How to make New Orleans Chicken and Sausage Gumbo with Grilled Cheese

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hello everybody I'm Charlie and today I'm going to be showing you how to make my New Orleans chicken and sausage gumbo this gumbo is 100% from scratch with no shortcuts it has three different types of chicken chicken gizzards chicken breast and chicken drumettes it even has three different types of sausage in it it has DND smoked sausage hot sausage and I'm doing smoked sausage this gumbo even has okra in it so ladies and gentlemen please do not be fooled by imitators out there I was born and raised in New Orleans and today I'm going to show you the step-by-step instruction on how to make this delicious gumbo I'm going to show you how to make the move I'm going to show you how to make the stock I'm going to show you how to chop up all your meat your seasonings everything so that way you'll have a delicious tasting New Orleans style gumbo right in your kitchen that's right so without further ado let's get started shelling okay before we get started with the introduction to our ingredients I want to give you guys a quick cooking tip especially when it comes to making gumbo all ingredients that you have must be fresh okay every last ingredient must be fresh especially ingredients like your meat and if you are making a seafood gumbo all of your seafood must be fresh and stored properly okay and that will ensure that your gumbo will not stall and it will stay fresh much longer okay okay this is all what you're going to need to make your chicken and sausage gumbo and we're going to get started with our ingredients okay you're going to need some all-purpose flour and some vegetable and we're going to make what you call a rule a rule is basically a thickener used for soups sauces and gravies and for this recipe by being a gumbo your room must be a dark brown color no exceptions it shouldn't be any lighter than this okay and for this recipe I'm going to show you step-by-step on how to make this okay alright and who our meat you're going to need a whole young chicken and it's about 5 pound chicken that we have here okay and you can also use a baked chicken for this recipe and we're going to use this chicken to make our chicken stock okay alright and along with that you're going to need about two pounds of chicken breast two pounds of chicken gizzards and about two pounds of chicken wing drumettes now these ingredients are interchangeable okay now if you don't want to use the gizzards you can use the chicken drumettes if you don't want to use the chicken drumettes you can use the chicken gizzards or if you don't want to use the chicken breast you can use the chicken drumettes in it's just interchangeable okay all right okay and flour sausage okay I just want to let everybody know that you must use a good quality smoked sausage for this recipe okay all right and you're going to need some D and D smoked sausage I'm doing smoked sausage and hot sausage let me show you how it looks and we're going to be using the hot sausage links for this recipe okay all right and if you can't find any of these ingredients here look at the links in the description box and it'll show you how to get these ingredients okay because these ingredients are really only sold in Louisiana okay all right now for our seasonings you're going to need one yellow onion bell pepper garlic celery green onion fresh parsley fresh thyme and fresh okra okay all right and for our additional seasonings you're going to need some tony satter risk real seasoning now if you don't have that you can either use these a dorrance Creole seasoning or you to slap your mama either one work perfectly for this recipe okay all right and along with that you're going to need some chef's poppadoms watch your magic gumbo feel a accent and optional ingredient you can use cayenne pepper for this recipe just in case if you want your gumbo to be a little spicy okay all right okay and along with that you can also use some diced tomatoes for this recipe now we'll let you know that if you are using diced tomatoes this would be considered a Creole chicken and sausage gumbo and we're not making Creole chicken and sausage gumbo okay now me personally I don't add diced tomatoes in my gumbo at all okay it for me it's just a personal preference okay now if you want to add it that's fine okay all right and for our additional optional ingredients you're going to need some Texas toast some salted or unsalted butter and some boarding singles American cheese okay and once we make our gumbo and we finish our gumbo we're going to make I'm going to make something to go on the side with this gumbo okay and at the end of the video I'm going to show you exactly what that is okay so surprise all right okay and also for this recipe you're going to need to make this stock and one of the key components to making a nice rich flavorful and delicious tasting gumbo is to make a nice wonderful stock okay and here I have some homemade chicken stock made from scratch this is not out of the can or the bottle or anything like that and all you're going to need is five quarts of water okay you're only going to need five quarts of water and along with that you're going to need some chicken gives it about two to three pounds of chicken gizzards now if you don't want to use that then you could use another type of chicken like a chicken with a bone in it such as