22 AI Business Ideas for 2024 (backed by data)

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every single day my AI agency gets 5 to 10 leads from businesses ready to pay us the big bucks for AI Solutions in this video I'm going to Spill the be on 22 of these AI solution Concepts that are in high demand that you can start selling in 2024 everyone knows that the AI space is a gold mine of opportunities this here yet many are left on the sidelines feeling unsure on how to get in on the action the biggest hurdle for beginners knowing what to sell thanks to this YouTube channel my AI agency morning side AI gets a ton of inbound leads and in this video I want to dig into this data and share with you all what AI Solutions businesses are ready to throw money at in 2024 better yet my Discord and YouTube communities are packed with other agency owners who have found their own profitable AI Solutions and today I'll be sharing three success stories from the community revealing their exact solution and how they're making money with it I'm trying to pack a ton of value into this video for you guys so we're going to be kicking off with the three Community ideas before jumping into my ideas that I've got from my own agency's inbox starting off with the beginner friendly ideas and then ramping up to the more advanced but way more profitable Solutions there'll be time stamps along the bottom if you want to jump around to anything in particular but stay tuned to the end because I have put a bonus idea that I think is going to explode that no one's really talking about right now of course if you're new here and don't know who I am my name is Liam otley I run my own AI development company called morning side Ai and I also run the largest community of AI agency owners in the world I teach people how to make money by selling AI solutions to businesses just like the ideas that I'm about to share with you before we jump into the video I just want to ask you guys if you want to follow my Instagram it'll be linked down below @ Liam Motley I've decided to share a lot more of my behind the scenes of my life running my AI businesses and the travel that I'm doing I'm here in Austria right now I'm doing all sorts of cool stuff really letting you see behind the curtain on who I am and what I get up to so if you're not already following my Instagram posting a real every day over there sharing my life so you can follow that down below or just @ leam mly now let's dive in I want to start off with these Community Solutions first as you guys love to stop watching videos halfway through so in order for me to shine the most light on these guys as possible I'm putting them at the start I'd really appreciate if you guys could go and show some love on the platform that they provided as these people are essentially sharing their winning products to use like an e-commerce example which they definitely don't have to do so if you want to give some value back and and show some love back to the guys who are sharing this for the community please follow their platforms engage with the YouTubes twitters whatever it is and to be clear these are not just ideas these are use cases that these agency owners are making money with I put out a form to my Discord and my Telegram and these were the ones that I like the most that were actually making money and successfully selling them number one is voice enabled AI sales Bots this is from a Community member called Sam Yar from AI answers. us so Seine has been helping local businesses like Tradesman to automate their customer inquiries via phone lines with AI I'll need to have a chat about the exact setup that he's using but from the video on his website he's allowing 247 bookings for HVAC companies saving business owners time spent on the line and increasing bookings by apparently 20% at 100% of the inbound calls to this company are actually being answered and a booking attempt is being made by the AI essentially he set up an AI to automatically answer and respond to all calls coming in no matter what time of day and it could always be like 100% answer rate which is awesome I love this use case and he's following my recommended strategy of niching down to one solution or one Niche and has made $35,000 in 3 months so of course a massive congrats to samine he also has a YouTube channel so if you want to go and show some love there he's got some tutorials breaking down what he's doing he's also got his website all going to be linked down there and of course if you're a business who's interested in these kind of services you can contact me down below there'll be a link to his business as well number two is an e-commerce product recommendation system this is by a Community member called Brendan from inflate AI this one was really great to see for me because this is actually something that I first mentioned this concept of an e-commerce product recommendation system in one of these prior videos so like the same kind of format I'm doing here I think it was two either one ago or the one before so Brandon has G and taken that idea and run with it and built out an excellent voice flow prototype not even a prototype a fully fledged system that actually works really well essentially customers can come on and say hey I'm looking for this and then it will automatically recommend them and pop up a nice couple Carousel cards even in the chat bot so includes image includes a link to purchase and check out the the product page really cool idea and executed very well from what I can tell from the tutorial on his YouTube channel so if you want to go and check out Brendan's tutorials he's got a YouTube channel you can go check that out down below as well I'll leave a link so you guys can learn how to make your own e-commerce product recommendation system this one because this is definitely the direction that e-commerce is heading at the moment and Brendon here has put in the hard