My 14 Day NEW YORK Quarantine | Korean 7-ELEVEN BREAKFAST Dumplings & MASSIVE Wagyu Steak

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almost forgot about this one last chunk of chelsea cider now i'm ready to go home [Music] [Music] i see a lot of people here my name is airporter because you have a luggage i'll take you to wherever you want to go that's pretty cool i think i met this creepy dude before hello my name is airstar what's your name take me to food take me to food this is one of the best airports in the world maybe second only to the one in singapore it's so beautiful and cute [Music] all right let's go see if we can find some breakfast oh this is pretty this structure looks like the inside of a video game food court is not open see what else we can find [Music] oh i just saw a shiny light literally let's go get some 7-eleven those will definitely be better food than you'll find in any lounge [Music] dumplings oh noodle rice what anime is this well the 7-11 has look at this massage chairs over that corner oh i remember this so this is what the lounge has to offer spicy noodles these are really good shrimp is really awesome these are not so much and then some drinks yogurt and beer i think that's an omelet station over there toast and a banana don't you send me lemons much better oh there's a rice over the instant noodles so this is more like a soup noodle thing all right i think what i'm supposed to do with this is that i gotta cook this like a regular instant noodle and then i microwave the rice and then just eat this with the rice juice in a bag ah so good okay here's what i did some of you might find this gross i really don't have anything to dip the dumplings in besides some soy sauce so i put the soy sauce mixed in with the egg yolk and here we go i'll tell you guys right now if that's wrong i don't want to be right i can't believe i never tried something like this before a little bit of soy sauce now the only thing missing of course is some hot oil but dipping the dumplings in the egg yolk how creamy smooth is that flavor is ridiculous i'm lucky because it's kimchi dumpling so that spicy flavor fits perfectly with a silky golden runny egg hmm i might have to do that for all dumplings here on fourth how could i have missed this one of my favorite foods in the world dumplings and one of the best food adhesives in the world the egg yolk perfect coupling it was right there in front of me i couldn't see it so this is the egg rice combo dish that i got i never had something like this i don't know why this dish would feel like it's really good with noodles and rice let's see this thing is more just pure heat than anything else [Music] pour some of that pure heat onto my eggs and then put a dumpling on top of it or dip that in there and then dip that in here hmm that's what i'm talking about yeah this soup really doesn't have much flavor but it does bring the pain pretty darn good breakfast before my flight speaking of my flight i gotta eat up and go you again touch me i feel man must be a lonely little robot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this play is way fuller than the one i came in on i think every other seat is taken oh the airport isn't too crazy also you gotta re-wipe everything down look at this so much dust and dirt you know they didn't get wiped at all so always re-disinfect your seeds on airplanes rinsing my car through budget today you gotta wipe this down look out look how dirty this is i don't know if they disinfected the car before can or not can't trust it better wipe it down yourself i think it snowed a little bit oh my gosh i feel so bad for this mailman who had to deliver a package there's about like at least 10 inches of snow here it is really nice to be back hello house i haven't seen like three months almost hope i got food inside because i'm starting my quarantine right now and my groceries won't be over delivered for a couple days let's see what we have for dinner look at this how am i gonna get the suitcases up there this is not easy this is a good day to light a fire so i'm gonna show you guys what i typically have to do to build a fire at the fireplace first i have to get my wagon just here and i have a stockpile of firewood look at that it's like a swamp out there so this is all my firewood and i didn't do a good job covering them all up so i'm just going to try my best to find some that are not completely soaked ow i just kicked one and it's frozen solid oh there it is there it goes pick up one and i can try to dislodge some other big pieces of wood using one piece of the wood and load up my wagon then we can head back these are the times i feel real outdoorsy even though i didn't really technically chop the wood or whatever just pulling on a wagon i feel like i'm building some sort of survival skills here this is the toughest part getting a wagon full of wood up this incline of course creepy barn now if you're a fire starter wood burner person i'm sure this is not good i mean this is like wet wood with dirt and snow i just throw it in there i don't know there we go cozy fire i love some candles studying my favorite book that's pretty much how i'm gonna spend the day i got a ton of muscle milk um sriracha packs tofu strands some iced tea a bottle of mustard ton of con jack jelly freezer all right so we got a load of chicken more chicken korean ice noodles this will be good frozen dumplings the problem with frozen food is that when you're starving it doesn't really do you much