Chibi Pokémon Meme Review

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(claps) Pokemon! Meme! Review! Oh, that was a mistake. ♪ Leave your entries in the subreddit Pokefans ♪ ♪ and I'll watch submissions in the next episode ASPITPIAY ♪ Greetings Pokefans, Michael here. And welcome to the newest episode of ASPITPIAY, At Some Point In The Past I Asked You, my ongoing monthly series, where I react to submissions on my subreddit, r/MandJTV And since most of those submissions are memes, the alternate name for this series is Pokemon (claps) Meme Review. I am still dizzy, but that's all I have for the intro stuff. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel and let's dive into- - Haha! It is I, Grunty Boy! Are you kidding me? Come on, man. Would you just let me do my video? I know, I will, I'm sorry. I just have to tell you something first. It is an emergency. Oh, my God. What is it? This video is sponsored by Angry Birds Two and it's free to play and can be downloaded using the link in the description below. - Why is that an emergency? - Because their Easter event will only last for a limited time. - My God, that is an emergency. - I know! If players download now, they can get Easter craft hats just by playing the tower of fortune which boost the power of your flock and never go away. There's also the excellent adventure levels that have great prizes that you need the Easter craft hats to play. And if you download now you'll get Red's Easter craft hat immediately. - Well, that sounds very fun, Grunty boy, and I agree, it is an emergency, but I got to say, at first you made it seem like someone was dying. - People are dying. Dying to play Angry Birds Two! It's bigger, badder, and angrier than ever with a new Rowdy Rumble tournament, client events, new arena gameplay with more rewards, a new master league, and more challenges. You can enjoy new levels with multiple stages, choose from different birds with different abilities and enjoy daily challenges and a fun gameplay experience that has captured the hearts of millions. - All right, sweet. I'll download it right away. I definitely want to take advantage of that Easter event But is telling me about the game all you came here to... Hey, where's my phone? - Ta ta! - No, I... Gah. Anyways, thanks so much to Angry Birds Two for sponsoring this video. Make sure to download the game for free using the link in the description below. But now, back to the video. All right, here we are on r/MandJTV sorted by top in the past month. And would you look at that? The top post is mine from last time. (claps) Thank you for the attention. (muttering) I don't want to take a survey. Get away. Get away now. Oh my God. I exed out, I exed out! Why are you attacking me with the, leave! What are you doing? I exed out of this survey. Not said yes. (huffs) Anyways, the evolutions of the starters in Pokemon Legends Arkoos have already been leaked. Wow! I've a lot of fan art online of people theorizing that the starters are going to get new evolutions which would be dope, but I'm not honestly really expecting it. This is brilliant. This is shining. Correct? Wow. Somebody made a Arkoos. Oh, and a Cyndaquil, and a Rowlet, and an Oshawott in Minecraft. Very, very good. Regular Mikey form, Alolan Mikey, Galarian Mikey. Sinnoh Remakes Mikey. (laughs) - Oh, that's brilliant. Oh, you get an upvote. That's genius. By the way, thank you for buying a plushy. They can't like make a Breath of the Wild level Pokemon Game, so don't expect that. A foolish miscalculation! Well, I'm glad it was foolish. I'm pretty hyped for it. Also when did I say that? I believe that I said it, I just don't remember. I've made a lot of videos. Step one, catch a male and female zubat. Step two, breed a colony of zubats Step three, release them into a nearby cave. Step four, open a repel shop. Stonks. (laughs) Brilliancy. When Mikey notices that nobody made an Arceus versus Arkoos meme yet. Fine. I'll do it myself. Actually, on the topic of that. If we go to the comments here "Your submission has been removed for violating our community rules. Rule five, no reposts." I didn't even see this until afterward. And one of the mods, "Crap. I just removed Mikey's memes." People have made it, a lot of it. And enough where no individual one got enough upvotes. So enough, people did make it, I just didn't see it. Cause like, the upvotes just got so dispersed cause there were so many of them and I just didn't see a single one, that the mods were like "Get this out of here." It was me. (laughs) Girl: If your height doesn't start with a six don't message me. Also the girl. (laughs) I don't know. I mean, I totally get wanting to date somebody that can, throw you around, I don't know. (laughs) (dramatic organ music) - Go back. I want to be small! - (laughs) (simple rhythmic music) - Yes! I loved that. That was so funny. Go back, I want to be small! (laughs) And it is referencing the fact that