I Spent 50 Hours in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Here's What Happened

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i'm gonna play pokemon legends arceus for 50 hours but will i be able to catch the pokemon god within that time frame maybe catch a few shinies one thing's for sure i chose the best starter of all time rallet now go catch the other two no no no no no no good call arceus no human from the future could ever survive without a smartphone i'm not 10 anymore i'm finally 15 years old and apparently everyone is shocked that i caught three pokemon do all the npcs here suck at pokemon 2 then i'm informed that if i don't pass the entrance exam that i'll be expelled and die in the wild geez i wasn't nervous about passing until she mentioned i had to catch up a doof what i thought the pokemon god was the final boss not the first one thankfully only rowlet gets to come along my journey i heard it has a new final evolution in this game oh man i can't wait to see it but am i going to be able to catch the badoof that could have gone really bad woo hoo this calls for a photograph ah i blinked i'm then told that no one here has enough skill to wield six pokemon are you all really that incompetent i mean at least commander kamado was able to deflect my charge attack but can he slip his shoes on as fast as me akira teaches me how to dodge roll wait a minute that looks like what you can do and enter the gungeon gosh i feel so abusive hitting starly in the back oh look an alpha snorlax i'm pretty sure we can take it on oh and there's the ice beam sorry rowlet what was that sound no freaking way is that a shiny luxio how did i get shiny so early without even trying come on starly don't fail me i'm sorry dave i'm afraid i can't do that shynks give me something failure shiny luxio you leave me no choice go badoof now go pokeball yeah you're definitely joining the party i report my findings to the captain to get my first star then head back outside hey uh what should i name my worm bowl this has got to be one of those video game moments where you're forced to pick the right answer because there's no way he's actually going to name him eugene he's actually sticking with that name what is wrong with you whatever i'll evolve my own wordpull dang he'd be looking scary though no purple cliff no out of my video yeah volo i already know about the backstrike i nearly killed a bird with it welcome to the salty splatoon how tough are you how tough am i wow oh no an alpha pokemon whatever will i do back at headquarters everyone gives me high praise for squashing a cricket tune and then i'm introduced to admin of the diamond clan and irida of the pearl clan they give me the assignment of calming down the noble cleaver to earn the trust of their people on my way out this man offers me more backspace in my satchel in exchange for some money and if i've learned anything from games involving inventory i always need more space thus i spend all my money to upgrade my satchel and will not be upgrading my outfit anytime in the near future just as i'm about to leave town three badoop entered the village apparently annoying this lady i gathered them up for her and she states she's taking them into custody what are you gonna do to the badoofs what are you gonna do to them all right andrew here's how you summon weird deer give me that oh looks like rowlet liked the sound of that he's now at dart tricks ah there it is our first official boss battle can't wait to see how my pokemon fair against it wait so it's not a pokemon battle or at least it's still fun apparently there was text saying i could have sent in my pokemon but i kept missing it because i was so focused anyways i calm cleaver down then i ride out offers to heal my pokemon they didn't do anything whatever at least i earned my second star time to hit the hay andrew i've been waiting for you bessa who is this and how does this little girl know so much about these wisps [Applause] [Music] something just flew in me speaking of side quests there are a lot of them so i'm mainly going to highlight the ones that stand out like the badoof one and this peculiar ponyta quest and i can't believe it they straight up just give you a shiny in this game two shinies in less than five hours let's go sorry regular ponyta you've been replaced what the heck did science just turn into medicine let's talk about the battle system for a second you're forced into setmo which i like but as soon as volo sends in gibble he just immediately attacks you don't even get a choice to switch i like the difficulty but it does take away pivoting strategies since they decide their attack after you switch and that's not all while trying to protect this guy from stunkies they faced me in a three versus one that combined with being a lower level than them my first pokemon didn't stand a chance it gets worse after sending in my pokemon they attacked three times in a row hot dang you can really get screwed in this game if you're not prepared that was the first time i wiped the professor says there's something stuck on me but it's unknown to him so you want to ride an ursaluna [Music] ah so i battle it to become worthy luxio thunderfang uh apparently it's a ground type sorry luxio i guess beautify gets all the glory revenge perhaps some stunky will pop by for fun sure man right after that is the noble boss fight versus liligant wait a minute dodging makes you invincible okay this is so enter the gungeon at this point i'm still unaware that you can use your own pokemon in