ChatGPT Full Course For 2024: Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT For Marketing, Custom GPTs

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all right now that I'm recording this video it's been more than a year since the first version of CH came out and right now I have access to chib 4 and over the past year they have changed the look of the chat GPD the UI of chat gbd a lot and uh I'm going to give you a quick introduction give you a tour about the look of the chipd right now and where you can find some of the tools that you need and after that little by little I will tell you some formulas about um prompt engineering and the keywords that we can use to receive the best result from cat GPT so here is how chpd looks right now now probably if you have chp4 some of the things that I have at the top here you may not have because it is custom and I will teach it to you later but in general right now let's just learn some of the fundamentals about cat GPD and then step by step we will go further so on the left side we have U our history for the chats that we have and some of the engines for chat GPT which I will explain later at the bottom of this left bar you can see it is written for example the account name that I have prity and if I click on it the first thing that we have is my plan that I'm using uh I'm a plus member so it shows uh my membership and if you want to upgrade your account you have to come here and upgrade your account then the next thing is my gpts which later I will come back to it as we go forward in the video after that we have custom instructions and settings and beta so let's come to settings under settings we have General that you can change the theme for example example right now I'm on Dark theme I prefer dark more so I'm going to set it on dark if you want to Archive some of your chats or if you want delete all of them you can do it from here if in the future some beta features come uh on chat GPT you can come here and activate it I have seen this a lot from my students that uh a new version of a new uh beta feature of chity came out and they were saying all right I don't have access and if something like this happen you can come here to Beta features and activate Okay then we have data controls that you can share links or export some of the chats that you had on chat GPT for yourself and finally we have profile Builder these are not some uh complicated stuff and I'm sure if you look around you can figure it out it's very simple anyway on the left side at the top we have our engines and we have our chats and on the right side we have our uh chat preview okay so at the top of the screen here we have the engine that we are using right now which is cat GPT 4 if I click on it we have chat GPT 4 which it will use Dolly inside it as well it has browsing feature right now it will do coding analytics and so on but it is limited to 40 messages every 3 hours okay now if you are not a plus member you will have access to Jet uh to check GPT 3.5 okay now chat GPT 3.5 is it's a little bit weaker uh but um it's free and you can use it for free the logic and the responses from chat gp4 is much much better okay so if you have a chance to upgrade your account I strongly suggest it of course if you are using chipd a lot okay and under it we have plugins okay again along this video I will show you what kind of plugins that you can use uh for example you can scroll down and here we have plugin store you can go through them and each of these plugins will do something for you okay so later we'll get back to all of them but right now I'm just showing you around okay so right now I'm chat pt4 I can close the sidebar and either I can use some of the starting prompts here or I can ask something from chat myself for example I wrote down can you teach me Google Analytics Tak 4 and how I can use it for my online store and let just keep going writing the answer and as I said chck gbd4 the response of gp4 is much better comparing to 3.5 but 3.5 is a little bit faster so these are the main differences and it is responding to my question so this is the basic this is the fundamental of chat GPT and how you can use it now on the next Part I I will show you some formula that you can use to write a better prompt which in general we call it prompt engineering okay so that was all about the introduction for chbd if you're ready let's go for the next part welcome to chat GPT prompt formula in this couple of uh lessons we will learn more about a formula that will help you to write better prompts so you can get a better and higher quality response from chat GPT so let's begin in this part in this lesson we will only learn the formula the structure of the formula and as we go forward we will go deeper into each part of this formula so let's look at the formula that we have for the prompt so the first option that we have here is roll plus goal plus context plus ABA so as I said this is the formula that that we have so as we go forward we will have a separate lecture for each of these elements here but right now we will only focus on the formula and the goal so the first and the third and the fourth element here meaning the role context and ABA are optional meaning if you add them based on the situation based on the question that you are asking chat GPT you may get a better result but the goal here is required okay this is the main thing that we must write in all of the prompts that we want to provide to chat GPT so let's learn more about the goal the goal is the main request we send to chat GPT let's look at some examples for example write a blog post about personal finance okay this is the main task that you want chat GPT to do for us right let's look at at another example create a portfolio website for me okay again we are talking about the main task that chat GPT must complete okay this is the goal that we are talking about the main request so this goal should be first it should be clear and focused okay so try to avoid um using sentences or words that may confuse the main task okay try to keep clear and focused on the main task and second try to use relevant keywords for example here as you can see we have a blog post about personal finance blog post personal finance all of these keywords are related to the main goal that we have here or create a portfolio website for me create a portfolio website are the keywords here okay as we go forward we'll practice this don't worry if it sounds confusing and on the next lesson we will talk about the role so see you on the next lesson in this lesson we are going to talk about the role in our prompt formula so at the beginning of our prompt if we assign a role to chat GPT we will receive a better and higher quality response from GPT so let's look at some examples for example we can tell chat GPT right at the beginning of our prompt we can say I want you to act as a professional digital marketer and then we will add our goal for example now that you are a professional digital marketer write a blog post or write an email for doing this marketing campaign and then provide the rest of the context right the rest of the information another example please respond to me as a product manager okay we are assigning a role to chat GPT and this will change the way GPT respond to us okay in addition I added this PDF to the resources of this lesson which shows you different um roles that you can use to assign to your chat GPT as you can see here on the left side we have the roles the act and on the right side we have prompt examples with the roles at the beginning so for example here we have JavaScript console here we have the example I want you to act is a JavaScript console and then the rest of it okay if we come down we have a lot of different examples for example Advertiser story teller okay composer right novelist screenwriter okay you can go through all of these examples or if you need some specific example for your situation you can come here and search through the act and find the connected example so it will help you to write a better prompt for your situation so that was all about the PDF let's jump into chat GPT and practice this together all right here we are and as I said the role should be at the beginning of the prompt so I'm going to paste the example that you had I want you to act as a professional digital marketer with holding shift and pressing enter I will go to the next line and now I will write down my goal or my main request I want you to write a and engaging email subject about our massive Black Friday sales and if you provide detailed information about your products chat GPD will be able to write a better subject for example let's say we have our products are polo shirts and we sell them online on on our store so I'm going to add additional information here and I'm going to write down my products are po shirts and we sell them on our online shop okay so if I press enter based on the information that I provided and based on the role that I assigned to chat GPT it writes a good subject for email markeet okay so that was all about this lesson about assigning your role and the next lesson we will have have some practices and after that we will continue learning about the rest of the formula if you're enjoying this video I would really appreciate if you like the video and if yet you are not subscribed to our Channel Please Subscribe because I don't want you to miss our new updates and new tutorials about AI about programming about marketing business and other self-development videos that I share on this channel daily right so like subscribe and then then let's jump into the next part welcome to the first challenge of this part you will not learn a new skill unless you practice it so let's practice what we have learned till now so here is the challenge ask chat GPT to write blog post title about personal finance that works well for AO for those of you who are not familiar with seo seo stands for search engine op imization which is a science that will help you to rank higher that your