they used to be small. This is our future? It looks like their kids Cyndaquil, Rowlet, Oshawott, and then Charizard is just like "Impossible." It had to be done, Charizard. You've received entirely too much attention. You're literally the signature Pokemon of the Gen Eight champion. Come on. Whenever I to try to philosophize with my, philo, philosophize? Is that how you pronounce? I guess it's got to be. Anyways, "What is my reason to live?" (imitates cat meow) "You're right. I see now that the circumstances of ones, (fades off) I enjoy talking to animals like they're people. So what do you think of this? (imitates dog bark) I agree, very good point. Why are you taking photos of your Pokemon game? It's for a meme. How will I know that it's a meme? Reddit will know. Is this is what I think it is? I looked at the comments. It is what I think it is. And I will not be explaining it. Making an open world Sinnoh prequel, making a Chibi style Sinnoh remake, and Nintendo (laughs) Yay! Applin, Chapplin, (laughs) Capplin, Slapplin, Trapplin, Gapplin? I don't get Gapplin. Rapplin, Napplin, Sapplin I understand that because I've played Minecraft! A wild Josh appears, Josh uses ask out! What LOL. Paulina is now confused. Yes. Josh uses Encore, Josh used ask out! Paulina used fr, oh. Rest in pepperoni, Josh. Einstein, psychic type. A blacksmith, steel type A brick layer, ground type, the Pokemon fan base. (laughs) It's most fan bases, if we're being real. Everybody's like "this fan base is so terrible." And you, everyone has said that about every fan base for any large media thing. RTX off, RTX on. Oh, that's pretty funny. Dawn and nine other Pokemon characters who originated in the video games. You are not a clown. You are the entire circus. I would agree, what is the point? That has gotta be the dumbest video I've ever seen. Almost all of them are from the video games, you buffoons. I can't actually find the video, so maybe they deleted it. Anyways. Time to get my spotlight back. Oh no! Mikey, why is Charmander in a tree? Aha! You're incorrect. It is not a Charmander. It's Trapinch! Yeah, it wouldn't fit anywhere on here. I can't, I can't put him here. I also thought it'd be funny if Trapinch was in a tree. But also look over here! It's Seedot! Also in a tree! I bought a bunch of the sitting cuties when the first batch came out. And then the second batch came out, of the Hoenn ones, and I wasn't that into them. But I haven't checked if there's been a third batch in a while. I need to look, actually. Cause they sell out so fast! Okay? I'm not seeing any, that, that I want that I didn't already get. And Pokemon Center? I love your products. But if anybody who works for you is watching this video, dear god, make it so a product that's out of stock shows as out of stock on this screen! It is so annoying to click and see "out of stock". But you can't know it until you click on it. It's maddening. Meet Treecko, he's a Crested gecko and wants to be on ASPITPIAY That's so cool. I love lizards. (clapping) What a wonderful animal. Does anyone remember Magikarp Jump? I can't believe he didn't cry during Titanic. Do men even have feelings? Magikarp gets snatched right up, goodbye sweet Magikarp. I never played the game, but I must say I'd forgotten that your Magikarp could just be eaten. Which is horrifying. On the topic of Magikarp Jump, though The Pokemon Journeys episode with the Magikarp jumping competition is one of the best episodes of the Pokemon anime ever made. I highly recommend it. Mikey should be on Pokemon talk as his plushy form. If I make more Pokemon talks, they'll be on my TikTok. Be sure to follow me there. I haven't been making as many of those as I wanted to, but life, life can get kind of crazy when there's a historic winter storm in Texas that damages your home to a degree that requires work to deal with. Anyways, I might. I'm being Rickrolled by the Eeveelutions. I thought this would be interesting. Oh, that's kind of cool. A Pokemon chess board, how fun! I like how the knights are the two different steeds, that's cool. But then Calyrex isn't the king. Interesting. I mean, I get wanting to have the king and the queen. The Bisharps are the, bishops. (laughs) I think this is a bit wrong though? I think actually the knights are right next to the Rooks? Yeah. Okay. So a slight error in there. The, the knights and the bishops should be switched. That's funny. Pawniard and Bisharp, that's perfect though. You expect me to fight this? Go! Go, Arcanine! Well, no, then you're weak to it. Okay, that's a problem. Manectric! You're a Manectric! There you go, now you got it. I saw everybody in the last episode commenting, if it's not a 100% accurate, it's 50% accurate. Who could that have been? So I was watching Ben Ten and found these two fish. Yep. I've seen this before. That's a, that's a little Easter egg, which is fun. Marvel Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history. (laughs) Okay. I