Barbacoa Brisket Tacos - Best Tacos I've Ever Had

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's pet bbq on today's video i'm going to be taking an entire prime brisket and we're going to be making up some barbacoa stay tuned as you can see look at this bark is crazy oh man's perfect it helps to start with a nice sharp knife okay oh my goodness look at that all right so we're starting with a 17 pound prime brisket now before i get to trimming and opening this package i'm going to show you how i'm going to make a paste that we're going to be rubbing on this brisket okay so i got my mortar and pestle here i've got about six seven cloves of garlic here and i'm just gonna smash them in here all right to help grind the garlic down i'm going to add an eighth of a cup of salt this is kosher salt all right so i've got my garlic and salt all ground up in here to this mixture i'm gonna add an eighth of a cup of black pepper eighth of a cup of onion powder one tablespoon of granulated garlic eighth of a cup of paprika i'm using a spanish style paprika eighth of a cup of cumin eighth of a cup of a light chili powder and one tablespoon of oregano mix this up all right so we got to make a paste out of this so i'm going to use some olive oil just mix them in there all right so you want enough olive oil in here to create a thick paste and it might need a little bit more yeah just a little bit more all right so we got our paste nice and incorporated as you can see it's nice and thick right here i'm going to take the brisket out of the package and i'll bring you guys right back all right so here's my 17 pound prime brisket and it is a good looking brisket the edges aren't oxidized or anything so i'm not even going to trim any of that but i am going to remove this big deco fat right here and i am wearing a cut glove and i highly recommend if you're going to be doing any meat trimming to wear that cut glove under your rubber glove because accidents happen really quick okay and that glove will protect you from cutting yourself so just remove that decal all right so i've got most of my decal off and let's take a look at the fat cap i'm going to try not to trim the fat cap much so just a little bit of this oxidized meat right here which is nothing but fat anyway some of this loose fat here just take that off okay so that looks good to me all right so i'm gonna cut this brisket into four pieces that way it cooks a little bit faster starting with the top of the flat and the majority of the point you can see the flat right here on the point right here nicely marbled i'm going to trim some of this fat right here because we've got a lot of fat on this piece but you do want some fat for this barbacoa okay that looks good to me in fact i'm going to cut it down into only three pieces that looks good to me right there oh yeah you can see your point right here and your flat right here and the fat content is perfect this one doesn't have a whole lot of fat and i'm okay with that all right so i'm just going to move a couple of these pieces out of the way and start with the center piece right here and here's our paste that we made this is where you're going to get a little bit dirty but that's why we wear gloves and i'm preparing this the night before so this is going to sit in my fridge overnight before i put in the smoker okay so just grab some of your paste and look at this beautiful color that we have created with this paste so if you notice the spices that i used we use a lot of these spices in mexican style cooking from the komino which is the cumin the garlic the oregano the salt the pepper i mean we use all of these spices a lot in mexican cooking so by preparing this the night before that's going to allow these spices to really penetrate this meat as much as possible okay and this is the coverage that you want right here it's got a beautiful red color all right i'm going to get these other two pieces done and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got our brisket entirely lathered up and the spices and the olive oil and the fresh garlic and the aroma in my kitchen right now is fantastic okay so i'm just going to cover this up with foil tomorrow morning i'm going to fire up my yoder frontiersman i'll see you guys then all right it's the very next morning and i've got my smoker up and running 275 on the lower gauge 300 degrees on the top gauge on the right side of my smoker again i'm using my yoda frontiersman so i'm going to be placing the brisket right here on the lower right hand side this is something you rarely see me do because this runs really hot now i can control the temperature but i like that it runs really hot so if i want to finish something off i can bring it here so we're only going to cook this or smoke this for about two hours okay so here's our gorgeous briskets and again i'm putting the fat cap down just like that [Music] fat cap down right there and here's the majority of our flat again fat cap down just right there so the brisket is going to cook for one hour again it's going to be a pretty high heat 275 to 300 degrees and then i'm going to come back in an hour flip them and i'll show you the next step so don't go away all right so it's been one hour and again the pit has been running at 275 degrees let's go ahead and flip our briskets so we got a really nice color already let's see that got that fat nice and seared and that's what i want oh yeah look at that that is exactly what we want let's put this last piece just like that all right so these are going to cook for one more hour i'm going to come back put them in a pan put some stuff inside the pan and get this nice and tender stay tuned all right so it's been an hour now total cook time is two hours one on each side and i've got the color that i want it's gonna have some good smoky flavor to it look at that nice and juicy so i do have a bed of onions here just gonna place the briskets on top of the bed of onions all right so i've got the briskets pulled off and i am using about seven bay leaves just throw them in there