chicken drumettes okay about two to three pounds of that and if you don't want to use that you can use parts to a whole chicken okay you can use such parts like chicken back or a chicken leg or a chicken thigh okay either one will work perfectly for this recipe now I do want to let you know that before you slow cook it you want to make sure that you cut it and you remove all the excess skin and fat and everything before you slow cook it okay all right all right and to make our chicken stock you're going to need a 7 to 8 quart slow cooker okay now if you do not have a slow cooker I'm going to give you instructions on what to use if you don't have this okay and that will also be found in the description box okay okay and also for this recipe you're going to need a 10 to 12 quart pot okay and there we have it alright let's get straight to it now we're going to go ahead and get started by washing our hands make sure you wash them good and now I'm going to go ahead and put on some gloves and make sure you wear gloves as well all right now we're going to go ahead and get started with chopping up our seasonings we're going to chop one yellow onion and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our bell pepper make sure you remove the core out of the center of your bell pepper before you chop it and one chop that up and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our celery make sure you rinse your celery all thoroughly with cold water before you chop it and we're going to chop that up and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our green onion and we're going to chop that up and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our garlic we're going to remove the cloves out of the cocoon and we're going to peel the skin off the clothes and we're going to chop it you're going to chop up about three of these and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our parsley and we're going to chop that up and you want to make sure you chop your parsley very fine until it resembles coarse crumbs like what I have here okay all right and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our time okay here I have a time branch here and we're going to just remove the leaves all the branches I'm going to pull them off with your fingertips now if you don't want to do that you can just take your finger and just glide and the leaves will come right off and this is how it's going to look and we're going to go ahead and chop that up this is about two tablespoons of thyme we have here and you want to make sure your top chopped up your time very fine until it resembles coarse crumbs like what I have here okay and that's how it's going to look when we're done now we're going to go ahead and get started with our okra and we're going to go ahead and chop that up and now we're going to go ahead and place it into a food processor and we're going to go ahead and blend that in and chop it up real fine and the reason why we're doing this is because we want to fry the slime out and that's how it's going to look when we're not and it's going to also reduce to nothing once we cry all right and that is it for our seasonings all right now we're going to go ahead and get started with our chicken now if you have a baked chicken you don't necessarily have to follow these steps now we're going to go ahead and open it up and we're going to place it into a strainer and we're going to rinse it off thoroughly with cold water and make sure you rinse it off real good alright now I'm going to go ahead and take the chicken and place it onto my chopping board we're going to go ahead and cut this chicken up alright now we're going to go ahead and cut the back bone out so I'm going to go ahead and get started on one side and remember if you have a big chicken you don't necessarily have to follow all these steps or you can just cut it you know you can cut it up like I'm doing here alright and there we have it we have the back out now we're going to go ahead and cut the leg and the thigh off and then we have it and simple as that now I'm going to go ahead and separate the thigh from the leg all right and there we have it there's the leg and there's the thigh now it is a solely optional the skin you can just peel that right off all right now we're going to go ahead and separate the breasts now there's a lot of skin on there and we're going to go ahead and remove that off all right now I'm going to go ahead and split the breast I'm going to go ahead and take a sharp knife and I'm just going to cut down on the center and there we have it all right and there we have it here we have our whole chicken chopped up we have the chicken back the chicken wing chicken leg chicken thigh and lastly the chicken breast and then we have it all right now we're going to go ahead and get started with our gizzards we're going to go ahead and open the package all right we're going to take the gizzards and we're going to place them in a strainer and we're going to rinse them off with cold water I'm going to make sure you rinse these off real good alright and once we're done we're going to take each gives it and we're going to split it in half alright and once that's finished now we're going to go ahead and get started our chicken breast I'm going to go ahead and remove our chicken breasts out of the package I'm going to place them into a strainer with cold water and we're going to win some thoroughly now I want to