The Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula (Start With This!)

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what's the difference between a prompt that spins out something Bland and generic and a prompt that gives you something brilliant exactly the way you want it I've experimented with AI tools like chat GPT for hundreds of hours and come up with the perfect AI prompt formula that you can use to get consistent high quality outputs with whatever task you're using AI for all you need to do is learn these five key elements and include them in your prompt so the first thing we always want to do when grafting a prompt is to give chat EBT a specific role to play as and that's because giving AI a role to play increases its accuracy and creativity so that's going to give you much better outputs than you would if you didn't assign one and the role you give AI can be a general role or a specific person an example of a general role is you are a creative writing coach critique my work and give me feedback to help me improve my writing an optional thing you can do here to make that role even more specific is to give it additional attributes you think might be helpful for the task at hand so things like creative articulate intelligent friendly helpful professional or experienced work really well let's expand our creative writing coach prompt and add on you are a friendly experienced creative writing coach to make that even more useful you can also get chatgpd to act as if it is a specific person and that can be real or fictional as an example you are Darth Vader help me come up with a realistic plan for establishing a Galactic Empire over the next five years the only caveat here is that the specific role you pick must be someone that is well known so when deciding on what role to give Chachi BT you want to ask yourself what kind of person would be useful in the situation and then give it that role so if you want tachibidi to say edit my writing the role you would give your professional writing coach if you want to give me business advice for my startup the role you are a successful SAS entrepreneur if you wanted to create you a morning routine you are scientist and sleep expert Andrew huberman and if you want to write a sales page you're a highly creative award-winning copywriter so what do you want the AI to do for you the next piece of a perfect prompt formula is the action this can take the form of either a single action or multiple actions laid out in step-by-step instructions and that means the action could be a simple sentence or multiple sentences laying everything out in high detail here are a couple of examples to show what I mean of prompts with a single action so write me a resume and cover letter for a job application explain fractional Reserve banking to me and simple and concise manner or generate 100 viral YouTube title ideas for a video on the topic of AI writing tips all of these are short and sweet with a single action and that's all you need for these specific tasks but say you want to do something a little more complex that's where a step-by-step multi-action prompt comes in this prompt turns chat gbt into a tutor and it gives specific step-by-step instructions for what the AI is to do when it interacts with a student so your job is to explain a concept to the user in a clear and straightforward way give the user an analogy and an example of the concept and check for understanding and then it continues on giving more detailed instructions on how exactly this AI is supposed to act so it can fill its role really well and be 10 times more useful than it would be with a single action prompt the next piece of our perfect prompt formula is really really important because it helps us get quality AI outputs that are specific to us and our circumstances and that is element number three context this piece of the puzzle is the key to avoiding the dreaded generic outputs you see all over the place when people talk about Chachi PT so what context should you give in your prompt a really good way to approach this is to sit down and ask yourself if I was hiring a personal assistant to help me with this what information would they need in order to do a good job and this is the context we want to to give the AI so here's a problem for outlining a paper for a college class now after we have the role and the action I've included some context that's important to the task at hand so first is some context about me I am a university biology student and this is for my end of term paper for my fourth year cell biology class and then I gave it a bit of context on the topic I wanted to cover which is epigenetic modifications and cellular memory let's run through another example say I have a business and I use AI to help me do things like write Twitter posts so in this situation there's two key components to the context first off who are you and what is your business and second who is this for AKA who is your audience so again after I have given Chad gbt a role and given it the action to write me a Twitter post I have added my context so the contexts are on myself and my business is in green and the context around my audience is in blue I've kept it really simple in this prompt I'm we have a sentence for each one but you can elaborate and flush that out more if you want it to be more specific the next element of our perfect prompt formula is the secret to getting prompts exactly the way we want them but before we dive into the specifics there's a really cool tool you can use to speed up and automate this process to work 10 times faster with chatgpt the sponsor of this video text Blaze text Blaze is a Chrome extension and Windows app that lets you create shortcuts for frequently used phrases Tendencies or even paragraphs and this is perfect for your most used prompts or context you use quite often so say you're using the perfect prompt formula to write really good tweets you're going to need to give chat GPT lots of examples to get good writing out of it so instead of typing out the same instructions over and over you can automate that with a single shortcut save your examples in text Blaze pop your shortcut into chat EBT and boom your prompt is ready to go the nice thing about text plays is that it integrates with any AI platform so you can speed things up no matter what AI to are using so if you're all about efficiency like I am you can try text Blaze for free at the link in the description below it's gonna make your life a whole lot easier so I might have given it away a little bit right there but element number four in our perfect prompt formula is examples this is so so so important because AIS give out more creative accurate and useful outputs when they are given examples to learn from and providing AIS with examples is also called multi-shot prompting or few shot prompting if you're into the literature on all this stuff let me show you the difference between a prompt that uses examples versus one that doesn't to illustrate my point say