China Airlines PREMIUM Economy Food Review New York to Taipei

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Okay, don't judge me. I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything all day, and I'm not flying business class. We're first class so the food on the plane's not gonna be that good. That's why I'm gonna make this meal count and check this out! This is so pretty. It's kind of like a hotpot and noodle soup combined. Look at this. That's some chili pepper, shrimp, a hand full of noodles, spam, of course, sesame on top fatty beef, some tripe. Guys ready to see something really pretty? Oh peanuts. Let's give this a mix. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Oh there's clams in here too, like treasures on the bottom. What is this, the titanic? Lotus roots Bok choy It just keeps getting better and better. Tell me you don't want this. Yeah you do. Yeah you want this. This is incredible. Now you might be thinking, "Okay this isn't that bad. It's just a big bowl of noodle soup, why are we judging you?" Well I also got like twenty dumplings. Is that too much? Is it? No? It's okay, long flight. Pork and chive dumplings Take a little bath in hot oil and vinegar, of course. Oh, yeah. Think it's ready? I think it's ready. This is a juicy dumpling. I like this dumpling. I just got a great idea. Take my dumpling, dip it in this, but see. Let's bring this a little bit of something—black Chinese vinegar. Alright, I feel like now, now it's gonna be really good. That's awesome. Twenty dumplings in a big bowl of soup? I don't think it's enough. You can't see it, but it's being plowed. It is yeah, that's the type of spam I like. Alright. that's done. I think I need some shaved ice. Best shaved ice in New York City. (♫Gfriend - Navillera playing♫) How fluffy is this? You can ski down this, it's gonna be pure powder. Favorite shaved ice pie in the city. It's like you can't compare. This place, they just do it the best. That was great. I just need one more thing, one more thing. All you can eat hotpot! Okay I'm just kidding about that! But I am still a little hungry, so let's see what's around here. Yeah, chocolate crepe. This is what I needed before I go to the plane. Let's eat a crepe pizza. Push big chocolaty Mr.. Spock okay, that was nice hi I think I'm good let's go to Taiwan Wow there's a lot of people going to Taiwan right now, holy cow that's Oh No so this time I'm flying premium economy luckily luckily because it was Hope the Foods good Wingtip lounge oh, I think I have access to when JFK Douglas doesn't have the best of foods But hey, that's why I ate you know four times tonic water sparkling waters a little less attractive color I should explain a little about why I'm gonna time with this time and The purpose the main purpose is actually not to film the videos. I mean I mean videos will be filmed of course I'm gonna do a bunch of food videos I'm gonna vlog a lot, but the main purpose of this trip is actually to find a manufacturer for my hot oil anyway I've been talking about this for a while now that I wanted to bottle my hot oil, and it's finally happening I'm meeting with four different four or five different manufacturers in Taiwan they all have my recipe They're gonna cook up the hot oil, and I'm gonna see how they taste so this trip I'm gonna type a meeting with a company there then I'm gonna call Sean Meeting with a company there that I'm gonna tie none, and then a really remote village area of Taiwan so this trip This is a hot oil adventure Okay, I remember this wallpaper stop to this class before in this airline pulser nice The fluffs space-saving, this is a 15 hour flight and I see it really doesn't lean back much. I got good news and bad news the good news is I'm right by the bathroom so I have easy access the values is I'm right by the bathroom and Kind of smells a little bit. Oh, thank you Those was bread, but it's not think I'm hungry. I like this taste nice is dirty Difficult stuff I didn't really like this little dealing here Alright this doesn't fit Let's see what Wow this just tells me their meaning about recycled paper That was pretty disappointing they do have a pretty awesome selection of movies the movie Although I've seen this doesn't This is su food of rice this kind of looks like The veggies from like a like a top ramen sitting on some crab meat and rice But all fruit plate This actually looks the best out of everything on the trains Chicken salad I love little follows 50 some chicken salad like this stuff this just looks a little weird The rice a little mushy even though, I know I mean the crab It doesn't really have much of a Crabby flavor I can see down meeting it It just I can't really connect the texture when to me everything is this really soft in here except. These really bright radioactive looking carrots Could be worse. This is definitely more of a eat some live type of meal Yes, I could definitely eat this Good morning. Oh I met this thing doesn't recline zero fun, but These are three choices chicken mushroom rice Penne pasta with tomato sauce I'm actually really hunger enough So hungry, well if you guys gonna see it on camera But the carrots seemed really really bright on this place both times You get some blueberry yogurt and some fruit. This is chickens a bit gooey Well here's kind of good nice and crunchy It's a really good plate of food vegetables are all seasonal well They're nice, and crunchy this rice dish much better than the last one I feel like I eat more vegetables On flights than most of my other meals because most of the time the vegetables in these dishes taste much better than their meats but this This is a quality dish out of all the premium economy meals I've had I give this a solid seven point five out of ten It's six o'clock in the morning, I just lend it in a very cloudy thunderstorm e-type. Yeah, I think it's gonna understorm all week Which is gonna be interesting because I plan on going a lot