tell you that this is boneless skinless chicken breast were using okay we're going to take the chicken breast and we're going to dice it into medium size cube I'm going to go ahead and cut along the with the breast alright now we're going to go ahead and cut along the length of the breast alright and once that's finished now we're going to go ahead and start on our chicken wing drumettes we're gonna weigh in removal models package then go ahead and place these into a Shriner and we're going to win see so thoroughly with cold water all right now we're going to go ahead and get started with our smoked sausage we're going to go ahead and uh chop our DND smoked sausage into about two to three sixteenths of an inch thick okay now we're going to go ahead and get started with our andouille smoke sauce we're going to go ahead and chop that into two to three sixteenths inch thickness all right now we got that out the way now we're going to get started with our hot sausage we're going to go ahead and take the hot sausage and remove it out the hall casting just going to squeeze that on out it's very simple to do all right now we're going to go ahead and tickle a small amount and we're going to roll it into a ball and it's going to be about that size right there see there you go and we're going to continue to do this until we roll about twenty hot sausage balls okay you can make more if you like alright until we have it all set and ready to go alright now we're going to go ahead and get started with our chicken stock we're going to turn our crock-pot setting to high and we're going to go ahead and add our chicken gizzards right on in there I'll add that in first and to that we're going to go ahead and add our chicken pieces that we chopped up earlier I have a chicken back right there I'm going to add that in there alright now we're going to go ahead and season it we're going to add about one to two tablespoons of Tony saturates Creole seasoning and 1 tablespoon of Chef poppadoms poured your magic I'll write into that we're going to add five quarts of water and we're going to go ahead and stir that in now to make sure that your chicken stock is well flavored and got a seasoned it real good all right now we're going to go ahead and put a lid on top of this and we're going to let this slow cook for about ten hours now if you do not have a slow cooker this is what you're going to do here I have a 10 to 12 quart pot right here you're going to add your chicken gizzards and the chicken pieces that you cut up from your chicken whether if it's cold fresh or baked and what you're going to do is you're going to take it add it in there then you're going to add your 1 tbsp of Toni Sherry's Creole seasoning and 1 tablespoon of Chef Paul Holmes I want your magic and you're going to add your 5 quarts of water then after that you're going to give it a quick stir and you're going to let it slow cook with your heat setting to medium low heat for about 10 hours alright now we're going to get started with our room we're going to preheat our fire to medium-high heat okay so in our cast-iron skillet we're going to go ahead and add 3/4 cup of oil and we're going to let this all get hot for about 2 minutes alright it's been about 2 minutes now now we're going to go ahead and add 3/4 cup of flour and here I have a wooden spatula I'm going to take that and we're going to mix that in and the flour should automatically dissolve into the oil and what we want to achieve is we want this root to be a nice dog brown color okay and one of the key things to make in a room you must keep stirring it's very important that you keep stirring the root ok and we're going to stir this root for about five minutes and after five minutes your rule will start to thicken and change in color and also won't let you know that your times may vary depending on your stove and your heat settings ok all right it's been about five minutes now and as you can see our rule has thickened and it is starting to change in color and as you can see it's a nice peanut butter like brown color it's beautiful right right now we're going to go ahead and make this rule a shade darker okay and we're going to continue to stir this room for about three to four minutes and after three or four minutes your rule would start to take an even more and changing color alright it's been about three to four minutes now and as you can see our rule is a brown color now to get it to a dark brown color it's real simple first thing you're going to do is you're going to turn your fire off and you're going to keep stirring your room for about six to seven minutes and during that six to seven minutes your rule will start to thin out and it will turn a shade darker in color now remember this rule is still very hot so you want to continue to stir it okay alright it's been about six to seven minutes now and as you can see our roux has thinned out and it is also changed into a dark brown color look at that nice and beautiful oh man looks good looks good this route took about fifteen minutes to cook all together and it can take longer depending on your soul now what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and let this cool completely alright now we're going to go ahead and fry the slime out of our okra going to be on fire to medium-high heat okay so in our cast iron skillet we're going to go ahead and add 1/4 cup of oil and we're going to let this all get hot for two