STUDENTS With NO FRIENDS Made Fun Of, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Applause] hey can you throw back amber and then i have a pink rock who is she even talking to i don't know she's been acting so weird lately [Music] hey i was just asking you quito ew why do you smell so bad do you not shower can you leave us alone please us who was us me my friend [Music] you can't be serious hey guys amber didn't hear me because she was too busy talking to her imaginary friend dennis let's go honey all right you really need to go take a shower i'll see you guys tomorrow bye catch hey hey who's that girl um that's amber just ignore her she's a weirdo dennis you shouldn't talk about people like that i'm gonna see if she needs a ride no i don't want to be seen with her besides she was just telling me how her mom's gonna be here any minute all right you say so [Music] so what should we do this weekend i mean call of duty vanguard just came out do you think your mom would buy it so we can play of course she always gives me what i want look here comes amber you want to sit over there i was wondering where that nasty smile was coming from come here sit down looks like she's talking to her imaginary friend again that's sad watch this half are you half for me next time i thought i told you to go take a shower where'd you put the sandwich here for don't touch that that's leah's lunch what are you five years old i hate to be the one to break it to you but lia isn't real yeah she is so please give her back her sandwich oh this sandwich stop it that's not yours hey goldie you can have some more of mine let me ask you something do you think leah is sitting in this chair right now yeah why then explain me being able to do this stop it you're squishing her oh i'm so sorry leah i didn't mean to hurt you or punch you don't do that you're hurting her oh grow up you're the only kid in middle school that believes in imaginary friends have a good lunch weirdo leah hey mom a new video game just came out do you think i can get it yeah honey sure yes you're the best hey isn't that that girl from yesterday amber um yeah i think so what are you doing i'm gonna see if she needs a ride the poor girl is walking all by herself no don't do that she smells you better stop that right now i didn't raise you to be like this [Music] hi amber right um yes are you walking home all by yourself no i got my friend leah with me see i told you to just ignore her with you and leah like a ride um no thanks we're good are you sure um yes thank you [Applause] mom where are you going sweetheart [Music] it's so cold out and it gets dark early these days at least let me take you home and leah can come too if you like please what do you say she says she'd love to take a ride great well come on hop in here you go [Music] all right just tell me where to turn me right at the next stop you got it you can drop us off over here here yes please okay thanks again lee also says that she appreciates it you're welcome are you positive you want to get dropped off here i don't see any housing around yes thank you have a nice day okay bye oh about time i thought i was gonna faint i feel bad for her why she probably where are you going now i'll be back no i want to go home and play video games mom [Music] oh child please do not tell me that you sleep here [Music] um amber honey you can talk to me [Music] please do you not have a home nickel too i do it's just that [Music] i don't want to go there anymore why not well you see my mom passed away just after i was born i never even got a chance to get to know her and my dad [Music] he isn't exactly the best father every night he comes home drunk if i try to tell him anything at all he gets really mad at me whenever he drinks too much he comes to my room and he hits me even when i beg him to stop he jumps keeps going so you see that's why i ran away from home also why wear this to cover up my bruises i i can't believe you're going through all that i feel so bad for how i treat each other i'm so sorry amber it's all right now you know why i can't shower sweetheart why didn't you tell anybody about this i don't know i know my dad has a lot of problems but i still love him [Music] and i don't want to get into any trouble that's why the only person i talk to is leo so please don't tell anyone well we'll talk about that later okay but only on one condition what is it you come and you stay with us i can't have you sleeping out here like this really yeah but i can't leave leah that's all right you can bring it too what do you say lia she said she'd love to come great okay well let's get going come on come on gotcha hey you don't smell bad anymore i'm greed want to play yeah but why can't i just use that other controller so you can both play together oh leo's using that one oh right [Music] okay so how do you play hey guys why don't you come and eat dinner first and play games after that sounds good to me come on leo hey how was school it was cool great we planted sunflower seeds oh now that's exciting news well before we go i have a little surprise for you really you do yeah open it up you're adopting me really yes i met with your father and we both agreed this is the best thing for you thank you so much and you're welcome that's not the only thing [Music] thank you want to go home and play some vanguard sis i'd love to bro all right let's go home [Applause] i'm really sorry we don't have a home but ever since you're down here it's okay please don't feel bad i have you and