How To Make $30,000/Day Using A.I.

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you create a video and um we're doing that with these what we're calling ai funnels ai powered funnels so you're not on the video in any way and then someone watches your video clicks on it they land on your landing page which kind of pre-sells them on the product and then they click over to whatever affiliate product you're running so when they purchase you get paid this is the fighting entrepreneur the podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs looking to change the world learn how to start build and scale a business in today's highly competitive business environment here's your host the fighting entrepreneur anik singal [Music] what's up you crazy fighting entrepreneurs guess who it is your favorite person in the whole wide world back in the ring again with another fight today's guest today's fighter is keegan mueller and he's got some kickbutt information listen you want to learn how to make up to 000 a day using artificial intelligence because i sure as hell do i would you know it's so funny do you go back 10 years ago and i i would tell students this what do you want a button you can click that will make you money you're ridiculous and i swear to god lately it feels like we're getting closer and closer to a button you can click to make money and today's episode is going to show you until we're getting closer and closer to that it's insane um our guest is is someone who's been you know he was not an online entrepreneur he wasn't an entrepreneur at all he was doing something completely different and has fallen into this and is killing it and he's going to go into detail about exactly what he's doing it's using youtube it's using artificial intelligence it's you don't have to have your own products it's pretty neat stuff i actually don't know a lot about it specifically i saved all my best questions so we could do it live here on this interview now again make sure you're a member of our revolution get over there and join it's free to join lots of amazing things coming up in the months to come and then of course get your butt into that and binge listen to all of our episodes and if you're on youtube right now click subscribe okay click like leave a comment do all that fun stuff let's get this podcast out to as many people i got to be in the top 20 guys come on this is a good podcast put us in the top 20. and if you're on any other platform like apple or whatever make sure you subscribe there as well all right thanks so much all right so now we've got our guest with us keegan engineer two years ago yeah so he was an engineer and he was in a manufacturing plan he was working on swiffer uh the swiffer pads i don't know if you know those those are the things that clean stuff it's i i use them all the time so i'm very grateful for his time there but um that's maybe not the most fruitful or profitable uh job and so he falls into this program where he learns how to do what he's gonna share today and the ironic amazing thing that he said is he's like it's so crazy because today i'm partners with the very people who taught me this strategy and so he is one of their top students now i was introduced to keegan by a very dear friend of mine mark ling now if you don't know mark ling i've known mark for like 17 years it isn't i'm stupid to even say that like i've known some people for so long mark is one of my closest friends i trust him like i would leave like my future kid with him he's awesome so when he came to me and said you got to talk to keegan i said i'm all i'm all i'm all ears i'm talking to keegan so keegan man thank you so much for being on this episode i am very excited i want to jump right in if you're willing to do so keegan what the heck is this that you're able to make your top day you said was 62 freaking thousand dollars using artificial intelligence can you just from like i am literally have no idea what this business model is explain it to me yeah so so basically like you said i came into the the training program my partners or my former teachers are now my partners so i came in and was took their method that they taught me two years ago which was really applied to facebook and facebook got challenging for marketers i'm not sure i'm sure a lot of your audience has experience with the challenges of marketing on facebook so eventually i took that to youtube and i didn't know if it would work no one was doing that on youtube and we weren't sure we weren't sure how to do it so i spent i basically just said bye to facebook and went completely all in on youtube and adapted the same strategy that they had taught me on facebook to youtube and it ended up in me being able to to scale the some unreal days i mean yeah some of these days i i did i really did not think they were possible a year ago so it's been a it's been a fast journey but basically what we're doing is just leveraging uh one of the one of the biggest platforms one of the biggest blue ocean platforms that exists i don't i don't know of anything else that has higher search intent i mean just all the aspects of youtube are phenomenal for for direct response advertisers so so tell me a little bit more like give me an example i'm a visual person so walk me through how you make a dollar in this system like what are is it affiliate products is it your own products are you doing ads are you doing organic youtube like step by step visually tell me the first dollar yes that's exactly that we're promoting other people's products as an affiliate so we have affiliate networks we go and find products on and then we craft an ad around those products so someone clicks from they watch our ad on youtube which one of the one of the key points is that you don't have to go on video you don't have to use your own voice that's one of the scary parts of youtube for some people is they they don't want to be on video and i understand that i was that way in the beginning especially but you create a video and um we're doing that with these what we're calling ai funnels ai powered funnels so you're not on the video in any way and then someone watches your video clicks on it they land on your landing page which kind of pre-sells