Pokemon Weight Catching Challenge

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will be spending a wheel full of random Pokemon weights and the person who catches a Pokemon closest that way gets a point first the 10 points wins I Mikey first wait is nine pounds are you kidding me what is nine pounds my dog I guess I'm just gonna get something small and that flies my dog weighs nine pounds so I'm just gonna catch a fighter be wary once you catch it just in case it displays the weight and you don't want to spoil it I'm just gonna sit here with my eyes closed I got a foolproof strategy Mikey I don't think you're ready for this my strategy is uh catch something immediately and then pretend to be a zoo bat you got a zoo bat I knew it John catch something I'm just sitting here with my eyes closed like an idiot remember how sometimes I don't always know exactly where I need to go literally every time we record a video yeah I this isn't where my knowledge is spectacular thanks Captain Obvious yeah it took me less than a minute to catch my Pokemon how long have I been sitting here my dog waste nine pounds man I'm not gonna not get the Fido okay you're catching Fido literally the first round of the game I found it Mikey hi I got what is the weight of your Pokemon its weight is 23 pounds okay that feels pretty good for me roughlet is significantly heavier than I thought my dog's nine pounds and Fido is 24 pounds it's made of dough dude it's a dog's worth of dough like that sounds like it'd be kind of heavy oh this is gonna be a lot different 140 pounds I don't think I learned anything from the last one so I'm nervous I've learned nothing we better learn quick because the JMC season 2 is finally back and the only two wins away from the trophy and I refuse to get a second toilet trophy it's not happening okay you can accomplish anything you want including losing again that's not the right Pokemon no I'm not catching you why would you do that how could you do that Shenanigans Malarkey hold on I want to participate nonsense I was spurned by a Pokemon that I wanted but now I have the real winner I caught mine what'd you get I got slow bro which weighs 173. that's reasonably close I was going to go after oink alone it turned into Azora which would have weighed like 10 pounds so I got a belly bolt instead I'm not good at this Mikey 249 pounds on oh how does it weigh much more than both of us maybe it's guts are just full of incredibly dense battery acid 225 pounds no you can't catch belly bone I'm gonna do something bold I'm gonna catch a Pokemon that isn't very big I don't think so don't run away from your destiny I've passed this Pokemon once before twice even and it's it's calling to me it's it's saying John wins based on anime cry convention that means that the Pokemon is John win John it could be win-win John win-win John is a secret secret Pokemon only a few people know about okay there's a John yourself how could you reveal these secrets hold on I'm doing something super important don't worry Mikey I'm already honest oh boy oh no what is the weight of your win-win John John likes to win with elephants so it's a kufant and kufant is 220 pounds let's go that's so close I I'm not feeling good I got mud Bray that's similar to kufan and it is 242.5 uh that was pretty close to be fair I was close but I was not that close I'm feeling one of the a thousand pound spins come on oh no oh Heaven snow it's 30 pounds Mikey it's 30 pounds I have an idea and I don't know if I'm strong enough to carry it out I have an idea too and by an idea I mean on Pokemon I was near when you told me I changed my mind I think it's gonna be too heavy this is the heavy Bevy uh no but do you shall do nicely this is either going to be the smartest thing I've ever done in one of these videos or so absurdly dumb that you fall out of your chair laughing at me I hope it's the Fallout of my chair laughing at you one because Fido is doe and Doc spun is the cooked buns they gotta be roughly the same weight right science Rules I see what you're doing here and docspun just gets bigger but it gets less dense exactly so 32.8 pounds I am genuinely very impressed let's go all right I don't think there's a chance I I get closer than that I got deerling and deerling is 43 yeah you got it and I am not mad that was awesome if you don't subscribe to the channel after that guess I don't know what's gonna get you to subscribe because that is the smartest thing I'll do in the JMC for some time I'm well known YouTuber I'm in JTV and in this upcoming election in regards to subscribing to channels I endorse the M7 I am pm7 and I approve this message paid for by the pm7 subscribing Super PAC spin spin spin the wheel or Mikey will eat a meal I'm down to eat a meal 80 pounds I had a random idea pop into my head and so I need to commit to it I respect it I respect you I don't respect a lot of the thoughts I have you gotta respect yourself man you gotta maintain your youthful