CHATGPT Builds Passive Income With Chat GPT OpenAI-$15,000/Month [PART 1]

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hey yo I'm frustrated because and you guys should be frustrated too because I've been seeing the Legion of chat GPT videos talking about how to make money um with chat GPT you know even I've done some but the problem is this it's all Theory nobody's actually showing you making money which had GPT so I'm gonna show you exactly how to do it we're gonna do it together and if you are not subscribed and you are going to miss everything so you're going to want to come back every single day and see the progress of what I'm going to teach you guys today so you can follow along remember chat GPT is free so this is like a a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow right now this is this is the internet at the beginning when there was no other websites to compete with so right now you want to be leveraging chat GPT to make a lot of money so we're going to create an asset Empire what I'm talking about is passive income where you can build it once or have someone else build it once and then it continuously bring you income on a recurring basis weekly monthly daily sometimes okay so what are we going to be building today let's come over here this is called udemy udemy is a course skilled course platform they have all type of different categories and everything like that so what we're going to do is we're going to create a course and we're going to use chat GPT and we're going to combine that with another AI uh software called pictorian yes they have a free trial and a free account and all of that extra stuff guys so don't hesitate to make a move and I'm going to show you how to do this uh you can create at least a couple courses per day once they're up there on the platform the magic about you to me and other uh platforms like uh skillshare as well teachable and all of that they will send a lot of traffic to you you don't even have to do too much to get traffic coming to you in sales I know you know who this guy is he's pretty big on YouTube I know you know who this guy is he's pretty big on YouTube as well so what's going to happen is once your course is on these platforms they run traffic they have good SEO and they run ads to the uh the topical courses and everything right now this is trending right here let me show you why we're going to go after artificial intelligence if you can see right here it says this course right here has 22 134 students this one right here has 13 767 students so the original price for this is around 84 bucks guys you can charge more from your site or something like that whatever you want to do but udemy runs specials right so this one is 129. so they're going to run specials it's not always going to be the same price but let me tell you something if you multiply this let's do 129 times uh 22 000 students let's come over here to Google make sure you watch this to the end guys because this is spectacular I'm going to show you how to get the course uh the course videos uh written for you the scripts for the videos are going to be written for you and the freaking videos themselves are going to be recorded for you the backgrounds the b-roll all of that stuff the contents of the video on top of that uh you're not gonna have to do any voice over so watch this uh so what was that 22 000 I think it was 100 and 40 uh 130 something students times 129 let's see how much they made oh my God oh my God oh my God do you guys see that ain't that almost three million dollars off that course so what you want to do guys is you want to go off of Trends you want to create courses based off of what is trending right now because that means a lot of people will be flooded here to learn certain things so machine learning coding artificial intelligence those type of courses are trending right now those topics are trending because anything that can make people a lot of money very fast that is going to be killing it chat uh chat GPT that's the course that's on her right now and people are ranking for it and killing it too so now what do we need to do we need a curriculum first so let's click on this one this one says the best seller we're not going to copy off of them oh as you can see actually it's more students so I guess they didn't upgrade the first page of that look 192 000 uh 192 000 students guys what is that 192 000 students let's get back I like to calculate the money so you guys can see the possibilities uh and it was on average 1929 okay so boom Ah hell do you see how much this dude has made off of this course okay so don't think that udemy is just some chump change of course they got to give a percentage to udemy all right so this is what you're gonna learn watch this so you can literally just make look he has 17 hours of on-demand video but you don't have to do that and remember we don't have to do it at all as 19 articles this is you know this is very in-depth I can see why a lot of people are going to uh you know purchase this course or whatever so this is description all right so you need to know the description guys that way you can literally copy and paste everything and create the course so watch this how to start building AI with no previous coding experience using python how to merge AI with open AI gym to learn as effectively as possible how to optimize your AI then how to use this for real world Solutions now but we can take the course uh topics and see if we can create video scripts out of them all right and that's basically what you want to do policy versus plan blah blah blah we're gonna just come up here and see if we can do something from this just as an example for you guys right here so this will be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten videos okay and with with uh the standard uh account on pictori it will allow you to make uh I think like 60 videos per month so all you got to do is fit multiple uh lessons in the video right okay so watch this we're gonna ask Chad GPT to help us with this why is this watch this this is amazing dude listen y'all need to run this up this video need to get like a hundred thousand views and a gazillion freaking shares okay all right all right watch this uh write a video script for uh for how to Blink build an AI why is this hi in this video we'll be showing you how to build an artificial intelligence system from scratch first let's define what we mean by AI artificial do y'all see how crazy this is so I'm gonna show you after this is done typing this out yeah I'm going to uh take this script and I'm going to put it over here and pick Tori