them on the product and then they click over to whatever affiliate product you're running so when they purchase you get paid it's it's one of the simplest business models you can have so a couple of rapid fire questions when they land on your page so if they see an ad they see your ad on youtube they click it are they landing on an opt-in page are you squeezing them at all or is like a pre-sales page just like they get to read a little bit more and click next and go straight to buy yeah so that's one of the points a lot of people can't even believe is that we're not even collecting emails so this is straight cold traffic that we're driving to a cell and we're in some cases doing 200 roi so wow that is one of the things you can add is email opt-ins but we're not even leveraging that piece of it that's crazy all right well let's start right from the top i'm going to break this down if you're cool with it and we'll kind of lead all the way through it so products you said what kind of products you said affiliate networks what kind of networks give me a better example of a product that would be good fit for this strategy yes a lot of it's been on clickbank a lot of it is supplement offers but not just supplement offers you can sell we're talking about youtube i mean any video you can imagine is on youtube for someone to watch so literally any niche if you have your own products and then just affiliate products you can sell on youtube so but for you has supplements been kind of the main thing what what has been your main focus yes supplements has been great for me yeah supplements have been great and then survival as well so i've applied it to a bunch of different niches okay so survival and supplements both on clickbank do you use clickbank yeah clickbank and maxweb are great great platforms now how do these pay you are they paying you recurring are they paying you a big chunk up front are you doing cpa offers like are you getting paid a bunch to just get a trial talk to me a little bit about the actual affiliate program itself yes on clickbank they're paying you in rev share so you're getting a you're getting a portion of that so and a lot of times it's a 150 payout so on maxweb you are getting paid cpa so okay the the profit you see there is the profit you keep no refunds got it so everybody is another one for cpa on clickbank do you find that you make a lot of money is it recurring the sale that you get since it's supplements i feel like that might be something that people order every month or is it just a one-time order you get money on yes it depends on the offer some vendors they'll cut you in on that especially if it's a lower payout offer because if they give you some of the recurring back end uh you're more likely to promote it but yeah if you can get if you can get a recurring product i mean you're talking about a gold mine because sometimes you're talking 12 months people buy monthly on that product and you just have to sell them once yeah that's that's that's great okay so now we we walked i'm again visually walking through this so i got my product i feel good about it next is like okay i got to make this ad i'm not understanding you said you don't need your face you don't need your voice walk me through the ad creation process how does this work yeah so when i first got started i was i wasn't using my own face but i was using my own voice i was recording my voice on the ad copy i wrote and then i was piecing together stock video footage just to fit along with whatever the ad copy was but we started testing ai voices so there there's there's different softwares you can use where you just input your copy and you can output any type of voice and many of these sound almost human and in some cases they don't actually sound human but and that's actually i've seen some that sound completely like robots one of my first students it was a female australian voice that you could very easily tell was a robot and he scaled he scout from four thousand dollars a day in one day to thirty two thousand dollars the next day and it was him doing that that was more than i'd done at that time so that changed yeah that by itself changed a lot of my mind some of the most viral videos on tick tock have a robotic voice they people type in the text and it reads it so i guess i guess humans are ready for robots okay so so this is interesting now what what that's how you were doing it do you guys have a software now that just outputs all of this audio video script everything or do i have to write the ad myself or do you have templates you use walk me through how the students are doing it today yeah so we have templates that you can use to write your copy we also have a script ad script generator but you do have to do a little bit to piece it together but all that script is based on proven videos we've had in the past and then you take that copy and you put it into the voice generator which that's our software and it gives you a voice just like we're using and a lot of my example videos have that exact voice and then uh you put that into a video creation software and you all you have to do in that is just choose the slides you want there's a you put your copy in and they have an algorithm that uh what's ai that looks at the words and just matches up stock footage so it goes wow it's it's so much easier than when i got started yeah all right so so give me an example um of a product maybe that you're not doing anymore cause i don't wanna i don't want you to give away anything you are doing and then can you give me an example of what the ad would look like so anything from your past that you might remember just like let's play as if you were recording right now for it just give me an idea of it yes i mean you have in those supplement offers you have all kinds of different niches a lot of people are running weight loss i've ran dental offers and a lot of that uh so with a dental offer that i ran there was actually a competition on it two months ago that was a big part of what we were doing because what we did was we created a power cell just to test this out and see if we could replicate the results so that was just the last couple months and uh the results from that are pretty crazy but