of street food tours So I'll see how that can work out flavor I was okay a little tough to sleep now the problem with getting into Taipei at 6:00 in the morning is that I can't really? Check into the hotel so I'm gonna drop off my stuff at the hotel, and then I think it's gonna be noodle soup time It's mid-october and is still steamy hot in Taiwan. It's not a good thing we can feel the humidity inside the airport Hotel number one I stayed in this hotel before this is the dandy hotel near Shooting and shootings were the biggest night market is in Taipei. That's hotel Unfortunately, I don't get to check in yet, but there's something I've been creepy for so much since the last time I love Taiwan. Let's go get that right now team phone braised pork over rice I did a video here last time and I've been thinking about it ever since This is definitely one of the best meals I had in Taiwan last time I was here - that pork brain soup though. I get the pork over rice. It's a big piece of pork belly egg That's beautiful that so pretty Look at that pork belly so big he has to cut it with some scissors. This is the soup I got Happy Taiwan breakfast to meet the mother pork rice Is that? if you let it sit there all that fat is gonna dissipate and soak into that rice and That rice is gonna transform into the food version of their soul mates Take this pork belly That's already falling apart Tender piece of bacon Melty bacon put it on top of that Man my mouth is watering so much. I think yours should be right now as well This is pork soup the soup slow think try some cornstarch in here I think it's pork meat covered in flour plus a little bit of wood ER in here Persuasive Right a regal piece of pork cook your little flower flavor is off the hook Oh bamboo Sridhar the soup as porky is seasoned, so well not overly salty The fashion without mentioning before it's already starting to dissipate you see a sink into the rice That rice on his homes already gonna be delicious Or to that Taiwan for me About an hour here hotel Grades for a while This is one of the best dates you ever put your mouth Trust me come to Taiwan here one of these it's gonna change the way you feel about things It's gonna change your whole perspective it may even change your life By the way, I need a spoon to come in here. It's a big scoop of minced pork and rice Look at this And all how was this I be able to deal with that we've got decimated and like five minutes all that for $150,000 for just about five bucks awesome breakfast five dollars. How do you get that her for a rice? Ball attic in there, okay And another ball of this soup this try this this will definitely break into your table shoe or degree the best you've ever list So I got this this is the same board With the little flower paced up and down the office a little different without winter melon Wow it's less salty in the the other soup big very big boi eating AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOO Big Dough HOW BIG VERY BIG BOI EATING VERY COOL KEEP IT UP MIKEY I feel like there's two more, but there's a question. Okay, that's all done actually I have to go film the first official jump you want to do that soup in about Two hours, and I just hate all that you know what I feel good bring on the noodle soup Brew up a faint Interesting what I love about Taiwan is the fact that you can walk down any Street any alley enger' speed tons of food stalls like everywhere This is definitely a country where food food is just such an integrated part of this culture, and I 100% did that? I'm at location number two for the beefy little soup video in this place ding dong Fong Beef noodle soup place is only got like like 8 seats really tiny place And the line is it's pretty deep That's a good day to you Beto soup. It's rainy, which shows more cold Home sweet home so tell us it's really clean. It's kind of modern It's just really simple bed just counter with some Doritos, that's always nice and usually yeah last couple sodas in there And they're really alien looking couch Crackers the thing with Tony's hotels is that you don't actually get to control the temperature of the room individually They control it through the whole entire holds out keep it around 22 Which I think is what like low? 70s high 60s there was even a time when I first came to Taiwan that it got so cold They actually had to give me a heater for my room because they're just like freezing bathroom yay Really nice legally arranged toiletries of course a modern Electric toilets and a clean shower. I'm only gonna be here one night tomorrow I'm going to the W Hotel, but now I need to take a shower. I'm like I smell like an airplane Yeah, I'm gonna go eat that $300 bowl of noodle soup beef noodle soup video of the day This is the fancy place beef daddy it literally translates to beep daddy Just finished filming the $300 beef noodle soup video Mike goodness was that good. I mean can't me die to have him and dropping 300 bucks on a four be comfy pillow Sylvester That's like once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing But if you love eat noodle soup you should I? Don't know maybe kill like 10 friends together and each pay like $30 and take take a cup of ice But you'll see what I mean. It's my mind is stoked long right now. All right. I still it's raining My kind of weather, I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel on Colin tonight
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,750,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taiwan travel, travel taiwan, traveling taiwan, taiwan food, taiwan flight, taiwan flights, china airline, china airlines, premium economy food, china airline premium economy food, premium economy, premium economy food review, china airlines review, taipei, taiwan, travel, traveling, airline, airlines, tourism, food, new york
Id: 67EXFJ1-TCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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