over here as you can see right here it says script to video so you can literally start typing or copy and paste your script in here and it's recommended for educational videos listical videos coaching videos and step-by-step guidelines so that's the perfect selection right there and you can create course look at this it's literally giving you steps for how to do this and all we're gonna do watch okay now once you have these tools you can start building your AI here's a high level overview of the process look this is going in depth in depth and all you want to do is just to make sure you give the most value is you'll take each step and you'll ask um chat GPT to elaborate tell me in more detail exactly how to implement this do y'all understand look look look so this is the first video right here so what I meant by we'll take it and then have it elaborate so I was just processing your data this involves cleaning and formatting the data watch this or we can take one of these large data set a machine learning algorithm there are many different algorithms you can use for machine learning okay watch this boom boom boom we're gonna take this down here what what what was it saying there are many different uh algorithms what ow I don't even know how to spell algorithm what algorithm do you suggest I use for look at that then it's going to suggest one for your project will depend on the specific characteristics of your data set and the problem you're trying to solve look at this decision trees look at this it's going in depth they work by creating a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences using this model to make predictions you understand look at this this is freaking ludicrous all right so while it's doing that man I'm just gonna take the the basic uh part of the course because I want to hold y'all up watch this man so we're gonna go in here we're going to say script the video so remember we got our course outline just based off of the top uh uh top selling artificial A to Z learn how to build an AI course on here this is crazy so Jack t uh jack chat GPT can help you build like a bestseller type course just by going and copying the pacing but we have um original information on here guys and don't worry watch this boom proceed paste the script and here look it got all the script in here and it even tells you how many words is going to be in there all right 2484 and then it's going to recommend uh it's going to tell you how long the video will be look at that we're gonna click on that and you can choose a format that you want for it um I guess we can use something like yeah we'll just use this one right here this Bitcoin looking one all right so it's gonna have oh I did not mention that it automatically does the subtitles for you and transcriptions and all of this stuff that you want to add to YouTube to help with your ranking and put in your description of the video man this is awesome dude oh my God oh my God oh my God so as you can see it says please wait while the video uh storyboard is being created so while it's doing that this is 13 over there we'll come back over here and see what it did over here so when I asked it what algorithm do you suggest I use for a uh machine learning algorithm it came up with four different ones and what you'll do is you'll just come back to uh the the list of stuff that you know uh you want to go more in depth with uh in depth with a large data set this could be a collection of images text and other types of data that AI will use watch this why is this how do I come up with a paste for the a I I am building look at that it answers all the questions there are many ways to come up with a large data set for building an AI here are a few options scrape from the web you can use tools like web scraping to collect data from websites and I have some web scrapers too you guys want to go to the link in the description so go ahead sign up for a free builderall um uh account uh free trial I'm going to send you some bonus courses for how to make some money and I'm going to send you uh some free data scraping softwares automation AI tools and everything to make some money with so you definitely want to make a move do that baby do that but anyway so these are four ways that you can purchase some data sets you can create your own data set you can use publicly available data sets and you can scrape the data sets so you would just literally take all of these little steps that they told you uh right here and then you would uh have a chat GPT elaborate on them and you will soon have a super delicious course so this is what it did look at this it even chooses the background the b-roll and everything so it it suggests that this video will be around three minutes and 32 seconds and then watch this watch this man I hope y'all been staying I hope y'all stay watch this we're going to click on audio and audio is going to allow us to choose a voice choose a voice man you can choose the background music as well so we're going to uh I don't even know if you guys can hear my video uh my the audio from my computer let me see share yeah share computer sound so now you guys will be able to hear it do we want to end the invoice do we want our Australian voice let's see Phil welcome to pick 3 it has been shown that video increases conversion rates by 80 percent you see that ain't that bad is it that is not that bad where's Chris right here welcome to picturey it has been shown that video increases conversion rates by 80 percent okay so we're gonna choose Chris right here okay man look at this all right so it's running a little slow because I'm running this software running Zoom at the same time it's saving the changes right here making sure the voice is added to it as you can see got the green check and it saved it so we're gonna preview it now this is making a video based off of the dang on script just making a course video for you to me based off of the script that I just plugged in here just copied and pasted to here so this is how you there's another thing if you guys are trying to like build automated YouTube channels and all of that extra stuff you're trying to do all that you don't feel like getting on camera you don't want to be have your face on camera or your voice on channel on a channel you want to have like a secretive Channel or something crap like that I don't know you can literally do this you can bulk your videos and schedule the mugs I don't have whole channels everywhere else without hiring virtual assistants anymore unless you need a scheduler but then you can have HootSuite I think HootSuite can schedule it now