discovered it and I'm pretty sure I'm not the first, but how cool is it? Oh yeah! So in the anime, Lance says that his outfit is inspired by the uniforms for the dragon gym in Galar. Obviously we know in the actual design process the reverse is true, but the canon, in the anime world at least, is that Lance was inspired by the Galar dragon gym. When Purplecliffe cosplays without knowing it. (laughs) Oh my god, that's amazing. Oh, this got gilded. (laughs) Oh, that's so good. The head's the right size too. Oh, that is sick. Mega Scizor and Vikavolt, I love that. That is so dope. Everywhere I go, I see his face. You know, fun fact. I've talked about in a couple of meme reviews how I've never played Among Us. I actually have played it a few times now, three or four total with some friends from college. And I have a lot of fun. Being the imposter is incredibly stressful. I don't like that, but I have gotten a solo imposter win by suffocating them with the oxygen. You get brilliant diamond? You get shining pearl? I finally get my own game? You guys are getting remakes? I mean, to be fair, Giratina, now you and Arkoos will have the same amount of games. So. If it isn't 100% accurate it's 50% accurate Boo, get better material. Hail yeah. (laughs) Can I get a hail yeah! Oh, I have a lot of fun with that. Do you? Cause I do. also fun fact, Jack, Purplecliffe told me that he had to ban the phrase "hail yeah" from his Twitch chat (laughs) Cause too many people were spamming it all the time. I feel bad, but also it's incredibly funny. Mikey's tier list. I mean it's missing quite a few Pokemon, right? Yeah. That's that's pretty accurate. I mean, I'd move Bulbasaur and Squirtle up to A, you know? Come on guys. Castform is a god though. Hail yeah. This came to my mind instantly. Every film studio, what are you doing here? Disney, I'm expanding my brand. Math Pokemon memes, quadrant one, two, three, four. (laughs) Oh. I liked that. I like the, I'm for, okay. It keeps getting deeper the more I look at it. Cause at first I just saw the Plusles and Minuns. And then I see Giratina, the origin. And then the X and Y axis. That's very fun. I enjoy, I enjoy nerdy Pokemon, well I guess, I guess all Pokemon memes are nerdy. I enjoy science and math. Just like, fun information. You know what I'm trying to get at. When you get to be in the better Sinnoh remake. Today is a good day! You don't know if it is going to be better. We'll see. Getting into the Pokemon direct stream, the stream starting, new Pokemon Snap reveal, Sinnoh remakes reveal, Legends Arkoos reveal. Yep. I was like that too. Girls, if your guy is tall, cool and started off small, then it isn't your man it's 100% Zygarde. 100% Zygarde never skips leg day! That is a cool Sceptile drawing. Wow. I'm very impressed. You get an upvote. If you made that, I really hope you were the one to make that. Cause that is really cool. Everywhere I go, I see his face. Some more cool Minecraft Pokemon art, very good. Maybe I should do more creative mode Minecraft. So I don't have to worry about the constant threat of death and despair. Get in loser, we're fighting God. (laughs) Yeah! Why couldn't you finish the exam? Me, Because I lack knowledge! That's how that works. Well, not always. Sometimes you just run out of time. Can I just say, shout out to me for being old enough to not have to do remote school during the pandemic, but also being young enough to not have kids that had to do remote school during the pandemic. That worked out well for me. Hi, I'm Phanpy, I'm a cute underrated Pokemon. Upvote me to make me more popular! Well, those are very cute Phanpys, I must say. Can we just take a moment to remind everyone that John pronounces Phanpy "fan fee" cause he thinks there's an H after the second P Just saying. You all better be posting Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends Arkoos memes on my subreddit before I record meme review in a couple days Are we blind? Deploy the memes! Why not use dark types in Kanto? We got (laughs) Oh, yep. Oh wow, those are really cool. Oh, I especially love the Torterra. The detail on the tree looks really awesome. If you make Infernape, post it here. That's really cool. Me during a group project in school, Why am I paired with someone who only makes incredibly stupid decisions? (laughs) Top four best villains, Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, Darth Vader, Grunty Boy. (laughs) Oh, this is a good meme. Okay. I, I wanted to see if it was actually, I didn't think it was. I just wanted to make sure. It's a very good edit. It looks like it's actually there. This is Terry, the fat shark. He has brought you a master ball. Terry's coming back with another gift on Tuesday. (gasps) Thank you, Terry the fat shark! Upvote so Mikey can see, press the upwards arrow to make it so our glorious leader can view this statement. Glorious leader? Oh gosh. I don't want to end up on the