How to Make Homemade Boudin - Easy to make Cajun Boudin Sausage Recipe

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hey everybody welcome back to barbecue by biggs i'm erin and on today's video we're going to bring you that cajun favorite boudin that's right we're going to make up some homemade boudin and if you guys want to see how that turns out come along with us stay tuned [Music] all right welcome back we're going to start with four of these medium yellow onions we also have four green bell peppers and of course we wouldn't have the cajun trinity without that celery we're just going to rough chop all this into large pieces because we end up grinding this with the meat we also had a big bunch of celery that we're going to chop rough chop as well we also chopped up four bunches of green onions just in small little rounds for the greens and smaller rounds for the onion part that we're gonna add in a little bit later we have two bunches of parsley that we're gonna take each one of those bunches one's gonna be added in when we grind the other one will be added in when we mix so let's get outside and get that fire started all right we got our pan hot we're going to just take a full pork butt fat side down drop in the bottom of the pan what that's going to do is create some grease on the bottom for the peppers onions and celery so we've got four onions chopped up coarsely this pork butt is eight pounds we have three bell peppers and then one head of celery all chopped coarsely going in we'll let them sweat a little bit [Applause] get those in there [Applause] go ahead and throw in those green onion tops we're using the green part later on but we'll use the onion part in this two tablespoons of minced garlic get that in there four grams of black pepper four grams of cayenne 42 grand 42 grams of salt now we're doing these in grams weight out so that way this is eight pounds of pork butt if you're using four pounds you can just divide that by two if you're using less than that you just weigh it out that way it makes it a whole lot easier go ahead and add the salt give that a good stir down there [Applause] going in with some uncle steve's gator shake got one and a quarter pounds of chicken livers now you can use pork livers we like chicken livers they're a little bit less pungent so we'll get those in there too so we have six quarts of water we're adding basically i'm going to come over the top of that pork just by a bit and so we're going to get this up to a bowl once you have that roll and boil i'm gonna reduce the heat cover it and simmer it for probably about two hours we're gonna simmer it until that bone pulls clean of that pork butt so we'll bring you guys back in about two hours so the pork and vegetables been simmering for about three and a half hours we're gonna get those pulled off now it's tender enough to get it out of there and we'll get it ready to grind up you want to get all those vegetables and all that meat out of there [Music] if you have a big strainer you just pour it through the strainer this is all i got so this is what we're going to use all right we're going to reserve some of this liquid as well for when we mix it all together just run that right through the strainer probably won't need that much but we'll have it if we need it once we have it strained out we bring it in we got the meat grinder out we're using the cabela's three quarter horsepower grinder and all we're going to do is we're going to take it while it's hot on coarse setting and just run it through the grinder as we grind it we're going to add half of that parsley and half of the cut green onion top so we're adding for our particular amount we're going to add one cup as we go along of each and then just have that grind into that as it goes now i didn't show cutting up those green onions but we took four of the little packs of green onions you get from the grocery store and we cut up the greens and we cut up the onion part at the bottom we added the onion part at the bottom to the meat mixture the greens we're going to add in as we go here so half of them will go in as we as we grind this meat up and the vegetables and then the other half will go in once we have the rice mixture together so we're incrementally adding those tops and that parsley as we go along here so again we are grinding this on that coarse grind setting and once we have this ground up and all of the ingredients mixed together we're gonna add the rice this was six cups of uncooked rice that we prepared just like the label says and all we're gonna do is dump this in here and then just hand mix it in with the other ingredients and the meat mixture again these are hot ingredients we want them to be warm normally when you stuff something in the casing you want it as cold as possible but in this case we want it to be warm that way when it goes into that casing it'll pull that casing to it so all we're going to do is fluff this rice up and then we're going to mix it up with the other ingredients here so now the rest of these ingredients are to your taste now for us starting point we're just adding basically two tablespoons of cayenne pepper and then we're gonna salt and pepper to our liking and our taste and and for this one we got about two tablespoons of kosher salt and about a tablespoon of black pepper then i would i would urge you to make sure that you taste this as you go along and once you get that flavor like you like it then that's what it is remember this is the way you like it not necessarily how i like it and at the end of the day whatever ingredient that you want to put in there you can put in there some people add thyme at this point some people add oregano these are the ingredients that we added you can also take your favorite cajun seasoning and add that as well so we're going to take the rest of the green tops that we had we're going to add those in at this point and the other bunch of parsley that we've chopped up we're going to add that as well and then we're just going to mix this by hand until all those ingredients are well incorporated what you don't want to do is have a hot spot in one and not a hot spot in the other so make sure that you work this as much as you can with your hands to ensure that you have a good mix now if you do have a sausage mixer you can mix it with a mixer as well but just make