AutoGPT Tutorial - More Exciting Than ChatGPT

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so chat GPT is no longer the most exciting thing in AI instead everyone's freaking out about this new software called Auto GPT which can essentially automate way more than chat GPT was able to this could make you a virtual assistant this could be a wedding planner this could be a nutritionist this could be a lot of different things and automate substantially larger tasks than Chachi PT was able to now how is it able to do this well we're going to talk about that throughout this video and this is a full tutorial showing you how to set it up and how to actually use that and I promise I will not be skipping any steps at all so even an absolute beginner who knows nothing about coding can follow along type in the letters I type and get to the exact same place so that you can run your own version of Auto GPT very easily on your own computer and I can prove that right here this laptop right here I have not done this has nothing on there it says no coding tools this has no python this has nothing like that so we will actually be setting this up from scratch so we're not skipping any steps now like I said Auto GPT is really really impressive but why is it different from chat GPT well chat GPT is great obviously a large language model you're able to ask your questions to run commands and it can give you kind of one response at a time sometimes those can be complex responses but nonetheless one thing at a time and in addition to that you don't really have access to the internet with that whereas Auto GPT is able to aggregate many different what's called apis essentially work with different plugins so you can have a Google API so it's able to search the internet you can have a chat gpta API so you're able to use chat GPT you have a lot of different things in there it can give you images it can output audio that's actually like a simulated voice it could be your simulated voice really Endless Options here and really the big difference is rather than just asking for one command at a time you can give it up to five different goals and then it'll iterate on itself it'll run a command it'll come up with an output it'll give you a reason for that output and then it'll come up with what its next command is going to be and it can iterate on that over and over until it's able to get you the results so for example if you say I want to plan a wedding it could first say you know what is the normal stuff for planning a wedding and you can have a list of what okay this is the results these are what I think I need to do in order to plan a wedding then the next step it'll say all right now let's find local venues and it can go and find local venues and then it can look up the reviews of the venues and then it can find the best reviewed venue then it could go after that and say all right let's find some catering and so it can iterate and continue a longer process that otherwise you'd need a person to either work with just Google or chat gbt to kind of work on this themselves so I hope that kind of explained it I think a lot of examples throughout this video will be very helpful but let's get over to my laptop and start off actually setting up Auto GPT like I said it's very simple very straightforward you just have to follow along and do what I do now before we get into the first step I want to point out that I will have links down below like not affiliate links just regular links because it's free to use and this will be a link to the GitHub which is the repository of where the source code is actually stored so we will be downloading that and I'll go through that link in a second I also have a link down there to install python which we will need I use Anaconda that's how I've always operated with python and we will have a link to visual code if you want to use that that's not absolutely necessary but it does make it so much easier to view things like markdown and different types of files that we will have in the repository and then the fourth thing down there is a link to our free newsletter so we are launching a brand new newsletter because AI is moving so quickly so just when you thought you got a hold on chat GPT Auto GPT came out and there's going to be more iterations and more changes and more Improvement in this field and so if you don't end up keeping up with this space you're going to fall behind and eventually somebody else is going to make the equivalent of Auto gbt to replace your job and so really really in our opinion the best way to prevent this the best way to keep up to date on everything is to know what's going on in AI so that you're on the Leading Edge so you're not the one getting replaced you're the one innovating and the most valuable person at your company so step number one is to copy and paste the link in the description it goes to and this just has latest release so it's going to change when you actually go to this so right now the latest is V 0.2.2 and this does of course change as they iterate depending on when you're watching this video don't worry if it's a later version I will you know cover everything that might change in this video as well as how to see what the changes are and if anything changes how to actually utilize that so that'll bring us to GitHub which if you already have done any coding you definitely know what this is it's a very very common place for any coders to save their source code so other people can read it they can Fork it make different versions of it it's super popular and really a powerful tool in the space so going down here you can see that auto GPT version 0.2.2 they have a couple things that they change change from the last version and down near the bottom we should see download source code ZIP right now by the way I'm using a Mac this will change almost nothing in this tutorial I'll point out the things that it does change if using Windows essentially what I'm saying is you can still follow along and it's going to be essentially identical so I just made a new folder called Auto GPT and I want to make sure that I'm downloading this ZIP file to Auto GPT it downloaded to my downloads folder so I'm just going to copy and paste it over to this folder and we do want to make sure it is extracted because that's a zipped file so once we're extracted on Mac you just double click that on Windows you'll click on it and at the top you'll see a little menu that says extract all just click on that and you'll have it all extracted and you should have all these files here now it might look a little different when you're whenever you're downloading that that's the first step we want to do the second step is to download python so if we just go to that'll bring you to this right here and we can download so right now it knows that I'm on a Mac so I can