a lot of us in that tested denta talks and that was one of the best um best offers we ran and so what with that offer it was basically just a liquid vitamin mix that you would put in your gums and it would help regen regrow your gums literally so that was one of the most successful products i had and it basically started off as uh i mean the hook was put well i could pull it up i actually had it up but it was like use this sour liquid to regrow regrow gums starting overnight or something like that and then it went into the email swipes that the vendor gives you which those are written by professional copywriters and a lot of this is great because you're leveraging you're leveraging professional copywriters you're leveraging professional video creators how long is an ad typically a minute 30 my my shortest ad was 55 seconds so for something like that like regrowing your gums i've never even heard of that before i didn't know that was a thing like if i saw the ad i would be like i need to regrow my gums i'd skip it how do you do your targeting so on when you're on youtube so now okay so let's say you you've got scripts by the way everyone here's a url if you want to see more about their program and get access to these tools and stuff go to forward slash keegan k-e-e-g-a-n okay and what that will do is redirect you to a training that we ran that i was a part of i ran it alongside the organization rob greg you know and keegan he was there as well and at the end of it you can join their program if you'd like and that gives you access to all these scripts she's talking about and their ai tool and everything but it's a fun training to watch as well so again forward slash keegan k-e-e-g-a so okay getting back to it so we've kind of we understand how the ads created you have scripts you have the artificial um voice tools video tools you create this now you're on youtube you're ready to run an ad what how do you do your targeting are you looking are you very specific are you generic like what works yeah so it's a lot different compared to facebook if you're familiar with targeting on facebook so on facebook usually you do have to have an audience or some some topic that you're targeting some kind of interest but on youtube you can start off that way and you can use what they call topics which is just uh whatever the video people have been watching that's what your ad shows up on but for mass appeal products like dental i did i didn't realize how big of a problem dental was but i mean there's millions of people who don't even have dental insurance so it's a it's a big concern for many people that we don't even realize so with that i actually started running abroad all i did was i chose 55 plus for the age group men and women us and canada and the first day it was profitable 100 roi so wow i think youtube is just i mean because youtube's owned by google so i think they they use their algorithms to look at your ad copy and figure out what your ads based on and your lander and they just pair that up but i didn't use any targeting and it it was profitable out of the gate so it's incredible um so wow okay how many times do you find yourself first of all at any given time how many offers are you usually running like right now total how many different offers are you running so the most i ran at one time was eight offers what's average like on an average day uh i mean you run three offers pretty easily at a time if you scale those up then i mean you're making pretty good money it becomes a full-time job if you you're trying to scale a ton of offers but okay so you're running three four five offers how long do they usually last are you running any that you've been running forever or do you kind of find like they come and go like is there an average lifetime for the offer that you're running yeah so i had one campaign on one product that ran non-stop from december of last year until july of this year so i didn't didn't change the creative didn't change anything it just it just ran so what's the average though so that's that's about seven months yeah so it on average it really depends on how hard you scale it because if you i mean ad fatigue exists on youtube just like it does on any platform so if you scale something really hard like the dental product i was talking about it lasted about a month and a half before i really had to revamp all the creatives and come up with new angles but during that month and a half i spent a lot of money on it so so is it the offer you feel that is running out like in seven months for that one what if you change your creative or do you feel like no that gets exhausted the offer itself is exhausted no i it's really just changing up your creative so so you can make some of these last for a long time it's not like they just come and go okay i know you can ask for for a year easily that's awesome um wow okay great so okay so here's a question if you're running 345 at any given time are most of them are you running no targeting on youtube is that like a common strategy or was that a lucky case with a dental one or are most of them you're just going on youtube 55 plus us canada boom go yeah so for almost all the products we run you can run abroad but some for more niche products like there's a tow fungus supplement that's something that i don't think i don't think 50 percent of the u.s has a toe fungus problem so it's hard to run that one mass massive pill so with that one i would start it off with interest or tar or topics and then after i built up some cells and got the data i'll go abroad on that one too so at the end of the day the goal is to go abroad because you can scale on broad more easily so so let me ask you a question i'll give you a hypothetical example i'm going to use this interview very selfishly and for anyone who's actually paying very close attention you'll get a little bit of a sneak peek on something big coming for learn in the future so learn's moving towards a continuity model we're moving towards a model where we are allowing access full-blown access to our entire catalog for an x amount you know recurring fee and there will be a free trial element to it so people can try for seven days put their credit card in they don't get charged