websites your web pages rank higher in search engines like Google okay so here are the steps that you need to take the first step is to assign a role to chat GPT and the second step is to provide the main task or the goal to chat GPT okay so pause the video and begin the challenge all right how was it did you manage to complete a challenge let's practice it together so the first step is to assign a role to chat GPT I want you to act as a SEO expert okay then for the second step we need to write down our goal write a blog post title about personal finance that works well for SEO so if I press enter so here is the blog post title top 10 personal finances strategies for 2023 boost your savings and maximizing your investment okay so this is the title that we received and this was the way to complete this challenge now this was an example we can do it uh with other ways for example we can write down I want you to act as a su expert or we can write you are a su expert is professional the way you prefer it the most but generally you have to assign a role to get a better response here based on your needs okay so that was all about this challenge let's go for the next part of the formula all right so let's talk about the next element on our prompt formula which is context in general context is about adding information for chat GPT and addition information help chat GPT to provide a better answer earlier we made an example that we talked about our product which it was Pol shirt and we are selling we were selling those POL shirs on our online shop that was additional information or in our formula we call it context but there are more types in the context and for that I created a list for you so you can use this list based on the the situation you have and the needs you have for your prompt so here is the list the first item on the list is Define Target TSL format example output template and finally we have task split now about each of for each of them we will have a separate lecture but that's the general list for context that you can use for different situations to receive a higher quality answer from chat GPT so that was about the list on the next lesson we will focus and learn more about defining the target let's learn more about defining the target so if you ask chat GPT to create content for you you can Define the target for that specific content let's look at some examples here the first example is to write a blog post about personal finance for young people with no knowledge in finance this part will make a huge difference in the response of chat GPT for example we can say write a blog post about personal finance for people with deep knowledge in finance okay that will be different with this example that we have here right so another example write an invitation email to our company opening event for executives and managers of other companies when we are telling this to chat GPT it will understand how it should write it for this proper target audience right so let's jump into chat GPT and practice this together let's say we want chat GPT to write a motivational speech first we need to assign a role right so I want you I want you to act as a professional speech writer then let's write about the goal that we have draft a motivational speech okay now this is the part that we need to add the next context which is defining our target audience for high school graduates okay this part will make huge difference in the response of chat GPT okay I press enter it will provide us a great speech based on the situation that we needed right so that was all about defining the Target and you can go ahead and practice this yourself on chat GPT on the next part we will learn more about the next element on our list which is TSL welcome to the next lesson where we are going to talk about TS TL now TSL stands for tone style and length Okay so let's go deeper into each of them and have some examples so we can understand it better so let's start with the first one which is tone the tone refers to the mood or attitude used in the writing okay let's look at some examples for example we can write a prompt for chat GPT and say write a humorous write a humorous product description for a novelty coffee MK okay so the humorous here is changing the tone for the response that chat GPT will give us okay let's have another example compose a respectful respectful Orit for a community leader who recently passed away so re respectful here is changing the tone changing the mve mood or the attitude okay so there are many different adjectives that you can use to change the tone of the response that chat GPT provide us okay let's go for the next one which is sty okay so the style refers to the distinct way in which the content is written for example formal or informal complex or simple okay so more or less when we say a style we're talking about the structure of the sentence okay and this can have a huge impact on the response that chat G provide us based on the situation that we have let's look at some examples draft a formal academic text summarizing the key findings on renewable energy okay so I made two examples here formal academic okay so these are the things that you can use for example when you want to write a letter to your boss asking for a raise okay it's better to be formal okay but when you're writing a letter an email to your friend it should be informal okay so let's look at look at another example write an informal or conversational blog post about the joys and challenges of raising a puppy okay let's go for the last one which is length which I think more or less is obvious and we had this example before when we say length we are talking about the word count or I think it's better when you are talking to chib instead of board count use token count okay so let's have some examples for example WR 150 V product description Etc okay write an indepth 2000 word feature article exploring U the history of jazz music okay all right so these are the two examples for length but based on my experience in instead of providing the V count for example 150 V it is much better to provide token count okay because chat GPD understand tokens the number of tokens much better comparing to number of wordss and this way you will get a more accurate response from chat GPT right so that was all about TSL which stands for tone style and length on the next less we will we will talk about the format of the responses that chat GPT provide us see you on the next lesson all right so in this lesson let's talk about the format that chat GPT provide its response to us so let's say we want chat GPD to write a workout plan for gym for us and we want the response to be in different formats so let's write the prompt at the beginning so we want chip to write a workout plan so the first thing that we must do is to assign a role to chat GPT so I'm going to write down act as a professional body trainer okay so I'm assigning a role to chb the next I must uh write down the task or the goal that I have so I I want to improve my Budd okay and I want want you to create a gym workout plan and here inside paranis I can add more information so uh Chach understand exactly what do I mean by gy workout plan okay so inside parenthesis I'm going to write down which machines I must use for how many times and sets Okay so by offering additional information chity understand exactly what I need from it okay so here is the part that I want to define the format so my sentence is this I want to improve my body and I want you to create a gym workout plan as a CSV format okay so I'm going to press enter and I'm going to fast forward the process response of chat GPT so here chat GPT instead of um offering the workout plan to me it asks me several questions for example what is your gender how old are you and Etc it it requires more information from me so it can create that plan for me okay so I'm going to instead of adding it here I'm going to edit my prompt and add it inside my prompt okay I'm going to mention that for example I'm 31 years old okay I'm 75 kilogram okay and I'm male okay and one of the questions here was about for example for how many day full body so I'm going to add those information inside my prompt I want you to create a weekly gym workout plan okay this way it understands for how many days I'm going to save and submit it okay and I'm going to fast forward till it provides the complete answer all right so the answer is complete and as you can see it provided uh a plan as a CSC file here so on the First Column we have the day then we have the exercise equipment that it must be used sets the number of sets and uh how many times we have to do uh this process uh in each set okay so we have for example Monday then we have the exercise type then we have the equipment for example dumble three sets between 10 to 12 times each set okay so this is the format for CSV file okay I can change that as a table as well so instead of writing it as a CSV I can say write it as a table okay so I'm going to save and submit and I'm going to fast forward till the answer is ready all right the answer is ready as you can see it provided a table I can come here select the table okay select the table copy it go to Excel or a Google spreadsheet and just paste it here okay so as you can see we have Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday plan with uh exactly what we have to use use what equipment how many times how many set and so on okay so uh this is a great way to use chat GPT and this is how you can tell chat GPD in what format you expect the response okay so that was all for this lesson on the next part we are going to talk about example in the prompt see you on the next lesson so in this lesson we are going to talk about examples in prompt first of all when do do we need to provide an example inside our prompt we should provide an example if we want chat GPT to create something to create a Content similar to something that we like and we are interested in like an example okay so here this is one of my blog post about link