these fights nevertheless i calmed the frenzied pokemon in return arzu now offers me a haircut no no no not that uh you're messing up fine just cut it all off i'm just gonna keep my hat on [Music] that was so beautiful now burn yet another dweeb who can't set up a base camp this time because of monkeys bad monkey he's suing growlithe oh i want one so bad sorry about this bud i promise i'm doing this because i love you i meet up with this guy named iskan to see if he can help me ride a basket legion he says it's near impossible since we're gonna need uh dust dust glops even the name fills him with dread yeah it wasn't too bad holy cow level 37 you're coming with me [Music] no no no this is how you do it after summoning basket legion iscan and polina tell me how they're in love but they can't show it because they're part of competing clans then these three random girls swipe away one of our growlithes we chase them over to a freaking volcano where my new dusklops oneshots their gengar with a shadow ball then the grouth goes through this amazing transformation to become an arcanine it's so beautiful well oh shoot looks like we got ourselves a boss battle thank you game mechanics for not letting me jump into the lava pew pew pew pew i finally did it i sent a pokemon in to battle a noble that went well i still managed to calm down the frenzied arcanine on my first try the lord arkanine yells out a cried then disappears but i really think that's harry osborn look he disappears just like him back at hq when discussing my next assignment adamant challenges me as well and what a cheater two versus one even under level dartrix easily handles his leafeon and eevee but i can't go out on my next mission since i'm only ranked at three stars hey hey then a space-time distortion appears not much happens but oh man i am going to regret not catching this porygon dartrix is evolving oh man i can't wait to see the new form i bet it's going to be amazing come on freaking above already i want to see it come on come on come on what i like it but not a lot i don't like it i finally received my fourth star which means i can go walk through this cave with this guy named ingo apparently other people know who ingo is but not me i never played gen 5 so he's just a creepy guy to me this girl melly who's apparently won the wardens for a noble pokemon is being a pest by making it difficult for me to reach the next frenzied pokemon so i have my deciduous slapper skunting with aerial aces maybe i was wrong about you dude alright bronzor we're trying to set up camp here why are you bothering us wait a minute is that a golduck bullying a bronzor i think i've seen that duck before this you anyways i saved the other bronzor then go have a friendly battle with ingo usually i wouldn't highlight such a lighthearted match but this one is going to impact my future sure the machoke and tingle are easy but then just watch what this glysword does to my decidueye [Music] three freaking attacks in a row like what was i supposed to do luckily my celio in the back had the clutch ice beam for a quad super effective hit ingo then introduces me to my next ride pokemon uh what in the world is that thing happy thoughts andrew happy thoughts yeah this totally isn't creeping me out at all i am getting some demon slayer vibes though is that an alpha goodbye bro i want that so bad it'd be sick to have an alpha guard jump oh there's a rock slide sorry celio and a bulldozer sorry luxury no way stantler survives oh wow never would have guessed the stantler would save the day but here's the part where i get really screwed mellie continues to be annoying by not letting me through and she doesn't even have a reason legit no reason just wants to bug the crap out of me anyways i had no idea i'd be facing her so soon thus i obviously lost the three versus one battle since all my pokemon except stantler and growleth are fainted but after you lose the game doesn't even take you back to camp you literally just respawn back in front of melly with a fully healed team why didn't the game just heal my pokemon in the first place of course the second time we win the diamond clan finally shows up to reprimand this tool and demands that she lets me through so i can face the noble electrode now so far i haven't blacked out to a noble pokemon yet that is until i pull off this sweet move after losing i was curious to see what the difference was in the continued battling option basically just continues the battle with all the damage you've already chipped off what there's no honor in that reset that health gauge third time's the charm and my final throw seals the deal even though elektro still looks pissed is is he supposed to be happy i stay in the coordinate highlands for a bit cause i want that alpha goodbye and bada bing bada boom i got him level 56 let's go tina you fat lard come get some dinner gotcha sucka after catching quite a few pokemon i earned my fifth star captain sidling then states that i'm the only survey member she can trust to go to the alabaster icelands if i'm the only one just give me all 10 stars then the important thing is garchomp will now obey me sweep the leg you have a problem with that no sensei no mercy oh yeah the icelands can't wait to catch some awesome pokemon with these new legend balls of mine excuse me oh come on finally eat this no caps arua has a sick regional form apparently these pearl clan members are okay being shirtless during the blizzard similar to mellie garrick claims i don't need to help avalon so i'm going to shatter