work to create the system and has reaped the benefits generating $7,000 Australian dollars from just four clients and it's attracted Some solid attention on YouTube by sharing this build as well if you're an e-commerce store owner and you would like one of these built out you can contact Brandon down below be a to book and a call and get this thing built out for you I really like what Brandon is doing here because again he's following my recommended strategy of creating a niche solution and in this case he's marketing it via YouTube videos as I have done with my agency to a specific audience so he's including e-commerce product da da like he's he's making a YouTube video that he knows the kind of people that he can serve are going to be clicking on and interested in watching so very good work Brandon that's awesome stuff thirdly we have an invoice cleaning system for Tradesmen this is by Our Community member Conor Davis from outbox Solutions so this is actually another Australian guy crushing it Conor has created a cleaning system that uses GPT to not only spell check but format and punctuate invoice descriptions for Tradesmen before they sent to the customers so not known for their literary flare Tradesmen typically aren't great at describing the work that's been done and what the system essentially does is ensures Clarity and professionalism for the plumbing franchises that corner is working with across their 14 franchise locations now you may not think spell check and formatting is very valuable but the key thing here is that this tool is used 100 times a day across all of the locations that they have which is exactly what I was talking about over on my Twitter but you're not already following I share a lot of my thoughts and my like solution ideas over there so it's going to be linked here and Link down below if if you're not already foll me on Twitter to get this stuff first but essentially what I'm talking about over there is that volume equals value in this case we have a very basic thing which is essentially spell check and formatting but because it has been done thousands of times per month it provides a lot of value to the business and that's really where AI in these Solutions can shine is when you have a lot of volume going through a system even if it's basic it can be Super Value due to the amount of volume going through it and from this one client Conor is pulling in $1,176 per month and from that he's subtracting about $200 in usage cost cost for the apis now there's actually a fairly straightforward way that he can reduce this by like 90 95% I'd love to do it in a video so if you want to know how you can reduce these costs I can make a whole video on it so let me know down in the comment section below so if you guys want you can go and connect with Connor on LinkedIn where he's actually sharing some AI source and value on his LinkedIn so the link will be down in the description and of course if you're a business owner who could benefit from some kind of solution like this you can get in touch with Conor by going down to the description there'll be a link to his agency and you can get in touch and start working with them seeing these guys from the community get out out there and make moves like this nearly brings a a bloody tear to my eye you know it's it was hard in 2023 for many of you I know I know that it was hard for us at times as well but starting these AI agencies is is just hard because we're early the tech itself is unreliable and hard to use at best and customers really expect something that is out of our capabilities in many in many ways and in general they're skeptical of allowing AI into their business we're definitely fighting an uph battle at this point but at some point it will get easier and this Market will really mature and develop and at that point we'll all be in the perfect place to benefit from it I'm so grateful to these guys for being open about their success and I hope that I can bring them all the business and and attention that they deserve through this mention in my video so if you're another agency owner and you would like to be featured in my next video like this there will be a form down in the description I'd love to be able to shine more light on not only the AI use cases that are converting and making money but also being able to jump start the personal Brands and and even the agencies and bring some clients to you guys through my audience of these hardworking agency owners like you this stuff is hard because we are literally Paving the way for future agency owners to follow and there's no handbook on what to sell or how to sell it we just have to figure it out and unlike other business models which have clearly defined strategies and and offers like smma and and Drop Shipping but us Mad Dogs Out Here are are really throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks and so to those of you continuing to grind this journey out with me I salute you and wish you the best for 2024 okay so jumping into time of my morning Side based lead ideas we're starting off with some simple GPT based solutions for businesses if at any point you don't understand what I'm talking about here like tools or custom actions or knowledge bases Etc you need to go and watch my complete guide to gpts which I'll link up here that teaches you everything you need to know about making money with gpts over an hour long and it's essential for anyone looking to make money in the AI Space by selling these gpts and AI agents this year GPT idea number one is AI personas for creators if you've been watching my channel for a while you'll know what an AI Persona is but essentially it's if I want to create an AI Persona of myself I would take all of my YouTube videos and some of my course material and stuff like that I would stuff it into a knowledge base and make an AI version of myself I'd prompt the system to be Liam otley and you respond