Drugs and how to use them : Rimworld Tutorial Nuggets

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and we're back the quick rimworld tutorial on drugs now these four drugs here are the most important drugs in the game and that they don't cause addiction instantly all of these drugs over here can or will cause addiction for example wake up here has a two percent chance of causing addiction the moment you take one tablet which means if you give it to 100 pounds or take it 100 times assuming you space it enough two pawns would get addicted that makes it very dangerous addictions are very uncomfortable so let's just start with the easy stuff beer can be safely consumed once a day gives you plus 10 happiness lasts for about five hours psychi t plus 12 for about seven hours Ambrosia plus five for about 16 hours and smoke Leaf plus 13 for 12 hours now these can only be taken once every two days safely this can be taken once a day safely this means you'll want to go into assigned chin and go to the drug policy and make your own this is my preferred drug policy of choice what you want to do is make sure you've turned off people taking them for their addictions turned off taking them for recreation you don't want them taking these and messing things up and then you said it so that they can have a beer every day if their mood drops below 36 percent and Recreation to Annie for example if we put this at 100 or Annie that means that every day they would have a beer we don't want that we only want them to take a beer when they're feeling a little bit unhappy so a 36 chance that's normally where pawns are getting into close to mental break territory so they'll pop down a beer boom you're good to go putting two here means they'll keep a couple in their inventory at all times meaning even if they're in the field they've definitely got a beer on them then after that next up you've got your psychi tea you're gonna take that once every two days which means we've set it to every two days 35 mood then you've got your Ambrosia at 34 and then Smoky Fizz all the way down to 30 you want to stay away from smoke leak it is far more dangerous than you think the leftmost screen is your pawns just your regular pawns on the rightmost screens the two of them that's your pawns on smoke leaf basically the exact same scenario exact same enemies weapons equipment in fact identical pawns the only difference is the pawns on the right they're high on smoke Leaf which drastically reduces their Consciousness which makes them just well terrible at shooting and defending themselves this is why I always put smoke Leaf as the last drug of last drug of choice use everything else first on the grounds that this makes your pawns terrible at combat yeah this this will go on for a while the ones in the middle will just about win but they'll I think two people get down and the ones on the right they lose they actually lose which is incredible I ran this about oh say 10 times with each one and the pawns that were you know Untouched by smoke Leaf were fine I don't think they had one or two downs like one or two the pawns got down and the ones on the right they lost consistently they just always turned out worse do not give your opponents smoke Leaf regularly the rest of these drugs do have some Niche uses for example this pollen here is moving at 4.44 the moment they pound down some Go Juice that goes straight up to 6.6 this means they can outrun most animals in fact they can grow just about everything including enemies this is really great for your first Trader give your Trader some grilled juice if they get themselves into danger and they're going to get run down and killed by animals well you'd much rather take the 2.5 chance of getting it over or getting addicted to go juice pandem to go juice and survive also you can give this to someone with a sniper and the quick shooting trait and they can solo hold raids early on in the game it is a risk but early on it can definitely be worth it later on when you can get into bionic limbs things like that that can speed up your pawns without the need for Go Juice you will no longer need it but early game this could be quite a useful little tool to have in your toolbox it also does other things like reducing your increasing your Consciousness movement manipulation talking easing sight they're much better at fighting and all that but if you have no way to deal with the uh addictions you're better off just only using it for the speed and getting out of danger also give this to your Hunter's early on before you get your hands on jump jet packs giving these to your Hunters means if they're about to get run down by an animal that's going to eat them they can just pop the goat juice and leg it next up we have wake up this completely restores the Sleep meter of a pawn meaning they don't have to sleep for that cycle very useful unfortunately two percent chance of addiction no matter what which means you've always got about a 1 in 50 chance that the Ponder takes it will then have a massive addiction it is a problem so generally you can't use this anymore this used to be safe as in you could have one dose of it and be fine but I think that might have been why Australia banned this game briefly was you couldn't have games that didn't have a nasty side effects you didn't have drugs that didn't have nasty side effects so now that's kind of become well much more risky to use and then you've got your panoxycillin this stops you from getting plague malaria and a bunch of other random diseases and honestly on smaller colonies where every pollen counts this can be quite useful once you get to a large size Colony though you generally just have medicine to heal everyone it's useful but I definitely do not go out of my way to get my hands on it usually I just sell it your your mileage may vary luciferian or the devil's bargain this is a great drug mix your opponents faster better pretty much just generally all around amazing the problem is once you take it you have to keep taking every five to six days or the pawn will go berserk and then die unless you've got many many hours in this game I wouldn't really recommend going this route you mess up and it can cost you pawns but if you want to take a walk on the well-celled site an entire Colony full of luciferium De pawns is incredibly powerful and useful just for the healing alone the genetics have kind of weakened that with the newest DLC pack when it comes to the two hard drugs flick and Yale Yale is the one you would take if you wanted to actually really increase the mood of your pawns at the lowest risk of addiction honestly it should never really get that fair flake is the drug you make to sell this is pretty much purchased by every single Trader it weighs very little and it's the best cost