100X HUGE Japanese Onigiri!! Japanese MiniMart Sushi, Sandwiches and More!!

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this is the r d department they've created a dish for the first time and it's going to be revealed right now today one two three japan they're known for their sushi famous for their wagyu [Applause] and loved for their ramen but what about japanese made sandwiches a japanese recipe eaten in vietnam let's try it out inside most of asia's famous convenience stores you'll find a cooler section packed with fresh ready-to-eat snackables these foods have an origin story that's never been released to the public until now why did you choose vietnam and not thailand or some other country in this exclusive series we're digging deep into food factories that are mass producing the affordable and convenient products we all take for granted what were the biggest challenges in opening this factory so actually everything was done as well today's mission seeing how the japanese culture of refinement and perfection has been applied to dozens of ready-to-eat mini stop favorites i'm heading to a giant factory in a non-disclosed location uncovering the secrets of the perfect crustless sandwich convenience store sushi and more so how do they do it let's find out yes here we are in one of my favorite places an asian convenience store [Music] so there's something special about convenience stores in asia they're always packed with super unique original sometimes unbelievable unfathomable products like ice cream you'll find ice cream flavored like corn does that seem okay to you yeah no wrong why it's super weird really yeah well i think it seemed like you can put any single flavor in ice cream like broccoli i know it they have corn ice cream how about you try that one this is really good i tried some of yours yeah this had corn in it no pores here we have the grilled seaweed roll i don't know what that is but here you go oh it's literally just a round piece of seaweed [Music] it's usually spicy what is this the skins of animals or whatever oh just skin of animal oh fish i guess they put the word collagen on there not fishy at all one more yeah we've come to the most epic section of any asian convenience store the refrigerator holding all the fresh items brought very recently we've got sandwiches noodly items sushi also there's sushi here and even kimbap originally known as onigiri do you ever wonder how this stuff got here maybe it it distributed from different factories around they got to make a lot of sandwiches in one day right sure if only we could discover where all this delicious food really came from that's going to be really awesome mom i have a surprise for you today we're taking a field trip to the factory that makes sandwiches really sounds pretty good huh cool yeah let's teleport thank you so much for having us today welcome to japan best foods one of the first to put ready-to-eat fresh foods on shelves here in vietnam operating under their japanese parent company nitto best japan best foods has brought their knowledge equipment and technology to vietnam in hopes of carving out a whole new industry here currently they're producing 30 000 meals every day with over 90 different products is this the first country that you've been to outside of japan yes is that right so why did you choose vietnam and not thailand or some other country first of all the food culture of vietnam seems similar to japan because there is no restriction of eating meat but i think thailand they don't prefer to eat deep oh is that right yeah yeah oh i didn't know that vietnam is among the top three most vibrant retail markets in all of asia with over 4 000 convenience stores across the country making it the hot spot for convenience store brands looking to cash in but there's a problem in vietnam street food is everywhere this is also fresh food made on the spot in large quantities for very little money you can get this for under a dollar so can a foreign food company compete or attempt to change an eating culture that's been around for centuries this factory's production line includes every step of the food making process cooking mixing assembling and packaging beyond production they also run an ambitious research and development program in this room they invent and develop new products almost daily more on that later yeah while we're in the factory we're gonna talk about two main foods that i see all the time one is a sandwich yes we'll talk about that later the other one is kimbap but in japanese it's called onigiri which country invented that it's from japan really would korean people agree with that i hope so how many different types are you making 20 onigiri oh wow that's a lot way more than i thought so what is the best-selling one grilled chicken onigiri and tsuna mayonnaise onigiri yeah i love tuna tina too much of this factory is about as chill as a refrigerator it must under 10 degrees so any food that needs to be cooked for any product gets cooked here in the hot room right now they're working on the minced grilled chicken onigiri before being sent to the mixing room the cooked food is temperature tested to ensure any potential bacteria are deceased grill fillings is one of the popular flavor of onigiri in vietnam but it's not popular in japan is it even available in japan i don't think so it's only for vietnam that's pretty cool here the chicken is mixed with a five-spice sauce the famous chinese spice blend that's long been a part of vietnamese traditional cuisine then these ingredients all head to the next room for assembly this is where everything comes together the assembly and packaging of all their products next these rice vessels are filled with grilled chicken she precisely portions out the filling by hand not too much and not too little just the right amount so the next step can be carried out successfully right here we have the onigiri machine every hour is pumping out 3 000 of these suckers what's remarkable is a level of detail and thought that goes into everything they do here because the standards they're operating at are well above any that they're obligated to by any governing bodies for example here they have a mini x-ray even if they find a single eyelash inside the machine is going to stop and they're going to throw it out this is the typical onigiri shape but this food can take many forms all you need is a specifically engineered machine created by japanese food scientists easy right next this naked rice vessel heads through the packaging machine where it's wrapped with seaweed and sealed in plastic to keep it fresh there's something magical happening here it's not easy to see at first but we will reveal it starting now so we have to use number one here this pull tab that splits the plastic in half and we pull out side number two it slides this layer between the seaweed and the rice out because if the seaweed was actually touching the rice it would get soggy we want crunchy seaweed and layer three comes out here as you can see there's a big rice triangle but now we have fresh crunchy seaweed should we give it a bite let's go for it i didn't reach the filling yet but already i love the taste of crunchy seaweed with rice that alone is a yummy snack interesting chicken flavor is really good kind of peppery succulent but you know what would be good chicken mayo there's a lot more stuff to try maybe we grab a few different items head to the table and try it out japan best foods has a huge focus on freshness with very little time to turn around product requests here's how it works first they take orders from 600 convenience stores around saigon then they must produce those orders the same day by midnight it's already on store shelves unlike making instant