download for Mac I'm going to click on that once again that will download to my downloads folder and this is is going to give us access to python which is incredibly powerful it's free to use and is really going to be essential in what we're doing in this video so you'll see this package is downloading when it's done I'm just going to click on that it's going to run me through the installation so I'm going to say continue I'm just going to keep continuing and agreeing I've already read all this stuff before and then when you're done you can click on close we're just going to move that to trash so what we want to do is download visual studio code so then this is the next thing so we can go to and right here we can have download Mac universal that's what we want depending on if you're on Windows it'll just say windows obviously and you'll have that version but it should be essentially the same so this is going to download I'm going to click on it so that when it's done downloading it'll open that and we can install it so we're going to click on it and open it and that'll bring us to this page right here so there we go we have Visual Studio code now we're going to add this to our path so it's easy to access later on just kind of saves us some steps so hitting command shift p on Mac that'll bring up this we can type in shell and you'll see shell command install code command in path that's exactly what we want to do I'm just going to say okay I'm going to type in my my password for my laptop and now it is successfully installed so we can actually close out of this all right so here we are now we're ready to actually get started if you're on a Mac you can hit the magnifying glass or command space and type in terminal we're going to open Terminal if you're on Windows you can simply do this with uh Powershell and before anybody gets mad at me I'm going to switch over to dark mode I had it in light mode because other tutorials it was just like easier to see but anyway here we go so we're in dark mode I'll make this a little bit bigger as well the first thing we're going to do is set up our anacon or our python environments we're going to type in conda create dash n Auto Dash GPT python equals 3.8 you can use other versions depending on when your watching this video but we're going to do 3.8 right now I'm going to hit enter and wants to know if we're going to proceed so letter Y and then enter means yes so it's going to proceed now a couple little housekeeping items we want to navigate into out of the folder that we have so this folder right here Auto GPT I'm going to unmack you just you know right click down here and you can say copy the path name on Windows it'll be on the top so you can just click on the bar that has all the path name listed copy that and then down here we can say CD space and then paste that and that'll bring you into that now if you're not familiar with terminal or Powershell essentially what you can do CD is going to navigate around different folders so if you want to go back a folder you could say CD space dot dot and that'll bring you back to the previous folder and if you don't know what's in that folder you can say LS that'll list out what is in that folder so we're going to list it out I only have one thing in this folder you can see right there and so if you want to go into that you can say CD and then we can type in Auto Dash and you can hit tab to auto complete that once you have some of it typed and hit enter and that's how we're going to end up in that folder so this is exactly where we want to be so now that we're okay so now that we're in the right folder if we type LS you'll see these are all the files this is exactly what we want now we can say code space Dot and that'll open up a visual studio code as you can see right here um so I'm going to trust my own parent folder here and you can see on the left these are all the files now the reason I told you to download visual studio code is because we have files in here for example markdown which is really hard to read when you just look at it like this but if you right click on it you can go and say preview open preview and it'll open it up in this really nice looking format with pictures and it just looks like it's so much easier to read something like this now this is the readme file which is going to essentially be our guide to use to use Auto GPT so the reason I wanted to show you this I mean first of all we're going to follow along in this video but just in case anything changes this is where you would go to actually find that so I'm trying to make this video as future proof as possible so that future iterations of this if anything subtle changes you will still be able to use this but I'm confident that for the most part everything we're doing in this video will be exactly correct no matter when you're doing that so right now we're at this stage right here so we want to we already downloaded that we want to install the requirements so there's a file over here called requirements uh down here requirements and we want to install all of the necessary packages that we'll need for this Auto GPT so I'm just going to copy this and we're going to go back to our terminal right here our Command terminal and we can paste it down there this will be pip install Dash R requirements.txt hit enter it's going to install a bunch of little things down there all right so while that's installing going back to the readme the next thing we want to do is configure Auto GPT now luckily there's really not much we have to do here we just have to add in our personal API key and I'll show you exactly how to do that and change one other thing if you're using a Mac there's other apis we can enable and you can mess around this later but just getting it set up for like the absolute Basics let's start off with adding your open API keys so we want to do is go back to terminal and we can type in cp.env.template space dot EnV so essentially what we're doing is we're making a copy of env.template and just making it dot EnV so I'm going to hit enter and that should do that over here we can go back to visual studio code and see that we now have a file called dot EnV and everything is green which means it's commented out which means it's not going to be run as code but if there's anything that you do want to run as code so if we go down here let me just search for Mac it's somewhere down here there we go so because we're using Mac right here the thing that is single commented I'm just going to delete that little hash and now we are using Mac and it's set to false I'm going to change that to true so we're going to set that to true now the only other thing on here that I'm going to change initially like I said there's other things we can add we can add an API for image output or Voice output or different things like that but