Extreme Backyard Barbecue!! 🇺🇸 You’ll ONLY Get This in South Carolina!

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I'm just north of Charleston in South Carolina [Applause] and today I have an ultimate Backyard Barbecue home-cooked Southern meal to share with you hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark means it is a privilege to be invited by John Haney and his family over to their house John Haney he is one of the greatest pit Masters he does pop-up events barbecue competitions he actually builds the best barbecue and smokers in the entire United States So today we're going to have an ultimate Backyard Barbecue we're going to grill up some Meats when he's going to make this dish called hash you'll only find it in South Carolina we're going to have hash we're going to have a bunch of side dishes we're going to be cooking Outdoors we're going to have fun I'm going to share all of the food this incredible home-cooked barbecue experience with you right now [Music] foreign so cool to meet you it's a pleasure to meet you too buddy so what we do we call it Sunday dinner okay and we built this deck because of covet so it's kind of we're built for social distances so we can get out so cool so I like to cook we usually do all the cooking and then we invite friends different people every Sunday when I'm in town that's how we do it and then we're gonna start firing up here in a minute about nine o'clock the guests are coming around two we're going for about an hour then we can try to eat by three one of the things that you do John is you you're a Pit Master yeah and you may custom make that's what you can do yeah that's what I do we're going to talk about South Carolina hash I have some guests coming that will raise on the mustard base hatch then I got some guests will come in and raise on the ketchup base hatch maybe as you're cooking we'll talk more about hash exactly because I know it's like even if you're outside of South Carolina it's not a selfie thing right now it's a South Carolina in Aiken South Carolina side their hash is totally different we'll we'll learn more about hash I think as John as John does his thing here we go we're getting started [Music] I guess the climate the climate is almost similar here but probably this is a super very incredibly cool grill that you just that you can see how sturdy how strong that is iron with the Grid on the top I love the wheel so you can set the level where your whatever your cooking resides custom made Grill by John them up okay we have brisket on there pork wow now we're getting ready to prepare the mac and cheese okay we go smoke it oh cool smoked mac and cheese that is gonna be a treat this macaroni's got about five different cheeses Kobe wow pepper jack heavy cream half and half loading that up into the cast iron skillet and that's gonna smoke smoke can't have too much cheese oh yeah [Music] we can put them on here in it yeah I will fly across the world I love Greek food right that what when you I love that video you did when you were in Greece [Music] some chicken going on I got a turtle going brine wow the dry rub over it brown for like 45 minutes all right what type of spices you got going on in the brine I have a time uh of course Tara got soy sauce sugar salt all right olive oil oh yeah that's good very hot fire going now feel that heat radiating off of the grill they're throwing on some chicken which has been brined you smell that seasoning you see that spice on the skin on the meat let's make them fit mac and cheese is coming along on this drill over here picking up that smoke brisket whisk it wow with this method it's kind of like grilling but smoking at the same time you have to find your sweet spot okay I say the sweet spots you got to get it where you don't burn it so that's why we started at nine and they won't eat three all right because you gotta take your time with it if you rush it you'll burn slow grill slow grill this is the definition of a backyard barbecue the ultimate ultimate ultimate Backyard Barbecue how do you with no temperature gauge or anything do you judge the heat by feel or by hearing or dripping the drippings that's how the old folks used to do it they didn't have temperature gauge so you're really paying attention to the listening of the dripping and how hot that to know how hot it is it's not rendering yet once the fats start rendering you hear that but it looks really good though [Music] an annual trip to Louisiana okay everything's good [Music] oh man the flip that is starting to smell incredibly good those ribs the chicken I'm gonna lower that down get all the time Thailand where are you from uh I'm I'm originally American but my wife is Taya so this is Whole Hog style pulled pork pulled pork we're going to use some hot vinegar pepper you like heat that's what we're gonna put on it awesome I should try it with the sauce a camera oh man that is on another level it's not dried out at all it's so moist perfect like mix of the fattiness with the oils and the juices plus the the meatiness and the shredded texture of it that is incredible thank you oh it's so good it's hash time oh that's a hash this one is the mustard [Music] this is a mustard sauce cinnamon makes out of Martha's menu okay we will get aromatic soon we can put this over a live fire let it heat let me let it make us foreign [Music] because it takes so long to make this okay so now we've come to the point of the barbecue when we're talking about hash the hash is going over the fire what exactly is Hash well you could we could you you could use the butts but I I like to use the head and what I do is I just we smoke the heads down until the meat comes comes off of we pull all the meat because it's such a variety of all that textures yeah the textures and jars cartilage and yes oh yeah so you put all that in and we just chop it and then we build our vegetables we put it all in the pot poblano peppers onions everything and then we build it up and then we add the mustard one side and then we put the tomatoes on the other one that hash I love how thick and Hearty it looks I love the chunkiness of