building and I want to tell chat GPT to write a blog post about something else but I want to tell Chad GPT to write similar L to me okay the way that I write so I can come here I write now for example you are a professional copywriter okay I want you to write a blog post about digital marketing okay but here I'm going to offer an example but I want you to write with my style okay so below I will provide an example here is an example of my writing so here I'm going to come and copy an example of my writing and paste it there it doesn't it's not necessary to do it all but but enough for chat GPT to understand how you write so I'm going to pass it to chat GPT and certainly based on your style here is a blog post about digital marketing okay so this is one of the ways that you can um offer an example to chat GPT and get a response similar to what you have provided for example if you see an ad on uh social media that for example the copy is very interesting the text is very interesting if and you think it is successful you can copy and paste it here as an example and provide it to chat GPT and ask chat GPT to create similar to the one that you are interested in okay so that was all about providing an example and the next lesson we are going to talk about output template in this lesson we are going to talk about output template now output template is a little bit similar to The Format example that we talked about it earlier but this time we design a template for chat GPT and we tell chat GPT how the response should be based on the structure that we provided okay so I'm going to show you a real project example that I use chat GPT uh for some uh web application this is um I will talk more about about what I have done here in the advanced section and in the API chapter of this course but uh here we will only focus on the prompt so here inside this code I wrote a prompt okay I will get this prompt okay and I'm going to copy this prompt inside my chat GPT and let's look at the um output template that I provided inside this example so I told um chat GPD to create a python dictionary named questions okay provided a name and it's okay if you are not familiar with python or dictionaries it's okay I just want you to understand how the output template works out okay so create a python dictionary name questions okay where the keys are for example question one question two right I added examples here right and the value is a list with the first item as multiple choice question and four list items for each four choices so I use this uh prompt to tell chat GPT to create uh multiple choice questions with its choices and then I said at the last item added add the number of the correct answer from one to four okay then I mentioned that put the correct answer randomly from one up to four okay all of these are the output template I'm telling chat GPT exactly how the response should be now when I press enter and you see the response you can understand it better okay then at the end I will tell how from what chat GPD must create um the questions okay so I'm going to replace this because this will work only with the code that I have here so I'm going to replace it that and say now create for example three multiple choice questions and place it inside the questions python dictionary for important informations okay now I'm going to change it for important informations of the book Atomic habits okay so I offered an output template to chat GPT and then I said create three multiple choice questions for this book okay for the important information inside this book now I'm going to press enter okay and chat GPT will start to create the response based on the structure that I provided okay so as you can see it created a python dictionary called questions okay then inside it we have question one question two question three the same way that I mentioned here you see question one question two and I didn't write question three 4 five right but I provided some examples some output structure so chat GPT understand exactly what do I need okay and after that I said the value is a list with the first item as a multiple choice question here is a list okay this is a list and the first item is the multiple choice question okay and then after that we have four choices and then the number of correct answer which here is three okay one two three this is the correct answer okay it goes the same way right so this was an example of a real project that I created an output template for chat GPT now you can do it any other way way let me make another example to make it more clear so let's go back to the gym plan okay and here I'm going to change this I said that um as a table format then I can provide an output template I can say here are the columns you should have okay days okay uh what else do we have here we have exer size okay I'm going to copy and paste them and I'm going to add something to it as well okay so we have exercise machine and equipments sets Okay rips and here for example I'm going to write down time required okay I'm adding another column here and you can go deeper into this make some changes the way you want it to be okay I'm going to save it and then it will submit it based on my needs okay so you see we have another column here time required for it and just giving me for example for this practice it requires 20 minutes okay for this one 15 15 15 20 so in general I would know uh how it should be I can stop it and say for example let's edit it for example I can say add a row at the end of each day and mention the total time required for that day save and submit it now let's see how chat GPD will complete this task based on the template that we provided right so we have Monday then we have the exercises that is required and here at the end of the Monday we must have a row for the total time okay right so here it is you see it added a row for the total time required so we know that for Monday we required almost 1 hour 65 minutes and for Tuesday we require 70 minutes right so you can change this any way that you wanted so this is how you create an output template for uh inside your prompt for the responses that chat GPT provide you okay so that was all about this lesson if you have any question don't forget to reach me in the question and answer section or inside our Discord group on the next lesson we are going to talk about t split so see you on the next part if you're enjoying this video I would really appreciate if you like the video and if yet you are not subscribed to our Channel Please Subscribe because I don't want you to miss our new updates and new tutorials about AI about programming about marketing business and other self-development videos that I share on this channel daily right so like subscribe and then let's jump into the next part all right so in this lesson I'm going to teach you how you can use task split now when you are writing a prompt especially for complex tasks for example you want to tell to you want chat GPD to create a website for you okay creating a website can be complex it has different parts and it the best way to do this is to tell chat GPT to split tasks for you so we can come here inside the prompt and write down I want you to create a portfolio website for me and then I'm going to tell chat GPT to split this into different tasks and then start with task one explain it to me tell me how I have to do this how I have to uh assign the codes let's say I don't have any knowledge of programming and how I have to do this then go for the next step Okay so okay so I wrote down split this task into a smaller tasks then explain each task to me and tell me how I have to complete it because I don't have any programming knowledge okay so I'm going to uh press enter and then it will split the main task which is creating a portfolio website for me for example here step one is planning step two is uh choosing a website builder okay now I can change this okay I can say let's M let's make some changes in the main task I want you to create a portfolio website for me using HTML and CSS okay split this task into a smaller tasks explain each task so uh in order for Chach to understand what do I mean by splitting into a smaller tasks I can say for I can provide example right I can say for example build the header then the first part of the body then the footer okay then CSS codes and so on okay so let's save and submit this and now it understands how I want this main comple complex task to be divided into or to be splitted into other tasks okay so step one setting up your coding environment okay it is explaining how I have to do this building the HTML structure and then it is providing the codes for me so by this simple prompt I can just follow up what chat is telling me and create a website for me but don't worry about this this was just an example to tell you how you can split different complex task into a smaller ones as we go forward we have a complete section about using chat GPT if you are not a programmer okay if you have no know of programming how you can use chat GPT for programming okay this is one of the examples that later in that chapter we will talk more about it and go deeper into it and uh more or less that would be all for now on the next lesson we will talk about the last element in our prompt formula which is a b a okay so that was all for this lesson I will see you on the next part all right so here is the prompt formula that we had earlier we talked about role we talked about goal we talked about context and different type of it now it's the last element ABA so let's see what it is Aba stands for ask before answer this part of formula will help CH GPT to provide higher quality responses okay we are telling chat GPT before you answer our question okay before you answer our prompt if you have any questions that will help you to increase the quality of your answer ask us we had the experience before let's jump into chat GPT and talk more about it all right so here we are and before when we wanted to create a gym plan okay if we go back to the first step