This Free ChatGPT SEO Script Is Worth Millions

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I could be selling this process for Millions but instead what I'm going to do is give it away for free I'm on a new user account on my computer I have absolutely nothing installed so I'm acting like I'm an outsider and I'm going to go nice and slow and I'm going to show you how I do absolutely everything and then I'm going to show you how the script works as well and how you can get it to work for your business so the first thing is you need to get gitm I have talk about this process say before on my channel but I just think the script is too good to not talk about so go to download and then just download um whichever version you need to download for your computer and then open it hit yes then just keep pressing next then you should get to the end here and it should start to install git while that's installing we can get python so so go to downloads just download the latest version it works with um the assistant API it was um autogen that didn't work with an earlier version of python so the first thing we downloaded is just a way for you to clone a GitHub repository and put it on your computer it's the easiest way to share code this is just generally how people share code especially if there's more than one file inside a folder this is the best way to do it and then the second thing we downloaded is python which is both a programming language and a like a Computing system I guess I don't really know what it is um but you need it on your system in order to run python script so so we're going to press finish here that's get installed and visual our python is almost downloaded and then the other thing we need is Visual Studio code code Visual Studio code is an IDE so an IDE is basically a way to interact with a folder which has code inside so if you just scroll down on the homepage and press download it's just a way to change the code without doing complicated things and it's just a really really easy way to do it so to kind of explain what it is on the side on the left you have like your work space and then on the right you have whatever you are currently whichever file inside the workspace you are currently clicked on now previously what I was trying to do was just trying to make an entire script just inside one folder without using visual studio code but it's really really complicated and once you have more folders and files it it just becomes extremely complicated very very quickly so the easiest way to interact with code is using Visual Studio code so we have python installed we do need to do something specific with python so I am going to run through the installation process so the you have to do this here add python. XE to path I'm pretty sure if you don't do that like some some crazy thing happens basically where it doesn't really work properly so make sure that you add it to path at the bottom so now you can we can just close this here and then let's go to the download here and open the visual studio code setup this is fine this is all easy just press yes yes next actually sorry make sure you do add open with code here and add open with code here and also you may as well corre uh create a desktop item as well and then install it the reason is is because you can then open fold folders onside your desktop like if I want to use this folder I can right click it and there'll be an option here in a second that says open with code which is actually really really useful there it is open with visuals studio so now we'll launch it we are now inside Visual Studio code this is where we're going to be doing pretty much everything else so what we can do now is we can press terminal new terminal I know that we don't have anything open right now but we're going to create the folder with my files already inside and they're organized in a way that I will explain to you in a moment so you can either go to this link or you can just do get clone so like this you can just write get clone or you can just copy this I'll leave this in the description as well and then copy the link like this and then say just call it like Auto blogger or something before I do that though I just want to quickly show you what's going to happen so let's go to the GitHub H repository which is what this is and you can see there are several files in here okay so you can see this one was updated 26 minutes ago okay so this is the one that you should be using testing 3. Pi I left the others in there because I'm a messy programmer and I don't know what I'm doing because I'm a complete Noob so what's going to happen is I'm going to say get clone and then this link and then this is the name of the file that you want to put the auto blogger inside so when I hit enter here provided that I've done everything right which I haven't okay so I didn't add it to path properly in the installation process and I do remember doing this so just click uh the search button the Windows button and click edit the system variables here click environmental variables I can't pause the recording while I'm doing this you're just going to have to suffer with me guys double click the path entry under system variables double click the path entry with the new button in the editor add this so new this does seem to already be there though which is a little bit worrying and this close and reopen the console okay so let's see if this works close the console let's just close Visual Studio code open it up again please work or I'm going to look really stupid terminal new terminal rerun the same thing there we go it works nice perfect okay so now we have Auto blogger we have the auto blogger on our system now we can start to play with it so what you want to do is you want to press open folder here and you want to look for auto blogger which is right here select folder so like I said before you want to hit yes trust orders there I think I don't know if it actually matters so like I said before you we're going to be using testing 3. piy so the first thing you want to do is you want to add your open API key to the eighth line okay I just made everything bigger uh so you can kind of see a little bit better so add your API key here and then the first thing you need to do is you need to get your internal links so you should already already have a list of your internal links but if you don't you can just go to your s map so I go to tan. it/ sitemap.xml and