Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

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today's video i'm getting ready to show you guys just how easy it is to make chicken and sausage and dewey sauces gumbo so look i'm gonna go ahead and go over these ingredients i'm gonna start with the okra i got some diced onions that i had already made green uh bell pepper look we got some parsley we're gonna use a little bit of that you know i mean we got celery well we got bay leaf vegetable oil garlic cloves flour and of course you gotta have a creole kick now i'm gonna show the big one if you guys haven't ran out and got yourself this size right here this is what you need right this right here when i say gumbo this is what give it that flavor now some of you guys are gonna use fillet you know i mean it's up to you i don't usually uh do it that way what i do is i put the bottle out put it on the table for those that like it they can put it in the individual bowls hey a few more ingredients look you got to have olive oil you know what i mean uh we got salt and pepper and then back here look we got chicken broth if you don't know anything you know that all of this right here we're making flavors folks and we're going to plate it right here in this bowl hey with that being said i got some rice going i'm not going to over talk it let's get it okay so look what i did was i took my chicken out look i only put like about a pound of chicken in here right so look i'm gonna go ahead and just go ahead and give this a cut don't forget to make sure your knife is your blade is you know sharp especially with this being you know slippery now let's talk about this right here you can see right here it's got a little fat on there it's up to you guys you guys can like clean it off you know i mean clean it up for me i don't do it like that i just cut these down into like bite-size pieces you guys can take a look see i cut them all down like this right one pound didn't look like a lot because that was three you know chicken thighs now that you see it look now you can see you know about how much volume it's up to you now i'm gonna take my andouille sausage i'm gonna go ahead and cut it down and i love seeing this if i cut them down like this and i gotta give the person that first told me that i'm sure all of you guys already know that but if you cut them down this way it's easier that way i can you know emoji i call it multitasking but i can be more efficient that's what it is so look i'm gonna just cut them down like this and the reason it's on here with my chicken i'm gonna say what difference does it make cause i'm gonna stick this i'm gonna season that and give this about a one minute head start and then i'm gonna add that and that's gonna add a lot of flavor and cook that in there also chicken's done the chicken and dewey is done i already started putting a little heat under here you know what i mean so let's just go ahead and add a little just a little bit of olive oil so you guys can see it you know what i mean this is just for the chicken right so we'll start there now you know what i'm gonna turn it up just a little bit because i want to be under a medium flame you know maybe a medium high so now i'm gonna go ahead and just start adding this you know my chicken like i said i'm gonna give it a little bit of a head start look we're gonna go ahead and put some of this pepper in there right we're just doing a little seasoning a couple of pinches of kosher salt those are kind of like generous pinches now you want to go ahead and get yourself you know whatever utensil you're going to be using for me you know i like to use these wood utensils right so we're just going to give this a run like this now we're going to introduce some flavor here we go what your chicken and dewy [Music] now we're just going to let this work down brown up get hot and that chicken and dew you're going to release all of those you know flavors that it is all of the seasoning and everything it'll release it all in here so i'm going to leave it like this let it cook i'm gonna let this go for about i'm gonna say about maybe about three or four more more minutes okay so i actually went a little longer this is probably more close to being four minutes but i want you guys to take a look down there look at that oh this is i can smell it this is right this size of your chicken listen i'm not worried about if it's cooked all the way you know through because check it out it's gonna cook inside of this gumbo look you see that right there that's all they and dewey you know seasoning in here this is what i'm talking about when i'm talking about building flavor you know this is just like to start 101 i'm gonna go ahead and turn this off and what i'm gonna do is take all of the contents out and put this in the bowl we're gonna set that off to the side okay so you guys get to adjust you see got my strainer look anything that's dripping i don't know if you guys can see that but anything that's dripping we just want that to you know stay inside the pot because guess what folks we gotta we gotta use for that this is what we're looking like right there that right there oh my goodness i'm thinking about a stew i could throw that in hey but listen if i had my choice over stew or gumbo gumbo wins 100 times okay so what i'm doing right now is i'm bringing you know my i'mma call this my liquid goodness i'm bringing that back this is the remnants from you know andouille sausages and the chicken right and all the seasonings we got that going we got a little heat in there you can see it right there now check this part out right here we're just going to go ahead and add our oil and what we're going to do is we're just going to wait for this to heat up and get this nice and hot you know i'm going to show you guys about making the roux meanwhile why are we making the roux cause it's important that you when you're making a roux look i like to