when I asked chat GPT to create a gym plan for us a workout plan for us instead of answering our prompt it asked us eight questions okay these eight questions would help chat GPT to write a better response for us now we can instruct J gbt to do this all the time and I suggest you to do this if you want higher quality responses from chat GPT for example we can come here to the um task split example okay and we can change this prompt at the end of it we can say before you answer this prompt okay ask questions for additional information so you can write a better response for this task okay uh you can write this any way that you want but in general I'm telling chadd before you answer my prompt ask additional questions for more information that will help you to provide a higher quality response so I'm going to save this okay so let's see what questions it will ask me so as you can see it is asking about the purpose okay the content that I want to put the sections that I want to have on my website the design preferences okay references so I strongly suggest you every time that you want to use chat GPT for important tasks okay mention this any way that you want to write it but Force chat GPD to ask you additional questions okay this will increase the quality of uh the responses that chat GPT will provide us okay so again as you can see it asks us about the purpose content section design uh references functionality okay and now I can write down for example one write down my answer okay come down right down to my answer whatever it is and so on this way I provided additional information to chat GPT and now the website that it creates it works much better for me and I receive a better and higher quality result from it so that was all about the prompt formula can uh practice this without practicing you will for get all of this I strongly suggest you to practice it over and over about the tasks that you have in your mind and you want to work out with chat GPD okay so that was all about this lesson if you have any question do not hesitate to ask me I do my best to respond to all of your questions and be there for you to help you with the problems that you face along the way so that was all about this lesson if you're ready let's go for the next part in this part we are going to talk about custom instructions now earlier in the video I showed you there was a part on the sidebar when you click on our account there's a part which is written custom instructions now this will help us to set our chat GPT in a way that we want it to respond all the time okay so for example here we have two uh place that we can write some information the first part it is asking ask what would you like chat GPT to know about you to provide better response for example in general I'm going to use chat GPT for myself or for my business okay and I can come here and write down all right this is my name for example I'm doing this I am for example 33 years old this is my business I'm selling this this this right so I can give all the information about myself to chat GPT so every time that I ask something from chat GPT it will consider uh all this information that I provided and it will use it to provide a better answer to me okay so this is the first part on the right side you can see some uh tips about what kind of information that you can add for example where are you based okay what do you do for work what are your hobbies and Etc now the next part is how would you like chat GP to respond okay maybe you all the time you need chity to respond in formal matter okay uh as you can see here it is written how formal or or casual should chat GPT be how long or short should the responses be and Etc so you can change the way that Chach will respond to you give it in a style okay for example you can use some of the things that we talked about in The Prompt engineering formula you can add it here and all the time when you are using chat GPT it will uh consider this information and then it will respond to you okay okay in my own perspective if you are using catp for one case for example I'm going to use chat only for my business okay then I suggest you to add um this information here but I myself prefer not to add because I use chat GPT in many different cases okay in many different scenarios and every time for example sometime I want to do marketing and I want chat to help me sometime I have just some questions about something I want to learn and I will ask CH GPT Etc okay if you're using it like me I suggest you not to add instruction here okay um especially the second part the first part you can add it can be helpful sometime but if you're just using CHP for some specific case it's a perfect match for you the custom instructions will help you a lot so you can add some informations here right so that was all about the custom instructions now as we go forward there is a part that we will talk about custom gpts okay and there you can also add some custom instructions as I said at the beginning of this video uh what you may have right now could be a little bit different from mine because I have some custom gpts that I made that I created for some specific cases that I'm going to use right so later we will talk about that so if you're ready let's jump into the next part in this part we are going to talk about about what we are going to learn in the next upcoming lectures okay more or less it's an introduction to what we are going to have in this chapter which is about using AI especially chat GPT for marketing purposes now um let me just give you this quick information about what we are going to learn if you are not um in the field of marketing or if you have never used marketing U the next couple of lectures it's not much okay it won't take your time a lot and it's not complicated I will explain everything and the reason that I put it here is because it will help you to get better at whatever you are doing marketing is not something that was invented uh recently it has been here with us for hundreds or thousands of years because the core of marketing is persuasion persuading others to do something that you want and it has been with us with human for thousands of years because people convinced others to do something right so uh when we are using a technique to convince others in general we call it marketing and in the next upcoming lectures I will teach you how you can use um chat GPT and other AIS to do marketing to get to your goals and when I say marketing here I don't exactly mean that all right you must have a product and you want to sell it somewhere and you want to do marketing for it no you can use marketing to convince others for example you want to uh you are working as a freelancer you want to get a project you can use marketing for that you can do marketing for yourself that all right I'm a professional here I do this I do that these are my for example uh previous projects and when you learn marketing you can do a better branding for yourself right and uh you can use marketing if you want to uh if you want to get hired in a company you can do marketing uh if you have a product for yourself if you want to sell it if you want to do marketing for other companies and work for them so in general you can use it anywhere right so um the next upcoming lectures it will be I do my best to keep them short okay and I do my best to provide additional information so if you are not familiar with marketing you don't get lost okay so that was all about the introduction and uh let me quickly read the topics that we have ahead of us and give you a quick um information about each of them so the next lecture we are going to have market research okay to understand the market and how it's going on how our competitors are doing and what we really need where we need to find our customers or clients okay so it's really useful after that we'll talk about marketing planning content marketing ideas sales funnels which is really helpful video script for YouTube video insights plugin it's an advanced thing and I'm sure you're going to enjoy it and then email sales letter and after that um we will talk more about other topics later in the course again we get back to marketing and I will teach you some more advanced stuff so that was all about this lesson and if you're ready let's jump into the next part welcome to this lesson in this part we are going to talk about how we can use the help of chat GPD to create a complete market research for the products that you want to sell products or a product okay so here I prepared a prompt for you and on the next article I will paste this prompt so you can copy and paste it and make changes based on your needs so the first thing that I did I assigned a role to chat GPT and then I mentioned that my product is for example a modern gaming mouse and I want you to do a complete market research tell me who are my competitors what are their products advantages and disadvantages how they are doing marketing where do they find um their target audience and more information that you think it's required for market research now you can use the same prompt but here you can change in uh the product that I wrote here instead of a modern gaming mouse whatever your product is you can change this part and the response will be based on your product let's look at the response that cat jpd provided so to starts from here these are the competitors that CH found for me okay and um provided some information about it some advantages for example the advantages of Logitech um mice are for example high performance sensors and so on okay however some users may find them heavier and uh Etc so these are some information about each of them then we have the marketing strategies that how they're doing marketing where and how they find their target audience for example uh on Twitch YouTube gaming and events uh esport events okay so for example from the this specific part I can understand that if I want to sell this product successfully I have to be active on YouTube gaming on Twitch and do my best to get into