How to Use AI | 20 ChatGPT Use Cases Full Course [100 min]

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so the first thing I'm going to show you how to do is how to get chat GPT to write you a resume so what we're going to do is we're going to engage with the chat to have it write a resume for US based off some information that we give it and what I've got right here is a general overview of what I've done and like who I am so what we can do is we can start out by asking to learn what we need to tell the chat we can ask the chat hey what do I need to give you in order for you to write me a resume so let's ask it that first now the time on this it may take a couple of seconds but usually this outputs really quickly if it doesn't up in the top left hand corner you can hit reset thread or you can just refresh the page and this should refresh for you great so it's giving us some information and what we can do is we can write this out just kind of like where a human can talk into another human and just say hey in general you know here's what I want you to do right so I made a a fake explanation here so I said hey for my resume my name is Micah J and my contact information is this my LinkedIn profile is this and I am open to relocate I know all these things I have this education background from a fake University that I made up I previously worked for a bunch of places I just made this up to kind of uh paint a template for you so you can follow this exact template and I will put the templates down in the resources here for your class or in the description you can go look for that and right here we're writing out the timeline of when we worked we could be more specific with that down to the month and then down the line uh you know with all this information we we just go put that in there and then um it's going to spit everything out right so it's providing this is building this for us now it's got a nice format there with a name it's outputting this kind of as in a in a code format but when we copy this over it says copy code but it's not necessarily code but yeah it's writing this out it's giving us a format for our skills that's nice and clean and professional you know top to bottom you know skills um experience right it's breaking out all of the positions one by one uh it's got a little summary there you know for it and everything so this is a really uh really good effective way to get a resume generated and all we did was we just told the chat hey here's kind of who I am and here's what I've done and here's sort of my education background so I made up this thing at Elon Musk personally recognized me with the SpaceX employee of the year award in 2015 and that's just kind of like uh just a kind of add-on type of situation to um like the job I just said like oh I was at this job and I got this award and then chat GPT took it and made it this like really professional sounding thing in this um this resume right and at the bottom throws out education um and and laid it all out so this is basically as good as any resume that I've ever seen but one of the things that I wanted to add to this was just like an about me um statement at the top uh you know say hey can you provide a general about me statement that provides a message about you know that I am you know driven professional and I'm constantly learning and evolving and you know all the things that employers want to hear right and so say hey make this short and professional put it at the top of the resume right so I'm saying like um hey just take this information and just put this at the top of that resume so it's going to go in and it's going to consider what I've asked to do here and we're looking at a load time right now that might be running up against where chat gbt at this current time when I'm using it is actually um not super responsive yet it's under a lot of load these are you know the early days of its use and um you know so if you see the load time going for a little bit longer than you think it might be time to refresh usually give you an error message but um here we go cool so I've got like an about me statement for the resume it just spit that out and I could even tell it's something like hey can you make this sound smarter or more interesting um some you know a very broad statement just like what I would communicate to a human so I'll say like can you make it make me sound or interesting and use fancier words okay then it's going to come back with whatever version it thinks right so I'll also just give it a thumbs up and I'll just say that was awesome right all right cool now it's actually it's going above and beyond to give me an updated version of my resume with the About Me section in there and it's updating the words right so it's got the summary for people to read That's combining my skills with the about me statement and wow this it says a lifelong learner with a passion for applying data-driven insights to solve complex problems and drive Innovation wow like when I said fancier words it's exactly what I meant and this just natively knows that so we're getting some refinement here this is all kind of auto-generated fake information about the role that I'll have to go tweak and make it uh tailored to you know the real things that I actually did at that job I would not encourage you to copy and paste with the AI generated because of course if you didn't really do it then you're basically lying but what you can do is you can give it a statement say hey for principal data scientists at Acme Inc can you specify that I worked on this project and really helped this department and then you put that in there and you know you should you should start to get you know a return back where it will modify this resume continually in the same chat interface where it's providing um this information out so overall that is how we can write a resume out in chat GPT that's how that works and I hope that this was helpful I will see you in the next video so the law is an extremely complex topic especially in the US but also probably in every other country as well so we're going to use AI to help us understand the law better we're going to copy and paste some U.S code into chat GPT and we're going to ask it like what does this mean explain to me like I'm five so I'm just in here in the US code and I've got some section of the code I just try to find something really boring this is the section on Social Security and I'm going to ask the chat to describe to me what some of this means so you might be studying this you might really want to know something in there but what we're going to do is oh my gosh it's so much text geez so I'm going to take this section that references a ton of other sections there's just no one could possibly understand what on Earth this means unless you've looked up like 19 different things I'm going to feed it into the chat we're going to see if it can tell me what this means and I'll say tell me what this piece of us code means like I'm a middle schooler all right let's see what it comes up with okay so it came back with a pretty simple explanation of what this piece of code means so I'm gonna go find something else I'm going to look at some different piece of code that maybe something like criminal and just see if it if it comes up with something interesting here so I found this section on voting rights and just got that code pasted in here with the prompt about can you describe for me how this piece of U.S code protects voting rights in the U.S so I just copied and pasted that in there and we'll see what it says so we're getting an answer and so we we get the basic explanation that this is mostly about um discrimination and let's see uh we're the code prohibits intimidation threats Etc uh the Attorney General can take power legal action to prevent that I'm going to ask it just broadly like what else can you tell me about this statute I'm also going to ask you if this is something that protects voting rights within States because I know that's been a big question of like how does the federal code actually relate to um States and you know as far as I can tell if there's a federal code um and you know federal law an actual law at that level you know that's you know within the U.S that's it pretty sturdy right that usually means that hey regardless of what the states are doing the states can't do less than this in almost all regards so so this is specifically that the statute does protect voting rights sure is that all citizens who are qualified to vote even if you can't pass a literacy test that's not uh because I used to be a discriminatory tactic um let's see yep there's no voter eligibility in any state that could possibly be applied by rice or by Sorry by right or um deny the right to vote due to errors or omissions on voting related documents unless the errors are material I wonder what material means so I'm going to ask you guys what does material I mean in terms of errors actually just curious how that word is applied and I think if I was in eighth grader I'm not really going to know what material means like this is like a learning mechanism for me to actually understand a lot of more like granular level so let's see okay gotcha so material means like hey there's an error but it's not a big error so like somebody kind of miswrote their address or something like that it seems like there's a little bit um of kind of like relevancy inside of the law with that word that says like okay well if this is relevant to the particular situation then um you know the an error could only be used to deny your vote if it was important enough and it was like this doesn't make any sense this is a major error so we've got some more dry text on campaign finance and we're going to take that and throw it in the chat and see if what it'll tell us about campaign Finance law and I'm going to ask it to explain this code to me like I'm six so I'm actually going to take campaign Finance law and then try to see if the chat will distill it down to something that would make sense to somebody who is six and I have kids so I am interested to see and you know I had siblings growing up so it would be interesting to see and I was once a six-year-old to clarify that um so let's see the U.S code is about how political committees okay should be organized and run any money uh personal funds of the individual I don't know this is getting a little bit uh more complex maybe they thought I said sixth grade but it's still cool that it's distilling it down right and it's it's condensing it so I'm gonna ask it uh oh no I should do that I said can you explain it to me at a kindergarten level let's see I'm interested to see how that works out okay so okay these are some big words but they did have um I think that some kid would say what's a public office um just say uh please make it simpler and I'm iteratively giving the chat feedback and then it's going to refine what it gives me based off of that so this all of this interaction is kind of strung together and it kind of spits out the same thing so I don't know if we can really take us code and distill it down to a kindergarten level but with that being said this is very easy to understand so like something like this these committees must tell the government about the money they get and spend the government uses this information to make sure that committees are following the rules so like a money and following the rules those those are pretty uh I think easy concepts for kids even at that age right so this is actually a little bit better so