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if we're going on a date and you don't offer to paper babysitting plus a to go box meal for my child we are not going why should my baby daddy or I have to come out of our own pocket when you're the one asking me out the whole date should already be planned out including all extra fees all extra fees like I'm all for paying for the date if you're the guy or the person who's asking the other person on the date you pay sure but extra fees hello everyone my name is Jake and welcome to choosing Beggar's well we're gonna be looking at beggars who chooses like they think they're entitled to stuff but they're not and most of the time they think they can get stuff for free and I don't know why like really you think you can get this $100 thing for free no you can enjoy the video who's trying to give me a car or a ride to work every day I work at McDonald's in rice you need to give me a ride home too I can send to you my schedule every week or give me a car so you don't have to deal with the BS of rides send pics of what you got I have a beat-up cavalier AC doesn't work though we can work out a payment plan or something if you can pay the price at once my boyfriend wants 600 bucks for it um I ain't driving no betta without a seal all and no didn't you read my post I'm not paying for your junkie-ass car cuz just you fool Wow just trying to help good look getting a free car or freed rights to work at McDonald's you broke hey $600 for a car even if it is like a beat-up car with no a/c that's the $600 and they're offering a payment plan how good is that choosing Becca wants her stairs redone for free in exchange for a reference I so experienced Mason for free looking for an experienced Mason to redo the steps on our home you pay for materials I will not pay for the job but my name has a lot of pull in this town my reference is worth far more than the job FCFS I don't know what that means but this person's trip it lets you know what free squirrel and bird feeder it's truly free but you have to load and haul just PM me why do people sell things and not help load not very good customer service um sorry at 72 I don't lift very much wait wait wait really someone offered to give you something for free but you've gotta go get it yourself why should eat throw his back out to give you something the post 72 year old man is trying to give you something for free he's like you know what you can have it I'm gonna be nice and you're like oh you've got poor customer service ooh it's not a business he's giving you some up on free chill local small business cupcake shop offered to give all graduating seniors from our high school a free cupcake seniors from other schools and parents sent threatening emails to the business over one free cupcake statement as blank would love to give free cupcakes to every graduating senior everywhere at every high school this is not possible for me as a small business that's been closed for two months I've offered a free cupcake to blank high school seniors and a high school of my choice as the owner I took a cleaning job at night to be able to provide this and I decided to do this out of the kindness of my heart rude threatening emails or comments will not be responded to and will be deleted if you want to take your business to another bakery that's your choice how can you send a threatening email like this person has gone out of their way to write an email to a business saying you didn't give my baby a free cupcake how did like how out of touch are you for real but the thing I do hate is is the Capitol's on every word like really just I'll let it slide though since you giving everyone a free cupcake that's that's nice hey I really like your stuff could you make something for me hey friend yeah I could make you a custom facemask oh cool could I get one with mint green and black for an adult a pink and blue Paisley adult a white one with a milky glaze for a child and a lime green and silver stripe one for a child thanks okay let me get back to you on the price it should be cheap what I you were making these for free I only charge for the fabric not for my time it's about 150 per mask but I thought it was free it's six dollars in total take it or leave it can you do three dollars no you're being really rude you know I have two kids to feed mom I have three kids one with a very expensive medical condition we spend $1,000 in a week just covering the medical bills whatever you're so rude your masks suck ma'am please stop contacting me unless you are willing to pay for my services my venmo is this please my kids are dying honey my child is dying don't play that BS choosing beggar line on me that's not the first time I've heard that today ah freak you it's really you're gonna go to the lengths of saying that to get six dollars for free I get why what's the point in fact it isn't six dollars like really really good like that's one face mask anomaly this person is hand-making four of them for only six dollars justjust be happy take it like yet thanks despite not having worked on saints row in years at this point this is still my DM inbox huh can I have a code for saints row no Rikyu then I don't like Saints Row it's like I really want a code for the for the game but I don't like it all right I don't like it I don't need to prove that I like it to you hi I'm interested in the chairs if available hello yes they are I'm here all day all week available any time for pickup if interested okay is it the whole set with the bench and table also it's just the chairs I'm selling the bench separately for 25 bucks though if you're interested okay I'm looking for black chairs and since these are not the right color and also the bench isn't included I can offer a tea let me know I'm pretty firm on the price I've already had half a dozen people message me in the last 10 minutes since it's been listed I'll consider lowering the price after a few days if it doesn't sell okay but you do understand with them being the wrong color why I offer lower I can pay 120 if you include the bench and also deliver let me know please let me know thanks again I will consider lowering the price of later down the road I have a lot of interest at full price despite the color I will let you know but I'm looking for black chairs not the color you have so it's understandable to offer less they just aren't what I need just like a defective product would be marked down do you understand I see you read it but not replied last chance 84 all plus delivery take it or leave it I can come right now cash in hand Wow you sold them I was read to buy them Wow hi Blanc as mentioned I had several interested buyers I'm sorry it didn't work out I hope you find the right color chair good luck I have to say honestly you did wrong by me we were in a conversation about a cell and in a business where you were in negotiations you don't sell to other people it's dishonest and wrong now because you weren't fair I missed out on chairs that I need and now I'm without chairs for my table because you went and sold them behind my back I can see when you read and don't respond Facebook monitors sellers who don't respond quickly to their buyers it's very rude to just ignore me after what you did do you even feel bad leaving me in a tight spot like this I'll report you as a bad seller for doing this and then ignoring me hope it was worth it I could barely read that without just laughing like what do you expect you really think they're just gonna hold it oh you're giving me a lesser offer than the other person you know what I'll hold it for you don't worry young man Krispy Kreme offering free twenty twenty graduate dozen donuts to graduate in class ah not fair that Krispy Kreme Doughnuts did not consider middle school grudge words ah how is this got 76 likes for heads oh it was 76 people click that and be like yeah you know what middle school should get him as well mmm and let's be honest she probably has a kid in middle school and she wants some free donuts she's gonna be the one eating them asus rog swift monitor is this still available hi senior ad for the monitor are you open to offers and if so would like to offer 70 it's not for me but for my son he's buying it with his money thanks for any reply no offers mate let's find it's a five-year-old monitor and you can get new ones off amazon for 140 so good luck with your sale an asus rug yeah good luck it's an end-of-life item that no longer get made anyone looking online will see how old it is it's no polite saying it's a rogue it's still old tech it gives its value I'm not arguing with a random you either want it or you don't don't cry because you can't get it cheaper I okay it won't sell but good luck I see all too often folk warning big money for old tech we will see it an on a month or so but we'll have fun sold thanks for your input the guy probably read that one was a ha he sold it huh did well my statement still stands is this still available I have a hundred and fifty dollars cash and I'm on the road can pick up right now and the lowest I can do is 180 I am sorry but I literally 160 please reconsider it would be great to get it done right now I'd love to sell it to you for 180 today I already have another person interested for 200 in a few days 180 is a good deal I've also got a small amp for sale if you are looking for one of those as well I'm not lying I literally only have 160 so we're just gonna miss out on the deal if you can't do it no problem let me know if you find 20 bucks you're an [ __ ] that's one of the things that always confuses me they go like oh I'll give you cash in hand right now it's like yeah that's how you normally buy things how else are you gonna do it transfer me in a week's time no you give me cash in hand that's how everyone pays I'm gonna give you half price because it's cashing out raw hard cash come on and you know what guys I'm gonna give you these two videos in hand you can click these for free look for how good of a deal is that that's pretty good right you guys do not click them cuz it's cash in hand videos in huh I don't know what I'm talking about I'd subscribe thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 355,542
Rating: 4.9600868 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: 335akRRB7S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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