CHATGPT Builds Passive Income With Chat GPT OpenAI $15,000/Month [PART 2]

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all right you're going to run into some big problems you're going to run into some gargantuan problems if you're just trusting uh what a lot of these people are telling you to do with chat zpt in order to make passive income first of all when I watch the videos it's still active income passive income is when you build something or have someone else build something once and it continues to bring you income through that asset asset keyword okay so we're going to use chat GPT if you don't know what that is you need to go back and watch part one this is a three-part series I'm going to tie them all together they're going to be released today so make sure because if you are not subscribed to this channel you're gonna miss out all right all right so miss out on what this is the second method let's come over to Amazon right here and the first one we talked about using chat GPT to pill to build passive income through um you know assets like courses we were over there on udemy uh score uh course Sarah skillshare all of those type of platforms and everything you want to build an ins asset Empire so many assets out there they're built ones like this right here they only had to build this once okay and now it's bringing them a lot of money every single freaking month right okay so it's the exact same thing you want to build something once and then that asset continuously bring you income okay it's people still eating off of their first movie eating off of their first song uh the I like big butts that still pays him okay the uh you know all of those songs they still pay them royalties royalty okay so we're going to build ebooks these are assets okay we're gonna use chat GPT to build ebooks okay and these assets are going to continuously bring you in money every single month so the difference between this video and a lot of them okay now I want me to verify I'm human Okay golly the difference between this video and a lot of them guys is that uh I'm not just gonna talk theory we're gonna actually do this stuff okay so you're gonna see us do this stuff and you're gonna start seeing the earnings come in uh you're gonna see the progress you're gonna see what book flops you're gonna see what course flops you're gonna see which one is successful and then it's going to help you out when you're building your assets but don't just watch this uh you have to actually do it too remember there's no cash in without action all right you can't bring the cash in without action all right so we're going to use chat GPT so let's just give you an example this is not going to be a book that I'm actually going to make but I'm just going to show you how you would do it if you want to go ahead and make a book you can do it off of any topic you want to it doesn't really matter okay so it's kind of like with the courses you need to outline all right so we're going to come in here as you can see this one has uh 2 and uh 373 ratings we need to find the book outline or something like the chapters and all of that stuff okay so once you find the chapters and the outlines or the uh what do they call it um the freaking uh I can't even think of the name of it the index I think that's the index right you find the index and uh let me see what here it is give me the chapters if they can find this give me the chapters of the book I don't know if this book is famous enough see it's not famous enough but basically that's what you would do you would need to get the like chapters of this book like how do I get the damn chapters of this book right uh chapter one Blakely we would want to get the uh all right so we're going to take the name of this book we're gonna go to Google book index let's see all right so this is what we are going to do we're going to take the summary of This Book and we're going to have uh chat GPT create some chapters okay so we're going to take that summary and we're gonna say right uh chapters and now chat GPT is going to give us some chapter outlines on her look there's an introduction all right this is craziness this is Ludacris this is Ludacris so it's giving us chapter uh one introduction setting the stage for the story introducing the main characters and their motivations for seeking quiet Retreats chapter 2 the arrival the character's Journey chapter three the program look and even though we took the outline I need you guys to understand that every movie is based off of the same script like since the 80s or the 70s all the movies are the same they just changed the characters and changed narrative and the tone of the movie so it's pretty much how many vacation or lost in a retreat or some campsite movies have y'all seen and you still go and watch it so it recommended around uh what is this was it seven chapters right seven chapters okay watch this so we're gonna say write chapter one all right so now it's gonna start writing chapter one of it you know you got to get you got to do a little practice with this guys so it won't be all over the place but this is what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna create these outlines you understand so here's a Quiet Retreat introduction as the sun rose over the Rolling Hills of the English Countryside Jane and Jack pack their bags eager to start their Journey they had been feeling burnt out and stressed for months and a prospect of a week-long retreating a Piece Will secluded location was just what they needed y'all see what it's doing over here so basically you can go find the top sellers look we go back we find the top sellers on this mug you understand uh this one has uh 10 700 and 122 reveals this one has 73 reviews I like that smoke screen that title is awesome okay so you basically just find the top sellers and you will take the summaries and then you have uh we'll have chat GPT take the summary and create chapter outlines okay so where's the dang on summary for the book yeah those are reviews uh so whatever it is you'll find a summary of the book okay I think this is it right