it's really cool we went from uh in in this case this big block of code right here on federal campaign finance and we distilled it down to some explanation worthy of uh elementary school kids so I just think this this technology has some really interesting implications for Education that are worth checking out if you are a teacher but you know if you've hung out with me in the video to this point I appreciate you watching and if it was helpful smash that like button and drop a comment below with any cool use cases that you have yourself put in place for that and have a good one I'm going to show you how to Learn Python with chat GPT we're going to build out all the code that I have here available in Google collab I'm going to show you how to even ask chat GPT for some openly available data so we can get the project rolling the process is pretty simple all we're going to do is ask the chat to give us code and we're going to provide some it just answers so that it knows what we want and if you just hang out for a couple of minutes we're going to go through all the steps needed to Output all the code that I showed you also check out the link in the description where I have a full free chat GPT course just check below so in order to get some data from chat GPT we're going to give it a prompt like this we're going to ask it specifically to give us data we're going to describe what data we're looking for and then we're going to ask it to give us this information formatted in a table so that the information is neat and clean and we're going to see here is a description of an overview of what we wanted and then it's going to begin to Output a table what we can do with this is actually take this and copy and paste this into Excel what we can also do here is we can use this as the start of a project where we move into saying hey let's take this data and then put this in a pandas data frame and then use it as a python data science project which is also what we'll do here at the end when it is printed everything out now we're going to ask it to give us some python code at this point with this prompt here we're going to say hey we're going to want a chart and a map and then we're going to say hey can you give me the python code and it's going to then proceed to give us this code which you're going to test in here in just a second in Google colab you see it is taking all the data that it gave us and then is going to print out all the numbers now if this does stall out at any point in time you can just say hold up let me uh run this again and you can say like hey you didn't finish the code and you can just chat with it you say hey you didn't finish the code you didn't give me all the data I want you to give me all the data please do that and then it'll it'll restate and it'll re-provide all the information so uh in chat GPT whenever it's pumping out long form text sometimes it does stall out like you see right here it went all the way down to Kentucky and then it just sort of stopped but here it's pulling all that in and this just has this because it has access to all of this this gigantic copy of the internet and that's why it can pull this information for us and what I'm doing here is I just said hey you know can you provide the code that you left out because it did stall out here and sometimes it'll go back around to give the whole thing and print it all out again which will take a little bit extra time but what you can do is again say can you give me only the code that you left out and that will really clarify things for the chat so I'm changing the prompt a little bit at this point because it went and repeated it stalled out at the same point and so I said hey can you provide the code you left out only provide the pieces that you didn't provide no need to start over I will have to ask it to give me the bit right here the solar and it looks like it only like started halfway down the line so we will run into this again but eventually it will output this now if you want something that's better for long form text I'm actually going to go to open AI playground and I'm going to run the same prompt that I had before through it because it's a little bit better at long form text generation we're going to see if that will output a better solution for us because if this keeps stalling out it could be a problem and we're going to run this through here and we'll see if this outputs uh what we're looking for and we got some of it and then this is giving us uh information as if this was a csb that we already had and we don't already have a CSV but we can work with um what we can do is we just erase this which is what I'm going to do right now or we could go and just reprompt this so we'll see if this will do that we can kind of make a combo as well once we get everything from chat GPT so I ended up having to ask you for just the top 10 states and then I didn't do the map just yet I just want to kind of leave that out of it but what I did is I went and pasted the code that it gave me over into Google collab and what I got here was a chart a really simple bar plot of just the total Renewables and then from here what I could do is I'm just going to feed uh this back in and I'm going to say based off of this can you give me uh the top states that are using wind and this top states for geothermal and then can you label everything and I'm going to see how it does with creating those charts right there that's prompted like this and we'll see what we get and here's the code that it gave me and it did I'll put exactly what I asked it to but the one thing was is that there wasn't a lot of geothermal so I'm going to try to ask it if it can do solar or if it could just give me a some other type of chart that would show the distribution of every individual State and I'm just going to ask for a couple more options I'm going to ask you for some short codes for solar I'm going to ask you for specific things here it also gave me some code for a scatter plot as well and this isn't a great visualization because there's not a lot to work with here for specifically solar what I did here was just change the same code over and then just change the labels to say hydroelectric which is one really cool well we we can work with this data and just kind of modify it quickly one thing I'm going to do is I'm going to ask the chat how to make these a little bit bigger and see if we can just modify the Aesthetics of the chart overall all right so we got some new code here for a dark style that works with the size and we just ran that and we do have a better looking theme labels and then overall we have our um just everything it looks great so this is a cool way to just uh start learning some Python and get some data and and you're doing it all with chat GPT I'm going to show you how to use chat GPT to interpret medical studies so medical studies these big bulky things with tons of text and just information that you have to dig through I you can read it but what you could do is you could just pass all the information to Ai and have it interpret it for you so I'm going to prompt the chat to explain the outcome of this medical study to me in a few simple sentences I'm going to copy and paste in as much as I can you don't want to copy and paste too much you can paste more sequentially you can paste some and then say here's a little bit more information about the study and then ask it to provide that but overall I passed all this information in and it is giving me information here so it's saying that the findings suggest that ashwagandha may be you know effective in reducing stress and improving mental health this is just according to this study right but let's go ahead and throw another study in here all right found another study that actually says ashwagandha hurts your liver so we're going to pass that in and we're going to ask you to compare so I copied and pasted the rest of it in I'm going to say use all this information to present your whole understanding of the study and so then I'm going to ask it actually its opinion on um both of the studies here together and what it thinks about ashwagon as a whole actually I might go and grab a couple more studies and throw this in here one thing I did say about the second one that I provided said the findings of the study which I think it was like five cases according to here right um it may be associated with this liver injury but the sample size and lack of control group limit the strength of the findings further research is needed to confirm the association so it's really cool because we just pasted all of this stuff in here and we were able to get that down to basically yeah you found this it was moderate and with that being said further research is needed you probably should have a different study that ultimately you basically chat gbt is telling us hey based off this pretty much you can kind of assess that you need more studies right so if you're trying to understand a study for yourself or you're trying to do some research for school or you just want to condense any big set of detail Rich fact text and understand it in a simpler pattern this is how you can do it which I LGBT I hope this was helpful and if it was smash that like button and thank you so much for watching now before you make a website you're gonna need a domain name and that involves a lot of thinking up what that domain name could be going to a site like GoDaddy and then looking around and thinking up and testing and generating this stuff and chat GPT could just help you do it so I'm going to show you how to use chat gbt to generate a bunch of ideas for domain names here's how you do it all right we got our prompt right here you would run with something like this you would say to chatgpt I want you to act as a smart domain name generator I will tell you what my company or idea does and you will reply to me with a list of domain name Alternatives according to my prompt you only reply with the the domain list and nothing else domain should be Max 78 letters should be short but unique and can be catchy or non-existent words do not write explanations reply okay to confirm let's see what this does it says okay great we could also use this type of technique for other things but let's go ahead and tell it what we want to do so I'm going to tell it that my business sells real estate house flipping courses right okay and we have domain names boom right there I didn't really like the quality of those I don't think they're long enough so I said hey can you go up to you can go up to Max 12 letters and then I said reply okay and it says okay so I'm going to say my company is I review fishing gear okay and some of them are still a little bit sloppy but I could literally just ask it uh give me 10 more right and it will throw a fish Gear Pro right fishing gear advice I bet you all these are taken but it still gives you some options to go look up based off of what you do I'm gonna tell that I do a service based business like carpet cleaning let's see what it comes up with yep got some great names right here carpet cleaner endill Nashville Carpet Cleaner I don't like I could tell it only examples but I could just take to.nets and just do myself it wouldn't really be a big deal and there you have it really simple short and sweet video I hope this was helpful thank you so much for watching and have a good one in this video I'm going to show you how to generate fake Json content for all of your programming projects where you would use Json using AI I'm going to show you how to do it