Summer Sausage Making For Beginners

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pit bbq i've got an exciting video for you guys today join me as i make a jalapeno cheddar summer sausage stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's get started on this summer sausage video i am starting with a 19-pound brisket and i've got seven pounds of pork shoulder right here now this does have the bone inside of it still so once i take that bone out i'm gonna have about six pounds of pork and 19 pounds of brisket which is going to be a 65 beef about 35 percent pork all right so the only thing that i'm going to trim off of this brisket is this oxidized meat right here just take a really small thin edge of that off i don't like that on my brisket whether i'm smoking it or using it for sausage so just clean that up [Music] and if i see anything else that does not look pleasing i'll also take that off like this piece right here it's a little dark just shave that off and just one more little piece right here and we are good to go now i did have this brisket in my freezer so it's partially frozen so all i'm doing right now is cutting this down into strips and then i'm going to cut it down into small cubes just large enough to fit down the throat of my grinder all right so i've got my brisket cut up into strips the only thing left to do is to cut it up into cubes probably two and a half by two and a half because this is what fits down the throat of my grinder so i'm gonna cut the rest of this brisket up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got the brisket and our pork shoulder all cubed up now i did want to show you the blade of our pork shoulder and you can see there's still a little bit of meat on there but again you can't get it all off you can save this and make some soup out of it if you want all right so i've got the hopper loaded with some of the meat i am starting with a 10 millimeter die we are going to be grinding this twice the first time is a 10 millimeter and the second time will be a four and a half millimeter die so let's grind this up [Applause] [Music] so this meat is still extremely cold and so is my grinding equipment as you can see we got some frost on there and that's key when making summer sausage keep everything nice and cold all right so i've got the meat ground up now just a little tip right here you're always going to have a little bit of meat that gets stuck in here that doesn't get ground up what i like to do is just grab some of the meat that you've already got ground up throw some back inside your grinder and that's gonna force that meat that's in there force it out okay here we go [Applause] so you might have to use your plunger for this so just gently push it down and there we go all right so now it's time to add our jalapeno summer sausage seasoning now this package is from pia seasoning and this will do 25 pounds of meat if you're only doing 12 and a half pounds just weigh this out and put half of the package in there so this already has some dehydrated jalapenos and you will see that i'm going to add a little bit more once i put this mixture inside my mixer okay so to spread out the seasoning [Music] okay so just mix in that seasoning really well then we're going to get our grinder ready throw on the four and a half millimeter plate and grind this up a second time stay tuned all right so let's throw on the four and a half millimeter die this is real simple to replace just pop this out a little bit now here's that meat that i was talking about now most of this is already ground up as you can see okay we're gonna pass that through a second time so we're gonna be okay all right tighten that up really good turn your grinder on let's pass all this meat through all right so i've got the grinding attachment off now it's time to mate our mixer just slide that in and tighten up your set screw right here all right so now we're just going to load our meat onto our mixer alright so for this next step i'm adding a package of the number 159 maple cure also from pia seasonings now this package will treat 25 pounds of meat so i'm going to do is open this up i'm going to add it to 16 ounces of water just grab a whisk and mix that up really well now in total we're going to add about 32 ounces of water so this is 16 ounces if i use any less depending on the consistency of our summer sausage i will let you guys know [Music] all right so i'm going to turn on the mixer and slowly add this cure mix it with our water [Applause] well that's been mixing for one minute i'm gonna throw this in reverse for about 30 seconds all right i'm going to put it back in forward and throw in eight more ounces of water [Applause] alright so that's been mixing for four minutes let me check the tackiness of this make sure we got that really nice protein extraction you know it's feeling a little dry so i'm gonna add the other eight ounces of water and continue to mix this up [Applause] all right so this has been mixing for five minutes now i'm gonna go ahead and add two and a half pounds of high temperature cheddar cheese this is still frozen and i also diced up four