glow thing of glowing there's my Pokemon it's it's glowing a little bit I thought you're gonna say you found a shiny and I was just gonna be so thrown off you know what I mean stereotypically very calm when I find a shiny Pokemon now that I've uh properly check I think I'm willing to catch a non-shiny Pokemon the Berg mites got the yellow Bottom Jeans what are we gonna do ignore them I'm gonna predict right now that thing is over 300 pounds well that hurts my feelings it sounds like you're calling me a loser pants I mean it's solid ice I don't know man it's small tell me how much the bird might waste it weighs 219 pounds okay I wasn't to 300 but it is multiple hundreds it's three feet tall I thought it was shorter well I caught Tor coal because I figured it's kind of small ish but not like really really small that's what she said and it weighs 177 I was way off too but I was less off so that's a point for me you done laughed in my face and then one with a bad guess as well some people get all the long tough John tough 160 pounds it's just like one of those weights where you're like I don't know I'm gonna let you in on the secret Mikey that's how I have felt for every single way I'm gonna take a page out of your book General Tom Foolery no it's using what I know about a previous Pokemon to make data inferences about another one but I took that page win-win John will uh we'll catch on and people will associate us with that monstrosity I'm a little nervous speaking from experience of the whole drowsy thing sometimes things are just out of your hands you're a a nice young gentle Pokemon that you can get a little force behind your punches you can punch Mikey what makuhita and it is a hefty guy he's gonna put Power behind the punch and then he's punched you this is you and you're saying ow wow um is 190 pounds and he's three foot three so ignore that he's much bigger than you in this picture I caught Slowbro earlier so I went with Slowpoke who I figured would be somewhat lighter hopefully the shell doesn't weigh like a hundred pounds and slowpoke's only 70. 79 the makahita punched you he punched you good to say I am devastated and physically uncomfortable would be an understatement 12 pounds only 12. that's like I don't know I feel like it's not light enough to float but is it light enough to be a boat wow that's that's a great question boats abilities to float is based on their relative density to water you've said a lot of things that have my mind a churn a churning like butter or a churning like the sea I learned everything that you you said about boats I put that into my knowledge machine and it churned out a pretty good answer Skrelp not bad 16 pounds well I got pacharisos it's little so it is 8.6 pounds wait okay so mine was 16.1 you were 4.1 pounds away and I was 3.4 pounds away we were less than a pound apart in distance I was so confident sorry buddy it's gonna be an interesting follow-up 16 pounds really wish I didn't catch a Pokemon that was 16.1 pounds sent me a real shame wouldn't it I just found a Pokemon I've decided to catch by the way Mikey would you like to hear a riddle sure the more you take the more you leave behind what am I hope yes Mikey the more you take poops the more you're leaving behind the answer was footsteps that also doesn't work you're not leaving foot steps behind you're leaving Footprints behind I'm just gonna catch this thing I would stare at and it's gonna give me a point and I'll be happy again okay what did you catch weasel which is oh my God it's 65 pounds what the hell I almost caught a boyzone but then you got me so angry with the riddle poop that I actually left it and then went to shelter which is 8.8 pounds Mikey okay you did get a point but why are you angry I thought my answers were pretty good no more riddles no more 45 pounds plate a gym plate not a dinner plate can I look something up if I I don't look up a Pokemon specifically yeah I thought about you you're probably too fast aha you'll do I accept your offer of companionship why are you here what are you looking at Google's never lied to me before I feel like it definitely has and you're just ignorant you could just say handsome one can be both could you see your Pokemon on a birthday party plates yes what about China plates I don't know if I can see any Pokemon on plates of Fine China I can finally reveal my secrets to you I looked up Pokemon plates and I scrolled and it said Pikachu and Squirtle and Charmander I said no no no that's dumb but then there was just a regular picture of Sylveon which was even stupider but I could see Sylveon being roughly 45 pounds and it is 51.8 pounds are you kidding me Google would never lie to me that's the Pokemon plane oh my God all right well I got Psyduck and it is oh my God bro 43.2 this is dope this is dumb this was my moment this was good silly plus good guess equals win I don't need Google to get my answers oh no it's one pound that's like would you say light as a