real quick so my prompt is going to look like this I'm just going to ask for some data that represents uh employees at a company I just asked it for dummy data it's going to give us like years of company salary a couple of different things like that obviously anything that you're designing for you can ask it to include these attributes in the dummy data so just explain to it a list Say Hey I want you to build me Json with these you know with these attributes and then so I'm asking it to revise this to actually give me a little bit more information I'm asking for a fake Department that they work in and a manager and I asked for the manager to actually be one of the other employees so you can see right here we got Bob Johnson and then Bob Johnson is one of the other employees but he is the manager of Alice Smith so we do have an interesting kind of relationship set up here which is really cool and uh it's just enriching our data and just making a little bit more robust right so that you know whatever use case like you can just prompt and tell it hey can you make it a little bit more like this a little bit more like that and it will just give you the Json like that accordingly and if you ever run into a situation like this where it didn't print out everything that you wanted if it kind of stopped you could say like hey could you please print out what you left off and then usually it won't start from the beginning it usually just give you what you want but sometimes it starts back from the beginning I'll show you example of that right here so I asked it to print out the Json that I left out and said I'm sorry about the uh incomplete Json file here's the entire file again so it is printing it out all the way again but that's okay we'll just wait for it and then we should be able to get what's just at the end which is what we want but ultimately I'm just going to keep the video short and sweet because that is the foundation of how you can generate Json with chat GPT I hope that this has been helpful for you thank you so much for watching and if this helped you out please drop a you know thumbs up like a heart a like whatever in the comments or just throw a like on my video I really would appreciate that really helps me out here on YouTube and thank you for watching have a good one I'm going to show you how to use chat GPT to get some fake data for any of your projects for data science for data visualization or anything that you're doing with programming you're going to need some demo data and you might even be able to ask it for some real data I'm going to show you how to get tables things that we can turn into Excel sheets database Etc from chat GPT let's go I'm going to give it a prompt something like this it says generate a csb of the top 10 most famous astronauts and what countries they're from and what year they went into space and so we're going to get this and it's not quite there yet so we're going to ask chat gbt to give us this at a table or we're going to re-specify that we wanted to provide a CSV format and actually I eat my words because it's now giving us the list and then also giving us the chat or sorry the CSV format all right I'm going to throw another prompt that's going to ask for like fast food restaurants just for an example project we're going to ask you for geospatial data so we're going to say hey can you give us a latitude and longitude of some fake fast food restaurants and with an employee account so if you're doing something with like a restaurant Logistics or just locational data this is generating a bunch of dummy data one thing that I do see is the coordinates they look like they're they're close but not too far away so that's awesome that's pretty much in line with exactly what you want so you gave us a table and it also gave us a CSV format for that data I'm going to push another prompt where I'm going to ask for fake CSV data set of stock prices that are associated with the companies that it just gave me in the other projects so it's gonna like take like McDonald's Burger King Wendy's it's going to make up like these fake stock tickers and then it's going to make these fake stock prices so if I was building out a project here it would go ahead and um you know like give us something to relate to so we have like a little locations then we'd have like the stock price like the number of employees and we can build that out for our project all right for the next prompt I'm going to ask it to generate a table of 10 rows of customer visits to those locations and I'm going to ask you to generate a fake list of menu items and it we gave it's given us these like comma separated which is cool and then like the total spending amount in dollars and then I asked it to give each customer a unique ID so every customer is a um like an individual like person and I'm going to ask it to actually expand on what it gave me just here I'm going to say like hey can you give me a fake credit card number and a fake name to match that as well so I'm asking it to create these names and it's going to update that existing table and so we have a customer ID name fake credit card number location menu items they ordered and then the total spend of items you can see it is actually tying Chick-fil-A Sandwich to Chick-fil-A chicken bucket match potatoes biscuits to KFC it's matching everything up appropriately that's kind of funny it's actually pulling like real items from these franchises menus and then having them be the items instead of just making up some just random random thing here so cool the uh credit card numbers are not super creative but we didn't need them to be they're just 16 digits exactly what we need all right next I'm going to ask it to create a data set that represents the nutrition for each individual item that was purchased at in like every customer interaction at every store for which we also have the location stock price the recent customers and now we have all of the data this is crazy like the you have all of the this simulated data for all of the calories fat protein carbs ingredients inside of every single individual item so we can actually equate now if in a data science project we can use all this this generated data to actually relate all of the the interaction to how many grams of protein that customer individually consumed which is really really cool and actually I'm going to go further I'm going to ask it how we could do that with python here in the next step so a prop looks like this I'm going to say using python how could we relate the customer interactions the menu items ordered and the nutrition data table to determine exactly how many calories each customer consumed in their visit to any individual fast food location so it's recommending pandas and then it's also saying if we had a CSV which we could copy and paste any of this data into an Excel document upload it as a CSV use Google collab or something like that it would say hey we would go ahead and we would merge on menu item and then we would Group by the customer ID and the calories and the sum so let's see we have the menu item right here and then over here we have menu items so actually it's not accounting for one thing we have separate menu items so I might have a comma separated list right here Big Mac french fries and a coke Whopper onion rings in the Sprite then over here I only have one item so I know just for my programming knowledge that this isn't spot on so I'm going to ask it how do we deal with the fact that menu item and menu items are different how do we work with that so I'm asking it really broadly because of the difference how do we relate those two attributes so I'm just broadly asking it how we how we do this so it's going to give us some instructions let's see what it comes up with here so it's saying let's take menu items and then split it by commas which could work yes and then it says we could use the explode function to turn the the items into separate rows okay um and then we will merge on menu item so we would have to let's see would we have to rename the column we'll see what it says there so I think that would be like the last step that we would have to rename the column but it says we we don't but ultimately we'd have to try it out but this is just a really neat way to I think generate data and then go after it and we could have taken on one last thing I'm going to show you is we're going to take uh just one of these just to show you I'm going to copy and paste all the content into Excel so you can see all right so I've got Excel up here and I just copied and pasted that table in there and here we go but that has all the formatting so let's go back and we will paste as plain and match the formatting and check that out we have a table right here that we can go and use that's so cool I'm really really interested in where this can go but yeah you can we can take this and we can start to develop all sorts of things with this fake data it just ask chat GPT and it'll just give it to you so I hope this has been helpful let me know what you think about in the comments if you like this video and you want more content like this go ahead and subscribe and thanks for watching have a good one I'm going to ask chat GPT to help me write a five page paper on the Boston Tea Party just a subject that you might have in school and let's see how well it does in helping me do this so I've got a word doc up so we can do word count and we can do page count we can double space it and all that stuff I'm gonna prompt the chat I'm gonna say hey can you help me write this five page essay I'm gonna see what it does it should hopefully not start giving me all of the content right now and it's right now it's giving me an outline so we're going to start with that and we're actually going to provide a hot take in our essay we're gonna it's gonna be like an opinion driven essay we're going to say like why the Boston Tea Party was bad so that's the way we're going to write this I set everything up to be 12 size font Times New Roman double spaced and work so I gave it my prompt with the idea about the opinion and which angle we're gonna go with it and so it's already outputting why it was bad so it said uh so the event was illegal and resulted in destruction of property and then there were further strange relations between the colonies in Great Britain so this is definitely a great case for why it was really bad so I'm going to open open AI playground and then I'm going to feed it the prompt I'm gonna say hey can you help me write a uh 1250 page uh sorry I said oh page I meant word paper about why the Boston Tea Party wasn't the best idea use this information to help develop this writing and then I copied and pasted what came from chat GPT so we have something going on here and we hit submit for the second time and it looks like the chat has um almost hit its end here we got rate limited so we're gonna wait here for just a second to kind of proofread through this and then we're going to start taking some of it into our Word document to format that now if you're thinking about plagiarism or uh the detection of chat GPT I'm going to show you how to get through that here at the end of the video so keep watching and we're gonna talk about that here at the end so I wouldn't really worry about that also we're going to make this your own we are going to write this out and format this and change it so that that way it is what you created so I'm going to do a little bit of modification through here we're going to change some words scope some things out