anything for seven days and then then they you know if they stay they get the continuity and part of the strategy is we're going to be going after different types of entrepreneurs so let's say for example we have a series of courses for authors for people that write want to write a book or whatever and we've and we we want to create we have like our entry level course and then behind that there's more courses that as long as they're members of our community they can have access to so if i came to you keegan and i was like hey listen i'm willing to pay you cpa for every trial that you get us um is that like so far as i'm talking does that sound like the kind of offer that you as an affiliate could blow up yeah so i i have a little bit of experience with trial offers a lot of my experience came from came from supplements and stuff like that but i have a little bit of experience there but at the end of the day it's really about getting getting your ad right and once your ads right you just scale it so af everything after the ads the same the scaling the targeting on the trial offer um the experience you have what were you getting paid per trial to make it worth your time to do advertising too yeah so it depends on on what you're selling if you're selling some little physical product or something like that then uh you can make it work with 40 50 cpa but if you're selling a higher ticket offer it'd probably have to be higher especially in in biz op niches because usually the the cost per click on those is sometimes it's triple what it is on other things because there's so much competition on that very interesting all right awesome okay so that was that's really for those of you who don't know the value of this targeting strategy that's like so relieving um because a lot of times that's half the battle right you have to sit there and try all these different targetings and you can burn a lot of money doing that but what i love about what keegan is saying is he picks broad market products that he just goes and lets youtube do it from day one and that means you literally just go in and say 55 plus men and women both us can only go and let youtube figure the rest out for you what i've also noticed keegan you'll back me up on this is the larger your audience is the less they charge you so your costs are per clicks and all drop as well too so um very cool you are now the third or fourth person i think in the last month month and a half i've heard tell me that the secret is no targeting um and even my team has been lately playing with no targeting on our ad so it's very interesting to kind of hear this the synergy of it all right so let's talk about the landing page now so you've got the product you've got this um ad that was created using ai you've got on youtube boom no targeting on youtube now as soon as i say youtube ads people go i have to spend money and people start freaking their minds out which is that's a whole separate episode i can have about that but what do you start with what's your first day's budget what are you willing to lose on a campaign before you say okay i have to move on yeah so with with our students and stuff because when you're first getting started like you said it feels kind of like gambling you don't know if it's gonna work or maybe like a lottery but i mean it's a calculated risk so we recommend starting off with a hundred dollars a day to the people we've been working with and for most of them even when they're testing maybe they're not uh super profitable but usually they're at least breaking even so that hundred dollars they get back a week later so that's that's a huge part of testing i mean if you're not losing anything you're just learning the whole time so that's the that's the big plus so got it when i yeah when i have a campaign that i'm pretty sure is is gonna work i'll start it off at 500 a day and then scale it from there got it all right awesome so now let's move to the next step so we've got youtube covered now we're on the landing page you said that sounded like a possible slippery slope there do you have to write a bunch of fancy copy how do you get your page up uh do you use design like i mean i got 15 questions there which i'm sure you'll just answer in one go but how do you create those these landing pages yeah so we have a bunch of templates that we've used just proven proven landers we've been using but the majority of that comes down to you want to evoke curiosity you want to create authority establish authority and then you want to mainly it's a step mainly it's authority and curiosity that you're trying to evoke on the landing page because we're trying to get them in a buyer's mindset without telling them what the solution is i mean we don't want to tell them we're going to sell you supplements we want to just evoke curiosity on like in the dental example that weird sour liquid that can re-grow your gums or whatever so the copy on the lander is not elaborate usually it's it can be as little as four sentences and you have a big image you have a big image that is weird gets their attention and you have a headline at the top and you have a click here to watch uh the video button and then you just have a little bit of copy it's nothing nothing crazy wow amazing all right so i you know it's crazy i'm thinking lander i'm thinking like long you know a couple pages of copy but you're just saying it it's just i guess something to create intrigue and a big image of it and then they just hit next to see what it is and the next is your affiliate link so they end up on someone else's website at that point anyways yeah that's exactly it we're we're really just trying to get them kind of in that buyer's mindset then send them to the product the vendor because the vendors the pro is selling so yeah so by the way everyone probably right now is like oh can we see an example can we see this can we see that it's a podcast right so i can't really show you that but what you can do is if you want to go to forward slash keegan forward slash k-e-e-g-a-n and by the time you're hearing this i believe the training's already been done so you'll probably go right to seeing a replay of it which is great so you can watch it on demand don't quote me on