Is Chat GPT Plus Worth It?

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so the most powerful and the most life-changing tool on the internet chat GPT has a feature called chat GPT plus but if you've googled this or looked into it at all you might realize that their own website openai's website doesn't really say much about what chat GPT plus is what it does or really even how much it costs and this might lead you to wonder what is this new feature what does it offer and is it worth upgrading from the regular chat GPT well I actually tried it out and in this video I'll be showing you just that exactly what is chat GPT plus is it worth it how much does it cost and any other questions you might have about this incredible new features so starting off chat GPT pretty much broke the internet this free open AI tool that gives anybody access to artificial intelligence in the form of a chat bot just really blew everybody's mind the ability to ask it all types of questions and have a two tasks that really seemed like a Quantum Leap in human development and after it's really been catching on eventually you might have noticed that when you try to log on and use it you're faced with an error like this sometimes chat GPT says they are at capacity and the only way for you to use it is if you sign up for a waitlist and then upgrade to chatgpt Plus or of course you could wait longer and maybe check in an hour or two hours and and maybe you'll be able to get on then but as you can imagine as more and more people start using chat GPT it's only inevitable that it's going to be harder and harder to access it during busy times which again leads you to wonder what is this chat GPT plus they're plugging well if you click on it they add you to a wait list now that's an unfortunate way to do things because if you're actually in the chat GPT interface if you're able to chat you don't have to wait for a wait list at all in fact you can just sign up right on the spot so if we go to on my laptop right here if we go to chat dot it'll take you to chatgpt we can log in so if you're lucky and it's not too busy you'll end up on this screen right here the chat GPT internet face but on the top as you notice when I first logged on there it actually said demand was high right now and response times are slower but on the bottom left you can't miss something that they're trying to push right here is chat GPT plus and if you click on it you get the answer to your first question of how much does this actually cost chat GPD plus is selling for twenty dollars per month as a subscription and with that you're getting three main things the first thing as you can see right here is availability even when demand is high that's kind of the assumed one that we talked about before that when you log on even if there's a lot of people also using chat GPT you will be able to use it so that's a big positive the second thing is faster response speed now from my experience I didn't really notice especially faster responses every now and then when you're using chat GPT there is the op like sometimes it takes a little bit like an extra beat to answer your question so maybe there's less of those instances but again from my experience the regular free plan didn't really have too much of that anyway but the third thing is priority already access to new features which again may seem kind of vague but we have that as of very recently I believe just yesterday chat GPT launched their new version which is version four this right here is version three and a half so I actually have that on a different account if we switch over to that you'll see this is chat GPT plus now the chat GPT plus interface looks very similar except in the background it doesn't have the same thing we saw before whereas like introduction to chat GPT instead it just says chat GPT Plus in addition to that on the top you'll see we have a drop down menu the drop down menu allows you to choose which version of chat GPT you're actually using so right now like I said chat GPT 3.5 is the basic one everybody has been using but now they have chat gpt4 and you can tell it tells you a little bit more about the differences between them so 3.5 is faster but it's a little bit less concise and it's a little bit less in strong in the reasoning aspect whereas four is much slower but much better reasoning and much more concise so if we go over to four you'll see there is a limitation here we have 100 messages every four hours which is unfortunate so there's really three main differences with chat gpt4 and I will make a full video outlining how to use it and what the differences really are but kind of summarizing right here if you have chat GPT plus you'll have access to chat GPT for fourth generation and with that the three things you get are the ability to input images you can have visual input now and you can you can use a photo and say like what is in here or what happens if if like that happens like I think one example was like the house from up with a bunch of balloons above it and somebody said what happens if you cut the strings and it knows and it can say the balloons will float away and the house will stay put in addition you can have larger context as well so Chachi pt4 according to their website is capable of handling over 25 000 words of text which allows for use cases like long form context creation extended conversations document search and Analysis among other things like that and then the third thing is creativity according to open AI chat gpt4 is more creative and more collaborative it can generate an edit and illustrate with users on creative and technical writing tasks such as composing songs writing screenplays or learning a user's writing style and with that they actually showed and I thought this was really interesting they showed the scores of chat GPT 3.5 and chat ept4 on some AP exams which is in in the United States as a common uh like end of High School exam people might take to get college credits that stands for advanced placement so they'll have like physics and art and and literature and different things and China tpt4 scored substantially higher in many of those categories so that's a summary of what chat GPT plus is isn't actually worth it well I think really the big benefit is the access to chat GPT during busy times or if you really need to process images so right now I think for a lot of people it's probably not not worth it because there aren't quite too many users most of the time but if you use it a lot at work or if you otherwise just find yourself really needing the new features on chat gpt4 which I recommend watching my next video before making that decision then maybe chatgpt plus is worth it for you 20 per month considering the power of this tool set really makes a lot of sense but considering you can get it for free for you know just waiting an extra hour I don't know it depends on your budget but leave a comment below and let me know what you think about chat GPT plus and gpt4 so if you want to learn more about chat gpt4 click right here and if you want a full tutorial on how to become a power user with chat GPT even the free version click right here I'm Michael Bryan with sand Trail media thanks for watching and I'll see you over there
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 81,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: wQ68cNGLSjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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