and then we're going to ask uh for an expansion of uh some of this text so we're going to send some of the text back into the AI and we're going to ask it to a but can you blow this up can you take this idea and then make this three paragraphs instead of four to kind of format our structure but right now we have this good introduction and then we went straight to a conclusion and so this is just a one page so we need to um you know we're going to think about okay we we have the conclusion here and then we have the intro here and we're going to fit things in the middle so what we're going to do is we're going to run chat gbt a couple more times with this um probably going to expand the intro a little bit but we're going to try to throw some meat and potatoes into Pages uh two three and four and then make page five the conclusion and that's going to be how we sort of lay this out so I just threw another prompt in chat GPT I said hey can you expand this idea to four paragraphs and talk about the economic implications for common people that would have resulted at the time due to the Boston Tea Party so we're gonna take the middle of this paper and we're gonna expand to a like economic angle of how um this is all playing out and that's like one of the things that we're going to say like is bad we're not We're not gonna end the paper like say well they shouldn't have done that but we're going to be like oh but the economic implications you know uh you know because they pissed off the merchants like that is the negative effect here that we're saying that's why it wasn't the best idea so that's how we're going to kind of form the the paper here so we got um two paragraphs and so we're we're heading towards the right direction and so here we're going to take this copy and paste it in we're going to look at it proofread it cool so I set a prompt and I asked the conclusion to be four paragraphs and then I said can you highlight some other methods that the colonists might have taken or used to create the same effect but not in the same way so we're actually in conclusion conclusion suggesting different courses of action for history for the purpose of this essay so we are going to get this expanded version out of the chat and great so we're going to see what ideas it comes up with then we're going to take those to the word document then we're going to work on a little bit of the formatting there we're looking at about three pages right now and we've got 669 words the big thing here is when you're prompting and then you're injecting the ideas and you're saying hey can we kind of write it like this and then you're doing some editing you know this is where I think that this is ultimately you you are writing the essay you are providing the prompts you are gathering the text you are reforming the text and you are presenting your ideas with text you are just getting a super leg up to use the AI now some professors May disagree with me on that but that is a uh that is what's happening here so then in the middle I wanted to highlight like three paragraphs specifically on how Colonial families and workers may have suffered in terms of like loss of employment in the Fallout of where Great Britain got upset about that action so we're gonna get those three paragraphs and they're going to kind of go in the middle here whenever they come out we're going to um right right here uh we're gonna we're gonna put that right in here so um so right here it talks about Merchants uh employment wealth and it kind of focuses on the merchants but then I want to take a turn and be like well forget about the merchants let's talk about the average Colonial family and how that impacted them so we're talking about um let's see here um this could have had a particularly negative impact to those who are already struggling financially increase the prices um let's see let's regenerate this response I want a different one I felt like that one was a little bit too echoey and then um we're gonna see we're gonna see where this goes so I want to expand the conclusion just fill out the last page where five pages now and it's only been like six minutes that I've been at this so we're gonna say okay uh we're gonna expand this idea out so I gave it as a starter I said hey could you expand this to be three paragraphs and then I said can you make it strongly worded one cool thing is that you can say hey can you change the tonality of the wording and that can add to a more like um uh vibrant writing style if you will so I'm going through here and I'm indenting paragraphs and formatting which may be a little bit premature of me but what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to start to take this text because we have a decent enough format I'm going to take this and I'm going to go over to this plagiarism Checker by grammarly and I'm going to put this in and scan for plagiarism so because chat GPT and open AI they have access to this copy of like the entire internet pre-2021 it is possible that they are pulling some pieces about historical events specifically or just anything from um that they're pulling this from uh already existing written text so what we're going to want to do is we're now that we have some plagiarism found we have some grammar and spelling and conciseness issues so we are going to go back and this is this is normal I want to look at this and we're going to want to change this around and then probably feed it back into the AI and say hey can you create a remade copy of this I want to change some of this we're going to change some of the wording in here so that becomes more of our wording from our actual writing so that way the AI can take that text and then format it out to be the same way so I'm copying pasting the entire survey into open AI playground and we are going to say for the initial prompt can you rewrite this entire essay was stronger and more Dynamic wording keep the word count uh the same word count or higher so let's see what it outputs here hopeful that it's going to come with um just a different version and structure of pretty much the same set of ideas so um I think this is a little bit short so we might have to throw this back through the AI a couple times because I'm pretty sure that this is not um even close to what we provided yeah because our our I think we got 1300 words now so we're going to ask um for this and what we'll do is We'll add an additional prompt here we'll say like make sure to produce at minimum 1050 words and sometimes I'll listen sometimes it doesn't one thing I'm going to do here is I'm going to turn up some of these um here and what these guys do on the side is they tweak the output of the AI and some of these things are interesting right so like there are different options that it considers when it's creating text and it has a frequency of words that it uses so you can actually penalize the repetition of certain ideas which was one thing that I did notice when I was editing so let's take that that's too short let's run this again we're going to turn the frequency penalty up presence penalty best of and the maximum length is good we might want to run that through again now we could um we could change this if we wanted to but I think we're we're good with text DaVinci 03 so we're going to just kind of wait uh run this a couple times and then see where this goes I just scanned the first two paragraphs the new output for plagiarism no plagiarism found so we're doing good so I'm probably going to take that in so I just took the output that I had I'm following the same process of kind of taking the information washing it adding some ideas getting some stuff from chat getting some stuff from the playground and then putting it in here so um one thing that keeps coming up is it keeps using the term After Effects so I've been changing that and uh overall we are getting to a pretty good point here so we have about four pages and this process around a couple more times we would have a five page essay so obviously there's a lot of sort of more of an editor role that comes into writing instead of just writing and just jamming things out if you wanted to go and get your sources and then put them in a proper sourcing format and and add them in there too if this was like a research paper for this is kind of you may not I don't know you may cite some of your sources right if you had them if you wanted to bring those in you could kind of follow the same path that I did here with this sort of uh pass but we have no plagiarism found at this point and the only thing left for us to do is to take all this and throw it through the GPT 2 detector and see if it will catch this for detection so let's go ahead and take this or all the way up through here and then let's see what we can get it's going to predict it and this is one of the main output tools right now so it might be something that we need to refresh there that looks like it's going to go through all that text to predict it and we'll see what it comes out with and we just got our detection back as 99.97 real and that is also because even though we use the AI to generate it we did not have 100 AI generation there is still a lot of human touch on this and this is just a uh sort of automated amplification of the text right so anyhow I hope that this was helpful um good luck on your essays if you write them like this make sure that your editing is on point and just work through them but overall it's been about there's about 10 minutes to kind of accomplish that entire process here so you could go further you know longer but um we're talking about you know maybe hours of creating an essay versus much less time using this method so I hope this is helpful thank you for watching and have a good one so I asked chat GPT if they could help me develop a basic fifth grade math curriculum let's say that I needed to homeschool my kid right and I wanted to use AI to develop out what the curriculum would look like and I don't know what I'm doing right this this chat will tell you so I said hey can you provide links to learning resources worksheets planning courses I want the entire curriculum to be free please describe in detail how I would teach this curriculum every week how long I should spend on what content and then describe exactly what lesson content I should be teaching every week giving a day by day breakdown of what lessons I should teach over the entire school year Okay cool so it came through it gave some uh basic overview of like what fifth grade math consists of now I don't know how deep it goes into some things like algebra and geometry that seems a little bit deep but we're you know brushing the surface I think at that level and uh you know it's just some kind of healthy overviews then it gives you reference to three videos or three sites that have uh free resources so I excel Math Antics and Khan Academy So based off of this you should be able to go and find some free resources that you could just take your kid give them that and then from there follow this kind of broad schedule so what I can do is I'm going to ask it to actually expand on what it's giving me now because we haven't gotten a day by day schedule so I could say hey can you plan two solid weeks of math lessons day by day so I'm asking it can you plan out the next two weeks of math lessons based on this fifth grade math curriculum so we're it's probably going to assume I'm hoping that we're starting from zero and we're rolling through based off of just you know day one so from here it says Hey on Monday let's start