feather yeah normally I don't like doing the Mikey strategy of go for the first thing I see but I only see things that might be one pound I have a specific Pokemon in mind that I have traversed to this realm I must find the specific one I call my Pokemon yes bread yes white there it is that's the one the yellow one uh fun in the sun Michael have you caught it yes is it floating it's yellow flower I caught literally the exact same thing it seems that we're at an impasse it seems this round is a wash well let's see how close we were two pounds two points and it's one pound let's go get something else I'm gonna get a white flower flowing no I have an idea I don't even remember here it is I feel real good about what I'm looking at I have an idea but I have to wait a little bit that can't be more than a pound it can't be I have something I want to catch but I have to wait until the time of day changes Mikey I don't want to be uh an arrogant Andy this thing is not more than a pound aha there it is oh it's a ghost you're going after a ghosty ghost yes I am I'm a little bit more nervous now we'll just caught gasly what if a ghost weighs like 0.1 pounds because it's gas then it's less than a pound away from a pound it weighs point two I caught Tynamo I don't know what that way in its name which is close to Tiny 0.7 oh come on Dynamo has to be good for something Mikey and I think it's just this situation God I waited and everything now you know how I feel with the plate seven pounds PM seven I have no ideas I have one just because I am in its vicinity oh wait I know exactly what to do there you are a small creature Come to Papa okay I was gonna do seven pounds PM seven PM 7 guarantee catch a frog but I'm realizing there are four frogs in this game and the last time I caught one it was 200 pounds you know what John just for you I'll let you catch belly bolt again all right well I'll go to area zero and see what's near belly bowl and then get the seven pounds no just catch a belly ball I see something that has clouds attached to it I can only assume it's pretty light and how big the cloud is clouds can actually weigh a lot it's just they're not very dense why would you get capsay kid which is 6.6 yeah swab lose 2.6 oh that's thrilling you know what I'm glad I didn't get like a 6.2 I would have been Crush 75 pounds Mikey em7 T5 pm7 75 pm7 get guarantee this one whoa I got this I'm gonna make a play a bold play if you run the score a point play I'd be pretty upset that is my intentions yeah you can only run that play once a game John the score is not me with zero a little guy would you consider me to be a silly little guy no here goes everything my dignity my uh ability to win a toilet Trophy and my happiness that escalated quickly this is not the last round right but this this is where my heart will shatter or stay intact okay I got a Toad's cruel Toad's cruel is he's 127 pounds Michael you caught Toad's cruel yeah well I caught Natalie because he's a rock but he's really small so I hope that would balance out to about 75 and he is 35. I'm about 40 away yeah I'm 50 away oh that ended up closer than I thought yeah you'll spin me right round baby 130 130. I just got a Pokemon that was like 125. what an Exquisite comical error hell what do we have here we have the Pokemon I'm Gonna Catch what's up what is up a squad up I'm questioning what's happening in your brain right now this could be the heaviest bug or the lightest bug I don't know what it's made of 123.5 pounds shockingly close to the Target I caught floatzel because weasel was like 65 and floatzel looks about twice as big that's smart no no no no 73. are you serious weasel into float Soul gains less than 10 pounds I'm perplexed and happy that I got a point oh this is interesting 500 pounds oh boy I'm just gonna put you on the spot and say a word Falcon it was banana oh I was supposed to guess a word that you were thinking of say another word Taco it was Eagle of course we would go Falcon to Eagle you're bad at this game well now that I know that now that now that I know today junior Hawk that was burrito dude you just said Taco oh it didn't know it was based on me you'll learn next time I'm really really nervous I'm gonna catch a Pokemon and it's gonna be like 3 000 pounds I'm a little nervous about that too I'm not gonna lie I know it's really disappointing lots of things I haven't found a shining I don't know if I've really [Music] Brent wasn't replaceable he just killed Brent well Brent's replacement blew up come on that was Brandon if you kill Bradley I swear this makes sense to my brain agree with me please I'm catching Brendan right now there we go all right I finally got it who's Bradley's a fortress it's garganical oh that thing goes boo yes it does and it also weighs 529. what after I got knackling it was only 35 I'm like okay this is another instance of rock type Pokemon not being logically heavy enough so I went for the biggest one of them I caught Brendan