the width the depth of God's heart seek God mystic mystic then that search results in the person being able to leave their body being able to see angels being able to experience the realms of heaven the minute person was a mystic can be walking down the road and look to a tree and that tree becomes a gateway into the realm of God a real mystic meets a man on the road and sees how the person greets the person hears the person's voice and sees righteousness and a believer and that believer becomes a gateway for experience in the fullness of God real mystic doesn't look at the things in the world in the ordinary sense they don't look at Scripture in his ordinary sense for a mystic the Bible is a gateway to the heart of God it's not just something a story to be read about the Land of Israel yeah why tis true it is so but it is a gateway into this sort of the mystery of God the mystery of God so for mystic touching someone can trigger an experience of divinity you know for a mystic walking down the road looking at a flower could open up colors of the heavens so the mystic works in the in all and the wonder of God to a mystic the whole universe embodies all wonder among the whole universe carries the mystery of the wonder of who God is so so the mystic is constantly being awed and so he or she wants to find out more about God because to them life is a wonder God is a wonder so when it talks about you know that isn't what that that God is wonderful the mystic operates works in one night about signs and wonders works in all was to see God Festivus he engages angels he understands that this life is not the end of anything and this life is just to get win I did it for him those who are dead are not dead they're in the presence of the Lord and he can have access to them because they had access to Christ so a mystic really is a strange person who burns with the fire of the Lord their eyes are open there is years when their tongue speaks it speaks from the place of God's heart and God's love a mystic speaks language that is different from the language of ordinary people he loves and the greatest gift of a mystic is the love of God and burns in his heart it burns so strongly that everything in the universe to them can be used as a gateway to God so they live in transforming love for me a mystic is one who has the capacity to unlock the mysteries of Yahweh where there is no language or expression or knowledge of what is being revealed the word says I have not seen no you hear the things that God has so Yahweh hasn't stuff with him the lover which means have no doctrine no belief system no knowledge no information is available to behold to blueprint or be able to explain and seen behavior and being a mistake this is being given the ability to display it so that others can see the mystery in full revelation a mystic to me is someone who has a capacity to be able to obtain the secrets of Yahweh to unlock the unknown so it becomes known to be able to engage with the unknowable so the unknowable comes nominee first and foremost it doesn't freak me out because I believe a mystic is someone who explores discovers values pursues the mysteries of God someone who recognizes that what I see and what I hear and what I what my perceptions are of everything that's around me is not it that there's more and that more lies in the invisible realm that I have access to through relationship with my father and I want that and so a mystic is someone who pursues what lies beyond what we see and what we understand according to what is around us a mystic explores the hidden part of God that is very much available to those who seek Him in spirit and in truth this is the question I love to address because I begin to release revelatory mysteries from God while we were still firmly planted in the age of the church at that time one of the most major accusations against me was that I was just nothing but a mystic I came before the Father crying saying Lord they're all saying that I'm a mystic and I'm weeping and thinking that's a really bad thing to be and the lord's response was do you even know what a mystic is why don't you go and look it up so I went to Webster's and I looked up the word mystic there are actually 28 different definitions of what a mystic is and only two of those relate to eastern cults actually I chose the very first description for myself which is a mystic is someone who receives supernaturally derived information through communion with the divine nature after that when people would come up to me and say well you're just nothing but a mystic I would just rejoice and shake their hand and say thank you very much I'm so glad that you can acknowledge that I have communion with the divine nature even in regards to those old accusations one accusation that was leveled against me as well you're teaching New Age and you're teaching channeling and all that kind of thing and I crawled before the Father weeping and because these were big globally recognized apostolic and prophetic names that were making these accusations so I came before the Lord and I said Lord they're saying that I'm teaching New Age is it really true am i really teaching New Age and he just laughed and he says well after all my darling it is a new age praise the Lord for that so what does it mean to be a mystic it means that you are one who diligently seek communion with the divine nature through our seeking of that communion the Lord can give us the responsibility or release to us mysteries that have been hidden in Christ since the very beginning I'm here to say today that at global ascension Network dotnet one of the things that the Lord is now beginning to release is the mysteries of God that have not yet been plumbed actually all of them can be found in the Word of God up until now we've been limited in our understanding of what the Word of God means because we've only known in part seen and part prophesied in part because we were looking through a glass dimly this was actually by divine design the Lord put that glass there because he could not show us the measure of power he intended us to function in until we can become responsible enough to exercise that power with due control actually if he had released an understanding of how much power he created us to work in we would have destroyed the world many times over already because our corporate heart have not yet been dealt with by the cross therefore today the Lord is saying he's rallying the Mystics all over the earth because he's given to each one of us a very very significant word that will be unfolded into the wholeness of the picture of the unfolding of his divine design for all humanity and the seven spirits seven