this way and you do this this this so making an AI version of someone and I've cover this on the channel elsewhere I'll put a link to this up here if you want to watch my AI Persona guide it might be a little bit outdated now I should probably do a new one but I think that soon all creators will have their own GPT or their own AI Persona as a GPT which is kind of publicly available AI that allows them to connect with their fans and at any time to really tap into their knowledge the reason I think that creators are going to adopt the stuff is because they can put their affiliate links and their links to programs and any kind of monetization that creators do already on their Channel they can make that available through the GPT so put all your knowledge in you allow people to interact with it then you can create different tools that allow users to do cool things with the creators thing like I don't know generate some kind of script I could feasibly see creators offering maybe a 20% Revenue shift for any conversions that come through the GPT for the person or the agency managing it you'd be kind of required to update and create the knowledge base as they upload more information and sort of release new programs and stuff like this you'd also be on the chain for rigorously testing it to make sure it's not doing anything it's not supposed to and you'd also be in charge of creating custom tools that allow the AI to do cool things and increase usage increase retention of people that are actually engaging with it if anyone wants to test this idea I'm sure you can make a GPT out of me and send it to me on Instagram or whatever platform you want and then the second use case for gpts I see is kind of like a subcategory of streamlining AI workflows for companies this is kind of based on the fact that gpts are a great way to standardize the use of chat GPT across an organization so right now lots of small to mediumsized businesses are already using chat GPT in a number of ways for their copywriting or for analyzing CVS or all these different kind of use cases that you'd use or you'd be familiar with companies are using this but they're interacting with the regular chat gbt interface they're passing around massive prompts between the company they got like prompt Banks and stuff like this what gpts allow you to do is to really consolidate that and standardize the experience and make tools and and specific GPT experiences to do these things without having to make it kind of a pass the prompt around game this is essentially using chat GPT for the interface of the AI agent you create which is super handy because you don't have to build a fancy interface or front end and it's really a lowcost way for you to be able to provide value for these businesses personally I wouldn't be charging more than maybe a couple hundred bucks to set up the following gpts for businesses but they're pretty good starting point for beginners you can either create a GPT by function EG maybe a product description assistant or generator or you can create a role based GPT that helps a specific type of person and the company IG in online store manager where you bundle a whole bunch of tools that you create like the product description generator into one GPT and they can kind of use this tool as their Hub and their base of of doing their job basically so give me a product description for this paste in the thing and you have all these different tools that that particular role can use first GPT idea in the subcategory is a company documentation assistant now I have touched on this before on the channel I think in a previous video like this essentially get a sop or standard operating procedures documentation Che cap P this is a fairly straightforward thing to do but can provide a lot of value to the business by standardizing access to all of the information and the documentation and how to do the rle so all you need to do is is get the documentation or the standard operating procedure do the Sops and get up those documents put it into a GPT knowledge base and then send that off to your client and allow them to use that and pass it around to the different departments maybe you make a couple different gpts for different roles so they get access to different documentation you get the idea another idea for gpts for companies like this would be an AI personal assistant so you can identify some of the key tasks that the entrepreneur running the business or the executives running the business do often and create a tool and add that to your GPT and allow them to come in again and have this kind of work Hubble or workstation where they can do key functions of their job just from the GPT or chat GPT interface so they can come on and say can you please check all the slack channels and see if there's anything that I need to do or can you please go on and notify about this this this another really great idea for a GPT is a Content creation or repurposing assistant so this will be a GPT that helps you to generate Maybe short form scripts or tweets or YouTube Community posts Etc in order to do this you need to create tools on relevance Ai and again I haven't done my complete gu and relevance AI have done a partial guide for GPT tooling with relevance it's basically a low code no code Builder that allows you to create really powerful tools without needing to know too much and super easy connection between relevance and creating it and adding it to your tool I do have a complete guide to relevance AI tooling on the way so if you want me to rush that out let me know in the comments below essentially what you do for this GPT is to create a tool that generates a tweet thread and a tool that generates a short form script and a tweet that helps generate a section for a newsletter so for myself I'd probably want to be taking a link to one of my YouTube videos say I could take this YouTube video put it into my GPT and say hey can