I want to generate highly clickable email subject line ideas for my email newsletter so first let's look at a prompt without examples generate 10 attention grabbing email subject lines based on the topic of my email newsletter topic AI tips for digital entrepreneurs and if you look at what chat gbt output for us these subject lines are all right they're all kind of wordy there a bit generic they'll end an exclamation point so none of that is really usable as is so let me show you what this looks like if we give the AI examples first here's what a prompt with good examples might look like so we're going to use the same action instructions that we used before but then we add on the bottom here's some examples of high performing subject lines that I've used before and then I listed out four different ones this is which our gbd spits out and it is so much better than what I got before these subject lines are much shorter snappier more interesting and I can already see some in here that I can use right away now it isn't necessary to provide examples in every single prompt it's really dependent on what you're using it for and whether or not examples would be useful in illustrating to chat GPD how you want it to Output things you might just want to do something really simple but use examples if it makes sense because it'll massively increase the quality of the output I typically like to provide between 1 and 10 examples depending on what it is and depending on the length so for something shorter like subject lines YouTube title ideas I might provide 10 examples but for something longer like say a Twitter thread or for articles or paragraphs I might include two or three instead and hot tip providing examples is a really great way to train AI to write more like you the secret to doing this is to provide chat DBT examples of your own writing now those examples should match the kind of content that you're asking it to produce so if you're writing articles give it examples of Articles if you're writing tweets give it examples of past tweets you've done The Fifth Element of our perfect prompt formula is constraints and formatting this covers two sides of the same coin so formatting is yes do this whereas constraints are the no don't do this constraints are important in a way that is a little bit unintuitive and that's because the more constraints you give AI generally the more creative the outfits will be now this is actually true for both AIS and for humans this has been covered in countless articles like this one illustrating how limitations are crucial to achieving breakthrough Innovations so basically how this works is the more constraints you're given the more creative you have to be in order to solve the problem and what that means for us in crafting our prompts is we very rarely want to give AI free reign in what it can do adding constraints is highly dependent on what you're using AI for but usually it'll come to a list of constraints through trial and error so for example say I'm using Chachi BT as a YouTube title generator and without adding any constraints in my first prompts I might start to realize a few things what I noticed was that chachibd was generating YouTube titles that tended to be too long too wordy and overuse exclamation points and sometimes added in hashtags which are a big No-No so to fix this I added a few constraints at the end of my prompt and they looked like this use as few words as possible ideally 50 to 60 care characters use universal language keep it at a fifth grade reading level and no Emojis exclamation marks or hashtags your constraints will generally be a list of Corrections that you know judgy Beauty often makes and you can nip that in the bud by including that in your initial prompt we've got our constraints let's add some formatting instructions the best way to think about this is to ask yourself how do I want AI to Output its answer do I want it to do anything in a specific way this is what we want to include as formatting instructions so back to my YouTube title generator example I consider any other formatting best practices that I know as an experienced YouTuber and based on that I add the following formatting instructions to my constraints list focus on human interest use numbers when possible use title case formatting use parentheses and avoid heavy segmentation just to give you some ideas on what formatting to use for different tasks here's a couple examples so we have for a bullet point YouTube script a generator of newsletter email subject lines an article and for a table feel free to screenshot this video and use these formatting instructions and constraints in your next prompt those are the five elements now let's put it all together to see the perfect prompt formula in action but before I do that I want to make sure you've also ironed out all of the beginner mistakes that we haven't covered today I put together this little AI prompts cheat sheet to help you eliminate the most common mistakes and remember the right rules to help you get consistent high quality output with any AI tool you're using if you want to grab that it's totally free you can do that at the link in the description below the full prompt structure looks like this you are an expert role I want you to action use this framework and crafting your output and then describe the action via step-by-step instructions this second part here is only necessary if you are doing a multi-step action versus a simple one then here's some additional context I want you to take into consideration add in your context here are some good examples I want you to emulate list out your examples and list out your constraints and formatting instructions that prompt structure right there has all of the five elements built in so what does that look like in action let me show you here's the full perfect prompt formula set up as a YouTube thumbnail concept generator in red we have the role you're an expert YouTuber and in blue we have the action I have done a multi-step action here that elaborates a little more on what I wanted to do then in green we have the context I've given the context about my business and my audience in purple I have gone and provided examples of different thumbnail Concepts that have worked for me in the past and lastly we have the constraints and I've given it specifics on what I don't want it to do and specifics on what I do want it to do in its formatting this perfect prompt formula can be used for just about any task you can think of doing with AI but there are some super super common mistakes you're probably doing and not realizing it watch this video next to find out if you're making any of these five most fatal chat gbt mistakes and how you can correct I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Brie Kirbyson
Views: 37,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt, chat gpt prompt, chat gpt prompt formula
Id: e7d4HMPs2fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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