GPT-4 vs. Bing Chat - 5 Differences + EXAMPLES

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the difference in the python coding example is particularly interesting if you want to skip to a particular example there are timestamps in the timeline Below in summary gpt4 is better if you want creative output and Bing chat is better if you want a concise factual answer here are the five major differences between gpt4 and Bing chat which is also powered by gpt4 the first one is cost currently the only way to use the full GPT Pro from open AI is to use their chat GPT plus paid service so here I have the default GPD 3.5 model and I can select the gpt4 model and you can see that here under my account I'm paying 20 per month for this chat GPT Plus subscription that's the only way to get gpt4 directly from open Ai and here on the right we have the Bing chat which is completely free you just have to make an account with Microsoft the second difference is the current usage limits in the paid chat GPT plus the gpt4 currently has still a cap of 25 messages for every 3 hours which is pretty bad because you're paying 20 per month to do this Bing chat on the other hand has a cap 150 messages per day but it's free the third big difference is the data cutoff or how up-to-date these models are one big limitation of gpt4 is that it was trained on data up to September of 2021 so it doesn't have any information about what happened after that date so let's test this I'll ask who won the NBA championship in 2022 and then that's going to generate an answer so it says I'm unable to provide real-time information as my knowledge was last updated in September of 2021. so unfortunately is not able to provide up-to-date data but it gives you kind of the last available data so it gave you the champions for 2021 and also gives you kind of idea where you could find the more up-to-date information but the Bing chat works with Bing search so when we ask the same question of Bing chat it's going to search the web so it says searching NBA championship winner 2022 and it tells you that the Golden State Warriors won the championship even gives you the score of game six which was the decisive game and it tells you that the Golden State Warriors beat the Boston Celtics so this is exactly what you would get if you search this question in Google and it works quite well so in this case an anything that deals with up-to-date information Bing chat will definitely have a leg up over gpt4 since that's like more of a static model the fourth major difference between these two systems is the available input length in the gpt4 model straight from open AI you can input up to 25 000 Words which is huge you can essentially put like a whole manual in there in the bank chat there is a limit of 2000 characters so it's a lot more limited than the gpt4 from openai and the last difference between these two systems is the response length and quality in general gpt4 will give you a lot more elaborate and longer response compared to the Bing chat Bing chat generally gives you a lot shorter answer that's a lot more concise not as elaborate and not as creative sometimes I prefer the more elaborate answer from gpd4 and sometimes you just want to answer a question and Bing chat would be a better tool but in those cases maybe Google search will be just as good as Bing chat let me show you the differences on some specific examples first I'll ask for some investment advice I can invest one thousand dollars each month I'm 30 years old and I'm planning to retire when I'm 65 years old what is the best way to invest this money and let's see what gpt4 says it's not super fast at generating the response it takes about 30 seconds to a minute if it decides to give you a longer answer here's the whole response from gpt4 as you can see it's quite elaborate it starts with a disclaimer that is not a financial advisor and you should consult a real financial advisor for this important topic but then it gives you an eight point strategy on how to invest your money so first is diversification really good idea uh not to have all your eggs in the same basket a low-cost index funds which is generally the accepted strategy for retail investors is the best way to invest your money if you don't have time to pick individual stocks they're all cost averaging that kind of helps you ride out the ups and downs of the stock market also really good advice focus on the long term so don't pull your money in and out of the market also great idea rebalance your portfolio and some assets go too high or too low also great maximize tax advantage accounts uh also really good idea if you have an employer getting your money in a 401K Roth IRAs also so great keep an emergency fund so you don't have to dip in your Investments at the wrong time when the stock market is down and then review your progress regularly to see where you stand so overall I think this is a really good answer if I talk to a professional advisor I think this is kind of the answer they would give you if you ask them to just give you like a one-page summary of what you should do now I'm gonna submit the same question to Bing chat it searched the web and it gives you the answer it doesn't give you any disclaimers that is not a financial advisor it's said to start with a savings account I disagree with that I don't think you need a savings account it's just your money is sitting there still uh MSA 401K you missed an RA also good ideas uh get a taxable brokerage account not bad invest in ETFs so all day is pretty good but the GPT answer is a lot more elaborate and I think goes into some really good uh ideas and here in the Bing chat it doesn't tell anything about low cost in this month which is probably the most important thing you need to know if you want to uh conservatively invest your money I saw on the web that the GPT models sometimes have a hard time with the reasoning I'm gonna tell you I'm staying in Manhattan so I'm in Manhattan what is the distance from where I'm standing to Los Angeles so it has to kind of figure out that where I'm standing is Manhattan and then figure out the distance from Manhattan to Los Angeles I've seen some examples where some other models give you the wrong answer so let's see what the gpt4 tells you so it correctly identifies that uh it wants to figure out the distance between Manhattan New York and Los Angeles California it depends on the exact location Manhattan Manhattan is about 10 miles