Japan Airline BUSINESS CLASS Food Review BEST FOOD Hong Kong to Seattle

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys hello from hong kong i'm in the cyclone area right now uh so this area is really known for the fresh seafood oh and the blood i don't know if you guys can see there's a blood moon right now so people come here for the fresh seafood it's kind of touristy but i wanted to try it out and the street in front of me is hai shingai seafood street so festive i love it and sadly this is my last meal here in hong kong so try and make it good and just a quick shout out to squarespace who's sponsoring this video thank you so much we'll talk more about them later now let's go eat some seafood oh look at that holy cow the ladies here they're going to negotiate me and ben just going to hang out yeah we're going to pretend we don't know anything which pretty much is a situation i don't know much the size of these crabs that looks like crab royalty for sure oh that's a huge abalone check out this look at this monster abalone so this place as soon as you walk into seafood street or anywhere around here like vendors will just come up to you trying to drag you into their stores so you got to resist the temptation and find the best one so i'm gonna try to find the best one for you guys this one like for the [Music] they're the experts they're they're from here so i don't want to get in the way michael's like asking people right now whether it's good or not this is like some personal investigation stuff we're doing the locals well this is the only one that he would go to oh wow that's impressive all right let's go oh that looks really good [Music] did you guys know mr shrimp has the fastest punch of any creature mighty sponge i'm meaning creature this thing could have smacked me in the face and broke my nose but ah too bad it's already cooked do you have a reaction face ben food reaction face i see it buddy why are you making fun of bed extras juice on the scallops and bourbon chili noodle [Music] it's so garlicky we're gonna get more of that sauce this is all roasted garlic [Music] that is a tender scallop oh that's really tender scalloped there's good clams a little sandy i know the scallop is really good hey i didn't know i was at this restaurant already interesting good to know [Music] uh jal [Music] [Music] all right a plan is i'm flying to seattle right now to look for apartment i i don't have a place to live yet and i only have about one and a half days to find an apartment so as soon as i get to seattle they hit the ground running gotta start looking as many as i can and um basically make a decision because that's all i have if not i'm moving to seattle and no place to live i will be flying back on jal japan airlines i think i've flew on them a couple times in the past in business class but let's see if the food's good food in the lounge so far not the best so the flight connection is in arena let's see what's on the menu today as always all the japanese airlines jl and a they provide two different types of courses one is a japanese supports and one is western and i usually get the japanese option because we're on the japanese cereal line so get the japanese option so april steamed sea bream with seaweed sauce grilled chicken miso sauce and then of course a little box of small eats and the western is basically a beef tenderloin so we're gonna go for the japanese option as i don't always it is a lot but these veggies are so good japanese meals are so intricately designed this one's like a really pretty little box make sure it tastes much much much better shrimp oh that squid was so good it's fish tofu it's chicken with sebring this is a little pack of rice it tastes a little sake in this as well the sea dream under their hands a little drive but this chicken is great usually it's the other way around i'm gonna eat it take a nap i've slept maybe two three hours last night [Music] see you in a few months japan i think it's to have to go with the japanese menu first time i ever chose something that was overwhelming it happens like whenever you want kind of dishes and they change it up and so now there's curry soy meat fajita japanese suta ramen the suta ramen is a michelin star ramen place in japan that's going to be amazing hot udon salmon bago huh pork colored sandwich of course hakken dog i love these anytime you wish things thank you so much every time i come to japan even though it's a layover like it hurts me a bit you know because i want to stay just a few more months i'll be back for a long time so the j-a-l business class it's got the dimming windows that's really nice and you get this little little walkway here and this little cabin by myself but there's like a neighbor right right over there so after you take off you can put up the separation you'll get a lot of privacy a little table thing here because i have like tons of stuff and the screen is massive so usually when i what i do to record videos in um on the airplane i need a microphone this way with this thing i don't actually talk all that loud like you could barely hear me if you're sitting next to me you won't be able to hear me with this and the space for your leg is actually really nice and white so it doesn't go like diagonal into a triangle like a lot of business airline flights and i got a pretty nice view out the window i don't know when they start getting on pajamas first course is served t this is a sesame tofu with wasabi and a mushroom frog with beans with soy beans i always like injecting my food with stuff with us it's like a slightly mochi tofu great sesame flavor this is the mushroom flan it's almost like a like a pudding with a layer of something at the top i really like the mushroom i don't love the texture of this as much the flavor is good it's got like a seafood flavor to it [Music] so pretty i love meals where i have to unwrap it feels like an early christmas with japanese food you always eat with your eyes first so we have some jellyfish with sesame seaweed it says fish roll omelette abalone tuna and bamboo shoes it's so pretty jellyfish are my favorite food items in the world is so crunchy and beautiful and