minutes alright it's been about two minutes now we're going to go ahead and add our okra into the pan go ahead and take our wooden spoon and we're just going to stir this now what we want to achieve is we want to fry all of the slime out of the okra and this process can take about twenty minutes twenty or more minutes depending on your stove and also you must keep stirring the okra just like a rule you must keep stirring it constantly okay and after two minutes the okra will start to release its slime alright it's been about two minutes now and as you can see the okra has started to release its slime and as a result it is starting to clump up some that is totally normal then you want to keep doing is to keep stirring it okay and after 12 minutes our okra will start to loosen up some let's start to separate all right it's been about 12 minutes now and as you can see our okra has started to separate and you can also see that the slime has formed a little crust at the bottom but that's totally normal now we're going to go ahead and add about 1/2 a teaspoon of accent and we're going to go ahead and mix that in and you want to continue to stir this for an additional 8 minutes now remember it can take longer depending on your stove okay all right it's been about 8 minutes now and after 23 minutes of frying our okra is now done all the slime has been completely fried out and it's nice and toasty oh yeah all right now we're going to go ahead and turn our fire off we have a dish right here lined with napkins and we're going to take the okra I'm going to place that right on top of the napkins and we're going to take some wood on paper towels and gonna place that right on top and we're going to press down firmly and we're doing this because we want to remove all of the all that was in the over okay and by the way the toasted okra tastes really good and there you have it all right now let's go ahead and check on our chicken stock and after 10 hours of slow cooking our chicken stock is now done look at that beautiful beautiful beautiful and I guess it should be nice and tender look at that now we're going to go ahead and strain our stock here I have a strainer with a 7 chord bowl underneath we're going to go ahead and strain the stock into the seven core Bowl go ahead and take our strainer I lift that up on out there take your gizzards and place them on the side and there you have it ladies and gentlemen homemade chicken stock made from scratch look at that look how beautiful that is now you want to go ahead and chase your chicken stock while you're at it and it should have a mild chicken flavor to it and it is good all right now we're going to go ahead and preheat our oven to 400 degrees now we're going to go ahead and season our chicken breasts go ahead and season this going to add about 1 tablespoon of Tony acessories creole seasoning 1 tablespoon of Chef proper domes what's your magic and we're going to go ahead and rub that seasoning into the chicken breast you're going to do it the best way you can just rub it on in you want to make sure that everything that you add into your gumbo is seasoned that's right all right now that we got that out the way now we're gonna go ahead and set that on the side and we're going to get started with seasoning I drumettes okay now we're going to go ahead and add about 1 teaspoon of Tony saturates Creole seasoning and 1 teaspoon of Chef poppadoms party magic going to go ahead and rub that seasoning onto chicken drumettes and like I said key thing you got to keep everything cold and well-seasoned all right here I have a large pan we're going to put our chicken breasts in our chicken drumettes in here and what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and lightly lightly butter the bottom of the pan all right now that we got that nice and buttered now we're going to wait and take our chicken drumettes I'm going to line them along the bottom of the pan and this time doing it do the best way you can all right and on the other side I'm going to go ahead and place my chicken my cubed chicken breast right on the side all right and there we have it now we're going to go ahead and take this and place this into a pre heated 400 degree oven and we're going to bake it for about 15 minutes but I'll go ahead and set our timer to 15 minutes now while that's going in the oven you want to go ahead and uh preach your fire on medium-high heat on a medium sized saucepan I'm going to go ahead and fry our sausage all right now we're going to go ahead and add our D and D smoked sausage right in there and we're going to go ahead and get it a quick stir and we're going to try to line the sausage along the bottom just slick and brown on one side and we're going to let this brown for about 3 minutes all right now that's nice and brown now as you can see we're not trying to fried the smoked sausage we just want to sear it to get rid of some of the all ok now I'm going to go ahead and try to flip it each sausage over onto the other side once we side we're going to let it cook for about three minutes okay all right it's been about three minutes now that we've got sausage isn't done I'm going to go ahead and take it and place it into a strainer with a pan underneath it to catch the dripping all right and there we have it all right let's get started with flying out on Dewey smoked sausage we're going to go ahead and add that into our painting and we're going to go ahead and