MUST TRY Korean DELIVERY FOODS! SNOW CRAB & Steak! How to Order Delivery Foods in South Korea Part 2

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[Music] another super cold day today around 20 degrees fahrenheit negative six at least celsius so it's gonna be another stay-at-home kind of day but luckily here in south korea when you want to stay home you can bring the restaurants to you let's see who's delivering so this is part two of a korean delivery food video i told you guys last time korean delivery is just astonishingly amazing it's not your typical dominoes because i mean they exist as well but their delivery items are elaborate the quality is amazing the packaging is spectacular so today i'm thinking i'm not going to go out all day 24 hours we're just going to eat delivery food so let's just start out with some breakfast barbecue so i'm just going to log into my coupon eats app and what i like to do is kind of browse the pictures and see which food really speaks out to me oh basket robin's doors no i know what you're thinking baskin robbins who cares baskin robbins in south korea is one of the greatest things that the food gods has ever created the flavors are so delicious there's so many different varieties of ice cream like mochi or barbs popsicles i love baskin robbins here but it is breakfast so it is the most important meal of the day and this this looks good barbecue oh that's pretty so i'm gonna get this only about ten dollars for all that and let's get some meat [Music] and they'll actually grill it for you over there or they'll send it over here they'll send the raw meat over here i can cook it myself i think i'm gonna cook it myself or just just to keep it juicier it is kind of pricey but i got some friends coming over later and uh we treat this like an indoor barbecue also bass burgers down here it's one of my favorite burger chains in south korea i'll tell you guys if when you're doing this it's sort of addictive it's kind of like amazon shopping like online shopping you see all the stuff you want and it's just a couple of click the clicks and it's on his way so it's really easy to kind of overdo it which i think i will today and trust me guys the only thing better than online shopping online food shopping let's do a breakfast dessert we should have a breakfast dessert a lunch dessert a dinner dessert i don't know what these bottles of drinks are i want one okay so i see strawberry milk blueberry milk black tea matcha okay we're getting we're getting a couple of these we're gonna get a strawberry milk with a piece of strawberry shortcake i hope it comes with a strawberry shortcake and i want a blueberry milk okay i think that's enough for breakfast [Music] [Music] all right two of my deliveries has arrived the best burger in my yo this is like going back in time and getting like like milk delivered oh i think my beef is here be right back my breakfast well brunch at this point has arrived and first things first [Applause] gotta wipe everything down start with the bass burger whoa okay this is really cool so inside the delivery bag they have a little heating pad inside i mean it's not a huge heating pad but it is still warm that's pretty genius this thing is so big the bun which is kind of connected this is something very shake shackish it can't even fit look at this look at this they can't even fit over the amount of ingredients they put between the buns wow it's just not having it but everything looks amazingly fresh double patty bacon and an egg let's cut it open [Applause] oh my god look at this melty cheese the egg is not as gooey as i want it it's a little overcooked i think but look at that juicy patty that's what i call a breakfast burger the bottom is a little soaked because oh my gosh so i'm gonna kind of just eat it this way so the juice drizzles onto the lettuce and not through the bun huh i love this burger place so much this is probably my favorite burger chain in south korea it just tastes like a much better quality in and out burger all the ingredients are so fresh and this is the greed burger it's a little sweet a little spicy just the juiciest beef patty in the middle and what's good about this is they seared it so well and that's what's trapping all that great juice in the only thing i don't like about this the egg is a little overdone only thing i don't like about it otherwise slam dunk of a burger and to pair with the burger some fruit milk like this is like real fruit milk just look at the strawberry on the bottom i think you shake it a little bit fresh chunks of strawberries in here and they 100 chopped the strawberries up put it in here and then added milk like this morning oh this is delicious i mean i've had strawberry milk not like this before i'm glad i got another one this is a blueberry one i like the strawberry one better but mmm delicious milk with strawberries on my feel like i need to shake this one up too all right so good still like this better gotta try this wing come here i'm gonna put this on my cereal tomorrow that's gonna give your cereal so much more flavor more more all right let's check out this barbecue bundle i feel like santa just delivered me my christmas present early wait i don't really get anything for christmas this looks like my chinese new year came early i just see so many amazing things in here what is