you generate a a tweet thread out of this can you generate a newsletter section and can you generate a couple different short form scripts so I paste that link in that would use it on each of these different tools and these tools on relevance AI I would have given it a couple of examples of my prior tweet threads or my prior short form scripts that I converted well and then what the tool would do is it take the link from that video get the transcript of it would pass it through a set of llm steps that I've prompted to this use my past examples and it would output maybe three different tweet thread ideas so that's kind of thing I actually need to create it myself and I have been thinking of doing it so if you want me to give a step-by-step walk through on how you can create this kind of repurposing or content assistant that's a GPT I'm more than happy to do so just let me know in the comments this is needed by basically all creators and entrepreneurs right now so there is a huge demand for this kind of solution another idea would be a sales assistant this works if you have a sales department in a company and you have a bunch of sales reps you need to identify the repetitive task that these sales reps are doing over and over and over again in their in their sales process it might be I don't know enriching the leads and getting more information on them it might be pre-qualifying before calls it might be preparing call notes before you jump on the line and what you need to do is create a tool for each of these little functions and you can say hey can you give me some more information on this person you pass their name and the LinkedIn URL and it gives you back some more information or B it it can even interact with the CRM and you can say hey this is the person I'm about to call can you go into the CRM pull the LinkedIn URL enrich me get some call notes ready and Trigger all these functions and it can actually connect to the CRM and provide updates in real time essentially this could be a co-pilot for your sales department so when they're doing the job they've always got this open they can be making calls they can be doing things and they've got this GPT that really helps them to do a lot of the stuff super easy through natural language that's all we got for gpts but before we jump into the next section if you are enjoying the video you have got any value out of it please hit down below and leave a like on the video really helps myself and the channel and my team out to continue what we're doing in space and of course if you like this kind of content you want to make money with AI you want to build businesses and make a life you truly love living be sure to head down and subscribe to the channel a lot of you people who watch my videos aren't even subscribed so if you're not subscribed you can subscribe down there and you can be notified whenever I make new videos like [Music] this now we get into AI agents so gpts are one thing but creating AI agents that can be deployed to platforms and embedded into workflows within companies are an entirely different Market that you can address this year to be fully transparent this is where my focus is for the year as myself andentertainment mornings continue to build agentive my AI SAS platform into the world's leading platform for creating deploying and managing AI agents all of the following agent ideas can be made on agentive in just a few hours first we have a customer support agent now I know you're rolling your eyes customer support's dead no one wants to buy it but customer support is still a key part of a business that can be assisted or or completely automated by AI again this goes back to the concept of volume equaling value in this case many types of businesses receive high volume of customer support queries and being able to automate this system using an agent in this case that's more advanced than your typical AI customer support chat or even just a standard one what agents can do you can stuff it with a bunch of functions and tools that allow it to do key things like you can instead of it just being a a question and answer B that has a knowledge base you can have a refund tool that can start to process a refund and they provide their order number and the email and you're able to give them live updates on where their order is so adding in these kind of features maybe leaving a review these kind of functions and tools that really make your solution become an AI agent rather than just a boring AI chatbot is what's going to allow you to have the edge and be able to sell these things as here maybe customer support isn't the core of your offer because it's not as as exciting but on the flip side of that customer support may be more familiar and so it's easier sort of Trojan Horse to get into businesses and get your foot on the door so maybe making a really awesome customer support AI agent and then giving that away for next to nothing or even for free is a great way for you to get in the door businesses build a bit of trust then be able to upsell them on all of these different cool things that I've been talking about in this video next we have lead generation agents yes into the basics again lead generation is still a core function of the business that AI can be a massive help with when it comes to generating leads there's a lot of volume involved there's a lot of time human time wasted talking to people or or getting into conversations with people that are never going to be customers so if you can get that first touch and where people first interact with the company to be as automated as possible so that the humans can focus on the qualified leads then you're providing a lot of value to the business so how can you actually Implement a lead generation AI agent into a business if you've been watching my recent videos you'll know I did a solar lead gen AI agent that I deployed onto a website this was with a voice