sure that it's well incorporated and all the spices are mixed with the beef and the rice and then we're just going to take that juice that we reserved to the side and just add a little bit at a time until we get the sticky consistency that we're looking for uh in this instance we added about four cups of this liquid and then we just worked it and worked it until we got the consistency that we were looking for when you make a little sticky ball out of it it's ready to go and ready to be cased so we'll get to casing now so we're just using standard sausage casings from ps seasonings these things are awesome they work great we use it for all our sausage making they are natural hog casings and i tell you what they give you a good bite when you bite into your sausage or into your boudin so we're just going to take this we're going to take a little bit of water put it on our horn and then we're just gonna slide this casing right on up on this horn once you have the casing on the horn unfortunately we did not pack this before we put the casing on so we're gonna pack the the stuffer if you don't have a sausage stuffer you can use your your attachment on your grinder and it works just fine we have a stuffer so we're going to go ahead and use a stuffer so we had already tied the end of this up but now we're going to stuff it in into the stuffer remember taking the air out of that stuffer is is probably the best thing that you can do with this so we went ahead and cut that knot off and brought that stuffing right to the end of our horn then we'll pull that casing back out and tie it off again that was a rookie mistake we made it so we'll tie this up again and get ready to stuff these casings hey while we get this tied up if you hadn't hit that like button at the bottom hey hit that thumbs up give us a like really helps out the channel hey and if you're not subscribed to our channel consider subscribing so you can get more cooks like this one so once you got that tied up and it's ready to go just put a little bit of pressure on the end of that horn between that horn and that casing and then just let it start filling up so just crank it until you have a good solid full casing and so you don't want to overfill it and you don't want to under fill it if you under fill it you're going to have too much air if you overfill it you're going to end up having a blowout so you got to find that happy medium where the case is full but not too full so we'll get this filled up we'll get it to the end and then we'll just tie it off and then we'll show you guys how we're going to link these together when thinking about your links you gotta have to determine how big you want it in sausage making we always have a markings on the side of our pan we use this big pan for all of our sausage making and so we have a the link that we like this is about seven inches and you take it that first one you're gonna pinch and then you're gonna bring it to your line again you're gonna pinch and then you're just gonna pinch both of them tight and then just roll that sausage over a few times so again we're gonna take this and we'll measure it out and then we'll pinch skip pinch and then we're just going to take that sausage and just roll it over a few times to tighten it up just remember the fuller it is the less rolls you want to do if you have some air in there the more rolls you can do it makes it better and makes it tighter so once we have these linked up we're just gonna put them on pans we're gonna put them in the refrigerator overnight to let it develop that pedicle and to dry out and then we're gonna take some of them we're going to cook them the others we're going to put in the freezer on these pans and it makes them hard so when we do vacuum seal them it doesn't squash them out so we'll get these together get them ready and we'll meet you guys out at the grill tomorrow all right after we got through casey these up last night we put them in the refrigerator overnight to have that pellicle form on here we're going to stick them into the ys640 pellet grill for about an hour or so at 275 degrees just want to warm them up and make sure that that exterior skin crisped up a little bit we did take some of this and we put it in a bulk bag so we can use it to stuff stuff and then we also form some balls and and froze those so we can come back and make some boudin balls as well so we'll get these onto the ys640 and bring you guys back all right so we're rolling at about 275 degrees we're just going to stick these on the top shelf here probably about 45 minutes to an hour we'll bring you guys back and we'll check on them all we're looking for is for this casing to crisp up a little bit and and for to warm up of course everything inside of these are cooked already so if you don't get it quite to 160 degrees you're okay if you feel comfortable with just you know 145 140 850 whatever you want make sure that you do that all right so we're gonna roll this at 275 degrees like i said for about an hour and we'll bring you back all right after one hour we got this boudin done let me bring you in let you look at it we'll cut into it give it a taste all right this stuff is done and looking good let's cut into one of these and see what it looks like look at that hopefully you guys can see that on your screen looks delicious good looking stick of boudin for sure all right let's dig in and take a bite of this and see how it turned out here we go good looking piece of boudin that casing has some snap it's good stuff hopefully they don't want a whole lot inside so we'll see you guys on the next cook we're going to sit out here and eat the rest of this catch you next time [Music]
Channel: BBQ by Biggs
Views: 24,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boudin sausage, boudin sausage recipe, how to make boudin sausage, how to make boudin sausage recipes, making boudin sausage, boudin, boudin recipe, cajun boudin recipe, how to make boudin, cajun, boudin recipes louisiana, how to make boudin links, homemade boudin sausage recipe, how to make boudin sausage at home, making boudin recipes, making boudin, cajun sausage, sausage, cajun boudin, yoder ys640s, easy boudin recipe, louisiana, cajun cuisine, easiest boudin recipe
Id: 2MWqnv7gkzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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