Singapore CHRISTMAS All You Can Eat BUFFET & EVA Airline BEST Meals!

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I rewinded the part at the airport with the dry instant noodles 5 times just to hear him say the name of it ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Massive-Gas ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why do u keep ignoring ur date when sheโ€™s talking?!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tiny_Pay ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
good morning it's the day after christmas hopefully you guys had a great one and it's my last full day here in singapore this is always like the sad time it'll be really it'll start really hitting me tomorrow morning i'm getting ready for the airport but last week there were fish oh that one's dying i don't want to show you guys it's kind of sad all right tonight i have one last great meal prepared going to a buffet tonight 7 a.m right now i'm going for uh prawn noodles there's a place right by the hotel this feels so nice by the way like this feels so good it's borderline chili for singapore no humidity seriously feels so good anyway gonna grab some prawn noodles and then uh go do some work at a cafe somewhere and then meeting a friend for dinner she's really cool she's like super talented you'll see [Music] fresh sweet prawns perfect on his own with that bouncy chewiness sweet natural flavor pig's tail a little meat tons of collagen keep forgetting the single part you got to bite the tissues always remember when it's too late and i need one now there's a tender wrap a little crunchy bones you can just crunch through you know it's got good texture nice and bouncy pork bronze noodles i'll win this ball this is why i thought about moving here like you guys stop like this seven o'clock in the morning i take this over a breakfast sandwich any day of the week only problem with this thing is after you this your body temperature's gonna skyrocket luckily it's still kind of chill right now about 7 30 in the morning but if you try to eat this any other time during the day oh it's gonna get super super messy and moist all right let's go to the cafe and do some work let's stay here check it out on this new drink heaven on earth um lychee and rose white tea lychee and rose two things i love one thing i like to eat the other i like to smell pretty good actually this stuff started tasting weird after about the fifth sip i don't know why first couple is really good but now it's kind of [Music] all right dinner time it means this buffet time also today i don't know if i look directly into the eclipse or not i hope not i can still see in like 36 hours i guess i don't know i was trying to film it with my my phone screen um i don't know if i actually caught it hope not i've always had perfect vision i don't want you messing with that this is the buffet beach road kitchen [Music] holiday buffet i missed out because um if i came to one of these and i couldn't because they were completely sold out but if i came to one of these there was all-you-can-eat caviar on the buffet now i'm not a big fan of caviar but if it was on a buffet i'm eating the heck out of that yeah this is chloe by the way chloe is like super amazing figure skater you're like the best figure skater in singapore don't be don't be modest you're like the best biggest single player you are yes okay you win like gold medals wait was the last competition you were at a southeast asian game yeah and you won go yeah dude she's like crazy awesome yeah yeah so you know like follow her trigger skating style i would have shown you but i didn't bring it in oh you had a middleware oh you brought it today like is it real gold no it's not real what is this a real gold they give you a fake gold medal it might be gold ladies did it feel heavy it's pretty did you bite it well like for the picture but i can't tell because i can't tell but congratulations on your gold medal she's joining me for the buffet today yeah you're excited thank you i don't remember how much you ate last time like like physically i i can't eat as much as i used to but i'll eat as much as i can i haven't i'm counting on him [Music] all right round one i'm excited are you excited we got a mocktail package we're getting like unlimited mocktails [Music] but we've never had cheese with honey those of you guys who never had cheese cheese with honey are missing out the best is parmesan with honey who taught you this trust me i've never have you guys heard of this before because i've never heard of this try i i don't go wrong when it comes to this stuff of course it is would it be actually really good of course it's good it's delicious our mocktails are here surely temple the cutest one yeah look at that that's pretty watermelon baby so they also have premium sodas look at this yeah i want this i'm going to try every one of them oh chipotle geez this is going to be spicy you ever watch uh crazy rich asians remember when rachel tried to drink this stuff this is definitely a mixed play with everything because i couldn't decide what belongs to my first play i wanted everything on my first plate [Music] that fish is crab yeah oh this is just a pepper beef this looks really yummy huh yeah i need some rice with that though soy sauce egg is good i like this buffet already crap you can get like cold crap too well chef jeremy just brought me a massive bowl of crap in line oh thank you so much yo you are amazing sir oh that's so cool oh my god that's so cool i love this this is done to this crab right yep ah familiar with this baby i love this spoon this is the greatest thing ever i've never used one they're so easy now i don't know just use your crab like a little cup yo they have like the pictures oh yeah i think you see that you can like to reach places i love this room it's magical [Music] got some meat round two and some noodles check out my noodles rice noodles and egg noodles a bunch of spice that looks good huh honestly because i'm away for so long though usually when i come back anything's good for me i'll tell you what the beet noodle soup is pretty good yeah that's not bad i mean it's not like taiwan beef noodle soup quality but it's pretty darn good [Music] ripped oh oh this grilled fish is great they're so juicy and nice get the grill fish wow that's excellent grilled fish in that rib my two favorite meats so far oh this is really good they made this special little drink with rosemary and blueberry inside it's pretty cool i like it that's buffet oh that's a lot of cherry [Music] it only has one flavor it's like really that's awesome you think this tastes like peanut butter it does i just ate the santa let me shave it chocolate i like the mocktail bar good balance of tea and meat and seafood i do feel a little prego right now food baby it's a forming come out to the hotel and check this check out what they gave me platter of cheese and bread and nuts and then this is the fanciest way i've ever seen anybody organize berries look at this it's like glass it's like a tray for jewelry but it's berries and whoa who can eat this many almonds i appreciate it though thanks to jw maria if i was a squirrel i'd be going nuts right now i'm sorry it's late i'll go to bed flat tomorrow saying goodbye to singapore hopefully one last good meal i'm leaving today heading to the airport and just about i gotta i gotta go but i just wanna stop by real quick at this uh duck rice place that i missed out on look at there's a line out the door