here yeah this is it the summary of the book and you will take their names out of it you know what I'm saying and then you would tell just had gbt to make an outline for a book for this so look it gave us this but obviously that's like a little short for a chapter so we're gonna say continue continue you know all right so it's going to continue certainly here's a continuation for chapter as the day went on look at this man this is freaking ah Godly so you can get a you know set set yourself a goal for these assets create one course per day like as seen in in in uh the first video for today and create one ebook that you can upload to Kindle and then you're gonna see in part three the next asset that we're going to create and remember all of these platforms will be sending you the damn traffic y'all but you have to make sure these are topics that people actually want to hear about or read about or learn about okay so as you can see it's continuing chapter one oh golly this is freaking crazy this is crazy then I say continue again you just keep on saying continue look at this certainly here's a continuation of chapter one for a Quiet Retreat as the days pass Jane and John grew more and more comfortable at the retreat center they form strong bonds with their fellow intent attendees sharing their struggles and triumphs as they work through their personal issues they found strength in the sense of the community do you see it creating a freaking book and as far as all that crap that got that you know people are afraid of with SEO and stuff this is not SEO this is a book all right so this is not SEO this is a book and you can uh tell chat GPT to make a more conversational speak with slang make it cool speak with modern people slang in a fashion no matter so I'm guessing that it will go out and look at all the YouTube videos and the freaking music videos and popular culture Tick Tock crap and pick up on what our daily slang is and do that so look I can even have a rewrite everything is written so far with uh with the slang but like I said depends on how long you want chapter one to be it will just continue making a continuation you know of the first chapter all right so look at this man it literally created an entire story right here so basically you'll copy that and if you want your Kindle book to be on Amazon you'll come to KDP dot and you can you know you can have somebody on fire do it make it all professional or you can do it yourself publishing takes less than five minutes and your book appears on Kindle stores worldwide make more money earn up to 70 royalty on sales to customers in the US Canada Germany blah blah blah keep control of your rights and set your own list prices published in digital and print and paperbacks for free so if you want people to have your actual book your actual bug in their hand you can have this on here for free and then they will handle the shipping and all of that you put your price on there you ain't got to do the traditional route now some other platforms that you can upload it to so I would say you creating your book what might take you an hour or two okay uh then you just have it you know formatted and uploaded on here from your documents and then you can upload it on here too this is Google uh Play Store books partner Center So Google I mean forward slash books for slash publish and that's crazy it has three point uh you got three billion users plus over 75 countries guys listen then there's a site called publish Drive uh and you register boom all of these are free to register and this one is called book baby look sell your book you know what I'm saying so you can put this one on book baby you can put it uh well actually this right here so let's say when you're are done doing your chat GPT and you're taking all your stories out of here and and all of that you would copy this you would put it in a file like a doc or a word file guys and then uh this will convert it into an e-book let me see what the pricing is because we don't want this stuff to be like you know all right for the basics what's the basics they ain't telling us nothing like file conversion editing compression this still is is worth it whatever it is let's see I don't know let's see what the basics are oh here's the basics down here the free plan uh basic processing uh me image tasks three audio tasks ebook tests so that's one they'll only do one for free this one what's this I don't know all right you can use this or you can just convert it to dang on itself you understand like but the point is just invest like remember what I said what passive income is all you have to do is do this once guys once per asset that you're building and then it's out there an ecosystem bringing you money to your economy okay so you can make a lot of money so this is the uh the last one I wanted to show you self-publishing this one is called ingramspark you know a lot of people say this one is good too okay so you just put your book on here and start making some money man so what do you guys think let me know in part three we're gonna talk about something even more relatable something that you guys use we're going to create an asset that you guys probably listen to or use right now and it's going to be out there making you a lot of money you get paid royalties off of this as well so what do you guys think about the power of jet p uh GPT so far
Channel: Antijob University
Views: 44,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt passive income, chatgpt passive income ideas, passive income chat, passive income chart gpt, passive income using chatgpt, how to make passive income with chatgpt, chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, chatgpt to make money, chat gpt to make money, chat gpt tutorial, how does chat gpt work, how to make money using chat gpt, how to make money with chat gpt, ai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt explained, how to use chatgpt, what is chatgpt, chatbot, how to make money off chat gpt
Id: ar8W47jkPhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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