CHILDREN BABIES & EDUCATION Rimworld Biotech Tutorial Guide

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hello there welcome to my tutorial about children and education in rimworld biotech I'm icon and this video will give you everything you need to know to found your own Dynasty on a remote planet and get away successful with it there's timestamps in the description box and if you're looking for a certain answer about children and education just check it out and I hope you'll find your answers there and if not just leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do for you I also made a couple of other videos about the DLC explaining everything about me Canada's sangophages and genes and xenotypes so you might want to check out the playlist in the description box also first part of this video is a quick summary about how the whole procedure of family building and the DLC works and then I'm going to break up every little detail of that procedure and explain it so you can have fun in the future with the family building of this uh DLC because it has a lot of really really cool things before I go into summary a quick shout out to the support links in the description box there's PayPal patreon and buy me a coffee as ways it means to support this Channel and as a free content creator I would be really delighted if you check them out because I can really use all the help that I can get and see my colonists are even having a party and I'll be really really cheering to all the supporters here as well that are already making the dream come true my colony is cheering it to you as well so with that being said let's get started with a quick summary there so so in this DLC you get to raise your children from the stage of the fetus over to a baby over to a children and then to a fully grown colonist you can have pregnancies in the classical and in a technological way going to talk about both methods there you get to raise your children over the course of many years this is a very time intense Hobby and then you get a really really lot of influence about how this colonist will develop if you have the resource and the successful setup so this is a ways and means to practically build your own colonists without cheating and it's pretty cool and gives you a long-term incentive to to play colonies and that's what I really like about it so far so I'm going to start with the first part here and let's talk about babies so first off I'm going to talk about the classical pregnancy so you know the one with the relationships and all and later in the tech part of this video I'm going to talk about the um Ways and Means how you can do that with a growth rate so if you want to check that out go click the timestamp link so classical frequency of course you need a relationship first Sometimes to get your columns also just pregnant right away and you don't know who the father is but usually relationship or just some other form of loving and there can be an offspring when two people cross their genomes genes will be passed on so xenotypes matter if you cross a neanderthal with a baseliner a part of these genes will be passed down to the child and if you mix two wild xenotypes like an input or a uh or a an a pig skin then you get even more different wild Gene mixtures so this is a pretty fun way of making things happen that would normally not happen all right well that being said after a while in a double bed you will have a pregnancy which is split up in three trimesters a real world pregnancy lasts 18 days and every trimester has different debuffs the first trimester is pretty harmless so I skipped it in this regard and the second and third trimester give you pretty severe debuffs mood swings and a really really heightened hunger um in general so that means a pregnancy puts a strain on your Colony the mother will be not able to work as well she'll be also more prone to mental breakdowns so you really gotta take care and therefore well do your planning accordingly and do your best to keep the mother safe so with that being said let's go further over the course of the pregnancy so 18 days like I said second trimester you see the debuffs here let's move on over to the next trimester and uh you see third trimester is where the parts where it's really getting nasty moving minus 50 percent also makes the person really vulnerable minus 50 percent is really really nasty take care of that this this lowers the move speed quite severely and yeah but apart from that it's just the waiting game in the third trimester make sure that you have a medical room available a high cleanliness is really not uh is really preferable so if you can put up a uh a proper hospital it's pretty good but it's no necessity a a normal bed works too but keep it as clean as possible so then you have to wait let's start the labels here manually and then you see um once the labor starts you get a new button here gather for childbirth and then you get a menu that's very um similar to the ones that you see in ideologen so here it's important to mention that you can select the doctor and Spectators and a loved one this is all improving the quality of the birth what's that good for you might ask yourself it's influencing the chance of a healthy childbirth so if you don't want to have any chances of a uh well of failures or bad you can configure pattern the custom Storyteller settings and then the birth goes on and on and it's a pretty lengthy process and so make sure that your doctors are well fed and rested before you start that and if everything goes right if you have done your preparations right and you're lucky at the end of this stage you'll have a baby that's the easy easy part of that a baby now needs to be taken care of first off let's make sure that the mother is together with her um father here and let's prep up the the room when you have a baby you need a badge for it so that's the crib or where is the crib at here a crib and then there's decoration and toy boxes so these influence the happiness of the baby and generally just put one of each into the room and uh you're you're set so the baby is going to be fed by the mother most of the time if you don't have a healthy mother around because you know life on the rim is hard you can also cook baby food at the stove which is the the next best thing make sure that in the work priority table you have enough people with a high priority on child care and if not anything the mother itself should have a top-notch priority on that so she'll always take care of the needs of the baby and then you have to wait and wait and wait a sum and then wait some more until then your the mother of the child will be not really good for anything forgive me when I say it like that but uh there is a constant strain of breastfeeding and don't expect the the mom to be working too much on the colony so this the pregnancy really takes your and takes out one colonist mostly out of the work schedule it really depends on your setup and it really depends on how things are mixed up but all together you get the idea so you can of course Outsource that work to other columns as well with the child care command so let's leave the the sphere of babies because after this point it's really all