medium sized jalapenos just throw that in there remember the mix already has some jalapenos some dehydrated jalapenos but i want a little bit extra jalapenos in my summer sausage all right so i'm gonna mix this for two minutes [Applause] all right so this has been mixing for seven minutes one very last ingredient that we're going to add to our summer sausage is this encapsulated citric acid what this is going to do it's going to act as a cure accelerator this is also going to increase the shelf life of our summer sausage it's going to lower that ph in our sausage as well that's going to make it a bit more shelf stable and lastly by adding the citric acid it's going to give you that very familiar tangy taste when you bite into a piece of summer sausage so we're going to be adding 1.5 ounces of this encapsulated citric acid so i'm just going to start our mixer and slowly mix that in all right so this has been mixing for 60 seconds and you don't want to mix it any more than that you got to remember that the citric acid is sitting inside of a capsule if you will and you don't want to burst that capsule what's really going to burst that capsule is the temperature of your sausage you want to make sure that you reach 150 degrees once it reaches 150 degrees that capsule is going to burst releasing the citric acid into your sausage all right so let's dump out our summer sausage mixture one of the beautiful things about this mixture right here is you can tip it over just like so make sure your tub is locked in turn the grinder on and it should push the meat out by itself [Applause] all right so now all you got to do is reach in here and get the rest of our sausage mixture out and this is really nice and sticky look at this stuff that is perfect all right so i've got my stuffing container and i'm just going to add my summer's sausage mixture and pack it in really nice and tight [Music] this is extremely sticky it almost wants to grab a hold of my glove and take it right off so just get rid of any air pockets that you have in there all right that looks good right there put our container in there make sure our piston is nice and tight and lower that just a bit now for summer sausages you want to grab the largest horn that you have this one's probably about an inch wide so the summer sausage mixture is going to flow really nice and easy through this large horn so i'm just going to lower the piston down a little bit more release that air just like that just like making sausage you want to make sure you get your mixture to the tip of the horn and then pull it back alright so i've got my casings right here and i did get these from ps seasoning actually everything that i used in this video you can find from ps seasoning and they have been soaking in warm water for about an hour and a half now so push this casing all the way to the tip of the horn hold it really nice and tight and start to crank on the piston and fill up that casing look at that really nice and easy make sure you pack it in really nice and tight as well all right that looks good to me so just slide this off [Music] what you want to do at this point is twist your casing and really pack that sausage in there now i don't have one of those nice fancy crimping machines so i'm just going to twist and i do have some butcher's twine right here just tie a nice tight knot at the end of your casing just like that let's do a double knot right here and there we have it nice and compact summer sausage casing i'm gonna get the rest of these done and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got all these summer sausage casings filled up and i ended up with 14 or about 12 and two little ones okay so this little one one thing that i learned is do not over stuff your casing remember you still have to twist this and put your butcher's twine and this was your leftover okay that's how much i overstuffed all these casings so that's one thing that i learned the other thing is on these casings you can actually tell this is the first one that i did hopefully the camera can pick it up there's a bunch of little holes in here that allows the sausage to breathe if you will and if you can see in some places you can see some of the summer sausage mixture coming out okay to me that's an overstuffed casing and then as i started to stuff these other casings you can't really tell okay so these are not overstuffed like i did this one right here so just a couple of lessons that i learned so i'm going to be smoking these in my pk100 smoker and the nice thing about these casings that i did get from pia seasoning is that it has this really high end string right here not sure if it's nylon or not but that is really grabbing a hold of that casing so i've got these rods i'm going to put about oh probably five on each one and four on the last one just like that and these are going to hang inside my pk100 smoker i've got it warming up at 135 degrees i'll see you guys outside all right so i've got my pk100 smoker running at 135 degrees and i'm using a mixed hardwood sawdust and i did moisten it with a little bit of water now i did funnel it out like that that way