news cause people think I started a cult. Where people just chant "hail yeah" and drink Kool-Aid. That would be bad. (laughs) Was this in the last one? Maybe this was in the last one, but even if it was, just reiterating my point, it's always been stylized overworld chibi sprites When I was little, Pokeballs didn't exist yet. Yeah. I was wondering about that. (laughs) I've been thinking about that. Like, when he was little, Pokeballs didn't exist. He's old, obviously. Professor Oak in the anime, when he was a kid, his Pokeball required you to like unscrew it, then open it up, in the Pokemon Forever movie. These Pokeballs are like pretty darn tootin' close to modern day Pokeballs. I don't know, maybe the Sinnoh region advanced faster than Kanto, Johto, and Unova? I don't know. (laughs) That's pretty funny. I can't help but cry when I lose a Pokemon battle. I would offer you sympathy if I had any. (laughs) Oh perfect. Oh, that's kind of fun. I like that, you know, I've seen tons of like, Pokemon Go, Pokemon overlap, fusion memes, but I like the fanart you made of it. Hello, Dawn from Pokemon. Hello Mikey from MandJTV. (laughs) It is kind of funny that I happened to launch a little chibi plushy of me, like around the same. No, actually like, the week after. No, like two days before, the friggin chibi, oh. That's just funny how it worked out like that. I can't believe he didn't cry during the Titanic. Do men ever have feelings. Oh, is that, that Stoutland that died in the anime? I haven't seen the Alola season. Is this by user "Hatterene is hot"? (laughs) Uh, no judgment here. Male YouTubers, female YouTubers, choosing the female character in Pokemon games. I haven't done that, personally. I mean, I have played as like a female character in a Pokemon game before, but it was like, when I was a kid. I'd just be like, "Oh, I haven't done this. I'll try it." You know? But as an adult, I haven't really, I can't remember the last time I picked a female character in a game where I had a choice, just cause personally I feel like I can get more immersed in it when the character looks more like me. That's why I tend, like my character designs in games, if it's customizable characters, tend to not look dramatically different from me. I tend to make them white boys with brown hair. I'll make it a little bit more interesting by having like, giving him some crazy eye color, like yellow or red or something like that. But I tend to like make the characters look like me, just cause I like to, it makes me feel like I'm the one that's actually there. Yo, it's a tree. Bro, that's crazy. Why are the most power, overpowered characters bald? (sighs) I guess, thanks. Diamond or Pearl? Platinum! That's my boy! (laughs) I'm a sneaky fox, sneaked in your house, sat on your couch, ate your pasta, released all of your shinies and saved your game. Jesus. Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Star Platinum! I must confess, I have not watched anything more than the first like, three or four episodes of Johto. Wow. Wait, that Giratina is dope. A firework rocket? That is sick. Big fan. I'm giving you an upvote, that Giratina looks so awesome. You know if you go in there, there's no coming back. - I, I have to do it. I have to know what happened to my friends. Whitney's Gym. The fool. (laughs) Why do we always live longer than boys? I don't know. Hey kid, see that deadly lizard that can cause earthquakes? Jump on its back and ride it. Aight bet. Our paper has been published online in Can Entomologist. We review Binburrum pyrochroidae, I butchered that. And described three new species, which are named after the three legendary birds of Pokemon! (gasps) That's incredible. Binburrum articuno, Binburrum moltres, Binburrum zapdos. (claps) I feel like I've heard of like, other species being named after Pokemon too, but I always like hearing about it. I'm going to try a new team this time. (laughs) I don't know what team I'm going to use, I'm still debating whether I pick Torterra, cause it was my classic starter, or picking Infernape because it's better. (laughs) And like using a Garchomp would be fun, but I also probably should use a Gliscor. cause I like Gliscor. It died in my nuzlocke, you know? I want to like, finish it with Gliscor. I'm totally gonna use Gliscor, what am I saying? Sorry, Garchomp. 