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in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show Oh God welcome to the real release of love as the Strongs man this is like the real release bro what is this field anti-vehicle kid yo yo that is the real release of large as a songs man is vision defense encore plus 15 seems a bit broke we'll see I don't we don't know yet but this might be very strong when I close my eyes I see the horses I cheat jinx come my grandfather and I want my land back okay sir I need you to take charge of my Intelligence Agency and find out the ambitions of the warlords around dude this letter sister is cool it's cool so I'd love to look at shed anymore that's actually kind of cool man nobody can fool me all my friends you beautiful men of course I'm beautiful like my horse I can alight like a horse I'm running like a horse and when I close my eyes I see a horse here we go okay okay my food is coming and the game just started that was easy and we can play the game Jaclyn welcome to another toy for stream we are laughs has the songs I don't remember like as his tongs so Spain Portugal and France to focus trees right and the only thing that changes for me is spice right Oh God welcome to the real release of love as the songs man this is like the real release bro ah here corrupted ago so we gotta fix the economy first ok thank you thank you so we gotta start give me a sec guys I need to [ __ ] as I'm sure I still didn't really buy from the stream yet I think she just had to clean the kitchen cause I [ __ ] up hard man one sec one sec give me a second give me second receiver yeah II our son sir Lu Bu Basha sir you know understand you understand okay give me SEC what the [ __ ] it's already already changed a lot of stuff guys I think I just said that but probably they didn't let's get to what hey tomatoes what is this field anti-vehicle kid yo yo debt is the real release of lodges and songs man you see this [ __ ] Dan Lynn and there's a new doctrine okay against superior armies we must outwit our enemies tactically and make them pay for fighting our homeland division defense encore plus 15 seems a bit broke we will save I don't we don't know yet but this might be very very strong and that's the defense this is like a mix of old ones yeah Xperia I'm not getting any experience that is status huge that's the biggest thing here actually I'm not getting any speed from this right now easy easy so training makes no sense anymore because 0.01 which is just like yeah so don't train anymore okay that's huge that's a huge difference man Thank You Barclay young shall propose an alliance with the Communists at the chair meeting Jung Hyung has made a surprising suggestion he believes a racial fortune aligns with the Communists perhaps he is right so we got to talk to Japan ASAP law guys too many messages this I so I fought the front with Mongolians and third oh we're already United but I want to have a strong Union against all United of them okay em before Hirohito China demands you demands you to take a stance on us are we the enemy of Japan or can we live next to each other Emperor wore regular Chiang kai-shek ampitheatre would like to meet you in his palace okay okay we already built the [ __ ] united front here good don't know if I won't see you're gonna just pull up in the beginning I can't reach at it alright niihama hello mr. check oma you remind me of a friend of mine called the Rico yes it's Rico hello but today I but I changed my name today mr. check I am a prince what what's your name Prince do troupe I am the grandson of James Caan today I'm not coming here to talk about history my friend yes I'm talking here as you needed work as a diplomat yes we've heard in your energy letter that you are actually looking forward to become a dentist for the great Republic of China yes of course my friend I already talked with many people in the United Front and I even talked with the great leader of Mao about his plans of a revolution and mr. check don't tell us this demon understand yes a young man who lost his fate and we all know we need a strong leader against the young and we need a united front against a Emperor least come in the east of here wait or you will be late to potatoes and a bucket of rice a week for your great service to the country oh that is too much attack we have a lot of free houses right now Lu Han maybe you and your family can go there soon if you do good job your life will improve I never speak to the Emperor I need to I need to fly to Tokyo he invited me to smell us I'm working here and the kitchen for you hello hello it is honored to be in great country of Japan as a beautiful country ohayo gozaimasu ooh oh hello Peter came here to meet with you the great deeds of Chiang kai-shek to discuss the matters of great importance in this region this is my ladies if I might speak to you as a friend the Japanese people do not seek war between Asians Asia belongs to the Asians but the main danger that we see in this region within the north and also this dirty little pocket of communism in China the mouths