benefit for your psych height so yes this is the stuff you will make absolutely Oodles of to sell onto lots of Traders with our basic drug policy in place Daisy is about to dip into the 35 mood bracket we're going to undraft them and they will go grab some coaches to put it in their inventory you will notice under the assignments here everyone is going to hold one go juice on them the reason they put in that go juice is so that when the time comes if they're getting hunted we can just hit a button and get them to utilize it and then once they've got that they should immediate go over and grab a beer because their mood is dipped too low and then they grab a table boom how's your mood looking right now not great there you go plus 10 alcohol warmth now this is a common thing their mood has dropped to 33 which means they're going to go over and pop some Ambrosia even though their mood's gonna cap out very shortly this happens there's not no real way around it you just have to hope that your oppon's uh do their drug thing before and yep they'll immediately go on top up on all the other things exit and they're gonna put the rest away in the presence this sort of drug policy will really help you out when you get hit by high psychic drones you get hit by raids pretty much anything that drives down your moods there's gonna be a lot of stressors that can happen and having them just automatically go and take drugs when they need them absolutely incredibly powerful I wouldn't think for psychic drones psychic foil helmets that protect you from it are usually great unfortunately with all the DLCs right if you've got all three of the DLCs installed it's diluted down the market so much you'll probably only be able to get about four or five of the psychic foil helmets in an entire run it's crazy how rare they are now this is a psychic suit poster and effectively it is pretty much like a drug it just comes with a few caveats one thing here it gives you a strange thing feeling of 15 that lasts for a full 24 hours that is crazy good it doesn't come with any chances of addiction withdrawal anything like that it's just a 300 plus 15 for one day for everyone in the colony those who are psychically sensitive get more out of it and those are psychically deaf get nothing out of it keep your hand a couple of these for when you get high psychic drones and if things get really stressful you can pop one to keep everyone happy or use them after raids they're basically a drug for everyone that has zero side effects addiction and withdrawal if a pawn does get addicted to one of the hard drugs or a very good Pawn comes by that you recruit that has an existing addiction there are a few ways to get rid of it one of the very traditional ones is to imprison the pawn and remove their legs the reason that something so drastic is called for the minus 22 mood say from go juice with troll is bad however they will also have random mental breaks on top of that this can be very problematic especially if they start fights go berserk you might have to actually beat them down and accidentally kill them uh psychic withdrawal is even worse at -35 mood alcoholism minus 35 mood though it tends to giveaway quicker instead of chopping off their legs another thing you can do is just feed them full of other drugs basically if they've got a psychic addiction they can't have psychi tea flake or Yale well that's fine you're never going to give them any of those anyway that means though you can still give them smoke leaf and while smoke Leaf would be not great it will actually help them withstand the low mood one quick note on imprisoning drug addicts the new DLC gives the dead cam Gene this basically means pawns that have it can't start fights will never be violent and won't ever prison break now what this has resulted in is regular poems that you imprisoned if their mood gets too low the only break they can have is a crisis of Faith that's it crisis of faith is the only thing that can happen to them I have had lots of these prisoners have crisis of Faith but none of them have made Prison Breaks none of them have done anything violent at all so in theory if you spaced dead cam onto a drug addict and then imprison them they will just stay in prison and then occasionally have the odd mental break that results in them questioning their faith in God that's it as far as I'm aware though I have not tested myself this is just based on some testing of just regular pawns why do I feel like people are still going to chop off their legs and just not use the dead cam Gene I mean you don't have to Peg Leg your pawns I mean the pods get to keep their original legs you can give them Panic legs later if you want there's no rush just stick dead cam on them they'll be fine that way they can still get up and feed themselves if you want to get really creative a nice thing to do is give them two addictions let's just take Daisy here with their Go Juice withdrawal uh this addiction is giving them a minus 22. it's also messing a bunch with their Consciousness they're moving their manipulation talking all of this stuff so then what you would do is you would start feeding them flick flick is a very high chance of addiction but I think it's seven percent chance per dose and you would set them up on a one flake dose every couple of days after a while they're gonna get addicted to flake at which point you cut them off from both flake and go juice a little bit of Dev magic cycle addiction installed let's just uh starve them of it quite rapidly and they're now disabled well they're actually imprisoning them or chopping off their legs we've made them incapable of doing anything at least for a while one of the addictions will wear off before the other depending on how long you've had it longer the addictions you've had the longest will take the longest to go away so a newer addiction like the the psych height addiction that will probably wear away before the goju's addiction but it should get you through at least 15 20 days and that drastically cuts down on the amount of Patrol where they're moving around the place and being problems uh the same thing works with psychiat addiction and alcohol addiction Go Juice addiction and alcohol addiction basically if you've got any addiction at all just sew in either go juice or cycle on top of it generally and it gets rid of it you don't have to worry so much about Ambrosia addiction I think the negative is like a minus five or maybe even a minus ten mood for 10 days it's it's very minuscule the only ones you really have to worry about are go juice alcohol and psychi uh smoke Leaf I've never even it yeah it's not even that bad I don't think smoke Leaf Patrol is -20 though honestly what gets you morbid smoke Leaf is your your pawns will get asthma in the lungs which is why you