expressions of the holy spirit does a bubble say the seven expressions of God it does not it says the seven spirits of God the seven spirits of God are not sitting on the throne the Bible says those though they are before the throne of Yahweh this random is the seven colors they testify to the blueprint of pure white light fractured into the seven colors of the rainbow to display their mark and they all map within creation to bring us back to pure white light so when you are cheated by them what is accumulation of all of what they become we become through the tutelage white light represented to the Father of course Christ is at the center of us because without him there's no access to them in the first place and so I know many many years ago 20 years ago when I started engaging with the seven spirits of God as as individual entities that all have attention whatever all people seem to be very retired Center to actually speak the truth and a lot of it comes out of who's they don't see themselves they don't encounter themselves and it's because they there is knowledge that does not have expression in the middle of it in relation to heaven what changes when we are born again the Bible says to as many as believed him to them gave he the privilege to become even the sons of God being born again makes us sons and his sons we are heirs according to the promise not just the Abrahamic promise but everything that the father has that he has made available to the son by the spirit becomes ours being coming born again becoming born of the Spirit is what enables us to come into the kingdom as sons and then we have all the rights and privileges but also the responsibilities of sonship where is the father he's everywhere he is everywhere and yet he is not as easily seen and recognized and found in everything because it takes relationship to access him in the different realms in which he operates but above all he's here he lives inside of us by the Holy Spirit we have access to the Father in here can you describe an experience that you've had in heaven oh my goodness there are so many experiences I've had in heaven it would take me years to tell you about them all I've actually been ascending and descending for over 35 years now but I can tell you about my very first known ascension experience it was back in the 1980s and I was at a prayer meeting at a church that I belong to at that time my pastor laid his hands on my eyes and said Lord give her the eyes of an eagle that she can see her pray while it is yet afar off when he did that I slammed down to the floor and my eyes were completely sealed shut I begin to listen in two realms both into the heavens and into the earth at the same time and I was getting into a lot of confusion because the people in my prayer group didn't know what to do with me I was on the floor and I couldn't open my eyes and so I asked my pastor I said could you just dismiss the prayer meeting and let everyone go home and I'll stay here by myself until the Lord finishes because I know there are some things he wants to tell me so he dismissed the prayer meeting and as soon as I heard the latch on the door I went into the heavenly realms and I actually came out speeding like a million miles an hour through this blue eyed tube shoot and I came out with my arms outstretched like this face down in the sea of glass when I lifted up my head I saw the feet of Jesus before me and I knew that it was him and so just out of I in wonder I put my head back down in the water and I heard the voice of the Lord say look at me but I had seen him once before when I gave my life to Jesus and I knew that his light was so extremely brilliantly blue white I was a little bit intimidated and so I kept my face down the second time he said I said look at me and again I just barely lifted my face up to see his feet then I put my face back down in the water the Lord then reached down and picked me up underneath my arms and set me on my knees and he took his hand and put it under my chin and forced my face up and said I said look at me and when I looked at him his radiance and he was just so stunning and so brilliant and so beautiful just an explosion of blue-white electric light he looked at me and he said are you ready and I said yes Lord he said are you ready and I said yes Lord are you ready and I said yes Lord with that a brilliant shining sword flew out of his mouth and he took the sword in his two hands and he lifted it up over the top of my head when he lift it up over the top of my head he went bang down through my body and my whole body disappeared and the outside of my body formed kind of a rainbow brilliance and inside of me I could feel the sword with all of its electric power going just like that and finally my mortal body couldn't stand anymore and I went into excruciating pain so I cried out to the Lord and I said Lord take it away I can't take any more please take it away and with that he raised this sword up and bit by bit my body's view came back into a position again the second time the Lord asked me are you ready and I said yes Lord are you ready I said yes Lord are you ready hey I said yes Lord and with that he took the sword again lifted it above my head and went bang right down through the top of my head into my body again my body disappeared and all that I could see was the outline of it covered by a rainbow inside of my body the sword was gone business just like that I could feel the intensity of it in my mortal body and it produced such pain that I started to scream and cry and ride on the church floor crying out to the Lord Lord I can't take any more please take it away during the course of that night there were seven different occasions when he asked me are you ready are you ready with each time he would take that sword and lift it over my head and jam it down into my body with full force I could feel the sword just shaking and just the electrical power of it inside of me was throwing my whole body and de tilt seven times during the course of that night he asked me are you ready are you ready are you ready finally at the end of the night I lay completely spent on the church floor I was wringing wet from crying and spitting and pain because I could feel in my mortal body this sword coming down into my body after the seventh time I looked up and I said Lord what is this and he said this is that and I said that what I don't understand what that is and he said these are the seven judgments you've been judged and found ready now for the eighth time he said are you ready and I said yes Lord are you ready yes Lord are you ready yes Lord and with that he took the sword and his arms which were like bright brilliant