flow integration that allowed me to put a website widget down in the corner and this was able to both have a knowledge component and also a lead capture component and a cool tool for lead generation website widgets I'd recommend some kind of knowledge component so that customers can learn more about the business and the kind of things they sell or maybe the kind of area that the business is in then i' also try to include some kind of tool like a like a calculator as I did in the video that allows them to interact more and show a little bit more intent and then you can add in a lead capture tool that allows them to provide the information you can capture that lead after they've interacted with the tool That's my kind of current model on how I do AI agents that are lead generation website widgets and then secondly for lead generation agents I think there's a big opportunity for creating chat subdomains and I haven't talked about this yet this been something I've wanted to get out and talk about for a while but I haven't found an idea solution that I'm ready to share with you these AI agents are a little bit lame when they just confined to a little website widget down the bottom so taking them out onto a full page chat interface and let the chat gbt but for a company is a very interesting concept to me and something that I'm going to make a video on in the near future so if you have the skills right now putting them on their own kind of chat GPT page and allowing people to interact with it that way might be a little bit better as a lead generation system next we have outbound qualification agents these kind of systems are typically done via outbound SMS so when a lead is captured via your lead gen chatbot or any other kind of lead magnet that you have within the business or within your funnel you can then pass that phone number that you captured over to this outbound qualification assistant and you can use SMS to essentially get an agent to conversate with this person and say hey look I like how much money you making what where base like what what kind of things do you sell so do these qualification steps automatically via outbound SMS and you can follow up after that lead has been captured and then once you've confirmed that they are qualified you can then book them into a call and kind of transition to a bit of an appointment setter which we're going into next but taking this outbound SMS idea or outbound anything really to be able to qualify before getting on a call with people and making sure that they're a good fit for your products and services is another great use for AI agents this year right now this kind of thing is tricky to do but it is a great upsell if you're already offering lead generation Services then next of course we have an appointment setting AI agent this is still a great use case appointment setting is one of the most painful things to hire for nobody likes doing it either just a horrible job that humans shouldn't have to do anymore and this of course is's a massive Market on things like Instagram DMS where all sorts of coaches are trying to set appointments by their Instagram DMS and then finally for the AI agent section of this video we have ai personas again this time not the GPT form the actual Standalone AI agent version if you saw homi's recent Instagram post saying that he's partnering with skull he's saying that online communities are blowing up right now and basically every online community or coaching program can benefit from some kind of AI it is a central hub for information that everyone in the community can go to for Access as I mentioned before creating these AI personas of say someone like myself and my own paid Community or even free community you can take all of my information that I put out either public or private or paid information put it into a knowledge base and then make an AI assistant or AI agent in this case and add that to the community to provide more value and let people access that information and access key tools and functions as well maybe it might be hey my one might have a niche selection tool where you can have a conversation back and forth with me and I can help you generate some Niche ideas for your business so if you're going to be selling these AIS owners you can go to coaches or Community owners and offer them a free trial to test it out you can even enable with some functions and Cool Tools to extend its capabilities and I really think this whole area of creators coaches Community owners is going to blow up this year as hosi has said he's seen the data and this would be a very good and very wise place to be placing your bets as an AI agency owner this year next section of this video is what I like to call AI pipelines now sometimes you don't need a conversational input or or a conversational agent what you need is kind of a an AI function or a pipeline to be able to process data and do cool things to be able to do valuable processes for a business at times all businesses need is a a kind of function or a pipeline that you can throw some data at and say do the process with that or they might want an entire spreadsheet of data to be run through at once so it's like each row they want the same thing done to it so these are kind of AI pipelines is how I describe them I like these pipelines because they go into this area of these high volume tasks where AI can really shine and provide a lot of value to the business and as You' probably expect I recommend relevance AI for creating these kind of pipelines this is not a page sponsor video I just really like what they're doing for the kind of stuff that we are trying to create in 2024 and Beyond so if you're not already signed up I highly recommend you check it out I do have some videos coming on them complete guide the building tools which is coming very soon so if you're not already subscribed have subscribe for that because that's going to make you