this this is all the punch on that goes with the barbecue when you get delivery from a korean restaurant you get pretty much everything that you were supposed to get while in the restaurant and that is a lot of stuff here it is my colby marinated and ready for me to cook on my own to maximize its juiciness and freshness i also feel like korean food is just so amazingly healthy i mean yeah this is a big tub of meat but call the vegetables they give you with it oh this is the best part what this looks like a perfectly arranged lunchbox i feel just as excited getting this as i would a box of chocolates no more excited this box of chocolates don't have no meat and kimchi [Music] all right before we get to the coffee let's try this lunch box out this looks like barbecue pork [Music] oh it was amazing no i think i might have made a mistake i asked for the meat to be able to cook it myself so i can have it nice and fresh and juicy and hot but i kind of forgot like when they cook it at the restaurant they're using charcoal fire so i'm not gonna be able to have that gray smoky flavor which is inside that bite of barbecue pork i already know that's gonna be a huge food regret for me oh look at this piece oh wow that is a nice looking pork belly a little scallion kimchi whatever this is radish i think there you go this whole thing for around 12 bucks why is so worth it the quality of freshness everything just tastes so good what is this i i don't know what i just ate but i love this it tastes like a spinach leaf with rice and some sort of chili sauce inside like that's all it is [Music] that's something so simple but so magical you got a little omelette here as well [Music] and i think noodles oh what is that there's some uber crunchy vegetable like extremely crunchy whatever that is i love that and then finally i have some mung bean noodles here too everything is so good everything is just made so well just want to grab some of this put it on the rice add some kimchi eat it with one of these things [Music] i can't believe you got so much quality food for that price and it's so beautiful too you know and soup and the salad is good especially this dressing nice pineapple dressing never had something like that before i'm so happy with this order right now and this honestly this is pretty healthy water freshly cooked meat tons of salad even the meat i'm sure i'm gonna be amazing quality speaking of me let's cook this up put on one of these aprons it's from uh this is from my help out kit i'll put the link down below just in case for you guys foreign so oh this is looking and smelling so good each piece is glistening seared to perfection hello juicy and that's what i love about colby it's the amount of fat that's inside the meat so usually i'll show up like i just went to a beach party all glistening and wet and smelling so good gosh so perfectly tender and the amount of juice on each bite astonishing and what you can do take a piece grab some salad with it something vinegary to offset that fattiness even though i do wish this would have that great charcoal flavor but for home delivery food how can it get better than this i don't think it can food delivery in south korea it's an experience it's like a cultural phenomenon that is just unparalleled because i mean look at it i've never seen such care going into delivery food like i do in this country if i had a place in this country where i had an outside balcony or a yard or something i would just light up a charcoal barbecue and just order delivery food all day long this is pretty much like going to the restaurant but better because you can eat this while watching secretary kim or startup or whatever other k drama you're into gonna finish up and um we'll see what we can find for litter you know lunch lunch dinner okay second lunch slash first dinner time i think i'll come up with some good places that i found first let's go for some comfort food and get some mala shango this looks good spicy chinese food on a cold day like this sounds good to me next i was looking through the seafood section [Music] haven't had seafood in a while let's get some crabs and finally there's a steak place that looks really nice i feel like i'm going really elaborate today with seafood and steak but let's go all out a few moments later all right just got my orders this is very exciting this is the mala jungle this is the snow crabs and this beautiful thing look at this this is the steak i got and it comes in basically like a like a pretty darn nice tote bag that i might just take back to the states with me oh this is so exciting because not only do i love unboxing stuff i love unboxing food i'm going to start with the milos because this is piping hot ready to eat wow this is it mala delivered to your door what year fish balls cabbage glass noodles tofu and i added some fatty beef as well if you guys don't know what this is this is actually a really good ingredient it's basically white fungus and it's something i have in my hot pot kit as well it's really good in hot pot because it's crunchy and soaks up that sauce well and i asked for maximum spice so they really loaded this thing up and i didn't get any rice because i still have rice from the last delivery and i was kind of saving it for this hmm oh oh they brought it here 100 i found out in south korea if you don't ask for