esort events right so based on your product you have to go after the suggestions that chat GPT make and if you scroll down here it provides some additional research okay market trends um customer prefer preferences price points and so on now here I ask chat GPT to provide all the information above as a table okay it may be easier to compare and go through the information so here also um is all the information that uh chat provided of course in short format here it is longer but as a table you can copy and paste this inside an Excel or a Google sheet and keep them with you and and also if you have some questions about an specific part or if you require more information you can come uh for example you can say um under additional research can you provide some more information about for example price points okay or distribution channels uh or for example make some examples that how I have to do it or how I shouldn't do it okay what are the common mistakes these are the things that you can go through and ask chat GPD to help you right and as you can see here is a table right so in general this is how you can use the help of chat GPT to um create um complete market research for your product now I want you to practice this let's practice this together I want you to pause the video right now and uh make the same prompt write the the same prompt but for another product let's say our product is a modern look and a stylish sunglasses okay for both men and women right so pause the video and complete this challenge all right so how was it did you manage to complete it okay let's come here I'm going to paste the same prompt from the previous example but here I'm going to change the product and I say my product is a modern look and stylish sunglasses for men and women okay so this is my product and to make it more advanced you can also uh Force chat GPT to ask you additional questions about your product for example you can say ask me some questions about my product for additional information before you answer this prompt okay so we can do it this way as well and usually because we we will provide more information to chat GPT the response will be much better okay so here we can come and say uh the product specifics what is our product okay uh are they for example UV protected Etc okay you can go through the information target market who are these uh product intended to for example for which group of people we are making this product the pricing okay if you have this information ready you can provide it to chat GPT so you get a better response okay this the all of these information will help chat GPT to create a better um answer for you but since we don't have this information because this product is imaginary I'm going to remove this part the last part and I'm going to save it and let's wait for the response of chat GPT for our market research all right the response is ready and if you look at it we have the competitors okay the brands then the market marting strategies that they are using right okay the target audience and um other key considerations for example here I can come and say all right under marketing strategies can you talk more about online advertising let's do that under marketing strategies can you provide more information about online advertising where is the best platform to do it how we should execute this step and it's a good idea to ask cat GP what are the common mistakes okay so and what are the common mistakes we must avoid okay so let's press enter okay so as you can see here it is providing additional information then how we should execute this and some common mistakes okay and it's going on so this way you can go very deep into the market research and create a massive and complete market research for your products okay so uh and again if you want it as a table please provide the market research as a table all right so more or less the table is also ready okay so that was all about creating a market research based on your product and the next lesson we will talk more about creating a marketing plan so see you on the next lesson if you're enjoying this video I would really appreciate if you like the video and if yet you're not subscribed to our Channel Please Subscribe because I don't want you to miss our new updates and new tutorials about AI about programming about marketing business and other self development videos that I share on this channel daily right so like subscribe and then let's jump into the next part all right welcome to the next lesson in this part we will focus more on the big picture creating a complete marketing plan okay from the beginning from scratch what the steps we have to take and how we should keep going uh over the period of time that we have to do marketing for a specific comp company brand or a product okay so here is the prompt that I have uh prepared and uh again you can copy and paste this from the next article so here it is can you create a very deep marketing plan for my product and I'm adding this prompt after the marketing um research that chat GB did for me okay this is the uh gaming mouse example so can you create a complete marketing plan for my product and I wrote I want you to start with the very first step I must take then provide complete description of what I have to do and how it should happen then make some examples and mention some common mistakes that I must avoid you see I use this strategy here as well okay when you know the common mistakes that people make in general you will be more successful so try to use this sentence in your prompt especially when you're creating the plan okay then I mentioned to create this marketing plan you are not limited so you can go very deep and then I make some examples for example uh talk about email marketing at Social Media Marketing which platforms um we have to do Marketing sales funnels webinars events influencers and more okay I wanted to provide some examples so Chip understand the depth of what it has to do so let's look at the response so here it is telling us that first the first step is that we understand the product USP which is unique selling proposition okay we understand what are the advantages of our product over our competitors so we can use that for marketing and then it mentions the common mistake again if you have some questions about each step you can write it down here inside the prompt give more explanation or information about for example step one or step two okay then it talks about market research and segmentation and comp competitor analysis which we already did in the first part of this um prompt okay here in the first part we did the market research and competitor analysis then brand development and positioning website and SEO okay and if you have additional information about for example um you have a website right you already have a website you can provide that uh information to chat GPD so it can do some analyzation and provide better responses to you okay content strategy email marketing social media and influencer marketing advertising partnership and events sales funnels analysis and optimization okay and as I mentioned you can go very deep inside each of them okay so as a practice you can pause the video try to write something similar okay for the example of sunglasses that we had okay so pause the video and complete this challenge all right so let's do it together as well and see what chat gbt will provide based on um this product this sunglasses that we have so I'm going to come here inside the prompt again uh I'm asking chat to provide a complete marketing plan and showing the steps and so on okay so let's paste this and let's wait for the response to get complete okay so here is the step one identify the target audience step two Define your brand and USB okay unique selling proposition is similar to the previous example that we had about gaming mouse the V your website Implement content marketing okay for example on the next lesson we will talk more about content marketing and the ideas that we can have uh to do content marketing for example for social media like Instagram right develop an email marketing strategy social media strategy influencer marketing and anywhere uh of this plan if you have some questions for example I didn't understand number eight can you explain explain it to me can you show me some examples can you um make it clear for example tell me how I have to do it teach me the steps okay these are some of the very helpful prompts that you can use to um create a better marketing plan right so it will goes the same way track and adjust and usually as you can see always in marketing tracking or optimizing and adjusting is the final step so more or less that was all about this lesson and the next part we'll talk more about the content marketing ideas welcome to the next lesson in this part we are going to talk about content ideas for social media marketing so let's say our product is the gaming mouse right we did some analysation we created our marketing plan and we want to do social media marketing but we are not sure what kind of content we have to create so the best way is to ask chat GPT which platform is the best and uh suitable for our product and what kind of content we should create So based on my product Which social media platforms I must use okay so earlier we had the answer to this question but to refresh that we I asked it again so we become clear what should we do so here we have twitch YouTube Instagram Twitter Reddit right and it keeps going this way Discord right Facebook and I think um it mentioned it based on the priority or uh where come Community most exists there based on our product because it is a gaming mouse twitch is the best playist in YouTube Instagram and it goes the same way so let's say we want to create content for Instagram okay I want to create content about my product for Instagram I want you to create a list of content ideas connected to my product okay so let's see what chpt will give us right so product showcase share high quality visual appealing images of