and it's a bronze song and it's not gonna be that close but oh you almost had it it's 412. I feel okay about that last round I was a garganticle and now I caught a garganicle and I am no longer garganical I have cleansed myself with salt I feel bad for the the friends we've lost but at least Bradley did the job 50 pounds I feel like I've learned a lot within this but 50 is such a tough number sometimes you catch a floatzilla and it's somehow close to 50. man I'm looking for a Pokemon that I considered earlier and I can't find it I'm worried it's only a daytime spawn I found a Pokemon that I thought looked to be 50 pounds and it's at level 50 so I think that means I'm guaranteed to win this oh because otherwise it would be treason of the the highest degree I caught my Pokemon I don't know if it was a good idea but I caught it what did you get I wanted Persian but I couldn't find it and so I got gradient instead and it is only 13 pounds okay well I won because there's no way Sligo is not above 13 pounds yes 38.6 what the hell greedon you're so rotunda good news Mikey 300 pounds catch another squirrel I dare you I will not be catching another squill boy I knew you naturally spoke like an oil Baron enemies into the dirt as I catch a Pokemon hey Mikey when they Zig what do we do God what do we do what do you mean we also zigged we're hoping you said zag are you sure it's not zagged it was when they Zig we zag what did you do last time it was a hefty Hefty Hefty you went for a rock cloth you're a rock but you're also a crab and they say we sag I mean cloth is a good guess you Foolish Boy I'm going for abominable I got abominable when they ziggly zag and zag and Zig and zigzag 396. dang it okay so I got Gyarados and it is 518. when they zigwees I'm devastated I'm only one away from winning this is an important spin Mikey this is important 115 pounds what the heck weighs 115 pounds everything I'm looking at I could imagine to be 115 pounds I have a Pokemon I'm gonna get though because it is similar to another Pokemon from earlier in this competition that was similar weight to this I completely forgot this Pokemon was in the game but thinking to like day-to-day life I feel animals weigh far more than their Pokemon equivalent you're using Pokemon logic I'm using real life logic I look outside deer they're prancing they're prancing I look at that 157 pounds not as close as I wanted you caught Scyther earlier in the game and it was like 120 something oh wow yeah it was and so I thought okay what's a similar sized bug ever across kind of and Heracross is 119. that was such a good guess oh yeah baby oh this is for all the marbles it is indeed the final one unless we tie 180. couldn't it be something just like outrageously heavy so I could just go catch the biggest thing I can find kind of feel like I need to put my serious pants on what do they look like clown pants but now I look at a possible treasure I have found what I seek an educated guess based on previous captures I'm trying to let inspiration strike back all right I caught mine okay well I drew a picture and it's a treasure chest equals money and I realize a lot of coins would probably not weigh that much you spent all this time making and drawing considering gimme ghoul yeah you lectured me for for some time on the heaviness of water and ice oh what has an ice cube on its side is Ice Cube even in this game no it's a violet exclusive oh no like yeah I really wanted the Ice Cube I really wanted the Ice Cube I'm sorry John I feel like you know what you've done here what do you mean what I have done if I can't catch an ice cube I'll catch a Saw's Buck would that not make a lot of sense no I couldn't catch this block of ice so instead I'm gonna catch another deer hey man if ice doesn't work go back to the deer that's what they always say up in the north you can go first I got sawzbuck 203.9 oh that's close it's not ice cube I went for knackle stack because I knew knackling was only 35 and garganic was 500. I knew it had to be in between and obviously that's a big range but I figured if it's size it'd be like in the lower half of that range Mackle stack weighs 231 ah you taught me so much this video I I've learned a lot about the I congratulations John I'm not getting the toilet trophy not this time Mikey not this time
Channel: PM7
Views: 658,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, mandjtv plays, pm7 mandjtv, pm7 vs mandjtv, new pokemon, pokemon challenge, pokemon switch, pokemon scarlet and violet, john michael cup, pokemon catching challenge, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, john michael cup season 2, catch the right pokemon, catch the right pokemon weight to win, catch the right pokemon to win, catch the right size pokemon, new pokemon challenge, pokemon competition, pokemon race, pm7 scarlet and violet, nintendo pokemon, gen 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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