shining white electrical bolts of lightning put the sword in my hand and fused my hand to the sword I was then standing in a military stance with my hands straight up in the sword out in front of me like this and he said now turn around and look and I turned around and looked and there was an entire army of people in perfect military positioning standing with their swords completely upright like this and he says now I want you to go and do the thing that I created you to do this one experience set off a tectonic shift for me in the realms of the spirit from that day forward the Lord opened up doors all over the world for me to minister since that time I've been to somewhere over a hundred and ten nations ministering in power to governmental heads to presidents to kings to the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor everywhere that I go that sword is in my hand and in my mouth whenever you have an experience that changes your entire spiritual walk on the earth it's one that you never ever ever forget there are those moments where you have the divine upward calling of God that can bring that tectonic shift I've had many many of those and I could go on for a year about how my ministry has shifted with each one of those significant experiences however the truth of the matter is we can choose by our own will to just close our eyes and ascend on a daily basis I recommend to people that they get into a regular corporate ascension group because there are doors in heaven that can only be accessed by a corporate ascension there are things that can be revealed in the corporate Nisour in the oneness when we go as one body one spirit one mind with one word as we all use our significant voices to share the things that we're seeing together it gives us a much broader picture of the things that the Lord is desiring for us to do and when we come down as a group as one body with one voice and we make our decrease in declarations to the heavenly realms the things that we decree and declare manifest on the earth when people come to me and they say are you telling us there's no such thing as a rapture I say oh no I'm caught up in the moment in the twinkling of an eye and carried away every day to stand face to face with Jesus Christ to sit down in his banqueting table to take my rod of authority to take my crown to take my robe to come back here and put every enemy under my foot I do believe in rapture I get raptured every day and I want to encourage everyone else to do the same because the more responsible you are and the more faithful you are to seek the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength the more faithful he is to release into you the mysteries of God that have been hidden in Christ since the very beginning I had an encounter when I was sleeping one day with the father the God of the Bible the God of heaven and earth my Creator in a dream and in that dream I knew that I was far from God that I needed to commit my life to him and then I needed to give him the rest of my life completely and when I woke up I was a different person so it started that with that level of mystical substance and I can't change the subject since then I can't tone it down to try to make it an experience that comes out of a church building or a church program or some kind of religious exercise I encountered the father and it changed everything and it only grows from there to pick it to pick one out and to say that it was bigger than all the rest I don't think I could do that because they all are very unique in all very revelatory and most and very personal I think one of my greatest my greatest in Kunduz was with with your sugar himself a it's been two years getting to know the Holy Spirit every day tethered into getting to know him and I learned about who he was and then the Holy Spirit one morning said to me it's time for me to meet Jesus and I was like okay but really know what that meant had no reference point I was in a another church system that didn't believe in a quarter of what I was going through didn't talk to anyone about it and so that morning in my in my home in my lounge in my house in my room I was engaging with the presence of God and everything transitioned out overlaid in the physical world till I found myself sitting on a beach and I was first of all like shocked then was like what's going on and then was amazed aim I because I've always learned to there to win something unlocks there's more going on there when I'm just seeing and observing so I was just sitting there engaging with the presence of God observing what was going on around me and it was almost like a pixelated out of this world to that world and I felt this movement behind me even the word says that Adam heard the voice of God walking it's a conscious awareness of the presence of another that's moved in through the feeling of the presence not the knowledge of them being named and I felt I felt Christ and I was freaked out at that stage because I believed you know no man can see God and live I didn't wanna look at Christ because I was gonna die in her the young family I didn't want to die I mean all these religious garbage in the in the end I came to the realization that if I'd I'd have couldn't dine in a better place so I'm gonna look anyway which I turned around and when I did Christ was kind of stand here like this so that I'm spoilers hey you know I just looked at him and I was I was like what do I do and he he does this to me and I you know I I'm like what what on earth does that mean and and and of course I say all these things we enter my brain you know what do I do what I would do how do I say hi hi I mean he already knows I mean this is a bit of a stupid conversation to hear my down through all these natural things in my head and there's a little thing in my back of my head said said you know with be imitators of God and I was like okay so I don't know what to do I just do what I saw him do and then it's gonna all be good decided the spectre and I mean I'm like what else do I do because I don't know I did not know what to say and then he does that to me again no and okay well did it back to you and then he walks up to me and does this to me come up from here and I did that he picks me up and he texts me to see him throws me into the water on the sea you can understand this was missing with all of my theologies this is the god of the universe Christ the Son of God picking me up and thrown me into the water on the beach that had materialized through my engagement of God I was like well what do I do so I stood up and just looked at him he looked at me walks up to me picks me up with the tracing back on the water again and I'm now