with decimals on Tuesday let's do decibels and fractions then on Wednesday comparing and ordering decimals Thursday reviewing decimals and you're pretty much just spending the whole week on that Friday you've got a quiz on decimals so one thing that we can actually do is we can go in depth with this and we can say hey can you make me that quiz on decimals so that I have that content to give to my kid I can like print it out and then give it to them because it just said hey do it give me a quiz on decimals and I'm gonna be like well can you make that for me and it can't so this is really cool we can actually develop the curriculum live as we're right here now I'm asking it explicitly for a 10 question 5th grade math level quiz on decimals but I could have just said hey can you give me that Friday quiz and it wouldn't know what you're asking for so here we go it's saying yeah here's the uh the quiz is multiple choice and it's breaking it down and what I'm going to do is like let's say that you're a parent and you just completely just blanked on everything that you learned in school like a lot of people did which is fun right you're not necessarily working out decimals every day let's say and you want to know okay well just can you just tell me what the answer key is for this quiz so that I can grade it appropriately and we can ask you for that too so it's spitting out we're running through it's got a bunch of uh great questions here we're going to say hey can you give me an answer key for this so ask for the answer key and we'll see what it comes back um now these are you know we could have just gone to Google and we could have looked this up but we don't even need to with a very very simple ask it will give us the full answer key for the quiz so we have no barriers now we have a full breakdown lesson plan uh access to free resources we could have paid for some resources and then we could feed those resources in and ask for more refinement but it generated a quiz for us it generated an answer key so we pretty much have everything that we need to go out and teach uh fifth grade math I'm also going to ask it how much time per day should I spend on the lessons and then I asked for any advice on how to effectively use that time so be interesting to see what this says and honestly all of this information is coming from basically a gigantic copy of the internet pre-2021 so this is sort of condensing all of the home school advice on the internet pretty much based off of your ask based off of what this thing wants to give you at the the current time so this is like the best version of a Google search you could ever hope to accomplish so it's giving you a 45 minute guide it says let's do uh warm-up introduce A New Concept and then have them do some independent practice and have a little bit of review and then you know try to mix it up every day to keep it interesting so overall this is really cool I think this is going to be a game changer for homeschoolers and homeschooling I hope this is is helpful to you and if it was uh please hit that like button and drop a comment about how this helped you and thank you so much for watching and have a good one I'm gonna see if I can use AI to plan retirement I'm gonna create a hypothetical scenario pitch it to chat gbt this is a AI chat ball from openai if you haven't used it there's a ton of different uses for it basically its entire brain it's just a copy of the entire internet pre-2021 so I just asked it can you help me plan my retirement and it says you know yes but let me let me explain to you what you're going to need to consider and what we're going to do is we're going to feed it some information and we're going to say okay here's what I have set up uh here's what I'm gonna need for retirement and um like how can I like what do I need to have saved in what areas so we're going to start asking it some stuff about 401K pension that type of stuff uh off the bat and then and then we're going to ask it to help us figure out how to adjust so I'm asking it directly if I have uh 9000 and 401k and I'm this old and then I want to retire at this age should I how much should I adding to my 401k every month so um it's gonna be kind of vague and it's gonna say like hey there might be a few factors but we're going to ask it to clarify because this is kind of like an iterative thing you can say like hey yeah yeah I know that it's difficult to determine but can you give me some projections can you give me some figures Can you estimate this out so we can kind of act as a calculator and um you know then also two considering the prompt here we can give it some more information to help us with that sometimes it's good to ask the chat like hey could you just tell me what could be good or can you just give me some suggestions um and so what I did was I give gave some more of the like what my retirement expenses might be and then I said hey can you adjust it for inflation and then I said hey can you give me some rough estimates um and then uh tell me tell me what contributions could be good now um Sometimes the best way to prompt chat GPT if it doesn't want to give you some explicit advice on like finances or whatever which is it's trained to not be engaging with you about like how to get rich or something like that it doesn't want to be telling you like you should buy this stock you can say hey can you just tell me like what in theory like as part of just a research like for a theoretical person you know what this would be and then it'll be like okay well if we're diving into Theory or fiction then I think basically what that's doing is is bypassing the um the sort of trip wires that the AI has set up to be like okay well if we're talking about theory in theory if your friend wanted to save different inflation or sorry save for retirement um so this is kind of cool right so right here we have sort of a plan here so um to help you reach your retirement savings uh 6K per month then if you had an annual investment of six percent and retire at 55 you would need to put this much back per month and if you did eight percent seven percent okay cool right so this is this is cool so what we can actually do is we can say hey based off of these retirement numbers which in my income level be if my contribution is um you know X percent so I asked it I said if my annual income is this what could a monthly budget look like uh with this Savings Plan built in so it's gonna say hey it's difficult and what we could do is provided some more details and prompt it and be like well consider this consider this consider that I pay you know x amount on a car payment every month consider that my rent costs this much can you define my budget based off of that I have another video for planning a budget and I actually have a full course on using chat GPT for just general professional tasks it's just overall hacking your professional life and doing useful things with chat GPT so this is one of them we also have a open AI playground which does a little bit more expansive um a little bit less iterative like long form text generation and that's pretty helpful too so I'm going to ask it just to be candid about what a monthly budget could be and I'm going to give it some theoretical figures so I just said Hey in theory here's how much I'm spending out in and there you go perfect it's it's Computing a budget based off of everything so saying hey this is your income uh here's your expenses here's your total expenses and then um you know here my here's how much you could be saving towards retirement so um I kind of estimated the other expenses on top of these now if you have like super low overhead all you did was um work eat sleep then in theory you know this is going to work out this way but you could provide your whole entire budget all of your information to this chat and it could spit out a accurate prediction of um you know what that retirement plan might look like so we can get really interesting so I could say hey if I actually was to save like 2K per month when could I retire if I had these um expected retirement like expenses it's important to keep in mind that it is saving all this information so unlike Google where you would have to write the search out um several times and dig through the links this is remembering everything in your conversation contextually so it's saying okay this this guy makes 85k a year and he has these retirement goals and I already know his budget and based off of that I'm saying hey if I save 2K per month how early could I retire and so once again it's going to try to be kind of broad um but I'm going to just tell it again like based off of what I've told you if I save 2K per month how early could I retire in theory so I did have to prompt this a couple of times I didn't have to say uh in theory just tell me how it will work in a calculator make a guess provide multiple scenarios finally we did get um you know an estimate right so we have uh the contribution of 2K per month to the 401K from age 28 to 55 compound uh the rate of investment is this compound interest the balance will be this and then the monthly payouts could be um and it's very candid to say important to keep in mind the following calculation is theoretical estimate so this AI is pretty strict it does not want to um give you too much right is using these assumptions the monthly payouts could be this much so that's pretty cool I took everything into consideration that I provided I gave it like a life expectancy and uh you know payout goals but then I said you know how much would it be but it doesn't necessarily want to cough up immediately uh direct investment advice but if you ask it hey can you just tell me some scenarios because you know the chat can only provide you um a calculation off of the scenario you know the same way that any financial planner could so nobody knows the future nobody knows these interest rates um there there's no such thing as that in financial advice so you're getting advice from an AI or getting advice from a person you're getting basically the same quality you're getting a calculation based off of your current balance factors a set plan and then some figures and then theoretical estimates based off of historical numbers of like things like interest rates but overall this is a really cool tool I think this is a great use case a very uh useful and this is something that um financial planners might want to look out for if you can do something like this with AI you may not need to get these types of plans or strategies um or this type of guidance or information from people anymore you may be able to just tap into something like chat gbt and get your information there but anyhow I hope this was helpful thank you so much for watching and have a good one so let's say I have a problem or something I'm looking to develop a solution for at work and I know what software I think I want to use and I know what my problem is but I don't necessarily know how to tackle it using that software what we can do is describe the problem and the software we want to use to chat GPT and see if it will give us an output and so what I have here is a I say hey I I want to use Excel to figure out which one of my team members will be in the office during the holidays because people are taking a lot of time off so I want to know who's going to be in and then who's going to be out on what day and I want to use Excel so how do I do that and so we're going to push that problem to chat and it's going to say hey it looks like you want to create a schedule