the spiciest it's really not that spicy oh but they brought it today great crunchy sprouts nice chewy noodles yeah this thing is very spicy but it's just perfect for me last time i got like spicy i just felt purely mild this is spicy all right this i'm really really excited about this is the steak in a box i never had steak delivered in the u.s before but in korea it's a fancy oh this is cool i think this is the steak it feels warm oh no no that's the steak what's this then okay small little piece of steak what oh this is a piece of bread i thought it was like a rock i'm like why do they ship me a piece of rock this is what is this this feels heavy and then a piece of butter this is oh so this is the truffle uh pasta or something i came with a steak so this is the truffle carbonara i think [Music] delicious perfectly well cooked pasta huge truffle flavor it's cheesy it's creamy i don't know if this is uh what the carbonara is supposed to look like but i don't care it's good nice chunks of ham in here i don't know what this black thing is maybe truffle sauce maybe squid ink oh god this is delicious mushrooms too even though this is not the main event love it oh this is this is a grill they delivered a grill to my do i have to return this a yum grill oh it's a metal grill not even like a crummy one it's actually pretty nice so this is the the top i guess i'm gonna use to heat my steak up and then this i think it goes like this and maybe like like that i think that's how it works maybe wait wait no no no ah that was dumb it's the other way around so this goes here and then this goes in here which makes sense and this goes on top so kind of looks like this and uh they give you fuel for the fire there's the steak roasted garlic salt here mustard here okay they give you matches so there's this little bitty section here where you can strike the match on right here on the package i'm sorry for sounding like i'm excited to see fire oh okay top actually fits perfectly over this little stove i'm going to put the butter on let that melt and then put the steak on the grill i don't know if i'm supposed to do this i'm going to put the vegetables on the side how amazing is this am i the only one that thinks this is the coolest thing ever like is this just not the most over-the-top wonderful delivery mechanism you have ever seen another piece of butter like seriously if you ordered a steak from anywhere else like in in the u.s from like i don't know outback steakhouse or something you're lucky that thing will come at you not leaking over the bag this you can cook the steak oh oh yeah oh that looks toasty and you gotta keep the grill i think this is ready oh my god look at that perfect medium rare if you want a little more heat can cook it a tiny bit more but that looks like a great piece of steak that's delicious very juicy still use a little more salt oh they give you pink himalayan salt steak could use a little more salt as well [Music] this is the most delicious coolest steak restaurant delivery thing system i've ever encountered kudos to you south korea for coming with this are you good good food and grilling fun no matter where you are oh guys update i just found something that made this whole thing even better they gave me cheese sauce i didn't even realize that was some kind of like mayonnaise so you're supposed to grill it on top of the steak but my grill is kind of dead now because my fire ran out i could just microwave this thing so now you can eat your steak with melted cheese oh i'm so mad too because if the grill was still hot the cheese would have crusted and made a beautiful skirt this goes to show everything in a package they each serve a purpose oh i'm gonna start calling the steak and cheese ross and rachel because they were made for each other that flavor is intense dip some of the vegetables in here too our shoes are perfect wow leave it to south korea to not only present such a beautiful delivery vehicle but also their non-stop amazing obsession with putting cheese on everything great call all right i don't think anything's gonna really top that steak but let's see what the crab has to offer whoa oh that smells good it's like someone just opened up the ocean all that briny seafood aroma just pounded at you here's what you get these are the crab eating scissors that are really helpful and this is it whoa there's stuff underneath i'll admit i was expecting sort of a better looking delivery mechanism kind of like the steak instead of just all everything in a bag but that's so pretty and it smells so good the crabs are still hot and they look delicious oh my gosh [Laughter] so i don't have a plate big enough but notice this i think this is what they give you to kind of spread on your table like so put all your craps down [Music] [Music] so besides the the five crabs i got crab fried rice they gave me some steamed quail eggs uh some panchon and a soup snow crab is really about the legs look at that and this stuff it's just good to eat on its own oh that's sweet what a flavor of the ocean [Music] worry kid dip in a little bit of gochujang sauce sweet briny and spicy you can just indulge on all that succulent meat war you can break open the crab and get a hold of some of that brain inners the tamale that's the good stuff right there and then you can dip the crab meat in the tamale a little