the drunk we see them as the persistent danger to the safety of Asia and my friend Japan wants to assure China of their friendship and signed a non-aggression pact soon it is first of all so great to hear what what a kind man you are I heard reports that you're planning to invade the great people of China but it seems these reports are false and probably spread by communists let us sign here today a document of Japanese Chinese friendship and make sure the world knows that we are not enemies but indeed a united front against communism and any other threat to the Asian people don't do this very well my friends let the world know that communism have no place in Asia thank you very much so we already seem to have good relations with the Chinese don't worry guys I have ideas in the back of my head okay everything you see on the stream everything you see in the roleplay you don't know what's happening 9 I've been learning man oven I've been reading this [ __ ] okay this is my homey man he probably comes from [ __ ] Nanjing okay twelve seconds later yeah I'm kicking everyone man I'm just trying to faction dude denied it front has hereby been deleted I should have done that move later that's like my auto 66 but I did that a bit early didn't I so I'm getting my first operative the reason I took the HSC in the beginning because I think you want your first operative so he starts working you know you should have one operate at least going but I'm not gonna waste him more just now he's not gonna level from this so I need to actually so here here is where the streams nothing is gonna start and putting him you cos want to level up to the other two but this is where the streams nothing is gonna stop so let's get the force bond-buying - weapons markets last 20% with shorts and plus 5% epu news facts Billy five full support [ __ ] my great friend yes damn chicken group room yeah I summon you to Nanjing here today why I think I have your first mission my friend please I have other information for you mister check what is it my friend what we have I walk with the great leader of your wit oh yes about our friendship between our two nations yes mister check you know in the history he invaded the rightful lands of Chinese ancient many Chinese people but he wants the scent of a gift for his friendship between china and the japanese chakra night he wants to give us is he boy as a present to show that she's peaceful to the Chinese government listen yes listen Prince Duncan Google if you're actually seeing the truth and you can be the Punto handler in this deal you can train East a bar back to China yes you will be raced for the first right hand of the great leader Chiang kai-shek that sounds really nice thank you for those offers but I only do this for the Chinese people beautiful man but now that I'm beautiful is that why that is why I have three wives and my father thing by please such a mister mister like to get the East him ideal done it would mean so much to us okay of course my friend David got to took you and tell him this mission and how okay goodbye my friend Sachin Sachin which are like Danish people do not recognize the Jewish nation of Israel whoa like how do you do that dude he's gonna make the virtual massage he has a basic focused Reno right yeah I mean the basic focus read looks insane man it's really good holy crap man how [ __ ] crazy is that [ __ ] greater Israel that's actually pretty cool man here you go I never seen that before the Chinese Empire that's a [ __ ] goal dude that is a [ __ ] goal that's gonna be so hard to do Japan announces after a great meeting with a Chinese diplomat we agreed on giving province of East a buyback to China for one factory that we lose by this action solders be the sign of goodwill and great defender for nations so we already have an enemy here we're already calling out mounted Tong force unlawful invasion of the great people of Shang scene and we're about 20 bucks and we are gonna face this man my blood ah hello we subject them Jake got me how are you doing my friend I come back for Tokyo and you see is that the East EBA belongs not to you mister check my cement I bow my head to your diplomatic deal making skills thank you very much for your service to the country of course you stay by there's no part of this great Empire once more but mister check I have 13 Saints oh here it goes what is your connection when I close my eyes I see your horses I cheat Jesus come my grandfather and I want my land back you want to you want to get back to the capital hakuna matata you want to reclaim the great Horseman Empire of Genghis Khan himself my friend of course I want to unite this could be a new time we shall check China and Mongolia United is the first time of history let's hope this time I don't have the wall around you okay my friend you've done great services for China and I know you will do even more great services to this country so I can tell you that I will support your claim on avatar but understand that it's on a protection by the madman himself Leon Trotsky yes I talked with mr. top skin oh yeah oh [ __ ] you