Chicken and Dumplings: The Best Comfort Food Ever!

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now check it out I know you guys have already seen that thumbnail and you read that title right so you hear look today I'm getting ready to show you guys just how easy it is to make look check this out this is the best chicken and dumpling recipe out there let's get it okay so look I want you guys to take a look right here this is the bird you see all these ingredients don't let all of these ingredients fool you or get you intimidated let's it's real easy to make this recipe and as always the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below okay so look this is what we're gonna do look you want to get yourself a bowl right I had already like just put all of this in here together but look you want to get your flour you know I mean let me just go like this get it over the top this right here is good look this is just a half a cup we'll start with that there I'm Gonna Leave This here because we're gonna use this later set this off to the side let me go with my kosher salt you know what I mean I'm gonna give this like just a couple of generous pinches that was too generous and a small pinch of the kosher right now I'm gonna come with my black pepper and I'm going to turn till I get tired what I'm doing is I'm seasoning my flour so that I can see it you know I mean I like to be able to see it I like to see the specs and then I've always told you guys listen it might sound crazy if you've never done it or never heard it but listen we're gonna have to go ahead and taste it after we get it Blended up and make sure it's seasoned to our perfection and for that level up look I'm gonna use my level up you know my level up a series right this is for that poetry I might hit this just give it a couple of little shakes like that right I just don't want to overpower it we just want to add a nice little flavor to it right so I'll sit that over here I'll grab my whisk and we'll mix it together okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open this up rinse them down cut all of the pieces you guys I would suggest you know what I mean you don't always have to get yourself a complete bird like this go ahead and get the parts you know I mean they sell them like that already cut what I want to do is I just want to get these broke down and I'm going to show you we're gonna go ahead and get these and get them coated with that flour and then we're gonna go from there okay so you guys can come on here and take a look look I got my quarters I got my you know my brush and then I got my wings right here I'm not gonna do these you know for no chicken and dumplings right so I'll save these along with the rest of the Wings and then we'll go from there okay so I want you guys to take a look underneath my Dutch oven I got like a low flame just for now right we're gonna take our Oil we're gonna go ahead and heat that up then once we have that yes take a look at this part right here now this is where you put your chicken pieces in there especially like your breasts right I'm gonna take these look we're just gonna go ahead and get these coated remember we season this and this is all right I can smell my see you know my seasoning on here already that Arab gives it something fire and I tasted it and I know it's right so once I get it on here like this you know what I mean then I shake it off once my oils up the temp then we're going to go ahead and start Browning you know our chicken okay so you shake off your excess right and then you want to go and just put it down I'm gonna start with the bottom part of the you know of the brush right so now I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of them we're gonna get these in here and we're gonna go ahead and brown them we're not gonna cook them we just want to Brown them [Music] oh okay so if you guys take a look you'll see take this chicken out I went a little far on that side you know I mean you guys do it how you want to I like for it to be just a little bit Brown that right there you guys know that's a lot of flavor look at that right there so I can put them some this way just so you guys can see my the point is you don't want to go ahead and just you know like cook it all the way through right but this right here is cool so I'm gonna set this over here okay so look I'm gonna show you right now look at that fond right so we're gonna come with our onions just go ahead and add those in there right don't forget we got carrots and celery okay so look this is my favorite Park y'all look I'm gonna take these garlic cloves load my press up we're gonna have some minced garlic so let me go ahead and get my get in position right here look we only gonna cook this garlic right only for like one minute all right so look at that right there you want to talk about layers of flavor we building it folks okay so now we're gonna come with our flour it's been just a little bit over a minute we start adding it and don't forget folks everything in moderation right so we'll just keep moving this around like this you know I mean then we just add a little bit more right until we get it all Incorporated so now that we got this in here all of our flour has been like cooked in we made sure we cooked that off now we'll go ahead and introduce you know our broth right oh yeah this is going to be nice and thick for y'all the way you like it it's really into that flower that absorbs all of the flavor you know what I mean and look at how I'm doing it I'm just working it in you guys can see it come together on your on on your own look at that right there okay so it's coming up to a simmer now I'm gonna go ahead and add my apple cider trust me folks you know I always tell you guys trust the process right add that little bit of sugar keep just moving around and then we got our bay leaves and then underneath these bay leaves look we got them peppercorns okay so as this is coming up back to a boil then we're gonna reduce that to a simmer right we're gonna go ahead and add our chicken inside of here just like that remember I told you guys we wasn't cooking until it was done right we just wanted to put some of that flavor on there so I'm just going to set this in here just like you see once it comes back up to a boil we're going to set it to a simmer and now we're going to make them dumplings folks okay with the chicken down here on the bottom let me make sure you guys can see that you see that right there we just put it in right now you can see the bubbles right we set it for a simmer we cover and we're gonna cook it for about 25 minutes okay so look we got a cup and a third of all-purpose flour right we making them dumplings folks so I'm gonna go ahead and add my baking powder right then when it comes to the Salt we're going to add three quarter teaspoon right then we're gonna get that magical whisk and we're gonna mix and incorporate all this together you want to make sure it's everywhere folks so go ahead and just spend just a little bit of time making sure that you get it you know completely Incorporated you want that baking powder to be everywhere look because it's a process we're going to do okay so look first thing I did was melted my butter right so I'm gonna add my milk to this bowl bowl right here right now my butter all right now I'm just gonna go ahead and incorporate this together all right so now that we have that done I'm gonna bring my flour back right and what we're going to do is we're going to start introducing this over here to this right so I got myself a bigger whisk now I'll just start adding a little bit to it you know like this about about half is what you want to do right off the bat right so just just give it a