his ice types just as a side note why does game freak always put ice types near the end game like there's some sort of secret super powerful typing they have so many weaknesses it's terrible anyways after slapping him around i get to meet sabi who actually has some senses and is dressed appropriately never mind the senses compliment she just wants to play tag i follow her into the temple where there are apparently clues for the code to open the door not to worry since there are only three options which means there's not many possible outcomes after a few tries i got it what a lame puzzle pokemon company spoke too soon there's another puzzle and i actually have to backtrack to solve it then sabi surprises me with a 3v1 battle i really had no idea how many unfair battles there would be but i'm always happy to see a difficulty spike in a pokemon game right after that is a fight with her braviari to prove i'm worthy to fly with it and i'm sure feeling the breath of the wild inspiration from this and loving it i land where the frenzied avalog is supposed to be which it reveals itself and man is it one big noble pokemon this was the one i had the hardest time with [Music] since i was pretty much marathoning the game late into the night i think my senses were off but i still would have struggled at peak performance on my sixth attempt with some help from my trusty fighting type friend decidueye his quad super effective attacks gave me the opening i needed to calm the gigantic avalog back to its original form you'd think after a tough boss battle the commander would be proud but no he sentences me to be banished instead according to him i'm the reason why everything bad in his life is happening sounds like that relative we all have i could tell the rest of the village felt the same way hey goop what's up cool binder hey wanna come over to my house today they all hated me unlike her commander captain cylene actually gives good advice saying you can't control what others think but you still have your values bolo then introduces me to mistress kogita who's able to point me in the right direction to prove my innocence then my cell phone notifies me that it's mapped out where the lake trio are on my way to find them adam and irita both offer me a place within their clans but i can only choose one i chose the pearl clan since most would probably choose the diamond clan i'm a contrarian when it comes to pokemon versions for economic reasons miss sprit makes me take down a goodra before meeting them worst part was i got my shoes wet only after that did i get mess brits plume uxie made me solve a riddle and i kept getting it wrong because i had no idea zubat had zero eyes i thought they were just tucked back there or something i finally figure it out and get ooxy's claw aself just has you throwing stuff like an idiot just to prove your worth by not giving up whatever it takes to get your fang aself all three of them then meet up to make me this red chain which can stabilize the world before heading to the summit to stop the commander from doing anything else stupid bola wishes me the best because i'm one of his most loyal customers dude i haven't even bought one thing from your merchants yet backspace baby whoa weird dear hang on a sec you're coming with me i've been told not to let anyone pass but i'm not sure where the point is any longer dude go home then stop wasting your time the biggest surprise though was the cook yes the cook apparently he's one of the commander's secret ninjas shouldn't be a problem my newly caught electro buyer will handle this with ease oh no no round two fight there you go buddy hit them again with the thunder punch he may have gone down to the sneezeler but that's just what my under level team needed i want to take this moment to explain i haven't been using any items in battle also i'm the guy who plays rpgs and never uses their power-up items because i'm afraid i might need them later in the game but end up never using them can anyone else relate i then finished climbing the summit and wait a minute i left before you two how did you get back here before us uh how did we cronk well you got me by all accounts it doesn't make sense there's only one person left in my way to save the world and that's commander kamado i guess he's okay with the world being wiped clean so let's put the fate of the world in elektra buyer's hands and he lands the punch that pretty much sums up the rest of the battle when electravir does good the momentum swings in our favor gartron finishes off his last pokemon golem kamado falls to his knees and apologizes speaking through irida palkia tells me i need to catch it to prepare for the real fight that's coming sure enough pocky arrives and oh no we are screwed i'm just kidding the rest of the team is able to help catch palkia just fine and holy crap there's dialga realizing we're not ready we retreat if i'm gonna face off against the god of time itself i'm gonna need help from a god too oh yeah i'm talking about the badoof mask i've never been so ready for a fight in my entire life dialga gets serious and transforms alright bring it on and this music is bopping just have a listen [Music] [Music] seriously i think the biggest reason i lost the first time was because i was rocking out too hard however i was able to manage the win on my second attempt throw the origin ball to deform dialga and save the world we have a wonderful festival to celebrate but it's already back to work to uncover the mysteries of the jesui region i start off by backtracking