this thing is so dense that's misogyny juicy juice mama's a little too sweet for me someone tastes like a sweet potato anytime macro is involved i am so happy with the tuna that's like the wagon beef of the sea it just melts in your mouth i'm pretty sure this is candy made to look like a prawn i think out of everything jellyfish investing here of course beef with onions and macro fish [Music] soup is actually amazing my only complaint is these two dishes are not great with rice they're not really saucy dishes actually of everything i think the soup is the best name on this plate i change it to the pajamas but my cleavage is showing up [Music] pork cutlets and which is one of my favorite things to eat in japan and then there's the soba noodles it looks good nice mini slab of joshua good looking stuff it's pretty chewy this is surprisingly good does he make that a nice crunch on the outside of the pork it actually tastes like the real deal noodles are chewy it has that very signature flavor this is honestly excellent that was a meaty fatty piece of i'm basically making my way through their entire menu this is also another dish you can get anytime you want on this flight this is a little rack of lamb with herb butter crumb crust veggies and a little mousse with oranges this looks like a juicy piece of lamb for something cooked on the airplane that's pretty good vegetables so refreshing i think those are the first time in my life i'm having lamb for breakfast i like it [Music] i better get used to flying to this airport so this is how i normally have to have to get on the plane in new york i have to take my car from my house and drive it to my parents neighborhood in queens and park it on their street and then taking over to the airport here i'm hoping just uh go from my apartment straight to the airport clean this area for a couple days and my sole purpose is basically i need to find an apartment i have two days to find a place to live and that starts right now okay let's go apartment hunting [Music] i'm in this uh this i guess a suburb called redwood that apartment they're full never even consider like what if all the places are full look it's a pretty big gym bike room it's a top floor one bedroom so this is the next apartment i'm at this is the bedroom there's no door bathroom it's very artistic i want is an apartment with a shower stall how many of you take baths good morning from where am i bellevue seattle i'm somewhere around seattle last night i i want to go out to eat but literally got in my room about five o'clock i didn't sleep for about uh maybe a day and a half so it just completely crashed woke up at midnight then fell back to sleep it's about eight o'clock in the morning i've got to go get some food i let's go let's go i'm going to stream today too if you don't know i have a twitch channel link is below twitch.tv with mikey let's go let's go stream this is the pikes market donut fountain the first thing i want is a bite of this donut bacon caramel donut trust me you may not know it but you do want this right now raw bacon is still crispy i love that breakfast i want some barbecue this is pike's place barbecue heard from a fan this is amazing so we'll see my plate is being constructed there's my damn hot sauce i like how the meats have a little cap here that's adorable so i got some brisket and pork now the pork looks really juicy comes apart pretty easily looks pretty good the brisket the outside looks great beautiful smoked green look at this look kind of looks like a little brisket rainbow right tell you guys right now there's a chance this might be really dry fried meat chili that's always good and the best potato salad in the damn hot sauce let's give this a try the flavor gets better as you chew oh it's much much better it's much smokier oh man if you take down deep it gets better now she might be the best potato salad i've ever had we're not kidding about that potato salad a little soup it is i put bacon in here the hot sauce looks legit we'll mix this in a little a little bit let's try with the hot sauce wow that's great hot sauce we still keep the flavor of them nice meats craziest smoke ring i've ever seen in a brisket it has some shrine really smoky but it's way too dry unfortunately potatoes are god first time something with a salad in the name becomes my favorite thing on a platter of barbecue it means but potatoes that's my favorite thing here and then the chili and the pork ties these are equally good that it's just way too dry all right so this is the seafood bisque and this is the market chowder wow that market chatter is so good not warmer so i mean creamy obviously but the halibut's got nice mouth feel to it it's really chewy and dewy sausage could lower this thing pretty good like seattle it's like seattle meets new orleans right here corn should be in every chowder because that's just a great textural thing i mean let me eat the sausage oh this is so good there's a great smoky flavor to this this is like i'm sorry much better than a barbecue super so good this is way more fragrant they put a great basil in here okay this is definitely the chunkier version the meatier version but this is just more fragrant [Music] good morning from flushing finally home top of that building kind of looks like a temple today i'm going to like a opening for a noodle place i'm so excited uh but right now i have i don't think i've eaten food in like since that nasty sandwich i had on delta's flight so i'm gonna go do a little streaming and the topic of the stream will be breakfast breakfast time and we're gonna go to check this place i haven't been here in a while getting some fish for breakfast some buns some pancakes and some tofu bring soup literal translation tofu brings and it's basically just a tofu soup with wood ear there's usually some preserved vegetables in there it's something we eat for breakfast in china now this is a northern chinese dish because in the south they eat sweet tofu in the north we savory and there's some hot oil in here and you see it's very thick right it's very thick it's a very starchy soup and it's something we love to eat with some pancakes this place serves one