you can do this semi-manually you can do this yourself you should already have a list of your important Pages anyway if you're a smaller website then it's really really easy to get a list of your internal links just do it manually and then we're going to get sitemap to clip board just because it's the easiest way to do it for me it's a Chrome extension which just really really helps with this process in general so once you've added it to Chrome then just click on it press https and press start that should copy your url to the clipboard and then you can just click inside internal links. text here click inside it press contrl a and then press contrl V and then make sure this is very very important press contrl s okay so you copied pasted over everything and then you saved it I don't know why they what is this why are they adding this category why do they do this to me why did they do this to me look at the they've oh my God they've just duplicated I need to delete these anyway sorry I'm getting distracted but this is so annoying this this wasn't me this is just some idiot um my old job who's just doing stupid things anyway so the next thing we need is uh products. text which is just a list of your products now you do not have to do this the complicated way but I do recommend doing it the way that I'm going to show you so 2 Men is another script this does not do any writing it doesn't do anything crazy all it does is it just chooses 200 URLs or 200 products from the list of your from from your sitap basically so we'll go back on the sit map here the first one on Shopify anyway this this part of the process only works on Shopify guys but just if you're on WordPress you can just scrape your own website it or you know whatever you want just have a list of your products it's not that complicated okay right click save as and then save as and then click the download like drag it and then press alt Tab and then keep dragging it and then put it here okay you can also you can do it in in other ways but that's just how I do it and then right click it and then copy relative path and then we're going to go back into TW men and on line 28 you'll see it says XML file path equals sitemap products 20. XML so that's the old one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to highlight the relative path which is what you can see here okay so it means like the the yeah the the name of the file and I'm just going to highlight it and then do contrl +v that then replaces the sitap so now it's going to read your sit map instead of my sitemap then we go to these three little buttons here terminal new terminal and I'm going to do python to men and it'll just give me 200 links 200 products now if you want more products I I don't recommend going too high just because it makes chat GPT a bit more confused you can just change online four it says def extract sitemap data XML file path num URLs number of URLs equals 200 so you can put this to 400 for example i' would recommend leaving it under 300 because otherwise the data input is just too much information for um the assistant and then you can run it again it will just give you another few hundred product works and then you want to click and hold here like just to the right of the last letter of the output so click hold and then drag up and then just drag all the way up to the first letter and then let go of your mouse and then press contrl C okay to copy then you want to click in products. text you want to click inside it you want to press control a and then you want to press contrl V like that so this is probably a few too many lines you don't really want this many lines you want maybe like 800 is a is a good one okay you can also specify um if you want specific products you could change this script to look for certain words like sneakers Etc but I I would recommend keeping it simple and just letting chat gbt do its thing now if you don't have that many products then problem solved basically automatically the final thing we need so this is so far we've done the internal links and we've done the products that's Now set up that's two files the final file is the content plan what you can do the first thing you can do is you can click on the before the first letter of the third line and then drag all the way down like that to the last letter but you can kind of do it where it just knows what you want it want it to do and then delete Del delete and then contrl s to save okay so what that does is it allows you to just write one blog post at a time um just so you can practice the output because my output might not be the same as your output the way it reads products. text might be different the way your Shopify uh sitemap is set up or the way you input your products might be different okay so you do always need to test so I recommend just testing on one at first and then if you like the output then try it on a few more so we're going to click inside here we're going to do crl a contrl c and then we're going to go over to our trusty friend chat GPT so I actually like to use chat GPT 3.5 because it's a little bit quicker and what I like to say is keep this exact format okay and then you just think of some topics so best sneaker Brands 2024 best black sneakers 2024 best crocodile um I'll just put best crocodile 2024 cuz I can't remember what items of we have and then I'll give it the format here this is the format and then we'll hit enter so it's completely messed that up and I'm just going to say please keep the exact format of this content plan okay there we go so I said um stop adding lists I'm just asking you to make make a Content plan blah blah blah so once you've got it you can always return back to this um chat with chat gbt I'm just going to say remove as it interferes with with the formatting okay there we go so now we have it perfect I'm going to press copy and then from now on you can just say now add another line best shirts of 2024 for example and yeah so you can now just use this chat as much as you want to do this so we're going to click well we don't even need to click back in here we just hit contrl V here and then delete once and then contrl s now there might be a problem with the formatting so you just going to have you kind of have to just trust the trust the process here so I'm now going to delete this one right here and I'm going to press contrl s again now we're pretty much ready to go you can run your script now and and the