Pico De Gallo Sausage - Homemade Sausage Recipe

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pet bbq on today's video i'm going to be making some smoky and spicy pico de gallo sausages stay tuned [Music] all right let's get our knives ready start cutting up this brisket and these pork butts that i've got all right so for this cook i'm using my bony knife to take the bones out of the pork shoulders and also my chef's knife to cut everything up all right let's get started on this pico de gallo sausage recipe i am starting with a seven pound wagyu brisket and 20 pounds of pork shoulder now i haven't weighed them myself because i still need to take the bone out of these pork shoulders okay both these pork shoulders have a bone so i'm going to go ahead and take the bones out cut these up into small cubes we're going to come back and weigh it and then we'll get our measurements for our spices stay tuned all right i've got the meat cut up and i've got my meat scale set up right here so i've got my lug and the lug weighs 2.7 pounds so my meat scale says that we've got 27 let's just call that 27 pounds minus a 2.7 which is what the lug weighs we're at 24.3 pounds of meat so now that i know this i can build my recipe for my pico de gallo sausages let me put that together i'm gonna pop this in the fridge and i'll bring you guys right back all right let's go over the ingredients for my pico de gallo sausages again we're starting with 24.3 pounds of meat which is 60 pork 40 beef now this was a wagyu brisket flat so that's going to be delicious so we've got 143 grams of salt 55 grams of black pepper 40 grams of onion powder 40 grams of paprika 14 grams of oregano 40 grams of garlic powder 20 grams of cumin 15 grams of hot chili powder now if you can't find a hot chili powder a chili of the audible works fine 27.58 grams of speed cure which is your pink salt i'm also going to be adding 2.5 pounds of jalapenos two pounds of tomatoes and two pounds of yellow onions all right so we're going to finely chop the tomatoes and yellow onions the jalapenos i'm just going to pass them through the grinder that's going to cut them up really nice and fine and that's exactly what pico de gallo is pico de gallo in spanish means it's a tip of a rooster's beak which means you just need to chop everything up really nice and fine to make it look like the tip of a rooster's beak so really nice and fine and i'm also gonna be adding two bunches of cilantro now when i do cut my cilantro i'm taking these stems off most of the stems the rest of it i'm gonna chop it up this weighs about 80 grams just in case you guys are wondering and i'm using two of these bunches all right let me grab the meat from the fridge we're gonna throw the ingredients in there and grind it up stay tuned all right so i've got the meat right here nice and cold i'm just gonna throw all the ingredients in here all right i'm gonna mix this up real quick set up my grinder and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got my grinder set up and i am using the four and a half millimeter die i'm just gonna pass the meat through that once and i'm occasionally gonna drop in a jalapeno and get that all chopped up as well so here we go drop in a couple jalapenos [Applause] and some more meat make sure you keep your grinding equipment in the freezer for a couple of hours before you grind your meat that way everything stays nice and cold all right so i've got the meat all ground up now here's a little pro tip for you guys now most of the time when you make sausage you're going to get some meat that gets stuck in here that doesn't get ground up what i like to do is throw some ice cubes down in here just a handful of ice cubes and turn on your grinder and watch it come out see all that extra meat come out and there we go now all this ice is just going to add a little bit of moisture to your sausage mixture which is perfectly fine alright so at this point i'm going to add my tomatoes my onions and my chopped cilantro throw it all in there beautiful colors now pico de gallo usually has some lime as well but if you add lime to your sausage it's going to get a really weird kind of mouth feel and you don't want that so we're not going to be adding any lime trust me this is enough flavor so i'm just going to mix this up by hand i really don't feel like setting up my big mixer look at these fantastic colors the aroma that's coming from this sausage mixture is absolutely savage now one thing to keep in mind is that your tomatoes and your onions all have a ton of water so this feels really good but it can use a little bit of water plus we added the ice cubes earlier so i'm just going to add probably half a cup of water [Music] and this is feeling really good all right so i've been mixing this for a good five minutes it's getting really nice and sticky so i've got some really good protein extraction so let's test it out here just grab some and smear it on your glove that's exactly what you want okay so i'm going to grab some of this mixture fry up a patty make sure we got good flavor and i'll bring you guys right back all right i got the sausage patty fried up let's give it a taste make sure we got some good seasonings on here and