SPICY Chick-fil-A & Asiana Airlines Business Class FOOD REVIEW Seattle to Manila Philippines

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[Music] [Applause] good morning we got to stop meeting like this I think we've both need a little more sleep this trip it's a little different than the ones I've been on before right now I'm heading to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania I haven't been there since my comic book day so I used to go to the Steel City Comic Con and ye that there's a restaurant where they serve sandwiches in front forgot the name sandwiches with fries in there that's awesome I was actually invited by the University of Pittsburgh to give a talk I have some notes jotted down and I am kind of curious to see how many people actually watch my show in Pittsburgh so excited it's good fun whoa just got off my first flight I don't think I've ever had a connection where there's my gate I just got off going to buy there usually is like I'm running through the airport oh the lion chick-fil-a is insane he does that as much I just realize I only have about ten minutes and I'm not proud of this but I'm starving in times of the essence one fat mongolian beef actually does not exist if you go to Mongolia they don't have a beef dish come on go lean beef that should all have a lot of beef period but I am this is the only place without a huge live as Airport I look so sad Wow I now have exactly six minutes to eat a sausage and the onions are fresh one minute's Perry a lot of people think I get a lot and I do but actually for my super super power thank you really fast see I'm Pittsburgh just landed I think when it hits the old south a little car somewhere it's at a hotel and then the talks today I have no idea how many peels actually showing up to this I think I like tanners about to give a talk but I'm starving I have to go look for like a cookie or something get me through this all right let's see of the commercial no real so this is Robert I'm the vice president vice president finance yes I do with the money yeah I probably what is it Asian Student Alliance it's tuned along at the University of Pittsburgh how many people is in your Alliance active members yeah how about but I'd say about 200 million people this is good brownie girl Tina has her bro mean it's pretty good this girl knows what she's doing look this is Melanie hi so she brought what is this introduce us to those two drinks please ice ice kumquat fancy here in Pittsburgh I had the matcha before so I'm gonna try this hmm I was like bubble tea juice we're about to go head over and start the start the process I'm gonna highlight you guys gotta find some better highlights [Music] hey what of this yeah yo brings back memories of collegiate good times [Applause] all right now we're gonna go eat all right bunch of hungry people find some food that's still open at 10 p.m. fine it's dinner time we're at this place whoa fancy taco laughter go ahead buddy [Applause] whenever you see pork belly you get it that's the rule in life let us save some for my this might go really good for the run with the rationale Wow look at this that's a big red my favorite part about this oh it's not even runny Oh life is over have fun [Applause] hey good morning it's not four o'clock in the morning it's 3:00 in the morning so this is part of a much longer trip I'm not just in Pittsburgh I got a hit to the airport flight back to Seattle where I'm catching my flight to the Philippines I'm invited to this travel convention by code travel so I'm giving a little talk at this festival which is happening in Manila Philippines and I can't wait to go back because I arranged a couple of awesome food source of course Philippines on my favorite place in the world luckily I'm super jet lag so 3m what's your bed [Music] yay there's so much better than just hashbrowns I think waffle it's the fresh taste better than regular fresh face because it's the name waffle fries got like two things beloved not just fries fries so happy this place I thought it was gonna be able to get like a biscuit and I saw they had like some kind of spicy tea I didn't know it was the actual spicy sandwich it's 5:00 in the morning who serves like real sandwiches are these fast-food places it tastes like I bit into a fruit check this out juices in this that's not coming from the tomato that's the juice inside the chicken gosh sure top a chicken sandwich they use a good amount of heat there's waivered well exceeded my expectations Thank You chick-fil-a for serving something lured in like a biscuit in a morning I gotta eat get on my flight got a really tight connection about 30 minutes and I have to make that connection if I don't wanna miss my flight to the Philippines that's gonna be really really bad [Music] back in Seattle on my flight around time all my connections are made now on to the Philippines I'm gonna recheck my bag and then I gotta run home because the vlogging camera I'm gonna be using a new vlogging camera it just arrived on my house I'm gonna go get it my next fly is only in a couple hours I ordered this one before but then the last camera I got was a little defective it was when I was filming it kept showing up little wavy lines I got everything done it's time to race back to the airport the same web driver oh you were waiting for me well you really that's funny thanks dude I might just flip Airport way too much I'm a really really good time I still have like an hour before my boarding six minutes left I its boarding time like I'm feeling it ain't just I took the gate it's not even close where I am right now I gotta get this one video up before I take off it's been saying it's less than a minute so completion for whoo let's go how to take a train so that next building to get to my gate I don't even really know how to get there but I have 20 minutes before my flight takes off [Music] Asiana Airlines is a Korean airline so we're making a connection in Incheon haven't been back in Korea in a long long time thing I flew this airline business class once before don't remember much I think was three years ago let me show you around my little space you generous gifting from