that's all i need i love you so much i have a good day at school i will see you later mom huh what's that smell oh of course it's haley the human trash can stop it are you gonna cry didn't your parents ever teach you to wash your clothes or take a shower or do they stink just like you hey don't talk about my parents i'll talk about whoever i want to talk about please just leave me alone sam hey what's going on here she started it no i didn't right that's enough both of you in my office right now calling your parents i'm really sorry to keep all of you waiting of course we're just having an issue getting hold of haley's mom haley do you have any idea of how to get a hold of her your dad [Music] hopefully they're all getting her some new clothes sam another word from you young lady and you are grounded for two months hey okay thank you it seems that all the numbers we have are disconnected haley do you have any idea of how to get a hold of your parents we really need one of them here you can what do you mean we can't why not well you see a few weeks ago my mom and i got a phone call it was about my dad he was coming home from work when he gone to a car accident and he didn't make it after my dad passed away my mom and i had no one else she couldn't afford to pay rent anymore on her own so we got kicked out of her house we had nowhere to go so the only place we could go was on the streets so you see you can't get a hold of my parents because my dad isn't around my mom is homeless and that's why i smell so bad i don't have any clean clothes or even a shower oh my goodness oh hayley i'm so sorry no child should have to go through that haley sorry i shouldn't have said or done any of those things terrible i'm sorry haley i'm so sorry it's okay you didn't know [Music] mom yes baby maybe we can help them we have extra rooms and clothes maybe they can move in with us now that is the sam that i know and i think that is a wonderful idea [Music] sweetheart can you take us to your mom [Applause] [Applause] haley what are you doing home from school so early is everything okay yes mom i'm okay there's some people that would like to meet you hi i'm sam haley's friend hi haley told us everything that happened and we are so sorry for your loss and we'd really love to have we have a spare room and we were hoping that the two of you would come and stay with us that's too much oh no please we insist at least until you get on your feet [Applause] thank you are you sure yes we would be happy to have you hand me mom please [Applause] all right class it's time for our holiday photos everyone come on up and put your letter to santa in the bag once you do go stand next to the christmas tree thank you patrice your outfit looks so cute thank you thank you angelo you look adorable thanks what are you wearing your outfit looks terrible it's dirty and even has holes in it i told you to wear something nice to the party sorry miss jeffries clearly not sorry enough to care you're gonna ruin the holiday photo you know what go stand in the back behind angelo and patrice so no one can see that outfit thank you jessica you look great thank you adam all right before we begin let's make sure we have everything adam you brought cookies great and jessica i see you brought the pizza perfect maria you were supposed to bring chips i don't see any chips well i wasn't able to bring anything what do you mean we have been talking about this potluck for weeks i know what happened was we all know what happened you forgot i am so disappointed in you now nobody at the party's going to be able to eat chips i'm sorry miss jefferies since you didn't contribute anything you can be the last in line to eat patrice you can go first so cute i love it that one's for me thank you wow angelo what a great gift um patrice you're number two oh choose this one i don't understand where's the gif oh um there must be some mistake who brought this one maria did you bring this yeah nope here's the gift i wrote it myself that is not a gift that is a worthless piece of paper you were supposed to spend twenty dollars i tried to tried you didn't try at all first you show up wearing that you don't bring any food to the party and now you don't bring a gift this is unacceptable i really wanted to but you see i don't want to hear it here you keep this i don't want anyone else to get stuck with it therese you choose another gift honey hey how'd it go uh it went fine uh well there was this one student maria she literally didn't bring anything to the party it was like she didn't even care oh well maybe something else is going on i mean you never know what someone else is going through anyway i gotta go see you tomorrow yeah have a good night dear santa my name is maria i don't usually ask for much but i could really use your help you see my mom just lost her job a few months ago and since papa hasn't been around we've been having a hard time paying our bills we're barely getting by [Music] today i was supposed to wear a nice outfit for a holiday party but all they have are my old clothes mom says we can't afford new ones so if you could please bring me some new clothes without holding them i'd really appreciate that i was also supposed to bring food for our potluck but we barely have enough to eat at home mom says we don't have enough money to buy groceries so if you could please bring us some extra food that would be really nice [Music] and one last thing if not too much to ask i'm supposed to bring christmas gifts for someone in my class