in Excel and you know then it's going to break out some steps for how we can do that and it's nice because it says hey here's one way you could approach this problem so it gives us step-by-step guide tells us you know how to lay out the sheet in you know sell by sell row by Road by row by column um you know and very specifically says hey we're going to want to put in some leave dates we're going to want to put in some team members and then you know we're going to want to progress through the whole thing right so what we can do is we can get more prescriptive so I could say like hey I want to see a a line chart that shows me uh the number of people that will be on in the office on any given day uh so I know how much coffee to make right like let's say that that's the use case so we'll say can you and once this is done we can kind of preload our text in here to see what um it it's gonna do oh but actually before we do that it said that for us to do a vlookup so actually vlookup is like one of the more like intermediate challenging functions in Excel and I always have to look up a documentation to do it but I actually just ask uh Hey for number six how do we do that vlookup foreign number six because you were just a little bit too broad so here it's going to go through and let's see what it what it gives us we'll give it our exact use case uh when we when we line this up is give it as much detail as possible and you know try to format in an intelligent way but there's no specific format that you have to give this information to chat GPT in order for it to be effective but see here it just said here's your vlookup here's what you're going to do you're going to put the leave dates in their own workbook and then you know here's the formula you're going to want to use so it spits that out it goes really in depth on just that number six of the original uh guide here like this step right here it broke out number six into a an extensive guide just for number six so like I'm saying you know you don't have to rely on just a broad scope overview of hey solve this problem for me in Excel and then you just have to figure everything else out for yourself no like you can come back and you can ask specific questions and say hey on this specific step I'm having this problem how would I fix that let's ask you about the line chart and see what it says now so we'll say hey we want a line chart on this other page you know what do we want to do great it's going to say hey from the insert tab let's select line from the charts tab let's insert that and then let's see here it is a little bit vague on number five so be like can you expand on number five in B charts explanation and then let's see yeah so now it's going to go straight into the actual buttonology of the charts inside uh this specific chart in Excel so it's going to tell you like all of the axes and like what you should call every axes and what you should do for the colors it's pretty robust so anyhow this is just one example of how you could solve a problem using chat gbt you know and you know create a solution or do anything like that with it so something that everybody has to deal with as a professional is learning new skills and adapting to new environments so you may have a situation in which you need to get smart about something or you want to learn something that's new to you that you don't know but you need to know how to do it and you need like a learning plan that you can adhere to so you know like what you need to learn and where you need to go to learn it and uh in this case like let's say you want to set out a four week plan for something new so I'm going to use this prompt right here where I'm going to say hey I need to be come Smarter on organizational data management and I'll ask the chat if it can provide me with a four week plan on what I can learn to get smarter in that area so that I can help my organization become more successful now this could be you know any topic I was even explicit down here I said hey can you make the guide very simple or make the plan you know I can say guide or plan plan very simple so that I can understand it because I don't know that much about data you know I'll be like hey don't use too much jargon on me so I'm going to push this into the chat and it's going to say hey sure here's a simple four week plan it's going to go through and it's going to lay out all of the weeks for me so it's gonna say hey week one we're gonna do this let's give some bullet points um week two it's gonna go into say hey you know here here's what we're gonna do breaks it all down and gives you a template right and if you don't like that if you think that you need to um you know change if you think this needs to change at all that would just be something that we would respond to the chat and say hey uh this this guide is too complicated or can you provide a day by day breakdown of how I can get to these tasks so that that way you could like build out a schedule for each day to attack this learning plan you can ask it to do that and that's actually what I'm going to do next after it comes back in and outputs this so one thing too to mention with chat GPT is we're asking it to Output a lot of text right now and it is possible that it might stall out and and stop outputting text and that's okay we're just going to want to go back uh into chat GPT refresh it hit reset thread in the top left hand corner and then try again and then see if it'll give us all that chat or all that text let's say can you give me a day by day schedule break out of this learning plan and let's see if it goes through and it says week one day one right week one day two that's what I'm looking for so we'll see what it does cool day one right introduction to data management day two data organization and storage day three it goes boom there you go right and it says day five quiz and we may not have that but what we can do is we can look for a quiz that is in an online course or something of that effect that we could um we could actually line up right so um we can make like day 11 just a review day or I could tell the chat hey I don't actually have a quiz can you replace all of the days you have quizzes logged for so that that way you'll have this um available but so here is a you know really easy a really easy way to automate an entire like learning pathway over a really short time frame for you to be able to go and understand how to get after learning something new which at gbt but anyhow we're going to move on to go check out the next video in this course and I'll see you there so this video we're going to go over how we can format automatically with chat GPT a message that we need to send out that is important let's say a company-wide email on something that you're trying to get all of the employees of that of your company to engage with so like one common thing would be like um I made up this this prompt here like hey can you send a company-wide email to all employees reminding them to update their talent and skills profile before this date so that we can track employees for New Opportunities and growth development and I'll say hey this is from Micah at the HR professional development team at Acme Inc right so all the time you have to send out emails like this when you're in a company so it may not be to the whole company but you're going to need to build these emails so this is the one way that you can accomplish this with chat GPT let's pass this in and the AI should from here go ahead and format out you know an email for you so initially like this prompt right now it's giving um it's giving this message back because I said can I send so I just need to restate um slightly to say like I don't want you to send it for me because it's reminding me that it can't go send an email for me which is fine but all I'm going to do is can you um write out for me so I'm just going to change the phrasing a little bit and this is sort of the input output that you have with jet GPT based off of what it gives you you can respond and say yeah hey understood that you can't send an email for me but can you build out the text for that and so it's going to go and do this now great so we got a subject line um dear employees it's a little bit formal but we can actually ask like hey could you make it sound less formal or just like say like team comma as like the first line here I love this right so um we're asking all employees to update their talented skills profile in our system um updating your profile is easy it even has instructions right now if I had given it a link and said like here's where the talent profile is it would have included that inside of here uh but ultimately right we've automated this email it looks really good and all we would need to do is in that initial template that I um pointed out right here is you just need to change this tailor this to be what you want it to look like for your use case so if you have a company-wide email about uh holiday party or a picnic or um how you know people keep leaving the uh the the coffee pot on when they when it's run out of coffee and it's burning in there right like you can you could automate any email and you can tell it to have any tonality that you want and then it will build something awesome like this and this will be the output it's cool I hope it was this was helpful go ahead and uh you know check out the next video I'm going to show you how to do some more useful things so one other thing we can do is uh you know try to write an email for uh interactions with an outside vendor so like let's say you had somebody from Salesforce hit you up and they want you to sign up to to use um you know their stuff and you're ready to reach back out and you want to format an email to kind of address to them like you know hey I think I have a rough idea of what we might want to use a software for can you give us a demo right and so this could actually format an email um you know to somebody who's actually reached out to you before so we got this guy's fake employee Mark who works at Salesforce and you know so um you know we got this demo email right so it says hey I'm wondering if it's possible you provide a demo of the software so like this is a really easy you know interaction so if if we just provide you know hey we we need to send an email to this guy about this software you know um what can we do we can even ask like chat gbt can you like can you ask some specific questions about Salesforce and what a subscription would look like but we could just say like can you add to the email some questions about the software or Mark to answer by email before the demo questions about um and we can literally just ask chat GPT to think up questions for us so it can actually take what it knows about Salesforce and then actually see if it'll make some questions and so it says hey you know can you you know before the demo can you give me some answers to these questions you know can this integrate with uh slack can you know what sort of support training options are available and then can you tell me what other businesses in a similar industry are using this software so if you couldn't think of any good things to ask the outside vendor before you know it came up it actually gave some uh some of them were like somewhat uh generic but like the customization but overall we got some very useful questions that we could ask Mark as an outside vendor you know hey what can I do with this software and chat GPT took what it knew about about Salesforce and then um made up some questions