to catch the lake trio with mesprit first on my way to catch aself adamant challenges me to another battle and if i win i get the diamond clan's treasure i take out all three of his eeveelutions and my reward is the adamant crystal which does this to dayalga sorry bud i went back to get my sixth star then back to azelf to catch it and caught the last of the trio ooxy if you're wondering why catching these legendaries matter you can see my bag here that i've been gathering different types of plates that will help lead us to arceus for example after catching this heat tran i also find the iron plate priscilla is caught next where i find the dread plate reggie gigas is over the ice temple where the blank plate is commander kamado had the fist plate and mistress kogita had the pixie plate all along i think you get the idea by now volo's been the one guiding me to find these plates since the beginning of my journey but now he's revealing that he's been using me this whole time to gather them so he can meet arceus himself not only that he's been working with giratina the god who is banished for the violence it caused and then volo reveals he has the last plate and this spunky new outfit he plans to use arcase's power to wipe the earth clean and create a new world i'll be honest i was not ready for this battle luckily i had dialga in the front of my party who obliterates spirit tune with a single roar of time it's short-lived though with lucario getting the quick knockout with close combat heatran returns to favor with magma storm as does voldo's garchomp with earth power we just keep going back and forth with corcelia moon blasting the guard chomp and volos arcanine crunching my cresselia palkia gets revenge with spatial rend but then is blasted by the toga kiss mesprit and aself had a hard time finishing off the toga kiss which led to roselia's turn next losing us the battle actually ready for the battle next time my team is able to defeat all of volo's pokemon even with two members still alive well that wasn't so bad you brought giratina holy schmokes was not expecting that caught off guard corcelli and dayalga lose pretty quickly to the red and gate pokemon all right another attempt and this time i'm ready for it i kept ialga and palkia safe during the first phase to squash it and it's a success [Applause] [Music] you've got to be kidding me yeah we're getting slaughtered okay this time i played really good against his first six pokemon then at palkia beat the first form of giratina with four of my own pokemon remaining panchayat pulls off the last special wren before getting smacked by a dragon claw mess break got really lucky here it was meant to be death fodder but they ended up tanking an attack and then dodging the shadow force eventually chipping away the guillotine as hp vola was pretty salty that giratina ran away from a 15 year old then concludes his journey is over if he can't even beat me with all the plates now mine my flute transforms into the ocarina of time that you can find on wish.com i give the new flute a try but i'm informed through text message that i need to catch every pokemon as you can see i still got a ways to go and i'd like to get all the side quests done too now i'm not going to bore everyone with every single capture and quest but i'll show the ones that stood out to me the most like the giratina that haunted me just a bit earlier i even decided to upgrade my outfits i know it looks ridiculous but how could i not buy clothes that say ralla in the description help i'd want to go home but driftler won't let me go uh have you seen me kid i'm not sure i'm the best one to take you home to your parents this one guy didn't believe weasels could get bigger than his own so i showed off my own alpha weasel i'm gonna be black and blueberry oh hey chimchar you're a starter pokemon so you must be important i find that ryda chillin in the icelands just like usual and she gives me the lustrous globe which does this to palkia sorry bud speaking of new forms my quillfish evolves into overquill why do all these forms look so uncomfortable now here's where pokemon gets really meta the sea legends quest makes you read a book from another game that game being brilliant diamond or shining pearl where in the canterlave library it reads that you need a man-type a weasel and an overquill to pass through the two horns and only then will you find the manafee gee i sure hope the little kids can figure that one out but the trickiest legendaries for me were the forces of nature trio landorus just straight up runs away the moment it sees you after 13 minutes of trial and error i was able to successfully sneak up daze it with one ball then catch it with another it only gets worse thunders can only be found while riding basculegian this fish's swimming noises make it much harder to sneak up on the genie 20 minutes later i finally wise up to craft some stealth spray which makes the process a whole lot easier tornadoes was the least painful of the bunch that's what a flying type gets for chilling in the blizzard there's one more oh i started chasing after it but then you're coming home with me anyways this thing is undeservedly called enamorous even with the stealth spray the sneaking tactic doesn't work because the swamp does not allow you to crouch not to mention all these annoying pokemon get in the way i added smoke balls to my strategy but even then it would always face in my direction causing me to blunder my attempt i kid you not an hour later i was able to finally catch an amorous