get that a quick stir and remember we're trying to achieve is we want to sear the smoked sausage on each side to get rid of some of the grease out of that we're not trying to cook it okay alright so we're going to let this here for about four minutes all right it's been about four minutes now and as you can see our undoing smoked sausage is turning into a nice golden brown color now remember we're not trying to cook down to a smoked sausage we just want to fry it to get rid of some of the grease right now we got that flipped on to the other side now and we're going to let this sear for about four minutes all right it's been about four minutes now now we're going to go ahead and take our undoing smoked sausage we're going to go ahead and transfer that into our strainer with the pan underneath to catch the grip and you have it now we're going to go ahead and get started with frying our hot sausage balls we're going to go ahead and place each one of the hot sausage balls individually into the pan all right and there we have it now we'll learn to go ahead and fry these for about three to four minutes all right been about three to four minutes now now we're going to go ahead and flip the hot sausage balls on to the other side and as you can see it's a nice golden brown color look at that now remember we're not trying to cook the hot sausage ball so we just want to sear it to get some of the grease out of there now we're going to go ahead and let these here for about four minutes alright it's been about four minutes now and as you can see hot sausage balls or Brown on each side and it looks like that's enough grease right there so I'm going to go ahead and transfer that into our strainer with the pan underneath to catch the drip and there you have it now I'm going to go ahead and show you how much all we have if we wouldn't have fried our sausages look at that look all that grease we don't need another that not gumbo now let's go ahead and check on our chicken look at that nice beautiful brown color look at that alright time is up now we're going to go ahead and remove our chicken breasts and chicken drumettes out of the oven after baking on 400 for 15 minutes that turned out beautiful and the reason why would we did this because that way your chicken won't separate into your gumbo okay and there you have it and that is it ladies and gentlemen we have everything prepared our stock our roux our seasoning and iMeet prepared and ready to go now sound make some chicken and sausage gumbo oh yeah alright now we're going to go ahead and three our fire to medium-high heat okay so in our gumbo pop we're going to go ahead and pour our room right on in there make sure you use a spatula to get all of the root out of there alright and we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir I'm going to let this get hot for about two minutes alright it's been about two minutes now and we're going to go ahead and add our seasoning we're going to go ahead and add the entire yellow onion that we chopped just dump that right on in there our three stalks of celery that we've chopped it we're gonna go ahead and dump that on in there I work and tie your bell pepper that we chopped we're going to go ahead and add that in there our 3/4 cup of green onion add that in there our three cloves of garlic that we chopped right on in there four tablespoons of fresh parsley add that on in there and our fried okra remember that that 1-pound okra look at that it's been reduced to nothing look at it alright now we're going to go ahead and give this a quick stir and we're going to let this cook for about three minutes okay three minutes all righty it's been about three minutes now now we're going to go ahead and pour our five quarts of chicken stock right on in there now we're going to go ahead and mix that in and we want to achieve this we want that stock and that rule to kind of come together a little bit give it some chance to develop okay now gumbo takes a while to cook okay all right now we're going to go ahead and cover this you're going to let your gumbo get hot first then you're going to set your timer for the gumbo to simmer for one hour you like time is up spend about an hour now as you can see our gumbo is simmering we're going to go ahead and uh give that a quick stir and as you can see our gumbo is turning into a beautiful brown color already now we're going to go ahead and add our meat we're going to add our gizzards right on in there I'm going to go ahead and stir that in alright now we're going to go ahead and add our DND smoked sausage and andouille smoked sausage right on in there alright now we're going to go ahead and stir that in we're going to go ahead and add our hot sausage balls right on in there go ahead and stir that in alright now it's time for us to season our gumbo now it's very important that your gumbo is seasoned ok gumbo is a heavily seasoned dish now we're going to go ahead and add two tablespoons of Tony Treasury's Creole seasoning two tablespoons of chef poppadoms watch your magic and remember that fresh thyme that we cut that's about two tablespoons of that we're going to add that in there and optional ingredient if you want a little spice to your gumbo you're going to add about two teaspoons of cayenne pepper and we're going to go ahead and stir that in you got to make sure that your gumbo is very well seasoned okay it's very important determines the taste and everything