keep this elbow going and this wrist going right so i'm gonna be constantly stirring it what i'm gonna do is we're gonna multitask as i'm standing here i'm gonna start breaking down and you know chopping up my veggies my oh my onions you know and getting all of that together right so obviously if you look down in here you can see it's ready got a nice little rolling boil on it i add a little banana at a time right so we're going to start putting our flour in like that and we'll just start moving this back and forth be careful the way i'm doing it right here sometimes if i hit the side it'll splash up and believe me when i tell you this oil is hot it's hot so just a little bit more just keep going we don't want to have no lumps but i want you to look at the texture see how i'm starting to sweep it it don't just immediately go back we're getting right now folks we still got a little bit more to put in here now i just want to say this part right here my videos i got it there a little bit longer than others but it's to help you guys and to show you how things are going to look at different phases i can cut them down and make a six or eight seven minute video making the uh how to make a roux but i just want you to look at it i want you to notice the color and i want to show you what it looked like under me you know medium high heat you know as we bring it up what it looked like at 10 minutes what it looked like at 20 minutes and so on right look at the color and that's what we're gonna stay on top of we're gonna start off with this little peanut butter right ain't quite as dark as peanut butter but we on our way but i want to see it and i want to make it look like chocolate okay so look we're getting a little darker but i want to address this part you can burn the room and when you burn a roux listen it'll have like some flakes in it but if you look down in here you can see some little flakes but those flakes is the way i do it when i put that in dewy sausage and i leave everything in the inside you'll see them on the side that's what that is this is not burnt folks you just stay with this and let's just keep moving this around like that look at the bottom of it nothing is sticking none of that everything moving back and i will tell you this right now i ain't never smelled flour and oil ever smell this good all right so we just want to keep moving it around like this i'm looking at it i'm gonna adjust my fire because i don't want it so high okay so look i'm just gonna do a rough chop right so i'm gonna quarter this right that subject you know however you guys want to do it just this is good enough for me we put this in here what we want is the flavor you know what i mean and when you cut them up like this they kind of like dissolve once we start cooking it and then this little green part right here i'm gonna just go ahead and get rid of it sometime i'll leave it but for right now i'm gonna just take this part out okay so look it's been about 22 minutes at the heat that i'm using look at this right here this right here is okay right so i'm liking this i'm liking the color i don't want it to get too much darker as of right now so the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start adding my veggies right i'm gonna go ahead and start look we're just i'm gonna just take a little bit of this you know the diced onions and just put that in there like that but the main thing is when you do anything that requires onions and other veggies i start with those first because it takes a little bit longer you know just to break those down nothing has changed we still want to move this back and forth and cook this look at this right here it's starting to release its flavor already inside of the room but you see where i'm going with it folks especially for my new people you've got to give this a try don't be scared i know we didn't heard all the stories like hey you can burn the rue and all that only way you're going to find out is to follow my recipe and check this out and just do it okay so look now i'm going to go ahead and add my celery and my bell pepper right i went heavy on the bell pepper didn't need to go that heavy you know what i mean but i like to you know the flavor from it but you want to get all this in here together like this the heat is right so stay with me folks you can see it's going to get a little bit darker that's why i put it in there when i did that's the key okay so look i've already loaded up you know my my garlic press i got three cloves in there we're gonna go ahead and just give this a go look at that right there i don't know why that gives me so much gratification but you see that right there you ain't never seen a roof that's it right there folks okay so look i let this go you know what i mean uh this is nice i'm liking that so check this out you guys see the meat right next to me i'm gonna go ahead and add this look just a dump and go i want all of the flavor in the inside go ahead and get this i mean because we don't want to burn ourselves look we're going to go ahead and get anything to release and just keep moving this back and forth get everything coated if this don't look good to you folks i don't know what what does you know what i mean now you got to remember look i like everything on the meaty side you guys don't have to use as much as i'm using but once i go ahead and add my liquid to it you'll see the difference remember i'm using frozen okra that's fine if you got fresh good i mean great if you don't frozen okra works just fine i'm gonna go ahead and just add it now look i'm just moving this around getting this going look at this right here just that creole kick this right here is what really really ties it all together if you guys been following me for a minute you know i swear by this the garlic butter which is really not really fair to the rest of the products because i use them all i don't want to lie to you i use them all but i don't want to