the only thing that you actually need to add to run this is your own API key which you can see right here so I'm going to delete that right now and we're going to go over to chat GPT or open II's website rather and we're going to get our API key our secret key that is personal for us that we can use right here so what I'm going to do is from my browser go to account slash API Dash Keys again I have a link in the description so you can follow along there I'm going to hit enter and from here I'm just gonna have to sign in so you should already have a chat GPT account if you don't uh you can sign up right now and I highly recommend you watch my full video about chat GPT where I go through the 10 different major commands and modifiers that you can use to really optimize your Effectiveness on chat GPT to become better in life at work whatever you're doing whatever you're using it for highly recommend that video right now it has 1.4 million views and a lot of people are really finding it helpful but regardless assuming you already watched that video the next thing is to log in so that should take you to a page that looks just like this you probably won't have these two right here I actually don't even need those so I can delete those as well so we're going to revoke that key and we're just going to click on create new secret key I'm going to do this in this video I'm going to delete it so you guys don't use my credits here but if we clicks create new secret key we can call this whatever we want so I'm going to call it auto GPT I can copy that that secret key we're going to say done and then going back to visual studio code we have Visual Studio code right here I can paste it right in there now you could add this with quotes on either side I don't believe you need to because they didn't originally I did last time this time I'm going to not do that and it should work either way that's just a string of text there so then when you're done with this we can save it so we're going to hit Ctrl or command s control s depending on what you're using and of course I do also want to save this workspace so we're going to go to file save workspace As and we're going to call it that looks fine to me and it's in this folder so we're going to say save and now there is one more thing we have to do on open airi's website and we have to add a billing method so you just go down to billing and it'll prompt you to add a payment method otherwise you'll just click on payment methods you can add a new one there but essentially it's not free to use but don't worry it's not like you're not paying anywhere near dollars if we go to billing history for me it was like a couple cents or uh was it usage so if I go to usage limits I was messing around this yesterday I spent 15 cents on this after a couple dozen commands on this account in particular so like I said it's really not going to cost you basically anything at all but I highly recommend still go to usage limits and add your own limit on there hard limit's going to be like do not spend more than this amount just in case you send it on like full autonomous mode and iterates like a million times you don't want to end up spending more than you expected and the soft limit is going to email you when you get to that limit just so you have an idea of where you are so you don't accidentally terminate like some big you know Loop that you don't want to terminate so that's nice to have the soft limit as well but right now like I said I'm only 15 cents in so it's going to take a while to get anywhere near those limits all right so now let's go back to terminal and we want to activate that environment we made a while ago remember we did the conda activate so I'm just going to type in conda activate Auto GPT so I'm going to hit enter that'll activate that and now in the beginning instead of saying base it'll say Auto GPT so we're in this new environment and now there's one last thing we need to do before we can start using Auto GPT and this is agree to the licenses so in order to do that you simply need to type sudo Space X code build space Dash license and hit enter and it's going to ask for your your password that is the password for your computer so I'm just going to type that in and now it's going to ask us to press the return key to view the license agreement and we're going to keep pressing this until we press spacebar until we get to the bottom so you can read through all this this is the license agreement for what you're doing and at the end you can type in agree type in agree and we'll be ready to go so now we're able to run auto GPS so we're ready to go now if you go back to the readme it tells you to run uh to say dot slash run dot sh space start you probably don't actually want to do that instead you could just type in like forget the word start and just run it like this and it should be running chanchi or it should be running Auto GPT you have your API if everything goes according to plan this will be running and it'll prompt you in just a minute to ask a couple fundamental questions like what is the name and what are the goals of your auto GPT alright and there we go once you see this color text you'll know that you are ready to go we're using Auto GPT now and so it wants to know first of all what the name is I'm just going to call this one micbot but again you can use this for many different things you can search other examples of people that used it to make an assistant to to plan a wedding to do things like that so let's do this I'm going to create a new document we're going to say file save as so I'm just going to save this called diet and we want this to be plain text Dot so dot txt let's save it and we're going to say okay now we have just regular document called diet it's a plain text file so in Auto GPT we can say the AI name this is going to be Mike Mike's nutritionist Mike's diet or nutritionist now it's going to ask us to Define it so that describe the role we're going to say create a meal plan for this week and so I'm just going to say let's create a 70 meal plan we want to write the recipes for each one and at the end we want to just save to the file and then stop and if we only have three goals instead of five you just hit enter again and it'll start running this is using local memory by the way you could pay and use pine cone or some of the other ones to not need local memory but obviously for something like this local memory is just fine now the way this works is it'll run through one prompt at a time so it'll tell you that first of all this is what it thinks it's supposed to do it should start looking up healthy meal plans for the week the reasoning it's going to tell you why it's doing this the criticism maybe what it doesn't want to do and then it'll tell you what it's going to do next and we could just say why for yes to mean