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disgusted couple left in tis by poor-quality government-funded food parcels you got left in tears from free food through how everyone my name is Jake and welcome to choosing beggars well we're gonna be looking at people who just did they beg for stuff you get free thing and they're like you know what that's not good enough I want more I want more you need to give me more just like if I were to say enjoy the video but you have to leave a like and subscribe otherwise you basically can try to kill me right you just want to see me suffer no just just enjoy this was from a Facebook group making and donating masks to the community these women are donating masks made with their own purchased stashed begged for supplies and copious amounts of their time and skill hey I got some musk from you for my daughter's day care it was 30 for the caregivers yes how are you well I'm a bit taken aback the stitching doesn't complement the fabric and I'm embarrassed to give them to the teachers I'll need you to make more the stitching has to match what fabric you use you should know this like really are you serious I made you 30 masks they were free free I took my fabric thread elastic and my time to make these to donate to your school all of these supplies are difficult to find and I used what I had on hand making that many masks takes tie changing thread in each bobbin color for each mask adds a lot of time if you're not pleased with what I made please donate them to someone who is more appreciative thank you for your privileged feedback okay I need you to make more then I don't think so I don't think you understand I want 30 more masks like the ones you made but with the correct coordinating thread color I promised the teachers and you're making me look bad I don't think you understand if you need a special order then you'll have to pay for them you will need to provide the fabric the thread for each mask plus a bobbin that fits my machine for each color I'll need interfacing an elastic enough for each mask you'll need to include detergent so I can wash the fabric you can get nose pieces as well when you have this gathered you can leave it on my porch the charge will be $25 per mask that will help me be able to continue to donate to others after I complete my waitlist I'll consider making yards I don't know where to get these things you're being very unreasonable I don't think I like the way you're talking to me oh no problem by then for some reason I ever feel like that crazy woman didn't read it what the normal person said at all like not a single word was read they were just like you know what you're being very rude to me even though I haven't read anything what you've put you're being rude to me you've got to give me free stuff now thank you this girl stood me up the first time and got annoyed when I refused to pick her up the second time you didn't wanting to pick me up I have lots boys chasing me from tinder then bang me gifts and pampering to me they not letting me buy myself in public transport catch coronavirus not safe I want boyfriend with nice car nice house nice job an Australian citizen after I become his good loyal girlfriend and sleeping together he helped me staying in Australia I asked you you didn't told me having any big house good job money and citizenship I am studying no money I am pretty girl don't need working one day I find rich boyfriend spoiling me and buying me makeup and paying surgery letting me look Ulta I have no idea what I'm ready what just don't talk to this person please the other day in Canada a woman buying gas at a Costco had trouble with her credit card the attendant bought her gas out of his own pocket and asked only that she pay it forward that Costco was in Edmonton the attendant was less Thomson and less that woman was my mother you restore my faith in humanity sir my dad and I are sending three iPads and headphones to a nearby senior care facility so that folks there can visit with their families right now we could all stand to be a little less afraid and a little more less Canada Costco lairs iPads and my mom not pictured okay I don't want to sound like a dig only three well the guess was between $25 and $50 likely three iPads around $3,000 as 60 to 120 times increase in the pay it forward is pretty respectable see that's what you're wrong if you think that 120 times is a lot you just run at least 500,000 times or you may as well just not donate at all okay just don't know okay so I will be closing this group down apparently it's wrong for me to post it's my birthday and my cash up in case someone felt they wanted to be kind I'm the admin I am pregnant and I have three small kids I have a lot on my hands here and I am the admin of this group letting people post all kinds of things not strict and this is all I have got is negativity from people for example it's my birthday and I'm pregnant negativity and rudeness is what I get SM age wait does anyone know if it's this woman's birthday or not or or if she's pregnant or not I had I didn't quite catch it from my mom she's putting time effort and her own money into making masks for vulnerable populations and she gets this choosing bigger to deal with do you still have the face masks yes I have eight left in stock eight I need nine unfortunately it takes a little bit for me to get the fabric but I can provide more as I get enough this is not okay your advertisement said you