about having constant uh food and keeping the baby in a safe environment and most of the time colonists will do that on their own let's move time forward a little bit and add a couple of days on that baby boy so time passes for babies faster so when we click there as you see here one day it translates into four days and the child will now grow will stay a baby now until it's three years old so three D three years that pass four times faster so you get the idea and once that time is over the baby turns into a child so let's enter the children's section of this video Once the baby has turned into a child you see that they learn to do a couple of things so they can be the patient on their own and they can also hold a little bit take care that uh you keep the child really safe in this regard because children are really not that um good at keeping themselves safe they run slow they're vulnerable and you know just science and after that the growth phase is happening new now see that the child has a couple of meters that a normal colonist doesn't have you see growth tier and learning so growth tier is a a system which depicts how well the development of the child is going on whereas learning is the Fulfillment meter of the child so basically that's uh giving you an impression of how much learning fits into the child so to give your child something to learn you need a school desk and you need Blackboard each school desk can be linked to three blackboards you also need chairs foreign on your colonists will give lessons to the child and if you follow the child here there's this learning meter and um they will only do learning activities voluntarily so there's nothing you can't force you can only produce um you can only offer options every now and then the child will meet up with a adult and sit down here and have some lessons there let's hope they'll do that sometime soon and that's a phase where your many colonists does learn new things from the other people as far as I've seen there is no way to force that it's very similar to research but it's directly linked to child care so if you want to have many if you want to have enough oh we have malnutrition I'm sorry um if you want to have enough skills on your um on your child you better take care that you have enough different teachers for it around that's pretty important to say so your child has a three-stage development cycle the more lessons it gets the more opportunities for learning it gets the better it will the more options it will have at each threshold Point there's a special point at the age of 7 at 10 and 13. so these are the three points for your little dude is going to go um into a a new stage I'm going to show you what that's like here little Albury is getting a lesson about social so this will take a while and this will build up your um little dude the bed the more opportunity you have to teach the child the more it will learn and look at this learning meter as a satiation bar the closer it is to 100 the entire time the better and as you see here the the Fuller the learning bar the more progress to the next growth tier per day is happening so basically the equation is pretty simple the more learning meter the more development and the more development the better the child's options to get into the next stage so there's a mad squirrel in here that's a pretty naughty uh little tutorial here so let's make our boyo old enough to get his next development stage to show you how the mechanics work so make one year older so our little dude here is now four years old to make a pin here because we need that more often and so now he's five now he's six and now he's seven as you see here now we have a growth moment let's enable the growth moment so here we see now his development this is not of course not how it should look like because we fastened up the uh development uh artificially there should be way more points here we get Now read out about uh his uh development what kind of new jobs he can fulfill now as a seven year old and we get to choose a trade as you see here I only get to choose one trade and that's all that's because the growth tier was at zero at this stage let's give you the other example let's set the growth tier to Max let's set it to eight and speed up the clock for a little Albury again given to the second threshold point so as you see here second growth moment and now with the growth tier 8 the world's looking completely different so we get to select three passions none of them doubly right now but you could stack them at the next growth moment and we get to select one of these traits as it as you can now see clearly growth tiers really matter a lot so to give you now another um impression about something in between let's set up growth tier 4 and complete his uh material his uh growing process but as you see here in real time this is a damn long process and uh here we have no time dilation as you saw there at the baby we had a four day add-on per per day that I uh that I slept on Via Dev mode and here we had if I slept on one year it was one year so the fast the faster time dilation for growth stops when the baby turns into a child so we're talking about a process of nine years until your colonist turns into a grown-up so that's a pretty long process so just here so you know now the next growth moment of an average one as you see here we can only select one passion here and we get a bigger say in the traits so well it's pretty clear that you always will want to have a highest possible growth tier development on your um little dude and um in general the wealthier your Colony the easier this will be and I think that sums up pretty much everything you need to know about the childhood I just want to mention here it might take nine years but the child gets more and more useful along the time so it is not like you're um like you have a a useless person to get through that the entire time that's pretty cool process because this way you really grow used to the people and can watch their development quite well all right next Point technology and children so in the research bar we can find the fertility procedures technology that's one thing and the other thing is the growth Vats technology hidden behind microelectronics these are the two technologies that have a influence on the topic of children and education we're going to look at these the growth of that I want to talk about at first because it's quicker explained it's pretty simple it is a little thing well it's not that little but it's a machine that you can't put up where you can breed a fetus in and um we're going to demonstrate that in a moment but let's first check out the other part of the technology here the fertility Technologies or fertility procedures so as we see here it opens up a couple of uh operations and the topmost here extract ovum for IVF is the technology or the operation you need to make a pregnancy happen outside of a human body which can be pretty cool because it doesn't put so much of a strain on your on anybody on your Colony so let me show you real quick how that works so you need a female colonist and you put the operation on that person to extract ovum for IVF and that's pretty much everything you need to do then person