The Four Day Resupply - Putting Together 4 Days Of Food For Backpacking

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I survived so I'm getting ready to head out to the maroon bells I'm pointing that way but you don't know that it's that way but it is on a four-day trip doing some backpacking and some trail maintenance type stuff I'm starting to put together a resupply for four days or just put together a food I guess it's not a resupply from that I'm trail that's what I've always called it I figured I would show you guys what I'm doing for food for four days I did a video in the past of what I would eat on the 80 and it was a lot of junk food and I'm trying my best to shift away from that so this is going to be a little bit more health oriented food and just generally better food I am so over pasta size and Clif bars I honestly can't even eat them anymore so let's jump in I'm going to try to make this video as snappy as possible I'm going to break it down by breakfast lunch dinner snacks let's go okay step one breakfast let's get started in the past I have always gone with pop-tarts why because they're super easy I don't have to think about it at all I can wake up grab a pop-tart start hiking that's my breakfast let's give you that burst of energy from sugar but that's about it so I'm not going to be taking pop-tarts this time you may be wondering why I have pop-tarts and that's because I was at the store and I was feeling really nostalgic for pop-tarts on trail and so I bought them I'll probably throw them in later as a snack they do taste good I'm not going to lie but trying to move away from them so no pop-tarts instead I'm going to be using rolled oats or quick oats they want it to be Quaker this is just a brand I happen to have already at home so you can buy them in bulk as well for much cheaper they are super easy to make you can heat them up you can also cold soak them so you can actually throw them in a jar with some water to hydrate them start hiking and after they've hydrated after maybe 10 minutes or so eat them as you hike so we can't just have only oats we have to have more so I just go to my hand any good luck this is a half cup and I'm probably going to do about three-quarters of a cup for each breakfast you can definitely go more than that you can go less than that if you want I found that about 3/4 is what I prefer we'll do one scoop and a half scoop there is my oat base now what I'm going to do on top of this is add in some fruit to make it actually tasty because oats on their own well there may be a solid breakfast or not that tasty right here I have dried blueberries I'm going to throw some of those in and you don't really have to be scientific about this at all just add whatever looks right [Applause] looks pretty good I've also got some raisins throw some in there and on top of that I've got some Chia but I forget to put it on the table so I'll be right back alright I'm back with the Chia as you can see now if you don't want to overdo it it can kind of get gummy but maybe a tablespoon or so you always do more if you prefer it it's about right adds a little extra protein and some other goodness to the oatmeal and that is one breakfast now I'm going to repeat this three more times and I just roll enough to get the air out seal them off and it's as easy as that maybe we'll time that's this next part and just like that we have for breakfast now this might not always be enough for breakfast but I will if this isn't enough I'll dip into some of my snacks add in a few other things but generally oats really fill me up and fuel me for the rest of the day the cool thing about oats is you can really add in whatever you want so if you don't like blueberries or raisin add in cranberries strawberries and the other type of fruit you even do with dried apples I'm going to use these for some snackage later but you could add those in as well you probably would want to cut them up first so that's breakfast let's move on to lunch I like to keep it really simple for lunch I do like to stop during the day hang out for like an hour or so for lunch but I don't like to cook I don't like to do anything overly complex so what I do for lunch generally is I always have tortillas with me so I pick a tortilla I take a jar of peanut butter or almond butter whatever you prefer this peanut butter has some honey in it which tastes really good take a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter smooth it all over the tortilla and then I'll have a little baggie full of some random stuff to throw on this topic what I'll do right now just put together a little baggie and that will have some blueberries in it they're kind of whatever leftover from breakfast dried apples are always good raisin to a few more apples all right so that is going to be lunch topping Stags slash occasional snack bag now you're probably thinking that's not a lot of food for lunch and it's true but I always do what I call supplementing so I'm going to supplement those tortillas with snacks from the bag and also with cheddar cheese one thing a lot of people don't know that our outside of the thru-hiking world is that sharp cheddar cheese really holds up well outside with refrigeration I've carried a block of cheddar for at least six days and it's still been good after that it does start to sweat and might get a little bit oily but as long as it doesn't smell bad or have any mold on it and might as well just eat it and it tastes really good it's really nice to have a high fat content high protein content food out there to eat I'll add that in as a supplement to lunch this is what I used to always eat for lunch and once again I get these because they were really good when I ate them on trail so I'll probably take one of