but mom doesn't have any money even if i don't get any gifts if you could please get one for them that would mean so much to me so you see my mom and i are really struggling right now i'm sorry to ask for a lot but i really want to do everything miss jeffries asked me to do she's an amazing teacher thank you so much merry christmas santa [Music] love maria uh i'm so sorry couldn't get any presents this year it's okay hi uh is maria home i'm her teacher oh yes miss jefferies what are you doing here well i came to deliver some packages it looks like these are from the north pole really wow up here take these come on let's go open them i've got more please come in here we go man of course absolutely go ahead open them wow new clothing just like i asked for i love them wow lots of food now everyone in our class can eat chips teddy bear now i can give this to some winner in class actually sweetheart this is all for you for me but i asked dan to give a gift to someone in her class not me it feels so bad i run the whole party because i didn't bring anything i'm so sorry oh hey hey no you didn't ruin anything in fact i'm the one that's sorry i never should have gotten mad at you at the party today i realize now you never know what someone else is going through [Music] you think you could forgive me of course okay but santa told me personally that all of this is just for you nobody else really wow i'm so happy okay class tomorrow is your final exam everyone please take out your textbooks samantha class started 30 minutes ago you're late i know i'm so sorry miss wilson you see i don't want to hear it you know this is the second time you're late to my class this week if it happens again i'm sending you to the principal's office do you understand what's that smell isn't it obvious it's smelly samantha settle down settle down class everyone please open your books up to page 17. who wants to read first me samantha where's your book oh um i wasn't able to get one this is unacceptable first you come to my class late and now this sorry miss wilson is just i'm tired of all the excuses come outside i need to talk to you simon go ahead and read from the top these guidelines should help you make the most of this book miss wilson i'm really sorry about being late about the book samantha i don't know what's going on with you you used to be one of my best students and now i don't even know if you're gonna pass my class and when was the last time you took a shower who um i think about a week ago what no wonder you smell so bad look this is unacceptable if you keep this up i'm gonna have to contact your mom no please this is your last chance tomorrow i expect you to come to class on time with your book and haven't taken a shower sorry miss wilson [Music] all right i'll see you tomorrow [Applause] hi honey how was school it was okay except that i got in trouble today why did you get in trouble i got to school 30 minutes late and then i have my textbook and then baby tell me what happened my teacher miss rosa told me i smelled bad [Music] i needed to take a shower oh my god i'm so sorry come here baby i'm so sorry hey samantha i'm miss wilson samantha's teacher i was getting gas and i saw you two here hello miss wilson we were just talking about you well i was actually meaning to get into contact with you samantha used to be the best student in my class and recently she's really been struggling and i don't know what's going on with her actually um it's not her fault what do you mean this is not easy to say but i think you should know the truth you see a few months ago i lost my job that was our only source of income so samantha and i ended up getting evicted from our apartment [Music] since then we've been living out of my car things have gotten so bad that we haven't even been able to afford gas so the reason samantha has been late to school is because i haven't been able to drive her she's had to walk [Music] whatever little money i have left i have to save it for food so the reason that samantha doesn't have a textbook is because i haven't been able to buy it for her and since we live in our car we have no running water so the reason samantha smells the way that she does is because she can't shower [Music] so you see it's not our fault it's all my fault i am so sorry i had no idea you and samantha were going through any of this i feel so bad about everything it's okay didn't know look uh i want to help can you just give me a moment just a moment yes of course okay okay here take this so you can fill up your car and so you can follow me follow you where to my house i have an extra bedroom and i would really like it if you two would stay there for as long as you need that's too much [Music] we can't accept that oh please please i insist it's the least i can do [Music] what do you think samantha should we go stay with miss wilson yes i would love that well that settles it thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to us thank you miss wilson you are very welcome okay come on let's go home [Music] a robotics club i'll give you one chance if you're a little girly unicorn i heard it's full boys can knock down my transformer i'll let you in the club probably won't even let you in but if mine knocks yours down you never bother us again let's do this [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 8,120,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: SICpGKahxzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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