profits are these good ladies gentlemen like these should I keep these socks dental stuff Kleenex a little comb so we wake up with Bed Head you can take care of that right away so the configuration here is like single roll on either side into in the middle you get the dining table here go Jack your rack really not a lot of storage space for you you get like a little nook here so I might go pro and my lights tour over that's pretty quick I don't see the menu yet but very excited for that reading this here first thing you got to do wipe everything down everything it's a gross wipe the side of your seat down cuz most likely your heads gonna hit that now you don't want nasty head 12 Duncan scalloped mushroom cream soup beef tenderloin mistake Western menu looks pretty good okay a smoked Doug seafood pancake whole bottle there's always a bit about I think this airline in the Korean airline they serve the same in the above is the same thing they're served whether you're flying first class business class for an economy is the same dish being Chile sweet rice cake and as a snack the syrup is my kind of egg fry rice abalone porridge and assisting anytime items who get sandwiches ramen noodle alright as much as I don't want to bend above I also don't really want a steak or work is a fish and I do want a sweet rice cake so this choice is mainly decided by the appetizers and desserts Korean it is last few international flies I've been on as soon as I was about to eat always crazy turbulence this is oh my god scoffs okay it's best sweet because go with the teeth and smoked up it's much better this plane was wobbling like a jello during an earthquake and they're still moving on with the meal service because my bimba with instructions and my simple thinking kind of sad looking little seafood pancakes also sad tasting secret language that's so dry it's like eating eggs scallops and cardboard at the same time does the pumpkin soup you know I swear to goodness I feel like Korean Airlines in Asiana has exactly the same meal except for that seafood pancake it's like the same thing how can sue bid be Bob this is bad it tastes like somebody took up pumpkin mashed it up in my bowl with some water and just walked away as absolutely zero flavor so far it's pretty bad food on this airline [Music] regardless of how this tastes a plus on the presentation get us beautiful balls all different shapes and sizes gorgeous [Music] add in the rice sesame oil chilli sauce and just mix all that together with the veggies and the meat [Music] you then get it with some kimchi who's not bad it's delicious but the thing is how dealerships haven't addition if you're paying for business class you're eating the same thing that you could have gotten economy like the Asian part of me feels a little ripped off this is definitely the best thing I've had so far her the appetizers and the soup just - we ran out as a Western menu because most people were opting to the Western menu and honestly I would suggest you do the same thing if you're fine both Korean airline Daisy on them it's good but it's a bit about no don't make my mistake and get yourself a steak that kind of rhymes - just a store-bought rice cracker and like a red paint cake it's great maybe it's bought from a store but there's great big old chunks of sweet red bean here have rice puffs without orange flavor might be my favorite thing this whole entire meal what signature this by some of the I'm gonna wait till they finish wrapping everything I'm still hungry that was a great meal good I needed that sleep like I haven't slept like two days the space is actually really really tiny if I go like this my arm is already in the aisle this is your space right here this is your space so really you can't shift a lot the width of the seat is definitely way smaller than most other ative business class seats I was exhausted so I still slept a good five hours let's get something goes though can I get a Rodman and a cheese and ham sandwich this is just a bowl regular instant noodles with a bit of mushrooms and scallions on top but oh my god does it ever look and there's just something comforting about flying 30,000 feet in the air and having tomatoes you can have it whether it's not a pension she's just a ham and cheese sandwich I'm pretty sure like I'm 19 average in short this is just she is to go I have no problem for that I love seeing it off try to eat four packs a day for lunch that's surprisingly delicious toasted bread and melted cheese this is a good image for you surprised everyone make this at me happy if I got this at a restaurant I like I was saying when delicious world's combined [Music] I'm enjoying this morning dinner this is such a good combo spicy delicious mr. Kosan perfect with a cheesy portrait sandwich was bright as glorious to just not me they're very crispy so once again hit the bread soaks up all that shoe while still retaining his lunch on the counter shall as magic at 35,000 feet not exaggerating a little bit this is so good [Music] she just had this instead of the put the bubble that sandwich and you love that let it just seems my food experience out of this play I forgot about three and a half hours on this trip I think they're serving me home now later just gonna happen want you to get veal number three force number one scallops shrimp asparagus salad yeah I forgot to add my olive oil vinegar it definitely needs it I'm so weak I can't open a little bottle what is going on with me it doesn't offer much in terms of flavor it's just something you have to get through until you get to the shortbread I don't even know if the olive oil vinegar is for this I know there's before in the end so this is a short way with potatoes carrots peas Oh high hopes for this my suggestion if you ever fly korean airlines either one of them opting for the Western menu always salvation tender right idly with you know nice to break this thing apart the sausage steak is rustics got that heavy beef flavor that's gonna go great with the potatoes get off my fork so there's like a fork shaped staying on my jeans now all you got to do it take to the bathroom take off your jeans and just like this suck the grade