very dangerous and Powerful as a business owner as a freelancer in 2024 relevant AI is my goto for these kind of pipelines thought because they make it very easy to create it with like a no code no code function Creator you're essentially just creating a big function and creating it block by block but you can also take that exact same tool and not just run it once you can run it in bult and you can do an entire spreadsheet of data and do the same thing on like a thousand rows of data which is very powerful doing this bul run feature first AI pipeline idea is again lead generation this is a big thing that AI can really help with but again high volume equals high value and one of AI strength is rapidly analyzing data so if you pick an and you can find a way to generate leads for them either in bulk or on a consistent basis using an AI tool or setup built on something like relevance then you have a way of generating and selling leads to businesses that need them this one came to mind because over at morning side we had a client who came to us and their business was basically uh generating leads by pulling annual reports I think it was in Germany and they would pull annual reports from where all of them were stored for that particular country and they need to manually go on there download the report for each company and see if they had any particular I won't mention what it is but they were looking for one particular type of activity that these companies were doing and that will qualify them for being a potential customer of theirs so they're doing this manually now we're building them A system that can strip the entire company's register and get all of them and analyze them in batch once a year and that's going to save them so much time and so we're being able to charge quite a lot of money so this kind of using AI to do high volume lead generation tasks and these kind of pipeline processes I think it's a really big opportunity if you can be smart about it and find a way of generating leads that not many people are thinking about or you can go to a business and and identify that they're doing it a slow way and improve it like we are next we have pre-qualification and call notes this is similar to what I touched on earlier in the video for the GPT sales assistant essentially if a business has a sales team that is given these lead lists for them to dial and contact you can drastically improve the efficiency of the department by using some kind of AI pipeline to do research on the leads and attempt to pre-qualify them to ensure that no time is wasted by calling dud leads that are never going to be your client right what this pipeline can do is generate a summary of the leads info ahead of the call and this can massively speed up the process with the sales people not only will this pipeline be able to pre-qualify them before the call so maybe it has the website link their LinkedIn profile and you're able to pull the information scrape it use AI in a pipeline to analyze that and determine if it meets a certain criteria then that's pre-qualified and then what you can even do is inside that tool is get it to create okay based off the company information on the website and the LinkedIn profile of the founder or the person you're going to speak to here's some handy call notes and maybe a a couple lines to use in the intro of the call from the limited amount of call calling that I've done it was always helpful for me to be able to have some kind of information or background and these notes that would help me to be sort of more prepared when I get on the call and that they're not just some stranger that I know nothing about so all these kind of things can massively speed up the process for the salese and help generate more sales for the company NeXT we have quite an easy one that you can build on something like make.com which is just an email autoresponder so as soon as the email hits the inbox you can use an AI task to classify it into something that the AI can respond to or something that needs to be passed on then you can generate some kind of AI response based off a knowledge base and you can send that email back so super easy one you can set up not too complicated but if people don't want to move over to a chat boot setting up an AI based autor responder that can classify and respond to 80 90% of the queries is a good thing to set up for businesses as well and the final pipeline idea for you is a CV evaluation pipeline now this is kind of close to home for me and the guys at morning side because we've able to be searching over hundreds and hundreds I think it's up to thousands of CVS now and and go over applications for different roles we be hiring for this process takes so long we put up a LinkedIn jobs post for I think it was a full stack developer or an A another AI developer we got a thousand applicants then my business partner Josh and my CTO Spencer had to go through all of these different applications and try to whittle down to some people that we actually could hire and I think they went through a thousand of them and got to the end and there wasn't one that they wanted to get in a call with so one thing is shortlisting another is actually getting on these calls so even though we are an AI development company we don't have time to build this kind of stuff for ourselves if someone came to us and said hey I have a system that will allow you to hire super easily you can just throw in a massive spreadsheet full of data and it's going to be able to go against a criteria that you provide maybe a prompt it and say we're looking for someone with this kind of experience in this assist need to be based on this assist and have these kind of skills and I can pass that prompt into the system and it's going to be able to go through and short list at least get down to a short list that we can get on calls with this kind of thing again is volume based if there's a lot of