Chile Relleno Sausage - How To Make Sausage

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's play barbecue one of my all-time favorite mexican foods is the chile relleno and on today's video i'm going to be making some chile raino sausages by the way this is the very first ever youtube video making chile leanno sausages stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so let's get started on these chile relleno sausages i'm going to be using 160 grams of salt 45 grams of black pepper 25 grams of cumin 45 grams of paprika 45 grams of red chili powder 10 grams of a really hot chili powder 45 grams of garlic powder 45 grams of onion powder 10 grams of oregano as you can see it's quite a bit so that's only 10 grams speed cure i'm using 5 tablespoons because we're using 25 pounds of meat all right so i'm using 15 pounds of beef and on today's recipe i am using a beef shoulder cloud i do have a boneless 10 pound pork shoulder i'm gonna be using two and a half pounds of roasted poblano pepper now this poblano pepper is what the authentic chile reno's are made with okay and i'm also going to be using two and a half pounds of this queso chihuahua that's the authentic way to make a chile rieno and i do want to thank sergio marquez for bringing this cheese to me all the way from mexico all right so the very first thing that we got to do is we got to roast these poblano peppers let's head outside to my yoder flat top all right so i've got my yoder flat top fired up and i am using some jealous devil lump charcoal so i'm just going to place the peppers right on top of this grate get these peppers nice and roasted that jealous devil charcoal is really going to leave a smoky flavor on this poblano pepper all right so i'm going to roast these peppers up i'll bring you guys back as soon as i pull them off stay tuned all right so the peppers have only been roasting for about 15 minutes and they are ready this is exactly what you want right here you want that skin nice and charred so the next step is to put them inside a plastic ziploc bag let them steam that's gonna make it easy to peel off that char stay tuned all right so the fire roasted poblano peppers have been sitting inside the ziploc bag for 30 minutes now they're still pretty hot but what's happened is the meat got really nice and soft and that also allows you to take this char off really simple okay so that's what we're going to be doing and once we peel the char off i'm going to slice it in half take the seeds and the stem off and then cut these into small cubes probably quarter inch to 3 8 cubes okay real simple just like that all right so as far as the meat i've got a 15 pound shoulder clad and 10 pounds of boneless pork shoulder now i'm using a shoulder club because of the price of briskets okay i would normally use brisket but brisket is like 5.99 a pound for prime and the shoulder claw believe it or not was only 2.99 a pound now it's got some fat on the outside but it's very lean meat in the center okay she's using my dow strong knife all right so as you can see you have very little marbling inside that meat now shoulder clods i've made pulled beef sandwiches before and it is fantastic so i'm just going to cut the shoulder clad and the pork shoulder down into small chunks and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got my shoulder clod and my pork shoulder all cubed up now i did want to show you that on the shoulder clod you will have some pockets of connective tissue like this take it off because this stuff is pretty tough and i don't think it'll break down in fact i think the grinder will just pass it through it's so tough so i've got my grinder attachments in the freezer i'm going to take it off set up my grinder and we'll grind up this meat stay tuned all right i've got my grinder set up i'm going to drop a few pieces of beef and some of this pork down inside the throat just like that turn the grinder on [Music] all right so i'm going to grind the rest of this meat up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so we've got the meat completely ground up and by the way i am using a four and a half millimeter die and i was thinking about passing this through twice but i'm really liking this texture right here so the next step is i'm gonna pop this in my freezer set up my mixer and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got my mixer set up and i'm just going to add my 25 pounds of meat all right so i'm going to add all of our spices all right so i've got four cups of ice water this is just crushed ice with water i'm gonna add about one cup for now okay just like that i want to turn the mixer on i'm gonna add a little bit more water all right so that's been mixing for about five minutes i'm gonna go ahead and add our fire roasted poblano peppers again this is two and a half pounds so these poblanos aren't always very spicy but something tells me that there's a couple of spicy ones in there so i'm gonna turn the mixture on again all right so it's been another five minutes now let's check that protein extraction and see if it's nice and sticky just grab it a little bit make a patty in your hand and i'm liking this see how that doesn't fall that's exactly what you want right there so at this point i'm going to add my chihuahua cheese i did cube it up and pop it in my freezer so it's frozen cheese right now [Music] okay i'm gonna mix it up all right that looks good right there so i'm just going to grab a little bit of the sausage mixture and make myself a little patty i'm going to fry it up and check the seasoning and make sure that we have enough spices so i'll bring you guys back in a couple of minutes all right so i've got a sausage patty fried up let's see how it tastes it smells absolutely amazing look at that still nice and hot got a good amount of cheese and some of the poblano pepper here we go wow that is actually perfect all right so i'm going to get the sausage mixture out of our mixer and get ready to stuff these sausages stay tuned all right so i've got my stuffing container and i've got our sausage mixture right here just make sure you pack it in there really nice and tight you don't want any air pockets in your sausage mixture because that'll cause a blowout of your casing look at this mixture good amount of cheese in there the poblano pepper the meat has a red color and that's coming from the paprika and the red chili powder all right so the stuffing canister is completely filled up just gonna put it in place here and lower that piston just a little bit okay i'm gonna add our stuffing tube all right so we're just gonna grab one of the hog casings right here find the end of it now these are from ps seasoning this is the van hessen brand i'll leave a link below on where you can buy these just going to add a little bit of water and the reason i like this brand is because they seem to hold up once you stuff them you have very little blowouts and they're nice and long as well so just add a little bit of water to your stuffing tube just load up your casing see how long these are all right so what