How to Actually Make Money with ChatGPT (Marketer Explains Step by Step)

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in this video we're going to really look into  whether chat GPT can really make you a lot of   money in a short period of time there's so  much content right now especially on YouTube   with so many people saying that they can make  a thousand dollars a day by doing nothing with   chat GPT and I really want to dig into this to  see if it's valid so I watched many of these   videos really analyze what these people were  saying I want to give you some of my thoughts   as someone who has worked in marketing and  content creation for quite a while so stay   tuned and we'll really dig into if chat GPT  can really make you that much money [Applause] foreign get started I want to quickly cover  what chat GPT actually is so it's actually a   language generation model developed by open AI  open AI is actually an artificial intelligence   research lab and when they develop chat GPT it was  actually using deep learning techniques to create   human-like text so basically it's a platform that  can basically write like a person it's kind of   like a talking computer helper kind of thing which  can help you write things write whatever you want   and even give you ideas and suggestions on how  to write it so imagine you're a writer and you   just have writer's block and you don't know what  to write or your researcher and you just don't   know how to get started on writing you can just  start asking chat GPT many questions and it will   answer your questions and write paragraphs and  essays and outlines for you all the information   is very factually correct and it just collects all  that information from books or stories or research   papers and really writes it in a way that is very  good and that is very readable and makes a lot of   sense even in the tone that you want for when  they generate the text it's a really powerful   tool now I'm going to give you a quick examples  of what chat GPT can do but if you already know   what it does you can just skip this part and  go into the next section where I really tackle   whether it can really make you that much money  to use a website all you have to do is go to and then you'll be able to create  an account by entering your email and confirm your   email with their verification email and then you  can start asking it to create all types of content   that you want so for example I'm going to ask you  to write a paragraph on how to make money online   and as you can see it just starts working  right away and I think it does a really   good job and I think it's really good for  someone creating an article on this topic   so now let me ask it for some  YouTube titles for this video and as you can see the titles are really good   I really like this one the truth about chat  GPT and online earnings maybe I'll use that   one for this video you can also ask it to  write outlines for you in case you want to   write something about a particular topic for  so for example here I'm asking you to write me   an outline on what the best online businesses  are in 2023 let's see what it comes up with so this outline is really good and it comes up  with a conclusion an introduction and even gives   you some ideas now another cool thing with chat  GPT is you can ask it to summarize things for you   so I'm going to ask it to summarize the popular  book Rich Dad Poor Dad let's see how it does okay that's a pretty good summary and let's  see if you can translate it into Spanish and the cool thing about chat GPT is that  it can also help you get things done for   social media so let me ask you to write a  YouTube description for me as someone who   makes videos in entrepreneurship  marketing and making money online that's a pretty good description but what if  I wanted it shorter let's see what it can do I really like that so now let's try to make  it into an Instagram caption I love how it   gives me emojis too but let's say I want more  hashtag let's ask it to give some more hashtags   so now you have an idea of what chat GPD does  let's get into why it's not a quick money making   machine so one of the first things and one of  the most popular things a lot of YouTubers and   gurus say that you can do with chat GPT is make  money with copywriting they say that you can go   into Freelancers sites such as Fiverr or upwork  look for those gigs and use chat GPT to fulfill   those gigs and they say that some of these gigs  are paying 500 or 800 dollars to do this and that   once you get those gigs you can put what they  need into chat GPT get the content and submit   it right away and make a quick and easy five or  eight hundred dollars now honestly as someone who   has quite a bit of experience in copywriting  and working with agencies and working with   Freelancers this is really not that easy to do  first of all what makes you think that client   would hire you as their copywriter when you don't  have any previous work that you you can actually   show if you're paying that much for copywriting or  even if you're just paying like a hundred dollars   or twenty dollars even you really want to make  sure that whoever you're hiring has experience   in copywriting you can't just submit your proposal  and get that copywriting gig right away put it in   chat GPT and send them the result and this is  what a lot of YouTubers are telling you to do   but it's really not that easy in fact you might  be spending so much time trying to get that gig   that the opportunity cost actually becomes very  very unbalanced and you might be spending days and   maybe weeks trying to get that gig when you're  sitting around and waiting for them to vet out   other copywriters and eventually they probably  won't even choose you because you don't have any   portfolio or copywriting experience at all so  by saying that you can go onto these sites and   get gigs and make a quick Buck by putting what  they need into chat GPT and sending it through   is actually very misleading because it takes a  lot of time time to create an upwork profile get   reviews and actually make people trust you and  that's the same with Fiverr too it's going to   be really hard to use chat GP to make a quick Buck  on these platforms especially when you have really   experienced people with really good profiles with  tons of reviews competing with you however if you   already have a profile on upwork or Fiverr that is  very reputable and has a lot of positive reviews   and gets a lot of clients then you can potentially  make money more quickly with chat GPT by running   your clients requests through chat GPT but if you  are a good copywriter you should really really   check the work of chat GPT and make sure it's  in line with the rest of your work that you're   delivering to the client previously plus you need  to fact check everything again even though chat   GPT is pretty correct on this but because it's a  client that you've worked with before and not chat   GPT you need to make sure that their messaging  is still consistent in that their tone own is   not drastically changed so I guess in that way  you could be making more money more quickly with   chat GPT but it is not something that beginners  can do just want to pause really quickly and say   that if you like what you're seeing it would be  great if you can like this video And subscribe   to my channel so we can continue to help each  other grow and make more money online now I'm   all about making money online and really finding  great ways to become internet entrepreneurs and   really take charge of our careers but I also  think we should really be realistic too and   I feel like a reason why a