volume involved in the task you can use AI to really shine because it can do things without complaining and and do things very quickly so I love this kind of CV thing anything related to hiring I think there's a lot of value here I really think there's a great use case here and it can provide a lot of value to businesses finally getting into the last section of this video we going over outbound AI calling systems you may have noticed that this is similar to what sine earlier in this video was doing but his is on inbound call so he's setting it up on a number and waiting for calls to come in in this case I'm talking about outbound calls and using AI calling systems to get in front of customers to initiate those calls and to do things on an outbound basis rather than waiting for them to come to you to put a disclaimer that these kind of systems are very new but they do offer huge potential if they can be implemented right and I think it's really one of those use cases that's just going to explode over the next couple of years and we can be the first ones there and really be facilitating the adoption of it if you know what you're doing I'm not entirely sure that the technology is there to be able to deal with every use case imaginable but for the use cases that are really high volume I do think that this could be highly valuable to businesses in many ways so I've got a couple different use cases that you can use this outbound AI calling for this is primarily based around Bland AI which is a company that's doing some really really awesome stuff I think they've got their response time down to 400 milliseconds or something so like sub half a second response time so you're on the phone you say something it's less than half a second by the time it's generated the response generated The Voice and then sent it back to you so very impressive stuff what the Bland team is doing over there jumped in the Discord so I'm going to be exploring some of the solution a little bit more if you want me to expand on any of the ones that I'm talking about here let me know in the comments and I'd love to do a full buildout and show you guys how to actually set it up because not only on this channel do I give you the ideas and share you share this data with you but I also can build these things for you and give you guys the templates you need to start selling it yourself and I will add that not only can these Bland systems do SUB half second response times they also have tool usage meaning you can trigger a function and you can capture lead or you can update their form or or or book an appointment or all these kind of things you can do tool usage from these AI phone calls which I think is just like insane at the moment so I'm really excited to share some of these ideas with you so first use case for these AI cold calling systems built with Bland AI is a cold calling or first Touch system this is really the most painful part of most businesses that everyone knows they should be doing call calling but no one does so creating and selling these systems will allow you to give businesses the ability to be able to make thousands of coold calls a day as long as you have the lead generation capability ities to back that up you can be making tons and tons of calls per day and if you're setting up things like okay let's let's take a look at what are the highest performing scripts let's be optimizing this over time you can get to a point where eventually you have a cold CL script that this AI goes for that is converting at a a very decent rate considering you're able to do this with basically Pennies on the dollar and send them out on mass without ever having to pick up a phone I love this use case I'm not sure how effective it is right now but I'm sure people are going to be able to figure it out and this thing brings more business in for businesses it brings sales in it's directly correlated to adding more money to the top and bottom line so love these use cases I think this is going to be a real big one for this year Second Use case for this could be customer support so you can do some outbound customer support things where someone might send an email in and they might be complaining about something then you can send an outbound customer support call to them and say hey we'll get in touch with you shortly and figure this out you can send an outbound customer support call to them and give customer support to people who may not want to be typing around on a computer maybe you have an old demographic and a a phone call is better than them just typing away so this kind of outbound customer support could be a cool use case as well another handy one could be for surveys and follow-ups you can reach out to people who are past users of your service and say hey how did we do can you leave us a review or a rating and do outbound surveys like that or you can do automated follow-ups in the same way where they reach out after they've provided their information you can follow up with them and say hey look by the way this so follow-ups handy survey is handy as well and finally of course lead qualification and appointment setting this of course would be a great one soon as their lead comes in instead of doing some sort of outbound SMS you can do outbound calling and get in touch with them and say hey how can I help you what kind of time works for you for a call do some qualification steps and you the tool users should be able to book in a call with that as well so not only can you do those outbound SMS like we talked about earlier using an agent you can use this outbound calling to do the same thing and I know some of you are looking at me and thinking this guy doesn't know what he's talking about no one would ever buy this BL La well samine the guy that I mentioned earlier in the video from our community he has made $35,000 doing the same kind of implementation as this only on an inbound basis so if he's been