of the best tofu brains in flushing you know all chinese people are tofu zombies that's why we love tofu brains so much that's so good i really need some look how big this crepe is it's mad look at this oh and this dough if you look at it it's not regular flour dough it's actually a dough with a mix of flour and mung beans and then you have some sweet bean sauce inside you have some eggs mixed with the dough and inside that you have what are these like little fried fritters that are just made for this pancake so that when you take a bite it's savory it's soft at the same time it's crunchy and it's just such a fulfilling beautiful pancake it's one of the most popular street food items in china the inside is crunchy and airy this is basically a lot of carbs and eggs this is hefty so what you want to do take a bite of pancake oh man that is so good you guys ready for the ultimate dive you ready for this should be the olympic event look at that we're going in oh look at that oh man i wish you guys could taste this this is my favorite fish in the world this is in korean it's called a hair tail fish and this thing was probably a day old because they definitely didn't cook this this morning but it's still okay it's like a fish steak there's bones on each side and there's a rib in the middle a lot of meat this is what a lot of northern chinese we grew up eating it is amazing you take the ball on one side out you see that nice meat right there really really good stuff it's really easy boneless fish one of the tastiest fish out there i don't know how well it goes with this but i just wanted some of this on his home this is only breakfast number one by the way let's go to breakfast number two so next place i'm going to shanghai you guard probably my favorite shanghainese restaurant in new york oh yeah hey guys guess what we're getting this is one of my favorite places because the soup dumpling is probably the second best or third best in the entire new york and they'll give you a free basket if you just order over ten dollars worth of food you're gonna order over two dollars worth of food for sure here so free soup dumpling ten dollars for the food such a good deal [Music] i'm getting some soup dumplings usually soup dumplings you just add some vinegar some sliced ginger and that's it i'm gonna just dump some vinegar onto this thing i need my chili fish nice and vinegary we have to go for some hot oil ah their hot wheels is kind of weird is that a nice stir my free soup dumpling is here some of the best soup dumplings in new york city i kid you not absolutely free come get your free soup dumplings this is why i don't like places like ding tai phone this thing and the key of eating a soup dumpling is to not break the soup down playing oh no it broke oh i failed you but look how much was in that little dumpling diaper dumpling has fallen it's got spewed everywhere on this bamboo basket this is just unwashable moment of silence for the fallen dumpling especially because it's free it makes it taste at least three times better three three three time come on soup dumpling don't break okay we see it here we're trying to surgically maneuver it lift it into the spoon i can just go ahead and add the vinegar a little bit of ginger i love their wontons here mainly because they're made with this vegetable called tea thai which is a great vegetable for wontons and also look how big the filling is it's like this wonton swallowed another wonton i'm going to go for more of the oil here because i kind of suspect that the sauce is not what i want i love it but my soup turns bloody and inside of a wonton look at that pork and cheetah they're one of my favorite wontons in new york and this is great if you cut your wonton in half you fill the other half for a soup [Music] and they make their dumplings fresh every day here you guys don't know how soup goes in soup dumpling it's actually soup dumpling elves injecting magic just kidding so they put the gelatinous stuff the fat in the fridge and uh then they can put it into the bun and then when they steam it it becomes soup but just tell your friends it's from like the magic soup dumpling elves i mean if keblers can do it we can do it right finally home i haven't been home in like a month finally be able to sleep in my my own bed i'm so excited to see these woods last time i was here it was still freezing cold [Music] although i'm moving soon it just feels so good to be here i'm about to go play a movie and turn the volume way up that can't do that when i move to seattle into an apartment building it's gonna be home and like i said in the beginning of this video it is sponsored by squarespace and if you guys don't know what that is it's a great tool to build a website especially if you have zero design experience or programming experience so uh my first couple websites i think if it wasn't for squarespace i literally would have nothing because i have zero artistic cells in my body i can't program worth anything and with squarespace there's a lot of award-winning designs templates it's basically drag and drop it's so easy even though i could do it and i always say if i could do it you guys can do it because i i'm not the smartest when it comes to stuff anyway if you guys want to get started on your own website where you're trying to start your own business definitely check out squarespace and if you want 10 off your squarespace order uh just go to squarespace.commykiechen and use the promo code mikeychin and that link is also available for you guys in my description box below thank you all so much for watching see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,140,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: squarespace, hong kong, seafood in hong kong, seafood, hong kong food, japan airlines business class, japan airlines first class, japan airlines first class food, hong kong seafood, japan airlines, japanese food, airline food, business class food, business class flight experience, seattle, seattle food, travel, traveling, chinese food, nyc chinatown, nyc
Id: bTfjTeS63qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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