really do make her aren't you of course I am 9 the charismatic man taught ski don't want it betray his allies and you don't the one give me the claim of Mongolia at the moment so he is opposing your flame my friend I fully agree with you but it's important that we do intelligent moves that we play an intelligent a game of frontier we can't just openly show all our business for enemies we must be plotting in a dark room we must be hidden until the right time for orderly Wuhan so mr. check do you have another task for me my friend indeed yes I need you to be the leader of the brand-new ok sir I need you to take charge of my Intelligence Agency and find out the ambitions of the Warlord's around the 1o on them what do you want for I need information what are their ambitions what are their plans are they putting against us we need to find out I have returned from acacia heard you did to friends yes of course I have a counter idea about the Yunnan think my friend yes there's two less we can go here sir we can alive a few none to integrate guanxi or we can arrive long sheet under great you none well she is a much more valuable area though so I think an alliance with you none will actually be a good decision to stand united against the warlord leaves on them what do you think you tell him that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro I can't explain often Crippler I used to hear my friend of course I am ok I'm sorry I just received a real letter from Russia I received a message from you none and he's asking what's going on I need you to go through he none tell him that I'm jinxed and strapped in but once she is the enemy and once she needs to fall into Chinese hands and Yunnan must respect that you know that obviously as you just said cult have claims on French Indochina and we call consumption there dude his little sister is cool it's cool so I'd love to look at shed anymore that's actually kind of cool man yes it is true Mao is growing and growing and he must be stopped immediately soon the miniaturization of the Chinese army will be on their way if so we have an AI Guang XI I could work on that first obviously but we obviously have a big big enemy in the northwest we struck Russia and he's growing his he is eating everyone man he is a true friend dude I mean if there will be some kind of way to make Moscow step down from their defense of these fake Chinese that could be something but I don't think it's possible yeah Thank You Rex maybe I can't talk with this new leader in the Russia yeah [ __ ] he's not even declaring on Mongolia he's the count on everyone yes I know you simply said war monger a fascist scum such a big army now I can't do anything with it well we soon have 40 percent more attention then we can do something mr. Sheikh I promised them welcome Yunnan welcome you nannies we then kill Vietnam and we're gonna stop us you nun there as well and then we take you none I mean the ultimate goal is Chinese Empire right ah serious infants of foreign powers undeniable we have two second freed all operatives okay and if successfully I wouldn't let me do counter espionage oh they are doing right now let me try to catch some [ __ ] spies man everybody is infesting my country but well ours predicted when Tommy Kay plays love those songs these guys are gonna put [ __ ] spies on my ass let's be serious so let's do some counterintelligence for a while so they're now doing counterintelligence wait if I go to war my economy gets better okay what let's round to come to pass and get it look like spam let's make the greatest [ __ ] infantry you guys ever seen that's where everything is gonna go down he gave it to miss young Japan is on my side don't worry Japan is on my side but again a Japan that doesn't kill a China is always weak it depend this is not gonna be strong spent those fall but you played Japan you don't feel China it's always very hard oh now it's green yeah all the street snipers left all the stream snipers left my [ __ ] [ __ ] bro yeah they know I'm coming for their little spy asses okay we're doing great here in forming a lot there's two infantry expert that we've been looking for I want him to love love it's not getting much not about getting [ __ ] you know which will be huge that's big big big [ __ ] I've beacon formation for the Northwest government what is it and we're coming soon and take talk with me and give me a deal to betray you yes they're coming soon they're planning that you give all the lands on each and set free is set free from you my friend my friend then jump on gong you've been a great man a great friend you fooled everyone you can't call me you can't go on no Gingka scum okay raging is Khan everyone fought you will betray me but no one knew it was a scheme all along yes yes he was a my site the hotel what we do know there was a Jake we have to put it there prepare for the great work Cupid and I have a minute and here we eat oh yes what about you eat you wants to join no affection where the time comes just support okay I don't know I have to look at the loss but he's very welcome nobody all my friends you