it burnt like a wick if you will so let me show you the setup inside my pk100 smoker so i did miss count earlier i don't know how it happened but i have 17 summer sausage rolls as you can see right there and i do have a probe right down the middle of that one in the center and right now it's measuring 53 degrees so i'm gonna go ahead and put my sawdust pan right on top of the burner on the bottom i've got the damper set at two thirds open so we're just gonna shut the door and let this smoke for about two hours and i'll bring you guys back at that point stay tuned all right so this summer sausage has been smoking for two hours now and we still have plenty of smoke going on the internal temperature is 116 degrees let's take a look at them smoking smoke is smokey alright so as you can see the casings definitely have a darker color we're sitting at 116 degrees we need to get these to an internal temperature of 150 degrees so i'm going to shut the door so now i'm going to set the smoker at 155 degrees right so i've got it set at 155. we'll see you guys back in about an hour and a half stay tuned all right so we are at the three and a half hour mark and what's interesting is that our temperature only went up about one degree so i'm gonna go ahead and crank this baby up to 180 degrees and we will start cooking all right 180. [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and shut down the vents the intake and exhaust 100 closed and we are sitting at 117 degrees internal i just cranked up the temperature to 180 i will let you guys know exactly how long it takes for these summer sausages to hit 155 degrees internal stay tuned okay so seven hours later and our sausages have hit an internal temperature of 155 degrees now i decided to take them up to 155 instead of 150 just to end up with a firmer sausage so let's pull them off all right so they are looking nice and pretty beautiful color so i'm gonna throw them in an ice bath let it cool down to 80 degrees then we'll go inside and cut into it stay tuned all right so the summer sausage has cooled down to 80 degrees internal and the casing did shrink a little bit for example on this one not so much on this one so you guys that are experienced in making the summer sausage let me know if that case shrinking is normal but i'm pretty happy with the results so far but let's cut into it and see how we did [Music] using my dell strong knife here look at that nice smooth texture really nice color that cheese is perfectly distributed you got pieces of jalapeno in there so far so good so i'm gonna go ahead and take this fibrous casing off all right so as you can see this has a beautiful color really nice smoky color and these fibers casings believe it or not they do let smoke in and they release moisture as well so they work really well for making these summer sausages so so far i am really happy with this so i'm just going to take a few slices oh man look at that this looks absolutely perfect the only thing left to do is to taste it and hopefully i nailed it on the taste side as well oh this smells absolutely delicious check that out all right i'm going to take my thumbnail picture and i'll bring you guys right back for the taste test stay tuned all right so i've got my thumbnail picture and i cannot wait to give this summer sausage a try and see how we did here we go all right let's give it a taste but before i do check that out i am really happy with that cheese and jalapeno distribution i am so glad that i added those extra four jalapenos to this mix here we go wow man i can't believe how delicious the summer sausage is you know the store-bought sausage is good but it has nothing on this homemade summer sausage this is fantastic all right so this is my first time ever making summer sausage and it really took me back to the first time that i ever made sausage links it's a lot of work but the end result is so satisfying this is absolutely delicious and i highly recommend that you guys give it a try if you guys are interested in buying some of the meat products that i use in this video the grinder the stuffer the mixer the scales and even the seasoning from pia seasonings make sure you guys check out the description box you can click on those links and you also get a nice discount i hope you guys enjoyed my summer sausage video if this is your first time here do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoke and jill's play barbecue see yah [Music]
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 118,519
Rating: 4.942996 out of 5
Keywords: summer sausage making for beginners, summer sausage, sausage, homemade, how to make summer sausage, wild game, venison summer sausage, how to make sausage, food, meat, summer, recipe, beef, cooking, smoked sausage, venison, venison sausage, making sausage, smoked summer sausage,, waltonstv, how to, charcuterie, how to make homemade sausage, how to make, meatgistics, venison recipes, smoked meat, pellet grill, smoker, making summer sausage, deer sausage, Smokin joes pit bbq
Id: BI3iH0gZ2Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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