YouTube has a scheduler you could just have somebody in your house schedule your videos out and bulk these out give them some titles and have them just sitting and churning and making these so look at this watch this it's giving us the video video preview man this is ah crazy and as far as up uh uploading the course to you to me it is completely free it does not cost they are leveraging you for free content okay so basically what they're gonna do in this video we will be showing you how to build an artificial intelligence system from scratch first let's define what we mean by AI AI or artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or machine to perform tasks that normally require human-like intelligence such as learning so y'all can hear that man y'all see that that does not sound bad he has a natural sounding voice they really use some technology won't you right here on top of me ew they really killed it with this man they killed it pictori is doing his thing so it's gonna be a lot of lazy YouTubers out there I'm not saying it's me I'm not saying it's me y'all so then basically what you do so as you can see it got the scene you can edit by scene you can click to this scene right here and see what's going on you know I'm saying so it got all the robot background and everything it looks like it's awesome y'all it's awesome look at this look at the b-roller now you can have did it better job yourself and as far as the story blocks uh stuff on here that's going to disappear once you export the video so then you would you can post it straight to HootSuite so you can schedule it out you can schedule it on your social media on the spreadsheet or you can just download it by clicking video right here as you can see step one it is creating the scenes and then it's going to generate the video so while it's doing that if you want to like start creating your uh udemy account you'll click on uh sign up I'm gonna keep that one open so that I don't forget which course and I'm uh using as inspiration so basically in order to complete it see we just did that one video right there then you want to do this one right here it will go back over there to chat GPT and say okay give me the steps the exact steps to how to make a virtual self-driving car using AI or something like that and then it'll give you the exact steps and then you'll just elaborate with the steps you'll say what tools do I need what software will I need to actually pull this off what companies have actually achieved is that I can emulate from you see what I'm saying so chat GPT can go into all of that then you would go through the third one then you will go through this then you will go through that one then you would just pretty much do all of that until you have a full course and then you will come over here and you will sign up right here sign up for free verify your email and then you will simply start uploading your freaking courses so I'm going to be doing this I strongly suggest y'all do this I'm I told my family we're gonna do a challenge like a 30-day challenge where we create a course a eBook uh audiobook all of that stuff and build asset Empires for passive income uh that will last around for eternity and then you just upload them all to all of these little free uh course platforms including minds and stuff if you see it in the description right okay and then they will send you the traffic they will send you the students That's The Power of these platforms they send you the students okay and then yeah they get a cut so if you selling it for a hundred bucks uh they probably get you know 30 or 20 or something then you get the 70 or the 80 or something so it's not a big deal right especially since you don't have to know all of this what chat GPT has been able to do is make it to where we can become experts in things that we have no experience in without sounding like an idiot because chat GPT knows about it you understand what I'm saying so you can give great information you definitely want to verify double check A lot of these uh these facts and stuff so that you won't be giving people the wrong uh information or whatever but after everything is fact checked and then as far as uh duplicate content you don't have to worry about that because chat GPT creates all original content and as far as it sounding uh like AI content detection or something like that that's with SEO with video and everything like that it does not matter if it sounds like it was generated from a freaking robot but all you have to do is type in here this box down here tell them to explain it in a more human conversational uh style as if you're speaking with a friend watch this boom and it's going to take everything up there and make it uh more conversational watch this look do you see this so sure so basically artificial intelligence or AI is all about building computers and machines that can do things that typically require human like intelligence there are many ways to build Ai and you can tell it to speak with humor speak you know say funny things in it literally you can make it more natural guys it don't have to sound like a robot so then when it's in here when you upload your courses and everything on these platforms you'll see uh traffic on the inside of them and they'll start these dudes right here I'm guaranteeing you that they did not have to find majority of these students they some they might have a YouTube channel or something like that where they got a few of them but a lot of this traffic came from Google and paid traffic uh udemy is running ads for their platform and on top of that people are finding these courses organically when they come and they search in this box right here so when something that's why I said build courses off of Trends because as soon as something is trending that is making money people come here and they type in uh you know chat you know I'm saying watch that look chat Bots chat GPT look at that you see what I'm saying like if it's trending people are going to come over here and make courses for it and if it's training people are going to come over here and and uh buy courses so let's see over here what steps we on okay so it has generated the video where did it go though oh man did I mess it up we're ready to go ah man I think I I think I left the page too long and it stopped freaking uh uh generating it I just want to make sure you guys uh uh see that it that it downloads and it's done and all of that stuff you understand like it doesn't take long usually it will like just download by itself or something without me having to be over here looking at it but this time I see