2019, Sinnoh fans, 2020, Sinnoh fans, 2021, Sinnoh fans I don't know, a lot of people are excited for Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl. Hoenn has too much water. And why did you stop Team Magma? Oh no! (laughs) 2018, 2021, 2024. I mean, Kirby is very cute. What a beautiful day. Hey guys, what's going on? Oh no, poor Tyranitar! (laughs) Oh, he just needs to be friends with a, be friends with like a Golduck with a Cloud Nine. Do you have any idea how quickly bug type Pokemon evolve? I'm sorry, what was that? I mean, it's a Unova Pokemon. If you're a Unova Pokemon you evolve late. You can't defeat me. I know, but he can. My Marshtomp who knows Ice Beam. (laughs) Why not use dragon types? We got a legendary, a legendary, a legendary, a legendary, a legendary, a legendary, an apple. Apple a day. Keeps the, Well it really doesn't keep the fairy types away, actually They really mess up that apple. French school asks parents to stop throwing children over the fence when they're... Normal parents, French parents, yeet the child. (laughs) Overworld, models, in battle models. That's how Pokemon was, prior to Gen Seven. It's just how it works. OMG, you're going to evolve into such a wonderful queen. Thanks a lot, queen, you too. LMAO we're useless. Yes. (laughs) Fans, after DP remake announcement, it can't get better. A foolish miscalculation. When you realize that the starters in Legends Arkoos are from the regions that Cynthia has made a cameo in. Oh huh! To be fair, Cynthia has made a lot of cameos. Cynthia has appeared, aside from Sinnoh, she's appeared in Johto, Unova, Alola, Oh wait only three. Are we going to meet Cynthia's ancestor? Cynthius?(laughs) Name a better trio, I'll wait. The spiky boys. Dex entries, Oh god. Does your dog bite? No, he's super friendly. The dog, (laughs) And it has Strong Jaw as its ability. Did you know the Pokemon Legends Arkoos's starters are inspired by ancient Japanese characters? The legendary archer, the honorable samurai, Typhlosion. I don't know, are badgers in Japan? 10 year old me thinking I found a shiny, a different colored Shellos. Yep. Seen a lot of people get got by Hippowdon and Hippopotas too, in like recent history. I think it's kids who haven't played the older games, But yeah. Oh, that's a cute tattoo. I like it. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I can see that. (laughs) Yamask Cofagrigus evolution is awful! It is, if I was remaking my top 15 most annoying Pokemon to evolve video, which did very well but I made it a few months before sword and shield came out, absolutely, that would be in there. Potentially as number one. You go on dynamax adventures, It's a Zygarde and you get three ice types. It's shiny and you catch it, it's shiny, you can catch it. And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself. (laughs) DP remakes are terrible! No, they are great! My poor ass, scrolling through Reddit knowing I can't afford them. Aww. A Deino face reveal? (laughs) His eyes are much bigger than I thought they would be! In Sinnoh remakes, Mikey should name hus rival Grunty Boy. Why has that picture so small? (laughs) Not a bad idea though. Improved Mikey's meme a little bit. Pokemon Legends Arkoos, Poke, oh wow! Wow. You did. Wow. That looks like it's legit. Wow. I'm very impressed. I can capture Pokemon without even fighting them, travel alone to the wild and help build the civilization. Help, that lady and her Garchomp are so scary. (laughs) Who are you? Flying. Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down? (laughs) Yep. So true. Psychic too, psychic also doesn't narrow it down very well. Bugs in Gen Five, I saved people who were suffering from a cold and I served as the sun of Unova. Bugs in Gen One, I can't learn bug moves. I know, right? Don't be intimidated, Squidward. Just try to imagine him in his underwear. Oh no, he's hot. (laughs) Oh gosh. I'm glad you guys liked that, that promo. It wasn't intended to be a thirst trap, it was intended to be funny. Like it, just like, I was, I laughed so many times making that. I was like, okay, I made this, I need some music for it. I found that music. And I was like, just started guffawing when I heard the music and I thought, I thought it would, you guys would get a kick out of it. And a lot of people did but I also appreciate the compliments, so thank you. This is insuring my spot as the hottest Poketuber. What's your name? It is I, Grunty Boy! My son's a celebrity. (claps) I found Mikey in Pokemon talk. I have made more than one appearance in Pokemon talk. But yep, that is me on the floor of my senior year dorm room taking pictures of Pokemon plushies on a cold concrete floor. (laughs) All right guys. That's where I'm going to wrap it up for this episode of Pokemon (claps) Meme Review. Thank you guys so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon who are helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you want help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also, if you wanna check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, I recommend these videos here. By the way, don't forget to download Angry Birds Two using the link in the description below! All right, that's all I have for now. So till next time, Pokefans! You gotta catch them all!
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,512,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, meme review, aspitpiay, pokemon memes
Id: SkVeugjRpV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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