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my mum is an artificial florist and had an influencer with 70 000 followers asked for free wedding flowers for exposure thanks for your response let me know if you were interested in a barter collection in exchange of your products i will post pictures and stories with tag and hashtag to your page and link to your store or why don't you pay for your wedding items yourself and then post pictures and stories to your page just like i would if i buy something and it's fantastic i let people know it's the right thing to do for small independent designers especially now i've had 75 weddings postponed this year because of covid but it hasn't stopped influencers asking for things for free you're number six this month alone having instagram followers isn't a quick and easy ride to free stuff town so please especially in times like now help others by actually buying what you need and then posting reviews do they not realize if they have to ask for free stuff in order to get anything you don't have enough followers like you're not popular enough no one cares if you have enough followers you will get emailed or messaged saying oh can we promote our product like etc hey everyone my name is jake and welcome to choosing beggars where we're going to be looking at people who think they deserve everything just because they have 50 followers on instagram it's like no you really don't deserve anything it's but you could pay thanks oh my goodness the opposite of a choosing beggar hey what's your hourly and is that straight labor or also traveling and purchasing oh nine dollars an hour is perfectly fine how about 15 oh 13 is the most i'd take since this is something i just really like doing i appreciate that though oh my god i don't understand we need more of these breaking news kanye west will pay college tuition for george floyd's six-year-old daughter gianna a choosing beggar said what about all the other kids that can't afford to go ah typical celebrity oh my please be joking oh he only gave two million to one cha he didn't even give two million to every child in america wow this guy is entitled number one the bruno boys offers free lunch for police number two employees threaten to strike over the move number three de brunos rescinds the policy and four police union announces a boycott ah rest assured philly police will be boycotting de bruno from here on out back to blue wait a sec we're getting no more free lunch oh i demand free lunch right i make logos on instagram and got offered this deal yo you think you can make me a logo sure what would you want it to say and look like um i want it to say almighty and red and black okay when you pay you do it with paypal or venmo hold up hold up you never said anything about paying uh it's not free why not it's just a logo it's for my youtube channel i could suggest you as a good logo maker for my subs that's the best i could do for you other than that no deal sorry bud you probably have like 10 subs i don't need a shout out i don't even think pewdiepie is entitled to like a free thing just because he has so many subs like if there's a fan that wants to make him one sure he might accept it but it's just that you don't deserve it for free right this person wanted me to fly my dog to denmark so they could pet him omg dog is so cutey i want to pet and feel the fluffy dog oh thank you if you happen to visit hungary we could arrange that no can you fly the dog to denmark i don't go to hungary hungary sorry but i do not think that is possible i can send you photos of him to make it up though i plan to post this later today you were the first to ever see this oh um you selfish and want to keep the dog only for you i hope you don't have children if you go to hungary i visit your freaking dog oh wow you just wanted to see the dog choosing beggar shames her daughter-in-law for using a gift card she gave her to make a blanket for them dear prudence my daughter-in-law enjoys knitting and crocheting for her birthday my husband and i gave her a generous gift card to a local yarn store for which she thanked us and seemed very pleased imagine my dismay however when six months later for our anniversary she gifted us with a lovely bedspread which she told me she made with yarn purchased from the gift card i told my son that weed in effect paid for our own present and that he needs to communicate to his wife how improper and stingy this move was he refuses saying that her labor and time were also part of the gift we haven't spoken much since except to discuss our grandchildren and our daughter-in-law has been outright cold i'm considering writing her a letter directly explaining why this was an improper gift and expressing my sadness that her own parents didn't teach her gift etiquette my husband wants me to drop the whole thing and pretend like it never happened prudie i don't like the idea of moving on as if nothing happened imagine like never seeing your grandchildren again because you fell out over a blanket as a gift oh that's entitled right that has anyone had a takeaway from the italian in blank we've been put off as they aren't giving discount for collecting and charging the same as what they did when you sit in ah christ if you want it then pay the money support a local business and don't expect a discount it's extraordinary times give them a break we should be supporting them and helping them make sure they survive i expect they are desperately trying to make a living during these times and they have overheads support your local business see this is what you like to see you know people actually supporting the local business instead of the choosing beggar like what did they expect i was giving away a free sofa and had this encounter is there anything else you could throw in to make it worth my time wait what do you mean it's a free sofa yeah but it's a 20 mile drive if it's too far don't pick it up i really can't do anything the reason i'm giving it away is because i don't have a way of getting rid of it ah the customer is always right you're a terrible businessman okay if you can't pick it up stop wasting my time a terrible business he's giving it away for free he's not selling it to you i would like to buy your iphone 8 plus 64 gigabytes unlocked for 385 dollars okay 385 dollars sounds good at 350. gotta pay my kids braces uh no sorry oh so you hate kids uh no i need 385 dollars for my kids braces yeah i doubt anyone would screw you oh okay you really went that i just love the fact they went um i would like to buy them for 385 and then 350 straight away as soon as it's accepted once you've accepted no no you can't go down my friend who is about to start a business got this today from an influencer who wants to send her clothing for free to post an instagram to promote she will be selling the series it's a traditional indian outfit prices are to 400 per series for context wait so since you already have the sari then how is it costing you more money you're not paying me to do it uh you're missing my point i spent money to get the salary so then i can sell it to make money if i just give it to you then i'm not gonna make any money on that siri do you understand but you already bought it so you own it so how are you losing money it's literally free advertising do you know how business works it seems you don't understand the concept but i don't have the time to explain it to you so i'm not interested sorry wow seems like you don't know how to run a business uh you won't be successful with that kind of attitude we'll see about that and you need a reality check and your delusion of how a business works good luck trapping someone else in with your influence listen i can ruin your business in a heartbeat sits keep that nasty attitude up and you'll fail oh my god you're crazy just leave me alone well you messed with the wrong chick watch how i ruin you witch oh okay i'm reporting you oh bye-bye you beggar freak you oh no please don't ruin me to your 500 followers on instagram i'm gonna be so ruined after this no one's gonna want to buy from me they definitely won't see that you're an awful person trying to get things for free for context this was a competition for lighting and i was lucky enough to win hey bro congrats on winning the competition for the adg house party your setup was amazing i did enter but didn't get lucky but well done what are you gonna do with the prizes you have won oh thanks so much i'm honestly not sure what to do with them still getting overwinning to be honest haha yeah i'll have them if you don't know what to do with them you're joking right no fingers crossed hi well it's not like i'm exactly gonna give quite expensive gear to a stranger for free well i tried harder i think and i love it more plus you didn't use an adg projector uh adj don't make projectors and you didn't need to use all adj equipment i know they don't make them that's my point for me that i don't have a lot of equipment and you do i think you could be nice i would you would give something away you worked a month for yes if i had a lot of equipment okay sure unemployment funds are a day late and this woman is threatening to get a job if you should have received unemployment compensation today and did not you could expect your payment tomorrow due to the volume of new claims pushed yadda yadda not here i do not look for it i'm gonna stop looking for it and go find a job today if i can this is ridiculous and uncalled for oh okay that's good get a job like the whole idea of the unemployment thing is if you are able to work then they're trying to get you to work so maybe they should postpone the payments more you want two free videos right here oh but jake i want four well guess what you only get two well you actually don't you actually have an endless amount click on my name and then go through the video but two on screen all right that's the best i could do i'm sorry you
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 299,031
Rating: 4.9618483 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: 6L-cJSVqKYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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