good ichiro instant noodles oh my god and this is the good version i don't have any shoes so slice of spam [Music] so [Music] i know this doesn't look even remotely like the real thing but oh this tastes so good if you remember in the past i showed you guys there's actually two ichiran ramen instant noodles and this is the more expensive one the other one's just kind of like really cheap instant noodles the broth is all powdered this is actual ichiran broth and when you grill up spam you always coat it with sugar to get that extra nice caramelized sear on the outside that is freaking delicious it's going to be a while a while before i can get to japan it'll be another week before i can leave my house so this is as good as it gets and it's pretty good so basically it's been doing nothing but lay on the couch which is actually fantastic and i wanted to give you guys a summary of what my flight experience was coming back to the us like i mentioned on the plane it was much fuller than when i was hitting to korea i think the plane was about 60 full there are a bunch of people on the plane not wearing masks like one person just flat out didn't have the mask on some other people had the mask below the nose so i did what any man would do i snitched on them yeah so i told the flights i'm like hey tell that guy to put on mask but besides that the fly was okay all the flight attendants had ppe's on and even though there were a lot more people on this flight than the flight i took going to korea i still felt pretty safe you know after those people put their mass back on and a lot of you guys have been messaging me telling me to stay in south korea so bad here in the u.s trust me if i could i would but my restaurant is still on schedule to open in january so i'm back here we're tasting menus as soon as i get out of quarantine which is in the new year and then honestly i don't know what i'm going to be doing but i am planning on filming a scary story time i think tomorrow or the next day in this story the star is gonna scare ya probably one of the scariest stories i've ever read coming out of china so for the next month i'll be working my restaurant a lot of people in the new york local restaurant community has been reaching out to me already to go and eat and support them so i'll be doing that as much as i can as safely as i can because the local small business has just been crushed especially here in new york and then i don't know but seriously it's been such a rough year i know a lot of you guys aren't able to be with your loved ones so hopefully wherever you are you're staying safe and you're doing okay anyway so i'm gonna eat this eat the dumplings and maybe i'll do the whole scary story thing today christmas and the scariest ghost story coming out of asia that works right hey it's about day five six of my quarantine guess who's here now [Applause] little buddy you want to stay outside you want to stay outside okay bye bye bye bye bye bye look how big she's got it you look like more like a bow now than a dumpling so been fairly relaxing and the jet lag super bad so i've been going to bed at like 5 p.m last night i think i made it all the way to 9pm so i'm officially a senior citizen now she's here i gave her a bath last night you think i'm like throwing her into boiling water or something biggest little whiner also i didn't know this about puppies but they follow you everywhere whatever you're doing they're following you oftentimes well i'm going to the bathroom i look behind me the door slowly creeps open i look behind me there she is i do like the times when he's just like you just kind of put her like like right here and she just kind of falls asleep she likes this not right now also she freaked me out last time so it was about eight o'clock at night and she all of a sudden stops everything she was playing like just being really rowdy it's just kind of like right now full of energy she also stops playing looks stands perfectly still looks at the front door and just starts growling now i have cameras in my yard and i've motion lights and everything nothing was there i looked on the camera nothing worked nothing i could see was there but i think she saw something didn't you was it the singing kids it was the singing kids wasn't it those are the same kids she did this for about 15 minutes something was definitely here also guess what came in the mail today my hot oil i think they just started shipping i i got mine a little early but they just started shipping there's the regular hot oil there's the spicy garlic crispy garlic and then the spicy black bean the spicy black bean guys you put a table and a half spoon of that on pretty much anything you're stir frying or steaming it's gonna come out amazing don't even add salt just add that perfect timing lunch time you still hungry you just ate not gonna eat my food don't worry she never stays upset with me i kind of just got used to her just staring at me at all times watch i'll show you this is my bathroom see see privacy please i'm gonna try to close the door a little bit see see it's here here we go do you understand do i stare at you when you're going to the bathroom actually i do just make sure she goes you know nothing creepy [Music] [Music] hmm i love the garlic one oh so good by the way what i'm eating really simple black bean sauce some frozen tofu and some ground meat that's it put some of that black bean sauce in there hmm make something even as simple as this absolutely astonishingly good