Auto-GPT One-Click Install | ChatGPT Sparks of AGI Guide | Windows

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what's up I'm troubleshoot welcome back to another video in this quick guide I'll be taking you through installing and using Auto GP team this is an incredibly exciting project but it can be a bit daunting to set up in the first place and that's exactly what this video is here for I'll be quickly running through the installation steps and showing you a brand new one line install command you can run now to install it it's part of a new series of one line install scripts I've been making these do take quite a bit of time and effort to create so if you enjoy these or find them useful please do click the thanks or a join button down below without further Ado let's begin Auto GPT is an experimental open source attempt to make a GPT for fully autonomous which is the Sparks of AGI that you've heard about essentially it can think for itself and do tasks by itself in order to accomplish overarching tasks that you give it Etc there's a little video demonstration of exactly what it does here but you'll find this in the description down below to look further into what it is this video is just going to cover installing had getting into a place where it's usable scrolling through the table of contents this page is absolutely huge with information on setting it up and you can see here the star history which is basically the popularity of this repo has absolutely exploded in the past few days and that's exactly what we're here for well you can visit this page linked down below to read more about other apis and things you can link with it to make it more featureful but for the most part this setup is going to cover everything you'll need for a basic installation and of course you can customize it to your liking later on over here they talk about requirements you'll need an open API key but we'll get here later optional memory backend 11 labs and a whole bunch of other API keys that aren't mentioned here and on top of this we also need python installed and ready for use don't worry about any of that this script should handle all of it for you all need to do is make a new phone somewhere on your desktop or something like that I'll call this AI tests and inside of him at the very top simply click in an empty space here to select the path of the current folder right click and copy now usually I'll tell you to type in Powershell appium but we need to open Powershell as admin as it needs to install a few things hit start type in Powershell and right click Windows Powershell run as administrator inside of him type in CD space and inside of quotation marks paste in using a right-click or Ctrl V the path that we're trying to get to then you should see we're now inside of this folder all we need to do now is Type in IX space inside of brackets irm Auto team you'll find this linked down below simply copy it paste it and hit enter now the automatic installer should start and here's a little warning about using open ai's API key as well as other apis as some of them may cost you money this project unlike some of the other AI projects I've shown you can cost you some money especially if you're not aware of what it's doing essentially it reaches that to open Ai and other apis in order to collect information get information or think for you this AI project doesn't actually run on your PC for the most part the language model runs in the cloud using gpt4 or gpt3 from open AI so you don't really need powerful Hardware at all in order to run this but it does mean that you may be paying a few cents to a few dollars depending on how much you use this program anyways with that understood I'll hit enter to continue him and now it'll start installing chocolatey then git add shortly after if you have midiconder or anaconda installed will be prompted about using it you don't have to choose yes if you don't want to use con to activate Auto GPC every time you run it but anyways if you use anaconda or miniconder python you probably already understand what's going on him for most people you won't even see this at all if you don't have those programs installed I'll choose no here just to use normal python as I already have python 3.10.10 installed it doesn't need to automatically install it for me and it'll simply skip past it now we need to get some information from us in order for this to work should you not want to fill in this information to him copy the end template to just end and fill in the information there but let's do this automatically so should you not trust the script you'll find a link in the description down below to the complete source code of it and you can also see The Source Code by visiting the irm link in your browser anyways this dot EnV template file you'll find inside the new auto GPT folder in the folder we made here and you'll see dot end dot template just make sure that you click view then show on Windows 11 followed by file name extensions on Windows 10 you'll see under the view tab file name extensions somewhere here up on the ribbon essentially it'll be renaming this file here and if we open it with notepad for example you'll see exactly what we're editing this file is incredibly confusing for people who haven't looked at something like this before but essentially we're just setting variables so for example open API key equals your API key the script at this point will automatically ask ask you for some of these variables when it has your answer it'll fill them in automatically in this file for us so we don't need to get lost in it but just remember you can come back here afterwards to customize it especially the section here about 11 Labs if you want to get it to speak in a certain voice whether it's your voice or someone else's voice you can set your 11 Labs API key here at the very bottom and the voice IDs you'd like it to use anyways we'll be continuing with the automated one line install we need to get our open AI key for information on how to get your openai key see this which links back to the GitHub repository for which we can either drag around and right-click to copy or you may be able to control clicking it to open it in your browser heading across to this page you'll see we just scroll down on the same with GitHub repo we were on previously open API Keys configuration to obtain our openai key from this link here I'll open this in a new browser you'll need to have an open API key for auto GPT and you need to have billing set up AKA a paid