in fact i'm gonna probably add about 12 bay leaves in case a lot of meat and to this i'm gonna add one quart of vegetable broth so this is going to have a really good flavor and again the vegetable broth is not going to change the taste of the beef the beef in fact is going to flavor the vegetable broth okay so add an entire quart so i'm going to cover it with foil all right so i am moving the brisket butter bacon to the left side of the smoker top shelf just like that all right so the barbecue is going to sit wrapped in the foil for four hours we'll come back at that point and check the tenderness stay tuned all right so four hours since we put the brisket in foil total cook time right now we're at six hours let's take a look at the brisket the brisket barabako i should say oh and it is hot i'm gonna go ahead and take the foil off and man look at all the fat that is rendered off okay so let's check the tenderness oh my goodness it's like falling apart yeah it's coming apart but what i want to do is get this top side nice and tender as well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to flip the briskets now all this juice in spanish we call it consume okay it's just the renderings of of your cook really or aju so just gonna flip this over oh yeah that is looking really good so here's part of the flat right here you can see it's really tender in fact i'm gonna give me a little snack right here um oh yeah really good flavor right so i'm gonna cover it back with the foil give it another two hours stay tuned all right so the barbacoa is ready now i did pull it off at seven and a half hours because it was nice and tender and it has been resting for about 45 minutes but it's still gonna be really hot so let's take a look at this brisket barbacoa and see how we did oh man my kitchen smells amazing so look at this it is shredding nicely this is part of the flat and the point so i'm sure i've got some some of the fat right in the middle somewhere i gotta tell you that fat really rendered nicely all right so i'm just going to get some chunks off of this make sure i get some of the flat and the point [Music] all right so here's a good chunk of our point as you can see that fat has really rendered nicely okay i'm using my nice dow strong cleaver i will leave a link in the description box on where you can get yours so we're just going to chop this up and you see smoking it for two hours early on in the cook gives you these nice little nuggets right there man this is going to be good all right i'm also going to add some of the juices and some of those onions that are pretty much disintegrated some of that flavor in there just like that get really nice and juicy there we go just like that all right let's make some tacos all right so we're going to fry up some tortillas i've got some canola oil just about that much i've got some corn tortillas i'm just going to fry these up real quick now what i like to do is fry one side first and these are going to be hard shell tacos okay just fry one side first which is going to be the inside where the meat is going to go just so that it's pliable okay that's good flip it we're gonna add a bit of salt by the way i did add some salt to the barbacoa to the brisket barbacoa and knead it just a little bit so at this point i'm going to add some of our brisket barbacoa into the taco and a good amount we're still going to add some toppings to it so not too big okay okay just like that then we're going to fold these in half just like that and let them fry up a little bit let me get nice and toasty they're going to add a little bit more oil just to get the shells nice and crispy all right let's flip our tacos there you go you want that nice golden brown dorothea just like that all right we're gonna let these finish cooking up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got the tacos fried up so we're just gonna add some onions and some cilantro into each taco just like that [Music] all right the next thing we're going to add is some salsa now this is chile de arbol okay which is really really hot so i'm just going to add a little bit over the top just like this because this is really hot but i like spicy stuff so then i have some jalapeno salsa that we're gonna add as well just like that a little bit of onions on the top a little bit more cilantro [Music] i'm going to squeeze some lime on the tacos just like this oh boy is your mouth watering yet or not and i also have some avocado okay sprinkle some salt on the top let's give it a taste all right let's see how we did on our brisket barbacoa tacos i can't wait this smells absolutely delicious here we go [Music] let's get some of that salsa [Music] that is a really good tasting taco i'm gonna go ahead and say it that is the best taco that i've ever had in my life so full of flavor that tender brisket with the seasonings that we used early on it marinated overnight it did it justice smoked it for two hours and covered it this is really good so on a scale of one to ten i give this taco a ten the brisket barbacoa is absolutely delicious i highly recommend that you guys give this a try check out the links in the description box there you're gonna find some of the items that i use in this video if this is your first time here hit that subscribe button until next time show us smoking joe's play barbecue see ya
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 48,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbacoa brisket tacos, tacos, mexican food, barbacoa, food, recipe, barbacoa tacos, cooking, how to make barbacoa, beef, recipes, barbacoa recipe, easy recipes, brisket, brisket tacos, how to, mexican recipes, beef barbacoa, best barbacoa, barbacoa de res, mexican, homemade, street tacos, bbq, como hacer barbacoa, birria de res, street food, how to cook, easy barbacoa recipe, texas, munchies, how to make brisket, kitchen, mexican cuisine, mexican barbacoa, yoder, Smokin joe's pit bbq
Id: Ay4N5zouWZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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