unaware battle it and detain it remember andrew if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all i definitely feel the seventh star was well earned i want one so i bought this pretty sure these aren't invented yet a few more side quests done and more pokemon are caught then bam 8th star i then set forth to complete the most tedious task of all finding the wisps i spent hours of dedicated searching just to find all 107 of them during that time i crafted some healing items so it wouldn't take as long when all of a sudden the nurse asked me to bring her 100 medicinal leaks ah see this is why you can't use items nothing ever good happens to me i'm so unlucky it's so unfair i also realize you can use rock smash outside a battle but man are these things still a pain to find five hours later just to get all 107 of them my reward i get the 108th as a freebie then i get to catch this bugger why does game freak torture us like this the next quest is much more delightful watching the clefairies dance under a full moon they seriously haven't been this cute since pokemon stadium [Music] a few more hours passed by and i've almost caught every pokemon only 10 remain cranidos and shiodon along with their evolutions porygon and its evolved forms magnemite and magneton then the happiness simple enough right wrong i only have four and a half hours until the 50 hour mark you see all these pokemon safer hapini can only be found in space-time distortions and i have no idea how to trigger them to appear i got lucky with this one where i found a kranidos which i evolved right away into a rampardos i did notice that they would appear more often when i was focused on catching pokemon so that's what i did just started catching every pokemon i saw no matter how crappy it was about half an hour later another distortion appeared but unfortunately none of the pokemon i needed were to be found in it the catching strategy seemed to consistently spawn the distortion every 30 minutes or so the next one i was lucky enough to find shield on this time boy i'm gonna feel really bad when i throw away all these trash pokemon i evolve shield on into bastiodon then i head over to the crimson marlins to find porygon another 30 minutes and voila porygon is found in another time distortion i already had the upgrade item but still need the dubious disc i was able to collect mp from all the satchels i found throughout my journey to save up enough mp to buy the disc from this kind woman with them porygon becomes a porygon 2 then shortly later transforms into a porygon z the cobalt's coastlines were next on my list where i repeated the same process as before which resulted in discovering my very own magnemite i then magically slapped two more on it and called it a magneton and what do you know i get a ninth star for all my troubles however i still need halpini and the clock is ticking i know i found chansey's on top of this cave at the obsidian highlands and over at the hideaway beach at the cobalt coastlands so i figured a happiness has to eventually show up at either location after constantly traveling back and forth a few tries later happiness was found but didn't go down without a fight just getting the ultra ball you little baby at last the pokedex was completed nicknamed as the andrew dex i can't believe it i did it with less than an hour to spare before meeting arceus i changed into the diamond clan outfit for two reasons first i had already joined the pearl clan so i wanted to know what it felt like to be a diamond member and second to show some dang respect for the god of all pokemon whoa a glowing stairway that's a bit extra oh yikes sorry i mean the stairway is cool the stairway is cool looks like we're gonna have to battle it out it's been 30 hours since i've had a boss fight like this but i will never give in to the easy way the next attempt i knew its patterns so i'm able to make it to the second phase but was then caught off guard by its new method of attack two attempts later it looks like i have things handled wait what's happening all right that's a fun little trick but i won't fall for it twice and sometimes there's just moments where you have no idea what's going on then it just sends an explosion of energy a few tries later i get arceus whittled down to a point where i can send in my own pokemon arceus was all like oh a crescelia i'll just turn into a dark type nice try you just gave my enamourus an opening to finish you and that little boost of help from my pokemon pals is all i needed to finish the final battle the prize for my courage a piece of arceus itself take a look professor and would you look at that we still have 14 minutes left i used the remaining time i have to finish the last two side quests catching shaymin and dark ride every single side quest is now complete although i was only able to catch six of the 28 unknown and didn't earn all 10 stars for my trainer card but man was this a fun game i can't wait to play it over and over again give the video a like to support the video and subscribe to the channel for more pokemon legends content you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 279,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, pokemon legends arceus leak, pokemon legends arceus trailer, 50 hours, pokemon, arceus, pokemon challenge, can i beat pokemon, can i beat pokemon legends arceus, andrew collette, the andrew collette show, andrew collette show
Id: Xj8VWpqEYS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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