couple of swirls we don't want to like overwork it that's good right there can you guys see that now I'm getting ready to come with the last you know the second half right so now I'm just going to go ahead and just work this you can see it's going to start turning the dough right in front of you right you just want to get into the whole thing is completely moist now I'm gonna go ahead open this up get all of this out and I'm gonna get in here and work this with it like a fork so look I want you guys to pay attention now I'm getting in here working with you know working it in my hand right so just keep moving it kneading it over again you don't want to overdo it you know what I mean I rub it over the side just to pick up some of that flour you know okay so look we got our dough right look I just want to pull off just a little piece of dough you know about like that just this right here is the dumpling folks and we're just gonna put it right there all right just grab a little bit don't need a whole lot because look we put that powder in there it's gonna rise up a little bit you know I mean so you just want to go ahead and add just about the same size as you see right here okay so look it's been about 22 minutes right I already turned off my fire you know I checked my chicken it was up to Temp real nice right so now you just want to take your chicken right I don't want to get none of my veggies with it you know I mean we just want to go ahead take it drain it best you can and then you just want to put it on a plate because we gotta let this cool because we're going to shred this down folks okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my spoon and I'm gonna go ahead and skim the fat off at the top right you want to get as much of it as you can you know it's possible you know what I mean this should only take you like a couple of minutes but your end result you're gonna like it it'll look more like what you guys get if you guys got a fat separator you can use that too I do have one but everybody don't have one of those okay so look I got the chicken broke down get yourself like two forks right and then you just want to shred it it's really up to you how big of pieces you want I don't want to shred them I don't like that fine it's not like chicken noodle soup or nothing like that you know I mean even though it's gonna have a similar taste to it and it'll be fire folks okay I can hear it okay we didn't come back up to a boil right I'm gonna go ahead and check this to a simmer right now right now we're going to take our chicken after we then shredded it and then we just go ahead and just start adding this you know to it right now it's up to you how much chicken you want to put in there but look at that right there folks we got a dish right here with all of these flare flavors that we didn't layered up you know this is gonna be good so look I'm gonna go ahead and give you a little bit of that money right now and that ain't even got no dumplings in it look at that oh wait okay so I can hear it look we didn't got it up to a nice little you know boil like a small boil you know I mean I'm gonna reduce it down to where to simmer right let me just go ahead and give this a little stir like this can y'all smell what I'm cooking and check this part out right here now we're gonna put them dumplings in the inside right so you just want to take them just add them in just like this you know what I mean get the ones you like because we made a lot of them you know so I'm picking like really like the bigger ones you know oh wait then we're gonna cook these for about 15 minutes okay so let's take a look at it after about 15 minutes look at that right here this is nice let me see if I can reduce this down even lower all right so look you want to get yourself a toothpick you want to stick it inside of your dumpling like that then you want to pull it up and then when you look at it you want to see if it's going to be clear you know clean that right there I don't see no bumps no nothing just tell me that's right right there right now we got a few ingredients of the left right so let me go ahead and get my wood and Spoon and check this out right here we got this heavy cream we're gonna go ahead and just add a little bit in here like that you know and just start working this in right we're gonna add a little bit more over here like that we're gonna start working that in but we're gonna do it with love we don't want to beat them dumplings up and then have them dumplings you know fall apart on us but I'm gonna tell you if you made them the way I showed you guys how to make them right now listen you got they golden right so check this out oh my goodness folks right now we're gonna add a little bit of that chai and just a little bit of this parsley you know why not all the parsley if you need some more you want to garnish go ahead okay so now we're gonna go ahead and plate right if you want to see something that's Hardy look at that you can see them Carriage you can see the celery in there and of course you can see that chicken right so I'm gonna go ahead and just take it we're just gonna put it in like that and look guess what folks we had a dumpling right so we go back get a little bit more you know just add it like that and then I'm gonna put one of these nice big dumplings in here you know remember we did some of the bigger ones you know look at that right there and then just because I can and I'm the chef you know what I mean I'm gonna go ahead and add some take a look at that right there [Music] okay so look you guys seen it all of this is like just a whole lot of yumminess and I'm gonna go ahead and just be a little greedy on it right so look you can see look at that we got some chicken and then oh man you know what I don't know am I going to be able to break one of these dumplings you know get it in half you know I mean let's see right here you know I mean I don't want to just like put that whole thing in my mouth you know take that we'll go back but this is what we're going to start off with right here folks you see this right here cheers y'all oh I don't know about y'all but look this is that time of year right everybody doing chicken and dumplings this right here stick to your ribs warm y'all up Hey listen I'm getting hot underneath my hat right now but the flavor profile is is over the top folks and I want to tell you something too you know what we could have went and got ourselves some biscuits right put out a biscuit we could have just cut quarter doors right cut them in half and then that in half right so you got quarters that could have served as your dumpling too it depends on how quick you want this to go but with that being said this right here is fire I'm gonna wrap this video up you know why because I'm fixing to eat folks I'm gonna sit down and do meat hey with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here they're simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and you know how I'm Gonna Leave folks I'm gonna grab this and guess what I'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 389,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Chicken and Dumplings: The Best Comfort Food Ever!, chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings recipe, how to make chicken and dumplings, comfort food, homemade chicken and dumplings, best chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings soup, southern chicken and dumplings, the best chicken and dumplings, easy chicken and dumplings recipe, chicken and dumplings from scratch, easy chicken and dumplings, southern style chicken and dumplings
Id: R0uk7kwLgRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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