that I had to be in this window so what do you guys think let me know in the comments are you excited and happy that I shared this with you have you subscribed yet or do you want to miss out on the updates that's coming out like if you want to miss out on the updates and look I'm not begging you to subscribe if you don't want to see how much money we're going to make with this and how much you can make with this on this journey with me together then you ain't got to subscribe you can disappear you can go look at the suggested section over there in the videos and see what else bums want to drop something on the plan but this channel right here we're going to show you how to actually do the stuff you're gonna see us build these assets out you're gonna see us uh actually bring in income from these assets whether we're promoting it actively or whether it's coming in passively this video is about creating passive income the next video is going to be about creating passive income as well and we're probably gonna do the ebook version of this and the next ones because it's platforms guys you want to leverage what is simple you want to Leverage What gives you help you want to Leverage What gives you the ability to leverage it and for example there are platforms like udemy uh that that you know they provide you the audience so all you have to do is provide something to sell all you have to do is create something build something or partner with somebody that is building something and literally upload it to these platforms and the platforms will provide you with the students if you have something that is desired for the people so right now ai is extremely popular uh if you were doing something last year or the year before and you created some type of course about crypto or some specific cryptos or something like that how to avoid the bear Market or something like that then you probably would have made a killing with these courses as well so my recommendation is that you use trends for whatever it can be fashion it does not even matter like use Trends to create courses anything that is getting buzzed in the industry of uh that you're in are in other Industries if you see something extremely really popular like like um you know um uh filmographers are using some new camera and it's like buzzing and stuff like that co-create a course for best ways to use that camera and upload it using chat GPT you don't even have to have the camera itself as you can see you saw that um uh this this pictori AI website went and found all of that stock footage for me for real you know and it was free I didn't have the paste uh story blocks or anything like that I didn't have to pay for a voice over artist I didn't have to pay for b-roll I didn't have to pay for the script because it came from free for free from chat GPT so this is how we're going to be creating a crapload of our courses you know it was funny y'all um dude at first you gotta like hire teachers to teach this stuff you know and then you got to split the revenue with them and all of that or the profits with them and all of that but now like you can literally a lot you know like I said you still want to fact check chat GPT because it's in this infancy stages you understand so you still want to fact check it but now you are at the point where you can literally literally guys create courses and abundance like a legion of courses as long as you pay for this software right here pick Dory you want to make sure you're paid for a Pick 3 you know what I'm saying because you know unless you want to record it yourself you can record it yourself guys if you want to you know what I'm saying uh and you can go and find the b-roll and all of that if you want to do everything completely free then it's very simple you can just uh use chat GPT to build out the courses all the course content and all of that stuff then you can like use a video uh like a presentation you know uh Microsoft uh presentation or something like that or canva and you can just make the slides for the b-roll and all of that and then you can just read it yourself like you're doing a webinar or something like that but that's super time consuming and that's super like like like energy intense intensive and all of that you know uh but as you can see this this is taking a little second to freaking you know do this too but I I really think it's because I got Zoom going on because this doesn't usually take this damn long but what I need y'all to know is the fact that it I was able to leverage the knowledge like one of the most important things to Leverage is knowledge okay like in order to learn all of this stuff I would have to go to college right and who the hell wants to do that to when I'm already running businesses right so if I if I need content created on something I'm not an expert on I can either hire out for somebody that is an expert that's what you would have to do traditionally or now with the invention of chat GPT and new versions that will be coming out in this year and other AI that is like extremely smarter than the average human are pretty much almost all the humans they're at least faster than the humans I'll say that now you don't have to hire nobody now you don't have to go back to college you can literally see Trends in in in niches and industries that you don't have any experience in and say hmm I wonder if chat GPT know anything about that all right and then you can let it create the course outlines for you create the course scripts for you and then you just plug the scripts into pictori like I said pictori has a 19 per month plan where I think you get to make what 20 20 videos or something something like that and then uh they have the standard one which is the one I started with which is 60 videos a month right okay then they got a custom option which doesn't have a price I guess you got to contact them or call them or something and I think I'm gonna upgrade to that because I like this I like this a lot because me and my family and like whoever is watching this right now that has a brain we're gonna go on the binge creating assets why because we want passive income we had a Bible study class yesterday and we were talking about the difference between active income believe it or not the body the Bible teaches about this active income and passive income active income is when you have to constantly do to make money all right every week you go to work to get a payment every week but then passive income is those things that people do where they do the work up front and then it continuously pays them or they pay somebody else to do the work up front and