actually the first place i saw wasn't the dunk house that place was really popular i mean who wants to eat duck for breakfast right except for me not too shabby some pizza's a little dry the ones covered in sauce is really good definitely not as good as the other uh duck house i showed you guys in the video last time i was here but definitely better than anything i'll get in seattle i wish i had more time i literally should have been leaving for the airport like 30 minutes ago so i just came here rushed across the street the place was pretty close rushed across the street and grabbed the dish i should have just forgotten sleep i made a bad decision today sleep should never have been above food this might be the only time i've ever been in singapore when i did not have chicken rice no chicken rice this time actually amazes me i'm so surprised i didn't do it but i can't believe i missed out now i have no time not gonna go actually i'm kind of happy i'm leaving today this is uh it's probably the hottest day i've been here all right i literally have to be at the airport in the next 30 minutes so this involves going to my room grab my luggage get a cab oh we gotta rush just want to make sure [Music] i think this was harry potter before singapore is so awesome i was really hustling but i just forgot how efficient this airport is literally checking was like five minutes and customs which usually takes a long time was less than it was completely automated took less than 30 seconds another reason i love this airport in this country so efficient and people are so courteous and nice sad to leave again [Music] brought my own [Music] thanks for this pam i love trying some noodles more than a soupy kind it just got much more flavor usually unless i'm in taiwan or japan this is awesome they're super spicy spicy and nummy and also the dried noodles the noodles themselves don't get soggy too quickly definitely better than anything they got in this lounge i wish airline lounges would just have an assortment of like premium instant noodles i for one would appreciate that way more than any dishes they could cook up i mean what would you rather see dried chicken wings were exotic instant noodles from japan and korea taiwan singapore just an idea airlines my friend pam got me this thank you so much this is legit now this is on fire let's get some cake there's i don't know modern art looking piece of food tastes like a three day old stale cauliflower actually saw the cereal can resist i don't know what your guilty pleasure is but mine is super sweet chocolatey flakes actually my favorite rajasthan mini weeds golden grahams and honey bunches of oats i don't buy cereal because they're just horrible for you but when i see it hard to resist plus it's really good for your burning tongue [Music] itinerary singapore taipei taipei seattle [Music] this is actually the cutest and probably the the biggest like fluffiest pillow i've ever had on the airline like the big space that uh eva gives you over here this is cool hello kitty slippers hello kitty slippers that's cool i'll keep this so if you guys are ever against my house we get to wear hello kitty slippers [Music] brown stuff with eggplant it turns out to be like some kind of fish salad it looks good not too big on this chunky fish thing though i gotta say this is a great smelling piece of steak it smells like it just came off the grill it looks tender and juicy it might be one of the best bites of food i've had on zeroline it's super juicy and tender and actually tastes like they grilled it somewhere on the plane and brought it right to nicely delicious rice thing not so much but yeah it sticks awesome [Music] all right this place is really really popular it's one of the most popular beef noodle soup places in taiwan let's see if the outlet here is good i had this noodle like i said many times in taipei broth is good i think i had problems with like the actual noodles last time they don't have any vinegar which is kind of sad because this this thing without vinegar is like it's just way too beefy and something's just kind of missing with the balance it's like dark side is taking over not that i'm equating beefiness to the dark side but it just feels imbalanced in the force you know maybe i can swindle some vinegar from another noodle stain would that be really very bad how do you not have vinegar it's like beef noodles you've gotta have vinegar all right they're homemade chili sauce it's really not that spicy it's good beef flavor but it just needs it needs that vinegar those of you who love beef noodles you know what i'm talking about it really needs that vinegar otherwise there's something like really complete about it oh look at this i think it's like a pig belly or pig face or something that's good that's really good i don't remember getting down in the store last time but last thing is super aromatic hey hyena we just met like two minutes ago yeah but she shares my passion about the non-vinegar issue right yeah we need the vinegar we need the vinegar we need that extra taste that extract cake yeah to make much more taste can i ask you something let me know this is true all right so when i was in australia i heard through the grapevine that you guys think american accent is sexy is that true well yes because all the films you know american hollywood all the actors and you guys sounds very smart very you know very dominating so when we go to australia and we talk do we sound like james bondwood in america yeah if you want to put it that way really can we just walk and be like how you doing and like you guys would be like yo like so happy really okay i don't know i think she might be pulling my leg on this flower we'll see someone's gonna test it out go to australia and just speak all new york and see what happens give it to him on the feet beef is really tender always get half tender one little gelatinous in your life actually the more you eat it the better it becomes not too bad definitely better than anything i'll get in the states next stop home but just for one day and i bet you bet you for that one day i'm not going to be raining out i shot my phone and it cracked i have a phone case i dropped it like this this is a horrible phone case well also it looks modern artsy i guess some kind of veggie jelly oh sweet no idea what this is it's like a really pale spin patek premiere [Music] so [Music] oh wow that is tender really tender one little bite we just the meat just separates frustration without but wow that's a tender piece of lamb drawing not a shame all the times i've flown on ebay airline this is the one time where the food has been the best i really can't complain about anything i've had i would definitely recommend if you're flying this airline don't eat the meal that they're serving directly in the flag i think you can do this about 36 hours before the flight or 24 hours before the flight order a meal so much better
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,140,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singapore buffet, all you can eat, best buffet, seafood buffet, buffet sinapore, singapore food, best singapore, singapore eats, cheap eats, singapore travel, singapore tourism, singapore hotel, sinapore restaunt, eva air, eva airline, eva first class, eva business class, eva food, food, eating, foodie, travel, tourism, hotel, tour, traveling, plane, air
Id: EGYxRY5_hcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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