your gaming mouse okay unboxing videos behind the scenes okay user generated content tutorial or guard sides and comparisons setup ideas influencer post okay these are really good ideas and keep going the same way so you can create many different content based on these list okay and each of them can be good now let's select one of them let's say for example the first one okay product showcase all right I have created a product showcase content and I want you to help me with the caption with the post caption and hashtags okay so let's talk about the caption you can provide more information on how your caption want to be for example do you want to provide more information about your product or do you want to encourage people to engage with the post or do you want to push them to click on the bio link and visit your product page okay so based on that you can provide more information can say I want my caption right so here for the caption I mentioned that I want my caption to be engaging and push people to comment and share the post try to use emojis and use very simple and understandable words now let's add some information about hashtags so let's press enter and see what chat GPT will write for us so here is the caption and as you can see it is using proper Emojis with it right and here goes the the um here goes the hashtags okay and again if the hashtags doesn't look very well based on your needs you can make some changes or you can provide more information about your product right now because our product is imaginary we don't have much information about it you can provide a complete description about your product and the advantages and disadvantages of your product and based on that chat will create will create better hashtags now here we can make some changes this is not a good way to write hashtags I can make some changes here write all hashtags in one line after each other and separate them with comma okay so let's submit this and right here it goes okay so this is much better right we can write it this way or um yeah on Instagram uh we don't have comma okay so I made that mistake let's remove that and separate them with uh space okay this should be better let's save it all right this is much better so this is how you can create content for social media right as you can see I selected one of these uh where is it one of these platforms let's come here I selected one of these platforms for example Instagram you can select for example twitch or YouTube and about YouTube I will provide more information in the next upcoming lectures but anyway this is how you can use chat GPT to create content ideas and help you with creating the content itself okay so that was all about this lesson if you have any question you can write it down for me and on the next lesson we are going to talk about sales funnels all right in this lesson we are going to talk about sales funnels now we have our product which is a gaming mouse and let's say we did some marketing on social media and then we want to um direct our followers to a website to a landing page and then capture their emails and then little by little push them to purchase our product okay so for that we require a sales funnel so we can ask chat GPT to create one or more sales funnels for us the first step is to explain the situation we are in right now let's say for example I did content marketing on Instagram for this product and I got about 20,000 followers okay I want you to create a sales funnel for me so I can convert these followers into email subscribers and then into customers by doing email marketing so I mentioned the main task that it must do first I provided some explanation about the situation that we are in right now then I explained the main task now it's time to um offer some examples or templates of the result that I want uh chat to provide so I'm going to come here and say make each step of the funnel very clear and detailed make one or more examples as well okay and then also for the email marketing I want chat GPT to provide sample emails as well also for the email marketing steps provide email samples or examples for my specific case all right so here I provided more example or some template that how I want this answer to be and um if you have a real product and if you provided more information about your product to chat GPT now here chat GB could create a very very good and advanced sales funnels for you okay so let's press enter and see the result all right it's writing the answer and let's go through it together the first step is awareness and attraction at this stage where you have already attracted some followers okay we need to keep them engaged okay at this point your audience know your brand so the example is that regularly we need to post engaging content such as product features gaming tips and so on like stories post videos Etc okay then we need to do lead capture now here we need to aim to convert these followers into email subscribers offering a lead magnet this could be an exclusive discount code or a free gaming guide or some chance to enter a giveaway right so based on this uh we can push our followers to click on the bio link on Instagram or any other platform that we are doing marketing here chat GPT wrote an example want to level up your gaming experience click on the uh on our bio link to get our exclusive ultimate gaming guide free when you subscribe to our newsletter okay then the next step the third step is lead nurturing once you have captured their email the next step is to nurture these leads with a sequence of emails that gradually guide them towards a purchase okay the welcome email okay now here uh it wrote the email example um as a code but it doesn't matter you can change it the way you want it to be this is the subject okay welcome to whatever your brand is Plus free gaming guide hi the name of the subscriber okay and then etc etc right we have the sample here then after that for example on the next day on the second day after they signed up on our email list we can send an engagement email okay five ways to improve your gaming skill vid for example this product explain more then for example on the third day we can provide a promotional email after a few engagement emails okay you can can uh ask chat to write more examples for example you can say for the second step right for the engagement emails uh I want to send three engagement emails and I want you to create some examples for it then I want to send promotional emails here is the example and then the final step is the conversion okay so this is how to create sales funnel using chat GPT but as I said based on your situation you can go deeper into each of these steps and expand it more okay so if they didn't for example you can say if the users didn't uh get engaged with my first engagement email what should I send them okay then chat will create another email for you if they get engaged with my engagement emails but they didn't open for example or they didn't purchase my product after receiving promotional emails then what I have to do for example you can wait couple couple of days then offer them a great discount to push them right then uh put a limit on that discount and say right it's available only for one day and it's going to end only for example 100 people can use it this way you can push them right and you can tell chat GPD to create these examples for you right so that was all about this lesson if you have any question write it down for me if not let's jump into the next lesson in this lesson I want to talk about creating content for YouTube and how you can use the help of chat GPT to do so let's say here our product is the gaming mouse and we want to create some content for YouTube the first thing that we can do ask for ideas so let's do that I want to create some videos for I want to create some videos for YouTube about my product I want you to provide some video ideas okay so let's see what kind of ideas chat GPT will provide product unboxing and review right tutorial gaming performance okay behind the scene and so on let's say we select gaming performance okay I'm going to select this one and I'm going to say all right I want to create a video about gaming performance for my product and I want you to create the video script for me okay so here I'm asking chat GPD to create a video script for this idea that it provided okay now again if you have your product ready right you will have more information and by providing those additional information chat GPD can create a better video script for you right same as previous examples but here uh it will do its best based on what we have provided so I'm going to uh press enter and see the result also before uh you ask chat GPT to create the video script you can assign copywriting role or storytelling role to chat GPT to increase the quality of the story that it creates for your um script for your video script a little bit better all right so here is the script so let's say you sit in front of camera and you say hey Gamers welcome back to our Channel today we are diving into the world of high performance gaming with our product product Mouse blah blah right you continue then it will cut to closeup shots okay it is telling you how uh you should film this right again the host uh will say this while you're shooting a closeup scene from your gaming mouse right and as you can see it will continue all the way here right so you can ask for it to continue to explain more to for example in this video script that you are writing I want to talk about these five things or these 10 things okay write a video script like that or like this okay so you can change it based on what you have learned till now the way you want but as you can see it has created a great video script for us it explained what we have to do what we have to say what we have to show while we're saying that and so on right it's really good now on the next lesson I will teach you a plugin it's a little bit a little bit Advan but um because it is related to our topic I want to talk about this