trick i learned in japan that's so good this obviously doesn't look like the best thing right but trust me this is what you want to eat inside a crab it tastes so fatty and nice and just oozing with umami flavor i promise you no dipping sauce needed this has all the flavor you need it is by far the tastiest way to eat a crab and it's convenient you don't need any dipping sauce the dipping sauce the flavor the best things in the world just like beauty it's what's on the inside that counts but again take some of that innards mix it in with that fried rice [Music] there's nothing to beat that i don't understand why this is why i'm really upset a lot of times when i go eat buffet and i see the snow crab legs on the table i'm like where's the body where's the good stuff did you guys just throw it away just imagining someone will throw something just delicious away few things in the world makes me super angry this is one of them all right what's so great about eating a lot of crab it's kind of like taking a break from eating while eating it's kind of a workout for your fingers so at least for me after i eat crab i'm starving so dinner time i got a couple pizzas coming and then i got dessert [Music] pizza is here every time you do delivery food in south korea i think pizza needs to be part of that because it's just so freaking unique i'm gonna show you what's on the bottom first this pizza has not two not four eight flavors and we have jalapeno corn bacon pepperoni pineapple chicken and why is there a piece of broccoli on my shrimp pizza i don't it just it doesn't fit you know like why why would i why why i feel like the piece of gods are just mocking me at this point like hey you like our pizza huh how about now how about i put a broccoli on a random piece of pizza you're gonna like it now i'm actually really excited to try this jalapeno part pizza is so unique in south korea and that's why ordering a delivery you gotta have it plus it's just so fulfilling well this dough is really interesting too so cheese like a mix between mozzarella and yellow cheese pretty good the crust is like purple kind of looks like almost like a little sticky rice color i think this is going to be good this one's so good i want to crush fatty pieces of bacon layered on top of this pizza obviously my favorite one so far i think this one would upset a lot of people especially italians just a slice is full of like loaded with pineapples that's definitely the juiciest piece i don't hate pineapple on pizza what is this it's kind of like like a trail of something on this slice sweet potato this is one of the unique to people outside of korea but very common pizza topping here is sweet potatoes i like it check out my second pizza so this is like cut into squares it's just like a mess of stuff on this pizza here i think there's mashed potatoes and this is like a squashed meatball or something chicken shrimp i'm pretty sure that's sweet potatoes pineapple bacon and corn in the middle wow i think that's just a lump of mashed potato on that pizza it's sweet mashed potato it's not sweet potato it's sweet mashed potato put it down without the sweetness there hmm that's my favorite piece so far all right nice ground beef anyway this is a great finisher all the cheese and dough and meat after you eat this you'll be begging for bed all right i'm gonna eat this till my dessert gets here all right dessert is gonna be krispy kreme donuts delivered these are the christmas donuts from krispy kreme crispy christmas oh that's cute we got like an actual snowman i'm gonna eat one of these snowman dealies sorry kids that was unnecessarily barbaric oh it's pooping jam watch out for the snowman down there that's pretty good i really want to try out this snowflake though yeah probably the prettiest krispy kreme donut i've ever seen custard and shot this stuff just tastes really good sweet and festive i don't know why but looking and biting into these right now kind of feel like i'm getting the christmas spirit it could also be the sugar high my favorite krispy kreme donuts honestly are just the regular glazed ones there's nothing better than airy one of these i remember back in college um we lived in this town in uh called kirksville misery missouri sorry same thing and students used to go to neighboring towns because our town was too small to get krispy kreme donuts and bring it back for the whole campus and sell it at a higher margin to everyone else on the campus really good business model but we love these so much i think every single person on campus was high on krispy kreme kind of reminds me of one of the best times of my life so the lesson is kids stay in school that's really the best time of your life all right gotta go run about uh 30 miles to burn off everything i ate today
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,681,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean food, korean delivery food, best korean delivery food, delivery food, korea delivery food, korea delivery, korea food delivery, food delivery, delivery, south korea, korean eats, korean seafood, seafood, eating, dining, traveling, tourist, tourism, travel, south korea travel, south korea eats, south korea tourism, hotel, restaurant, eat, food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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