goes to bed gets tended well all right let's see I bet he was no doctor and then you send somebody who's a assigned as doctor for the operation and then you get some medicine carried over there and then you have the ovum of the mother this is basically what you need to now make a baby with whoever you want to so let's say we're going to we're going to have Rogue array you click that thing you click fertilize and then you select the other person Rogue array and now Rogue array will go on over there fertilize the ovum it's now fertilized embryo of eagle and roggarite and then we can insert it into growth that and that's that this is a much easier way of getting the whole uh thing done comparatively but as you see here's nothing getting done yet because there's no nutrition and growth back yet so the growth that is of course not without a price it does not only need power it also needs food to work so you will you you better have a couple of uh things oopsie that was not the button you have you better have a a large amount of food available before you go for a bad but beyond that well it ain't that problematic you just have to wait for the pour the embryo to hatch so to say as you see here they are now filling nutrition in and now the embryo goes in and now you see the um I'm until birth is eight days and then it's basically the same procedure as explained in the baby section it's just not happening inside the mother such as saying I personally find that pretty um much more effective if you can afford it that is the other technologies that we unlock in the fertility procedures Tech yeah are iuds are um for making pregnancies no longer happened for female and we also have tubal litigation as a total sterilization for female and vasectomy as a sterilization for male colonists which can be reversed the tubal ligation is not reversible and all these operations can be assigned here of course in the operations menu there's nothing too special about that just make sure that you have a good doctor a good hospital room the usual things you know so that being said there's not much more behind it I have no more mechanics to explain that's how you raise children it's a very time intense procedure for sure so the last thing that I want to talk about are a bit of tips and tricks and little things that might help you handling your experience with the children so first off I want to show you here in the settings for the storytellers you can modify the Storyteller settings customize these down here you will find the settings for the children mechanics you can also totally disable children if you don't want to have anything to do with all of that but and most importantly you can also change the health um foreign [Music] rules so children can always be born healthy and here you can also adjust the Aging meters this can be really cool if you don't want to wait nine years and if it pisses your lip off that you need to wait that long this meter is just for you and you can have things happen faster just keep in mind that when you when you put this meter up you also have less time to develop the skills of your little ones but you know sometimes that might be something you might want to have and the next thing that I want to talk about is well I already mentioned it but uh be well prepared for babies if possible because you really really um will be needing a a lot of your nerve for a bad and since it's such a long-term time investment it it's really quite tragic if you happen to have a um a problem with that so like somebody dies and uh you lost just four years of work so to say so it's better to be prepared have a lot of a lot of food have medicine have a good doctor and probably just uh set up your um social tab in your couples because here in the social tab you can regulate how they should handle their pregnancy that's pretty important to note and uh with this little um thing here you can quarter the pregnancy chance in times you don't want to and you can quadruple the chance in times you want to so this is a pretty cool thing and really a a good tip to know this way you can change a little bit how the pregnancies are handled the other thing of course if you don't want a couple to have babies at a time just don't give them a double bed that is really killing the chance of loving and no loving no babies and when it comes down to education it's pretty simple the more blackboards three are of a maximum the more learning rate never do a school desk without the maximum amount of blackboards simply because blackboards are dirty cheap there's just 15 Wood involved to it or well some Stone as you see there it has really literally no good reason not to do this so when you do education do it with a ton of blackboards because that's just a way to go beyond that well there's not there's also worth mentioning that due to the fact that you can't cross genes this is a very cheap way of getting getting getting Xeno xenogenes on your on a new colonist so if you want to apply extra genes to somebody it would be sometimes a pretty interesting option to extract a an ovum from a prisoner and just mix and match genes from an interesting species just make sure that you keep an eye on the genes only the gray ones are inheritable the blue ones are not inheritable so beyond that I don't really have much more to say there's I already mentioned one last thing but uh that that pretty much I think goes without saying growth vets are the more effective way of growing babies the classic pregnancy is really a lot harder compared to just having a machine that does the job for you and I think as soon as you can get there it's worth getting there that's all that I wanted to add to this topic so thanks for watching Everybody drop me a comment down below if you have any other tips and tricks you want want to share I'd be eager to hear leave a thumbs up on that video If you enjoyed and of course consider subscribing if you haven't done so already last shout out here again to the support links down there PayPal patreon and Twitter are uh buy me a coffee not Twitter are ways and means to support this Channel and of course check out the playlist to the other videos as well I'd be really delighted if you'd give them a look I hope you had a good time feel free to leave me a recommendation about other topics boy you want to see tutorials about even about other games as well I'd be really really happy to hear from you thanks for watching this video until this point have a very nice day and see you soon
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 31,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld, Rimworld 1.4, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Tips, Rimworld 1.4 Guide, Rimworld 1.4 Tutorial, Rimworld 1.4 Tips, Rimworld Playlist, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Lets Play, Rimworld Biotech, Rimworld Biotech Gameplay, Rimworld Biotech Guide, Rimworld Biotech Playlist, Rimworld Biotech Genes, Rimworld Biotech Xenotype, Rimworld Biotech Tutorial, Rimworld Biotech Children, Rimworld Biotech Baby, Rimworld Biotech Education, Rimworld Biotech Child Growth
Id: PSqOS4cgefE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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