plugin here but again when we get to more advanced chapters I will talk more about generally chat GPT plugins right but here as I said because it is related to this topic I'm going to talk about that plugin which is connected to YouTube uh on the next lesson so see you on the next part come to the next lesson in this part I want to introduce um chat GPT plugin connected to YouTube here so let's say here we have a video on YouTube right that it's talking about for example five best Logitech gaming mouse right it has some topic it doesn't matter okay it's just an example and here is the video how it looks right this guy talking about gaming mouse and uh providing some information about it okay anyway doesn't matter I'm going to copy this link right and I'm going to come to chat GPT right now I'm chat GPT 4 and if you are a plus member right now that I'm recording this lesson if you are a plus member you will have access to chat GPT with browsing okay and also chat gbt plugins okay so if I come to plugins here you can come here to the plugin Store and search for video insights okay right now this plugin is activated for me okay you can simply come to plugin store and here there is a search bar at the top let me let it load right here it is you can write down video insights okay and here it is mine is already installed so you can install it and then come here and activate it and then you can come here to the me to the messaging bar and write down I want you to summarize the key points of the video below okay and then paste the link to the YouTube video press enter and then it will load for a couple ofs then it will show that chat GPT is using this plugin video insights okay and it's loading right it will take couple of seconds or maximum one or two minute until it goes through the video okay it looks at the script and then chat G will summarize the key points for us this way you can learn the information that exists inside um okay it's right writing like this we can hide this and then it will write it this way so um this way you can get the information of videos much faster especially some videos that are longer like 20 30 40 minutes or couple of hours you can get the content like this and learn the content or there's another way as well you can for example offer this example to chat GPT and then ask chat GPT to create similar video script for you okay after this finish I will show you how you can do that as well it's pretty simple and I'm sure by now you know the answer how to do that so here are the summaries of the key points in this video right so instead of watching how much was it 6 Minute right it was short but anyway I can read this uh much faster and get the information right and beside that as I said here I asked chat GP to summarize it instead of summarizing it I can say I want you to create a similar video script as the video below okay and then you can mention how you want your video be uh provide more information and um chat GPT will make those changes so let's save this and again it will take couple of seconds to look at the video script right go through the video get the content and then it will write the script for us okay all right so here we have the opening scene we can read through this text in front of camera then we have music then again we say this and keep going right so this is how you can use this plugin for creating YouTube content or to get the information from YouTube videos much faster so that was all about this lesson and if you have any question write it down for me if not I will see you on the next lesson if you're enjoying this video I would really appreciate if you like the video and if yet you're not subscribed to our Channel Please Subscribe because I don't want you to miss our new updates and new tutorials about AI about programming about marketing business and other self-development videos that I share on this channel daily right so like subscribe and then let's jump into the next part all right in this lesson we are going to talk about writing a sales letter sales email based on some specific requirement connected to our product let's say here is our gaming mouse right and I want to provide additional information based on this product based on the description that we have here some of the information that it's written here right and then uh ask chip to write very engaging um email letter for increasing the sales for promotions of this product so the first thing that we need to do is to assign a role to chat GPT act as a professional digital Market and copywriter okay so here I wrote down the main task which is I have a gaming mouse as my product and I want you to write a promotional email for me to sell this product to my email subscribers okay and here I can add more information about my product product description okay can come here and write this copy paste this title right then on the next line add more information about it about this item I can come here and copy this description and so on okay and one other thing is that you can um tell chat GPT that all of this content that we wrote here is about the product description by putting it inside three quotations at the end and at the beginning okay so I can come here and add these three quotations here as well so this was the product description and now I can tell chat GPD how I want my um promotional email B I want the promotional email be very understandable be very understandable and uh here is a technique um if you are not familiar with marketing cognitive biases we have about um 23 actually there are more but in my courses I talk about 23 marketing cognitive biases these are some Advanced strategies to convince people to do something okay and I can tell chat GPT because chat GPT is familiar with these strategies I can tell chat GPT to use these Market in cognitive biases I want you to use at least five marketing cognitive biases like scarcity and reason expecting tendency you don't need to write the name of it but since I know these marketing cognitive devices I can make some examples uh for chat GPT to understand what do I mean by marketing cognitive biases contrast liking loving tendency and so on okay tendency so the next thing that I want chat to do in this email I want to use call to action at least three times I want you to use the main call to action at least three times in this email one at the beginning one in the middle and one at the end try to be very friendly throughout the email okay so this is an example that you can use to ask chat GP to create uh email promotion to create promotional email for you based on the product and the needs that you have so let's see what chat GPT will create for us so it wrote a subject for me again we can talk about subject a lot we can tell chat to do it shorter to make it longer to use this word to use that word inside it and and here it is writing this okay now one thing if you pay attention um all right here are the um call to actions that uh that people or subscribers can click on it right it wrote it with bold text okay so um I can make some changes let's come here and make make those changes I want short paragraphs and I want you to use some images inside the email now you may say that right chipd doesn't have the power to create or use images instead of the image I want you to describe it okay so it cannot use the image but it can describe it okay at its perfect position so let's save this and see the result again so here it is it is it even it even has some emojis inside it even though that I didn't mention right here is our first call to action and here we have the picture you see picture imagine An Elegant streamlined black mouse Etc okay then again we have another text here another image another paragraph here don't miss call to action picture again another paragraph and some more information image another text another call to action and that's it okay so this way you can tell chat to create a perfect um email campaign for you to do promotions again if you have more information based on your product you can get a better result right so that was all about this lesson if you're ready let's go for the next one over the past couple of months a lot of people talked about creating your own custom chat GPT with your own knowledge or your own database with your own instruction for the main purpose that you had but there was one problem it was very complicated it wasn't easy not everybody could do it you must had uh programming knowledge and you had to use some third party apps etc etc until now now you can use chat GPT itself if you have access to cat GPT 4 you can create your own custom GPT based on your own database for your own purpose okay so during this video I'm going to show you how you can create your own custom chat GPT and also by the end of this video I'm going to share a gift with you that I'm sure you are going to [Music] enjoy all right so let's begin creating our own custom chat GPT so this is the look of chat GPT right now and the thing that you have to uh keep in mind that from time to time almost every month open AI change the design and the look of chat GPT okay so if what you are watching right now it's a little bit different don't worry the main concept is right here okay they don't change the main structure so on the left side as you can see same as before we have our previous chat with chat GPT and on the left side at the top we have chat GPT then we have data analysis which before we called it code interpreter and for example here is funnel architect which I'm going to talk about it at the end of the video because it's really interesting then we have Dolly explore and so on okay and if we come here click on C gbd4 we have C gbd4 3.5 and plugins now if you want to create your own custom GPT you can come here click on explore right and then here you can see different kinds of GPT for different purposes that open AI created themselves and you can use these different gpts for the purpose that you have okay but if you look at the top here it's written create a GPT but it is in