result should be a consistently good article now I will say sometimes it does struggle with choosing the right product sometimes you might have to just change the Articles a little bit but generally speaking this is one of the most consistent ways I found of ranking easily on Google now before we actually run the script let's have a little look at what is actually happening here so the first thing that happens is the files are uploaded to open AI or they're like associated with this um assistant that we're about to create so the files are internal links. text products. text and TW men content plan expanded one. CSV I don't know why I've done it like that I don't know why all my file names are stupid but whatever and then it creates the assistant so the assistant is the identity of the chat GPT model almost that you want want to create now that's not really what it is but that's kind of what I'm getting the feeling of but what I will say is that you do still have to do some prompt engineering so you you are G I am giving you this prompt here but if you want to change it just if you want to make it informational for example just change this to every article should have three brand images minimum and then change this file name to Brand images. text and then inside testing do3 fre change this to Brand images. text and then just change everything else to just make it right informational content you don't need me to do that you it does not take that long okay you just need to change something in this prompt now I'm going to put this prompt inside a notepad just so we can have a little look at it it's a bit easier to read so we'll do oops let's do some wrapping View format word r there we go so instructions every article should have three product image images minimum when finding products ensure they are relevant to the specific article you are writing you must ensure the product image links are written fully and correctly sometimes it will give you dud images all you have to do is just in the markdown output just change that image link it doesn't take very long it's very very easy to do every article must have product images include at least three real product images in the final articles choose I know that that's a repeat but just trust me this is how you how you have to do these things choose only relevant product images do not invent image links never invent links or product images never use sources or footnotes read internal links. text and products. text you always choose five strictly relevant don't ask why I'm just repeating over and over and over um this is what you have to do this is how I've managed to get it to give me good output it's just repeating myself over and over and over so all you have to do is just change the framing of this don't change the repetition don't change blah blah blah just change what you're giving it and change product images to Brand images for example so let's have a look at the second prompt so you can start to see how this script actually works so read the product URLs to find suitable products for articles I should change this to um all and titles I think this is why it sometimes doesn't choose the a good image I will change that in the real script as well but read the product URLs and titles to find suitable products for articles never invent links or product images choose five internal links and five product images that are relevant to blog post idea for example for exotic leather shoes look for crocodile shoes Etc Pursuit articles look Pursuits now you can change that to whatever is relevant specifically to your uh business again I want to show you something quite interesting the What's Happening Here is because the CSV has been opened previously in the script I'm not I don't know where that is but it has been we can now call blog post idea inside these two brackets that is how I have managed to get the script to write out content for a Content plan okay so again you can change anything you want um in any of these prompts okay and then the penultimate prompt is outline request do not invent image links use the prod images and internal links from get internal links which is this um function right here de def get internal links it's the function before the prompt before that we just went through and use them to create an outline for an article about blog post idea in the outline do not use sources or footnotes but just add relevant product images in a relevant section and a relevant internal Link in a relevant section it doesn't follow this but it does work in the end so there is no need for a lot of sources each article needs a maximum of five product images and internal links it completely ignores that so yeah it is what it is and then the final one is the the the writing prompt so use great s Neville English do not use overly creative or crazy language write as if writing for the Guardian newspaper just give information don't write like a magazine use Simple language do not invent image links you are writing from a firstperson plural perspective for the business refer to it in the first person plural add a key takeaway table at the top of the article summarizing the main points never invent internal links or product images choose five internal links and five product imag that are relevant to an article and then write a detailed article based on the following outline but put it into and then it calls the outline here okay so this at the bottom of here you'll see it will say print outline yeah print outline for blah blah blah and then outline so then we call outline and that's how we get it to write about what we want but put it into a proper title which invites a click title should be around six 60 characters include the product images and internal links naturally and with relevance inside the article use markdown formatting and ensure to use tables and lists to add to formatting use three relevant product images and internal links maximum never invent any internal links or product images anyway that is the process now now let's just run the script and I'll show you how it actually works so we're going to do python testing 3. pi oh of course I haven't even installed open AI so yeah I'm glad that I tried to run the script in this video so you're going to have to install open Ai and to do that you just have to do pip install open AI That's literally it so we'll add that to the video thing here now you have the script then install open