don't judge my plate my daughter made me this check it out beautiful plate oh it's still really hot all right got some cilantro some jalapeno some onion and tomato ooh i'm gonna burn my mouth but here we go you know i feel that it could use a little bit more salt and maybe a little bit more black pepper but let me give it another try here we go all right so that salt is actually pretty good i'm really picking up some nice heat at the end here this sausage is going to be fantastic i'm going to set up my stuffer and i'll bring you guys right back all right i got my stuffing canister right here just going to grab my sausage mixture and stuff it in there really nice and tight make sure you take out all the air pockets man this sausage mixture smells so good i can't wait to put some smoke on these sausages and give them a taste all right that looks good right there gonna put our horn on and our collar gonna lower that piston just a little bit you want to get that sausage mixture to the tip of the horn get a nice tomato right there okay back up the handle all right so one new thing that i'm going to try is i'm going to spray some avocado oil just a little bit on this horn that way the casing slides a little bit easier because i've noticed that they've been getting stuck here recently so i'm just going to spray a little bit just like that so you can get these casings from pia seasonings make sure you guys check out the description box for a lot of the items that i use in this video so all you want to do is find the end of your casing and stick two fingers in there and these casings have been resting in this water for about 30 minutes now pass a little bit of water through there it's going to rinse off the casing on the inside and also make it easier to put your casing on the horn see if that avocado oil works oh yeah look at that it is sliding really nice just another little pro tip use some of that avocado spray or any spray really [Music] all right we're going to tie a knot at the end of this casing right here [Music] it's slippery all right that looks good i'm gonna add some ice cold water with some ice cubes that way everything stays nice and cold and one thing about making sausages is that you really got to keep your entire area clean so clean as you go and clean often okay all right let's stuff these casings oh yeah look at that nice color you can see the onions the cilantro and the tomatoes in there this sausage is gonna be good all right i'm gonna stuff these casings up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got all of the casings stuffed up now it's time to twist them and there's multiple ways to do this okay but this is the way that i found it easiest so i'm just going to add a little bit of ice cold water to my tray that way the sausage slides really nice and easy so i've got this tray right here and it's measured six and a half inches so i take my sausage roll and measure out six and a half inches and then i pinch right at the six and a half inch mark measure another six and a half inches and pinch right here and when i'm pinching what i'm doing is moving the meat aside allowing me to twist just the casing okay so i like to twirl just like this and you want to keep twirling until your casing is nice and tight like you see it there that's going to give you a nice plump sausage okay now there's multiple ways to twist the sausage you can measure out six and a half inches and twist the sausage one direction measure another six and a half inches and then twist in the opposite direction that's too much work for me i just like to measure and twirl okay nice girthy little sausages right there six and a half inches six and a half inches and if i feel that the sausage is too thin i will pinch a little bit more meat towards the sausage length that i'm twirling okay so once i get to this point just twirl it just like that all right i'm going to get all these sausages twisted up i'm going to let them rest in my fridge overnight tomorrow morning i'm going to fire up my other frontiersman and we're going to put some smoke on these sausages stay tuned all right so it's the very next day and these sausages rested in my fridge for a total of 14 hours the surface is really nice and dry so a couple of hours ago i just took my kitchen shears and separated the links right where the twists were when we were twisting them last night and i've got them all separated and stacked nice and neat on these trays so again they rested 14 hours in my fridge i do have my frontiersman running at 140 degrees i'll see you guys outside all right so we're outside of my url frontiersman and i do have it running at 140 degrees so let's put in our sausages so i'm going to place the sausages on both top racks and just spread them out nice and even make sure they don't touch that way you get smoke around the entire sausage link [Music] so one thing that i did to the grates is i brushed them off get your smoker really nice and hot brush it off and then i take a white towel which are these universal terry cloths i guess you want to call them and wet it and just wipe down the entire grate until it's nice and clean that way when your sausages are smoked you're not really having to wipe them