noodles where you can have thousands or millions of packages sitting on shelves waiting to be sold this is a zero inventory business you guys have convenience store sushi yes how long can i hang out on the shelf before it has to be thrown away two days two days arrive to the store i mean my standards are much lower than yours i can tell you that i had a sandwich in my fridge from like two weeks ago the sushi are stuffed with a variety of potential ingredients later each piece is cut by a machine before heading to the assembly room as it moves down the assembly line they already have the sushi made at this point they just need to put it into each of the packages close it up tape it label it and send it out so we grabbed every kind of sushi they have here 15 different flavors they actually give you a little packet of soy sauce on the side i do the vietnamese way i just oh with your teeth the american way we use a gun tuna here let's try this one over here they have some more like advanced style sushi this one is egg male this one is mayonnaise crab stick and corn a little bit of corn mayonnaise rice soy sauce my three favorite flavors together i just love corn so much this is good here for the sushi we got egg cucumber is that also cucumber that's cheating guys what the f six cucumbers out of 15 pieces this has some pork carrot woody or mushroom [Music] what's interesting to me there's not like a lot of raw salmon raw tuna they've intelligently designed a sushi menu that works for these conditions well i think that the idea of bringing sushi into the convenience store is great because you know for a long time like susie would consider like something fancy that's right that's good except for the cucumber not a big thing i fully expected japan best foods to excel at convenience store inigiri and sushi but what about japanese sandwiches in a month how many sandwiches do you think you're making in putting out 100 000 pack for a month and last question is a pretty serious one why do japanese people hate breadcrust so much [Laughter] if you know a thing or two about japan this machine probably won't surprise you they've engineered a highly advanced technology just for this this machine's only purpose is to remove the breadcrust a process whose origin they can't even explain does that get thrown in the trash or does that get reused somewhere actually it's going to be a trash and it will become a fee oh okay so other animals like pigs or something will eat it that's not trash it's like still being used [Music] instead of a crust hating machine they could have built a sandwich filling machine but here they think that job is best done by human sandwich building specialists [Music] the sandwich marches down the conveyor belt as it goes from concept to being each specialist adds a new layer of flavor or an ingredient until the product becomes whole and self-actualized all these ingredients were recently brought together in the mixing room like this egg salad made with diced up hard-boiled eggs and tangy mayonnaise or this tuna salad tuna mixed with tangy mayonnaise or well just about anything else you can imagine mixed with tangy mayonnaise [Applause] [Music] after the sandwich has become whole the executioner chops it in half creating triangular shaped sandwiches ready for the packaging stage which is also conducted by human packaging specialists the sandwich is stationed in its final resting place and put back on the conveyor belt awaiting the next day where it'll get sealed up and labeled [Music] the finished product will go through a quality check machine to ensure consistency [Music] i like that me too there's a little bit of onion lots of mayo and plenty of fake crab legs but the bread itself is really soft it's a type of bread that just gets stuck to the roof of your mouth tuna with mayo and your favorite corn yeah you're into cornography [Laughter] sorry so they have the tuna they have grilled chicken and then the pinnacle of convenience store sandwiches especially when it comes to japanese people making them the egg salad sandwich it doesn't get better than this it's egg it's mayonnaise it's some other stuff that they wouldn't tell us [Music] the egg yolk and mayonnaise they're meant to be good friends well anyways we need to head back to the factory one more time because there's one thing we haven't seen yet the r d room [Music] boom oh they're so good not to have those masks on here we're in a laboratory yes can you tell me what happens in this room we are doing the microbiological tests in this room such as new ingredients and our final products are randomly tested every day if something's not meeting the standard then what do you do we have to stop our production shipment and collect before it is delivered to our store right now we're in the room that i'm most excited for this is the r d department [Music] here in the research and development room cooks snacking specialists and engineers of yum are inventing new products all the time our rv team is making new products almost every day are they limited as to what ingredients they can use can they use foie gras if the price allow we would used to use for agura but there's a limitation do they taste it themselves to see if they like it yes oh dream job alert this is not an easy challenge as the food must still hit certain price points meat health standards keep its shell freshness and oh yeah it's still gotta taste good too [Music] basically mom yeah i was told that they're going to make something unique just for us they've created a dish for the first time and it's going to be revealed right now today how heavy is it more than 10 kilograms well the 10 kilograms that's over 22 pounds he's wheeling it in it's monstrous looking uh [Music] i'm ready one two three [Laughter] wait hold on i think that's me a red crab bandana there's a bit of a receding hairline that's me too much eyebrow guys this is the best day of my life it's made from 64. small learning how much would you sell this for a priceless good answer it's priceless yes gonna ease into it yes it's working get a little haircut here [Music] wow there you go that is beautiful and guys that's what my brain actually looks like inside can we eat this for real yes can you eat all of them i'm going to do my best yes i want you to pick that up [Music] you did some damage there you got through what i don't know what you're saying for sure but i feel it here let me try another bite oh that one is fried rice it's going to take at least 15 minutes to eat wow that's a big bag okay i'm pretty full [Music] highly recommended five out of five i like it i'm full of rice maybe i can wrap it up and bring it home guys thank you so much thank you what an honor to be able to eat my own head and i just want to say thank you so much for your generosity you're so generous to let me eat a half of your hair gather around sing with me every food you see here all the steps and processes are largely the same as what you'd see in japan where this industry was created and perfected japan best foods isn't trying to compete with saigon's bustling street food scene they're creating a different new experience all together from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here thanks for watching guys we will see you next time of [Music] with peace [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,247,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, japan best food, ministop, vietnam, asia, asian food, south east asian food factory, food factory in vietnam, saigon, convenience store, jbf factory, SANDWICH, FIVE-SPICE CHICKEN ONIGIRI, japan food, sushi, bento
Id: W_BTfnyaZgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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