i like to do is pull the casing all the way through just like that turn your stuffer and get some of that sausage to the tip of the stuffing tube just like that pull out the casing and tie a simple knot just like that all right so i do have my lovely daughter here my assistant sausage maker so let's get to stuffing now i like my sausages nice and plump so make sure you fill up that casing this goes really quick just fill it up enough so you have enough room to tie a knot okay [Music] pull the casing out and tie your knot so i'm going to get the rest of these casings done and i'll bring you guys right back all right so we're done stuffing the casings and i've got seven of these wheels so next thing is to twist our sausages and i do have it pre-measured at six and a half inches right here so i measure six and a half inches pinch right here measure another six and a half inches pinch and twist okay now if your casing is loose just keep twisting until it gets nice and tight okay six and a half inches pinch six and a half inches right here look at this nice and girthy sausage and then just twist or twirl okay let me do one more for you guys pinch measure pinch and twirl just like that all right i'm going to get the rest of these done and we'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got all of the sausages linked up and i've got a total of 97 sausages now this sausage roll right here is very special for some reason this casing was extra big so look at this girthy sausage right here i mean this sucker right here is almost twice the girthiness if that's a word of any other sausages that i made but this is the entire casing so i really like this casing not sure why this happened but this is the first time i've ever experienced that where you've got a really large casing all right so i'm going to put these sausages in my fridge overnight tomorrow morning i'm going to pop them in my pk100 smoker and get some smoke on them stay tuned all right so it's the very next morning and i do have my pk 100 warmed up at 140 degrees by the way i am using this mixed hardwood sawdust from pia seasonings now this is by far my favorite flavor for smoking sausages so i highly recommend it all right so i do have my sawdust pan right here now i did add a little bit of water just to moisten the sawdust a little bit so that's going to go directly on that burner that you see there on the bottom just like that all right so i'm also adding my drip tray it's gonna catch any fat that drips off of the sausages i'm gonna shut the door down i'm gonna let it smoke at 140 degrees for about three hours i'll bring you guys back at that point stay tuned all right so it's been three hours since we first put our sausages on and i do want to mention that earlier when i put the sausages on i did close the dampers two thirds okay so the exhaust is two-thirds closed and so is the intake on the door but now that i'm gonna start cooking i'm gonna shut them down completely all right so i'm going to set my temperature to 200 degrees just hold the arrow up button and hit the set button right there so i'm using my thermopro wireless thermometer to monitor my temperatures and right now the bottom rack is at 119 degrees and the top rack is right at 118 so i can take this within 500 feet and still be able to monitor my temperature let's take a look at those sausages all right so that's what these sausages look like after three hours now i am looking for 155 degrees internal i'm gonna go ahead and shut the door i'll bring you guys back as soon as i pull them off all right so the total cook time has been six hours and the internal temperature has finally hit 150 degrees take a look at these bad boys right here [Music] look at that so i'm just going to put them in an ice bath and the reason we do that is number one to stop the cooking process and number two it's really going to add a nice snap to your sausage [Music] all right so these sausages have cooled off i've got my yoder y640 pellet smoker running at 275 degrees i am using some jealous devil pellets today so i got to fill up my hopper these boxes are fantastic by the way just lift up the flat open up your hopper and dump them in all right so let's load up our sausages these are going to go on the top shelf again at 275 degrees now these aren't going to take very long even though they're cooled off they should only take about 20 minutes if that we'll see you guys in a bit right so these sausages are ready and the total cook time on my yoder y640 pellet smoker was only 25 minutes and this is what we got right here really nice red color i cannot wait to dig into these chile relleno sausages and look at this girthy bad boy right here that's going to make somebody happy so let's slice into it and see what we got oh man right out of the gate we got some cheese oozing out oh yes that's what i wanted i wanted to make sure that every bite had a little bit of cheese and some of that poblano pepper as well i can tell you this casing has a really nice snap because it is popping just cutting it look at that bad boy right there let's give it a try all right let's give these chileno sausages a try and see how we did look at that got some cheese and some poblano pepper it's still steaming hot not sure if you guys can see that but here we go mmm you know that cheese and that poblano pepper really have an authentic mexican flavor this is delicious so the texture of the sausage is perfect you have that creaminess from the cheese and then that smoky poblano pepper this is an amazing sausage we're gonna make ourselves a traditional texas taco got a homemade flour tortilla just gonna grab one of these bad boys right here and we got a texas taco let's see how it tastes [Music] look at that texture this is fantastic so i know i've said this before in a few of my videos every time i make a new sausage it's my all-time favorite but this one right here is very special if you're into making sausage follow this recipe and you will be amazed at the flavor of this chile reno sausage don't forget to check out the description box there you're going to find links to some of the items that i use in this video if this is your first time here do me a favor and hit that subscribe button and if you like this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoking joseph bbq see it's the chance that you've been waiting for
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 91,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make sausage, sausage, food, cooking, meat, sausage making, bbq, barbecue, grilling, recipe, pork, italian sausage, italian sausage recipes, homemade, sausage recipe, pork sausage, sausage making machine, how to, italian, how-to, dinner, recipes, meat grinder, seasoning, beef, munchies, chef, restaurant, vice, easy sausage recipes, homemade sausage, how to make sausages, homemade sausages, make sausage, sausage linking, how to tie sausages, How to link sausages, chile relleno sausage
Id: 3yoCObErLCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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