usually want to get them off the smoke Leaf pretty quickly now one thing that you will probably not realize instantly uh if you don't have this ticked as in four addictions if you disable their four addictions tick and they have a psyched addiction and you have said got no more psychi they won't go after the drugs by themselves so long as they're saying conscious pawns they'll be fine what might happen though is they might have a mental break and try and get into the Zeitgeist and then reset their whole countdown timer on their withdrawal so in those instances you would want to stop them from getting into the psychite so what you could do is you could wall off the cycle you could put the cycle into a transport pod there's several ways you can just just destroy all the cycle or sell it all off so that you've no psych height on base but so long as they can't gain access to any cycle that's good however if you're running a drug Empire that could be problematic so another thing you can do is you can knock them unconscious using EMP grenades and let's just Chuck a quick one down there on top of them and poof people take a nap so if they're having a mental break getting knocked unconscious we'll reset that and then when they wake back up again they should keep going about their date this also works with pyromaniacs and a bunch of others what you do is you give them one of four things you give them a learning enhancer a circadian half cycler and neural calculator or circading assistance all four of these are brain implants that are susceptible to EMP now it does make them terrible for holding a choke point when you're trying to use emps against mechanoids but the ability to be able to knock pawns unconscious without having to do commit any violence to them is quite useful in a lot of instances two more traits you may have to deal with are chemical Fascination and chemical interest I used to avoid these like the plague but honestly it turns out they're not that bad all you have to do is give yourself a decent drug policy and make sure they consume a little bit of drugs they basically end up with this chemical bar here this chemical bar goes up every time they consume chemicals uh beer smoke leaf psychiat tea any of that stuff any drugs they consume will drive despair up the longer they go without it and once it gets down to the bottom they'll start doing things like binging drugs they will just ignore your directives go and start grabbing drugs out of the storage and consume whatever's around they will basically just you know street sweepers whatever they can find they will consume it so if you were to say schedule them to always have a beer for example we'll go in here we'll just change beer to only of mood is Annie this means every single day they will grab a beer that's it they're done that will keep their chemical knees or top Downs at all times and you'll never have to worry about them however it doesn't make them mildly less easy to manage because you can't just schedule it to beers when they need it they will just take a beer every single day and there is one other thing on top of that that can cause problems this is the biosculpture Pod when a pawn goes in here it basically puts them in suspended animation while something happens same thing could happen if you put them into a crypto sleep casket however the timers in game do not finish so for example if Lukey are chemical interest Fascination person here was put into our biosculpting pod for one of these things say a begin to pleasure cycle when they're in there they would be frozen in time however just say they had a beer before they got in they gave their pleasure cycle they popped back out they popped back out there oh I haven't had a beer in like five days I better go grab one no their body will still have the last beer inside them the problem will be that they can then end up just kicking a beer every day and their meter never goes down and then they eventually get addiction so if you're putting someone into a biosculpting pod and you've got someone set up to consume a drug every day you're going to have to be careful about that though it is one of those Niche things just be aware of it also one bonus to these things is chemical Fascination if you fill up their meter gives them a plus six mood uh chemical interest gives them a plus three so they're not actually terrible they're just mildly annoying montessor has been turned into a waster and comes up with wake up impervious they can never get addicted to wake up carriers cannot overdose and wake up immune to wake up addiction wake up over those chance Factor multiplied by zero percent so let's see what happens if they just keep taking wake up all day every day 40 tablets of wake up later still no addiction no overdose once you have absolute imperviousness to a drug you can take as much of it as you want in theory this Pawn could just pound wake up every time they get sleepy and they would never need to sleep ever again it effectively gets rid of the sleepiness that's assuming of course you could afford that much wake up all the time you could do there is also genes that make you immune to psychi psychi is flake yellow and psychi meaning you can pan those all the time there's ones that make you immune to go juice as well all of these genes are very very useful however the dependency ones are probably the best because they give you points to actually play around with and purchasing all these drugs in large quantities later on in the game is much easier especially when you have access to flick production in my opinion psychic immunity and go juice immunity would probably be the best Go Juice will allow you to powder down as much as you want to get back your side focus and Flake can really jack up your mood because you can get flick Yayo and psychi T all on top of each other without any risk of Overdose and the massive mood bonuses that gives would keep you nice and stable being immune to smoke Leaf seems kind of weak and alcohol as well as a final tip Zone all of your animals out of your drug areas having a cat get addicted to luciferium is a death sentence having your Huskies end up as alcoholics it's pretty much power for the course everyone's done it at least once just Zone all your animals out of the drug areas and you'll be fine it's a little bit time consuming and a little bit annoying but trust me it's far better than having an alcoholic horse throwing up in your kitchen everywhere anyway I hope this is at least mildly informative for you and uh good luck laughs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 21,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, beginners, starting, ep2
Id: xHbrcRBzLFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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