for you and since chat GPT knows so many things you know it has such a breadth of knowledge about you know what things are like if I say you know what is Salesforce it will tell me what Salesforce is it knows a lot about it and you could even say you know I am a food logistics company can I how could I leverage Salesforce so we could even ask that before we even email Mark back to just ask the AI if Mark's company or software whatever he's selling could even be useful for us so that could be one thing we could do actually like um you know some Market Research in here as well so I could say like uh I want a food Logistics company would Salesforce benefit company and we'll see what it says it says hey it could potentially it could be used for this this this and this um you can track orders interactions deliveries all these different things so it actually is answering for you um what it is about Salesforce you might be interested in a use case that that could apply here and you could say what other comparable software options sides Salesforce code I use now I'll just say like hey what what else could I use this can actually arm you as you go into the demo meeting with Mark to say hey how does your software compare to these other options you know and it just gave Oracle HubSpot Zoho all these other different um softwares and platforms as an option so here in about four minutes we just wrote an email to Mark we asked him to provide some questions we know what the competition is we know what we could maybe use this software for so we're actually uh in a in Rapid time with without having to go on to Google and doing a bunch of research we're actually going to know how to engage with this external vendor and how to move forward on this um for our company so anyhow I hope this was helpful and thank you for watching so when applying for jobs a lot of the time it's suggested that you add a cover letter but cover letters are a lot of writing and it's for every single job you submit for and it's like is it worth it and you know it makes people shy away from it we can actually ask chat GPT to create a cover letter for a job ad so I've actually got a job from just a job description from a job ad for a job at Spotify and I just said hey can you create a resume cover letter that explains why I want this job here is the job ad and then it just goes through and it's talking about they're looking for a data science leader it's Spotify Spotify for artists this is going to be the division you're going to work with these people in these departments in this role you're going to report to this person and you're going to be doing all of this stuff it has a full description who you are you have eight years of experience blah blah all the stuff you would see in a normal job ad so I just throw all of that out and it's going to instantly give me back a full Pro breakdown of a cover letter that sounds just like a you know sounds just like a human and if it doesn't sound the way we want it we can just toss it back so we can tell chat gbt like hey thank you um you know for what you gave us but can you revise this to sound a little bit more exciting that's what we'll do can you revise this cover letter to sound smarter and be more exciting about why I want this job we'll see what it comes back with right so he said this thing says I am thrilled about the opportunity to join this team right so that's definitely more exciting verbiage here and uh you know so we can pick if we want this one or not but this does give us a starting point where we can take this and we can modify it and we could take out some of the fluff or we could add some things but depending on what we told it we could tell it our past rules the same way that we did with the other video where I was talking about the resume where I gave a little background on you know um you know like my professional past like jobs I've worked at or whatever and it could bring that into the cover letter to then translate into the cover letter for this specific job so it's writing this all out for you and it's doing it instantly so that is a huge gain for anybody who's on the job search they could use AI to actually generate these cover letters so that every single job application is a really quick and um like fluid valuable experience and there's always a cover letter right and you could generate cover letter after cover letter you would just add in a different job description to make that happen so yeah I hope this was helpful thank you for watching one thing you might want to do is just get some professional advice when you're job searching or just you're trying to Branch out or whatever and one of those places you can do that is LinkedIn and I think a lot of people know they want to make their LinkedIn profile better but we can ask chat GPT how to actually do this so I can say hey how can I make my profile on LinkedIn the best it can possibly be for a potential employer could you give me some examples on how each part of my profile should be laid out as a template or a guide and then it will give us some some tips on how how you know each part of the profile should be laid out and we can ask it to expand on those things right so I could actually say you know hey here is my uh background and skills and I can just type out what my skills are and then um you know I could be like how could I format my my LinkedIn description to actually you know look the best it could be like what could you write me a LinkedIn description and it could do that so that that's a that's a pretty big that's a pretty big gain right so it's giving us you know a one through eight list um and I'll be like you know I could say um um name is Micah and I'm uh data visualization professional looking for um people to connect with on my professional Journey I don't know sounds like something somebody would post on LinkedIn right so um can you write a LinkedIn description and a headline for my LinkedIn I said LinkedIn twice but anyhow it gets a point it's like okay cool um great so it gives me a description and it's just spitting out this just beautiful you know text right here and then literally yeah right in the headlines even got the little bar data visualization professional helping businesses and organizations make sense of their data through effective visual communication or my first name like it's a little bit more of a personal option this is great and I could be like could you give me a couple more suggestions and it'll just spit that out too so you know it's gonna say hey here's one and you can say like hey well could you give me like three options could you write me like a bunch of these so I can pick which one I like the best and it'll do that for you too so he says hey you could use this or um you know I can just say try again and it'll go through and it might write me a different one might be like the same kind of thing yeah so the difference here is with over five years of experience in the field I have a strong understanding it's a little bit different than this one up here so we're getting we're getting something different um instead of like professional it said specialist so it's tailoring the words and you know you're you're throwing the ball to it and it's throwing the ball back you're asking it to modify and you're receiving something in return so I hope this was helpful I have another video for you as well if you want to check that one out I'm going to show you how to do more useful things with chat GPT one thing that everybody should be doing uh but we all probably do pretty poorly is a little bit of project management with all the tasks that we have to do whether that be on like a large scale or like a smaller scale level but like let's say that I have a stack of projects that I need to get to and I need someone to prioritize prioritize them for me or let's say something is chat GPT it's not a person but you can talk to it like a human and it does pick up on what you're saying so we have a bunch of tasks and I don't know which priority everything should be so can you just guess you know here's the list of tasks I want you to meet with I want to meet with Bob about the company picnic I want to talk to the insurance company about the recent robbery at one of our company gas stations I need to plan out the next five years of my professional development I need to put a ticket in to get my computer fixed with it so I've got all the stuff going on but I really need someone to help me out or something to help me out to understand what priority that I should put all these tasks in so what it's going to do is I'm going to give it all these tasks and say hey I got all this crap to do can you just tell me what I need to do first can you tell me what you think that I need to do first and what's going to be interesting here is based off the description of what you said about the tasks it is uh gonna give me a suggested priority right so first thing it does it says you know hey number one you're going to want to address that robbery this sounds really like a time sensitive issue you know uh then let's meet with Bob and then you know we'll think about you know planning up the next five years as a professional development as a as a subset of that and then it ranks last uh putting in a ticket to get the computer fixed with it and the first time I did this is actually rank this higher right under the insurance company because they recognized that you know uh you know that this was uh important for me to do my job and it was like well you're probably gonna need the computer to accomplish these other things so it actually ranked this above the professional development so um what I can actually tell it is I can just say like but my computer doesn't work and that's really important and I'm I'm just acting like I don't know anything here I'm just saying you know I have no clue but I just know that I need a computer to be able to do all these things and that's all I expressed to chat was oh my computer doesn't work what should I do how should I set up these tasks and then it's going to go through and it's going to say well if your computer isn't working you know you should get that fixed right so like let's put that as a top priority and I'll say uh can you give me a new priority list then which is kind of silly because I could just move the uh order I could just copy and paste it myself but I can actually ask chat gbt for just me just be like the ultimate lazy human and for it to do all of this task for me and it will it will spit out and be like okay fine here's a revised priority list and then it puts the ticket at the top um and then it puts the robbery and then I meet with Bob and then I plan out the next five years professional development so if we had a longer list and we kind of told it some more background on the situation it could give us a whole task priority list depending on the information that we provided to it and then it can revise it and then spit that out in a um in a format that's uh valuable for us so cool uh in the next video I'm going to show you even more things you can do with chat GPT as a professional so stay tuned for that so A really common task that we're always doing is building out a daily schedule so you may want to build out a calendar or a schedule based off of projects or different tasks that you you have to do through the day so what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask chat GPT to build out a hour by hour schedule for an eight hour work day where I need to accomplish the following