ChatGPT-4 Unlocks Research Genius: The Tricks You Need to See!

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I have been blown away by what chat gpt4 can do and I think it's perfect for research now in my last video go check it out over here if you haven't seen it already I use chat GPT 3.5 and I can tell you that stuff has come on in Leaps and Bounds especially for scientific research and literature reviews it is incredible okay the first thing I think we need to address is the referencing situation so in my last video the references that g chat GPT gave me were absolutely fake it emulated what an actual research reference looks like let's see if chat gpt4 is able to give me real references that will be incredible okay so over here you can see that I've paid for chat GPT plus and it's about 20 US dollars a month I think but it is well worth it here we've got the different models this is where I was before chat GPT 3.5 now we're at chat gpt4 so we'll make sure we're on that and we'll just ask it we'll just ask it for simple references let's say you're starting out in a research area let's have a look to see what it can provide and if it is real provide me with um references and links to papers in the organic solar cell field okay let's hopefully see if this one works a little bit better here we go the science paper and it's given us a link let's see if that link works I think it's a real paper I think it's a real paper all right so I completely messed up last time by not clicking on the links and now it looks like it's really trying now this is only for stuff until September 2021 but it's still a massive improvement over the last one so let's try a couple more let's have a look at this one polymer solar cells that's a real paper let's try this one the emergence of peroxide solar cells that's a good one uh what else we've got next Generation let's try this one not found all right so it's not foolproof but it's way better than it was so you do have to go through and double check all of this stuff and I'm sure that you could go and find these let's have a look let's see if they're actual real papers by typing in to Google the real so it had additives for morphology control by uh Liao and it's there it's there but not all the links work so they're real papers not all the links work but that's okay so there's a really good Improvement in it another massive Improvement in chat gpt4 is that you can give it much more text to analyze um I don't really understand the sort of like ins and outs of it but essentially you can copy and paste and tell it to read a load of stuff before you ask it questions and this is perfect for creating scaffold so if you need to start on something let's say you need to start on a presentation you need to start on an abstract where do you start well you can actually take other people's things that you like and ask it to create a scaffold for your work let's create a nice little abstract scaffold for ourselves so if I go in here and say uh chat gpt4 okay um please read this and say red when done and then colon new line paste it in let's see what it says okay red it's Reddit let's give it one more let's give it this one please read this and say red when done and you can do this for as many abstracts and I think the more the better so there we are we've got two in there but you can add up to 10 if you really want and let's just say um please create a scaffold how do you spell scaffold scaff fold um for someone wanting to create their own abstract from the stuff you have just read let's see what it does let's have a look to see introduction so a background on the Polar polymer photovoltaic cells and that's exactly what happens in recent progress the development blah blah blah so it's just like a really sort of broad opening statement materials and techniques use the progress in polymer organic solar cells um I don't feel like this has done it perfectly I think that's my mistake for not giving it like the perfect command but let's say um create a table with prompts to create an abstract like the ones you read let's see what it does with tables so section and prompt section one title can closely describe the topic of the paper introduction briefly introduce the context and relevance of the research in polymer solar cells outline the materials used any specific specific net techniques highlight the progress made in the field mentioning improved efficiency rate describe the potential application summarize the key achievement in your recent field and recap the main findings and emphasize the importance so that's the sort of structure you can use remember this is only from two abstracts if you were to put more in there it would allow you to find a much better and sort of succinct scaffold that you could use and you can use this scaffolding for anything and I'm talking anything you can use it for uh presentations if you find presentations that you like you can ask it to analyze those and produce a scaffold for you if you're not sure how to write your materials section you can ask basket to create a scaffold for all of that it takes the guesswork out of writing and doing research and creating scaffolds is how I think chat gpt4 can really help you personalize the outputs for your research okay this one is actually pretty exciting to me when you go to conferences all of that audio all of those presentations are normally forgotten about now you can use chat GPT and another AI tool to capture the scripts from those presentations and turn them into useful outcomes for you after a conference after you've watched the presentation you can even find stuff on YouTube presentations on YouTube and you want to extract the data from that for your own understanding for your own research it is incredible let me show you how I do it so the first thing you want to do with any audio that you've recorded at conferences that you've recorded at presentations you've been to even if it's like a lecture if you're an undergraduate getting the value from those is is very difficult until now so the first thing I do I've got a python code that I've created from whisper AI in this case I can actually use it to export audio from YouTube but essentially it kicks out the other end it kicks out the script so let's go to YouTube and let's just have a look for some three-minute thesis uh winners so let's take this one so this can be any oh there we are this can be any presentation that you've personally recorded or you've found online or that you've attended so let's go here let's grab that URL and if I run this script down here it's going to ask me um what URL I want to grab it from So eventually that will pop up enter the YouTube video URL so I'll put it there push enter and now I just have to wait one thing you'll notice is that it's kicked it out in a text format which is perfect for putting into chat gpt4 so Matthew