Complete Guide to RimWorld Genetics for Biotech DLC

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hey everybody radaman here this video briefly overviews the genetic mechanics introduced by rimworld's biotech DLC I'll be only covering mechanics relevant to genetics other topics will be covered in other videos please use YouTube chapters if you're looking for something specific some parts of the genetic mechanics may change while biotech gets updated and balanced what are the two types of genes there are two types of genes that humanoids now have in rimworld germline genes and Xeno genes germline genes sometimes called endogenes are genes you inherit from your parents at Birth or receive at scenario setup germline genes cannot be changed except with either development mode or mods an example of a germline gene is a person's skin color xenogenes are genes that can be implanted into an individual they can be removed changed or overwritten and are not genetically passed down to children you can think of xenogenes like genetic bionics you can install a bionic leg into a colonist but that doesn't mean the colonist's child will be born with a bionic leg xenogenes will override germline genes so if you inherited a germline gene you do not like you can implant yourself with a xenogene to override it and nullify it what new races are there rimworld biotech introduces the concept of races as well as genetically engineered Xeno humans the original humans referred to as baseliners only have genetic skin color and hair color there are six new races with germline genes dirt moles neanderthals Pigskins impedes wasters and edokin there are four new Xeno humans with Xeno genes genies hussars hymates and sangrophages here is a brief overview of the new races dortmoles are great miners who see in the dark and heal quickly but hate direct sunlight move slowly and can't shoot accurately at long range neanderthals are tough with high pain tolerance and strong disease immunity also tolerant of extreme temperatures and are good at melee but are dumb move slowly and aren't great at shooting social or research pig skins have a strong immunity with high pain tolerance and can eat raw food efficiently without food poisoning risk but aren't right cooks or long-range Shooters and have lowered manipulation mpids are fast and can spew fire in combat are heat and fire resistant but terrible at melee heal and recover slowly from sickness and injuries and are unskilled at farming and ranching they're also genetically pessimistic wasters have incredible immune systems and are entirely unaffected by toxins and pollution in fact they even benefit from being in polluted in environments they are terrible at ranching cooking and art and they do have a dependency on psychi drugs if they do not consume a psychite-based drug at least once per year they die edakin can call wild animals to fight for them are good in melee very cold tolerant tough and make great Ranchers their cyclically dull and move faster when naked slower when clothed they're off lip mining need more sleep than normal and heal slowly Genies are Mentalist Xeno humans who specialize at crafting and intellectual tasks have higher manipulation and never get into social fights or try to escape from prisons they're not great at farming ranching or socializing and are terrible at combat due to being delicate and wimpy hussars are super soldier Xeno humans who heal incredibly quickly are psychically deaf rendering them immune to psychic attacks and are also Unstoppable meaning they aren't staggered when hit they don't feel much pain are fairly temperature tolerant and are resistant to toxins they do get into more social fights and their mental breaks are always violent they also depend on Go Juice if they do not consume it at least once per year they die mates are pacifistic socialite xenohumans or beautiful happy kind and great at Social tasks they can psychically bond with people meaning they'll always succeed at Romance they can never fight don't tolerate heat well and aren't great at mining or farming sangrophages are xenohuman vampires I am not going to cover all of their xenogenetic details but to sum them up quickly they're incredibly powerful never age or get sick and are nearly immortal they're very weak to Fire and sunlight they're a lot more complex than the other Xeno human types and I'll be covering the details of single phages in a separate tutorial what is gene complexity and metabolic efficiency Gene complexity is a number assigned to each gene that represents how difficult it is to incorporate into your genome generally speaking the more potent the gene is the more complex it is complex genes are more difficult to assemble an implant the more complex the gene the longer it takes to regrow I'll have more about Gene implantation later on metabolic efficiency in simplest terms is how hungry your colonist will be beneficial genes that make you stronger usually have a negative metabolic efficiency meaning that if you have those genes you will need to eat more likewise detrimental genes that make you weaker have a positive metabolic efficiency and make you need to eat less the range of metabolism caps out between negative five where you have to eat 225 percent more and positive 5 where you have to eat 50 less not all genes will have metabolic efficiencies aesthetic features like Hair Skin voice and other facial features do not carry efficiencies how does germline Gene inheritance work non-hybrid pregnancy is very straightforward if both genetic parents are of the same species the child will be the same species for instance if two dirt moles have a child the child will be a dirt mole as well you can design your own custom species with the xenotype editor I'll get into that later in this video what are hybrids and how do germline genes work for hybrids hybrid is a term for when two different species have a child hybrids are a lot more complicated to explain but simply put a hybrid will inherit a subset of genes from the parents when an embryo is created either through natural means or artificial insemination it is assigned a random metabolic range of either one two or three seventy percent of embryos will generate a range of one twenty percent per range of two and ten percent for range of three this random generated number is hidden to the player but you can often analyze the embryo to figure out if you generated a one two or three after the metabolic range is determined genes are then assigned to the embryo genes both parents have that do not have metabolic efficiencies are guaranteed to be passed down to the child usually cosmetic traits like hair color voice skin color and other features so for instance two parents with germline jeans for green hair are guaranteed to have a green-haired child genes are added to the embryo by drawing from a randomized pool of genes from both parents jeans both parents have are guaranteed to be included in the pool but can still fail to be added if it exceeds the metabolic range the genes that are