that i don't know what the team's gonna do so but the but the training will be available at the url go watch it because they will show you exactly what these pages and all these processes and steps look like you'll get visuals of it it really is that simple and funny enough usually when i'm watching these or when i'm on these interviews like i almost always want to start a next another company the next day like i almost always want to go and say that's it i'm doing this tomorrow i'm gonna in this one keegan what i've been most intrigued by is the opportunity to working with yourself and your other affiliate friends because of because i know what learn has got coming up right so i know what we've got coming out the pipeline and man would it be amazing to have like 17 of you running around taking those offers and blowing them up for us um because we're great at media buying but we're not as good as 17 of you so you know you guys will crush it for us it's exactly that we've been thinking about hey we want to be able to do a cpa that we know we'll we'll do really well with in the long run we're willing to invest for the long run but for the affiliate right off the bat we'd love for them to have you know 150 roads right up the gate and um so i'm i'm learning listening to this from your eyes and thinking like okay how do i create because what's cool about what we're doing is we have a series of landing pages so you'd be able to use the author example you'd be able to use the how to start an email marketing business example or how to start a print print on demand business or how to start a blogging business because we would have all these verticals right and the landing pages lead to the same central membership but there's different ways to get people in and our vision for that is to be able to give that to affiliates and say have at it you know have a field day and give them a ton of things to test and use so this has been really interesting to me from that perspective so we got the lander we got the offer let's talk a little bit about you've probably coached a lot of people now your shortest success story so from learning to profit how many days or weeks did they take my shortest success story was he's actually a friend from college that we that had no experience with with marketing or anything and he just wanted to get into affiliate marketing so we added him to the course and uh he hit a two thousand dollar day in three days i think he did he didn't even do it himself he asked his assistant to make the video he still doesn't even he still doesn't even know uh half of any of the metrics like i i interviewed him uh just for a success story and he didn't know any metrics when i was trying so crazy all right let me ask you this then um because you talked about two thousand dollar day you talked about your top day being 62 000. we talked about how on average you know working full-time someone can make 30 31 thousand dollars a day doing this strategy granted you have at that point you're doing a lot of work i want everyone to understand that how much of that is profit around what percentage of that is profit usually yeah so that's 60k day was 125 roi so it was what about 55 profit on that wow so that's not that's not normal i mean if you're getting if you're running a cpa offer and you're getting 50 roi i mean what's it matter you can just because there's no refunds so you can just scale it as high as it'll go so if i get 50 yeah i'll take it so for example your friend who had the 2 000 day within three days how much of that 2000 was profit roughly yeah so his was about a hundred percent rise it was about a thousand so about thousand spend thousand profit yeah amazing man you know what it's very rare that i run out of questions as quickly but this was a very clear concise way to go listen everyone if you're looking to you're going to have to learn more about this though so i can only go so deep into the podcast which is why i've already made sure the training is available for you to get deeper into it if this sounds like something you'd like to do go to forward slash keegan and what i can tell you right now is i can only think and imagine my own head that you combine this strategy with what i teach with email marketing and holy crap right but then you have to make sure you're in niches that it makes sense right like i don't know if i want to build a list in like the gum re growth niche like that doesn't seem like that list will be worth a lot but in the weight loss space it would be worth a lot right so you guys have to figure that one out on your own um keegan thank you so much this has been an awesome and a really eye-opening podcast for me i'm going to take this episode give it to my marketing director and say hey think about it from the reverse let's get let's build offers for these affiliates to crush it on question for you would be how can people is do you have social media do you how can someone follow you is there a url that you want to throw out there yes the easiest way to get in contact with me is just uh instagram probably so my my handles just underscore keegan on instagram underscore keegan everybody on instagram let's be respectful to him don't blow him up with dms asking them how to do stuff first go watch the training at forward slash keegan k-e-e-g-a-n and that will actually give you the ability to work with him if you choose to um join at the end of that so keegan thank you so much and everyone who's listening right now come on smash that like button below subscribe button on youtube if you are here if you're on any other podcast platform make sure you leave us a great review and subscribe to the podcast this is onyxcon reminding you when life pushes you stand straight smile push it the heck back we'll see you on the next episode go out there and kick butt everybody see you next time thanks for listening to the fighting entrepreneur with your host onyx single [Music] you
Channel: Anik Singal
Views: 80,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lurn, Lurn Nation, Anik Singal, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur
Id: 5a5ktDP8Hk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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