beta stage right now so click on create a GPT and here as you can see we have two window on the left side we can mention and how and what our GPT should look like okay and on the right side we have the preview so the first thing that you can do first of all at the top we have two tabs one is create and second is configure so what we are going to do right now is to come here and explain what do we want to use this GPT what it should be about what it has to do and so on okay so let's say for example I want to create a GPT which is very good at writing copies and text for ad advertisements for um campaigns marketing campaigns for sales letters and so on okay so the main focus of this GPT will be on writing so I'm going to come here and I'm going to just explain that this GPT has to be like this has to do this that Etc okay all right so as you can see in couple of lines I just explain what it should do and how I want it to be so it should be uh professional GPT on copyrighting for marketing campaigns and advertisement sales etc etc and uh the copies should be convincing and persuasive for the user who is reading it to take action okay so I'm just going to send this message and this is a GPT Builder and what it does it will take my text G and it will make some changes and it will assign this as an instruction for the GPT that we want okay now this is the first step g chat GPT will do this for us this GPT Builder will do this for us but later as we go forward we can change it so uh it is telling us all right great choice etc etc now you can give it a name for example persuasive pen okay so this step is complete and if if we click on configure on the um settings that we have here we can select the name for example here it suggested that you can give it a name okay you can continue the chat here uh until this GPT builder. all right select this name for it and keep going with it but you can click on configure which is very much simpler I think and you can give it a name persuasive pen and as you can see on the preview on the right side we can see it then uh we can add an image to okay the image that you want then under it we have the description and this is the description that we see here then here is the instruction the main instruction that GPT Builder uh wrote based on our needs okay so you can change this or you can go back to here to the GPT Builder and tell GPT Builder that all right I want it to be like this and that change this part change that part Etc okay now if we scroll down here we have some uh custom messages that you can see here you can remove them right if you don't want to have them but the main part which is really important is the knowledge section now here you have the ability to upload different files for example different PDFs for example I can come here download five or 10 best books about uh copywriting and upload all the PDFs here and then when this custom GPD want to write a copy for me it will use use the knowledge beside the knowledge that it has it will use the knowledge that I uploaded here this is the main part now you can also use it for different purposes for example you want to have a custom GPT and you want to complete some tasks regarding your company okay you have a big company or you're working with a big company it has a lot of data it has a lot of information a lot of uh things about it you have all those files for example CSV files Excel file files PDF files you can upload all of them here for example you can upload a PDF about the products of that a specific company so this custom gbd have the knowledge of what kind of product you are using in this company and for example your stores all the location of the stores that you have or where are you selling them how are you selling them okay you can upload all of those data here all of those information here and then use this C some GPT to complete any task that you want this is the main use here this is the main goal which is really important now before as I mentioned at the beginning of this video when you wanted to create a custom GPD it was very difficult uh to um teach that custom GPT all this information but right now it's very simple right so under it we have capabilities web browsing Dolly and code interpreter so if you want this custom GPT to be able to browse the internet you can just let it be checked if you want this custom GPD to be able to create images using Dolly you can uh let the second option to be checked and also if you want it to do uh to do some coding writing some codes or reading some codes for you analyzing some codes for you you can set uh the last option code interpreter on and that would be all finally at the last part we have cre create new actions this part it's a little bit more advanced so you can click on create new action okay for example let's say I want to create a custom GPT for SEO okay now I want this custom GPT to have some connections go on Google or Keyword Planner for example go on Google ads and find the best keywords based on the data that exists right now on Google ads get those data bring it here write it for me edit it for me and Etc okay so I can go on Google ads get the API key as I said earlier it's a little bit more advanced but I'm just generally explaining how it works get the API key come here paste the API key here then it will be connected this custom GPD will be connected to that tool or platform whatever it is here I can explain how it should work and at the end we have the privacy for using that API key okay but right now we don't need it okay and we don't have any PDF regarding copyrighting so I'm not going to upload anything and when you're done you can click on Save and you can mention if you want to use this GPD only yourself or share it with anyone who has the link or let it be public and then I'm just going to put it on only me and confirm okay then we will have a new custom GPD so let's talk about the gift that I mentioned earlier yes come on Below in description you can find the link to get access to this custom GPT which is called funnel architect now what does this GPT does it will create based on your product based on your needs it will create um sales funnels that you can use those funnels to increase your Revenue to do marketing ET ET okay it will do all the steps for you because I added some PDFs about the structure of sales funnels different type of funnels for example homepage funnel product launch funnel many other funnels it has all the data about it so when you explain that all right I'm at this stage I want to do this or that okay now what kind of funnel I should use it will tell you for example all right I mentioned that uh I sell gaming mouse okay on my online store the mouses are like this and like that and I also have Community for example on Discord with this amount of uh users now I want to I want you to look at the PDFs that you have and tell me what kind of funnels I should use to increase my sales okay now when you submit this the first thing that it will do it will look at the documents that was uploaded um earlier okay so as I said earlier I uploaded different PDFs about funnels and some other marketing strategies so it will look through them okay and then it will tell you what kind of funnel is suitable for your case for your product okay and then you can ask GPT to create all the steps all the phases all the strategies that you have used in each part all right it's done and now it's writing the response for example it is telling me that all right one of the funnels that you can use is product launch funnel and it is explaining how we can do that e-commerce sales funnel okay and then when it is for example live demo funnel this will be really useful for this specific product based on my own uh marketing digital marketing knowledge this is a really good offer homepage funnel and it do keep keep going like this now I'm going to tell GPT to create all the phases strategies and steps for for example which one for example for live demo fun okay so I'm just going to copy this and come here so I mentioned that all right I want you to write all the phases steps and uh strategies for live demo funnel according to my situation and my product and remember the the more information you provide for example about your uh product about the all the resources that you have the better response it will give you okay so let's submit this and then it will begin creating or creating that funnel or writing all the phases and strategies so as you can see for example phase one pre-launch engagement okay post engagement teasers etc etc email campaign Strate strategy Tre collaboration and influencer marketing this is really helpful right phase two live demo event phase three okay it will go on like this okay so right now you can go to chat GPT create your own custom GPT for your own main use and also you can have a look at the link to this funnel architect GPT inside the description of this video video and you can use it for free also if you face any problem you can leave a comment for me or if you have an any idea or question you can share it with me in the comments okay so that was all about this video don't forget to like And subscribe and I will see you soon on another [Music] [Music] video [Music]
Channel: Pouya Eti
Views: 8,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pouyaeti, best course, bestseller, digital marketing, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt tutorial for beginners, chatgpt guide, chatgpt guide for beginners, chatgpt course, chatgpt course for beginners, chatgpt 4, chatgpt, chatgpt learning, chatgpt learning course, chatgpt full course, chatgpt full course for begnners, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt full tutorial, chatgpt full guide, chatgpt plugins, dalle3, prompt engineering, prompt engineering full course, chatgpt prompt engineering, gpt4
Id: eIs2cpwvces
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 28sec (6628 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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