picked to be added are then calculated if they fall within the metabolic range of the embryo if the gene Falls outside of the metabolic range it is not inherited I'll give you an example to make this more clear let's say you have a neanderthal and a pigskin who have a baby with a metabolic range of one or in other words -1 to plus one the first Gene selected to be added is strong immunity and strong immunity has a metabolic efficiency of -1 so that moves the metabolic range from zero to minus one the second Gene to be added is reduced pain reduced pain is also a -1 metabolic efficiency which would push the metabolism to -2 so reduce pain is not inherited because it would cause the embryo to go beyond the metabolic range the third Gene is nearsightedness which has a metabolic efficiency of plus two it is added because it would change the embryo from -1 to plus one this process continues through all of the random genes to be inherited embryos that are able to accommodate a range of -3 to plus three usually inherit more genes but those genes can either be negative or positive so it is also more of a Gamble it is also worth noting that if by chance two hybrids are identical genetically their offspring still inherits genes using the Hybrid inheritance method meaning that you cannot create new species during regular gameplay what are the three research projects for genetics the first research is xenogenetics which unlocks the gene extractor Gene bank and Gene assembler allowing you to scan bank and assemble genes for implantation which is called a xenoderm without further research you'll be restricted to xenoderms no greater than a complexity of six which is the sum of the complexity of the genes contained within the xenoderm I'll explain xenoderms in more detail later on in this tutorial Gene processor research allows you to build Gene processors that increase the gene complexity maximum by two for each that is constructed within 12 range of the gene assembler archogenetics research allows you to start assembling and implanting archite genes which are a special and Powerful type of gene I'll go more into detail about archive genes later in this tutorial how does Gene scanning work you can scan the genes of colonists prisoners and slaves of your Colony with a gene extractor you can either enter the gene extractor yourself or carry a person to the extractor it takes 12 hours to extract genes from a person and once the process is complete the gene extractor will generate a random Gene pack containing at least one gene from the patient sometimes you'll extract multiple genes that are bundled together if they're bundled together they cannot be separated the patient doesn't lose the gene the process creates a copy to store in a bank germline and xenogenes can be extracted but archite genes cannot be extracted the gene pack then can be banked in a gene bank for assembly or sold Gene packs will Decay outside of a gene bank so if you intend to sell Jeans On the Open Market it is wise to bank them while you wait for trade opportunities the target of the scan will suffer Gene lost shock for four days lowering movement speed Consciousness and blood filtration as well as inflicting pain they will also have a Gene's regrowing condition which means if they repeat the process before the condition resolves the scanning process will kill them this is even true for the immortal single phages how does Gene assembly and xenoderm implantation work once you have at least one gene packed banked and a gene Bank you are then able to assemble genes and a gene assembler once assembled they'll create an item called a xenoderm which contains the assembled genes ready to be implanted in a person the gene assembler allows you to assemble any combination of genes that you have banked provided that the banks are within 12 tiles of the assembler if a gene is bundled with other genes you cannot separate specific genes out of the bundle as I mentioned before the assembler also has a maximum complexity by default you cannot assemble genes Beyond six complexity if you need more complexity you can build Gene processors within 12 tiles of your assembler each one adds an additional to complexity another limitation is that you cannot build a xenoderm Beyond -5 metabolic efficiency meaning that if you want to add a lot of positive genes you have to balance them out somehow the more complex the xenoderm the longer the patient will recover from implantation if a person already has genes implanted into them you can still implant another xenodgerm but it will erase the original implanted Xenon genes this means that you cannot implant High mates Genies hussars or single phages without erasing their xenogenes what are archite genes archive genes are powerful genes that cannot be scanned single phages have all seven archite genes archive genes can be purchased from Traders and then banked for assembly or acquired from a vampire directly what are archite capsules archive capsules are rare and exotic items allowing you to implant banked archite genes six of the seven archic genes require one capsule to be implanted and archive metabolism requires two capsules meaning that if you want to implant all seven archite genes you would need eight capsules to perform the xenoderm implantation what is a gene implanter a genome planter is a gene that grants a special organ which allows you to insert your xenogenes into a recipient the process has a two-year cooldown and is the method that single phases use to spread vampirism a genome planter will copy archite genes into the recipient skipping the need for archite capsules arcogenetics research and the banking of archive genes how do I become a single phage you can become a single page by knocking out a single phage to force them to make you a single phage by recruiting one and have them implant their genes into you or by accepting a single phage meeting request fulfilling it and then picking a colonist to become one xenotype editor and creating your own species during character creation the xenotype editor button allows the player to customize germline and Xeno genes of your initial characters if you click the genes are inherited checkbox the genes you add will be considered germline and if not they'll be considered xenogenes you're still limited to the -5 metabolism cap unless you click the ignore restrictions Button as well the xenotype editor allows you to design your own custom races in rimworld and members of your custom race can pass down their genes to offspring guaranteeing The Offspring will be of the same race I'll have more guides coming soon so if you haven't already subscribed please consider doing so so you won't miss out on future content thanks for watching I hope this guide has been helpful
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 45,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Tutorial, Biotech, DLC, Guide, Overview, Genetics
Id: LsQtLn-fC9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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