these and just swap out one day of peanut butter for one day of spam really bad for you full of sodium but it's kind of cool to just have a piece of meat out there I'm drill all right so that's lunch pretty easy let's move on to dinner I treat dinner pretty much just like I treat lunch I have a main thing that I eat and then I just supplement that with snacking and other little things I had in for dinner my absolute favorite thing right now is instant refried beans these are just like eating refried beans except they're really easy to make you essentially just add water and stir it and what I do is just heat up water almost to boiling add the nut flakes in to make it the right consistency that's just kind of something you have to experiment with but once you get it right you just add in flakes to hot water and you've got refried beans and it's amazing what's even better is stuffing some of these into your tortillas taking some of your cheese melting it in the beans and suddenly atla burrito in the backcountry these are really awesome they're pretty cheap too you can generally find them at most stores now you can definitely find them at any sort of natural grocer type store but even the normal stores are starting to carry these now these beans come in a resealable zipper bag which is really convenient I'm just going to open it up for dinner pour in however many to life and call that good and that's a dinner that was obviously a very quick glance over dinner and I'll have other snacks and supplements like I always do let's jump into that now I'm saying I always have to have on trail is something sweet and I just normally go for this little Ghirardelli prepackaged shock risk because they're easy they're separate if they melt they're always in their own little thing you can just open up and eat the melted part out and they're really good on the top of that I'll take some sort of trail mix this is a pretty good brand and I mean the calorie count on trail mix is just so dense it's got all the good nuts and proteins and fats so I always have a little bit of trail mix I'm not the biggest fan of trail mix but it's a good supplement my absolute favorite thing is organic dried mango really good stuff I try to get the ones that aren't already sweetened so no added sugar they're plenty sweet enough just like you can candy really I also like to make a little bag full of just snacking fruit type stuff dried apples always good so I'll add some of these in here maybe throw in some raisins they're also coconut flakes are really good holes not big enough now it just makes it really quick to grab sweet treat kind of bag but it's not just loaded with candy like gummy worms or something sexual semi healthy food still sugar but still good for you like I said earlier guilty pleasure pop talks around the trail so I'm going to add those in there another thing you can add pretty much to any meal is some sort of oil so like an olive oil coconut oil thanks to the lovely hard time that came to visit I now have these version coconut oil packets that he left behind and these are perfect for adding to dinner you can add them into your beans and just add a ton of fat to them you can also add them to your peanut butter if you want during lunch these are a perfect little addition when you feel like you need more calories so I'm going to take four of these packets one for each day and just throw them in there as well well that wraps up all the food let's try to put it into this 9 litre food bag here and let's see what it weighs whoo that is a tight fit that comes out to seven point three three pounds which is not bad I had to shoot for under two pounds a day on food and that is well under that so I'd say that's a pretty nice little load one thing worth remembering never forget to bring a bag for trash I've always used a gallon ziplock freezer Ziploc so it's extra durable from a trash and I've definitely forgotten that on occasions and regretted it so don't forget this trash bag so I actually have some receipts from where I purchased everything that's in this food bag so I'm going to go through add up the things that are actually in here and yeah there's going to be some leftovers but that's okay and we can see how much four days worth of food of this variety cause I've added up everything from the receipts and it comes to 3969 so about around $40 you can probably get a cheaper a few of these things like the peanut butter and the few of the other things are a little more expensive than they have to be in the long run I say $40 is a pretty good estimate for how much a proof bag like this will cost okay well that is the 4-day resupply I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you have any comments below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can as always thanks for watching I'm going to go finish packing so I can go hit the trail tomorrow morning and I'll let you know how it goes maybe I'll take some footage as always if you enjoyed the video please consider heading over to my patreon page and supporting this content for as little as a dollar per video or even less and I mean really helps me out it helps me make more videos and it keeps the trails coming see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Backcountry Banter
Views: 85,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backpacking food, food bag, backpacking kitchen, backpacking resupply, resupply, ultralight, backpacking, dehydrated food, thru hiking food, thru hike, thru hiking, AT, PCT, CDT, appalachian trail, continental divide trail, pacific crest trail, food, how to pack for a backpacking trip, backpcking resupply
Id: 1-E46RlfRLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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