yeah Thanks I'm kidding but I don't think she doesn't and the gravy with this this really saved them listen to ramen and sandwich really shaved up formulas why it was like a bad date everything was more importantly show up late the Hat vo no manners so then great personality it's kind of like that not my serious I need to go to sting something you always need to carry when you're traveling these shout wipes are amazing and they're a lifesaver and they're much better than the tide man so always carry a bunch of these when we're traveling and eating they're gonna save your life can finish up see in Korea [Music] twenty two minutes why this Airport is awesome it's hoping to like grab some food and relax a little bit no chance for that we have fried chicken oh man I have no time sir boys glorious brand-new you can there's capsule hotels in here and tons of food places maybe I do have some time for Fried Chicken I have exactly 10 minutes very spicy there are spies it will be much prettier and better hotter laughs flavors and Sam let's buy chicken Korea Wow [Music] cucumber rose up with beef and mushrooms and eggs shredded carrots it's whatnot just slide away pressure a little bita thief tons of crisp refreshing Jewishness from the carrots and cucumbers dinner is some box simple Gogi rice from intubating signs you can just put a bunch of stuff in here and you don't like that [Music] finally here and yes hi just got my grab card the hotel I'm staying at it's only like four minute drive from the airport and the Solaris Patel casino because I'm filming there tomorrow that was amazing Holly key lobster buffet can't wait to try it out I slept in tar away here so I'm rested I'm gonna go to build it Oh tell I got a lot of energy I'm gonna go hit the gym and at heart do some work sleep in late wake up and completely gentle eyed and ready to eat [Music] wow that's so nice thank you so much wow this is definitely the best place I will ever be spending a night ever in my life maybe there's a chandelier in my room ah I don't drink but this is so nice oh I definitely eat chocolates that's for sure Oh mangoes are the best I wish I'd brought a wine drinker with me there's a little sink kitchen area here living area oh I think this is bathroom number one oh my god that even the the toilet paper has a nice container soap okay bathroom number one Wow look at the bedroom full-size window look at this slippers bite the bed what Oh candy by the pillow there's a whole area where you can seal off right so this is the bathroom in case you're not happy with your regular fluffy robes you can choose the other robe but look at this guy's good lord look at this bath salt a loofah Oh vanity kit even the tile on the floor is beautiful luxury shower stall and then a private pooper with the phone I've stayed in hotel rooms that are the size of the bathroom here best hotel room I've ever stayed in now you've been close I need a chocolate I need to make sure this is all real good well that unfortunately the gym closes at at 10:00 so I can't go gym anymore I'm just gonna go bad I've been sleeping on the plane flight 12 hours but I think just got a bit wake up early hit the gym get my day started so the reason I'm staying this casino is because the last time I was here eight had it really awesome dibs on buffet ID red lantern and I found another buffet that's at this casino all-you-can-eat lobster we're gonna go check it out smarts to major airlines in Korea IANA and Korean airline I think that the seat layout pants a good this is so bad for me I think from the sea layout is Yana wins hand down because Korean airline the configuration is usually to two on each side and I think two or three in the middle but the two on your site is very next to each other so if you go to bathroom a lot like I do you're sitting in the window so you have to step over your neighbor to get to the bathroom which is really annoying for both of you guys I think in terms of food it's pretty much the same they both have the VIN VIN Bob the Korean menus are very very very mediocre paid thousands of dollars to two to five business class you know you're getting this exact same food item that's being served the economy you do feel like you're not getting your money's worth I think the Western menu is the way to go for these Airlines but it's kind of sad because if you're flying a na or jle you want the Japanese menu and and they do you liver on the Japanese food it's delicious but here the Korean menus are very very average so food I would give it about maybe a six point five or a seven it's not great these are really really tight probably some of the smallest business classes I've ever been on so comfort level I would say six point five or seven these Airways are not cheap Korean Airlines you know they're not cheap tickets so you're gonna find them in the same range as a na where J al or Eva or China Airlines so if you are flying to Korea or anywhere in Asia you have the to choose between the Japanese airlines with the Korean Airlines with Taiwan Airlines I would not choose the crater in life I mean the people work great the service is impeccable but that's gonna be true I'm basically all the major Asian airlines so there you go guys that's my review of Asiana Airlines hopefully you found it helpful the next time you're flying somewhere you want to fly business I got to eat all my chocolates and maybe I'll be going good a bit goodnight Oh actually Han all right I might take a while good night [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,147,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asiana business class, asiana business class seattle to manila, asiana airlines, business class, business class flight experience, asiana airlines food, business class food review, business class food, korean air, asiana airline review, chick-fil-a, korean airlines, korean air business class, korean air food review, manila philippines, manila, philippines, korean food, bibimbap, ramen, noodles, korean fried chicken, korea, korean airport, seattle to manila
Id: y1IOIcGN_bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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