long I think and the distance between these two cities uh 2450 miles but it also gives you a disclaimer that that's like an air distance on the map if you're driving this might be longer than that so let's ask Bing chat to see what uh that has to say it searched for the distance between Manhattan Los Angeles gives you the correct answer both in kilometers and miles and also gives you the map of Los Angeles and then also gives you uh some ads for TripAdvisor on when to stay some hotels so I think this is how they want to monetize this feature the idea is that people are searching for accommodations and then you are more enticed to just click on one of these hotels and book it straight from here and they can get some commission so this question was absolutely no problem for neither of the systems let's try one more factual question so here which one is heavier the Eiffel Tower or the Great Pyramid in Giza explain your reasoning so it correctly says that Great Pyramid of Giza is heavier than the Eiffel Tower overall gpt4 gave you a correct answer uh very elaborate reasoning I think this is exactly what you're looking for if you're asking this type of question so let's try that with the Bing chat here you can see the massive difference between the length of the answers so in the Bing chat it gives you a super short paragraph it tells you that the great pyramid Giza is heavier and six million tons and uh Eiffel Tower is only 10 000 tons in the gpt4 is a lot more elaborate a lot more creative it gives you a lot more reasoning different types of materials used between the structures sometimes it's good to have the more concise answer of the Bing chat if you just want the quick answer like which one is heavier if you want the more like an essay type response gpt4 is clearly Superior next I'm going to ask for some coding help write code in Python that will calculate the area of a triangle from the length of its three sides in the code as for the three sides as a b and c enter sequentially so Bing chat was a lot faster spinning out the response uh I hit it after the gpt4 and it's already done and gpt4 is still generating um the code it seems like both gpt4 and Bing Chad identified the correct formula we have to calculate the semi-parameter so it's a plus b plus C divided by 2 and then the area is calculated with this um square root formula so let's go back to gpt4 it's still generating so it's quite slow you have to be a little bit patient I copied each code into pycharm to test it so here I have the gpt4 output and here I have the Bing chat output so let's run this with some examples so run gpt4 side a let's say two side B let's say four inside C's I'll say five and it gives me the area of the triangle uh to be 3.799 in some other digits so it executed the code no problem let's try Bing chat so let's say run Bing chat and with the same number so 2 4 and side C was five and it gives me the area of 3.80 so what's interesting I decided to round the output to two decimal places so 3.80 and you can see that the rounding here is right here but now let's try each covet an impossible example so let's go back to gpt4 and run that one and we'll say uh side a is two side B is 4 and side C is seven and that cannot form the triangle because 7 is more than two plus four so if you hit it it will give you an answer that the given sides do not form a triangle so that's this cell compared of the code it uh validates if uh the number you give it can form a triangle so it tests each possibility so a plus b is bigger than c a plus c is bigger than B and B plus C is bigger than a if uh any of those conditions are not met then uh the numbers you give it cannot be a triangle so it prints you that if it's okay it will give you the area and if it's not okay it will give you this statement the given sides do not form a triangle so let's try the same example with the Bing chat code so we'll run that one uh side a is two side B is four and then side C7 and when you execute that it gives you an error so what happens here is that one of these terms uh when you do a society C so s is two plus four plus seven so that is uh six and a half and then you do minus C so six and a half minus seven is minus 0.5 and then when you multiply all these numbers you get a negative number and then you try to do a square of that and that's the arrow you can do a square root of a negative number so the code from gpt4 is better because it gives you exactly what's the problem that those societes can form a triangle if you are a novice user and you can get this um red error you don't know what's going on um you kind of have to have some knowledge of mathematics so as far as quality of code I would say the GPT 4 code is better because it has kind of like a failed safe feature but if you're looking for a concise code maybe the big chat code is better because it does what it's supposed to do it just doesn't allow for the possibility to give it um imaginary numbers if you're finding this video useful please give it a like so YouTube can show it to more people and if you would like to see more videos like this please also consider subscribing to this channel now let's see if it can do math proofs so suppose n is an integer prove that if N squared is even then n is also even Bing chat was a lot faster in this case and they both gave a correct answer at the first glance so they both decided with the same strategy they the decided to approve the contrapositive so they set the end to be at 2K plus 1 so to be an odd number so 2K plus 1 is odd number then you do N squared which is 2K plus 1 squared then you expand this you get the 4K squared plus uh 4K plus one that's also an odd number and then uh it summarizes the proof so both of them essentially give the same answer I would say the gpt4 is a little bit more elaborate it gives you a little bit more detail but they both work so here I would give the win to Bing chat because it was much faster now I'll test it on some medical slash Pharma knowledge I'll ask what is halicen so let's see from gpt4 and also from Bing chat so gpt4 just starts generating right away for big chat it always says searching the web for Allison and then it starts generating the answers again Bing chat much much faster than gpt4 both systems gave a very good answer they both identified that Allison was used to treat something else is a kinase inhibitor it was tested for diabetes but that failed and and then artificial intelligence identified