out to figure out how to make $35,000 in 3 months and there's definitely some kind of money here for other people doing it not only on the outbound basis but inbound as well and finally my bonus idea as promised this was initially discussed on my Twitter so you can follow that if you haven't already personally I'm very excited for the growth in this self-operated computer space so to me I think the next step in AI is for us to be able to prompt our computer or our browser and for tasks to automatically be completed for us in real time so for example I could go onto my browser and click a little Chrome extension or a little pop up in the corner and say can you please follow Sam Alman on Twitter and like his most recent tweet then the AI would take control of my browser and do the action requested so this stuff is literally already happening and there's a GitHub repo called self-operating computer that you can use a demo and you can tell it to operate your computer and tell it to open up like go on and browse Wikipedia so it will operate your computer so I personally see this as the next step and that AI is going to be able to do more advanced and complex functions by operating our browser in the short term there's really two two routes for these AI assistants to be able to do stuff for us and be real good AI assistants and be able to say hey can you find the find a restaurant and do this this this there's two routes one is going the self-operated computer route where we're using Vision models to control it like a computer and the other route is using apis and and having an agent that can basically call all these different apis and do things I personally think that the vision model side that the self-operating computer route is going to be done sooner and so we're going to start to see these pop up but eventually the API bomb will will be a thing so I think it's it's exciting that this year we may start to see these self-operating computers be able to be like leased out as AI employees so you could be an AI agency and you've put a couple different virtual machine set up with this self-operating computer software and system on it and then you can lease those systems and machines out to different businesses and they can say okay you have just hired two AI employees off us you can tell them what to do and so you can connect in the slack and you can be able to prompt it and say hey can you do this this and this and then that AI machine the virtual machine is going to be operated by Ai and do the task for the people people so it's like hiring and and a computer with no one sitting in front of it that's your AI employee this of course is just an idea but I do think the stuff is going to explode and it seems super cool to me this concept of of self-operating computers and even that rabbit thing that popped up is essentially using a a large action model to do exactly what I was talking about so it's definitely the route we're going it's going to be interesting to see how it develops this here and that's about all I've got for you in this video right now I hope that was enough I kind of put everything I could in here for you guys to get a good start on 2024 and you really use these things that we are seeing business want over at oneide Ai and also sharing these wins from the community we a to pull this together for all of you to be able to take these there's a massive Market there's enough room for all of us to share people always ask me oh Liam why would you make YouTube videos when just make more competitors for yourself there is no way on Earth that I could possibly try to take even 1% of the market that we have here it'll be ridiculous for me to try and gatekeep this entire thing so it's we web saying thank you to complain about me sharing it but I couldn't possibly even take just one Niche to myself so go for it I'd love more people in here I like making new friends that are AI agen owners as well we've got a great Community both free and paid I've made some great friends out of it so I really want to just build this community and I'd love to see the progress we're all making together going into 2024 so if you want to stay in the loop on the latest AI solution ideas like these ones I've shared that you can sell this year and Beyond be sure to subscribe to the channel as I make these kind of videos fairly often and I'm going to continue to allow community members to come and share show a bit of light on them so if you don't want to miss the next one where I give away validated AI solution ideas make sure you hit down below and subscribe to the Channel please leave a like on the video it really helps me and supports me in creating more of this kind of stuff and leave a comment Down Below on which of these you think you'd like to see me build out in a future tutorial and maybe which ones you're most excited to build yourself I'd love to break some of these things down further for you in a future video and give you a template so that you can start selling them yourself if you're interested in learning how to build gpts and take your first steps into AI agent creation as a beginner I have a complete 1 hour and 20 guide for you right here but aside from that that's all for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Liam Ottley
Views: 83,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, ai automation, automation agency, how to start an ai automation agency, how to automate businesses with ai, ai business automation, how to make money with ai, best ai business ideas, how to start an ai business, how to make money with chatgpt, best online business for beginners, how to make money selling ai chatbots, how to build ai chatbots, ai agency, best ai automation agency services, what to sell as ai automation agency, liam ottley, liam ottley ai
Id: I40JZGcfgtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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