to go ahead and do it n is going to be no meaning don't do it it's going to exit the program or you can add your own feedback in there as well I'm just going to say why and let it run and right now you can see right there Google returns so it's actually searching on Google right now to find some results from the internet so the first thing it wants to know what dietary restrictions or preferences they have so I'm going to say I have no dietary restrictions I love Mexican and Asian food as well as American food I have plenty of vegetables okay so there we go just give it some feedback that's what he was asking so it said like before we proceed he needs to know any dietary restrictions or what it wants for the meal plan or what I want for the meal plan it's gonna ask me about each meal as we go along and so yeah stir fry sounds good I love some stir fry for Tuesday how about make some tacos we can use ground turkey let's say let's use shredded chicken so you could say like yeah I like tacos but let's change that I don't actually want ground turkey uh let's do something else so you don't always have to say why or n for yes or no on these things you can give some other feedback and it'll kind of iterate and keep making your your diet plan around that so let's see great we can use shredded chicken yeah no problem so now we're gonna go on to the next thing press Y and it's going to kind of keep iterating on this and it should hopefully make my diet by the end now there now if you get tired of pressing y every time or giving it feedback like this there are also fully autonomous ways to do this so if you go into the readme so let me just open it up real quick while it's running you can go to down down near the bottom just look for like a little skull emoji because they tell you it's dangerous but I'm still interested in doing it and [Music] there we go continuous mode so right here you can actually run in continuous mode here it'll iterate continuously until you press Ctrl C so obviously like this said it could get stuck in Loops it could do things that you don't want it to do so definitely be careful with this um but again you don't always have to press y if you set up continuous mode I'm not recommending you do that but I might end up doing that just it's interesting I don't know and by the way in case you ever get stuck in a loop on here or if it's running something and it's stuck it it's not you have some kind of error and it doesn't actually stop you can terminate any of these by saying Ctrl C this is on Mac if you're on Windows I don't think it's controlling against alt but it's a control C and it's going to quit we can hit any key and we're back to where we were and if you want to run it again you can just go press the up key to the most recent command which was dot slash hit enter and it's going to run it again and we'll be able to start off again with a brand new auto GPT all you have to do down here it's going to ask if you want to continue you just press the letter n and you'll go from scratch so now it found a diet it's going to write that to the document sometimes it takes a minute to think it's a little bit slower if a lot of people are on it you can go and check the uptime and you can check basically the status of open ai's chat gbt there's a nice website for that as well if it's ever not working maybe that would be a reason otherwise if you ever have any bugs in this if anything ever doesn't work you should be getting like I said you could hit Ctrl C that'll terminate this if it gets stuck on thinking for too long and you could debug it using chat GPT it's one of the greatest tools out there especially if you don't know what you're doing you just copy the error code onto chat GPT tell it what you're trying to do ask why it's not working and it can walk you through things surprisingly well in plain English I found this works tremendously well on many different programs out there that you find on GitHub that maybe have a bug or you know something's not right with them so I'm editing the video right now and I realized I used a really simple example here so you might be wondering how this is even different from regular chat GPT like I could ask Chad gbt to make me a diet plan and it could do something pretty similar to this so really the benefit of Auto GPT is that it connects and integrates with different apis different things as well so you could add into this use my voice like you can use a plugin and use my voice to speak it to me you could translate videos you could output images there's a lot of different things you can connect with this so that's really where the power of Auto GPT is and so as you start to like this is a great first example and I recommend you do this just so you get Auto GPT running and start getting used to it and mess around with little you know some little commands like this but eventually what you want to do is start using those Integrations so you can really get this to the next level in addition this can also do things like write to text files do you know do a lot more that auto that chat GPT cannot so chat GPT is purely on the Internet it's stuck there like what you're doing on that interface you're just going to get text output whereas this like I said can change files can do things on your computer it can output different files as well whether they're audio files that are recordings of a like an AI simulated version of your voice or images there's a lot more you can do with this this is really only the beginning but I mean I just wanted to clarify that in case you're watching this video and wondering how this was even different from chat GPT and of course it's able to access the internet while also accessing chat GPT so it's kind of a nice bridge between chat GP T and the internet so you can find more relevant and more recent information so that is my tutorial on how to use Auto GPT it's really just the tip of the iceberg here this is a massive software and you can do a lot of automations so I highly encourage you start messing around with that and please leave a comment Down Below on this video and let me know what you would use Auto GPT for I really I'm always interested are you using it for a personal assistant are you using it to emulate your voice and you know open images and do different things there's really Endless Options that you could do so I would love to hear what your thoughts are on the best uses for auto GPT and once again if you guys want to keep up with the latest here anything that changes with auto GPT we will be covering in that newsletter which is linked down below if you enjoyed the video consider liking and subscribing I'm Mike O'Brien thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 583,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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