that Allison is actually a noble antibiotic which is a really big deal because that's the first novel antibiotic in probably three or four decades but here actually being Chad I think gave a better answer than the gpt4 because it highlights that hollisin's antibiotic mechanism is unconventional it disrupts the flow of protons across the cell membrane so that's uh that was kind of like the big finding of the cell paper it gives you also the reference so gpt4 doesn't give you really any references unless you ask for them explicitly the Bing chat gives you the references right away which is really useful so I think for Pharma and things like this were also up to the information is really useful Bing chat in its current stage is much better than gpt4 because gpt4 is a static model if you are looking for something that you're not particularly familiar with I'm really familiar with hallucin I'm planning to make a video about it soon because I think it's a huge deal but if I was searching for something that I'm not familiar with I might actually use Bing chat in Instagram state in conjunction with Google and Google Scholar to uh find interesting things about what I'm looking for let's end on the lighter note I'll ask gpt4 and Bing chat to create some jokes so can you create some really good Chuck Norris jokes I would like to hear original jokes not jokes that you found on the internet so what I'm looking for is not just to search for Chuck Norris jokes on the web I want the artificial intelligence the large language model to create something novel some new jokes so the big chat is already done gpt4 is still creating so while gpt4 is still spitting out the answer let me read some of these from Bing chat so Bing chat presented five chuckness jokes but the problem is that I said in my prompt I would like to hear original jokes not jokes that you found on the internet so then I Googled every single joke that it provided and I found it verbatim on the internet Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups he pushes the Earth down here's the same one verbatim it seems like Bing chat got a lot of jokes from this website here Chuck Norris can divide by zero here is here it is verbatim again Chuck Norris can Slammer evolve in door that's the third one here's a different website Chuck Norris can kill two stones in one Bird that's the fourth joke exactly word for word and the fifth joke was uh Chuck Norris can strangle it with a cordless phone I also found that one right here while Bing chat fulfilled the first part of the request to a game with the Chuck Norris jokes it ignored uh the second part of the condition that I wanted original jokes not something that is found on the internet maybe it doesn't know the difference between the two but that's a serious problem because if you're using a Bing chat to create something new uh you can get into trouble for plagiarizing the internet so be very careful if you uh create something with the Bing chat uh maybe do a quick Google search to make sure that somebody hasn't published something exactly the same the output of gpt4 and the jokes department is a lot better it's extremely impressive actually it gave us 10 jokes in total and about half of them are truly original as far as I can tell so the first one says Chuck Norris doesn't need a flashlight Darkness Retreats when he enters the room I found a similar joke I did not find the same joke word for word on the internet but I found a similar joke that the first part is the same but then it says he turns the dark off as opposed to Darkness Retreats when he he enters the room so it's the same joke um overall but it rewarded it uh in a creative way so I would give it like a 50 credit here the second joke is when Chuck Norris sends a text message the phone doesn't vibrate it trembles in fear so that's the second tab right here and I did not find anything like that on the internet so that to me is a truly original Chuck Norris joke the third one is Chuck Norris once played soccer and that's how we got the asteroid belt I searched around and I found some long list of Chuck Norris jokes and says the aster belt was once a planet but that's before Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked it it's a similar thing but I would say that's a new joke It's a combination of the soccer but it does have the similarity of the aster belt so I would say did you use this data set on the right in its trading data and it kind of remake mixed it into a new joke so the fourth one is earthquakes are just the Earth's weight of plotting when Chuck Norris finishes a workout I searched around and even Google told me it looks like there aren't any great matches in your search so truly original joke very impressive the fifth one is Chuck Norris can hear sign language that one is not original at all I found it uh verbatim on the internet when Chuck Norris looks at the sun the sun is the one that goes blind also I found the word for the word on Twitter and also some similar variations the seventh one is the Bermuda Triangle was just Chuck Norris playing with the boomerang I found some references to boomerang in the Chuck Norris files but nothing exactly like that joke so I would say that about is also original the eighth one is Chuck Norris doesn't swim He commands the water to move around him I found a similar one Chuck Norris doesn't swim he beats the water into submission so same joke same kind of punch line uh slightly different rewarding time doesn't wait for anyone except Chuck Norris I found the similar one time waits for no one unless that man is Chuck Norris so it's the same joke just Rewritten when Chuck Norris plays hide and seek even the laws of physics can find them and uh there's a similar one when Chuck Norris plays hide and seek even Google can't find him I think the one on the web is actually funnier the one with the laws of physics I don't really get it I don't think I think that's a poor Rewritten of the same joke so overall much better performance than being Chad so for Creative purposes it's better to use gpd4 as opposed to Bing chat unless you need uh the output to include some uh up-to-date information that the gpd4 does not have thanks for watching I'll see you next video
Channel: AI Matej
Views: 12,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OpenAi, microsoft, GPT-4, GPT4, Bing Chat, python
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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