the guy okay you can only take so much of this stuff and I was like dang yeah you're not going to do that again buddy and so what began as a interactive connection I risked the world Christ for about half an hour water having fun laughing throwing each other around laying flat in the water jumping when there was amazing experience at the end of their time he looked at me and that he said to me let's go into sit so we walked out of the water sat on the beach and he said to me I want you to know me as a friend and not just as the Lord of Heaven and Earth and they began a relational connection with Christ dead moved my life shifted me I mean there's so many things like that in my life that Yahweh has bought me into because I set my heart to engage it didn't happen over a day this was years of walking through process do you have anything to say to those who are watching when we talk about being Christian mystics people think is something so weird but it's not the day you give her life to Jesus Christ and you said I am now born let me use your term bond again you're now saying I'm no longer the person I was yesterday you have already started practicing mysticism because you believe that you have actually crossed the Rubicon into another kind of existence and having crossed that rubican you are now actually you are a heavenly being you are in the heavenly realm in Christ exploring but the issue is you're not going deep enough right so the key then is that going dibs and asking for more start seeking for more so that say I want to know what is in your heart Christ see that's not the appropriate you're praying I want to know you more it's actually the prayer of the heart of a mystic now nothing you'll say I want to see the father's face you really are registered in a mad mystical journey you may not know that but that's what you're doing because that is the basic structure of mysticism is to see the face of the Father come on see your face okay so and when you begin to do that you will notice there are things that happen to you you'll be praying and flashes of lightning will come around you and you think something's wrong with my hands nothing is wrong with your eyes you're actually access realms of light angels will push your paths in your house as a shadow but there are shadows they're actually beings that are now coming closer to you because you've moved from the ramp of being an ordinary human being to being one who's been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ who's who becoming a reflection of the image of your father in heaven so you think about that you are mystical by your salvation you are number coming mystical because Christ is taking you into the journey of experiencing the Father through himself he will feel the Holy Spirit excuse me you're already practicing mysticism you're speaking in tongues says he that speaks in tongues speaks mysteries on to God so now I want to encourage you when you begin to have experiences let's say you are laying down and it looks like you're being pressed this is what you've been told in your Christianity did you lay down and it looks like you're being pressed that means the devil is attacking you but really most of the time for a believer when there's that kind of pressure it means your soul is trying to leave your body to try to experience you're you're trying to have an out-of-body experience and your physical body is pressuring your soul saying you can't go anywhere because if you go somewhere one to die it's happened to you and you wake up you start banging the devil but really if you learn how to actually handle it when that happens to you and you wake up go back to sleep and gently breathe and say to yourself I release myself to experience the mystery of God and notice what happens with you how you begin to open up your soul is hungry to experience the realms of the Father so most people think they are dying when that happens when in fact the other realm is calling for experience look we are in this journey together the experience of God is your birthright entering into the heart of the father is your birthright exploring the heaven lorenz is your birthright interacting with angelic beings and all the structures of angels is your birthright Jesus bought that for you with his blood opened up the gates of heaven for you to come in the Lord bless you with the Lord bless you on your exploration of his inner being as his son and his beloved amen there's much opposition that comes to this way of thinking to our perspective and to our pursuit and what we've learned through all of the opposition all of the persecution is to love we've learned how to love more through persecution than through success and support and celebration of our gifting and of our achievements so to everyone who opposes this message who opposes who we are what we carry over proclaiming to the nation's I say the only thing you're gonna find from us is love the unconditional agape love of God that's what will change things first of all that's not easy secondly it takes time there's a good cheese because we hear something we want it and when it doesn't happen in two weeks we think that it's never gonna happen I've been at this for 38 years 38 years which means that it's good cheese it's good process it's line upon line peace interpretive glory to glory I say to people don't try and be spiritual try and be active relationally with Yahweh sit your heart to begin to engage relationally in a deeper level but don't just do it out of reading the Bible do it out of wanting to build relationship reading the Bible doesn't make your book relationship make you build relationship means doing life together and so one of the key things for me and all of us is go and do life with God get to the point where you know he's with you the word says you go and I'll be with you get to know we's with you what it's like to have them with you through your daily life all day but just from an hour in the morning is a quiet time yeah Holly wants to be with us all day to abide with us we and him and him and us so that together we can frame his world in creation thank you very much for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comment section below and feel free to check out the websites of all the people that contributed to these interviews have a good one you
Channel: Robbie Venter
Views: 92,972
Rating: 4.8727913 out of 5
Keywords: Ian Clayton, Marios Ellinas, Dr.O, Nancy Coen, Heaven, Seeing in the Spirit, How to Access Heaven
Id: IW5aCfisE_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 0sec (6780 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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