account you can set up a paid account here so on this first page I've already signed in and you can see existing API Keys here and I can create one by clicking create new secret and give it a name such as Auto GPT I will be deleting these afterwards so don't go through the effort of typing the match yourself in hopes that they'll work as they won't on the billing overview tab here you can see I currently have a free trial we need to head over to our usage page to the harmony free trial creators we have remaining and on this section here you'll see that we have nothing so we'll need to set up a paid account all we need to do here is Click setup paid account I'm an individual or a company and fill in some information unfortunately this is the biggest barrier of Entry to this kind of thing but this is a brand new one of a kind experiment that really hasn't been done before alright so there we go we've now activated our paid account and they've taken five dollars from our card if we check the billing history you'll see information on it here for which there's nothing just yet anyways at this point it's a very very good idea to click usage limits here and set an absolute limit for the usage in your account hard limit I'll set to maybe five dollars soft limit where we'll get a notification about using lots of API tokens Etc I'll set to three dollars this way when we hit three dollars usage it'll tell us we've used three dollars and at five it will stop letting us use the API completely I'll go ahead and save this now with a better usage limit than 120 dollars I'll head to the usage tab but you can see we currently have up to five dollars on our account back to the API key here I'll copy this as we'll now be using it in the Powershell window so I'll right click to paste it or use Ctrl V now we'll hit enter and it'll ask us for an 11 Labs key if we'd like custom text to speech I'll be skipping this so I'll just hit enter then we can use a default free text-to-speech instead being Brian I'll hit yes and enter now we can enter a Pinecone API key in order to use memory from a Pinecone which is essentially how the program remembers things but you can leave this blank and it'll use a Json file in the folder as its own memory so I'll skip this for now there we go it's created this file here Auto gpt.json there we go that's the file it'll be editing and using as its memory if we don't use Pinecone then a Google API key as far as I understand when you search for 100 searches in an hour or something like that you'll get rate limited with error 429 from Google Now you can create yourself an API key on the Google Cloud which allows you to create a ton more searches but of course you could be charged for it I think it's free up to a certain point but I'm not entirely sure you can just skip this by hitting enter then it'll ask us about image generation which by default it uses Dolly from open AI should we want images to be generated and of course you will be charged for these as we're using open ai's API key on our paid account you can find prices on the billing section of and pricing over here you'll also find this linked down below we find information about gpt4s pricing chat instruct GPT fine tuning embedding and finally image models here which is Dolly once again I'll be leaving this blank as I would be using hugging faces stable diffusion instead obviously you'll need an API key from them and they'll have different pricing so anyways I'll skip this finally do we want a desktop shortcut I'd absolutely recommend entering Y and hitting enter in order to create a quick easy access shortcut to this file here especially if you're using condemn here we go you can see auto GPT and whenever we double click on it we'll have a new window open up that opens up Auto GPT awesome from here you can close the installer or continue using it I'll use it in this new window so we can give it a name I'll go with the basic demo which they have stepped out here so entrepreneur GP team and I'll just copy once here once more enter up to five goals so I'll say increased net worth grow Twitter account and that's pretty good I'll leave it at just two goals hit enter and now it'll use memory type of local cache and think about it checking the folder here you'll find that the auto GPT Json file here will be where the memory is installed but for now it's blank and we've already got a response here I should first assess my current state blah blah blah gives us some information about what it's thinking reasoning planning for what it'll want to do criticism and use its next action here it'll Google using most profitable Industries to invest in currently and upon entering Y and heading into it'll go ahead and search Google read about some of the results and then think about what to do next currently it's getting a response from Google then it'll reach out to open ai's chatgpt4 to think about it then it'll get a response and tells us what it'll investigate next obviously we can continue entering y to continue and to exit but we can also enter y space hyphen capital N in order to run it in continuous mode though do be very careful about this as it can keep requesting things forever using tons of credit on your openai account just asking and answering question after question after question same goes for Google searches Etc you probably won't want to do this it's a good idea to hold its hand as it's working and thinking as it could possibly run away at a point and result in things you don't want happening happening anyways that's Auto GPT inano how to install it and somewhat had to use it if you found this one line install script helpful it did take quite a bit of time and effort to make so should you appreciate it do click the join or thanks button down below mine has been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao thank you
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 137,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto gpt, auto-gpt, autogpt, autogpt install, auto gpt4, auto gpt tutorial, auto gpt demo, auto gpt installation, auto gpt coding, auto gpt make money, auto gpt github, auto gpt ai, auto gpt how to use, auto gpt install, auto gpt reddit, auto gpt 4, auto gpt online, auto gpt login, auto gpt examples, auto gpt download, chatgpt, agi, ai, gpt 4, openai, gpt4, pinecone, autogpt trading, auto gpt example, auto gpt vs chatgpt, gpt-4 demo, gpt 4 demo, chat gpt
Id: vpT6SkePs38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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