like beat everybody up so if i go with my must-haves you gotta have this okay so now what we're getting ready to do is we're gonna tie it all in right so i'm gonna go with my broth look remember how dark we got the roux this is where it's gonna come together for some of you guys you guys gonna get a chance to see look at the liquid right now when you think about gumbo remember when granny used to make it used to have that color look at that right there but we ain't done yet let's get all of it in there there we go now we got to get this back up to a boil right then we're going to set it put it on medium now we're going to put it on like a low we're going to put this lid on here and we're going to let it do is do but if you see how i'm moving it around you remember we had that root going you know with that flour you can see it's not you can see the thickness of it you know i mean we got some cooking to do okay so let's check okay we got a nice little simmer going that's good right there look i'm just going to give it a little a little stir i'm liking this now i'm gonna go ahead and let this cook you know real low we're gonna let this you know cook for about i'm gonna check it again in 30 minutes you know what i mean sometimes you guys can it depends i i really don't know what the formula is but if you ask me i'ma say 30 to 45 minutes you know some people like to even go an hour it depends sometime i do but i'ma taste it and see where we at and then last but not least now that we got like a little bit of a boil i'm adding my bay leaves let's go ahead and get these submerged so they can do anything let's put this top back on and i'll see you guys in 30 minutes and we'll just take a look at it okay so look check it out i'm gonna let you guys take a look at this this is after 45 minutes right so look i'm gonna take it out take this top off ah what does that say to y'all i'm gonna go ahead and take this off i know everybody's saying gumbo is supposed to cook five ten fifteen hours stuff like that but you see this right here i want you to see if you can see the thickness of it ah i'm gonna go ahead and just bring some up like that can you see that can you see the texture oh yeah look at that chicken now remember this is just chicken and sausage but i want you to take a look at you know the roux now all i'm gonna do is take these out and actually as i find them i'll take them out because you got a lot of flavor from the bay leaf also if you take yourself on some of these bowls you see i cook with them so you should have these already especially if you've been following me for a minute right you take this you put the you take some nonstick spray spray it you want to get it in there so nothing sticks then you take your rice put it in here pack it in you got it yay you got it now super easy hey super simple makes it it just levels up your presentation now i want to show you this part right here look inside this right there you see that right here look at how i hit it and you can see the texture and the thickness of that that right there is fire folks so i'm going to do it like this bring this over here like that and just start putting this around here like this now remember we had that parsley i went ahead and got everything set up you know what i mean so this way we can we i can barely talk folks and i know i'm getting something on the top it ain't got to be perfect you know i'ma clean the bowl up and all of that but oh my god look at that you guys tell me what you think but i'm gonna go ahead and just give it a little just to make it pop over the top just like that oh i gotta hurry up and get me a spoon i don't know how long i'm gonna be able to hold back hey i'm gonna dig in folks i'll get a thumbnail in a minute but listen i'm super hungry and i'm finna get it this is what i'm talking about folks this right here is done right hey give me a minute let me get my mouth cleaned up let me hit it a couple more times and let me give you a description okay so look i'm gonna lie to you guys listen if you look right here i told you i'll make a thumbnail and make one later i got my thumbnail from this right here but i did eat that uh we knocked off about i'm gonna say about 70 of this pot already just everybody went ham and then i remembered oh yeah folks we got to wrap this video up now look let me give you the description okay so check it out when i step out and come back in here right off the bat you know right now when you smell it it smells like gumbo don't always have to have that filet in there it smell like you got it in there anyway it's just not as strong as it would be if i were to just cook with it right again i usually leave that on the table and let each individual person after they make table they do their thing individually right i can just tell you listen the andouille sausage you know what i mean and the main thing is the creole kick that tied everything together now listen you ain't always got to use creo kick if you don't have it you know what i mean use your favorite cajun seasoning but the creole kick i'm telling you it's the perfect blend along with this and you know the chicken and dewy all of that plays it you know it plays a role all the way down to you know getting your rule right and uh you know your holy trinity to it the whole shebang super easy if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and i want you guys to tell everybody out there listen there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes like this and taking the mystery out of cooking and guess what folks i'm on board number two i'm out
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 894,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, gumbo, cajun, cajun recipe, chicken gumbo, sausage gumbo, chicken and sausage gumbo, how to make gumbo, gumbo recipes, easy gumbo
Id: zl5WoqFcMDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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