lot of YouTubers are  creating content around this subject is because   this is a very highly searched term right now if  you look at vid IQ one of the Hot Topics is how   to make money on chat GPT it's extremely tempting  to make a video on this topic in fact I wanted to   too it's a great way to grow your channel to make  something that so many people are searching for   but I also want to be realistic as well you can't  make money that fast with chat GPT and if you can   it's not something beginners can do what chat GPT  can actually do if you are already an expert in   your field for example if you are a copywriter  or a content creator or a blogger just someone   who has to write for a living what chat GPT can do  is actually make your life easier and help you get   started on writing if you are stuck if you are a  good content creator or copywriter you probably   won't want to risk your career by submitting  something really quickly that you just churned   out from chat GPT you might use it as you know  the skeleton or an outline of your piece but you   won't let chat GPT write the whole piece for you  you just wouldn't risk your career that way so I   would say chat GPT is really a tool that can Aid  and help you in your daily workload but to say   that it can make you tons of money in a short  period of time is kind of far-fetched now the   other thing I've been seeing a lot of YouTubers  talk about on how to quickly make money with chat   GPT T is creating lesson plans and becoming a  tutor for students whether it's on sites like   udemy or a study pool so what you would do here as  they say is that you would ask chat GPT to create   an outlined lesson plan for you and create the  lesson plan for you or answer students questions   by running their questions through chat GPT and  taking the answer of chat gbt and submitting it   to them thereby being their tutor now I kind  of think this is a funny way to tell people to   make money through chat GPT because like if people  really wanted the answer to something they would   just Google it they're asking these questions  on these sites because they need a real tutor   who is experienced in that field and can actually  answer that question and give other insights to   it and even explain it in a logical way for  someone who can't understand it even after   Googling I don't really think chat gbt can replace  a teacher or an actual tutor it can maybe give you   really surf surface answers such as the answers  they give you on Google but they can't really   explain the solution in depth like a teacher or a  tutor would be able to and I'm not really sure if   someone's going to pay for a course on udemy  that was created with chat GPT just because   like I said chat GPT can't really replace a  tutor or a teacher or someone who is a real   expert in that field so it would be really hard  to take a course from someone who's not an expert   because your students would have so many follow-up  questions that you wouldn't be able to answer and   people who are already somewhat interested in that  field already probably have a basic knowledge of   that field and can kind of tell when you're just  giving them basic answers so to say that this is   a quick and easy way to make money with chat GPT  is pretty funny because I definitely don't think   it's possible however like I said chatgpt Can Aid  and help you in doing a lot of the tasks that you   do day to day and as a student or teacher it can  and give you that jump start to create content   that you need but it can't really replace the  actual work you need to do and it definitely   can help you just make quick bucks for you to not  do anything however like I said chat GPT can help   you with a lot of daily tasks so I'm going to go  through a list of tasks that I think chat gbt can   help you on a daily basis first of all if you are  creating content whether you are on YouTube or a   blogger or a content creator and if you are kind  of stuck in a rut chat GPT can create an outline   for you and help you really get your ideas rolling  however it doesn't go into very specific details   so on that part you would probably need to fill  that out by yourself but it can give you a really   good backbone of how to structure your outline cat  GPT can also create really good titles for you so   if you have a concept of a title in mind and you  want to make it shorter you can ask chatgpt to do   it for you and they actually do a pretty good  job for you and if sometimes you're writing a   sentence or writing a paragraph and it's just not  flowing well you can kind of tell chat GPT roughly   what you want to say and it can write a more clear  version for you you can even tell it what tone you   wanted to write in whether you want to write it in  a very serious and educational tone or you want it   to be witty and creative or if you're writing for  a woman's post you want to be girly and feminine   that's something chat gbt can do for you another  thing I really like about chat gbt is that it can   help you write really good copyright so whether  you run your own e-commerce store and you want to   write product descriptions or you want to create  a sales page and you want something more Punchy or   you're a service provider and you want to really  give a good description of the service that you're   providing or if you're a YouTuber and you need  a really good description these are things chat   gbt can do for you and what I like about it is  that you can actually ask it to regenerate and   do multiple versions for you and let you you  choose the best one another thing chat GPT   can do is actually do translations now I try the  translations I also speak Chinese and I thought   they were okay I don't know if it's because it's  Chinese but I definitely think that their English   is way more powerful than the Chinese so perhaps  they will develop this more in the future oh and   one thing that I saw a lot of YouTubers talking  about was that you can make money with chat gbt on   doing translations and like I said I don't think  the translations are that up to par yet so if   you're submitting a translation done by chat gbt  for someone who actually knows the language they   might think you just put it into Google translate  and try to earn money off of them so another cool   thing that chat GPT can do is actually summarize  long content into short form or even bullet points   this is incredibly helpful especially if you need  a summary of something very quickly so overall I   do think chat GPT is a very powerful tool I love  using it but by saying that it can make you tons   of money in a short amount of time by virtually  doing nothing is a little bit far-fetched for me   anyways I would love to hear how you've been  using chat GPT in the comments below as I   really want this to be a platform and Community  where we can really help each other grow our   businesses succeed in our careers so thank you for  watching and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Michelle Yuan
Views: 6,220
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Keywords: what is chatgpt, chatgpt, make money with chatgpt, how to make money with chatgpt, chat gpt to make money, how to make money with chat gpt, chatgpt to make money, chat gpt prompts, best way to make money with chatgpt, best way to make money with chatgpt online, how to make money with chatgpt in 2023, can i make money with chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt business ideas, make money with chatgpt for free, chatgpt examples, how to really make money with chatgpt
Id: kc67mtLyF3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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