Thompson is our first finalist today from the University of Queensland well done and here is all of his talk and it does a really good job at actually creating text from speech so if I take all of this for example and I put it into my chat GPT so let's start a new chat let's choose gpt4 and just say read this and say red when done okay it shouldn't take long red now I can say extract the important uh key points and let's just see what it says Matthew Thompson is a finest okay that is a very important uh first thing so here it's giving us a breakdown of the actual information in the talk and you can do this for any talk you attend you can record it on your mobile phone you can record it afterwards if it's a record lecture or something like that and it's just about extracting the text from the talking and then getting it into chat GPT it does an incredible job at actually synthesizing it together you can use this to create a scaffold from a talk you can use this in so many ways and I've been doing this with different talks and different bits of information that I wouldn't otherwise be able to access the value directly from because it was locked up in a video now I can get it and I can get it into a written form very easily and summarize and worked on it's incredible so here is the uh end thing so contrary to popular belief fingerprint identification done by human is done by humans and not computers and here all of this this is perfect if I wanted to sort of like put this just for my own understanding somewhere or if I was a conference and I went to like 20 talks I was able to do this for each of the 20 talks put it into a little document a um you know like into even a PowerPoint document like I did with my literature review so I had to read like a PhD go check out that video that is how you extract the true value of these conferences and I think more people will be doing this in the future you've just got now a head start on them and the last thing I want to make you aware of is that the generative and the creative power of this new version of chat GPT IE chat gpt4 is incredible you can use it to generate text now what I do is just like we've been putting stuff in I've actually been putting in results and discussions and then saying write a conclude inclusion based on these or write an abstract for me based on this stuff it gives you at least a starting point it isn't always perfect but generative text from the input you give it is really the way you make chat gpt4 work for your research let's take one of my papers and see what it can do to generate the abstract or the conclusion after I've given it all of the data over here is highly conductive interwoven carbon nanotube and silver nanowire transparent electrodes beautiful title let's just put in the experiment now let's put in the results and discussion so let's go through here and see if we can just copy and paste this into something and see what it will give us now it won't do all of it let's see how much it can actually do let's just copy that and say read this let's start a new chat just to make sure we're not sort of poisoning the well with other stuff read this and say red when done okay good it's now just giving me a little bit of a summary of what it's read now I can say please generate a um a abstract based on this now it may not be perfect but I'm sure it will give us a really good starting point so um generate um abstract for a science paper based on this information it's actually doing a a pretty good job I cannot believe it all I did was copy and paste in the results section and now it's giving me an actual real abstract that sure it's maybe not perfect but it's really bloody good um there's a lot of work actually that is now no longer needed to be done by you manually it's a great starting point um and let's try uh generate an abstract no generate a conclusion for this article foreign films um reveals promising potential as an alternative to indium tin oxide the composite film demonstrates enhanced conductivity mechanical stability and optimal balance of transparency when incorporating up to it's good it's not once again it's not perfect but I'd rather start from something like this than sort of struggle by thinking you know trying to start from zero and the last thing I think we can do which is really powerful is generate a sensational uh press release for these results and this is great for like um a science alert article or um you know getting uh someone excited about your research I.E the um marketing team at your University I think it's really really powerful also remember you could copy in some science blogs and say create a blog like this one but with my results that is not beyond the Realms of possibility with this because it can actually take a load of text and use that to generate its own sort of versions of blogs incredible they've called me lead researcher Jane Smith our finders from entire new Avenue for development of so it's actually you know it's providing quotes it knows what it what a press release is actually like and it's done a bloody good job boom Incredible use chatgpt4 like this and it will really sort of make your pro productivity Skyrocket because it takes a lot of the grunt work out of anything you want to do so there we have it there are the best ways I think you can use chat gpt4 at the moment to accelerate your research career make everything so much easier and all you have to do is pay 20 US dollars a month at the moment and I don't know what they're going to do in the future but I know that you can actually in the future they're planning on releasing image analysis I wonder how well that's going to do with uh like scientific figures watch this space I'll let you know let me know in the comments how you would use chat gpt4 for your research because I'm sure there are a ton of uses and we've not even scratched the surface yet and there are more ways that you can engage with me the first way is to sign up to my newsletter when you sign up to my newsletter you will get five emails over about two weeks everything from the tools I use the podcast I've been in how to write the perfect abstract and more it's exclusive content how to write the perfect abstract is my favorite in all of that so go sign up now and also head over to that's my new project where I've got my ebooks the ultimate academic writing toolkit as well as the PHD Survival Guide we've got the blog grown out there as well the Forum and resource packs for different stages of your research are going to go on there soon so go check them out and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Andy Stapleton
Views: 178,320
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Id: 2936_Y80nUk
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Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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