i bet i could put broccoli in this and i'll actually eat one my parents are here well they can't really come in they brought me a few things oh oh my what so what happens when asian parents drop off supplies how am i gonna eat i'm gonna like well thanks mom and dad cheerios noodles salads okay that's definitely from mom uh gourmet almonds do i have salsa for this i'm not really sure eggs oh i needed eggs uh veggies i think is chicken wings bones of meat very asian currency organic seaweed oh that's a lot of noodles peanut butter that's a lot of ranch dressing olive salad carnation milk a bunch of more veggies i think that'll last me not only till the new year but maybe the entire new year i hope i have enough room in the fridge for all this hey buddy you like the food go for a walk let me go look at you going to the bathroom now see how you like that this little guy is really fast let's race oh my gosh you want to go bathroom and go bathroom this by the way is still my woods you could have like played paintball or something over here oh also i know i have two new laundry baskets and two new chairs this is what an asian parent's care package looks like i get food water i get furniture and laundry baskets fake champagne to ring in the new year thanks to my parents i now have many dates for new year's not just you dumpling i got dates okay don't feel bad for me happy new year's eve um almost done with my quarantine honestly i'm just flew by i like being on my house i got a little dumpling to keep me company and 20 000 pounds of food but today is new year's eve so i figure you know we take it up and oh i never noticed this before i have never noticed is that a bird feeder this is definitely left over from the last owners anyway it's new year's eve it's kind of special so figure we grill a steak today even though it's freezing outside it's about to ring good girl at steak want to grill a steak buddy yeah can you show some enthusiasm huh enthusiasm no all right oh look at that i've been letting this baby defrost for a day and it is ready fire is lit stop bringing leaves into the house look at you look at you look at yourself i feel like i'm fighting a losing battle stop eating leaves stop it to make this taste extra good some apple chips [Music] [Music] perfect with a great smoky flavor from the wood chips telling you guys we don't mess with the results oh i love grilling steak trust me on the wood chips such a big difference this was definitely not a mistake well for me this is about as good as it gets perfect steak sparkling cider i'm still really jet lagged so i think there's a chance i'm staying up till midnight so wish everybody out there a happy 2021 may it kick 2020 in the butt in the very best way possible i think we all deserve a really good year so happy new year everybody i'm gonna go for dessert we're gonna grill some pineapple [Music] best way to get a pineapple way more juicy and sweet oh that's good i gotta get up because those little guys getting mad i'm not paying enough attention to her be with me a little bit go play your favorite game eating leaves or something of course by the time you see this it'll already be new year so wherever you are see you in 2021 just one more day of quarantine left and obviously i've been working out a lot uh since i've been back here's the difficult part about working out with a little dumpling here this is not good it's too adorable to work out anyway if my boots got smaller during this time it's her fault my first meal that didn't come from either a freezer or a can some chengdu dumplings braised beef tofu strands and beef noodle soup they go chunks oh that is tender that is some tender beef wow that falls apart easy big strands and noodles wow of all the places you're gonna find an amazing bowl of beef noodle soup it'd be here in the country that thing's got a punch to it wow beef flavor is amazing oh i'm really lazy so i love it but i don't need to chew my food that much this is a wonderful bowl of beef noodle soup it's so great i no longer have to go in the city for a good bowl of beef noodle soup and then it's going to be even better add my hot oil to it by the way i also want to save my hot oil and i took some out already we filled it all the way to the top usually when you buy a container of hot oil you're going to get like this much chilies and half of it is just pure oil which is just their way of being cheap not my hot oil you're gonna get the good stuff [Music] oh after two weeks that felt good and i do want to say that i feel pretty refreshed like before i spend time in south korea i was pretty much a mess now i'm still really really really careful but anxiety is way down and it's you know nice to be middle of nowhere and also i do have some food vlogs from south korea i haven't published yet but i do wanted to kind of give a sort of timely video so you guys know where i'm at what i'm up to say goodbye as always thank you all so much for watching you want a dumpling dumpling see you guys later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,710,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korea 711, korean 711, korean 7 eleven, korea 7 elevel, 7 eleven, 7 eleven food, 7 eleven food review, 711 food, 711 food review, korean food, korean airline, korea airline, korea travel, flight, business class, food, food review, eating, dining, travel, tourism, tourist
Id: mafv1CDp-zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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