AI using tip install open and we need to add the API key as well so just go to your playground if you don't have open AI if you don't have access to gbt 4 okay what you need to do is you need to use the API inside playground as usual I will be deleting the secret key at the end of this video so don't try and um use it and then we should be ready to run the script so it'll be python testing 3. Pi this is on a new system so I'm not using anything to my advantage I'm not hiding anything I've just shown you exactly how I would set up this process from A to B and let's just see let's see what the output is I'm I'm curious so at the moment what I've been doing is I've also been using chat GPT 3.5 to format the Articles now you don't have to do this another thing you could do is you could wait until it outputs the entire um plan so the end of this run in about 9 minutes it takes about 3 minutes per article what it will do is it will output an article that is um it will output a CSV called two men content plan expanded um processed plan or processed or something and this will be a new file you can then import that into Google Sheets and then you can just use a a a API call in Google Sheets to format the content as well and then you have you know all of the Articles very very easily formatted however what I suggest you do instead and what I am doing personally because I am writing for clients and I don't want to write crap and I want the content to be good what I'm doing is I'm watching the content as it comes out and making sure it's good so let's have a look article for best sneaker brands for 2024 let's copy this and you can tell me what you think this is live I haven't hidden anything so if this is bad I'm going to look pretty stupid so I'm going to say format this article properly and then hit enter so key sneaker Brands to watch in 2024 really good title key takeaways this is aand we sell this is a brand we sell this is a brand we sell Hugo Boss with an image of a pair of Hugo Boss sneakers absolutely wonderful and then a link to the an internal link to our sneakers collection let's scroll down bloody beautiful a pair of Kiton sneakers with a link to the Kiton collection it worked I'm so happy prata another brand we sell with a link to Prem sneakers and that's it very very simple article not that many words this is how I am currently destroying Google okay now what I will say is you do kind of need like a legitimate business um to do this and so you need to like be selling things that's kind of yeah the drawback to this so each one you can see the outline the this time it's black sneakers so I've taken a big risk here because sometimes it struggles with color but we will see the output in a second okay I'm I'm risking it I'm risking it for a chocolate biscuit let's see what the output is what I will say is I've had good success with colors and bad success with colors or bad results with colors so it it does work sometimes but I will say now I am taking a big risk um for this video this 30 minute long video but even if this one even if this output gives me like a different color Che or something I'm not too bothered because the first output was absolutely perfect so if you want to see the output or I like to do things in convert markdown to HTML so go to markdown to click here crl a contrl V and then if you want to edit things like change a link or like an image link or something you can just very very easily just change this link and you could just change this title to a different Hugo Boss sneaker it's really really easy to do you can very easily edit the article uh here and then you can just use markdown you take the HTML and you can put it into Shopify so let's see let's see let's see let's see this is probably going to let me down but it's okay so now format this article come on don't give me any different colored shoes come on you can do it you can do it come on I don't have High Hopes I'm not going to lie let's see okay they're black they have black on them oh they they're blue they're blue anyway like I said before you can just hit copy here and you could just you know very easily change the product image link I'll show you what that looks like uh we'll go to collections Kiton actually we'll just go to sneakers and just find a pair of black sneakers okay so you can literally just right click uh copy link no sorry copy image address click back here so which one was wrong it was the third one so all you have to do is just change this to this and I'll just change this to Black temporarily and then you can see now we have the black pair of shoes instead anyway I will say yeah occasionally you do need to edit things um but in general it's the most consistent thing I have seen so far so this time we're doing crocodile so let's see I did check the products. text if you check products. text contrl F crocodile you'll see there are some crocodile items here so I mean if it Nails this one I will be very very happy it's now done it took 6 minutes to write three articles come on guys that is pretty impressive and then we'll have a look at the cost as well in just a second so we'll say now do this article and we'll see how it does come on you can do it oh they do have crocodile on them that is crocodile that is crocodile that is crocodile and that's that does have crocodile on as well yep I remember seeing these products they have crocodile like Zips um I think this is crocodile as well perfect yeah absolutely bloody perfect thank you so much for watching guys I'm really really proud of what I've done here I'm really really happy with the the results you can see it has internal links it has it can choose images specifically from the products it's amazing thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you very very soon with some more content if you're watching until the very end you're a legend as usual and peace out
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 273,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, what is chat gpt, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt explained, ai, chat gpt ai, chatgpt api, how to create custom gpts, prompt engineer, chatgpt update, chatgpt new features, how to earn money with gpts, how to make money with chatgpt, make money with chatgpt, make money online with chatgpt, make money with ai
Id: rjtfCARo8O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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