now we're going to go ahead and let this cook for our in 30 minutes and set my timer to hour and then once that hour is finished you're going to set your timer again to thirty minutes all right time is up been about an hour and 30 minutes now as you can see our gumbo is still simmering now go ahead and give that a quick stir and look at that it's turning out to be a beautiful brown color look at that mm-hmm now you want to go ahead and taste your gumbo and if it's not at your desired taste and you want to go ahead and add a little bit more of your Toni saturates Creole seasoning a little bit more of your shell pop tones what you imagine you want add a teaspoon of each ingredient all right now we're going to go ahead and give that a quick stir now we're going to go ahead and add our chicken breasts out chopped chicken breasts and our chicken drumettes right on into the gumbo this is a lot of chicken by the way that we add in it alright now we're going to go ahead and mix that in Wow look at how beautiful that is nice beautiful brown color alright now we're going to go ahead and cover this and we're going to let this simmer for 30 minutes I'll go ahead and set my timer to 30 minutes now I'm going to go ahead and give you a quick tip if you notice that your gumbo has any excess all you're going to take a spoon and you're just going to dip it along the top slightly and that will get rid of some of the oil on top all right time is up alright y'all and after 3 hours of cooking our gumbo is now done look at that look at how beautiful that is you got the chicken andouille smoked sausage the hot sausage the gizzards man looks so beautiful now we're going to go ahead and turn our fire off now it's time to add the final ingredient the gumbo Billy so you're going to add about a half a teaspoon of gumbo feeling right on top and we're going to go ahead and give that a quick stir and once you stir that in you can go ahead and serve you up a nice bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo oh yeah now it's a store this gumbo it's going to take about six hours for it to cool off completely and once that six hours is passed you're going to put it into the refrigerator and if you have anything left over you're going to take it you're going to put it in a container and you're going to place it in your freezer once you freeze it you could take it throw it out and you could have it any time you want all right now it's time for the surprise here I have my cast-iron skillet we're gonna go ahead and add a up half a teaspoon of salted butter I'm gonna spread that alone it bottom of the pan I'll let that melt all right we got that nice and melted now we're gonna go ahead and take our test Texas toasting light add that in there and not along with that we're going to add our two slices of American cheese one slice don't do it justice I'm sorry now we're going to go ahead and add our second slice of bread right on top and we're going to let this toast for about three to four minutes right it's been about three to four minutes now we're going to go ahead and flip our bread over get that beautiful brown color I'm gonna let that toast for about three to four minutes all right has been about three to four minutes and as you can see the other side is brown as well and our grilled cheese is now done oh yeah go ahead and take that and put that on our serving dish and there you have it ladies and gentlemen now here I have a nice little bit of rice going to go ahead and serve you a nice bowl of gumbo and we're going to take some of our gumbo juice in we're going to place it along the side of our bit of rice we're going to go ahead and take some chicken some chicken and hot sausage and smoked sausage and we're just going to add that all around oh man look how beautiful that is oh man look at how beautiful I can't wait I have my first pan and there you have it ladies and gentlemen chicken and sausage gumbo and grilled cheese made by New Orleans native don't get no better than this thanks for watching - found ugly take a life boy this slope just reminds me so much of the element and back when I was in elementary school when instead of the chicken and sausage gumbo with the ground cheating it dip tank you're a chief in that gumbo alright they ain't a papaya hmm absolutely amazing you can take that chicken all my garden now I move ahead routing the islands I'm going to piss in Mike already very funny mm-hmm someone will - yo - the ultimate combination it is so hmm who but there you have it ladies and gentlemen chicken and sausage gumbo with grilled cheese made by a New Orleans native thanks for watching hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this video like up subscribe to my channel so you can enjoy all my delicious recipes cooked right here in my kitchen if you have any questions or comments please post them or you can email me at Charlie the cook Andrews at you can also contact me on Facebook WWF xpcom slash Charlie the cook Andrews and last but not least you can also check this recipe along with all of my other recipes at WWE to cook Andrews waves calm and until then take care and I hope you all have a blessed day
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 395,298
Rating: 4.9189224 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Gumbo, New Orleans Gumbo
Id: Jk-yxjg3YEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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