tasks so I can say hey I need to work out meet with Joe about the honey hot sauce project finish my performance report deal with my travel receipts get lunch with my boss at Olive Garden and pick up my kids from school so I'm going to ask you to do that for me and see if it comes back with a coherent hour-by-hour schedule that gives me a breakdown of what I actually need to do and so that way I can go and take this information and add it to my calendar so we're waiting for the chat to push this out so it's going to say hey here's a possible schedule and says hey work out in the morning which is one really cool thing you recognize that working out is probably something you're going to want to do in the morning um and then it put picking up kids from school at the end of the day because that's when kids get out of school so it even added some additional stuff for the rest of my day in there as an additional 5 to 8 P.M spend time with your kids and help them with their homework or any other activities they have scheduled for the evening so it's really cool because it went through my entire day and actually gave me more than what I even asked for so uh from here you know this is this is like you can go anywhere with this so um I can say hey can you prioritize my um travel receipts over anything else I'll say can you prioritize my travel that's the first thing I do before or after working out and then that is going to restructure your whole daily schedule to outputting that that direction right um and I could even get really crazy and I could say hey can you provide me a general schedule day by day hour by hour for these projects and let you know see what it does there so um this is interesting so it's actually saying you know it may not be feasible um to to do this because you already have this meeting so um let's be aware so what I can say is like if things said I have this meeting with Joe at nine so I can actually say that uh Joe is flexible so I'm just gonna say hey that meeting with Joe is flexible and just see what it says um and this is just like talking to a person right like if I was planning with somebody about a schedule for a day I could say hey that meeting is flexible we don't really need to worry about that and that other person is probably going to pick that up and understand that and here it's going to give me a revised schedule where it says hey let's work out deal with your travel receipts then we'll push Joe to 10 right so what we could actually do is in in this case we could have a whole day's worth of meetings and then we could provide and this is a common use case hey restructure all my daily meetings because now I need to add this one or take this one away or I need to move this one to this time and it will spit out a new structure hour by hour for your calendar so I think this is probably one of the underrated things that chat GPT can do and you know it's something that everybody uh needs to do when they're when they're working so in the next video I'm going to show you even more that you can do with chat gbt so just check that out so one task that almost all professionals have is performance reports or some sort of uh statement about the work that you've done or this the work that you will be doing in your position so I've made out a little template here where I'm going to ask chat GPT to write out like a performance work statement and I'm going to tell it you know who I am what division I work for in my company and you know I'm going to say in the last three months I helped a customer on a project to create a new 72-foot ladder which will be sold in all their store locations you know I help with research and development on a new formula for a type of honey that tastes like hot sauce and we're halfway halfway done with the instant cement formula project and I'm also working on a project with Facebook ads right so it's just like a very broad like thing that I'm doing at this this company right so it's going to go through and it's instantly going to give you know uh a performance work statement on you know what I did over the past three months you know and it says you know overall my contributions have been valuable and have helped Drive the success of the widgets division so we can expand on that even more in a variety of different ways I'll be like can you make a job description for this type of job I work this is so screwing can find a basement for me next year and so it's going to take my performance work statement and then it's going to go through and say okay what are the key responsibilities of this actual job right so it's breaking out and saying hey our company is Seeking a driven and skilled individual to join the widgets division here's what you'll be doing for key responsibilities you need to have a strong background in project management and then I can come in here and say oh can you add that you need I'll say like an education requirement a masters in um and project management or let's say um like uh Astro physics because those two requirements are totally related in terms of education so it makes a lot of sense um so it should go through and be like hey we um and this is if it doesn't stall out right now because sometimes when it blinks for a little bit too long it may be about the stall out we may need to refresh it but once again it caught right up to it and it's just going right through here um it's going through and saying what the key responsibilities are we're getting basically what we got before um which is awesome and we can take this and we can revise this to make it stronger and let's see if it adds in the education here so it didn't actually um put that in there so we're going to say uh like please add um education all right for this job ad we'll say the applicant needs a master's degree all right cool so you know I didn't catch that immediately so maybe I didn't phrase it right but you know on the second pass I'm just going to go in and say hey um you know the applicant needs to have a master's degree in astrophysics or like it's not going to work out to work at Acme Inc in the widgets division so let's see if it comes through and does it now usually the more specific you are then um the more it's going to emphasize it so if I say like hey knock that off like don't do that anymore I need you to add this information to what you just told me it will do that so you can see it put the Master's Degree requirement right here at the top above everything else and also too oh and then it put it at the bottom so like the way that I worded the requirement yeah I think I said uh this applicant needs right so that keyword needs I think that really fired off and uh and sort of really cued for the AI what I'm trying to get at but he happened to show you how to do some other stuff in the next video so stay tuned for that this video I'm going to show you how to use chat GPT as a social media manager ultimately a helper to build out social media posts so I have this group that I started here called how to use chat GPT and we're going to use the chat to write the posts for it so the prompt that I'm going to put in here as I'm going to say act as a social media manager for my Facebook group called how to use chatgpt I will be providing videos and pointing people towards resources on how to use chat EVT in this Facebook group so what I'm going to do is I'm going to stack this with a variety of different videos and just text posts and how you know I'm pointing them to some links so I'm going to see how long it ultimately takes me to make about um we'll work on maybe 25 to 50 posts and so what we'll do is [Music] um we'll work on that here so for post types I can go ahead and say um I got a couple different options for like how I could post so I could post videos um we'll work on some of the other types in here but ultimately we're gonna work on theming this all out putting some images in I already have some images of some stuff that I'm going to add in uh to the uh chat GPT like the cover photo and a few other things but we're going to work on on that right there so give me one second I'm going to grab a video and then we're gonna build like our first post out okay so I have this post that I've built right here where it says learn how to easily write essays with chat GPT I'm going to take the six second off that um and then I have a link to a YouTube video with a full guide and what I'm going to do is I'm going to say um can you make this post sound better and so um it's going to rephrase the pro the post for us so it's giving us um a full breakdown to that link if I open this I'm going to ask chat yep there you go it takes me right to that video and we have everything we need here so let's go and we'll paste that in and there we go so we'll go ahead and post that that's an awesome first post so I'm going to work through in this similar manner of just providing a simple idea of sort of what I want to do and then I'm going to uh from there throw that into chat GPT and then just iterate and see how long it takes me to make these these good posts so I'm going to come back when I'm at like 10 posts okay so I took some of the content from this video on retirement planning with chat gbt I took the title link and then the description so I didn't really put much brain power into this I'm just going to say hey can you make a social media post um based off of this so it's building out descriptor and yep it's saying here's some things that you can do sometimes it gives you phrases like chat GPT has all the tools you need that's not necessarily what we want to say that is chat gbt doesn't have the tools it is a tool for this um so I'm going to take that I'm going to copy and paste that in and just in the proofreading you know I found that out um I'm calculating uh evidence instead of saying Hazel can be the tool you need okay and then I'm going to take this I'm going to hit enter here give a little spacing and then I'm going to post that in there Okay cool so we have our second post um and from here I'm going to maybe add a cover photo in just a minute and we'll move on so for the cover photo I uploaded this uh guy right here he's got like a little chat bot that's helping him do some homework or something over coffee and so I like to use that one as a cover photo and I generated this with I think a dolly or stable diffusion I forgot which one but yeah so we got some posts in here um great so I'm gonna tear through a couple more posts and see how long it takes me all right so I just took another video all I did was throw the title in the link and it just automatically knew what to do I didn't even need to prompt it to push that out and so got that copy and paste that in space it out and there we go and I've got that going through um I've got one two three four five posts that I've made all in about five six minutes here so I'm doing about one post a minute so I'm gonna see if I can pump out even more content make this group as good as it can be and then we'll see where it goes from there so overall I got to about 15 posts I didn't go all the way to 25 but this is really helpful it made the process really fast and uh anyhow I hope this is this is helpful for you so if you end up using it like this let me know how it went in the comments and thanks for watching
Channel: Micah
Views: 55,124
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Id: 5ddjiXIp32c
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Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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