beautiful men of course I'm beautiful like my horse I can write like a horse I'm running like a horse and when I close my eyes I see a horse are you sexually attracted to horses yes of course I'm Chinggis Khaan let's hope your horses will show to be fruitful in the great war against the fascists that you can you are the greatest and you will be given what you deserve the great Mongolian steppes shall roam again with your half horse half Chinese mutant children that sounds very nice I don't like children but that is okay for me hey you want to be chiggers kinda but you know our children ok I'd like to challenge some kids like horses I like horses not children what I am I only [ __ ] horses not children my my pretty horse little hoof we come and we will rule Mongolia I used to know a good roof too it was beautiful you do what what you spent time with my with my wife Greta what you does my friend I will never hold you the wife used to be none back in the day I remember I told you know I am Chinggis Khaan and this is my wife you never go and talk with sciutto forget ok game Adam game wife again dude my god ok no we can't you know and two forces anyway okay I'm gonna get two bats man you know yes yes jingis come but as we speak about this I see Russian troop of it's in the northwest of you god yes he's coming the Russian hordes on their way brothers my friends do yeah I think that the rank of the Emperor in the rank of Mongolia gig rousted Prince what do you mean I'm Chinggis Khaan I'm the lord of sources I understand it's my friend the prince and gods gods we have the same it you told me like a trash can I apologize it's not that he's apologizing if this what [ __ ] happened just SG just to got war Oh just men [Music] rachanna will soon be done Japan and people the owner way to help you answer him at his dumb brothers hold it hold it with all your heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Siberia yes the others were not yet you don't yeah right okay artillery what oh yes get two different answers go to defense positions the Russian [Music] [Music] and thousands of the flames sorry yeah let's go handle it what jung-bae has back oh yes they want to steal land from us man it was sick it was well played we [ __ ] won against Russia and fascist China a bunch of [ __ ] claps I mean me at Japan sure but it's ok ok probably okay everybody just done okay so bomb and now I press done and he's free right let's do this chill first of all um [ __ ] princedom jump bang bang tell me everything you need for Mongolia all that as much wait a second I must look there you go you none that's to begin this beginning you need more I'm gonna get more um I need [ __ ] okay after this is taken a whole new face starts [ __ ] Spain is in Africa Italy Spain whoa did actually that didn't bore a bored hey I gotta give a little clap clap here for the players in Europe that is not bored of war that actually looks like something that makes sense that's okay different at all it's no different dehydrated timers well then horselord it's time for you to that's a monstrosity oh yeah all be subjective same state boy try to corrupt you you must be giving a chance Wow there are 17 people left oh this is so much place for my horses hey if you want many now my castle just form castle stun and it I did this G Gaston I thought that's it happened nation's finest go insane good [ __ ] an old man Mike let ov not me like it's like a wall think you know the horses that need I get have any messages that the game is actually done but you not needs to get his rightful kingdom first improve the NRA wait wait I've been playing the entire game of the army debuff yeah you don't realize it defeating di D with an army debuff epic [Laughter] [Laughter] incompetent army the biggest army give up in the game and we still did it what the [ __ ] [ __ ] guys I think we're gonna call it yeah I don't know Jenny it's very very late man I think I'm gonna call it here is that fair motivated to do more play games I'm still loving them expressions to new versions shout-out to the mock developers everyone who often doing the smart man and gift should I've got all these guys to bluff they're making one of the best months maybe the best man I've ever seen don't forget it's a mix of many many mods shout out to all individual mod creators man what an unbelievable job you're doing this is the ending song guys thank you so much for watching like turn to the high Tata whoa Amy [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 256,518
Rating: 4.951241 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 mp, hoi4, hoi4 china multiplayer, hoi4 noob game, hoi4 china, hoi4 what happens, hoi4 la resistance multiplayer, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 op, CHINA IS DEFINITELY A BALANCED COUNTRY IN HOI4 MP! LA RESISTANCE IS HERE! - HOI4 Multiplayer, hoi4 china guide, hoi4 how to play china, hoi4 best china, hoi4 noob, hoi4 is perfectly balanced, hoi4 balanced, hoi4 exploit
Id: -QDiuexVfog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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