that continuously pays them or they invest in the something that's already working one time and then it continuously pays them for an example I can buy and already monetized YouTube channel and have content already placed on it and then it's gonna consistently if it's Evergreen content on there is going to consistently bring me money every month without me having to do a damn thing that is passive income that's passive but uploading every single day to get paid every month that's active income you see the difference active income you got to constantly work passive income you can work for a time and then leave it alone and still profit and benefit from it so I want you guys to get in the habit of creating assets assets that build your passive income streams this channel is anti-job University where I teach you entrepreneurship through ownership so that you can one day get rich enough to own a ship instead of being so broke you can only afford a ticket to get on a ship bars if you know what I'm talking about okay so like I said man I think this is just taking this long because I got Zoom running at the same dang on time uh and I ain't gonna keep you guys too long uh I'll just tell you the steps after this so that you don't have to wait for this so now you're just gonna go ahead and finish completing uh you know creating the content for the rest of whatever the course outline is don't do this one because you see me doing this one uh go through all of the categories y'all you know look at the categories and find the top ones for each one of these and I would create a version of it uh with the same outline and the same like everything the description right the more powerful the description and everything and then I would just upload it just create a free account on here and upload it don't even pay attention to it they're going to send you the traffic you don't have to worry about it udemy is going to send you the students if you want to if you do have a YouTube channel or something then go ahead and promote it you can put it in the link in the description blah blah blah whatever you want to do but I'm just letting you know you don't have to eventually the more you're uploading on there putting courses I don't even think is a limit I might have to look that up we can check that out if it's a limit of how many courses you can have on you to me even is that sucks but remember is other courses uh course platforms that get traffic as well such as Linda uh Coursera um skillshare and teachable and all of those type of places like that so you want to put yourself on all of those platforms as well as have your own website that you're hosting this stuff on um or at least you know a file that you can keep it in and transfer it to people because during the scandemic I didn't even have a website for The Godfather drop servicing course and we still made almost a million dollars just based off of that one course during 2021 2020 and 2022 just that one course no website so no excuses guys no excuses you can't say David oh I I want to make a course but I don't know how to make a course I don't think I can make a course blah blah blah blah blah yes you can because you don't have to know a damn thing now you can literally come up in here you can literally go you know to a course platform see the best sellers on that platform and which is what I'm gonna show you in the next video too another best seller hack and then you can take those bestseller curriculums or outlines or criterias or whatever you want to call it and then you throw it up in here and say make me a better version of that and then make a script out of that and then upload it to pictori like I just showed you I don't I don't have an affiliate link yet but I'ma see if I can find one that you guys can go through if you see it in the description then go ahead and get it if not just go to I believe and uh Make Your Move man like it doesn't matter just get started I trust me you're gonna feel so good when you have all these assets out there that you own you own these out you own these outright these are your assets you're creating remember this is anti-job University where we teach you entrepreneurship through ownership so that one day you can be rich enough to own a ship instead of just being able to afford a ticket to get on a ship okay I say that multiple times because I need you to drill ownership into your head Drilling in there stop becoming an entrepreneur so that you can still be a freaking wage slave if you don't own any assets you're constantly working active income active income versus passive income all right so oh damn I guess it froze up but as you can see it's generating the video I guess you guys can witness it oh it generated the video baby it generated the video baby and look at this you could download it you can copy the link and share it with somebody and guess what you can export the text in the file format that you want so that you can put it in the descriptions of your videos and add it as uh you know captions for your videos and all of that but I'm gonna download it I guess this will go ahead and be my first course uh video for for this I was just showing this to y'all but I guess I might as well go ahead and create this course right here yeah I'm gonna create this course so what y'all think man let me know in the comments and remember I am going to send you some free AI prospecting software when you signed up for the free trial at builderall below right now on top of that you're gonna get some free bonus courses sent straight to your email that you can use to make money what type of courses course is like seven days to 700 courses like uh home tell real estate courses like uh the two the two preneur courses like uh local e-commerce all of that stuff guys man we kill it over here on this channel so if you aren't subscribed you're missing out baby I don't know
Channel: Antijob University
Views: 331,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt passive income, chatgpt passive income ideas, passive income chat, passive income chart gpt, passive income using chatgpt, how to make passive income with chatgpt, chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, chatgpt to make money, chat gpt to make money, chat gpt tutorial, how does chat gpt work, how to make money using chat gpt, how to make money with chat gpt, ai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt explained, how to use chatgpt, what is chatgpt, chatbot, how to make money off chat gpt
Id: wCkDRMf1jVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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