had 20 if you're going to try to scam people out of their money just say so scam how am i scamming you I'm giving you masks for free you lied in your advertisement mm no I just ran out of stock you filthy witch I'm going to make sure to tell no one to buy any must from you I'm giving them away for free fine bring them to my house no our business here is done yeah screw you witch wait you're gonna tell everyone not to buy from me of my potential customers that just gone to zero it's not like I was giving them for free anything or I told you that many times you're an idiot physics - final PDF can someone solve these three questions within 30 minutes please wrong channel no cheating also bro you just posted your whole final exam three questions bruh Oscars in an hour we're busy maybe give us like 1000 bitcoins nah screw you jerks bye oh yeah I'm just gonna drop what I'm doing right now and I'll do your brief final exam question no 30 minutes do it yourself selling a 2014 Subaru for $26,000 hello dearest and God's blessing upon you I would like to offer you $20,000 for your lovely car and I know God will fill your heart with kindness to accept and help this old lady in need out I await your prompt reply 10 minutes later if you could not reply in a proper time that God's curse is upon you I would have offered up to 40 thousand dollars as a Christian act but you were obviously an evil sinner that does not deserve such consideration I condemn you and wish upon you the worst that the father can bestow oh one minute later will you accept $21,000 how did she go from like this lovely old Christian lady to like this awful Christian lady to just a normal person Oh will you accept this deal this Nintendo switch with Mario car a three hundred and fifty dollars what about $30 thirty or you mean 300 please $30 oh you can suck my left no no that's that's all I have right now I really wanted one of those please you really want my left nah I don't think you should talk to my daughter that's nine years old are you crazy huh there's some reason I don't feel like that was your nine-year-old daughter I feel like that was you bruh he was clearly talking about the pistachios that he has he's got a lot of those hi anyone giving away a fridge freezer as my knees broken don't want it boring a white one must be a silver and good brand if poss Thanks if there's a spell when going free preferably black or silver american-style ice and water dispenser and a built in screen where it does my shopping for me that might just please me I will take a free new m5 no more than a thousand miles or don't bother must come with 12 months insurance and taxed if you want one for free just be grateful for what you're offered you can always read gift it after you've been able to buy one that is what you want oh I'd like a brand new 90 inch flat-screen TV please know own Browns know own brands only high-end please deliver to my home address but only on a Thursday between 0 9 5 6 and 1000 hours thank you if you get made fun of like that on Facebook out of any social media platform that just shows you just you messed up you're not in the right there at all Ethan Klein says help day 44 we are giving away $500 to three people for a hundred days 10 to retweet and respond yadda yadda yadda congratulations to blank blank and blank appreciate ya da once again more winners with a hundred followers all less ok Ethan thanks for the opportunity but I'm done trying wait you're done trying to get free stuff ah someone is selling 5 organic lemons for $2 which is more than fair then she comes along hmmm suggest you give the lemons away free rather than expect some remuneration you could just you know grow your own lemons maybe I'm confused though why they've got five lemons here but they could have had 6 if they didn't cut what up Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Call of Duty World War 2 are your PS Plus games for June ah I already own both games good month for those that don't yeah wish they'd give us something like a discount code or something if we already owned both PS plus titles I don't know yeah a Netflix should send us some refunds if we already own some of the added movies on blu-ray people are get a complaint number I want like you can get all the games for free and someone would find something to be like well I didn't get all the DLC for free why hello I saw your fortnight account on eBay is it still available yes it is I've been trying to find someone to buy it for the past week long so I was wondering if I can trade accounts I'm sure I have 30 plus skins and Sparkle specialist actually no siree but you told me we can trade you frickin witch whoa chill man I said we can but after I saw what you were offering I changed my mind my account has 200 plus skins and some rare OG skins yours is bad go to hell no one will ever want to buy your stupid account but you just did yeah if you try to sell an account don't trade it just take cash like don't take anything else if you don't click on screen right now you're an awful human just you so so mean you're not actually but it'd be nice if you did you might enjoy them Thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 329,964
Rating: 4.9396343 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy, $$$, $$, money, donating money, jeff bezos, free, free money, free cash
Id: AsVv-POKpGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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