all the ingredients you can just tell it's going to be a huge amount of flavor in that pot oh yeah that's going in a cast iron too oh man so what do you have in your collard greens John I have Texas sweet onions and dewy sausage bacon I have smoked turkey and smoked ham hocks first taste of the collards oh wow they're so juicy and oh so much going on in there I love how you can feel the texture of the collards but then just like cooked down with all of those Smoky Meats the sausage the onions spinach dip wow I'm gonna try it too then I like how I like how it's so much spinach in there oh it's yes spin is spin is rich oh yeah oh I feel good I like how it's so spinach driven so it's it's early afternoon guests are starting to arrive it's about game time John's gonna arrange everything get everything going everything's prepared but this is what we've all been waiting for cover that piece right there oh man honor to try the first bite of the rib the best the best there she said it the best say that you'll get me in trouble never covered oh man yeah look at that get how juicy it is oh man thank you oh juices are just squeezing yeah we gotta talk about the hack um looking so good I love that Charles chickens are ready [Music] I'm gonna leave a little bit down here yeah it's like reduced down to even thicker right now even thicker than before it's been sitting here for a couple hours [Music] going with the rice a little half and half all right all right thank you okay so here we go I'm gonna start with the Tomato I'll start with the Tomato I got half and half tomato hash [Music] oh wow yeah um the bits of meat Smoky meat and pork and all the different textures the Tomato just kind of melts in your mouth it's a little bit sweet and tart at the same time oh it's extraordinary going for the mustard next [Music] okay so the Tomato one is more like you've got that tart sweet balance of the tomatoes the mustard one is a bit more Punchy it's a bit more robust you've got a bit more acidity to it from that mustard John both of them outstanding thank you brother so good wow so good it must be good which is like tongue twisters mustard barbecue a little that's me I'm gonna say that they're both like outstanding yeah but I'd probably lean towards the mustard a little bit I'd say because I love strawberries I love strong flavors your flavor Guy taught me another thing stick your toes he don't stick his toe in it stuck it's Towing it I mean it's the bombs the bomb everybody's here gonna have a quick blessing for the food and then we're all gonna start digging in a lot of God we thank you for this wonderful family friends celebration of all that have come to take a part in this Sunday dinner bless the tables that will be placed upon this day and also Father God we understand and know that some place somewhere somebody does not have food on their tables so we actually just apply their needs also it is in Jesus name in which we pray amen amen amen amen we've got the buffet line going there's red rice the baked beans the collard greens the smoked mac and cheese then moving down the line there's the ribs the brisket the grilled chicken the barbecue pulled pork and then the sauces okay oh yeah all right all right man I'll dig into that mac and cheese the mac and cheese oh wow yeah best of the best mac and cheese the depth of flavor the texture the creaminess the cheesiness oh it's so good okay that rib next man these ribs but look at that juiciness oh man I'm gonna take two days two days oh man that rib oh wow perfectly cooked it does clean the bone but it still has texture it doesn't like completely dissolve next up for the red rice oh Myra that is amazing that's the best red rash Family Recipe Myra made it you are awesome oh I love that the green peppers in there I think the sausage in there that like depth of tomatoiness a bit of a sweet tanginess to it delicious we got the barbecue chicken yeah okay what we saw the whole process they started the barbecue hot fire like a three-hour barbecue process just absorbing that smoke slow food I mean this entire meal the ultimate slow food and then finally got that brisket that melt in your mouth brisket with that mac and cheese oh yeah the brisket this is an incredible plate of food here we go baked beans sausage in here oh man oh there's seasoning in there oh it's delicious sweet it's Tangy then it has this a nice like dry spice blend to it okay I think from here I might grab a sheet I'm gonna eat and keep on eating and just hang out this is what a barbecue is all about oh boy foreign [Music] an incredible meal and now it's time for dessert we've got some banana pudding I believe and then maybe chocolate cake oh man oh it's a good thing these chairs recline banana pudding first um oh man that is wonderful thick sticky sweet and Rich [Music] that mac and cheese the ribs the pulled pork the beans the collard greens the brisket the red rice the hash oh man the hash was like that's what set it apart as a unique barbecue experience as well the South Carolina hash John's hash and then being able to compare the Tomato against the mustard that was so cool as well how fun it was to hang out with John Haney and his entire family just socializing having fun talking about food it was truly a privilege one of the greatest days I've had in a very long time so a massive huge thank you to John Haney and his entire family that was truly an experience that wraps up the hospitality and the delicious food and good people thanks again for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and also remember to subscribe for lots more food and travel videos thanks again for watching goodbye from South Carolina and I will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,001,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, American food, barbecue, American barbecue, American bbq, South Carolina, hash, Carolina hash, South Carolina food, food in South Carolina, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens food, food videos
Id: OpP_WNGgY1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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