down a whole lot they're nice and clean all right so i've got this side completely filled up it's going to slide the shelf in and shut that door down let's get the other side done all right so i've got both sides of my smoker loaded up with sausage i'm going to go ahead and shut the doors down again we're running at 140 degrees just in case you guys are wondering how i run my smoker at 140 degrees i'll show you guys that as soon as i shut these doors all right so here's a trick to running your smoker at such a low temperature i do have a log splitter right here and i split my splits into really small pieces like this one right here so i'm going to use about one of these every 40 minutes or so and that's enough to keep the sausages or my smoker running at 140 degrees now before i do that i do lay a nice layer of jealous devil charcoal i ignite that once that's nice and hot i just laid a small split on top of the coals and that's enough to run my smoker at 140 degrees let's say that i want 170 degrees then i just cut my split a little bit larger okay but for now i'm gonna run my smoker at 140 degrees for a couple of hours i'll bring you guys back at that point all right so it's been two hours since we first put our sausages on let's take a look at the color of these sausages oh man they're already starting to develop a nice red color we are using post oak for this cook and the temperatures have been running between 140 and 150 degrees obviously when you put a split of wood in your firebox the temperature does get up to about 150 then it comes back down to about 140 all right so at this point i'm going to go ahead and ramp up the temperature to 175 degrees on my smoker i'm looking for a final internal temperature of 155 degrees once it reaches that i'm going to throw these sausages in the ice bath and i'll bring you guys right back stay tuned all right so these sausages have been smoking for four hours and the internal temperature just hit 155 degrees look at these bad boys let's take a look at them here oh yeah notice since i cleaned my grates it's not really black on the bottom of the sausage it was just perfect okay so i'm just going to throw these in the ice bath that i have right here let them cool down so once they cool down i'm going to grab about six of these crank my smoker up to 275 degrees and cooks them up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so these sausages are ready and the total cook time was only about 30 minutes even after they've been chilled down in the ice and take a look at these bad boys right here look at that color nice and plump you can see the cilantro right through the casing the tomato and some of the onions as well these are going to be delicious let me set these up for a thumbnail and i'll bring you guys right back all right let's slice into these pico de gallo sausages by the way i do have some lime and some garnish because pico de gallo does take some lime so i might squeeze some of that lime on top of the sausage so i'm going to cut this long ways so we can take a look at the inside of the sausage oh my goodness nice and juicy [Music] all right let's see how we did look at that got the tomatoes the cilantro we even have an onion poking out of there man look at that juice nice and juicy sausages look at that all right let's give them a try and see how we did all right let's give these pico de gallo sausages a try i'm just going to jump right in and check the snappiness of the sausage and be a savage and take a monster bite here we go this sausage right here is amazing so full of flavor you know the onions are al dente the tomatoes are nice and sweet the jalapenos have a little bit of spice you can taste the cilantro this is fantastic i'm gonna make myself a taco so this time i'm using a corn tortilla just gonna grab one of these sausages like that since this is a pico de gallo sausage i'm gonna take a little bit of lime squeeze that over the top of the sausage to complete our pico de gallo oh yes this is gonna be good here we go this is so darn good um you know what that lime really adds character to the speak of the gaio sausage i'm gonna add a bunch right so that sausage is super delicious it automatically moves up to the top three sausages that i've ever made so full of flavor just the right amount of spice this is really good i hope you guys enjoyed this pico de gallo sausage video if this is your first time here do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoking joe split bbq see ya
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 48,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pico De Gallo Sausage, smoked sausage, sausage, bbq, recipe, food, smoked, cooking, barbecue, sausage making, meat, meat grinder, beef, how to bbq right, diy, how-to, backyard, recipes, pork, aaron franklin, pbs, smoker, texas, brisket, smoked sausages, italian sausages, sausage and peppers, sausage recipe, how to make sausage, homemade sausage, how to bbq, bbq sausage, smoke sausage, malcom reed, italian sausage recipe, pork sausage, smoked bratwurst, smoked pork, smokin joes pit bbq, yoder
Id: vuG8-sLvmSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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